INTEGRATION: CWS bmpres01 (1.15.46); FILE MERGED
2004/05/06 14:40:37 ka ignore cases for filepath search 2004/05/03 13:55:47 ka write relative pathes to syslist 2004/05/03 09:31:11 ka changed switch from -r... to -sub... 2004/04/29 15:19:30 ka optized search order (PNG first) 2004/04/27 13:42:46 ka created new resource structure for images 2004/04/21 14:53:12 ka added support for external imagelist images 2004/04/06 15:43:26 pl #i27525# add support for image lists 2004/02/02 08:51:49 ka added environment variable to dump all bitmap/image resources into an output directory (RSC_FSYS_RESOURCES)
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 472 additions and 59 deletions
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: rsc.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.15 $
* $Revision: 1.16 $
* last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2003-04-15 15:55:36 $
* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2004-05-21 14:00:20 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@ -100,6 +100,7 @@
#include <tools/fsys.hxx>
#include <tools/intn.hxx>
#include <tools/stream.hxx>
#ifndef _RSCERROR_H
#include <rscerror.h>
@ -117,8 +118,17 @@
#include <rscrsc.hxx>
#include <osl/file.h>
#include <osl/process.h>
#include <rtl/strbuf.hxx>
#include <rtl/tencinfo.h>
#include <rtl/textenc.h>
#include <vector>
using namespace rtl;
/*************** F o r w a r d s *****************************************/
/*************** G l o b a l e V a r i a b l e n **********************/
HashString* pHS = NULL;
@ -230,6 +240,16 @@ RscCmdLine::RscCmdLine( short argc, char ** argv, RscError * pEH )
{ // erzeugt kein .res-file
nCommands |= NORESFILE_FLAG;
else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "sub", 3 ) )
const char* pEqual;
for( pEqual = (*ppStr)+4; *pEqual && *pEqual != '='; ++pEqual )
if( *pEqual )
m_aReplacements.push_back( std::pair< OString, OString >
( OString( (*ppStr)+4, pEqual - *ppStr - 4 ),
OString( pEqual+1 ) ) );
else if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "PreLoad" ) )
{ // Alle Ressourcen mit Preload
nCommands |= PRELOAD_FLAG;
@ -265,10 +285,15 @@ RscCmdLine::RscCmdLine( short argc, char ** argv, RscError * pEH )
m_aOutputFiles.back().aOutputRc = (*ppStr) + 3;
else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "lip", 3 ) )
{ // additional language specific include for system dependent files
{ // additional language specific include for system dependent files
const ByteString aSysSearchDir( (*ppStr)+4 );
m_aOutputFiles.back().aSysSearchDirs.push_back( aSysSearchDir );
if( m_aOutputFiles.back().aLangSearchPath.Len() )
m_aOutputFiles.back().aLangSearchPath.Append( ByteString( DirEntry::GetSearchDelimiter(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
m_aOutputFiles.back().aLangSearchPath.Append( (*ppStr)+4 );
m_aOutputFiles.back().aLangSearchPath.Append( aSysSearchDir );
else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "fp", 2 ) )
{ // anderer Name fuer .srs-file
@ -299,6 +324,10 @@ RscCmdLine::RscCmdLine( short argc, char ** argv, RscError * pEH )
{ // touch file
aTouchFile = (*ppStr) + 3;
else if( !rsc_strnicmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "oil", 3 ) )
aILDir = (*ppStr) + 4;
else if( !rsc_stricmp( (*ppStr) + 1, "NoSysResTest" ) )
{ // Bitmap, Pointers, Icons nicht ueberpruefen
@ -429,6 +458,42 @@ RscCmdLine::~RscCmdLine()
delete pString;
|* RscCmdLine::substitutePaths()
OString RscCmdLine::substitutePaths( const OString& rIn )
// prepare return value
OStringBuffer aRet( 256 );
std::list< std::pair< OString, OString > >::const_iterator last_match = m_aReplacements.end();
// search for longest replacement match
for( std::list< std::pair< OString, OString > >::const_iterator repl = m_aReplacements.begin(); repl != m_aReplacements.end(); ++repl )
