diff --git a/wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src b/wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src new file mode 100644 index 000000000000..238c53ccfce7 --- /dev/null +++ b/wizards/source/formwizard/dbwizres.src @@ -0,0 +1,5031 @@ +/************************************************************************* + * + * $RCSfile: dbwizres.src,v $ + * + * $Revision: 1.1 $ + * + * last change: $Author: tv $ $Date: 2001-04-23 09:27:05 $ + * + * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of + * either of the following licenses + * + * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 + * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 + * + * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 + * + * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 + * ============================================= + * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. + * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA + * + * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or + * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. + * + * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, + * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of + * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU + * Lesser General Public License for more details. + * + * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public + * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software + * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, + * MA 02111-1307 USA + * + * + * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 + * ================================================= + * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards + * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file + * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the + * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. + * + * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, + * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, + * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, + * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. + * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and + * obligations concerning the Software. + * + * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. + * + * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. + * + * All Rights Reserved. + * + * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ + * + * + ************************************************************************/ +#define RID_DB_COMMON_START 1000 +#define RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START 2000 +#define RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START 2200 +#define RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START 2300 +#define RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START 2400 +#define RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START 2500 +#define RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START 2600 +#define RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START 2700 + +// ============================================================================ + +String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 0 +{ + Text = "~Fertig stellen"; + Text [ english_us] = "C~reate"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Criar"; + Text[ russian ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Voltooien"; + Text[ french ] = "~Crer"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Crear"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Crea"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Udfr"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Frdigstll"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Utwrz"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Finish"; + Text[ japanese ] = "(~R)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~F)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~F)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Voltooien"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~F)"; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = "~ "; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Olutur"; +}; +String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 1 +{ + Text = "A~bbrechen"; + Text [ english_us] = "~Cancel"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Ca~ncelar"; + Text[ russian ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Annuleren"; + Text[ french ] = "~Annuler"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Cancelar"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Annulla"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Annuller"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Avbryt"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Anuluj"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Cancel"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~ݾ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ȡ(~A)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~A)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Annuleren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ȡ(~A)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~"; + Text[ korean ] = ""; + Text[ turkish ] = "~ptal"; +}; +String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 2 +{ + Text = "<< ~Zurck"; + Text [ english_us] = "<< ~Back"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "<< ~Anterior"; + Text[ russian ] = "<< ~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "<< ~Vorige"; + Text[ french ] = "<< ~Prcdent"; + Text[ spanish ] = "<< ~Regresar"; + Text[ italian ] = "<< ~Indietro"; + Text[ danish ] = "<< ~Tilbage"; + Text[ swedish ] = "<< ~Tillbaka"; + Text[ polish ] = "<< ~Wstecz"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "<< ~Back"; + Text[ japanese ] = "<< ~߂"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "<< (~B)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "<< ^(~B)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "<< ~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "<< ~Vorige"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "<< (~B)"; + Text[ greek ] = "<< ~"; + Text[ korean ] = "<< ڷ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "<< Ge~ri"; +}; +String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 3 +{ + Text = "~Weiter >>"; + Text [ english_us] = "~Next >>"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Con~tinuar >>"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ >>"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Volgende >>"; + Text[ french ] = "~Suivant >>"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Siguiente >>"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Avanti >>"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Nste >>"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Nsta >>"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Dalej >>"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Next >>"; + Text[ japanese ] = "(~N) >>"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~N) >>"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "~(~N) >>"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ >>"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Volgende >>"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~N) >>"; + Text[ greek ] = " >>"; + Text[ korean ] = " >>"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~leri >>"; +}; +String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 4 +{ + Text = "~Datenbank"; + Text [ english_us] = "~Database"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Base de dados"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Database"; + Text[ french ] = "~Base de donnes"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Base de datos"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Database"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Database"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Databas"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Baza danych"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Database"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~ްް"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݿ(~D)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Ʈw(~D)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Database"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݿ(~D)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Veritaban"; +}; +String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 5 +{ + Text = "~Tabellenname"; + Text [ english_us] = "~Table name"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Nome da tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabelnaam"; + Text[ french ] = "~Nom de table"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Nombre de la tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = "Nome ~tabella"; + Text[ danish ] = "Ta~belnavn"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Tabellnamn"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Nazwa tabeli"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Table name"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~\\"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~T)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W(~T)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabelnaam"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~T)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = "~ ǥ ̸"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Tablo ad"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; +String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 6 +{ + Text = "Whrend der Ausfhrung des AutoPiloten ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Der AutoPilot wird beendet."; + Text [ english_us] = "An error occurred while running the AutoPilot. The AutoPilot will be terminated."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Surgiu um erro durante a execuo do AutoPiloto. Este ser encerrado."; + Text[ russian ] = " . ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Tijdens het bewerken met de AutoPiloot is er een fout opgetreden. De AutoPiloot wordt gestopt."; + Text[ french ] = "Une erreur s'est produite au cours de l'excution de l'AutoPilote. Ce dernier va tre ferm."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Ha ocurrido un error durante la ejecucin del AutoPiloto. Se cancelar el AutoPiloto."; + Text[ italian ] = "Nel corso dell'esecuzione del Pilota automatico si verificato un errore. Il Pilota automatico viene interrotto."; + Text[ danish ] = "Der opstod en fejl under kring af AutoPiloten. AutoPiloten afsluttes."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Ett fel uppstod under krningen av AutoPiloten. AutoPiloten kommer att avslutas."; + Text[ polish ] = "Podczas wykonywania AutoPilota wystpi bd. Autopilot zostanie anulowany."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "An error has occurred. The Autopliot will be closed."; + Text[ japanese ] = "߲ۯĂ̎sɴװ܂B߲ۯĂI܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ִԶļʱһڽԶļ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "b۰ɮקUzɵoͤ@ӿ~C{b۰ɮקUz{C"; + Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Tijdens het bewerken met de AutoPiloot is er een fout opgetreden. De AutoPiloot wordt gestopt."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ִԶļʱһڽԶļ"; + Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot. AutoPilot ."; + Text[ korean ] = "ڵϷ Ǵ ߻߽ϴ. ڵϷ ˴ϴ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot altrlrken bir hata olutu. Otopilot kapatlacak."; +}; +String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 7 +{ + Text = "Whrend der Ausfhrung des Autopiloten darf kein Formular geffnet sein. Bitte schlieen Sie das Formular."; + Text [ english_us] = "A form cannot be open while running the AutoPilots. Please close the form."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Durante a execuo do AutoPiloto no pode estar aberto nenhum formulrio. Feche o formulrio."; + Text[ russian ] = " . , , ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Tijdens het bewerken met de AutoPiloot mag er geen formulier geopend zijn. Sluit het formulier."; + Text[ french ] = "L'AutoPilote ne peut tre excut alors qu'un formulaire est ouvert. Veuillez fermer le formulaire."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Durante la ejecucin del AutoPiloto no debe estar abierto ningn formulario. Cierre por favor el formulario."; + Text[ italian ] = "Durante l'esecuzione del Pilota automatico nessun formulario deve essere aperto. Chiudete il formulario."; + Text[ danish ] = "Der m ikke vre bne formularer mens AutoPiloten udfres. Luk venligst formularen."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Under krningen av Autopiloten fr inga formulr vara ppna. Var vnlig och stng formulret."; + Text[ polish ] = "Podzczas wykonywania Autopilota nie moe by otwarty aden formularz. Prosz zamknij ten formularz."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Whrend der Ausfhrung des Autopiloten darf kein Formular geffnet sein. Bitte schlieen Sie das Formular."; + Text[ japanese ] = "߲ۯĂ̎sɁA̫тJĂ͂܂B̫т‚ĂB"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ִԶļʱд򿪵ıرմ򿪵ı"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "bϥΦ۰ʧUz{ɤ঳}ҪCбz}ҪC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Tijdens het bewerken met de AutoPiloot mag er geen formulier geopend zijn. Sluit het formulier."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ִԶļʱд򿪵ıرմ򿪵ı"; + Text[ greek ] = " Autopilot . ."; + Text[ korean ] = "ڵϷ Ǵ ¡ȵ˴ϴ. ݾ ֽʽÿ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot alrken ak form bulunmamaldr. Ltfen formu kapatn."; +}; +String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 8 +{ + Text = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mindestens eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Formulare starten zu knnen."; + Text [ english_us] = "A database has not been installed. At least one database is required before the AutoPilot for forms can be started."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Nenhuma base de dados instalada. Para poder activar o AutoPiloto de formulrios necessria, pelo menos, uma base de dados."; + Text[ russian ] = " . ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft minstens n database nodig om de AutoPiloot voor formulieren te kunnen starten."; + Text[ french ] = "Aucune base de donnes n'est installe. Vous avez besoin d'au moins une base de donnes afin de pouvoir lancer l'AutoPilote de formulaires."; + Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el AutoPiloto para formularios."; + Text[ italian ] = "Non stato installato nessun datase. Occorre almeno un database per poter avviare il Pilota automatico per i formulari."; + Text[ danish ] = "Der er ikke installeret en database. Der krves mindst en database for at kunne starte AutoPiloten for formularer."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Ingen databas r installerad. Du behver minst en databas fr att kunna starta AutoPiloten fr formulr."; + Text[ polish ] = "Nie jest zainstalowana adna baza danych. Wymagana jest co najmniej jedna baza danych, aby mona byo uruchomi AutoPilota dla formularzy."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mindestens eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Formulare starten zu knnen."; + Text[ japanese ] = "ްްݽİقĂ܂B̫э쐬̵߲ۯĊJn̂߂ɂ́AȂƂ1‚ްްKvłB"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ûаװݿ⡣ҪһݿԶļ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Sw˸ƮwCҰʦ۰ʪUz{ܤֱzݭnإߤF@ӸƮwC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft minstens n database nodig om de AutoPiloot voor formulieren te kunnen starten."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ûаװݿ⡣ҪһݿԶļ"; + Text[ greek ] = " . AutoPilot ."; + Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽ ġ ʾҽϴ. ݵ ýۿ ϳ ̻ ͺ̽ ־ ڵϷ ۵ ֽϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Kurulmu veritaban yok. Form OtoPilot'unu balatabilmek iin en az bir veritaban mevcut olmaldr."; +}; +String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 9 +{ + Text = "Die Datenbank enthlt keine Tabelle."; + Text [ english_us] = "The database does not contain any tables."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "A base de dados no tem nenhuma tabela."; + Text[ russian ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De database bevat geen tabel."; + Text[ french ] = "La base de donnes ne contient aucune table."; + Text[ spanish ] = "La base de datos no contiene ninguna tabla."; + Text[ italian ] = "Il database non contiene nessuna tabella."; + Text[ danish ] = "Databasen indeholder ingen tabel."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Databasen innehller ingen tabell."; + Text[ polish ] = "Baza danych nie zawiera tabeli."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The database does not have any table."; + Text[ japanese ] = "ްްںނ܂ł܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݿûκα"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ƮwSC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De database bevat geen tabel."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݿûκα"; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽ ǥ ϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Veritaban tablo iermiyor."; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; +String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 10 +{ + Text = "Der Titel existiert bereits in der Datenbank. Bitte whlen Sie einen anderen."; + Text [ english_us] = "This title already exists in the database. Please enter another name."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "O ttulo j existe na base de dados. Seleccione outro."; + Text[ russian ] = " . , , ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Deze naam bestaat reeds in de database. Kies een andere naam."; + Text[ french ] = "Ce titre existe dj dans la base de donnes. Veuillez en choisir un autre."; + Text[ spanish ] = "El ttulo ya existe en la base de datos. Introduzca otro, por favor."; + Text[ italian ] = "Il titolo esiste gi nel database. Sceglietene un altro."; + Text[ danish ] = "Denne titel eksisterer allerede i databasen. Vlg venligst en anden."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Titeln finns redan i databasen. Var vnlig och vlj ut en annan."; + Text[ polish ] = "Ten tytu znajduje si ju w bazie danych. Prosz wybra inny tytu."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "There already exists table with that name in the database. Plaese enter another name."; + Text[ japanese ] = "ق͂łްްɂ܂BʂقɂĂB"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݿѾڴ˱⡣ѡ⡣"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ƮwwgoӼDCбzJt~@ӦW١C"; + Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Deze naam bestaat reeds in de database. Kies een andere naam."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݿѾڴ˱⡣ѡ⡣"; + Text[ greek ] = " . ."; + Text[ korean ] = " ̹ ͺ̽ ֽϴ. ٸ Ͻʽÿ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Bu balk veritabannda zaten mevcut. Ltfen baka bir balk ad seiniz."; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; +String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 11 +{ + Text = "Der Titel darf keine Leer- oder Sonderzeichen enthalten."; + Text [ english_us] = "The title must not contain any spaces or special characters."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "O ttulo no pode incluir espaos em branco nem caracteres especiais."; + Text[ russian ] = " , ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De naam mag geen spaties of speciale tekens bevatten."; + Text[ french ] = "Le titre ne peut comporter ni espaces, ni caractres spciaux."; + Text[ spanish ] = "El ttulo no debe contener espacios o caracteres especiales."; + Text[ italian ] = "Il titolo non pu contenere n spazi vuoti n caratteri speciali."; + Text[ danish ] = "Titlen m ikke indeholde mellemrum eller specialtegn."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Titeln fr inte innehlla ngra blanksteg eller specialtecken."; + Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa nie moe zawiera spacji lub znakw specjalnych."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The title must not contain any spaces or escape characters."; + Text[ japanese ] = "ق͋󔒂܂͓ꕶ܂߂܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ⲻúпհַַ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "DotŮMSrC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De naam mag geen spaties of speciale tekens bevatten."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ⲻúпհַַ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ korean ] = " ̽ Ưȣ  ȵ˴ϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Balkta boluk ya da zel karakterler bulunmamaldr."; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 12 +{ + Text = "Der Datenbank-Service (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine) konnte nicht instantiiert werden."; + Text [ english_us] = "The database service (com.sun.data.DatabaseEngine) could not be instantiated."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel instanciar o servio da base de dados (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)."; + Text[ russian ] = " (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine) ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De database service (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine) kon niet genstantieerd."; + Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'instancier le service de base de donnes (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)."; + Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo instanciar el servicio de base de datos (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)."; + Text[ italian ] = "Non stato possibile caricare il servizio database (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)."; + Text[ danish ] = "Det var ikke muligt at instantiere Database-servicen (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Databasservicen (com.sun.data.DatabaseEngine) kunde inte instantieras."; + Text[ polish ] = "Nie mona byo udostpni serwisu bazy danych (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The database service (stardiv.one.data.DatabaseEngine) could not be loaded."; + Text[ japanese ] = "ްް ޽ (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)Ͳݽİقł܂łB"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷װݿ(com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "LklƸƮwA(stardiv.one.data.DatabaseEngine)C"; + Text[ arabic ] = " (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)."; + Text[ language_user1 ] = "ZL: Diese Fehlermeldung betrifft StarOffice API. \"instantiiert werden\" bedeutet \"Uebergabe von \"instance variable\"."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De database service (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine) kon niet genstantieerd."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷װݿ(com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine)"; + Text[ greek ] = " (stardiv.one.data.DatabaseEngine)."; + Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽ (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine) νϽ ߽ϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Veritaban hizmeti (com.sun.star.data.DatabaseEngine) oluturulamad."; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMMON_START + 13 +{ + Text = "Die ausgewhlte Tabelle oder Abfrage konnte nicht geffnet werden."; + Text [ english ] = "The selected table or query could not be opened."; + Text[ english_us ] = "The selected table or query could not be opened."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel abrir a tabela ou a consulta seleccionadas."; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De geselecteerde tabel of query kon niet worden geopend."; + Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'ouvrir la table ou requte slectionne."; + Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo abrir la tabla o consulta seleccionada."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Den utvalda tabellen eller skningen kunde inte ppnas."; + Text[ russian ] = " ."; + Text[ italian ] = "Non stato possibile aprire la tabella o la ricerca selezionata."; + Text[ danish ] = "Det var ikke muligt at bne den valgte tabel eller foresprgsel."; + Text[ polish ] = "Nie mona otworzy wybranej tabeli lub kwerendy."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The selected table or query could not be opened."; + Text[ japanese ] = "I-ق邢͸ذ͊J܂łB"; + Text[ korean ] = "õ ǥ Ǹ ߽ϴ."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷ѡеıͲѯ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Lk}ҿάdߡC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Seilen tablo ya da sorgu alamad."; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +// ============================================================================ + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 0 +{ + Text = "AutoPilot Gruppenelement"; + Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot Group Element"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Elemento de grupo"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot groepselement"; + Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote d'lment de groupe"; + Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Elemento de grupo"; + Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Elemento di gruppo "; + Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot - gruppeelement"; + Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot gruppelement"; + Text[ polish ] = "AutoPilot Element grupowy"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "AutoPilot Gruppenelement"; + Text[ japanese ] = "߲ۯ {vf"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զļ С鵥Ԫ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "۰ɮקUz sդ"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot groepselement"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զļ С鵥Ԫ"; + Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot"; + Text[ korean ] = "ڵϷ ׷ "; + Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot Grup esi"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 1 +{ + Text = "Die Datenbank enthlt keine Tabelle."; + Text [ english_us ] = "The database does not contain any tables."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "A base de dados no contm tabelas."; + Text[ russian ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De database bevat geen tabel."; + Text[ french ] = "La base de donnes ne contient aucune table."; + Text[ spanish ] = "La base de datos no contiene ninguna tabla."; + Text[ italian ] = "Il database non contiene tabelle"; + Text[ danish ] = "Databasen indeholder ingen tabel."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Databasen innehller ingen tabell."; + Text[ polish ] = "Baza danych nie zawiera tabeli."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Die Datenbank enthlt keine Tabelle."; + Text[ japanese ] = "ްްںނ܂ł܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݿûκα"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ƮwSC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De database bevat geen tabel."