added spline calculation (from old chart)
This commit is contained in:
2 changed files with 496 additions and 0 deletions
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,460 @@
#include "Splines.hxx"
#include <rtl/math.hxx>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <functional>
// header for DBG_ASSERT
#include <tools/debug.hxx>
namespace chart
using namespace ::com::sun::star;
template< typename T, typename U >
struct lcl_LessFirstOfPair : ::std::binary_function< ::std::pair< T, U >, ::std::pair< T, U >, bool >
inline bool operator() ( const ::std::pair< T, U > & rOne, const ::std::pair< T, U > & rOther )
return ( rOne.first < rOther.first );
template< typename T >
struct lcl_EqualsFirstDoubleOfPair : ::std::binary_function< ::std::pair< double, T >, ::std::pair< double, T >, bool >
inline bool operator() ( const ::std::pair< double, T > & rOne, const ::std::pair< double, T > & rOther )
return ( ::rtl::math::approxEqual( rOne.first, rOther.first ) );
typedef ::std::pair< double, double > tPointType;
typedef ::std::vector< tPointType > tPointVecType;
typedef tPointVecType::size_type lcl_tSizeType;
class lcl_SplineCalculation
/** @descr creates an object that calculates cublic splines on construction
@param rPoints the points for which splines shall be calculated
@param fY1FirstDerivation the resulting spline should have the first
derivation equal to this value at the x-value of the first point
of rPoints. If fY1FirstDerivation is set to infinity, a natural
spline is calculated.
@param fYnFirstDerivation the resulting spline should have the first
derivation equal to this value at the x-value of the last point
of rPoints
lcl_SplineCalculation( const tPointVecType & rPoints,
double fY1FirstDerivation,
double fYnFirstDerivation );
/** @descr this function corresponds to the function splint in [1].
[1] Numerical Recipies in C, 2nd edition
William H. Press, et al.,
Section 3.3, page 116
double GetInterpolatedValue( double x );
/// a copy of the points given in the CTOR
tPointVecType m_aPoints;
/// the result of the Calculate() method
::std::vector< double > m_aSecDerivY;
double m_fYp1;
double m_fYpN;
// these values are cached for performance reasons
tPointVecType::size_type m_nKLow;
tPointVecType::size_type m_nKHigh;
double m_fLastInterpolatedValue;
/** @descr this function corresponds to the function spline in [1].
[1] Numerical Recipies in C, 2nd edition
William H. Press, et al.,
Section 3.3, page 115
void Calculate();
const tPointVecType & rPoints,
double fY1FirstDerivation,
double fYnFirstDerivation )
: m_aPoints( rPoints ),
m_fYp1( fY1FirstDerivation ),
m_fYpN( fYnFirstDerivation ),
m_nKLow( 0 ),
m_nKHigh( rPoints.size() - 1 )
::rtl::math::setInf( &m_fLastInterpolatedValue, sal_False );
::std::sort( m_aPoints.begin(), m_aPoints.end(),
lcl_LessFirstOfPair< double, double >() );
// #108301# remove points that have equal x-values
m_aPoints.erase( ::std::unique( m_aPoints.begin(), m_aPoints.end(),
lcl_EqualsFirstDoubleOfPair< double >() ),
m_aPoints.end() );
void lcl_SplineCalculation::Calculate()
// n is the last valid index to m_aPoints
const tPointVecType::size_type n = m_aPoints.size() - 1;
::std::vector< double > u( n );
m_aSecDerivY.resize( n + 1, 0.0 );
if( ::rtl::math::isInf( m_fYp1 ) )
// natural spline
m_aSecDerivY[ 0 ] = 0.0;
u[ 0 ] = 0.0;
m_aSecDerivY[ 0 ] = -0.5;
double xDiff = ( m_aPoints[ 1 ].first - m_aPoints[ 0 ].first );
u[ 0 ] = ( 3.0 / xDiff ) *
((( m_aPoints[ 1 ].second - m_aPoints[ 0 ].second ) / xDiff ) - m_fYp1 );
for( tPointVecType::size_type i = 1; i < n; ++i )
::std::pair< double, double >
p_i = m_aPoints[ i ],
p_im1 = m_aPoints[ i - 1 ],
p_ip1 = m_aPoints[ i + 1 ];
double sig = ( p_i.first - p_im1.first ) /
( p_ip1.first - p_im1.first );
double p = sig * m_aSecDerivY[ i - 1 ] + 2.0;
m_aSecDerivY[ i ] = ( sig - 1.0 ) / p;
u[ i ] =
( ( p_ip1.second - p_i.second ) /
( p_ip1.first - p_i.first ) ) -
( ( p_i.second - p_im1.second ) /
( p_i.first - p_im1.first ) );
u[ i ] =
( 6.0 * u[ i ] / ( p_ip1.first - p_im1.first )
- sig * u[ i - 1 ] ) / p;
// initialize to values for natural splines (used for m_fYpN equal to
// infinity)
double qn = 0.0;
double un = 0.0;
if( ! ::rtl::math::isInf( m_fYpN ) )
qn = 0.5;
double xDiff = ( m_aPoints[ n ].first - m_aPoints[ n - 1 ].first );
un = ( 3.0 / xDiff ) *
( m_fYpN - ( m_aPoints[ n ].second - m_aPoints[ n - 1 ].second ) / xDiff );
m_aSecDerivY[ n ] = ( un - qn * u[ n - 1 ] ) * ( qn * m_aSecDerivY[ n - 1 ] + 1.0 );
// note: the algorithm in [1] iterates from n-1 to 0, but as size_type
// may be (usuall is) an unsigned type, we can not write k >= 0, as this
// is always true.
