INTEGRATION: CWS residcleanup (1.21.36); FILE MERGED
2007/03/04 17:32:24 pl #i73635# ResId cleanup
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 45 additions and 45 deletions
@ -4,9 +4,9 @@
* $RCSfile: certificateviewer.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.22 $
* $Revision: 1.23 $
* last change: $Author: ihi $ $Date: 2007-04-17 10:15:35 $
* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2007-04-26 08:17:15 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
@ -83,9 +83,9 @@ CertificateViewer::CertificateViewer(
const cssu::Reference< dcss::xml::crypto::XSecurityEnvironment >& _rxSecurityEnvironment,
const cssu::Reference< dcss::security::XCertificate >& _rXCert, BOOL bCheckForPrivateKey )
,maTabCtrl ( this, ResId( 1 ) )
,maOkBtn ( this, ResId( BTN_OK ) )
,maHelpBtn ( this, ResId( BTN_HELP ) )
,maTabCtrl ( this, XMLSEC_RES( 1 ) )
,maOkBtn ( this, XMLSEC_RES( BTN_OK ) )
,maHelpBtn ( this, XMLSEC_RES( BTN_HELP ) )
@ -116,19 +116,19 @@ CertificateViewerTP::CertificateViewerTP( Window* _pParent, const ResId& _rResId
CertificateViewerGeneralTP::CertificateViewerGeneralTP( Window* _pParent, CertificateViewer* _pDlg )
:CertificateViewerTP ( _pParent, XMLSEC_RES( RID_XMLSECTP_GENERAL ), _pDlg )
,maFrameWin ( this, ResId( WIN_FRAME ) )
,maCertImg ( this, ResId( IMG_CERT ) )
,maCertInfoFI ( this, ResId( FI_CERTINFO ) )
,maSep1FL ( this, ResId( FL_SEP1 ) )
,maHintNotTrustedFI ( this, ResId( FI_HINTNOTTRUST ) )
,maSep2FL ( this, ResId( FL_SEP2 ) )
,maIssuedToLabelFI ( this, ResId( FI_ISSTOLABEL ) )
,maIssuedToFI ( this, ResId( FI_ISSTO ) )
,maIssuedByLabelFI ( this, ResId( FI_ISSBYLABEL ) )
,maIssuedByFI ( this, ResId( FI_ISSBY ) )
,maValidDateFI ( this, ResId( FI_VALIDDATE ) )
,maKeyImg ( this, ResId( IMG_KEY ) )
,maHintCorrespPrivKeyFI ( this, ResId( FI_CORRPRIVKEY ) )
,maFrameWin ( this, XMLSEC_RES( WIN_FRAME ) )
,maCertImg ( this, XMLSEC_RES( IMG_CERT ) )
,maCertInfoFI ( this, XMLSEC_RES( FI_CERTINFO ) )
,maSep1FL ( this, XMLSEC_RES( FL_SEP1 ) )
,maHintNotTrustedFI ( this, XMLSEC_RES( FI_HINTNOTTRUST ) )
,maSep2FL ( this, XMLSEC_RES( FL_SEP2 ) )
,maIssuedToLabelFI ( this, XMLSEC_RES( FI_ISSTOLABEL ) )
,maIssuedToFI ( this, XMLSEC_RES( FI_ISSTO ) )
,maIssuedByLabelFI ( this, XMLSEC_RES( FI_ISSBYLABEL ) )
,maIssuedByFI ( this, XMLSEC_RES( FI_ISSBY ) )
,maValidDateFI ( this, XMLSEC_RES( FI_VALIDDATE ) )
,maKeyImg ( this, XMLSEC_RES( IMG_KEY ) )
,maHintCorrespPrivKeyFI ( this, XMLSEC_RES( FI_CORRPRIVKEY ) )
//Verify the certificate
sal_Int32 certStatus = mpDlg->mxSecurityEnvironment->verifyCertificate(mpDlg->mxCert);
@ -145,8 +145,8 @@ CertificateViewerGeneralTP::CertificateViewerGeneralTP( Window* _pParent, Certif
if ( !bCertValid )
maCertImg.SetImage( Image( ResId( IMG_STATE_NOT_VALIDATED ) ) );
maHintNotTrustedFI.SetText( String( ResId( STR_CERTIFICATE_NOT_VALIDATED ) ) );
maCertImg.SetImage( Image( XMLSEC_RES( IMG_STATE_NOT_VALIDATED ) ) );
@ -280,8 +280,8 @@ void CertificateViewerDetailsTP::InsertElement( const String& _rField, const Str
CertificateViewerDetailsTP::CertificateViewerDetailsTP( Window* _pParent, CertificateViewer* _pDlg )
:CertificateViewerTP ( _pParent, XMLSEC_RES( RID_XMLSECTP_DETAILS ), _pDlg )
