2003/05/07 15:51:21 jl *** empty log message ***
This commit is contained in:
Vladimir Glazounov 2003-05-22 09:00:32 +00:00
parent a18150155e
commit 7168d7de0e

View file

@ -0,0 +1,743 @@
Attribute VB_Name = "Module1"
Option Explicit
Private objServiceManager
Private objCoreReflection
Private objOleTest
Private objEventListener
Sub Main()
Set objServiceManager = CreateObject("")
Set objCoreReflection = objServiceManager.createInstance("")
' extensions/test/ole/cpnt
Set objOleTest = objServiceManager.createInstance("oletest.OleTest")
' extensions/test/ole/EventListenerSample/VBEventListener
Set objEventListener = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
Debug.Print TypeName(objOleTest)
' In Parameter, simple types
Dim tmpVar As Variant
Dim ret As Variant
Dim bError As Boolean
ret = objOleTest.in_methodByte(10)
Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
If ret <> 10 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
ret = objOleTest.in_methodFloat(3.14)
Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
If ret <> 3.14 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
Dim d As Double 'try conversion
d = 3.14
ret = objOleTest.in_methodFloat(3.14)
Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
If ret <> 3.14 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
ret = objOleTest.in_methodDouble(4.14)
Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
If ret <> 4.14 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
Dim s As Single
s = 4.14
ret = objOleTest.in_methodDouble(s)
Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
If (ret < 4.13) And (ret > 4.15) Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
ret = objOleTest.in_methodBool(True)
Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
If ret <> True Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
ret = objOleTest.in_methodBool(False)
Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
If ret <> False Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
ret = objOleTest.in_methodShort(-10)
Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
If ret <> -10 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
ret = objOleTest.in_methodUShort(10)
Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
If ret <> 10 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
ret = objOleTest.in_methodLong(-1000000)
Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
If ret <> -1000000 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
ret = objOleTest.in_methodULong(1000000)
Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
If ret <> 1000000 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
ret = objOleTest.in_methodString("This is a String")
Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
If CStr(ret) <> "This is a String" Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
'different character tests
ret = objOleTest.in_methodChar("A")
Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
If ret <> 65 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
'!!!Function returns char, i.e sal_Unicode which VB converts to String
Dim ret1 As String
ret1 = objOleTest.in_methodChar("A")
Debug.Print TypeName(ret1) & " " & CStr(ret1)
If ret <> 65 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
ret1 = objOleTest.in_methodChar(65)
Debug.Print TypeName(ret1) & " " & CStr(ret1)
If ret <> 65 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
ret = objOleTest.in_methodAny("input string")
Debug.Print TypeName(ret) & " " & CStr(ret)
If ret <> "input string" Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
'Call objOleTest.in_methodAll(10, 10.1, 10.111, True, 10, 11, 12, 13, _
' "A String", "A", "A String in an Any")
'Out Parameter simple types
Dim outByte As Byte
objOleTest.testout_methodByte outByte
Debug.Print "out byte " & CStr(outByte)
If outByte <> 111 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
Dim outFloat As Single
objOleTest.testout_methodFloat outFloat
Debug.Print "out float " & CStr(outFloat)
If outFloat <> 3.14 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
Dim outDouble As Double
objOleTest.testout_methodDouble outDouble
Debug.Print "out double " & CStr(outDouble)
If outDouble <> 3.14 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
Dim outBool As Boolean
objOleTest.testout_methodBool outBool
Debug.Print "out bool " & CStr(outBool)
If outBool <> True Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
Dim outInt As Integer
objOleTest.testout_methodShort outInt
Debug.Print "out short " & CStr(outInt)
If outInt <> 222 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
objOleTest.testout_methodUShort outInt
Debug.Print "out unsignedshort " & CStr(outInt)
If outInt <> 333 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
Dim outLong As Long
objOleTest.testout_methodLong outLong
Debug.Print "out long " & CStr(outLong)
If outLong <> 444 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