if( rIn.compareTo( repl->second, repl->second.getLength() ) == 0 ) // path matches
if( last_match == m_aReplacements.end() || last_match->second.getLength() < repl->second.getLength() )
last_match = repl;
// copy replacement found and rest of rIn
sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
if( last_match != m_aReplacements.end() )
aRet.append( "%" );
aRet.append( last_match->first );
aRet.append( "%" );
nIndex = last_match->second.getLength();
aRet.append( rIn.copy( nIndex ) );
return aRet.makeStringAndClear();
/*************** R s c C o m p i l e r **********************************/
/* */
@ -568,9 +633,6 @@ printf( "khg\n" );
pTC->pEH->StdOut( "\n" );
if( aError.IsOk() )
aError = CheckSyntax();
if( aError.IsOk() )
aError = Link();
@ -765,7 +827,9 @@ ERRTYPE RscCompiler :: IncludeParser( ULONG lFileKey )
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 26.06.91
ERRTYPE RscCompiler :: ParseOneFile( ULONG lFileKey )
ERRTYPE RscCompiler :: ParseOneFile( ULONG lFileKey,
const RscCmdLine::OutputFile* pOutputFile,
const WriteRcContext* pContext )
FILE * finput = NULL;
@ -783,7 +847,7 @@ ERRTYPE RscCompiler :: ParseOneFile( ULONG lFileKey )
pDep = pFName->First();
while( pDep && aError.IsOk() )
aError = ParseOneFile( pDep->GetFileKey() );
aError = ParseOneFile( pDep->GetFileKey(), pOutputFile, pContext );
pFName->Seek( pDep );
pDep = pFName->Next();
@ -792,20 +856,31 @@ ERRTYPE RscCompiler :: ParseOneFile( ULONG lFileKey )
pFName->bLoaded = FALSE; //bei Fehler nicht geladenen
finput = fopen( pFName->aPathName.GetBuffer(), "r" );
String aTmpName( ::GetTmpFileName(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
DirEntry aTmpPath( aTmpName ), aSrsPath( String( pFName->aPathName.GetBuffer(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
if( pContext && pOutputFile )
PreprocessSrsFile( *pOutputFile, *pContext, aSrsPath, aTmpPath );
aSrsPath.CopyTo( aTmpPath, FSYS_ACTION_COPYFILE );
ByteString aParseFile( aTmpPath.GetFull(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
finput = fopen( aParseFile.GetBuffer(), "r" );
if( !finput )
pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_OPENFILE, NULL, RscId(),
pFName->aPathName.GetBuffer() );
pTC->pEH->Error( ERR_OPENFILE, NULL, RscId(), pFName->aPathName.GetBuffer() );
RscFileInst aFileInst( pTC, lFileKey, lFileKey, finput );
// Parser schreibt Punkte fuer jedes Objekt auf
// unterster Ebene nach stdout
pTC->pEH->StdOut( "reading file " );
pTC->pEH->StdOut( pFName->aPathName.GetBuffer() );
pTC->pEH->StdOut( aParseFile.GetBuffer() );
pTC->pEH->StdOut( " " );
aError = ::parser( &aFileInst );
@ -814,42 +889,14 @@ ERRTYPE RscCompiler :: ParseOneFile( ULONG lFileKey )
pTC->pEH->StdOut( "\n" );
fclose( finput );
return( aError );
|* RscCompiler :: CheckSyntax()
|* Beschreibung
|* Ersterstellung MM 07.02.91
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 07.02.91
ERRTYPE RscCompiler::CheckSyntax(){
RscFile * pFName;
// Parser schreibt Punkte fuer jedes Objekt auf
// unterster Ebene nach stdout
//Eingabedateien liegen als Liste vor
pFName = pTC->aFileTab.First();
while( pFName && aError.IsOk() ){
if( !pFName->IsIncFile() ){
aError = ParseOneFile( pTC->aFileTab.GetIndex( pFName ) );
// Currentzeiger richtig setzen
pTC->aFileTab.Seek( pFName );
pFName = pTC->aFileTab.Next();
return( aError );
|* RscCompiler :: Link()
@ -859,10 +906,21 @@ ERRTYPE RscCompiler::CheckSyntax(){
|* Letzte Aenderung MM 07.02.91
static OString do_prefix( const char* pPrefix, const OUString& rFile )
OStringBuffer aBuf(256);
aBuf.append( pPrefix );
aBuf.append( ":" );
aBuf.append( OUStringToOString( rFile, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 ) );
return aBuf.makeStringAndClear();
ERRTYPE RscCompiler::Link()
FILE * foutput;
FILE * foutput;
RscFile* pFName;
#ifdef UNX
#define PATHSEP '/'
@ -873,8 +931,20 @@ ERRTYPE RscCompiler::Link()