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݿûκα"; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽ ǥ ϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Veritaban tablo iermiyor."; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 2 +{ + Text = "Gruppe erzeugen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Create Group"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Criar grupo"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Groep maken"; + Text[ french ] = "Crer un groupe"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Crear grupo"; + Text[ italian ] = "Crea gruppo"; + Text[ danish ] = "Opret gruppe"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Skapa grupp"; + Text[ polish ] = "Utwrz grup"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Gruppe erzeugen"; + Text[ japanese ] = "ٰ߂̍쐬"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "С"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "إ߸s"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Groep maken"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "С"; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ korean ] = "׷졡"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Grup olutur"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 3 +{ + Text = ": Tabellenauswahl"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Table Selection"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = "ZL: Datenbank-Tabelle"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Slection de table"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione tabella"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Tabeludvalg"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Tabellurval"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr tabeli"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Tabellenauswahl"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ںނ̑I"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gܪ"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ǥ"; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo seimi"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 4 +{ + Text = ": Feldauswahl"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Selection"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de campo"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Slection de champ"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de campo"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione campo"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Feltudvalg"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Flturval"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Feldauswahl"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ̨ނ̑I"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ʵ "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan seimi"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 5 +{ + Text = ": Standardfeldauswahl"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Default Field Selection"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de campo padro"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": standaardveld selecteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Slection du champ par dfaut"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de campo estndar"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione campo standard"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Standardfeltudvalg"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Standardflturval"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola standardowego"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Standardfeldauswahl"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": W̨ނ̑I"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ׼ֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gܼз"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": standaardveld selecteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ׼ֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ⺻ ʵ "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Standart alan seimi"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 6 +{ + Text = ": Feldwerte"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Value"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Valores de campo"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veldwaarden"; + Text[ french ] = ": Valeurs des champs"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Valores de campo"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Valore del campo"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Feltvrdier"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Fltvrden"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wartoci pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Feldwerte"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ̨ޒl"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֵֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gƭ"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veldwaarden"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֵֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ʵ "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan deerleri"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 7 +{ + Text = ": Datenbankfeld"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Database Field"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Campo da base de dados"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": databaseveld"; + Text[ french ] = ": Champ de base de donnes"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Campo de base de datos"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Campo database"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Databasefelt"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Databasflt"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Pole bazy danych"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Datenbankfeld"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ްް̨"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݿֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "GƮw"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": databaseveld"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݿֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ͺ̽ ʵ"; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Veritaban alan"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 8 +{ + Text = ": Optionsgruppe erstellen"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Create Option Group"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar grupo de opes"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": optiegroep maken"; + Text[ french ] = ": Crer un groupe d'options"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear grupo de opciones"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Crea gruppo di opzioni"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Opret alternativgruppe"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Skapa alternativgrupp"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Utwrz grup opcji"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Optionsgruppe erstellen"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ߼ݸٰ߂̍쐬"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡС"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gإ߿ﶵs"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": optiegroep maken"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡС"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ɼ ׷ "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Seenek grubu olutur"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 9 +{ + Text = "Geben Sie in diesem Dialog bitte alle Optionsfelder ein."; + Text [ english_us ] = "Enter all Option Fields into this dialog."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Indique aqui todos os campos de opo."; + Text[ russian ] = ", , ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Vul in deze dialoog alle optievelden in"; + Text[ french ] = "Veuillez saisir tous les boutons radio dans cette bote de dialogue."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Introduzca en este dilogo todos los botones radio."; + Text[ italian ] = "Indicate in questo dialogo tutti i campi di opzione."; + Text[ danish ] = "Angiv venligst alle alternativfelter i denne dialog."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Ange alla alternativflt i den hr dialogen."; + Text[ polish ] = "Wstaw w tym dialogu wszystkie pola opcji."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Geben Sie in diesem Dialog bitte alle Optionsfelder ein."; + Text[ japanese ] = "޲۸ނłׂ͂Ă̵߼̨ނ͂ĂB"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ԻеѡֶΡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "бzboӹ椺gﶵC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Vul in deze dialoog alle optievelden in"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ԻеѡֶΡ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ korean ] = " ȭڿ ɼ ʵ带 ԷϽʽÿ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Bu pencerede tm seenek alanlarn giriniz."; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 10 +{ + Text = "Welche Bezeichnungen sollen die Optionsfelder erhalten?"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Which names do you want to give the Option Fields?"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Quais os nomes para os campos de opo?"; + Text[ russian ] = " ?"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Welke namen wilt u de optievelden geven?"; + Text[ french ] = "Quels ~intituls attribuer aux boutons radio ?"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Qu ttulos deben tener los botones radio?"; + Text[ italian ] = "Quale nome volete assegnare ai campi di opzione ?"; + Text[ danish ] = "Hvilke betegnelser skal alternativfelterne have?"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Vilka beteckningar skall alternativflten ha ?"; + Text[ polish ] = "Jakie okrelenia powinny zawiera pola opcji?"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Welche Bezeichnungen sollen die Optionsfelder erhalten ?"; + Text[ japanese ] = "߼̨ނɂǂ̖O‚܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶεƣ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ﶵ쪺W١H"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ѿ"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Welke namen wilt u de optievelden geven?"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶεƣ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ;"; + Text[ korean ] = " ̸ ɼ ʵ忡 Ͻðڽϱ?"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Seenek alanlarna hangi adlar vermek istiyorsunuz?"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 11 +{ + Text = "~Optionsfelder"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Option Fields"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~campos de opo"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Optievelden"; + Text[ french ] = "~Boutons radio"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Botones radio"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Campi di opzione"; + Text[ danish ] = "A~lternativfelter"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Alternativflt"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Pola opcji"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Optionsfelder"; + Text[ japanese ] = "߼̨(~O)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ(~O)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ﶵ(~O)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Optievelden"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ(~O)"; + Text[ greek ] = " ~"; + Text[ korean ] = "ɼ ʵ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Seenek alanlar"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 12 +{ + Text = "Soll ein Optionsfeld standardmig ausgewhlt sein?"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Should one option field be selected as a default?"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Seleccionar um campo de opo como padro?"; + Text[ russian ] = " - ?"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u een bepaald optieveld als standaard selecteren ?"; + Text[ french ] = "Slectionner un bouton radio par dfaut ?"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Desea que se seleccione un botn de opcin de forma predeterminada?"; + Text[ italian ] = "Volete che il campo di opzione venga selezionato in modo standard?"; + Text[ danish ] = "Skal et alternativfelt vlges som standard?"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Skall ett alternativflt vara utvalt som standard ?"; + Text[ polish ] = "Czy wybra domylnie pole opcji ?"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Soll ein Optionsfeld standardmig ausgewhlt sein ?"; + Text[ japanese ] = "߼̨ނP‚͕WƂđI܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҪѡһĬѡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "nܼзH"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u een bepaald optieveld als standaard selecteren ?"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҪѡһĬѡ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ;"; + Text[ korean ] = "ɼ ʵ带 ⺻ Ͻðڽϱ?"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Bir seenek alan standart olarak seili olsun mu?"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 13 +{ + Text = "Ja, und zwar folgendes:"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Yes, the following:"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Sim, o seguinte:"; + Text[ russian ] = ". :"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Ja, en wel het volgende:"; + Text[ french ] = "Oui, le suivant :"; + Text[ spanish ] = "S, el siguiente:"; + Text[ italian ] = "S, il seguente:"; + Text[ danish ] = "Ja, det skal vre flgende:"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Ja, fljande:"; + Text[ polish ] = "Tak, wybierz nastpujce:"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ja, und zwar folgendes:"; + Text[ japanese ] = "͂Aȉ̂Ƃ:"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ǣѡУ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "OAܤUCG"; + Text[ arabic ] = " :"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Ja, en wel het volgende:"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ǣѡУ"; + Text[ greek ] = ", :"; + Text[ korean ] = " :"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Evet, aadaki:"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 14 +{ + Text = "Nein, kein Feld soll ausgewhlt sein."; + Text [ english_us ] = "No, one particular field is not going to be selected."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "No, nenhum."; + Text[ russian ] = ". ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Nee, geen veld selecteren."; + Text[ french ] = "Non, aucun."; + Text[ spanish ] = "No, no debe ser seleccionado ningn campo."; + Text[ italian ] = "Non selezionare alcun campo."; + Text[ danish ] = "Nej, der skal ikke vlges et felt."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Nej, inget flt skall vara utvalt."; + Text[ polish ] = "Nie, nie wybieraj adnego pola."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nein, kein Feld soll ausgewhlt sein."; + Text[ japanese ] = "Ąނ͑I܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "񣬲Ҫѡκ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "_AnܡC"; + Text[ arabic ] = "ǡ ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Nee, geen veld selecteren."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "񣬲Ҫѡκ"; + Text[ greek ] = ", ."; + Text[ korean ] = "ƴϿ, ʵ尡 õǾ ־ ȵ˴ϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Hayr, hibir alan seili olmamaldr."; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 15 +{ + Text = "Wenn Sie eine Option auswhlen, wird der Optionsgruppe ein bestimmter Wert zugewiesen."; + Text [ english_us ] = "When you select an option, the option group is given a specific value."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Se seleccionar uma opo, ser atribudo um determinado valor ao grupo de opes."; + Text[ russian ] = " , ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Als u een optie kiest wordt er een bepaalde waarde toegewezen aan de optiegroep."; + Text[ french ] = "Si vous slectionnez une option, une valeur dfinie sera attribue au groupe d'options."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Si elige una opcin, se le asignar al grupo de opciones un determinado valor."; + Text[ italian ] = "Selezionando un'opzione, verr assegnato un dato valore al gruppo di opzioni."; + Text[ danish ] = "Hvis du vlger et alternativ, fr alternativgruppen tildelt en bestemt vrdi."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Om du vljer ett alternativ tilldelas alternativgruppen ett visst vrde."; + Text[ polish ] = "Po wybraniu opcji grupie opcji zostanie przypisana okrelona warto."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Wenn Sie eine Option auswhlen, wird der Optionsgruppe ein bestimmter Wert zugewiesen."; + Text[ japanese ] = "߼݂P‘IƁA߼ݸٰ߂ɖĒl蓖Ă܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡһѡѡСͻһֵ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "pGzܤF@ӿﶵAﶵsմN|o@ӼƭȡC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ʡ ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Als u een optie kiest wordt er een bepaalde waarde toegewezen aan de optiegroep."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡһѡѡСͻһֵ"; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ korean ] = "ɼ ϸ ɼ ׷쿡 Ưѡ Ҵ˴ϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Bir seenek belirlendiinde, seenek grubuna belirli bir deer atanr."; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 16 +{ + Text = "Welchen Wert mchten Sie jeder Option zuweisen?"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Which value do you want to assign to each option?"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Qual o valor a atribuir a cada opo?"; + Text[ russian ] = " ?"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Welke waarden wilt u toewijzen aan de opties ?"; + Text[ french ] = "Quelle valeur attribuer chaque option ?"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Qu valor desea asignarle a cada opcin?"; + Text[ italian ] = "Quale valore desiderate assegnare a ogni opzione?"; + Text[ danish ] = "Hvilken vrdi til du tildele hvert alternativ?"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Vilket vrde vill du tilldela varje alternativ ?"; + Text[ polish ] = "Jak warto przypisa pojedynczym opcjom?"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Welchen Wert mchten Sie jeder Option zuweisen ?"; + Text[ japanese ] = "e߼݂ɂǂ̒l蓖Ă܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ҫѡֵǣ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "nwCӿﶵƭȡH"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ѿ"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Welke waarden wilt u toewijzen aan de opties ?"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ҫѡֵǣ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ;"; + Text[ korean ] = " ɼǿ ҴϽðڽϱ?"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Her bir seenee hangi deeri atamak istiyorsunuz?"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 17 +{ + Text = "~Optionsfelder"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Option Fields"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~campos de opo"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Optievelden"; + Text[ french ] = "~Boutons radio"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos de opcin"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Campi di opzione"; + Text[ danish ] = "A~lternativfelter"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Alternativflt"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Pola opcji"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Optionsfelder"; + Text[ japanese ] = "߼̨(~O)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ(~O)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ﶵ(~O)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Optievelden"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ(~O)"; + Text[ greek ] = " ~"; + Text[ korean ] = "ɼ ʵ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Seenek alanlar"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 18 +{ + Text = "Sie knnen den Wert der Optionsgruppe entweder in einem Datenbankfeld speichern oder ihn fr eine sptere Aktion verwenden."; + Text [ english_us ] = "You can either save the value of the option group in a database field or use it for a subsequent action."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Poder guardar o valor do grupo de opes num campo da base de dados ou utiliz-lo para uma aco posterior."; + Text[ russian ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de optiegroep opslaan in een databaseveld of hem een andere keer gebruiken."; + Text[ french ] = "Vous pouvez soit enregistrer la valeur du groupe d'options dans un champ de base de donnes, soit l'utiliser pour une action ultrieure."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Puede guardar el valor del grupo de opciones en un campo de base de datos o usarlo para una accin posterior."; + Text[ italian ] = "Potete salvare il valore del gruppo di opzioni in un campo database oppure utilizzarlo per un'operazione successiva."; + Text[ danish ] = "Du kan enten gemme alternativgruppens vrdi i et databasefelt eller bruge den til en senere handling."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Du kan antingen spara alternativgruppens vrde i ett databasflt eller anvnda det till en senare tgrd."; + Text[ polish ] = "Warto grupy opcji mona zapisa w polu bazy danych lub uy jej do pniejszej operacji."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sie knnen den Wert der Optionsgruppe entweder in einem Datenbankfeld speichern oder ihn fr eine sptere Aktion verwenden."; + Text[ japanese ] = "߼ݸٰ߂̒ĺAްް̨ނɕۑ邩A邢͎̱݂Ŏgp܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ܹѡСֵһݿԺ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "zb@ӸƮwxsﶵsժƭȡAHƤϥΥC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de optiegroep opslaan in een databaseveld of hem een andere keer gebruiken."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ܹѡСֵһݿԺ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ korean ] = "ɼ ׷ ͺ̽ ʵ忡 ϰų ۾ ֽϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Seenek alannn deerini bir veritaban alannda kaydedebilir ya da bu deeri daha sonra yaplacak bir ilemde kullanabilirsiniz."; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 19 +{ + Text = "Mchten Sie den Wert in einem Datenbankfeld speichern?"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Do you want to save the value in a database field?"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Guardar o valor num campo da base de dados?"; + Text[ russian ] = " ?"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de waarde opslaan in een databaseveld ?"; + Text[ french ] = "Souhaitez-vous enregistrer la valeur dans un champ de base de donnes ?"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Desea guardar el valor en un campo de base de datos?"; + Text[ italian ] = "Volete salvare il valore in un campo database ?"; + Text[ danish ] = "Vil du gemme vrdien i et databasefelt?"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Vill du spara vrdet i ett databasflt ?"; + Text[ polish ] = "Czy zapisa t warto w polu bazy danych ?"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Mchten Sie den Wert in einem Datenbankfeld speichern ?"; + Text[ japanese ] = "lްް̨ނɕۑ܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ҫ̵ֵһݿڣ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "znbƮw줺xsoӼƭȡH"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ʿ"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de waarde opslaan in een databaseveld ?"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ҫ̵ֵһݿڣ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ;"; + Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽ ʵ Ͻðڽϱ?"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Deeri bir veritaban alannda kaydetmek istiyor musunuz?"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 20 +{ + Text = "Ja, und zwar in folgendem Datenbankfeld :"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Yes, save it in the following database field:"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Sim, no seguinte:"; + Text[ russian ] = ". :"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld :"; + Text[ french ] = "Oui, dans le champ suivant :"; + Text[ spanish ] = "S, en el siguiente campo :"; + Text[ italian ] = "S, nel seguente campo database :"; + Text[ danish ] = "Ja, den skal gemmes i flgende databasefelt:"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Ja, i fljande databasflt :"; + Text[ polish ] = "Tak, jest to moliwe w nastpujcym polu bazy danych :"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Ja, und zwar in folgendem Datenbankfeld :"; + Text[ japanese ] = "͂Aްް̨ނɕۑ:"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ǣµݿ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "OAUCƮwG"; + Text[ arabic ] = " :"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld :"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ǣµݿ"; + Text[ greek ] = ", :"; + Text[ korean ] = ", ͺ̽ ʵ忡 Ͻʽÿ:"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Evet, aadaki veritaban alannda kaydedebilirsiniz :"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 21 +{ + Text = "Nein, ich mchte den Wert nur im Formular speichern."; + Text [ english_us ] = "No, I only want to save the value in the form."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "No. Guardar apenas no formulrio."; + Text[ russian ] = ". "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Nee, ik wil de waarde alleen opslaan in het formulier."; + Text[ french ] = "Non, je souhaite enregistrer la valeur uniquement dans le formulaire."; + Text[ spanish ] = "No, deseo guardar el valor solo en el formulario."; + Text[ italian ] = "Salva il valore solo nel formulario."; + Text[ danish ] = "Nej, jeg vil kun gemme vrdien i formularen."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Nej, jag vill bara spara vrdet i formulret."; + Text[ polish ] = "Nie, zapisz t warto tylko w formularzu."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nein, ich mchte den Wert nur im Formular speichern."; + Text[ japanese ] = "Al̫тɂۑȂB"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֻ뽫ֵ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "_AusJ@Ӫ椺C"; + Text[ arabic ] = "ǡ ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Nee, ik wil de waarde alleen opslaan in het formulier."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֻ뽫ֵ"; + Text[ greek ] = ", ."; + Text[ korean ] = "ƴϿ, Ŀ ϰڽϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Hayr, deeri yalnzca form iinde kaydetmek istiyorum."; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 22 +{ + Text = "Welche Beschriftung soll Ihre Optionsgruppe haben?"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Which caption is to be given to your option group?"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Qual o ttulo a atribuir ao grupo de opes?"; + Text[ russian ] = " ?"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Welk naam wilt u uw optiegroep geven ?"; + Text[ french ] = "Quelle tiquette attribuer au groupe d'options ?"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Qu ttulo debe tener el grupo de opciones?"; + Text[ italian ] = "Quale dicitura volete assegnare al gruppo di opzioni ?"; + Text[ danish ] = "Hvilken etiket skal din alternativgruppe have?"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Vilken beteckning skall din alternativgrupp ha?"; + Text[ polish ] = "Jakie etykiety powinna zawiera Twoja grupa opcji ?"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Welche Beschriftung soll Ihre Options- gruppe haben ?"; + Text[ japanese ] = "߼ݸٰ߂ɂǂ̖Ot܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡСƣ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ﶵsժW١H"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ߿"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Welk naam wilt u uw optiegroep geven ?"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡСƣ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ;"; + Text[ korean ] = "ɼ ׷쿡 ĸ Ͻðڽϱ?"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Seenek grubunuza hangi resim altyazs verilsin?"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GROUP_WIZARD_START + 23 +{ + Text = "Dies waren alle Angaben, die zur Erstellung der Optionsgruppe notwendig waren."; + Text [ english_us ] = "These were all details needed to create the option group."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "As informaes necessrias para criar o grupo de opes esto agora completas."; + Text[ russian ] = " , ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De gegevens voor het maken van de optiegroep zijn nu compleet."; + Text[ french ] = "Toutes les informations ncessaires ont t rassembles ; le groupe d'options va pouvoir tre cr."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Ya se dispone de las informaciones necesarias para crear el grupo de opciones."; + Text[ italian ] = "Tutte le informazioni necessarie per creare il gruppo di opzioni sono state indicate."; + Text[ danish ] = "Det var alle informationer, som krves for at kunne oprette en alternativgruppe."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Det var alla uppgifter som behvdes fr att skapa alternativgruppen."; + Text[ polish ] = "Byy to ju wszystkie dane wymagane do utworzenia grupy opcji."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dies waren alle Angaben, die zur Erstellung der Optionsgruppe notwendig waren."; + Text[ japanese ] = "߼ݸٰ߂̍쐬ɕKvȎ́AőSłB"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ЩѡСϡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "oǬO@ﶵsթһݪơC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De gegevens voor het maken van de optiegroep zijn nu compleet."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ЩѡСϡ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ korean ] = "̰ ɼ ׷ ۼ ʿ ̾ϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Seenek grubunun oluturulmas iin gereken tm bilgiler bunlardr."; +}; + +// ============================================================================ + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 0 +{ + Text = "AutoPilot Formulare"; + Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot Forms"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Formulrios"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Formulieren"; + Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de formulaire"; + Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Formularios"; + Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Formulario"; + Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot - formularer"; + Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot formulr"; + Text[ polish ] = "Formularze Autopilota"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "AutoPilot Formulare"; + Text[ japanese ] = "߲ۯ ̫"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զļ "; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ɮקUz "; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Formulieren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զļ "; + Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot"; + Text[ korean ] = "ڵϷ "; + Text[ turkish ] = "Form OtoPilotu"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 1 +{ + Text = "Der Titel kann nicht verwendet werden. Bitte whlen Sie einen anderen."; + Text [ english_us ] = "This title can not be used. Please select a different one."