,maElementsLB ( this, ResId( LB_ELEMENTS ) )
,maElementML ( this, ResId( ML_ELEMENT ) )
,maElementsLB ( this, XMLSEC_RES( LB_ELEMENTS ) )
,maElementML ( this, XMLSEC_RES( ML_ELEMENT ) )
,maStdFont ( maElementML.GetControlFont() )
@ -293,7 +293,7 @@ CertificateViewerDetailsTP::CertificateViewerDetailsTP( Window* _pParent, Certif
static long nTabs[] = { 2, 0, 30*CS_LB_WIDTH/100 };
maElementsLB.SetTabs( &nTabs[ 0 ] );
maElementsLB.InsertHeaderEntry( String( ResId( STR_HEADERBAR ) ) );
maElementsLB.InsertHeaderEntry( String( XMLSEC_RES( STR_HEADERBAR ) ) );
// fill list box
Reference< security::XCertificate > xCert = mpDlg->mxCert;
@ -305,20 +305,20 @@ CertificateViewerDetailsTP::CertificateViewerDetailsTP( Window* _pParent, Certif
aLBEntry = String::CreateFromAscii( "V" );
aLBEntry += String::CreateFromInt32( xCert->getVersion() + 1 );
// <--
InsertElement( String( ResId( STR_VERSION ) ), aLBEntry, aLBEntry );
InsertElement( String( XMLSEC_RES( STR_VERSION ) ), aLBEntry, aLBEntry );
Sequence< sal_Int8 > aSeq = xCert->getSerialNumber();
aLBEntry = XmlSec::GetHexString( aSeq, pHexSep );
aDetails = XmlSec::GetHexString( aSeq, pHexSep, nLineBreak );
InsertElement( String( ResId( STR_SERIALNUM ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails, true );
InsertElement( String( XMLSEC_RES( STR_SERIALNUM ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails, true );
aLBEntry = XmlSec::GetPureContent( xCert->getIssuerName(), ", " );
aDetails = XmlSec::GetPureContent( xCert->getIssuerName(), "\n", true );
InsertElement( String( ResId( STR_ISSUER ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails );
InsertElement( String( XMLSEC_RES( STR_ISSUER ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails );
aSeq = xCert->getIssuerUniqueID();
aLBEntry = XmlSec::GetHexString( aSeq, pHexSep );
aDetails = XmlSec::GetHexString( aSeq, pHexSep, nLineBreak );
InsertElement( String( ResId( STR_ISSUER_ID ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails, true );
InsertElement( String( XMLSEC_RES( STR_ISSUER_ID ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails, true );
DateTime aDateTime;
@ -326,41 +326,41 @@ CertificateViewerDetailsTP::CertificateViewerDetailsTP( Window* _pParent, Certif
aLBEntry = GetSettings().GetUILocaleDataWrapper().getDate( aDateTime.GetDate() );
aLBEntry += String::CreateFromAscii( " " );
aLBEntry += GetSettings().GetUILocaleDataWrapper().getTime( aDateTime.GetTime() );
InsertElement( String( ResId( STR_VALIDFROM ) ), aLBEntry, aLBEntry );
InsertElement( String( XMLSEC_RES( STR_VALIDFROM ) ), aLBEntry, aLBEntry );
utl::typeConvert( xCert->getNotValidAfter(), aDateTime );
aLBEntry = GetSettings().GetUILocaleDataWrapper().getDate( aDateTime.GetDate() );
aLBEntry += String::CreateFromAscii( " " );
aLBEntry += GetSettings().GetUILocaleDataWrapper().getTime( aDateTime.GetTime() );
InsertElement( String( ResId( STR_VALIDTO ) ), aLBEntry, aLBEntry );
InsertElement( String( XMLSEC_RES( STR_VALIDTO ) ), aLBEntry, aLBEntry );
aLBEntry = XmlSec::GetPureContent( xCert->getSubjectName(), ", " );
aDetails = XmlSec::GetPureContent( xCert->getSubjectName(), "\n", true );
InsertElement( String( ResId( STR_SUBJECT ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails );
