use -nologo with other MSVC build tools too

Except for non-silent linking, where it would for some strange reason
also disable printing of contents of response files (=objects to be linked).
This commit is contained in:
Luboš Luňák 2012-07-04 18:22:36 +02:00
parent 2d045cdb69
commit c42a8d41af

View file

@ -205,6 +205,7 @@ gb_LinkTarget_NOEXCEPTIONFLAGS := \
gb_LinkTarget_LDFLAGS := \
$(if $(findstring s,$(filter-out --%,$(MAKEFLAGS))),-nologo,) \
$(patsubst %,-LIBPATH:%,$(filter-out .,$(subst ;, ,$(subst \,/,$(ILIB))))) \
@ -355,8 +356,8 @@ $(call gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs,\
$(if $(filter-out StaticLibrary,$(TARGETTYPE)),user32.lib) \
$(if $(DLLTARGET),-out:$(DLLTARGET) -implib:$(1),-out:$(1)); RC=$$?; rm $${RESPONSEFILE} \
$(if $(DLLTARGET),; if [ ! -f $(DLLTARGET) ]; then rm -f $(1) && false; fi) \
$(if $(filter Library,$(TARGETTYPE)),; if [ -f $(DLLTARGET).manifest ]; then mt.exe $(MTFLAGS) -manifest $(DLLTARGET).manifest -outputresource:$(DLLTARGET)\;2; fi) \
$(if $(filter Executable,$(TARGETTYPE)),; if [ -f $(1).manifest ]; then mt.exe $(MTFLAGS) -manifest $(1).manifest -outputresource:$(1)\;1; fi) \
$(if $(filter Library,$(TARGETTYPE)),; if [ -f $(DLLTARGET).manifest ]; then mt.exe $(MTFLAGS) -nologo -manifest $(DLLTARGET).manifest -outputresource:$(DLLTARGET)\;2; fi) \
$(if $(filter Executable,$(TARGETTYPE)),; if [ -f $(1).manifest ]; then mt.exe $(MTFLAGS) -nologo -manifest $(1).manifest -outputresource:$(1)\;1; fi) \
; exit $$RC)
@ -670,6 +671,7 @@ $(call gb_Output_announce,$(2),$(true),RES,1)
$(call gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs,\
mkdir -p $(dir $(1)) && \
$(gb_RC) \
-nologo \
$(DEFS) $(FLAGS) \
-Fo$(1) \