objOleTest.testout_methodULong outLong
Debug.Print "out unsigned long " & CStr(outLong)
If outLong <> 555 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
Dim outString As String
objOleTest.testout_methodString outString
Debug.Print "out string " & CStr(outString)
If outString <> "a little string" Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
Dim outChar As Integer
objOleTest.testout_methodChar outChar
Debug.Print "out char " & CStr(outChar)
If outChar <> 65 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
Dim outCharS As String
objOleTest.testout_methodChar outCharS
Debug.Print "out char (String) " & CStr(outCharS)
If outCharS <> "A" Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
objOleTest.testout_methodAny outString
Debug.Print "out Any " & CStr(outString)
'Out Parameter simple types (VARIANT var)
Dim outVar As Variant
objOleTest.testout_methodByte outVar
Debug.Print "out Byte (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
If outVar <> 111 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
objOleTest.testout_methodFloat outVar
Debug.Print "out float (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
If outVar <> 3.14 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
objOleTest.testout_methodDouble outVar
Debug.Print "out double (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
If outVar <> 3.14 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
objOleTest.testout_methodBool outVar
Debug.Print "out bool (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
If outVar <> True Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
objOleTest.testout_methodShort outVar
Debug.Print "out short (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
If outVar <> 222 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
objOleTest.testout_methodUShort outVar
Debug.Print "out unsigned short (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
If outVar <> 333 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
objOleTest.testout_methodLong outVar
Debug.Print "out long (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
If outVar <> 444 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
objOleTest.testout_methodULong outVar
Debug.Print "out unsigned long (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
If outVar <> 555 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
objOleTest.testout_methodString outVar
Debug.Print "out string (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
If outVar <> "a little string" Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
objOleTest.testout_methodChar outVar
Debug.Print "out char (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
If outVar <> 65 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
objOleTest.testout_methodAny outVar
Debug.Print "out any (VARIANT) " & CStr(outVar)
If outVar <> "I am a string in an any" Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
'In/Out simple types
outByte = 10
objOleTest.testinout_methodByte outByte
Debug.Print "inout byte " & CStr(outByte)
If outByte <> 11 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
outFloat = 3.14
objOleTest.testinout_methodFloat outFloat
Debug.Print "inout float " & CStr(outFloat)
If (outFloat > 4.15) And (outFloat < 4.13) Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
outDouble = 4.14
objOleTest.testinout_methodDouble outDouble
Debug.Print "inout double " & CStr(outDouble)
If outDouble <> 5.14 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
outBool = True
objOleTest.testinout_methodBool outBool
Debug.Print "inout bool " & CStr(outBool)
If outBool <> False Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
outInt = 10
objOleTest.testinout_methodShort outInt
Debug.Print "inout short " & CStr(outInt)
If outInt <> 11 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
outInt = 20
objOleTest.testinout_methodUShort outInt
Debug.Print "inout unsignedshort " & CStr(outInt)
If outInt <> 21 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
outLong = 30
objOleTest.testinout_methodLong outLong
Debug.Print "inout long " & CStr(outLong)
If outLong <> 31 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
outLong = 40
objOleTest.testinout_methodULong outLong
Debug.Print "inout unsigned long " & CStr(outLong)
If outLong <> 41 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
outString = "this is an in string"
objOleTest.testinout_methodString outString
Debug.Print "inout string " & CStr(outString)
If outString <> "this is an in string out string" Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
'different Char conversions
objOleTest.testout_methodChar outString
Debug.Print "out char (in: String)" & CStr(outString)
If outString <> "A" Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
objOleTest.testout_methodChar outInt
Debug.Print "out char (in: Int)" & CStr(outInt)
If outInt <> 65 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