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Impossvel utilizar este ttulo. Seleccione outro."; + Text[ russian ] = " . , , ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De naam is niet bruikbaar, Kies een andere"; + Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'utiliser ce titre. Veuillez en choisir un autre."; + Text[ spanish ] = "No se puede usar el ttulo. Escoja otro."; + Text[ italian ] = "Il titolo non pu essere utilizzato. Sceglietene un altro."; + Text[ danish ] = "Det er ikke muligt at bruge denne titel. Vlg venligst en anden."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Titeln kan inte anvndas. Vlj en annan titel."; + Text[ polish ] = "Tego tytuu nie mona uy. Prosz zastosowa inny tytu."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Der Titel kann nicht verwendet werden. Bitte whlen Sie einen anderen."; + Text[ japanese ] = "ق͎gpł܂BʂقɂĂB"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷ʹ⡣ѡһı⡣"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "LkϥγoӼDCбzܥt~@ӡC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De naam is niet bruikbaar, Kies een andere"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷ʹ⡣ѡһı⡣"; + Text[ greek ] = " . ."; + Text[ korean ] = " ϴ. ٸ Ͻʽÿ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Bu balk kullanlamyor. Ltfen baka bir balk ad seiniz."; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 2 +{ + Text = "Formular erzeugen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Create Form"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Criar formulrio"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Formulier maken"; + Text[ french ] = "Crer un formulaire"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Crear formulario"; + Text[ italian ] = "Crea formulario"; + Text[ danish ] = "Opret formular"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Skapa formulr"; + Text[ polish ] = "Utwrz formularz"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Formular erzeugen"; + Text[ japanese ] = "̫т̍쐬"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ɱ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "@"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Formulier maken"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ɱ"; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ korean ] = " "; + Text[ turkish ] = "Form olutur"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 3 +{ + Text = "Formular_"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Form_"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Formulrio_"; + Text[ russian ] = "_"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Formulier_"; + Text[ french ] = "Formulaire_"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Formulario_"; + Text[ italian ] = "Formulario_"; + Text[ danish ] = "Formular_"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Formulr_"; + Text[ polish ] = "Formularz_"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Formular_"; + Text[ japanese ] = "̫_"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "_"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "_"; + Text[ arabic ] = "_"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Formulier_"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "_"; + Text[ greek ] = "_"; + Text[ korean ] = "_"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Form_"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 4 +{ + Text = " (Datum)"; + Text [ english_us ] = "(Date)"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "(Data)"; + Text[ russian ] = "()"; + Text[ dutch ] = "(Datum)"; + Text[ french ] = "(Date)"; + Text[ spanish ] = "(Fecha)"; + Text[ italian ] = "(Data)"; + Text[ danish ] = "(Dato)"; + Text[ swedish ] = "(Datum)"; + Text[ polish ] = "(Data)"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "(Datum)"; + Text[ japanese ] = "(t)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "()"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "()"; + Text[ arabic ] = "()"; + Text[ dutch ] = "(Datum)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "()"; + Text[ greek ] = "()"; + Text[ korean ] = " (¥)"; + Text[ turkish ] = "(Tarih)"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 5 +{ + Text = " (Zeit)"; + Text [ english_us ] = "(Time)"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "(hora)"; + Text[ russian ] = "()"; + Text[ dutch ] = "(Tijd)"; + Text[ french ] = "(Heure)"; + Text[ spanish ] = "(Hora)"; + Text[ italian ] = "(Ora)"; + Text[ danish ] = "(Klokkeslt)"; + Text[ swedish ] = "(Tid)"; + Text[ polish ] = "(Godzina)"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "(Zeit)"; + Text[ japanese ] = "()"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(ʱ)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(ɶ)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "()"; + Text[ dutch ] = "(Tijd)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(ʱ)"; + Text[ greek ] = "()"; + Text[ korean ] = "(ð)"; + Text[ turkish ] = "(Saat)"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 6 +{ + Text = ": Tabellenauswahl"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Table Selection"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Slection de table"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione tabella"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Tabeludvalg"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Tabellurval"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr tabeli"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Tabellenauswahl"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ðق̑I"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gܪ"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ǥ"; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo seimi"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 7 +{ + Text = ": Feldauswahl"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Selection"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de campo"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Slection de champ"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de campo"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione campo"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Feltudvalg"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Flturval"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Feldauswahl"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ̨ނ̑I"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ʵ "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan seimi"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 8 +{ + Text = ": Feldausrichtung"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Alignment"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Alinhamento de campo"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld uitlijnen"; + Text[ french ] = ": Alignement de champ"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Alineacin de campo"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Allineamento del campo"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Feltjustering"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Fltjustering"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wyrwnanie pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Feldausrichtung"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ̨ނ̔zu"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gվ"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld uitlijnen"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ʵ "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan hizalamas"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 9 +{ + Text = ": Vorlagen"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Styles"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Estilos"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": sjablonen"; + Text[ french ] = ": Styles"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Estilos"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Modelli"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Typografier"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Mallar"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Style"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Vorlagen"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": "; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G˦"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": sjablonen"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ"; + Text[ greek ] = ":"; + Text[ korean ] = ": "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": ablonlar"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 10 +{ + Text = ": Formular erstellen"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Create Form"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar formulrio"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": formulier maken"; + Text[ french ] = ": Crer le formulaire"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear formulario"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Crea formulario"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Opret formular"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Skapa formulr"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Utwrz formularz"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Formular erstellen"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ̫т̍쐬"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G@"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": formulier maken"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Form olutur"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 11 +{ + Text = "Datenq~uelle"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Data So~urce"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Fonte de dados"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron"; + Text[ french ] = "S~ource de donnes"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Fuente de datos"; + Text[ italian ] = "Sorgente ~dati"; + Text[ danish ] = "Data~kilde"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Data~klla"; + Text[ polish ] = "rdo danych"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datenq~uelle"; + Text[ japanese ] = "t~"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Դ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Ʒ"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Դ"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = " ҽ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kayna"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 12 +{ + Text = "~Vorhandene Felder"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Ex~isting Fields"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos ~disponveis"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden"; + Text[ french ] = "~Champs existants"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos existentes"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Campi disponibili"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Eksisterende felter"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Existerande flt"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Istniejce pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Vorhandene Felder"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~gpł̨"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ(~V)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "{s(~V)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ(~V)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = "ϴ ʵ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Mevcut alanlar"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 13 +{ + Text = "Felder im ~Formular"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Fields in Form"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos no ~formulrio"; + Text[ russian ] = " ~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Velden in ~formulier"; + Text[ french ] = "Champs du ~formulaire"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Campos en ~Formulario"; + Text[ italian ] = "Campi nel ~formulario"; + Text[ danish ] = "Felter i ~formularen"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Flt i ~formulr"; + Text[ polish ] = "Pola w ~ formularzu"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Felder im ~Formular"; + Text[ japanese ] = "̫т ~̨"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ڵֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "椺(~F)"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Velden in ~formulier"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ڵֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ~"; + Text[ korean ] = "ij ʵ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Form iindeki alanlar"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 14 +{ + Text = "~Stil"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Style"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Estilo"; + Text[ russian ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Stijl"; + Text[ french ] = "~Style"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Estilo"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Stile"; + Text[ danish ] = "T~ype"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Stil"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Styl"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Stil"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~S)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~S)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Stijl"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~S)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~"; + Text[ korean ] = "Ÿ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Biim"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 15 +{ + Text = "S~paltenorientiert"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Column oriented"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Em ~colunas"; + Text[ russian ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Kolomgerinteerd"; + Text[ french ] = "En c~olonnes"; + Text[ spanish ] = "En ~columnas"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Orientato a colonna"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Kolonneorienteret"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Kolumnorienterad"; + Text[ polish ] = "W postaci kolumn"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "S~paltenorientiert"; + Text[ japanese ] = "ɂ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~P)"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Kolomgerinteerd"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = " "; + Text[ turkish ] = "Stunlar halinde"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 16 +{ + Text = "~Optimiert"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Optimized"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Optimizado"; + Text[ russian ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Geoptimaliseerd"; + Text[ french ] = "~Optimis"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Optimado"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Ottimizzato"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Optimeret"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Optimerad"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Optymalny"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Optimiert"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~œK"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ѿѻ(~O)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "̨Τ(~O)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Geoptimaliseerd"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ѿѻ(~O)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~"; + Text[ korean ] = "ȭ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Optimum"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 17 +{ + Text = "~Tabellarisch"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Tabular"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Em tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabelvorm"; + Text[ french ] = "~En tableau"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Como tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Tabellare"; + Text[ danish ] = "Ta~bellarisk"; + Text[ swedish ] = "I ~tabellform"; + Text[ polish ] = "~W postaci tabeli"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Tabellarisch"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~ð"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ(~T)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "榡"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabelvorm"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ(~T)"; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ korean ] = "ǥ "; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Tablo halinde"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 18 +{ + Text = "Titel / ~Daten"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Title / ~Data"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Ttulo / ~Dados"; + Text[ russian ] = " / ~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Naam / ~gegevens"; + Text[ french ] = "Titre / ~Donnes"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Ttulo / ~Datos"; + Text[ italian ] = "Titolo / ~dati"; + Text[ danish ] = "Titel / ~Data"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Titel / ~data"; + Text[ polish ] = "Tytu / ~Dane"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Titel / ~Daten"; + Text[ japanese ] = "/t"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "/"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "DMƾ"; + Text[ arabic ] = " / ~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Naam / ~gegevens"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "/"; + Text[ greek ] = " / ~"; + Text[ korean ] = "/"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Balk / ~Veriler"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 19 +{ + Text = "~Nebeneinander"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Tile"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Lado a lado"; + Text[ russian ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Naast elkaar"; + Text[ french ] = "~Juxtaposer"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Mosaico"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Uno accanto all'altro"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Side om side"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Bredvid varandra"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Ssiadujce"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Nebeneinander"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~N)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "}"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Naast elkaar"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~N)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = "ٵǽ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Yan yana"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 20 +{ + Text = "~bereinander"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Stacked"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Sobrepostos"; + Text[ russian ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Onder elkaar"; + Text[ french ] = "~Empiler"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Apilado"; + Text[ italian ] = "Sovrapposti"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Over hinanden"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~ver varandra"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Jeden nad drugim"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~bereinander"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~c"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ص(~U)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "|"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Onder elkaar"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ص(~U)"; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ korean ] = "~Ϸ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~st ste"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 21 +{ + Text = "~Seitenvorlagen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Page Style"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Estilos de pgina"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Pagina-opmaakprofielen"; + Text[ french ] = "~Styles de page"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Estilos de pgina"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Modelli di pagina"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Sidetypografier"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Sidformatmallar"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Style strony"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Seitenvorlagen"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~߰޽"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳʽ(~S)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "˦"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Pagina-opmaakprofielen"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ҳʽ(~S)"; + Text[ greek ] = " ~"; + Text[ korean ] = " "; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Sayfa biimleri"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 22 +{ + Text = "~Dokumententitel"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Document title"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Ttulo do documento"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Naam document"; + Text[ french ] = "~Titre du document"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Ttulo del documento"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Titolo del documento"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Dokumenttitel"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Dokumentnamn"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Tytu dokumentu"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Dokumententitel"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~޷"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵ(~D)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "D"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Naam document"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵ(~D)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = " "; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Belge bal"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 23 +{ + Text = "~Nach der Fertigstellung..."; + Text [ english_us ] = "~After completion..."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Depois de pronto..."; + Text[ russian ] = "~ ..."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Na ~voltooing..."; + Text[ french ] = "~Aprs gnration..."; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Tras la creacin..."; + Text[ italian ] = "~Dopo il completamento..."; + Text[ danish ] = "~Efter frdiggrelsen..."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Nr det r fr~digt..."; + Text[ polish ] = "~Po wykonaniu..."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Nach der Fertigstellung..."; + Text[ japanese ] = "~..."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ɺ(~N)..."; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "b(~N)..."; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ ..."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Na ~voltooing..."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ɺ(~N)..."; + Text[ greek ] = " ..."; + Text[ korean ] = "Ϸ ..."; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Oluturulduktan sonra..."; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 24 +{ + Text = "Dokument ~sofort benutzen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "use document immediately"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Utilizar ~documento de imediato"; + Text[ russian ] = " ~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "document ~meteen gebruiken"; + Text[ french ] = "~Afficher le document"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Usar documento inmediatamente"; + Text[ italian ] = "Utili~zza subito il documento"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Brug dokument med det samme"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Anvnd dokument ~direkt"; + Text[ polish ] = "Zastosuj od razu ~ dokument"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dokument ~sofort benutzen"; + Text[ japanese ] = "޷Ă ~Ɏgp"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʹĵ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ߨϥΤ(~S)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "document ~meteen gebruiken"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʹĵ"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = " á"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Belgeyi hemen kullan"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 25 +{ + Text = "Dokument ~ablegen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "save document"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Guardar documento"; + Text[ russian ] = " ~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "document ~opslaan"; + Text[ french ] = "~Archiver le document "; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Guardar documento"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Salva il documento"; + Text[ danish ] = "A~rkiver dokument"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Arkivera dokument"; + Text[ polish ] = "Zapisz ~ dokument"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Dokument ~ablegen"; + Text[ japanese ] = "޷Ă ~i["; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Os(~A)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "document ~opslaan"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ĵ"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = " "; + Text[ turkish ] = "Belgeyi kaydet"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 26 +{ + Text = "Das Formular wurde erstellt und in der Datenbank abgelegt."; + Text [ english_us ] = "The form has been created and saved in the database."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "O formulrio foi criado e guardado na base de dados."; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Het formulier werd gemaakt en opgeslagen in de database."; + Text[ french ] = "Le formulaire a t cr et archiv dans la base de donnes."; + Text[ spanish ] = "El formulario se ha creado y guardado en la base de datos."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Formulret har skapats och arkiverats i databasen."; + Text[ russian ] = " ."; + Text[ italian ] = "Il formulario stato creato e salvato nel database."; + Text[ danish ] = "Formularen er blevet oprettet og arkiveret i databesen."; + Text[ polish ] = "Formularz zosta utworzony i zapisany w bazie danych."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "The form was created and abgelegt in the database."; + Text[ japanese ] = "̫т͍쐬ްްɊi[Ă܂B"; + Text[ korean ] = " ̽ Ǿϴ."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѾҴݿڡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "bƮwwgإߩMxsFoӪC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Form oluturuldu ve veritabanna kaydedildi."; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 27 +{ + Text = "Formular-Namen drfen maximal 32 Zeichen lang sein."; + Text [ english ] = "Form names must not contain more than 32 characters."; + Text [ english_us ] = "Form names cannot be longer than 32 characters."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Os nomes de formulrios s podem ter um mximo de 32 caracteres."; + Text[ russian ] = " 32 ."; + Text[ greek ] = " 32 ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Formuliernamen mog en maximaal 32 tekens lang zijn."; + Text[ french ] = "Un nom de formulaire peut contenir au maximum 32 caractres."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Los nombres de formularios no pueden exceder los 32 caracteres."; + Text[ italian ] = "I nomi del formulario possono avere una lunghezza massima di 32 caratteri."; + Text[ danish ] = "Formular-navne m hjst indeholder 32 tegn."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Formulrnamn fr inte innehlla mer n 32 tecken."; + Text[ polish ] = "Nazwy formularzy mog si skada z maksymalnie 32 znakw."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Form names must not contain more than 32 characters."; + Text[ japanese ] = "̫і͍ō32܂łłB"; + Text[ korean ] = " ̸ ̰ 32ڸ ʰؼ¡ȵ˴ϴ."