2004/01/16 13:25:22 jl #112889# merge from cws ab02vba
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 167 additions and 54 deletions
@ -14,6 +14,8 @@ document.writeln("==============================================================
//var name : String = "Fred";
var arr= new Array( 1, 2, 3, 4, 0);
var arrInt= new Array( 1,2,3,4,5);
var arrDouble= new Array( 1.2345, 12.345, 123.45, 1234.5, 12345);
@ -322,41 +324,84 @@ for(i in _ret)
Log.print( bOk, "methodXInterface");
var inVal, outVal, retVal;
outVal = new Array();
inVal = 77;
retVal = oletest.in_methodByte(inVal)
oletest.testout_methodByte( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == 111, "testout_methodByte");
Log.print( retVal == inVal, "in_methodByte");
Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testout_methodByte");
inVal = 3.14
retVal = oletest.in_methodFloat(inVal);
oletest.testout_methodFloat( outVal );
Log.print( retVal > 3.14 && retVal < 3.15, "in_methodFloat");
Log.print( outVal[0] > 3.13 && outVal[0] < 3.15, "testout_methodFloat");
//Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testout_methodFloat");
retVal = oletest.in_methodDouble(inVal)
oletest.testout_methodDouble( outVal );
Log.print( retVal == inVal, "in_methodDouble");
Log.print( outVal[0] == 3.14, "testout_methodDouble" );
inVal = true;
retVal = oletest.in_methodBool(inVal);
oletest.testout_methodBool( outVal );
Log.print(retVal == inVal, "in_methodBool");
Log.print( outVal[0] == true, "testout_methodBool");
inVal = 111
retVal = oletest.in_methodShort(inVal);
oletest.testout_methodShort( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == 222, "testout_methodShort");
Log.print(retVal == inVal, "in_methodShort");
Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testout_methodShort");
retVal = oletest.in_methodUShort(inVal);
oletest.testout_methodUShort( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == 333, "testout_methodUShort");
Log.print(retVal == inVal, "in_methodUShort");
Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testout_methodUShort");
retVal = oletest.in_methodLong(inVal);
oletest.testout_methodLong( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == 444, "testout_methodLong");
Log.print(retVal == inVal, "in_methodLong");
Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testout_methodLong");
retVal = oletest.in_methodULong(inVal);
oletest.testout_methodULong( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == 555, "testout_methodULong");
Log.print(retVal == inVal, "in_methodULong");
Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testout_methodULong");
retVal = oletest.in_methodChar(inVal);
oletest.testout_methodChar( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == 65, "testout_methodChar");
Log.print(retVal == inVal, "in_methodChar");
Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testout_methodChar");
inVal = "Hello World";
retVal = oletest.in_methodString(inVal);
oletest.testout_methodString( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == "a little string", "testout_methodString");
Log.print(retVal == inVal, "in_methodString");
Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testout_methodString");
retVal = oletest.in_methodAny(inVal);
oletest.testout_methodAny( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == "I am a string in an any", "testout_methodAny");
Log.print(retVal == inVal, "in_methodAny");
Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testout_methodAny");
inVal = new Object();
retVal = oletest.in_methodXInterface(inVal);
Log.print(retVal === inVal, "in_methodXInterface");
Log.print(outVal[0] === inVal, "testout_methodXInterface");
inVal = oletest;
retVal = oletest.in_methodXInterface(inVal);
Log.print(retVal === inVal, "in_methodXInterface");
Log.print(outVal[0] === inVal, "testout_methodXInterface");
oletest.testout_methodSequence( outVal );
var arr= new VBArray( outVal[0]).toArray();
@ -395,61 +440,82 @@ var in3= -2222;
oletest.testout_methodMulParams4( in1, outVal, in2, outVal2, in3 );
Log.print( (outVal[0] > 4.13 && outVal[0] < 4.15) && (outVal2[0] == 1112), "testout_methodMulParams4");
oletest.testout_methodXInterface( outVal );
var obj= outVal[0];
Log.print( outVal[0].AttrAny2 == "Property Any", "testout_methodXInterface");
outVal[0]= 100;
inVal = 100;
outVal[0]= inVal;
oletest.testinout_methodByte( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == 101, "testinout_methodByte");
oletest.testinout_methodByte( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testinout_methodByte");
outVal[0]= 3.14;
inVal = 3.14;
outVal[0]= inVal;
oletest.testinout_methodFloat( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] > 4.13 && outVal[0] < 4.15, "testinout_methodFloat");
oletest.testinout_methodFloat( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] > 3.13 && outVal[0] < 3.15, "testinout_methodFloat");
outVal[0]= 3.14;
inVal = 3.14
outVal[0]= inVal;