outString = "this is another in out string"
objOleTest.testout_methodAny outString
Debug.Print "out Any " & CStr(outString)
If outString <> "I am a string in an any" Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
' COM obj
Dim retObj As Object
'OleTest receives a COM object that implements XEventListener
'OleTest then calls a disposing on the object. The object then will be
'asked if it has been called
objEventListener.setQuiet True
Set retObj = objOleTest.in_methodInvocation(objEventListener)
ret = objEventListener.disposingCalled
If ret = False Then
MsgBox "Error"
End If
'The returned object should be objEventListener, test it by calling disposing
' takes an IDispatch as Param ( EventObject).To provide a TypeMismatch
'we put in another IDispatch
retObj.disposing objEventListener
If retObj.disposingCalled = False Then
MsgBox "Error"
End If
' out param gives out the OleTestComponent
objOleTest.testout_methodXInterface retObj
outVar = Null
retObj.testout_methodAny outVar
Debug.Print "test out Interface " & CStr(outVar)
If outVar <> "I am a string in an any" Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
'in out
' in: UNO object, the same is expected as out param
' the function expects OleTest as parameter and sets a value
Dim objOleTest2 As Object
Set objOleTest2 = objServiceManager.createInstance("oletest.OleTest")
'Set a value
objOleTest2.AttrAny2 = "VBString "
objOleTest.testinout_methodXInterface2 objOleTest2
tmpVar = Null
tmpVar = objOleTest2.AttrAny2
Debug.Print "in: Uno out: the same object // " & CStr(tmpVar)
If tmpVar <> "VBString this string was written in the UNO component to the inout pararmeter" Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
'create a struct
Dim structClass As Object
Set structClass = objCoreReflection.forName("oletest.SimpleStruct")
Dim structInstance As Object
structClass.CreateObject structInstance
structInstance.message = "Now we are in VB"
Debug.Print "struct out " & structInstance.message
If structInstance.message <> "Now we are in VB" Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
'put the struct into OleTest. The same struct will be returned with an added String
Dim structRet As Object
Set structRet = objOleTest.in_methodStruct(structInstance)
Debug.Print "struct in - return " & structRet.message
If structRet.message <> "Now we are in VBThis string was set in OleTest" Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
'inout later
Dim arrLong(2) As Long
Dim arrObj(2) As Object
Dim countvar As Long
For countvar = 0 To 2
arrLong(countvar) = countvar + 10
Debug.Print countvar
Set arrObj(countvar) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
arrObj(countvar).setQuiet True
'Arrays always contain VARIANTS
Dim seq() As Variant
seq = objOleTest.methodLong(arrLong)
For countvar = 0 To 2
Debug.Print CStr(seq(countvar))
If arrLong(countvar) <> seq(countvar) Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
seq = objOleTest.methodXInterface(arrObj)
For countvar = 0 To 2
Dim tmp As Object
seq(countvar).disposing tmp
If seq(countvar).disposingCalled = False Then
MsgBox "Error"
End If
'Array containing interfaces (element type is VT_DISPATCH)
Dim arEventListener(2) As Object
For countvar = 0 To 2
Set arEventListener(countvar) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
arEventListener(countvar).setQuiet True
'The function calls disposing on the listeners
seq = objOleTest.methodXEventListeners(arEventListener)
Dim count
For countvar = 0 To 2
If arEventListener(countvar).disposingCalled = False Then
MsgBox "Error"
End If
'Array containing interfaces (element type is VT_VARIANT which contains VT_DISPATCH
Dim arEventListener2(2) As Variant
For countvar = 0 To 2
Set arEventListener2(countvar) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
arEventListener2(countvar).setQuiet True
seq = objOleTest.methodXEventListeners(arEventListener2)
For countvar = 0 To 2
If arEventListener2(countvar).disposingCalled = False Then
MsgBox "Error"
End If
'Variant containing Array containing interfaces (element type is VT_VARIANT which contains VT_DISPATCH
Dim arEventListener3(2) As Variant
For countvar = 0 To 2
Dim var As Variant
Set arEventListener3(countvar) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
arEventListener3(countvar).setQuiet True
Dim varContAr As Variant
varContAr = arEventListener3
seq = objOleTest.methodXEventListeners(varContAr)
For countvar = 0 To 2
If arEventListener3(countvar).disposingCalled = False Then
MsgBox "Error"
End If
'Get a sequence created in UNO, out param is Variant ( VT_BYREF|VT_VARIANT)
Dim seqX As Variant
objOleTest.testout_methodSequence seqX
Dim key
For Each key In seqX
Debug.Print CStr(seqX(key))
If seqX(key) <> key Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
'Get a sequence created in UNO, out param is array Variant ( VT_BYREF|VT_VARIANT|VT_ARRAY)
Dim seqX2() As Variant