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֻ32ַɡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Wٳ̪oWL 32 ӦrC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " 32 ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Form adlar en fazla 32 karakterden oluabilir."; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 28 +{ + Text = "Feldumrandung"; + Text [ english ] = "Controlframes"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Field border"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Controlframes"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Controlframes"; + Text[ french ] = "Bordure de champ"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Bordes de campo"; + Text[ italian ] = "Bordo campo"; + Text[ danish ] = "Controlframes"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Fltinramning"; + Text[ polish ] = "Obramowanie pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Controlframes"; + Text[ japanese ] = "̨ޘg"; + Text[ korean ] = "Controlframes"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֶα߿"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ""; + Text[ turkish ] = "Controlframes"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ῿ 47566"; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 29 +{ + Text = "Ohne Umrandung"; + Text [ english ] = "No Border"; + Text [ english_us ] = "No border"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "No Border"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "No Border"; + Text[ french ] = "Sans bordure"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Sin bordes"; + Text[ italian ] = "Senza bordo"; + Text[ danish ] = "No Border"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Utan inramning"; + Text[ polish ] = "Bez obramowania"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No Border"; + Text[ japanese ] = "gȂ"; + Text[ korean ] = "No Border"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ޱ߿"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "L"; + Text[ turkish ] = "No Border"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ϡ ѿ 47565"; +}; + + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 30 +{ + Text = "3-D Look"; + Text [ english ] = "3D Look"; + Text [ english_us ] = "3D Look"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "3D Look"; + Text[ russian ] = " 3-"; + Text[ greek ] = " 3"; + Text[ dutch ] = "3D Look"; + Text[ french ] = "3D"; + Text[ spanish ] = "3D"; + Text[ italian ] = "3D"; + Text[ danish ] = "3D Look"; + Text[ swedish ] = "3D-look"; + Text[ polish ] = "Trjwymiarowy"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "3D Look"; + Text[ japanese ] = "3D ٯ"; + Text[ korean ] = "3D Look"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "3ά"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "3D ~["; + Text[ turkish ] = "3D Look"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_FORM_WIZARD_START + 31 +{ + Text = "Flach"; + Text [ english ] = "Flat"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Flat"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Flat"; + Text[ russian ] = ""; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "Flat"; + Text[ french ] = "Plat"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Planos"; + Text[ italian ] = "Piano"; + Text[ danish ] = "Flat"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Flat"; + Text[ polish ] = "Paski"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Flat"; + Text[ japanese ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = "Flat"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ƽ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ""; + Text[ turkish ] = "Flat"; + Text[ arabic ] = ""; +}; +// ============================================================================ + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 0 +{ + Text = "AutoPilot Abfrage"; + Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot Query"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Consulta"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Query"; + Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de requte"; + Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto Consulta"; + Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Ricerca"; + Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot - foresprgsel"; + Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot skning"; + Text[ polish ] = "Kwerenda AutoPilota"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "AutoPilot Abfrage"; + Text[ japanese ] = "߲ۯ ذ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զļ ѯ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "۰ɮקUz d"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Query"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զļ ѯ"; + Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot"; + Text[ korean ] = "ڵϷ "; + Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgu OtoPilotu"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 1 +{ + Text = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mindestens eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Abfragen starten zu knnen."; + Text [ english_us ] = "A database has not been installed. There must be at least one database on the system before the AutoPilot Query can be started."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "No existe nenhuma base de dados instalada. necessria pelo menos uma base de dados para poder iniciar o AutoPiloto para consultas."; + Text[ russian ] = " . ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft tenminste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor query's te kunnen starten."; + Text[ french ] = "Aucune base de donnes n'est installe. Vous avez besoin d'au moins une base de donnes afin de pouvoir lancer l'AutoPilote de requtes."; + Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el AutoPiloto para consultas."; + Text[ italian ] = "Non stato installato nessun database. necessario installare almeno un database per poter avviare il pilota automatico per le ricerche."; + Text[ danish ] = "Der er ikke installeret en database. Der krves mindst en database for at kunne starte AutoPiloten for foresprgsler."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Ingen databas r installerad. Du behver minst en databas fr att kunna starta AutoPiloten fr skningar."; + Text[ polish ] = "Nie zainstalowano bazy danych. Wymagana jest co najmniej jedna baza danych, aby uruchomi AutoPilota dla kwerend."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mindestens eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Abfragen starten zu knnen."; + Text[ japanese ] = "ްްݽİقĂ܂Bذ쐬p̵߲ۯĂJnɂ́AްްŒ‚͕KvłB"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ûаװκݿ⡣ҪִԶļѯʹ밲װһݿ⡣"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Sw˸ƮwC]Lkd߸ƮwCzwˤ@ӸƮwC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft tenminste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor query's te kunnen starten."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ûаװκݿ⡣ҪִԶļѯʹ밲װһݿ⡣"; + Text[ greek ] = " . AutoPilot ."; + Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽ ϳ ġǾ ʽϴ. ڵϷ Ϸ ͺ̽ ּ ϳ ʿմϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Kurulmu veritaban yok. Sorgu OtoPilot'unu balatabilmek iin en az bir veritaban mevcut olmaldr."; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 2 +{ + Text = "In der Ausfhrung, oder beim Anlegen der Abfrage ist ein Fehler aufgetreten."; + Text [ english_us ] = "An error occurred during the execution or defining of a query."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Surgiu um erro ao executar ou ao criar a consulta."; + Text[ russian ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij de uitvoering of bij het maken van de query."; + Text[ french ] = "Une erreur s'est produite lors de l'excution ou de la cration de la requte."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Ha ocurrido un error en la ejecucin o al guardar la consulta."; + Text[ italian ] = "Si verificato un errore nell'esecuzione o nella definizione della ricerca."; + Text[ danish ] = "Der opstod en fejl ved udfrelse eller oprettelse af foresprgslen."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Ett fel uppstod nr skningen utfrdes eller skapades"; + Text[ polish ] = "Przy wykonywaniu lub przy tworzeniu kwerendy wystpi bd."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "In der Ausfhrung, oder beim Anlegen der Abfrage ist ein Fehler aufgetreten."; + Text[ japanese ] = "ذ̎sA܂͸ذi[Ƃɴװ܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ִлѯʱ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "bΫإߤ@Ӭd߮ɵoͿ~C"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Er is een fout opgetreden bij de uitvoering of bij het maken van de query."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ִлѯʱ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ korean ] = "Ǹ ϰų ߻߽ϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Yrtmede ya da sorgu oluturmada bir hata olutu."; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 3 +{ + Text = "Die Abfrage wurde im Explorer abgelegt."; + Text [ english_us ] = "The query has been saved in the Explorer."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "A consulta foi guardada no Explorer."; + Text[ russian ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De query werd opgenomen in de explorer."; + Text[ french ] = "La requte a t archive dans l'Explorer."; + Text[ spanish ] = "La consulta se ha guardado en el Explorador."; + Text[ italian ] = "La ricerca stata salvata nell'Explorer."; + Text[ danish ] = "Foresprgslen blev arkiveret i Explorer."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Skningen har arkiverats i Explorer."; + Text[ polish ] = "Kwerenda zostaa zapisana w Eksploratorze."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Die Abfrage wurde im Explorer abgelegt."; + Text[ japanese ] = "ذ𴸽۰ׂɊi[܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѯԴڡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "wgbɮ`ޤxsFdߡC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De query werd opgenomen in de explorer."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѯԴڡ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ korean ] = "ǰ ͽ÷η Ǿϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgu Explorer'da kaydedildi."; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 4 +{ + Text = "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Die Abfrage konnte nicht abgelegt werden."; + Text [ english_us ] = "An error occurred. The query could not be saved."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Surgiu um erro. Foi impossvel guardar a consulta."; + Text[ russian ] = " . ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Er is een fout opgetreden. De query kon niet worden geplaatst in de explorer."; + Text[ french ] = "Une erreur s'est produite. La requte n'a pu tre archive."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Ha ocurrido un error. No se pudo guardar la consulta."; + Text[ italian ] = "Si verificato un errore. Non stato possibile salvare la ricerca."; + Text[ danish ] = "Der opstod en fejl. Det var ikke muligt at arkivere foresprgslen."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Ett fel uppstod. Skningen kunde inte arkiveras."; + Text[ polish ] = "Wystpi bd. Kwerendy nie mona byo zapisa."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Es ist ein Fehler aufgetreten. Die Abfrage konnte nicht abgelegt werden."; + Text[ japanese ] = "װ܂Bذ͊i[ł܂łB"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һ޷ѯ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "oͤ@ӿ~ALkxsdߡC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Er is een fout opgetreden. De query kon niet worden geplaatst in de explorer."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "һ޷ѯ"; + Text[ greek ] = " . ."; + Text[ korean ] = " ߻߽ϴ. Ǹ ߽ϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Bir hata olutu. Sorgu kaydedilemedi."; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 5 +{ + Text = "Doppelter Feldname. Es existiert bereits ein Feld mit der Bezeichnung $1."; + Text [ english_us ] = "Duplicate field name. A field named $1 already exists."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Emprego duplo do nome de campo. J existe um campo com o nome $1."; + Text[ russian ] = " . $1 ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Dubbele veldnaam. Er bestaat reeds een veld met de naam $1."; + Text[ french ] = "Le nom du champ fait double emploi ! Il existe dj un champ intitul $1."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Nombre doble de campo: Ya existe un campo con el nombre $1."; + Text[ italian ] = "Nome del campo doppio. Esiste gi un campo dal nome $1."; + Text[ danish ] = "Dobbelt feltnavn. Der findes allerede et felt med etiketten $1."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Dubbelt fltnamn. Det finns redan ett flt med beteckningen $1."; + Text[ polish ] = "Podwjna nazwa pola. Pole o nazwie $1 ju istnieje."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Doppelter Feldname. Es existiert bereits ein Feld mit der Bezeichnung $1."; + Text[ japanese ] = "̨ޖ̏dB$1̖Ǫނ͂łɑ݂Ă܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "˫ֶơѾһֶ $1"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W١Cwg@W $1 C"; + Text[ arabic ] = " . $1."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Dubbele veldnaam. Er bestaat reeds een veld met de naam $1."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "˫ֶơѾһֶ $1"; + Text[ greek ] = " . $1."; + Text[ korean ] = "ʵ̸ ߺǾϴ. ̸ $1 ʵ尡 ̹ ֽϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Alan ad kullanmda. $1 adnda baka bir alan mevcut."; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 6 +{ + Text = "Abfrage_"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Query_"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Consulta_"; + Text[ russian ] = "_"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Query_"; + Text[ french ] = "Requte_"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Consulta_"; + Text[ italian ] = "Ricerca_"; + Text[ danish ] = "Foresprgsel_"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Skning_"; + Text[ polish ] = "Kwerenda_"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Abfrage_"; + Text[ japanese ] = "ذ_"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѯ_"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "d_"; + Text[ arabic ] = "_"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Query_"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѯ_"; + Text[ greek ] = "_"; + Text[ korean ] = "_"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgu_"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 7 +{ + Text = "(kein)"; + Text [ english_us ] = "(none)"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "(nenhum)"; + Text[ russian ] = "()"; + Text[ dutch ] = "(geen)"; + Text[ french ] = "(aucun)"; + Text[ spanish ] = "(ninguno)"; + Text[ italian ] = "(nessuno)"; + Text[ danish ] = "(ingen)"; + Text[ swedish ] = "(ingen)"; + Text[ polish ] = "(brak)"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "(kein)"; + Text[ japanese ] = "(Ȃ)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "()"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(L)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "()"; + Text[ dutch ] = "(geen)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "()"; + Text[ greek ] = "()"; + Text[ korean ] = "()"; + Text[ turkish ] = "(yok)"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 8 +{ + Text = "leer"; + Text [ english_us ] = "empty"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "vazio"; + Text[ russian ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "leeg"; + Text[ french ] = "vide"; + Text[ spanish ] = "vaco"; + Text[ italian ] = "vuoto"; + Text[ danish ] = "tom"; + Text[ swedish ] = "tom"; + Text[ polish ] = "pusty"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "leer"; + Text[ japanese ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ȱ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ů"; + Text[ arabic ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "leeg"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ȱ"; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = ""; + Text[ turkish ] = "bo"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 9 +{ + Text = "nicht leer"; + Text [ english_us ] = "not empty"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "no vazio"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "niet leeg"; + Text[ french ] = "non vide"; + Text[ spanish ] = "no vaco"; + Text[ italian ] = "non vuoto"; + Text[ danish ] = "ikke tom"; + Text[ swedish ] = "inte tom"; + Text[ polish ] = "nie pusty"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "nicht leer"; + Text[ japanese ] = "󔒂łȂ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ȱ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ů"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "niet leeg"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ȱ"; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ korean ] = " ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "bo deil"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 10 +{ + Text = "wie"; + Text [ english_us ] = "like"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "como"; + Text[ russian ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "als"; + Text[ french ] = "comme"; + Text[ spanish ] = "como"; + Text[ italian ] = "uguale"; + Text[ danish ] = "som"; + Text[ swedish ] = "som"; + Text[ polish ] = "jak"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "wie"; + Text[ japanese ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ͬ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "pP"; + Text[ arabic ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "als"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ͬ"; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = " "; + Text[ turkish ] = "yle"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 11 +{ + Text = "nicht wie"; + Text [ english_us ] = "not like"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "diferente de"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "niet als"; + Text[ french ] = "diffrent de"; + Text[ spanish ] = "no como"; + Text[ italian ] = "non uguale"; + Text[ danish ] = "ikke som"; + Text[ swedish ] = "inte som"; + Text[ polish ] = "nie jak"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "nicht wie"; + Text[ japanese ] = "(ے)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ͬ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "P"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "niet als"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ͬ"; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ korean ] = " "; + Text[ turkish ] = "yle deil"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 12 +{ + Text = "UND"; + Text [ english_us ] = "AND"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "E"; + Text[ russian ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "EN"; + Text[ french ] = "ET"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Y"; + Text[ italian ] = "E"; + Text[ danish ] = "OG"; + Text[ swedish ] = "OCH"; + Text[ polish ] = "ORAZ"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "UND"; + Text[ japanese ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "AND"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "M"; + Text[ arabic ] = "AND"; + Text[ dutch ] = "EN"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "AND"; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = "׸"; + Text[ turkish ] = "VE"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 13 +{ + Text = "ODER"; + Text [ english_us ] = "OR"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "OU"; + Text[ russian ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "OF"; + Text[ french ] = "OU"; + Text[ spanish ] = "O"; + Text[ italian ] = "OPPURE"; + Text[ danish ] = "ELLER"; + Text[ swedish ] = "ELLER"; + Text[ polish ] = "LUB"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "ODER"; + Text[ japanese ] = "܂"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "OR"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ""; + Text[ arabic ] = "OR"; + Text[ dutch ] = "OF"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "OR"; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = "Ǵ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "VEYA"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 14 +{ + Text = ": Tabellenauswahl"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Table Selection"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Slection de table"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione tabella"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Tabeludvalg"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Tabellurval"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr tabeli"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Tabellenauswahl"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ںނ̑I"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gܪ"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ǥ"; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo seimi"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 15 +{ + Text = ": Feldauswahl"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Selection"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de campo"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Slection de champ"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de campo"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione campo"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Feltudvalg"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Flturval"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Feldauswahl"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ̨ނ̑I"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ʵ "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan seimi"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 16 +{ + Text = ": Filterung"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Filter"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Filtragem"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": filteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Filtrage"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Filtrar"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Filtro"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Filtrering"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Filtrering"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Filtrowanie"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Filterung"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ̨"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ɸѡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gz"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": filteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ɸѡ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Filtreleme"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 17 +{ + Text = ": Sortierung"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Sorting"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Ordem"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": sorteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Tri"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Ordenar"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Ordina"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Sortering"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Sortering"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Sortowanie"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Sortierung"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": בւ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "GƧ"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": sorteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Sralama"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 18 +{ + Text = ": Fertig stellen"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Create"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar"; + Text[ russian ] = ":"; + Text[ dutch ] = ": Voltooien"; + Text[ french ] = ": Crer"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Crea"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Udfr"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Frdigstll"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Utwrz"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Fertigstellen"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": "; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": Voltooien"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Olutur"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 19 +{ + Text = "~Vorschau"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Preview"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Ver"; + Text[ russian ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Voorbeeld"; + Text[ french ] = "~Aperu"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Previsualizacin"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Anteprima"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Eksempel"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Frhandsvisning"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Podgld"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Vorschau"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~ޭ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ԥ(~V)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "w(~V)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Voorbeeld"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ԥ(~V)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~"; + Text[ korean ] = "̸"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~nizleme"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 20 +{ + Text = "Datenq~uelle"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Data Source"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Fonte de dados"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron"; + Text[ french ] = "S~ource de donnes"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Fuente de datos"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Sorgente dati"; + Text[ danish ] = "Data~kilde"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Data~klla"; + Text[ polish ] = "rdo danych"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datenq~uelle"; + Text[ japanese ] = "t~"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Դ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Ʒ"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Դ"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = " ҽ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kayna"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 21 +{ + Text = "~Vorhandene Felder"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Existing Fields"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos ~disponveis"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden"; + Text[ french ] = "~Champs existants"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos existentes"; + Text[ italian ] = "Campi dis~ponibili"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Eksisterende felter"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Existerande flt"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Istniejce pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Vorhandene Felder"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~gpł̨"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ(~V)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "{s"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ(~V)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = "ϴ ʵ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Mevcut alanlar"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 22 +{ + Text = "Felder in ~Abfrage"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Fields in Query"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos na ~consulta"; + Text[ russian ] = " ~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Velden in ~query"; + Text[ french ] = "Champs de la ~requte"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Campos en ~consulta"; + Text[ italian ] = "Campi nella ~ricerca"; + Text[ danish ] = "Felter i ~foresprgslen"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Flt i skning"; + Text[ polish ] = "Pola w ~ kwerendzie"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Felder in ~Abfrage"; + Text[ japanese ] = "؂̨"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѯڵֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "dߤ"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Velden in ~query"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѯڵֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = "dz ʵ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgu iindeki alanlar"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 23 +{ + Text = "Filterung"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Filter"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Filtragem"; + Text[ russian ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "Filtering"; + Text[ french ] = "Filtrage"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Filtrar"; + Text[ italian ] = "Filtro"; + Text[ danish ] = "Filtrering"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Filtrering"; + Text[ polish ] = "Filtrowanie"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Filterung"; + Text[ japanese ] = "̨"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ɸѡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "z"; + Text[ arabic ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "Filtering"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ɸѡ"; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = ""; + Text[ turkish ] = "Filtreleme"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 24 +{ + Text = "Verknpfung"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Link"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Ligao"; + Text[ russian ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "Koppeling"; + Text[ french ] = "Lien"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Vnculo"; + Text[ italian ] = "Collegamento"; + Text[ danish ] = "Kde"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Lnk"; + Text[ polish ] = "Poczenie"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Verknpfung"; + Text[ japanese ] = "ݸ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "|"; + Text[ arabic ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "Koppeling"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = ""; + Text[ turkish ] = "Balant"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 25 +{ + Text = "Feldname"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Field name"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Nome de campo"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Veldnaam"; + Text[ french ] = "Nom de champ"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Nombre de campo"; + Text[ italian ] = "Nome di campo"; + Text[ danish ] = "Feltnavn"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Fltnamn"; + Text[ polish ] = "Nazwa pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Feldname"; + Text[ japanese ] = "̨ޖ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Veldnaam"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ korean ] = "ʵ ̸"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Alan ad"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 26 +{ + Text = "Bedingung"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Condition"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Condio"; + Text[ russian ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "Voorwaarde"; + Text[ french ] = "Condition"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Condicin"; + Text[ italian ] = "Condizione"; + Text[ danish ] = "Betingelse"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Villkor"; + Text[ polish ] = "Warunek"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bedingung"; + Text[ japanese ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ""; + Text[ arabic ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "Voorwaarde"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = ""; + Text[ turkish ] = "Koul"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 27 +{ + Text = "Wert"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Value"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Valor"; + Text[ russian ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "Waarde"; + Text[ french ] = "Valeur"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Valor"; + Text[ italian ] = "Valore"; + Text[ danish ] = "Vrdi"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Vrde"; + Text[ polish ] = "Warto"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Wert"; + Text[ japanese ] = "l"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֵ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ƭ"; + Text[ arabic ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "Waarde"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֵ"; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = ""; + Text[ turkish ] = "Deer"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 28 +{ + Text = "Sortierung"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Sorting"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Ordenar"; + Text[ russian ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "Sortering"; + Text[ french ] = "Tri"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Ordenar"; + Text[ italian ] = "Ordina"; + Text[ danish ] = "Sortering"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Sortering"; + Text[ polish ] = "Sortowanie"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Sortierung"; + Text[ japanese ] = "בւ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Ƨ"; + Text[ arabic ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "Sortering"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = ""; + Text[ turkish ] = "Sralama"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 29 +{ + Text = "Abfrage~titel"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Query title"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Ttulo da ~consulta"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Naam ~query"; + Text[ french ] = "Titre de la requte"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Ttulo ~de consulta"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Titolo ricerca"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Foresprgselstitel"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Namn p skning"; + Text[ polish ] = "Kwerenda~Tytu"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Abfrage~titel"; + Text[ japanese ] = "ذ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѯ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "dߪD"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Naam ~query"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѯ"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = " "; + Text[ turkish ] = "Sorgu bal"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 30 +{ + Text = "Nach der Fertigstellung..."; + Text [ english_us ] = "After completion..."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Depois de pronto..."; + Text[ russian ] = " ..."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Na voltooing..."; + Text[ french ] = "Aprs gnration..."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Despus de crear..."; + Text[ italian ] = "Dopo il completamento..."; + Text[ danish ] = "Efter frdiggrelsen..."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Nr den r frdig..."; + Text[ polish ] = "Po wykonaniu..."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nach der Fertigstellung..."; + Text[ japanese ] = "..."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "֮..."; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "b..."; + Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Na voltooing..."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "֮..."; + Text[ greek ] = " ..."; + Text[ korean ] = "Ϸ ..."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Oluturulduktan sonra..."; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 31 +{ + Text = "Abfrage sofort ~durchfhren"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Execute query immediately"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Executar consulta de imediato"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Query meteen ~uitvoeren"; + Text[ french ] = "~Excuter immdiatement la requte"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Realizar consulta inmediatamente"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Avvia subito la ricerca"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Udfr forespgsel omgende"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Utfr skning ~direkt"; + Text[ polish ] = "Wykonaj od razu ~kwerend"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Abfrage sofort ~durchfhren"; + Text[ japanese ] = "ذɎs"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ִвѯ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ߨd"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Query meteen ~uitvoeren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ִвѯ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ~"; + Text[ korean ] = " "; + Text[ turkish ] = "Sorguyu hemen yrt"; +}; + +String RID_DB_QUERY_WIZARD_START + 32 +{ + Text = "Abfrage ~ablegen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Save query"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Guardar consulta"; + Text[ russian ] = " ~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Query ~opslaan"; + Text[ french ] = "Archiver la ~requte"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Guardar consulta"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Salva ricerca"; + Text[ danish ] = "A~rkiver foresprgsel"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Arkivera skning"; + Text[ polish ] = "Zapisz ~kwerend"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Abfrage ~ablegen"; + Text[ japanese ] = "ذ̊i["; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѯ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "xsd"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Query ~opslaan"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѯ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ~"; + Text[ korean ] = " "; + Text[ turkish ] = "Sorguyu kaydet"; +}; + +// ============================================================================ + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 0 +{ + Text = "AutoPilot Berichte"; + Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot Report"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Relatrios"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Berichten"; + Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote d'tat"; + Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Informes"; + Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Rapporto"; + Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot - rapporter"; + Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot rapporter"; + Text[ polish ] = "AutoPilot raportw"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "AutoPilot Berichte"; + Text[ japanese ] = "߲ۯ ߰"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զļ "; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "۰ɮקUz "; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Berichten"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զļ "; + Text[ greek ] = "AutoPilot - "; + Text[ korean ] = "ڵϷ Ʈ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Rapor OtoPilotu"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 1 +{ + Text = "Der Bericht konnte nicht im Explorer abgelegt werden."; + Text [ english_us ] = "The report could not be saved in the Explorer."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel guardar o relatrio no Explorer."; + Text[ russian ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Het bericht kon niet in de explorer worden geplaatst."; + Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'archiver l'tat dans l'Explorer !"; + Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo guardar el informe en el Explorador."; + Text[ italian ] = "Non stato possibile salvare il rapporto nell'Explorer."; + Text[ danish ] = "Det var ikke muligt at arkivere rapporten i Explorer."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Rapporten kunde inte arkiveras i Explorer."; + Text[ polish ] = "Raportu nie mona byo zapisa w Eksploratorze."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Der Bericht konnte nicht im Explorer abgelegt werden."; + Text[ japanese ] = "߰Ăʹ۰ׂ̒Ɋi[łĂ܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷Դڽ档"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "LksJɮ`ޡC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Het bericht kon niet in de explorer worden geplaatst."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷Դڽ档"; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ korean ] = "Ʈ ͽ÷η ϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Rapor, Explorer'da kaydedilemedi."; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 2 +{ + Text = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mindestens eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Berichte starten zu knnen."; + Text [ english_us ] = "A database has not been installed. There must be at least one database on the system so that the AutoPilot Report can be started."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "No existe nenhuma base de dados instalada. necessria pelo menos uma base de dados para poder iniciar o AutoPiloto para relatrios."; + Text[ russian ] = " . ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft tenminste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor berichten te kunnen starten."; + Text[ french ] = "Aucune base de donnes n'est installe. Vous avez besoin d'au moins une base de donnes afin de pouvoir lancer l'AutoPilote d'tats."; + Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el AutoPiloto para informes."; + Text[ italian ] = "Non stato installato nessun database. necessario installare almeno un database per poter avviare il pilota automatico per i rapporti."; + Text[ danish ] = "Der er ikke installeret en database. Der krves mindst en database for at kunne starte AutoPiloten for rapporter."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Ingen databas r installerad. Du behver minst en databas fr att kunna starta AutoPiloten fr rapporter."; + Text[ polish ] = "Nie zainstalowana adnej bazy danych. Wymagana jest co najmniej jedna baza danych, aby uruchomi AutoPilota raportw."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mindestens eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Berichte starten zu knnen."; + Text[ japanese ] = "ްްݽİقĂ܂B߰Ă̵߲ۯĂJnɂ͏ȂƂ1‚ްްKvłB"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ûаװݿ⡣ҪִԶļı湦밲װһݿ⡣"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Sw˥@ӸƮwC]Lk۰ɮקUz{C"; + Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft tenminste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor berichten te kunnen starten."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ûаװݿ⡣ҪִԶļı湦밲װһݿ⡣"; + Text[ greek ] = " . AutoPilot ."; + Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽ ġ ʾҽϴ. ݵ ýۿ ϳ ̻ ͺ̽ ־ ڵϷ Ʈ ۵ ֽϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Kurulmu veritaban yok. Rapor OtoPilot'unu balatabilmek iin en az bir veritaban mevcut olmaldr."; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 3 +{ + Text = "~Tabelle"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Table"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabel"; + Text[ french ] = "~Table"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Tabella"; + Text[ danish ] = "Tabel"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Tabell"; + Text[ polish ] = "Tabela"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tabelle"; + Text[ japanese ] = "ð(~T)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~T)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~T)"; + Text[ arabic ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabel"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~T)"; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = "ǥ(~T)"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Tablo"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 4 +{ + Text = "~Spalten"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Colu~mns"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Colunas"; + Text[ russian ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Kolommen"; + Text[ french ] = "~Colonnes"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Columnas"; + Text[ italian ] = "Colonne"; + Text[ danish ] = "Kolonner"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Kolumner"; + Text[ polish ] = "Kolumny"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Spalten"; + Text[ japanese ] = "(~M)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~M)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~M)"; + Text[ arabic ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Kolommen"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~M)"; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = "(~M)"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Stunlar"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 5 +{ + Text = "~Gliederung A"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Outline A"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Esquema A"; + Text[ russian ] = " A"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Overzicht A"; + Text[ french ] = "~Structure A"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Esquema A"; + Text[ italian ] = "Struttura A"; + Text[ danish ] = "Disposition A"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Disposition A"; + Text[ polish ] = "Konspekt A"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Gliederung A"; + Text[ japanese ] = "ײ A"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " A"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "s A"; + Text[ arabic ] = " A"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Overzicht A"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " A"; + Text[ greek ] = " A"; + Text[ korean ] = "ٴܰ A"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Anahat A"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 6 +{ + Text = "~Links A"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Left A"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "E~squerda A"; + Text[ russian ] = " A"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Links A"; + Text[ french ] = "~ gauche A"; + Text[ spanish ] = "I~zquierda A"; + Text[ italian ] = "Sinistra A"; + Text[ danish ] = "Venstre A"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Vnster A"; + Text[ polish ] = "Z lewej A"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Links A"; + Text[ japanese ] = " A"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " A"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "V A"; + Text[ arabic ] = " A"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Links A"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " A"; + Text[ greek ] = " A"; + Text[ korean ] = " A"; + Text[ turkish ] = "S~ol A"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 7 +{ + Text = "Bericht_"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Report_"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Relatrio_"; + Text[ russian ] = "_"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Bericht_"; + Text[ french ] = "tat_"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Informe_"; + Text[ italian ] = "Rapporto_"; + Text[ danish ] = "Rapport_"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Rapport_"; + Text[ polish ] = "Raport_"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bericht_"; + Text[ japanese ] = "߰_"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "_"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "_"; + Text[ arabic ] = "_"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Bericht_"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "_"; + Text[ greek ] = "_"; + Text[ korean ] = "Ʈ_"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Rapor_"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 8 +{ + Text = "(kein)"; + Text [ english_us ] = "(none)"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "(nenhum)"; + Text[ russian ] = "()"; + Text[ dutch ] = "(geen)"; + Text[ french ] = "(aucun)"; + Text[ spanish ] = "(ninguno)"; + Text[ italian ] = "(nessuno)"; + Text[ danish ] = "(ingen)"; + Text[ swedish ] = "(inget)"; + Text[ polish ] = "(brak)"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "(kein)"; + Text[ japanese ] = "(Ȃ)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "()"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(L)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "()"; + Text[ dutch ] = "(geen)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "()"; + Text[ greek ] = "()"; + Text[ korean ] = "()"; + Text[ turkish ] = "(yok)"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 9 +{ + Text = ": Tabellenauswahl"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Table Selection"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Slection de table"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione tabella"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Tabeludvalg"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Tabellurval"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr tabeli"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Tabellenauswahl"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ںނ̑I"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gܪ"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ǥ"; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo seimi"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 10 +{ + Text = ": Feldauswahl"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Selection"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de campo"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Slection de champ"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de campo"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione campo"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Feltudvalg"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Flturval"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Feldauswahl"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ̨ނ̑I"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ʵ "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan seimi"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 11 +{ + Text = ": Gliederung"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Structure"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Esquema"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": overzicht"; + Text[ french ] = ": Structure"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Esquema"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Struttura"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Disposition"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Disposition"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Konspekt"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Gliederung"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ײ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ٱ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gs"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": overzicht"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ٱ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ٴܰ"; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Yap"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 12 +{ + Text = ": Sortieroptionen"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Sort Options"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Opes de ordem"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": sorteeropties"; + Text[ french ] = ": Options de tri"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Opciones de orden"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Opzioni di ordine"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Sorteringsindstillinger"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Sorteringsalternativ"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Opcje sortowania"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Sortieroptionen"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": בւ߼"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "GƧǿﶵ"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": sorteeropties"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ɼ"; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Sralama seenekleri"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 13 +{ + Text = ": Stilauswahl"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Style Selection"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de estilo"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": stijl selecteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Slection de style"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de estilo"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione stile"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Typeudvalg"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Stilurval"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr stylu"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Stilauswahl"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ق̑I"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽѡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gܭ"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": stijl selecteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽѡ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": Ÿ "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Biim seimi"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 14 +{ + Text = ": Formatvorlagen"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Styles"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Estilos"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": opmaakprofielen"; + Text[ french ] = ": Styles"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Estilos"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Modelli di formato"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Formattypografier"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Formatmallar"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Style formatu"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Formatvorlagen"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": "; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽʽ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G榡˦"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": opmaakprofielen"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽʽ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Format ablonlar"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 15 +{ + Text = ": Fertig stellen"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Create"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": Voltooien"; + Text[ french ] = ": Crer"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Crea"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Udfr"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Frdigstll"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Utwrz"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Fertigstellen"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": "; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": Voltooien"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Olutur"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 16 +{ + Text = "Datenq~uelle"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Data Source"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Fonte de dados"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron"; + Text[ french ] = "S~ource de donnes"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Fuente de datos"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Sorgente dati"; + Text[ danish ] = "Data~kilde"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Data~klla"; + Text[ polish ] = "rdo danych"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datenq~uelle"; + Text[ japanese ] = "t~"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Դ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Ʒ"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevensbron"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Դ"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = " ҽ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Veri kayna"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 17 +{ + Text = "~Vorhandene Felder"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Existing fields"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos ~disponveis"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden"; + Text[ french ] = "~Champs existants"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos existentes"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Campi disponibili"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Eksisterende felter"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Existerande flt"; + Text[ polish ] = "~ Istniejce pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Vorhandene Felder"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~gpł̨"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ(~V)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "{s(~V)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ(~V)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = "ϴ ʵ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Mevcut alanlar"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 18 +{ + Text = "~bernommen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Applied"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Aplicado"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Overgenomen"; + Text[ french ] = "~Champs appliqus"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Aceptado"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Applicati"; + Text[ danish ] = "An~vendt"; + Text[ swedish ] = "ver~tagna"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Zastosowany"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~bernommen"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~p"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~U)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "M"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Overgenomen"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~U)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~"; + Text[ korean ] = "~"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Seilen"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 19 +{ + Text = "Felder ~Gliedern"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Organize fields"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Estruturar ~campos"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Velden ~indelen"; + Text[ french ] = "Structurer les ~champs"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Estructurar campos"; + Text[ italian ] = "Campi e ~strutture"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Inddel felter"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Disponera ~flt"; + Text[ polish ] = "Pola ~Podzia"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Felder ~Gliedern"; + Text[ japanese ] = "̨ނ~ײ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "s"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Velden ~indelen"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ korean ] = "ʵ壦ٴܰ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Alanlar dzenle"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 20 +{ + Text = "~Sortierung"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Sorting"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Ordenar"; + Text[ russian ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Sortering"; + Text[ french ] = "~Tri"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Ordenar"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Ordine"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Sortering"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Sortering"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Sortowanie"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Sortierung"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~בւ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~S)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Ƨ(~S)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Sortering"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~S)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~"; + Text[ korean ] = ""; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Sralama"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 21 +{ + Text = "~Ausrichtung"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Alignment"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Alinhamento"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Uitlijning"; + Text[ french ] = "~Alignement"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Alineacin"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Allineamento"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Justering"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Justering"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Wyrwnanie"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Ausrichtung"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~zu"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~A)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "վ(~A)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Uitlijning"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~A)"; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = ""; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Hizalama"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 22 +{ + Text = "~Hochformat"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Portrait"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Vertical"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Staand"; + Text[ french ] = "~Portrait"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Vertical"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Verticale"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Stende"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Stende"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Format pionowy"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Hochformat"; + Text[ japanese ] = "c"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~H)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "aV榡(~H)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Staand"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~H)"; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = ""; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Dikey"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 23 +{ + Text = "~Querformat"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Landscape"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Horizontal"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Liggend"; + Text[ french ] = "~Paysage"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Horizontal"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Orizzontale"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Liggende"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Liggande"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Format poziomy"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Querformat"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~Q)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "V榡(~Q)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Liggend"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~Q)"; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = ""; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Yatay"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 24 +{ + Text = "~Stil"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Style"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Estilo"; + Text[ russian ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Stijl"; + Text[ french ] = "~Style"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Estilo"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Stile"; + Text[ danish ] = "T~ype"; + Text[ swedish ] = "S~til"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Styl"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Stil"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ(~S)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(~S)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Stijl"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ(~S)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~"; + Text[ korean ] = "Ÿ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Biim"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 25 +{ + Text = "~Gliederung A"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Outline A"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Esquema A"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ A"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Overzicht A"; + Text[ french ] = "~Structure A"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Esquema A"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Struttura A"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Disposition A"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Disposition A"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Konspekt A"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Gliederung A"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~ײ A"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " A"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "s A"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ A"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Overzicht A"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " A"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ A"; + Text[ korean ] = "ٴܰ A"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~ Anahat A"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 26 +{ + Text = "Glie~derung B"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Outline~ B"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Esquema B"; + Text[ russian ] = " B"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Over~zicht B"; + Text[ french ] = "Struc~ture B"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Esquema B"; + Text[ italian ] = "Str~ruttura B"; + Text[ danish ] = "Di~sposition B"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Dis~position B"; + Text[ polish ] = "Konspekt B"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Glie~derung B"; + Text[ japanese ] = "ײ~B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " B"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "s B"; + Text[ arabic ] = " B"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Over~zicht B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " B"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ B"; + Text[ korean ] = "ٴܰ B"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Anahat B"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 27 +{ + Text = "~Links A"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Left A"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Esquerda A"; + Text[ russian ] = " A"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Links A"; + Text[ french ] = " ~gauche A"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Izquierda A"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Sinistra A"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Venstre A"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Vnster A"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Z lewej A"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Links A"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~ A"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "A(~L)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "V A"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ A"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Links A"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "A(~L)"; + Text[ greek ] = " A"; + Text[ korean ] = " A"; + Text[ turkish ] = "S~ol A"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 28 +{ + Text = "L~inks B"; + Text [ english_us ] = "L~eft B"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "E~squerda B"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "L~inks B"; + Text[ french ] = " g~auche B"; + Text[ spanish ] = "I~zquierda B"; + Text[ italian ] = "S~inistra B"; + Text[ danish ] = "V~enstre B"; + Text[ swedish ] = "V~nster B"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Z lewej B"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "L~inks B"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~ B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " B"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "V B"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ B"; + Text[ dutch ] = "L~inks B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " B"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ B"; + Text[ korean ] = " B"; + Text[ turkish ] = "So~l B"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 29 +{ + Text = "~Stufig"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Indented"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Escalonado"; + Text[ russian ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Trapsgewijs"; + Text[ french ] = "~En escalier"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Escalonado"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Rientrato"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Opdelt"; + Text[ swedish ] = "St~egad"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Stopniowy"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Stufig"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~iKI"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ּ(~S)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ""; + Text[ arabic ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Trapsgewijs"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ּ(~S)"; + Text[ greek ] = " ~"; + Text[ korean ] = "鿩"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Girintilenmi"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 30 +{ + Text = "~Bndig"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Justified"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Justificado"; + Text[ russian ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Uitgelijnd"; + Text[ french ] = "~Concis"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Justificado"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Giustificato"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Justeret"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Justerad"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Wyrwnany"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Bndig"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~iKȂ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~B)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ""; + Text[ arabic ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Uitgelijnd"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~B)"; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ korean ] = " "; + Text[ turkish ] = "~ki yana yasla"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 31 +{ + Text = "Format~vorlagen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Styles"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Estilos"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Opmaakprofielen"; + Text[ french ] = "St~yles"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Estilos"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Modelli"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Formattypografier"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Format~mallar"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Style formatu"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Format~vorlagen"; + Text[ japanese ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽʽ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "榡˦"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Opmaakprofielen"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽʽ"; + Text[ greek ] = "~"; + Text[ korean ] = "İ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Format ablonlar"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 32 +{ + Text = "~Name des Berichts"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Name of Report"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Nome do relatrio"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Naam bericht"; + Text[ french ] = "~Nom de l'tat"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Nombre del informe"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Nome del rapporto"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Rapportens navn"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Namn p rapport"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Nazwa raportu"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Name des Berichts"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~߰Ė"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~N)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Naam bericht"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~N)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = "Ʈ ̸"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Raporun ad"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 33 +{ + Text = "Nach dem ~Beenden..."; + Text [ english_us ] = "After completion..."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Depois de ~pronto..."; + Text[ russian ] = " ..."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Na het ~beindigen..."; + Text[ french ] = "Aprs ~gnration..."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Despus de ~Terminar..."; + Text[ italian ] = "A completamento..."; + Text[ danish ] = "~Efter afslutning..."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Nr den r fr~dig..."; + Text[ polish ] = "Po zakoczeniu..."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nach dem ~Beenden..."; + Text[ japanese ] = "I..."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "֮..."; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "b(~B)..."; + Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Na het ~beindigen..."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "֮..."; + Text[ greek ] = " ..."; + Text[ korean ] = " ..."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Oluturulduktan sonra..."; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 34 +{ + Text = "Bericht an~zeigen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "display Report"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Mostrar ~relatrio"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Bericht ~weergeven"; + Text[ french ] = "Af~ficher l'tat"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Mostrar informe"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Visualizza rapporto"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Vis rapport"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Visa rapport"; + Text[ polish ] = "Poka raport"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bericht an~zeigen"; + Text[ japanese ] = "߰Ă~\\"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʾ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ܳ"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Bericht ~weergeven"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʾ"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = " ǥ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Raporu grntle"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 35 +{ + Text = "Bericht ab~legen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "save Report"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Guardar relatrio"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Bericht ~opslaan"; + Text[ french ] = "Ar~chiver l'tat"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Guardar informe"; + Text[ italian ] = "Salva ra~pporto"; + Text[ danish ] = "A~rkiver rapport"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Arkivera rapport"; + Text[ polish ] = "Zapisz raport"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Bericht ab~legen"; + Text[ japanese ] = "߰Ă~i["; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "̱"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "xs"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Bericht ~opslaan"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "̱"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = "Ʈ "; + Text[ turkish ] = "Raporu kaydet"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 36 +{ + Text = "A;Z"; + Text [ english_us ] = "A;Z"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "A;Z"; + Text[ greek ] = "A;"; + Text[ dutch ] = "A;Z"; + Text[ french ] = "A;Z"; + Text[ spanish ] = "A;Z"; + Text[ swedish ] = "A;Z"; + Text[ russian ] = ";"; + Text[ italian ] = "A;Z"; + Text[ danish ] = "A;Z"; + Text[ polish ] = "A;Z"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "A;Z"; + Text[ japanese ] = "A;Z"; + Text[ korean ] = "A;Z"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "A;Z"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "A;Z"; + Text[ arabic ] = "A;Z"; + Text[ turkish ] = "A;Z"; +}; + +String RID_DB_REPORT_WIZARD_START + 37 +{ + Text = "Berichts-Namen drfen maximal 32 Zeichen lang sein."; + Text [ english ] = "Report names must not contain more than 32 characters."; + Text [ english_us ] = "Report names cannot be longer than 32 characters."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Os nomes de relatrios s podem ter um mximo de 32 caracteres."; + Text[ russian ] = " 32 ."; + Text[ greek ] = " 32 ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Namen van berichten mogen maximaal 32 tekens lang zijn."; + Text[ french ] = "Un nom d'tat peut contenir au maximum 32 caractres."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Los nombres de los informes no pueden exceder los 32 caracteres."; + Text[ italian ] = "I nomi del rapporto possono avere una lunghezza massima di 32 caratteri."; + Text[ danish ] = "Rapport-navne m hjst indeholder 32 tegn."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Rapportnamn fr inte innehlla mer n 32 tecken."; + Text[ polish ] = "Nazwy raportw mog si skada z maksymalnie 32 znakw."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Report names must not contain more than 32 characters."; + Text[ japanese ] = "߰Ė͍ō32܂łłB"; + Text[ korean ] = "Ʈ ̸ 32ڸ ʰؼ¡ȵ˴ϴ."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֻ32ַɡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "iWٳ̪oWL 32 Ӧr"; + Text[ arabic ] = " 32 ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Rapor adlar en fazla 32 karakter olmaldr."; +}; + +// ============================================================================ + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 0 +{ + Text = "AutoPilot Tabelle"; + Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot Table"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Tabel"; + Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de table"; + Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Tabella"; + Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot - tabel"; + Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot tabell"; + Text[ polish ] = "Tabela AutoPilota"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "AutoPilot Tabelle"; + Text[ japanese ] = "߲ۯ \\"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զļ "; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "۰ɮקUz "; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Tabel"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զļ "; + Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot"; + Text[ korean ] = "ڵϷ ǥ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo OtoPilotu"; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 1 +{ + Text = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mind. eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Tabellen starten zu knnen."; + Text [ english_us ] = "A database has not been installed. There must be at least one database so that the AutoPilot Table can be started."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "No existe nenhuma base de dados instalada. necessria pelo menos uma base de dados para iniciar o AutoPiloto para tabelas."; + Text[ russian ] = " . ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft ten minste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor tabellen te kunnen starten."; + Text[ french ] = "Aucune base de donnes n'est installe. Vous avez besoin d'au moins une base de donnes afin de pouvoir lancer l'AutoPilote de tables."; + Text[ spanish ] = "No hay ninguna base de datos instalada. Necesita al menos una base de datos para poder iniciar el AutoPiloto para tablas."; + Text[ italian ] = "Non stato installato nessun database. necessario installare almeno un database per poter avviare il pilota automatico per le tabelle."; + Text[ danish ] = "Der er ikke installeret en database. Der krves mindst en database for at kunne starte AutoPiloten for tabeller."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Ingen databas r installerad. Du behver minst en databas fr att kunna starta AutoPiloten fr tabeller."; + Text[ polish ] = "Nie jest zainstalowana adna baza danych. Wymagana jest co najmniej jedna baza danych, aby uruchomi AutoPilota tabeli."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Es ist keine Datenbank installiert. Sie bentigen mind. eine Datenbank um den AutoPiloten fr Tabellen starten zu knnen."; + Text[ japanese ] = "ްްݽİقĂ܂B\\̵߲ۯĂJnɂ͏ȂƂ1‚ްްKvłB"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ûаװݿ⡣ҪִԶļı밲װһݿ⡣"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Sw˸ƮwC]Lk۰ɮקUz\\C"; + Text[ arabic ] = " . ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Er is geen database genstalleerd. U heeft ten minste n database nodig om de autopiloot voor tabellen te kunnen starten."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ûаװݿ⡣ҪִԶļı밲װһݿ⡣"; + Text[ greek ] = " . AutoPilot ."; + Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽ ġǾ ʽϴ. ǥ ڵϷ Ϸ ּ ϳ ͺ̽ ʿմϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Kurulmu veritaban yok. Tablo OtoPilot'unu balatabilmek iin en az bir veritaban mevcut olmaldr."; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 2 +{ + Text = "Der Bezeichner $1 ist bereits in der Liste vorhanden."; + Text [ english_us ] = "This identifier $1 is already contained in the list."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "O nome $1 j existe na lista."; + Text[ russian ] = " $1 ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De naam $1 komt reeds voor in de lijst."; + Text[ french ] = "L'tiquette $1existe dj dans la liste."; + Text[ spanish ] = "El nombre $1 ya existe en la lista."; + Text[ italian ] = "Il nome $1 gi presente nella lista."; + Text[ danish ] = "Etiket $1 findes allerede i listen."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Beteckningen $1 finns redan i listan."; + Text[ polish ] = "Okrelenie $1 ju znajduje si na licie."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Der Bezeichner $1 ist bereits in der Liste vorhanden."; + Text[ japanese ] = "O $1 ͂łؽĂ̒ɎgpĂ܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " $1 Ѿе֮С"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "M椺wgsb@ӦW $1C"; + Text[ arabic ] = " $1 ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De naam $1 komt reeds voor in de lijst."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = " $1 Ѿе֮С"; + Text[ greek ] = " $1 ."; + Text[ korean ] = "Ȯ $1£ ̹ Ͽ ֽϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Tantc $1 listede mevcut."; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 3 +{ + Text = "Die Datenbank $1 konnte nicht geffnet werden."; + Text [ english_us ] = "The database $1 could not be opened."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel abrir a base de dados $1."; + Text[ russian ] = " $1 ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Database $1 kon niet worden geopend."; + Text[ french ] = "Impossible d'ouvrir la base de donnes $1 !"; + Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo abrir la base de datos $1."; + Text[ italian ] = "Non stato possibile aprire il database $1."; + Text[ danish ] = "Det var ikke muligt at bne databasen $1."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Databas $1 kunde inte ppnas."; + Text[ polish ] = "Bazy danych $1 nie mona byo otworzy."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Die Datenbank $1 konnte nicht geffnet werden."; + Text[ japanese ] = "ްް $1 ͊J邱Ƃł܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷ݿ $1 "; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Lk}ҸƮw $1"; + Text[ arabic ] = " $1."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Database $1 kon niet worden geopend."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷ݿ $1 "; + Text[ greek ] = " $1."; + Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽ $1 ߽ϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "$1 veritaban alamad."; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 4 +{ + Text = "Die Tabelle wurde erstellt."; + Text [ english_us ] = "The table has been created."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "A tabela foi criada."; + Text[ russian ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel werd gemaakt."; + Text[ french ] = "La table a t cre."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Se ha creado la tabla."; + Text[ italian ] = "La tabella stata creata."; + Text[ danish ] = "Tabellen er blevet oprettet."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Tabellen har skapats."; + Text[ polish ] = "Zostaa utworzona tabela."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Die Tabelle wurde erstellt."; + Text[ japanese ] = "\\͍쐬܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ѿ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "wg@C"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel werd gemaakt."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ѿ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ korean ] = "ǥ ϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo oluturuldu."; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 5 +{ + Text = "Die Tabelle konnte nicht erstellt werden."; + Text [ english_us ] = "The table could not be created."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Foi impossvel criar a tabela."; + Text[ russian ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel kon niet worden gemaakt."; + Text[ french ] = "Impossible de crer la table !"; + Text[ spanish ] = "No se pudo crear la tabla."; + Text[ italian ] = "Non stato possibile creare la tabella."; + Text[ danish ] = "Det var ikke muligt at oprette tabellen."