oletest.testinout_methodDouble( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] > 4.13 && outVal[0] < 4.15, "testinout_methodDouble");
oletest.testinout_methodDouble( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testinout_methodDouble");
outVal[0]= false;
inVal = true;
outVal[0]= inVal;
oletest.testinout_methodBool( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == true, "testinout_methodBool");
oletest.testinout_methodBool( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testinout_methodBool");
outVal[0]= 200;
inVal = 200;
outVal[0]= inVal;
oletest.testinout_methodShort( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == 201, "testinout_methodShort");
oletest.testinout_methodShort( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testinout_methodShort");
outVal[0]= 300;
inVal = 300;
outVal[0]= inVal;
oletest.testinout_methodUShort( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == 301, "testinout_methodUShort");
oletest.testinout_methodUShort( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testinout_methodUShort");
outVal[0]= 400;
inVal = 400
outVal[0]= inVal;
oletest.testinout_methodLong( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == 401, "testinout_methodLong");
oletest.testinout_methodLong( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testinout_methodLong");
outVal[0]= 500;
inVal = 500;
outVal[0]= inVal;
oletest.testinout_methodULong( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == 501, "testinout_methodULong");
oletest.testinout_methodULong( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testinout_methodULong");
outVal[0]= "A";
inVal = "B";
outVal[0]= inVal;
oletest.testinout_methodChar( outVal );
oletest.testinout_methodChar( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == 66, "testinout_methodChar");
outVal[0]= "I am a string";
inVal = "Hello World 2!";
outVal[0]= inVal;
oletest.testinout_methodString( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == "I am a string out string", "testinout_methodString");
oletest.testinout_methodString( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] == inVal, "testinout_methodString");
outVal[0]= arrInt;
inVal = new Object();
outVal[0]= inVal;
oletest.testinout_methodAny( outVal );
var arr2= new VBArray( outVal[0]).toArray();
Log.print( isEqualAr(arrInt, arr2), "testinout_methodAny");
oletest.testinout_methodAny( outVal );
Log.print( outVal[0] === inVal, "testinout_methodAny");
outVal[0]= arrInt;
inVal = arrInt;
outVal[0] = inVal;
oletest.testinout_methodSequence( outVal );
arr= new VBArray( outVal[0]).toArray();
Log.print( isEqualAr( arr, new Array( 2,3,4,5,6)), "testinout_methodSequence");
oletest.testinout_methodSequence( outVal );
retVal = new VBArray(outVal[0]).toArray();
Log.print( isEqualAr(retVal, new Array(3,4,5,6,7)), "testinout_methodSequence");
outVal[0]= arrSeq;
@ -900,39 +966,72 @@ Log.print bOk, "AttrXInterface"
'out params ================================================================================
Dim inVal, outVal, retVal
inVal = 111
retVal = oletest.in_methodByte(inVal)
oletest.testout_methodByte outVal
Log.print outVal = 111, "testout_methodByte"
Log.print inVal = retVal, "in_methodByte"
Log.print outVal = inVal, "testout_methodByte"
inVal = 3.14
retVal = oletest.in_methodFloat(inVal)
oletest.testout_methodFloat outVal
Log.print inVal = retVal, "in_methodFloat"
Log.print outVal > 3.13 AND outVal < 3.15, "testout_methodFloat"
inVal = 3.14
retVal = oletest.in_methodDouble(inVal)
oletest.testout_methodDouble outVal
Log.print inVal = retVal, "in_methodDouble"
Log.print outVal = 3.14, "testout_methodDouble"
inVal = true
retVal = oletest.in_methodBool(inVal)
oletest.testout_methodBool outVal
Log.print outVal = true, "testout_methodBool"
Log.print inVal = retVal, "in_methodBool"
Log.print outVal = inVal, "testout_methodBool"
inVal = 222
retVal = oletest.in_methodShort(inVal)
oletest.testout_methodShort outVal
Log.print outVal = 222, "testout_methodShort"
Log.print inVal = retVal, "in_methodShort"
Log.print outVal = inVAl, "testout_methodShort"
inVal = 333
retVal = oletest.in_methodUShort(inVal)
oletest.testout_methodUShort outVal
Log.print outVal = 333, "testout_methodUShort"
Log.print inVal = retVal, "in_methodUShort"
Log.print outVal = inVal, "testout_methodUShort"
inVal = 4444
retVal = oletest.in_methodLong(inVal)
oletest.testout_methodLong outVal
Log.print outVal = 444, "testout_methodLong"
Log.print inVal = retVal, "in_methodLong"
Log.print outVal = inVal, "testout_methodLong"
inVal = 5555
retVal = oletest.in_methodULong(inVal)
oletest.testout_methodULong outVal
Log.print outVal = 555, "testout_methodULong"
Log.print inVal = retVal, "in_methodULong"
Log.print outVal = inVal, "testout_methodULong"
inVal = 65
retVal = oletest.in_methodChar(inVal)
oletest.testout_methodChar outVal
Log.print inVal = retVal, "in_methodChar"
Log.print outVal = 65, "testout_methodChar"
inVal = "Hello World 3!"
retVal = oletest.in_methodString(inVal)
oletest.testout_methodString outVal
Log.print outVal = "a little string", "testout_methodString"
Log.print inVal = retVal, "in_methodString"
Log.print outVal = inVal, "testout_methodString"
inVal = "Hello World 4!"
retVal = oletest.in_methodAny(inVal)
oletest.testout_methodAny outVal
Log.print outVal = "I am a string in an any", "testout_methodAny"
Log.print outVal = inVal, "testout_methodAny"
oletest.testout_methodSequence outVal
Log.print isEqualVBAr(outVal, Array( 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9)), "testout_methodSequence"
@ -983,13 +1082,11 @@ Log.print ret, "testout_methodXInterface"
Set outVal= Nothing
document.writeln("missing: testout_methodXInterface <br>")
outVal= 1
inVal = 1
outVal= inVal
oletest.testinout_methodByte outVal
ret= false
If outVal = 2 Then
ret= true
End if
Log.print ret, "testinout_methodByte"
oletest.testinout_methodByte outVal
Log.print inVal = outVal, "testinout_methodByte"
document.writeln("missing: testinout_methodFloat <br>")
@ -1382,6 +1479,22 @@ arFunctions["testinout_methodSequence2"]="void testinout_methodSequence2( [inout
arFunctions["testinout_methodXInterface"]="void testinout_methodXInterface( [inout] com::sun::star::script::XInvocation rOut)";
arFunctions["testinout_methodXInterface2"]="void testinout_methodXInterface2( [inout] com::sun::star::uno::XInterface rOut)";
arFunctions["in_methodByte"]= "byte in_methodByte( [in] byte rIn )";
arFunctions["in_methodFloat"]= "float in_methodFloat( [in] float rIn);"
arFunctions["in_methodDouble"]= "double in_methodDouble( [in] double rIn)";
arFunctions["in_methodBool"]= "boolean in_methodBool( [in] boolean rIn)";
arFunctions["in_methodShort"]= "short in_methodShort( [in] short rIn)";
arFunctions["in_methodUShort"]= "unsigned short in_methodUShort( [in] unsigned short rIn)";
arFunctions["in_methodLong"]= "long in_methodLong( [in] long rIn)";
arFunctions["in_methodULong"]= "unsigned long in_methodULong( [in] unsigned long rIn)";
arFunctions["in_methodHyper"]= "hyper in_methodHyper( [in] hyper rIn)";
arFunctions["in_methodUHyper"]= "unsigned hyper in_methodHyper( [in] unsigned hyper rIn)";
arFunctions["in_methodString"]= "string in_methodString( [in] string rIn)";
arFunctions["in_methodChar"]= "char in_methodChar( [in] char rIn)";
arFunctions["in_methodAny"]= "any in_methodAny ( [in] any rIn)";
arFunctions["in_methodXInterface"]= "XInterface in_methodXInterface([in] XInterface rIn)";
arFunctions["methodAnyTest1"]="any methodAnyTest1( [in] any rIn)";
arFunctions["AttrAny2"]= "[attribute] any AttrAny2";
arFunctions["retMethodStruct"]= "com::sun::star::beans::Property retMethodStruct()";
Reference in a new issue