if( !(pCL->nCommands & NOLINK_FLAG) )
::std::list<RscCmdLine::OutputFile>::const_iterator it;
for( it = pCL->m_aOutputFiles.begin(); it != pCL->m_aOutputFiles.end(); ++it )
// cleanup nodes
for( pFName = pTC->aFileTab.First(); pFName && aError.IsOk(); pFName = pTC->aFileTab.Next() )
if( !pFName->IsIncFile() )
pTC->Delete( pTC->aFileTab.GetIndex( pFName ) );
pTC->aFileTab.Seek( pFName );
pFName->bLoaded = FALSE;
// rc-Datei schreiben
ByteString aDir( it->aOutputRc );
aDir.SetToken( aDir.GetTokenCount( PATHSEP )-1, PATHSEP, ByteString() );
@ -887,11 +957,63 @@ ERRTYPE RscCompiler::Link()
aDir.Append( PATHSEP );
aDir.Append( "rscXXXXXX" );
char* pTmp = strdup( aDir.GetBuffer() );
mktemp( pTmp );
if ( NULL == (fExitFile = foutput = fopen( pTmp, "wb" )) )
pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), pTmp );
// work dir for absolute Urls
OUString aCWD, aTmpUrl;
osl_getProcessWorkingDir( &aCWD.pData );
// get two temp file urls
OString aRcTmp, aSysListTmp, aSysList;
OUString aSysPath, aUrlDir;
aSysPath = OStringToOUString( aDir, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
if( osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( aSysPath.pData, &aUrlDir.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "url conversion", aUrlDir ) );
if( osl_getAbsoluteFileURL( aCWD.pData, aUrlDir.pData, &aTmpUrl.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "absolute url", aUrlDir ) );
aUrlDir = aTmpUrl;
// create temp file for rc target
if( osl_createTempFile( aUrlDir.pData, NULL, &aTmpUrl.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "temp file creation", aUrlDir ) );
if( osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL( aTmpUrl.pData, &aSysPath.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "sys path conversion", aTmpUrl ) );
aRcTmp = OUStringToOString( aSysPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
if ( NULL == (fExitFile = foutput = fopen( aRcTmp.getStr(), "wb" )) )
pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), aRcTmp.getStr() );
// make absolute path from IL dir (-oil switch)
// if no -oil was given, use the same dir as for rc file
if( pCL->aILDir.Len() )
aSysPath = OStringToOUString( pCL->aILDir, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
if( osl_getFileURLFromSystemPath( aSysPath.pData, &aTmpUrl.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "url conversion", aSysPath ) );
if( osl_getAbsoluteFileURL( aCWD.pData, aTmpUrl.pData, &aUrlDir.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "absolute url", aTmpUrl ) );
if( osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL( aUrlDir.pData, &aSysPath.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "sys path conversion", aUrlDir ) );
aSysList = OUStringToOString( aSysPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
aSysList = aSysList + "/";
xub_StrLen nLastSep = it->aOutputRc.SearchBackward( PATHSEP );
if( nLastSep == STRING_NOTFOUND )
nLastSep = 0;
xub_StrLen nLastPt = it->aOutputRc.Search( '.', nLastSep );
if( nLastPt == STRING_NOTFOUND )
nLastPt = it->aOutputRc.Len()+1;
aSysList = aSysList + it->aOutputRc.Copy( nLastSep+1, nLastPt - nLastSep-1 );
aSysList = aSysList + ".ilst";
// create temp file for sys list target
if( osl_createTempFile( aUrlDir.pData, NULL, &aTmpUrl.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "temp file creation", aUrlDir ) );
if( osl_getSystemPathFromFileURL( aTmpUrl.pData, &aSysPath.pData ) != osl_File_E_None )
pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), do_prefix( "sys path conversion", aTmpUrl ) );
aSysListTmp = OUStringToOString( aSysPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_MS_1252 );
pTC->pEH->StdOut( "Generating .rc file\n" );
@ -921,20 +1043,71 @@ ERRTYPE RscCompiler::Link()
pTC->SetSysSearchPath( aSysSearchPath );
aError = pTC->WriteRc( foutput );
WriteRcContext aContext;
