#99053# insert docu for autodoc
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 76 additions and 18 deletions
@ -960,36 +960,94 @@
<a href="../index.html">SDK home</a> <a href="#tools">tools overview</a>
<p>The autodoc tools ...</p>
<p>The autodoc tool is for creating javadoc-like documentation from C++ and UNOIDL source code.</p>
<p>There are some conventions to follow, when documenting C++- or UNOIDL-sourcecode. See at
(( REFERENCE to commenting guides for C++ and IDL )). <br>
If you don't know those, but know Javadoc: For simple C++ sourcecode documentation,
using javadoc-style comments will work.<br>
<b><code>autodoc ... </code></b>
<b><code>autodoc [ -v <VerboseNr> ] [ -name "<TitleForTheDocu>" ] -html <OutputDirectory>
-lg <SourcecodeLanguage><br>
{ [ -p <ProjectName> <ProjectRootDirectory> ] -t <SourceTree>*
| -d <SourceDirectory>* | -f <SourceFile>* }*
<table width=100% border=1 cellpadding=4 cellspacing=0>
<table width="100%" border="1" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0">
<td width=15%><code>-O<path></code></td>
<td width=85%>
path describes the root directory for the generated output. The output directory
tree is generated under this directory.
<td width="15%"><code>-v <VerboseNr></code></td>
<td width="85%">
<VerboseNr> == 5 displays the parsed source code tokens, so you can locate, which piece
caused an parsing error.<br>
<VerboseNr> == 2 displays not only the parsed source code, but also the comments.<br><br>
This option has to be the first one, if it is used.<br>
<td width=15%><code>-T<name></code></td>
<td width=85%>
name specifies a type or a list of types. The output for this [t1;...] type is generated.
If no '-T' option is specified, then output for all types is generated.
<td width="15%"><code>-name "<Title>"</code></td>
<td width="85%">
<Title> occurs as the title of the start page of the HTML output. If
this option is omitted, a default title is created.</td>
<td valign="Top"><code>-html <OutputDirectory></code></td>
<td valign="Top">
Specifies the root directory, where the HTML output is created.<br>
Autodoc does not remove old files there, though it overwrites them.<br>
<td width=15%><code>-B<name></code></td>
<td width=85%>
name specifies the base node. All types are searched under this node. Default is the
root '/' of the registry files.
<td valign="Top"><code>-lg <SourcecodeLanguage></code></td>
<td valign="Top">Possible values are: c++, idl.<br><br>
This also specifies which files will be parsed: "c++" parses all files with the endings .hxx and .h,
"idl" parses all files with the ending .idl .<br>
To change this behaviour, see at option -f.<br>
<td width="15%"><code>-p <ProjectName> <ProjectDirectory></code></td>
<td width="85%">
This option can be used, to divide large code bases into different projects.<br>
<ProjectName> gives a user-defined name for the project.<br>
<ProjectDirectory> is the root to which all paths, given with the following
options -t, -d and -f, are relative. <br>
This option can be omitted, then there are no projects and all paths in the
following options are relative to the working directory.<br> <br>
The "{ ... }*" around the options -p,-t,-d,-f indicates, that
this whole block of options can be repeated, each block starting with a new -p .<br>
<td valign="Top"><code>-t <SourceTree></code></td>
<td valign="Top">
Specifies to parse all files in th directory <SourceTree> and it's subdirectories, where the
file ending matches the option -lg.<br>
There can be given multiple directories after one -t option.<br>
All relative paths are relative to the project-rootdirectory, given with the -p option.<br>
<td valign="Top"><code>-d <SourceDirectory></code></td>
<td valign="Top">
Specifies to parse all files in th directory <SourceDirectory>, but
NOT it's subdirectories, where the file ending matches the option -lg.<br>
There can be given multiple directories after one -d option.<br>
All relative paths are relative to the project-rootdirectory, given
with the -p option.<br>
<td valign="Top"><code>-f <SourceFile></code></td>
<td valign="Top">
Specifies to parse the given file. The ending does not have to match the -lg option.<br>
There can be given multiple files after one -f option.<br>
All relative paths are relative to the project-rootdirectory, given with the -p option.
</p>Remark: The sequence of options matters! Use them in the order given in the "Usage"-paragraph.</p>
Reference in a new issue