for( tPointVecType::size_type k = n; k > 0; --k )
( m_aSecDerivY[ k - 1 ] *= m_aSecDerivY[ k ] ) += u[ k - 1 ];
double lcl_SplineCalculation::GetInterpolatedValue( double x )
DBG_ASSERT( ( m_aPoints[ 0 ].first <= x ) &&
( x <= m_aPoints[ m_aPoints.size() - 1 ].first ),
"Trying to extrapolate" );
const tPointVecType::size_type n = m_aPoints.size() - 1;
if( x < m_fLastInterpolatedValue )
m_nKLow = 0;
m_nKHigh = n;
// calculate m_nKLow and m_nKHigh
// first initialization is done in CTOR
while( m_nKHigh - m_nKLow > 1 )
tPointVecType::size_type k = ( m_nKHigh + m_nKLow ) / 2;
if( m_aPoints[ k ].first > x )
m_nKHigh = k;
m_nKLow = k;
while( ( m_aPoints[ m_nKHigh ].first < x ) &&
( m_nKHigh <= n ) )
DBG_ASSERT( m_nKHigh <= n, "Out of Bounds" );
m_fLastInterpolatedValue = x;
double h = m_aPoints[ m_nKHigh ].first - m_aPoints[ m_nKLow ].first;
DBG_ASSERT( h != 0, "Bad input to GetInterpolatedValue()" );
double a = ( m_aPoints[ m_nKHigh ].first - x ) / h;
double b = ( x - m_aPoints[ m_nKLow ].first ) / h;
return ( a * m_aPoints[ m_nKLow ].second +
b * m_aPoints[ m_nKHigh ].second +
(( a*a*a - a ) * m_aSecDerivY[ m_nKLow ] +
( b*b*b - b ) * m_aSecDerivY[ m_nKHigh ] ) *
( h*h ) / 6.0 );
// this is the maximum number of points that will be inserted into an XPolygon
//const lcl_tSizeType nPolygonSizeThreshold = 0xff00;
tPointVecType makeVector( const drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rPoly, sal_Int32 nPolyIndex=0 )
//creates a vector from only one poly within the PolyPolygon
//the third dimension is ignored (3D->2D)
tPointVecType aRet;
sal_Int32 nPointCount = rPoly.SequenceX[nPolyIndex].getLength();
const double* pXSequence = rPoly.SequenceX[nPolyIndex].getConstArray();
const double* pYSequence = rPoly.SequenceY[nPolyIndex].getConstArray();
for(sal_Int32 nN=0;nN<nPointCount;nN++)
aRet[ nN ].first = pXSequence[nN];
aRet[ nN ].second = pYSequence[nN];
return aRet;
//create knot vector for B-spline
double* createTVector( sal_Int32 n, sal_Int32 k )
double* t = new double [n + k + 1];
for (sal_Int32 i=0; i<=n+k; i++ )
if(i < k)
t[i] = 0;
else if(i <= n)
t[i] = i-k+1;
t[i] = n-k+2;
return t;
//calculate left knot vector
double TLeft (double x, sal_Int32 i, sal_Int32 k, const double *t )
double deltaT = t[i + k - 1] - t[i];
return (deltaT == 0.0)
? 0.0
: (x - t[i]) / deltaT;
//calculate right knot vector
double TRight(double x, sal_Int32 i, sal_Int32 k, const double *t )
double deltaT = t[i + k] - t[i + 1];
return (deltaT == 0.0)
? 0.0
: (t[i + k] - x) / deltaT;
//calculate weight vector
void BVector(double x, sal_Int32 n, sal_Int32 k, double *b, const double *t)
for( sal_Int32 i=0; i<=n+k; i++ )
sal_Int32 i0 = (sal_Int32)floor(x) + k - 1;
b [i0] = 1;
for( sal_Int32 j=2; j<=k; j++ )
for( sal_Int32 i=0; i<=i0; i++ )
b[i] = TLeft(x, i, j, t) * b[i] + TRight(x, i, j, t) * b [i + 1];
//calculate single point
void BSPoint(sal_Int32 n, double& rY1, double& rY2
, const double* pKnownPointsY, double *b)
for (sal_Int32 i = 0; i <= n; i ++)
rY1 = rY1 + b[i] * pKnownPointsY[i];
rY2 = rY2 + b[n-i] * pKnownPointsY[i];
} // anonymous namespace
void SplineCalculater::CalculateCubicSplines(
const drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rInput
, drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rResult
, sal_Int32 nGranularity )
DBG_ASSERT( nGranularity > 0, "Granularity is invalid" );
if( !rInput.SequenceX.getLength() )
// calculate second derivates