aContext.fOutput = foutput;
aContext.aOutputRc = it->aOutputRc;
aContext.aOutputSysList = aSysListTmp;
aContext.pCmdLine = pCL;
// create empty sys list
if( aContext.aOutputSysList.getLength() )
FILE* pSysListFile = fopen( aContext.aOutputSysList.getStr(), "wb" );
if( !pSysListFile )
pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_OPENFILE, RscId(), aContext.aOutputSysList.getStr() );
fclose( pSysListFile );
// parse files for specific language
for( pFName = pTC->aFileTab.First(); pFName && aError.IsOk(); pFName = pTC->aFileTab.Next() )
if( !pFName->IsIncFile() )
aError = ParseOneFile( pTC->aFileTab.GetIndex( pFName ), &*it, &aContext );
pTC->aFileTab.Seek( pFName );
aError = pTC->WriteRc( aContext );
fclose( foutput );
fExitFile = NULL;
unlink( it->aOutputRc.GetBuffer() );
if( rename( pTmp, it->aOutputRc.GetBuffer() ) )
if( rename( aRcTmp.getStr(), it->aOutputRc.GetBuffer() ) )
char aBuf[1024];
sprintf( aBuf, "%s -> %s", pTmp, it->aOutputRc.GetBuffer() );
pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_RENAMEFILE, RscId(), aBuf );
OStringBuffer aBuf;
aBuf.append( aRcTmp );
aBuf.append( " -> " );
aBuf.append( it->aOutputRc );
pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_RENAMEFILE, RscId(), aBuf.getStr() );
unlink( aSysList.getStr() );
if( rename( aSysListTmp.getStr(), aSysList.getStr() ) )
OStringBuffer aBuf;
aBuf.append( aSysListTmp );
aBuf.append( " -> " );
aBuf.append( aSysList );
pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_RENAMEFILE, RscId(), aBuf.getStr() );
free( pTmp );
// parse files
for( pFName = pTC->aFileTab.First(); pFName && aError.IsOk(); pFName = pTC->aFileTab.Next() )
if( !pFName->IsIncFile() )
aError = ParseOneFile( pTC->aFileTab.GetIndex( pFName ), NULL, NULL );
pTC->aFileTab.Seek( pFName );
// hxx-Datei schreiben
if( pCL->aOutputHxx.Len() && aError.IsOk() )
@ -1063,3 +1236,243 @@ void RscCompiler::OpenInput( const ByteString& rInput )
fclose( fp );
|* GetImageFilePath()
bool RscCompiler::GetImageFilePath( const RscCmdLine::OutputFile& rOutputFile,
const WriteRcContext& rContext,
const ByteString& rBaseFileName,
ByteString& rImagePath,
FILE* pSysListFile )
::std::list< ByteString > aFileNames;
ByteString* pPath;
bool bFound = false;
ByteString aFileName( rBaseFileName );
aFileNames.push_back( aFileName += ".png" );
aFileName = rBaseFileName;
aFileNames.push_back( aFileName += ".bmp" );
::std::list< ByteString >::iterator aFileIter( aFileNames.begin() );
while( ( aFileIter != aFileNames.end() ) && !bFound )
::std::list< ByteString >::const_iterator aDirIter( rOutputFile.aSysSearchDirs.begin() );
while( ( aDirIter != rOutputFile.aSysSearchDirs.end() ) && !bFound )
const DirEntry aPath( String( *aDirIter, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
DirEntry aTestPath( aPath );
( aTestPath += DirEntry( String( *aFileIter, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ) ).ToAbs();
const String aFullPath( aTestPath.GetFull() );
const FileStat aFS( aFullPath );
fprintf( stderr, "Searching image: %s\n", ByteString( aFullPath, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).GetBuffer() );
if( aFS.IsKind( FSYS_KIND_FILE ) )
std::list< std::pair< OString, OString > >::const_iterator aReplIter( rContext.pCmdLine->m_aReplacements.begin() );
OString aPath( aFullPath.GetBuffer(), aFullPath.Len(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
while( ( aReplIter != rContext.pCmdLine->m_aReplacements.end() ) && !bFound )
if( ByteString( aPath ).ToLowerAscii().Search( ByteString( aReplIter->second ).ToLowerAscii() ) == 0 )
sal_Int32 nCopyPos = aReplIter->second.getLength(), nLength = aPath.getLength();
const sal_Char* pChars = aPath.getStr();
while( ( nCopyPos < nLength ) &&
( pChars[ nCopyPos ] == '/' || pChars[ nCopyPos ] == '\\' || pChars[ nCopyPos ] == ':' ) )
if( nCopyPos < nLength )
rImagePath = aPath.copy( nCopyPos ).replace( '\\', '/' );