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Tabellen kunde inte skapas."; + Text[ polish ] = "Nie mona byo utworzy tabeli."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Die Tabelle konnte nicht erstellt werden."; + Text[ japanese ] = "\\͍쐬łĂ܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Lk@C"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De tabel kon niet worden gemaakt."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "޷"; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ korean ] = "ǥ ߽ϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo oluturulamad."; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 6 +{ + Text = ": Tabellentyp"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Table type"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Tipo de tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": tabeltype"; + Text[ french ] = ": Type de table"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Tipo de tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Tipo tabella"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Tabeltype"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Tabelltyp"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Typ tabeli"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Tabellentyp"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": \\̎"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": tabeltype"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ǥ "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo tipi"; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 7 +{ + Text = ": Feldauswahl"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Selection"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de campo"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Slection de champ"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de campo"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione campo"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Feltudvalg"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Flturval"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Feldauswahl"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ̨ނ̑I"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ʵ "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan seimi"; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 8 +{ + Text = ": Individualisierung"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Customization"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Personalizar"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": individualiseren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Individualisation"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Personalizar"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Personalizzato"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Individualisering"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Individualisering"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wasne ustawienia"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Individualisierung"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ϲ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ի"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "GӤH"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": individualiseren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ի"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": zelletirme"; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 9 +{ + Text = ": Tabelle Erstellen"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Create Table"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel maken"; + Text[ french ] = ": Crer la table"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Crea tabella"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Opret tabel"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Skapa tabell"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Utwrz tabel"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Tabelle Erstellen"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": \\̍쐬"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G@"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel maken"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ǥ "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo olutur"; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 10 +{ + Text = "Datenbanken"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Databases"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Bases de dados"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Databases"; + Text[ french ] = "Bases de donnes"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Bases de datos"; + Text[ italian ] = "Database"; + Text[ danish ] = "Databaser"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Databaser"; + Text[ polish ] = "Bazy danych"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datenbanken"; + Text[ japanese ] = "ްް"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݿ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Ʈw"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Databases"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݿ"; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Veritabanlar"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 11 +{ + Text = "~Tabelle"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Table"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabel"; + Text[ french ] = "~Table"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Tabella"; + Text[ danish ] = "Ta~bel"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Tabell"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Tabela"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Tabelle"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~\\"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~T)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ""; + Text[ arabic ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Tabel"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~T)"; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = "~ ǥ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Tablo"; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 12 +{ + Text = "~Feldvorschlge"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Proposed Fields"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Campos propostos"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Veldvoorstellen"; + Text[ french ] = "~Propositions de champs"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Propuesta de campo"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Campi ~proposti"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Feltforslag"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Fltfrslag"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Propozycje pl"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Feldvorschlge"; + Text[ japanese ] = "̨ތ(~P)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֶν(~F)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ij"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Veldvoorstellen"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֶν(~F)"; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ korean ] = "ȵ ʵ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~nerilen alanlar"; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 13 +{ + Text = "~bernommen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Applied"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Aplicado"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Overgenomen"; + Text[ french ] = "~Champs appliqus"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Aceptado"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Applicato"; + Text[ danish ] = "An~vendt"; + Text[ swedish ] = "ver~tagna"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Zastosowany"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~bernommen"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~p"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~U)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "M"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Overgenomen"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~U)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~"; + Text[ korean ] = ""; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Seilen"; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 14 +{ + Text = "~Feldname"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Field name"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Nome de campo"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Veldnaam"; + Text[ french ] = "~Nom de champ"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Nombre de campo"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Nome campo"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Feltnavn"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Fltnamn"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Nazwa pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Feldname"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~̨ޖ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֶ(~F)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "W"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Veldnaam"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֶ(~F)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = " ̸"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Alan ad"; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 15 +{ + Text = "~bernehmen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "~Apply"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Aplicar"; + Text[ russian ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Overnemen"; + Text[ french ] = "~Appliquer"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Aceptar"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Applica"; + Text[ danish ] = "An~vend"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~verta"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Zastosuj"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~bernehmen"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~p"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~U)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "M"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Overnemen"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~U)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~"; + Text[ korean ] = ""; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Seilen"; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 16 +{ + Text = "Nach dem Beenden..."; + Text [ english_us ] = "After completion..."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Depois de pronto..."; + Text[ russian ] = " ..."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Na het beindigen..."; + Text[ french ] = "Aprs gnration..."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Despus de terminar..."; + Text[ italian ] = "A compimento..."; + Text[ danish ] = "Efter afslutning..."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Nr den r frdig..."; + Text[ polish ] = "Po zakoczeniu..."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Nach dem Beenden..."; + Text[ japanese ] = "I..."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "֮..."; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "b..."; + Text[ arabic ] = " ..."; + Text[ dutch ] = "Na het beindigen..."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "֮..."; + Text[ greek ] = " ..."; + Text[ korean ] = " ..."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Oluturulduktan sonra..."; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 17 +{ + Text = "~Daten in Tabelle eingeben"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Enter data into the table"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Inserir dados na tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevens invoeren in tabel"; + Text[ french ] = "~Saisir les donnes dans la table"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Escribir datos en tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = "Inserisci i dati nella ~tabella"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Indst data i tabel"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Mata in data i tabell"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Wpisz dane do tabeli"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Daten in Tabelle eingeben"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~ް\\ɓ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~D)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "b椺J ƾ"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Gegevens invoeren in tabel"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(~D)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = "~ ǥ Է"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Verileri tabloya gir"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 18 +{ + Text = "Tabelle ~anzeigen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "show table"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Mostrar ~tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel ~weergeven"; + Text[ french ] = "~Afficher la table"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Mostrar tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Mostra tabella"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Vis tabel"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Visa tabell"; + Text[ polish ] = "Poka tabel"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tabelle ~anzeigen"; + Text[ japanese ] = "\\~\\"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʾ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ܪ"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel ~weergeven"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʾ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ~"; + Text[ korean ] = "ǥ ̱"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Tabloyu grntle"; +}; + +String RID_DB_TABLE_WIZARD_START + 19 +{ + Text = "Tabelle ~nicht anzeigen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "do not show table"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~No mostrar tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel ~niet weergeven"; + Text[ french ] = "~Ne pas afficher la table"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~No mostrar tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Non mostrare tabella"; + Text[ danish ] = "Vi~s tabel ikke"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Visa ~inte tabell"; + Text[ polish ] = "Nie pokazuj tabeli"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tabelle ~nicht anzeigen"; + Text[ japanese ] = "\\~\\Ȃ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʾ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "J"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel ~niet weergeven"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʾ"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = "ǥ ʱ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Tabloyu grntleme"; +}; + +// ============================================================================ + +String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 0 +{ + Text = "AutoPilot Tabellenelement"; + Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot Table Element"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Elemento de tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Tabelelement"; + Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote d'lment de table"; + Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Elemento de tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Elemento tabella "; + Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot - tabelelement"; + Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot tabellelement"; + Text[ polish ] = "AutoPilot elementu tabeli"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "AutoPilot Tabellenelement"; + Text[ japanese ] = "߲ۯ \\\\vf"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զļ Ԫ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "۰ɮקUz 椸"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot Tabelelement"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զļ Ԫ"; + Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot"; + Text[ korean ] = "ڵϷ ǥ "; + Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot Tablo esi"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 1 +{ + Text = "Tabellenelement erzeugen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Create table element"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Criar elemento de tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Tabelelement maken"; + Text[ french ] = "Crer un lment de table"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Crear elemento de tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = "Crea elemento tabelle"; + Text[ danish ] = "Opret tabelelement"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Skapa tabellelement"; + Text[ polish ] = "Utwrz element tabeli"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tabellenelement erzeugen"; + Text[ japanese ] = "\\\\vf̍쐬"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ɱԪ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "@椸"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Tabelelement maken"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ɱԪ"; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ korean ] = "ǥ "; + Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo esi olutur"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 2 +{ + Text = " (Datum)"; + Text [ english_us ] = "(Date)"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "(Data)"; + Text[ russian ] = "()"; + Text[ dutch ] = "(Datum)"; + Text[ french ] = "(Date)"; + Text[ spanish ] = "(Fecha)"; + Text[ italian ] = "(Data)"; + Text[ danish ] = "(Dato)"; + Text[ swedish ] = "(Datum)"; + Text[ polish ] = "(Data)"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "(Datum)"; + Text[ japanese ] = "(t)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "()"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "()"; + Text[ arabic ] = "()"; + Text[ dutch ] = "(Datum)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "()"; + Text[ greek ] = "()"; + Text[ korean ] = " (¥)"; + Text[ turkish ] = "(Tarih)"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 3 +{ + Text = " (Zeit)"; + Text [ english_us ] = "(time)"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "(hora)"; + Text[ russian ] = "()"; + Text[ dutch ] = "(Tijd)"; + Text[ french ] = "(Heure)"; + Text[ spanish ] = "(Hora)"; + Text[ italian ] = "(Ora)"; + Text[ danish ] = "(Klokkeslt)"; + Text[ swedish ] = "(Tid)"; + Text[ polish ] = "(Godzina)"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "(Zeit)"; + Text[ japanese ] = "()"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(ʱ)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "(ɶ)"; + Text[ arabic ] = "()"; + Text[ dutch ] = "(Tijd)"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "(ʱ)"; + Text[ greek ] = "()"; + Text[ korean ] = "(ð)"; + Text[ turkish ] = "(Saat)"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 4 +{ + Text = "Tabellenelement_"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Table Element_"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Elemento de tabela_"; + Text[ russian ] = " _"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Tabelelement_"; + Text[ french ] = "lment de table_"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Elemento de tabla_"; + Text[ italian ] = "Elemento tabella_"; + Text[ danish ] = "Tabelelement_"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Tabellelement_"; + Text[ polish ] = "Element tabeli_"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Tabellenelement_"; + Text[ japanese ] = "\\\\vf_"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ԫ_"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "椸_"; + Text[ arabic ] = " _"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Tabelelement_"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ԫ_"; + Text[ greek ] = " _"; + Text[ korean ] = "ǥ_"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Tablo esi_"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 5 +{ + Text = ": Tabellenauswahl"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Table Selection"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Slection de table"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione tabella"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Tabeludvalg"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Tabellurval"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr tabeli"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Tabellenauswahl"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ںނ̑I"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gܪ"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ǥ"; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo seimi"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 6 +{ + Text = ": Feldauswahl"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Selection"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de campo"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Slection de champ"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de campo"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione campo"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Feltudvalg"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Flturval"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Feldauswahl"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ̨ނ̑I"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ʵ "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan seimi"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 7 +{ + Text = ": Feldausrichtung"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Alignment"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Alinhamento de campo"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld uitlijnen"; + Text[ french ] = ": Alignement de champ"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Alineacin de campo"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Allineamento del campo"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Feltjustering"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Fltjustering"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wyrwnanie pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Feldausrichtung"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ̨ނ̔zu"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gվ"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld uitlijnen"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ʵ "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan hizalamas"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 8 +{ + Text = ": Vorlagen"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Styles"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Estilos"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": opmaakprofielen"; + Text[ french ] = ": Styles"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Estilos"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Modelli"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Typografier"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Mallar"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Style"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Vorlagen"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": "; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G˦"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": opmaakprofielen"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʽ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": ablonlar"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 9 +{ + Text = ": Formular erstellen"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Create Form"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar formulrio"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": formulier maken"; + Text[ french ] = ": Crer le formulaire"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear formulario"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Crea formulario"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Opret formular"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Skapa formulr"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Utwrz formularz"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Formular erstellen"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ̫т̍쐬"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G@"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": formulier maken"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Form olutur"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 10 +{ + Text = "Datenbank"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Database"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Base de dados"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Database"; + Text[ french ] = "Base de donnes"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Base de datos"; + Text[ italian ] = "Database"; + Text[ danish ] = "Database"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Databas"; + Text[ polish ] = "Baza danych"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Datenbank"; + Text[ japanese ] = "ްް"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݿ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Ʈw"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Database"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݿ"; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Veritaban"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 11 +{ + Text = "~Vorhandene Felder"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Existing fields"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos ~disponveis"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden"; + Text[ french ] = "~Champs existants"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos existentes"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Campi disponibili"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Eksisterende felter"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Existerande flt"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Istniejce pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Vorhandene Felder"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~gpł̨"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ(~V)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "{s"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Bestaande velden"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ(~V)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = "ϴ ʵ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Mevcut alanlar"; +}; + +String RID_DB_GRID_WIZARD_START + 12 +{ + Text = "~Ausgewhlte Felder"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Selected fields"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Campos seleccionados"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Geselecteerde velden"; + Text[ french ] = "~Champs slectionns"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos seleccionados"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Campi selezionati"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Valgte felter"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Utvalda flt"; + Text[ polish ] = "~Wybrane pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Ausgewhlte Felder"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~Iꂽ̨"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ(~A)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ܪ"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Geselecteerde velden"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ(~A)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = "ʵ "; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Seilmi alanlar"; +}; + +// ============================================================================ + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 0 +{ + Text = "AutoPilot - Kombinationsfeld"; + Text [ english_us ] = "AutoPilot - Combo Box"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto - Caixa de combinao"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot - Combinatieveld"; + Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de zone combine"; + Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Campo combinado"; + Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Casella combinata"; + Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot - kombinationsboks"; + Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot - kombinationsflt"; + Text[ polish ] = "Pole kombi AutoPilota"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Option Group AutoPilot"; + Text[ japanese ] = "߲ۯ ޯ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զļ "; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "۰ɮקUz զX"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "AutoPiloot - Combinatieveld"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զļ "; + Text[ greek ] = " AutoPilot"; + Text[ korean ] = "ڵϷ: - ޺ڽ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot - Kombinasyon alan"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 1 +{ + Text = "AutoPilot - Listenfeld"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Auto Pilot - List field"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "AutoPiloto- Caixa de listagem"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "AutPiloot - Keuzelijst"; + Text[ french ] = "AutoPilote de zone de liste"; + Text[ spanish ] = "AutoPiloto - Listado"; + Text[ italian ] = "Pilota automatico - Casella di riepilogo"; + Text[ danish ] = "AutoPilot - rulleliste"; + Text[ swedish ] = "AutoPilot - listruta"; + Text[ polish ] = "AutoPilot - Pole listy"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Create group"; + Text[ japanese ] = "߲ۯ ؽ̨"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զĵ е"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "۰ɮקUz M"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "AutPiloot - Keuzelijst"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Զĵ е"; + Text[ greek ] = "AutoPilot - "; + Text[ korean ] = "ڵϷ - ʵ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "OtoPilot - Liste alan"; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 2 +{ + Text = "Kontrollfeld erzeugen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Create Control"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Criar controlo"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Controleveld maken"; + Text[ french ] = ": Crer un contrle"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Crear campo de control"; + Text[ italian ] = "Crea controllo"; + Text[ danish ] = "Opret kontrolelement"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Skapa kontrollflt"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Utwrz pole kontrolne"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Select Table"; + Text[ japanese ] = "۰̨ނ̍쐬"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ɿֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gإ߱"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Controleveld maken"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ɿֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ korean ] = "Ʈ "; + Text[ turkish ] = "Komut alan olutur"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 3 +{ + Text = "KombinationsListfeld_"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Combo Box Field_"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "CaixaCombinadaLista_"; + Text[ russian ] = ": _"; + Text[ dutch ] = "CombinatieKeuzelijst_"; + Text[ french ] = "ZoneListeCombine_"; + Text[ spanish ] = "ListadoCombinacin_"; + Text[ italian ] = "CampoCombinatoElenco_"; + Text[ danish ] = "KombinationsRulleliste_"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Kombinationslistruta_"; + Text[ polish ] = "Pole kombi_"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Select Option"; + Text[ japanese ] = "ޯؽ_"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ_"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "GզXM_"; + Text[ arabic ] = " _"; + Text[ dutch ] = "CombinatieKeuzelijst_"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ_"; + Text[ greek ] = "_"; + Text[ korean ] = "޺ڽ ʵ_"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Kombinasyon alan_"; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 4 +{ + Text = ": Tabellenauswahl"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Table Selection"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de tabela"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Slection de table"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de tabla"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione tabella"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Tabeludvalg"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Tabellurval"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr tabeli"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Select Default Option"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ںނ̑I"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "Gܪ"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": tabel selecteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ǥ"; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Tablo seimi"; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 5 +{ + Text = ": Feldauswahl"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Selection"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Seleco de campo"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; + Text[ french ] = ": Slection de champ"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Seleccin de campo"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Selezione campo"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Feltudvalg"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Flturval"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Wybr pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Field Value"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ̨ނ̑I"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": veld selecteren"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ʵ "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan seimi"; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 6 +{ + Text = ": Feldverknpfung"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Field Link"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Ligao de campo"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": velden koppelen"; + Text[ french ] = ": Liaison de champs"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Vnculo de campo"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Collegamento campo"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Feltkde"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Fltlnk"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Poczenie pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Database Field"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ݸ"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G챶|"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": velden koppelen"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ":ʵ "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Alan balants"; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 7 +{ + Text = ": Datenverarbeitung"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Data Processing"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Processamento de dados"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": gegevens verwerken"; + Text[ french ] = ": Traitement des donnes"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Procesamiento de datos"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Elaborazione dati"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Databehandling"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Databearbetning"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Przetwarzanie danych"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = ": Create Option Group"; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ް̕ҏW"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݴ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "GBz"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": gegevens verwerken"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ݴ"; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": ó"; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Veri ilem"; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 8 +{ + Text = ": Formular erstellen"; + Text [ english_us ] = ": Create Form"; + Text[ portuguese ] = ": Criar formulrio"; + Text[ russian ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": formulier maken"; + Text[ french ] = ": Crer le formulaire"; + Text[ spanish ] = ": Crear formulario"; + Text[ italian ] = ": Crea formulario"; + Text[ danish ] = ": Opret formular"; + Text[ swedish ] = ": Skapa formulr"; + Text[ polish ] = ": Utwrz formularz"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "In this dialog, you can specify all label names for the options."; + Text[ japanese ] = ": ̫т̍쐬"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "G@"; + Text[ arabic ] = ": "; + Text[ dutch ] = ": formulier maken"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = ""; + Text[ greek ] = ": "; + Text[ korean ] = ": "; + Text[ turkish ] = ": Form olutur"; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 9 +{ + Text = "~Wertetabelle"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Table of Values"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Tabela de valores"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Waardentabel"; + Text[ french ] = "~Table des valeurs"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Tabla de valores"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Tabella valori"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Vrditabel"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Vrdetabell"; + Text[ polish ] = "Tabela wartoci"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Which label do you want for each option?"; + Text[ japanese ] = "lð"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֵ(~W)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ƭȪ"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Waardentabel"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֵ(~W)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = "ǥ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Deer tablosu"; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 10 +{ + Text = "Tabelle fr ~Listeninhalt"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Table for List Content"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Tabela para ~contedo das listas"; + Text[ russian ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel voor ~lijstinhoud"; + Text[ french ] = "Table pour le ~contenu de liste"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Tabla para ~contenido de lista"; + Text[ italian ] = "Tabella per contenuto ~elenco"; + Text[ danish ] = "Tabel for ~listeindhold"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Tabell fr ~listinnehll"; + Text[ polish ] = "Tabela zawartoci listy"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Option"; + Text[ japanese ] = "ؽēe~\\"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еݱ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "M椺e"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Tabel voor ~lijstinhoud"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еݱ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ~"; + Text[ korean ] = "~ϳ뿡 ǥ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Liste ierii tablosu"; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 11 +{ + Text = "~Vorhandene Felder"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Existing Fields"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Campos ~disponveis"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Voorhanden velden"; + Text[ french ] = "~Champs existants"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Campos existentes"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Campi disponibili"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Eksisterende felter"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Existerande flt"; + Text[ polish ] = "Istniejce pola"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Should one option button be the default choice?"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~gpł̨"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ(~V)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "{s"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Voorhanden velden"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ(~V)"; + Text[ greek ] = "~ "; + Text[ korean ] = "ϴ ʵ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Mevcut alanlar"; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 12 +{ + Text = "~Anzeigefeld"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Display Field"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Campo de visualizao"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Weergaveveld"; + Text[ french ] = "~Champ d'affichage"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~Campo de visualizacin"; + Text[ italian ] = "~Campo di visualizzazione"; + Text[ danish ] = "Vi~sningsfelt"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Visningsflt:"; + Text[ polish ] = "Pole wywietlania"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yes, the default choice is:"; + Text[ japanese ] = "~\\̨"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʾ(~A)"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = ""; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ "; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Weergaveveld"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ʾ(~A)"; + Text[ greek ] = " "; + Text[ korean ] = "Ÿ¡ʵ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Grnt alan"; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 13 +{ + Text = "Der Inhalt des ausgewhlten Feldes wird in der Liste des Kombinationsfeldes angezeigt."; + Text [ english_us ] = "The contents of the field selected will be shown in the combo box field list."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "O contedo do campo seleccionado ser mostrado na lista da caixa de combinao."; + Text[ russian ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De inhoud van het geselecteerde veld wordt in de lijst onder het combinatieveld weergegeven.."; + Text[ french ] = "Le contenu du champ slectionn sera affich dans la liste de la zone combine."; + Text[ spanish ] = "El contenido del campo seleccionado se mostrar en la lista del campo combinado."; + Text[ italian ] = "Il contenuto del campo selezionto viene mostrato nell'elenco della casella combinata."; + Text[ danish ] = "Det valgte felts indhold bliver vist i kombinationsboksens liste."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Innehllet i det utvalda fltet visas i kombinationsfltets lista."; + Text[ polish ] = "Zawarto wybranego pola wywietlona zostanie na licie pola kombi."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No, no I don't want an option to be the default."; + Text[ japanese ] = "Įނ̓éAޯؽĂɕ\\܂"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶλʾеڡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "ܪ쪺e|QܦbզX쪺M椧C"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De inhoud van het geselecteerde veld wordt in de lijst onder het combinatieveld weergegeven.."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ѡֶλʾеڡ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ korean ] = "õ ʵ ޺ڽ Ͽ ǥõ˴ϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Seilen alann ierii, kombinasyon alan listesinde grntlenecek."; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 14 +{ + Text = "Der Inhalt des ausgewhlten Feldes wird in dem Listenfeld angezeigt, wenn die ver- knpften Felder berein- stimmen"; + Text [ english_us ] = "The contents of the selected field will be shown if the linked fields are identical."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "O contedo do campo seleccionado ser mostrado na lista se os campos ligados coincidirem."; + Text[ russian ] = " , ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "De inhoud van het geselecteerde veld wordt in de keuzelijst weergegeven als de gekoppelde velden overeenkomen."; + Text[ french ] = "Le contenu du champ slectionn sera affich dans la zone de liste condition que les champs lis concordent bien."; + Text[ spanish ] = "El contenido del campo seleccionado se mostrar en el listado si coinciden los campos vinculados."; + Text[ italian ] = "Il contenuto del campo selezionato verr mostrato nella casella di riepilogo quando i campi collegati coincidono."; + Text[ danish ] = "Det valgte felts indhold bliver vist i rullelisten, hvis de kdede felter svarer til hinanden."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Innehllet i det utvalda fltet visas i listrutan om de lnkade flten stmmer verens."; + Text[ polish ] = "Jeli poczone pola si zgadzaj, zawarto wybranego pola wywietlona zostanie w polu listy."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "If an option has been selected, a specific value will be assigned to the option group."; + Text[ japanese ] = "ݸ̨ނꂾƁAĮނ̓eؽޯɕ\\܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ӵֶһ£ֶеڻʾѡݡ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "pGs۲šAܪe|ܦbMC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "De inhoud van het geselecteerde veld wordt in de keuzelijst weergegeven als de gekoppelde velden overeenkomen."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ӵֶһ£ֶеڻʾѡݡ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ korean ] = " ʵ ġϸ õ ʵ ʵ忡 ǥõ˴ϴ٣"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Seilen alann ierii, balantl alanlarn elemesi durumunda liste alannda grntlenir"; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 15 +{ + Text = "Info"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Information"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Informao"; + Text[ russian ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "Info"; + Text[ french ] = "Info"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Informacin"; + Text[ italian ] = "Info"; + Text[ danish ] = "Info"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Info"; + Text[ polish ] = "Informacja"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Which value do you want to be assigned to each option?"; + Text[ japanese ] = ""; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ϣ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "T"; + Text[ arabic ] = ""; + Text[ dutch ] = "Info"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ϣ"; + Text[ greek ] = ""; + Text[ korean ] = ""; + Text[ turkish ] = "Bilgi"; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 16 +{ + Text = "Feld aus der ~Wertetabelle"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Field from the Value Table"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Campo da ~tabela de valores"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Veld uit de ~waardentabel"; + Text[ french ] = "Champ de la table des ~valeurs"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Campo de la tabla de ~valores"; + Text[ italian ] = "Campo dalla tabella dei ~valori"; + Text[ danish ] = "Felt fra ~vrditabellen"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Flt frn ~vrdetabellen"; + Text[ polish ] = "Pole z tabeli wartoci"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "You can save the option group value in a database field or use it for a later action."; + Text[ japanese ] = "l\\~̨"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֵֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "qƭȪ沣"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Veld uit de ~waardentabel"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֵֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ~ "; + Text[ korean ] = "ǥ ʵ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Deer tablosu alan"; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 17 +{ + Text = "Feld aus der ~Listentabelle"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Field from the List Table"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Campo da ~tabela de listagem"; + Text[ russian ] = " "; + Text[ dutch ] = "Veld uit de ~lijsttabel"; + Text[ french ] = "Champ de la table de liste"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Campo del list~ado"; + Text[ italian ] = "Campo dalla tabella di ~elenco"; + Text[ danish ] = "Felt fra ~listetabellen"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Flt frn ~listtabellen"; + Text[ polish ] = "Pole z tabeli listy"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Do you want to save the value in a database field?"; + Text[ japanese ] = "ؽðق̨"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "qM沣"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ~"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Veld uit de ~lijsttabel"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "еֶ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ~"; + Text[ korean ] = " ǥκ ʵ"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Liste tablosu alan"; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 18 +{ + Text = "Sie knnen den Wert des Kombinationsfeldes entweder in einem Datenbankfeld speichern oder ihn nur zum Anzeigen verwenden."; + Text [ english_us ] = "You can either save the value of the combo box field in a database field or use it for display purposes."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Poder guardar o valor da caixa de combinao num campo da base de dados ou utiliz-lo apenas para visualizao."; + Text[ russian ] = " ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van het combinatieveld in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen laten weergeven."; + Text[ french ] = "Vous pouvez soit enregistrer la valeur de la zone combine dans un champ de base de donnes, soit l'utiliser seulement pour l'affichage."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Puede guardar el valor del campo combinado en un campo de base de datos o usarlo solo para mostrarlo."; + Text[ italian ] = "Potete salvare il valore della casella combinata in un campo database oppure utilizzarlo solo per visualizzarlo."; + Text[ danish ] = "Du kan enten gemme kombinationsboksens vrdi i et databasefelt eller kun bruge den til visning."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Du kan antingen spara kombinationsfltets vrde i ett databasflt eller bara anvnda det fr visning."; + Text[ polish ] = "Warto pola kombi mona zapisa w polu bazy danych lub uy jej tylko do wywietlenia."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "Yes, in the following database:"; + Text[ japanese ] = "ޯ̒lްް̨ނɕۑA邢͕\\邽߂Ɏgpł܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ܹеֵݿڻʾ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "zNզX쪺ƭȦsJ@ӸƮwܳoǼƾڡC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ʡ ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van het combinatieveld in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen laten weergeven."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ܹеֵݿڻʾ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ korean ] = "޺ڽ ͺ̽ ʵ忡 ϰų Ÿ⿡ ֽϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Kombinasyon alannn deerini bir veritaban alannda kaydedebilir ya da yalnzca grntleme iin kullanabilirsiniz."; + Text[ language_user1 ] = " "; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 19 +{ + Text = "Sie knnen den Wert des Listenfeldes entweder in einem Datenbankfeld speichern oder ihn nur zum Anzeigen verwenden."; + Text [ english_us ] = "You can either save the value of the list field in a database field or use it for display purposes."; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Poder guardar o valor da caixa de listagem num campo da base de dados ou utiliz-lo apenas para visualizao."; + Text[ russian ] = " , ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de keuzelijst in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen laten weergeven."; + Text[ french ] = "Vous pouvez soit enregistrer la valeur de la zone de liste dans un champ de base de donnes, soit l'utiliser seulement pour l'affichage."; + Text[ spanish ] = "Puede guardar el valor del listado en un campo de base de datos o usarlo solo para mostrarlo."; + Text[ italian ] = "Potete salvare il valore della casella di riepilogo in un campo database oppure utilizzarlo per visualizzarlo."; + Text[ danish ] = "Du kan enten gemme rullelistens vrdi i et databasefelt eller kun bruge den visning."; + Text[ swedish ] = "Du kan antingen spara listrutans vrde i ett databasflt eller bara anvnda det fr visning."; + Text[ polish ] = "Warto pola listy mona zapisa w polu bazy danych lub uy jej tylko do wywietlenia."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "No, I want to save the value only in the form."; + Text[ japanese ] = "ؽ̨ނ̒ĺAްްɕۑA邢͕\\邾̂߂Ɏgpł܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ܹееֵݿڻʾ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "zbƮwxs@ӼƭȩΥuΩܳoӸơC"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ʡ ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "U kunt de waarde van de keuzelijst in een databaseveld opslaan of deze alleen laten weergeven."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ܹееֵݿڻʾ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ."; + Text[ korean ] = " ʵ ͺ̽ ʵ忡 ϰų Ÿ⿡ ֽϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "Liste alannn deerini bir veritaban alannda kaydedebilir ya da yalnzca grntleme iin kullanabilirsiniz."; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 20 +{ + Text = "Mchten Sie den Wert in einem Datenbankfeld speichern?"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Do you want to save the value in a database field?"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "Guardar o valor num campo da base de dados?"; + Text[ russian ] = " ?"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de waarde in een databaseveld opslaan?"; + Text[ french ] = "Souhaitez-vous enregistrer la valeur dans un champ de base de donnes ?"; + Text[ spanish ] = "Desea guardar el valor en un campo de base de datos?"; + Text[ italian ] = "Volete salvare il valore in un campo database?"; + Text[ danish ] = "Vil du gemme vrdien i et databasefelt?"; + Text[ swedish ] = "Vill du spara vrdet i ett databasflt?"; + Text[ polish ] = "Czy zapisa warto w polu bazy danych?"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "What caption do you want for the option group ?"; + Text[ japanese ] = "lްް̨ނɕۑ܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ҫֵݿ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "znb@ӸƮwxsoӼƾڡH"; + Text[ arabic ] = " ʿ"; + Text[ dutch ] = "Wilt u de waarde in een databaseveld opslaan?"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "Ҫֵݿ"; + Text[ greek ] = " ;"; + Text[ korean ] = "ͺ̽ Ͻðڽϱ?"; + Text[ turkish ] = "Deeri bir veritaban alannda kaydetmek istiyor musunuz?"; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 21 +{ + Text = "~Ja, und zwar folgendem Datenbankfeld :"; + Text [ english_us ] = "Yes, save in the following database field :"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~Sim, no seguinte:"; + Text[ russian ] = ". :"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld : "; + Text[ french ] = "~ Oui, dans le champ suivant :"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~S, en el siguiente campo de datos :"; + Text[ italian ] = "~S, il seguente campo database :"; + Text[ danish ] = "~Ja, den skal gemmes i flgende databasefelt:"; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Ja, i fljande databasflt :"; + Text[ polish ] = "Tak, w nastpujcym polu bazy danych :"; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "As all the information needed has been entered you can click the last button now."; + Text[ japanese ] = "~͂Aްݸ̨ނɂ܂:"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ǣݿ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "OAUCƮwG"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ :"; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Ja, en wel in het volgende databaseveld : "; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ǣݿ"; + Text[ greek ] = "~, :"; + Text[ korean ] = ", ͺ̽ ʵ忡 ϰڽϴ:"; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Evet, aada belirtilen veritaban alanna kaydet :"; +}; + +String RID_DB_COMBO_WIZARD_START + 22 +{ + Text = "~Nein, ich mchte den Wert nur zum Anzeigen verwenden."; + Text [ english_us ] = "No, I only wish to use the value for display purposes"; + Text[ portuguese ] = "~No. Utilizar valor apenas para visualizao."; + Text[ russian ] = "~. ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Nee, ik wil de waarde alleen laten weergeven."; + Text[ french ] = "~Non, utiliser la valeur uniquement pour l'affichage"; + Text[ spanish ] = "~No, deseo usar el valor solo para la visualizacin."; + Text[ italian ] = "~No, utilizza il valore solo per la visualizzazione."; + Text[ danish ] = "~Nej, jeg vil kun bruge vrdien til visning."; + Text[ swedish ] = "~Nej, jag vill bara anvnda vrdet fr visning."; + Text[ polish ] = "~Nie, chc uy tej wartoci tylko do wywietlenia."; + Text[ portuguese_brazilian ] = "~Nein, ich mchte den Wert nur zum Anzeigen verwenden."; + Text[ japanese ] = "~A̒l͕\\̂߂Ɏgp܂B"; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֻҪʾֵ"; + Text[ chinese_traditional ] = "_AunܼƭȡC"; + Text[ arabic ] = "~ǡ ."; + Text[ dutch ] = "~Nee, ik wil de waarde alleen laten weergeven."; + Text[ chinese_simplified ] = "ֻҪʾֵ"; + Text[ greek ] = ", ~ ."; + Text[ korean ] = "ƴϿ, ȭ鿡Ÿ⿡ ϰ մϴ."; + Text[ turkish ] = "~Hayr, deeri yalnzca grntleme iin kullanmak istiyorum."; +}; +