InsertElement( String( XMLSEC_RES( STR_SUBJECT ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails );
aSeq = xCert->getSubjectUniqueID();
aLBEntry = XmlSec::GetHexString( aSeq, pHexSep );
aDetails = XmlSec::GetHexString( aSeq, pHexSep, nLineBreak );
InsertElement( String( ResId( STR_SUBJECT_ID ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails, true );
InsertElement( String( XMLSEC_RES( STR_SUBJECT_ID ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails, true );
aLBEntry = aDetails = xCert->getSubjectPublicKeyAlgorithm();
InsertElement( String( ResId( STR_SUBJECT_PUBKEY_ALGO ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails );
InsertElement( String( XMLSEC_RES( STR_SUBJECT_PUBKEY_ALGO ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails );
aSeq = xCert->getSubjectPublicKeyValue();
aLBEntry = XmlSec::GetHexString( aSeq, pHexSep );
aDetails = XmlSec::GetHexString( aSeq, pHexSep, nLineBreak );
InsertElement( String( ResId( STR_SUBJECT_PUBKEY_VAL ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails, true );
InsertElement( String( XMLSEC_RES( STR_SUBJECT_PUBKEY_VAL ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails, true );
aLBEntry = aDetails = xCert->getSignatureAlgorithm();
InsertElement( String( ResId( STR_SIGNATURE_ALGO ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails );
InsertElement( String( XMLSEC_RES( STR_SIGNATURE_ALGO ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails );
aSeq = xCert->getSHA1Thumbprint();
aLBEntry = XmlSec::GetHexString( aSeq, pHexSep );
aDetails = XmlSec::GetHexString( aSeq, pHexSep, nLineBreak );
InsertElement( String( ResId( STR_THUMBPRINT_SHA1 ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails, true );
InsertElement( String( XMLSEC_RES( STR_THUMBPRINT_SHA1 ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails, true );
aSeq = xCert->getMD5Thumbprint();
aLBEntry = XmlSec::GetHexString( aSeq, pHexSep );
aDetails = XmlSec::GetHexString( aSeq, pHexSep, nLineBreak );
InsertElement( String( ResId( STR_THUMBPRINT_MD5 ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails, true );
InsertElement( String( XMLSEC_RES( STR_THUMBPRINT_MD5 ) ), aLBEntry, aDetails, true );
@ -413,17 +413,17 @@ struct CertPath_UserData
CertificateViewerCertPathTP::CertificateViewerCertPathTP( Window* _pParent, CertificateViewer* _pDlg )
:CertificateViewerTP ( _pParent, XMLSEC_RES( RID_XMLSECTP_CERTPATH ), _pDlg )
,maCertPathFT ( this, ResId( FT_CERTPATH ) )
,maCertPathLB ( this, ResId( LB_SIGNATURES ) )
,maViewCertPB ( this, ResId( BTN_VIEWCERT ) )
,maCertStatusFT ( this, ResId( FT_CERTSTATUS ) )
,maCertStatusML ( this, ResId( ML_CERTSTATUS ) )
,maCertPathFT ( this, XMLSEC_RES( FT_CERTPATH ) )
,maCertPathLB ( this, XMLSEC_RES( LB_SIGNATURES ) )
,maViewCertPB ( this, XMLSEC_RES( BTN_VIEWCERT ) )
,maCertStatusFT ( this, XMLSEC_RES( FT_CERTSTATUS ) )
,maCertStatusML ( this, XMLSEC_RES( ML_CERTSTATUS ) )
,mpParent ( _pDlg )
,mbFirstActivateDone ( false )
,maCertImage ( ResId( IMG_CERT_SMALL ) )
,maCertNotValidatedImage( ResId( IMG_CERT_NOTVALIDATED_SMALL ) )
,msCertOK ( ResId( STR_PATH_CERT_OK ) )
,msCertNotValidated ( ResId( STR_PATH_CERT_NOT_VALIDATED ) )
Reference in a new issue