objOleTest.testout_methodSequence seqX2
For Each key In seqX2
Debug.Print CStr(seqX2(key))
'pass it to UNO and get it back
Dim seq7() As Variant
seq7 = objOleTest.methodLong(seqX)
Dim key2
For Each key2 In seq7
Debug.Print CStr(seq7(key2))
If seqX2(key) <> key Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
'in out Array
' arrLong is Long Array
Dim inoutVar(2) As Variant
For countvar = 0 To 2
inoutVar(countvar) = countvar + 10
objOleTest.testinout_methodSequence inoutVar
countvar = 0
For countvar = 0 To 2
Debug.Print CStr(inoutVar(countvar))
If inoutVar(countvar) <> countvar + 11 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
'Multidimensional array
' Sequence< Sequence<long> > methodSequence( Sequence< Sequence long> >)
' Real multidimensional array Array
' 9 is Dim 1 (least significant) with C API
Dim mulAr(9, 1) As Long
Dim i As Long, j As Long
For i = 0 To 1
For j = 0 To 9
mulAr(j, i) = i * 10 + j
Next j
Next i
Dim resMul As Variant
resMul = objOleTest.methodSequence(mulAr)
Dim countDim1 As Long
Dim countDim2 As Long
For countDim2 = 0 To 1
Dim arr
arr = resMul(countDim2)
For countDim1 = 0 To 9
Debug.Print arr(countDim1)
If arr(countDim1) <> mulAr(countDim1, countDim2) Then
MsgBox "Error Multidimensional Array"
End If
Next countDim1
Next countDim2
IsArray (resMul)
'Array of VARIANTs containing arrays
Dim mulAr2(1) As Variant
Dim arr2(9) As Long
For i = 0 To 1
' Dim arr(9) As Long
For j = 0 To 9
arr2(j) = i * 10 + j
Next j
mulAr2(i) = arr2
Next i
resMul = 0
resMul = objOleTest.methodSequence(mulAr2)
arr = 0
For countDim2 = 0 To 1
arr = resMul(countDim2)
tmpVar = mulAr2(countDim2)
For countDim1 = 0 To 9
Debug.Print arr(countDim1)
If arr(countDim1) <> tmpVar(countDim1) Then
MsgBox "Error Multidimensional Array"
End If
Next countDim1
Next countDim2
'Array containing interfaces (element type is VT_DISPATCH)
Dim arArEventListener(1, 2) As Object
For i = 0 To 1
For j = 0 To 2
Set arArEventListener(i, j) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
arArEventListener(i, j).setQuiet True
'The function calls disposing on the listeners
seq = objOleTest.methodXEventListenersMul(arArEventListener)
For i = 0 To 1
For j = 0 To 2
If arArEventListener(i, j).disposingCalled = False Then
MsgBox "Error"
End If
'Array containing interfaces (element type is VT_VARIANT containing VT_DISPATCH)
Dim arArEventListener2(1, 2) As Variant
For i = 0 To 1
For j = 0 To 2
Set arArEventListener2(i, j) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
arArEventListener2(i, j).setQuiet True
'The function calls disposing on the listeners
seq = objOleTest.methodXEventListenersMul(arArEventListener2)
For i = 0 To 1
For j = 0 To 2
If arArEventListener2(i, j).disposingCalled = False Then
MsgBox "Error"
End If
'The ultimate element type is VT_DISPATCH ( XEventListener)
Dim arEventListener4(1) As Variant
Dim seq1(2) As Object
Dim seq2(2) As Object
For i = 0 To 2
Set seq1(i) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
Set seq2(i) = CreateObject("VBasicEventListener.VBEventListener")
seq1(i).setQuiet True
seq2(i).setQuiet True
arEventListener4(0) = seq1
arEventListener4(1) = seq2
'The function calls disposing on the listeners
seq = objOleTest.methodXEventListenersMul(arEventListener4)
For i = 0 To 2
If seq1(i).disposingCalled = False Or seq2(i).disposingCalled = False Then
MsgBox "Error"
End If
'Try to create a hidden document
Dim objPropValue
Set objPropValue = objOleTest.Bridge_GetStruct("")
'Set the members. If this fails then there is an Error
objPropValue.Name = "hidden"
objPropValue.Handle = -1
objPropValue.Value = True
'create a hidden document
'Create the Desktop
Dim objDesktop As Object
Set objDesktop = objServiceManager.createInstance("")
'Open a new empty writer document
Dim args(0) As Object
Set args(0) = objPropValue
Dim objDocument As Object
Set objDocument = objDesktop.loadComponentFromURL("private:factory/swriter", "_blank", 0, args())
'Create a text object
Dim objText As Object
Set objText = objDocument.GetText
' call an UNO function that takes an XEventListener interface
'We provide a COM implementation (IDispatch) as EventListener
objDocument.addEventListener objEventListener
If objEventListener.disposingCalled = False Then
MsgBox "Error"
End If
Dim objVal As Object
Set objVal = objOleTest.Bridge_GetValueObject()
Dim arrByte(9) As Byte
For countvar = 0 To 9
arrByte(countvar) = countvar
Next countvar
objVal.Set "[]byte", arrByte
ret = 0
ret = objOleTest.methodByte(objVal)
'Test if ret is the same array
key = 0
For Each key In ret
If ret(key) <> arrByte(key) Then
MsgBox "Error"
End If
Debug.Print ret(key)
Next key
objVal.InitInOutParam "byte", 10
objOleTest.testinout_methodByte objVal
ret = 0
ret = objVal.Get()
Debug.Print ret
If ret <> 11 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
objOleTest.testout_methodChar objVal 'Returns 'A' (65)
ret = 0
ret = objVal.Get()
Debug.Print ret
If ret <> 65 Then
MsgBox "error"
End If
End Sub