bFound = true;
if( !bFound )
rImagePath = aPath;
bFound = true;
if( pSysListFile )
DirEntry aSysPath( String( *aDirIter, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) );
String aSysPathFull( ( aSysPath += DirEntry( String( *aFileIter, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ) ) ).GetFull() );
OString aSysPathStr( aSysPathFull.GetBuffer(), aSysPathFull.Len(), RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US );
fprintf( pSysListFile, "%s\n", rContext.pCmdLine->substitutePaths( aSysPathStr ).getStr() );
fprintf( stderr, "ImagePath to add: %s\n", rImagePath.GetBuffer() );
return bFound;
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
void RscCompiler::PreprocessSrsFile( const RscCmdLine::OutputFile& rOutputFile,
const WriteRcContext& rContext,
const DirEntry& rSrsInPath,
const DirEntry& rSrsOutPath )
SvFileStream aIStm( rSrsInPath.GetFull(), STREAM_READ );
SvFileStream aOStm( rSrsOutPath.GetFull(), STREAM_WRITE | STREAM_TRUNC );
::std::vector< ByteString > aMissingImages;
FILE* pSysListFile = rContext.aOutputSysList.getLength() ? fopen( rContext.aOutputSysList.getStr(), "ab" ) : NULL;
bool bRet = true;
if( !aIStm.GetError() && !aOStm.GetError() )
ByteString aLine, aFilePath;
while( aIStm.ReadLine( aLine ) )
if( ( aLine.GetTokenCount( '=' ) == 2 ) &&
( aLine.GetToken( 0, '=' ).Search( "File" ) != STRING_NOTFOUND ) )
ByteString aBaseFileName( aLine.GetToken( 1, '"' ).GetToken( 0, '.' ) );
if( GetImageFilePath( rOutputFile, rContext, aBaseFileName, aFilePath, pSysListFile ) )
( ( aLine = "File = \"" ) += aFilePath ) += "\";";
aMissingImages.push_back( aBaseFileName );
aOStm.WriteLine( aLine );
else if( aLine.Search( "ImageList" ) != STRING_NOTFOUND )
::std::vector< ::std::pair< ByteString, sal_Int32 > > aEntryVector;
aOStm.WriteLine( aLine );
if( aLine.Search( ';' ) == STRING_NOTFOUND )
const sal_uInt32 nImgListStartPos = aIStm.Tell();
if( !aIStm.ReadLine( aLine ) )
while( aLine.Search( "Prefix" ) == STRING_NOTFOUND );
const ByteString aPrefix( aLine.GetToken( 1, '"' ) );
aIStm.Seek( nImgListStartPos );
if (!aIStm.ReadLine( aLine ) )
while( aLine.Search( "IdList" ) == STRING_NOTFOUND );
// scan all ids and collect images
while( aLine.Search( '}' ) == STRING_NOTFOUND )
if( !aIStm.ReadLine( aLine ) )
aLine.EraseLeadingChars( ' ' );
aLine.EraseLeadingChars( '\t' );
aLine.EraseAllChars( ';' );
if( aLine.IsNumericAscii() )
ByteString aBaseFileName( aPrefix );
sal_Int32 nNumber = atoi( aLine.GetBuffer() );
if( nNumber < 10000 )
aBaseFileName += ByteString::CreateFromInt32( 0 );
if( GetImageFilePath( rOutputFile, rContext, aBaseFileName += aLine , aFilePath, pSysListFile ) )
aEntryVector.push_back( ::std::make_pair< ByteString, sal_Int32 >( aFilePath, nNumber ) );
aMissingImages.push_back( aBaseFileName );
const sal_uInt32 nImgListEndPos = aIStm.Tell();
aIStm.Seek( nImgListStartPos );
while( aIStm.Tell() < nImgListEndPos )
aIStm.ReadLine( aLine );
if( aLine.Search( "IdList" ) != STRING_NOTFOUND )
while( aLine.Search( '}' ) == STRING_NOTFOUND )
aIStm.ReadLine( aLine );
aOStm.WriteLine( aLine );
aOStm.WriteLine( "FileList = {" );
for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < aEntryVector.size(); ++i )
ByteString aEntryString( "< \"" );
aEntryString += aEntryVector[ i ].first;
aEntryString += "\"; ";
aEntryString += ByteString::CreateFromInt32( aEntryVector[ i ].second );
aEntryString += "; >;";
aOStm.WriteLine( aEntryString );
aOStm.WriteLine( "};" );
aOStm.WriteLine( aLine );
aOStm.WriteLine( aLine );
bRet = false;
if( aMissingImages.size() > 0 )
ByteString aImagesStr;
for( sal_uInt32 i = 0; i < aMissingImages.size(); ++i )
if( i )
aImagesStr += ' ';
aImagesStr += aMissingImages[ i ];
pTC->pEH->FatalError( ERR_NOIMAGE, RscId(), aImagesStr.GetBuffer() );
if( pSysListFile )
fclose( pSysListFile );
Reference in a new issue