double fInfty;
::rtl::math::setInf( &fInfty, sal_False );
lcl_SplineCalculation aSpline( makeVector(rInput), fInfty, fInfty );
// fill result polygon with calculated values
lcl_tSizeType nOldPointCount = rInput.SequenceX[0].getLength();
rResult.SequenceX[0].realloc( (nOldPointCount-1)*nGranularity + 1);
rResult.SequenceY[0].realloc( (nOldPointCount-1)*nGranularity + 1);
rResult.SequenceZ[0].realloc( (nOldPointCount-1)*nGranularity + 1);
double* pNewX = rResult.SequenceX[0].getArray();
double* pNewY = rResult.SequenceY[0].getArray();
double* pNewZ = rResult.SequenceZ[0].getArray();
const double* pOldX = rInput.SequenceX[0].getConstArray();
const double* pOldY = rInput.SequenceY[0].getConstArray();
const double* pOldZ = rInput.SequenceZ[0].getConstArray();
//we know that their is at least one point here
// calculate all additional points on spline curve
sal_Int32 nNewPointIndex = 1;
for( lcl_tSizeType i = 1; i < nOldPointCount; ++i )
double fBaseX = pOldX[ i - 1 ];
double fInc = ( pOldX[ i ] - fBaseX ) /
static_cast< double >( nGranularity );
for( sal_Int32 j = 1; j <= nGranularity; ++j, nNewPointIndex++ )
double x = fBaseX + ( fInc * static_cast< double >( j ) );
pNewY[nNewPointIndex]=aSpline.GetInterpolatedValue( x );
void SplineCalculater::CalculateBSplines(
const ::com::sun::star::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rInput
, ::com::sun::star::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rResult
, sal_Int32 nGranularity
, sal_Int32 nDegree )
DBG_ASSERT( nGranularity > 0, "Granularity is invalid" );
if( !rInput.SequenceX.getLength() )
const double* pOldX = rInput.SequenceX[0].getConstArray();
const double* pOldY = rInput.SequenceY[0].getConstArray();
sal_Int32 n = rInput.SequenceX[0].getLength()-1;//maximim index of control points
sal_Int32 nNewSectorCount = nGranularity * n;
double *b = new double [n + nDegree + 1];
double xStep = ((double) n - (double)nDegree + 2.0) / (double) nNewSectorCount;
double dStep = ( pOldX[n] - pOldX[0] ) / (double) nNewSectorCount;
double dXUp = pOldX[0];
double dXDown = pOldX[n];
double x = 0.0;
const double* t = createTVector(n, nDegree);
sal_Int32 nHalf = nNewSectorCount / 2 + 1;
double* pNewX = rResult.SequenceX[0].getArray();
double* pNewY = rResult.SequenceY[0].getArray();
for(sal_Int32 j=0; j<=nHalf; j++ )
double fY1=0.0;
double fY2=0.0;
BVector(x, n, nDegree, b, t);
BSPoint(n, fY1, fY2, pOldY, b);
pNewX[j] = floor(dXUp);//(sal_Int32)(floor(dXUp)+0.5);
pNewY[j] = fY1;
pNewX[nNewSectorCount - j] = floor(dXDown);//(sal_Int32)(floor(dXDown)+0.5);
pNewY[nNewSectorCount - j] = fY2;
x += xStep;
dXUp += dStep;
dXDown -= dStep;
delete[] t;
delete[] b;
} //namespace chart
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,36 @@
#ifndef _CHART2__HXX
#define _CHART2__HXX
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/PolyPolygonShape3D.hpp>
namespace chart
class SplineCalculater
static void CalculateCubicSplines(
const ::com::sun::star::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rPoints
, ::com::sun::star::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rResult
, sal_Int32 nGranularity );
static void CalculateBSplines(
const ::com::sun::star::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rPoints
, ::com::sun::star::drawing::PolyPolygonShape3D& rResult
, sal_Int32 nGranularity
, sal_Int32 nSplineDepth );
} //namespace chart
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