#88093# Changed wildcard handling
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 60 additions and 37 deletions
@ -2,9 +2,9 @@
* $RCSfile: methods.cxx,v $
* $Revision: 1.25 $
* $Revision: 1.26 $
* last change: $Author: ab $ $Date: 2001-06-12 16:13:55 $
* last change: $Author: ab $ $Date: 2001-06-15 13:28:55 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of
* either of the following licenses
@ -1963,45 +1963,53 @@ RTLFUNC(IsMissing)
// Function looks for wildcards, removes them and always returns the pure path
String implSetupWildcard( const String& rFileParam, SbiRTLData* pRTLData, sal_Bool bHasUno )
pRTLData->bNameCheck = sal_False;
static String aAsterisk = String::CreateFromAscii( "*" );
pRTLData->bDoCheck = sal_False;
pRTLData->bNeedsDot = sal_False;
pRTLData->sExtension = String();
pRTLData->sPreWildcard = String();
pRTLData->sFullNameToBeChecked = String();
sal_Char cWild = '*';
String aFileParam = rFileParam;
String aPathStr;
aPathStr = getFullPath( aFileParam );
sal_Bool bHasWildcards = ( aFileParam.SearchBackward( cWild ) != STRING_NOTFOUND );
// #85023 If it's now recognized as folder everything
// is fine and we don't have to check for wildcards
if( bHasUno )
String aPathStr;
if( !bHasWildcards )
Reference< XSimpleFileAccess > xSFI = getFileAccess();
if( xSFI->isFolder( aPathStr ) )
return aPathStr;
if( aPathStr.Len() )
aPathStr = getFullPath( aFileParam );
// #85023 If it's now recognized as folder everything
// is fine and we don't have to check for wildcards
if( bHasUno )
DirectoryItem aItem;
FileBase::RC nRet = DirectoryItem::get( aPathStr, aItem );
if( nRet == FileBase::E_None )
Reference< XSimpleFileAccess > xSFI = getFileAccess();
if( xSFI->isFolder( aPathStr ) )
return aPathStr;
if( aPathStr.Len() )
FileStatus aFileStatus( FileStatusMask_Type );
nRet = aItem.getFileStatus( aFileStatus );
DirectoryItem aItem;
FileBase::RC nRet = DirectoryItem::get( aPathStr, aItem );
if( nRet == FileBase::E_None )
FileStatus::Type aType = aFileStatus.getFileType();
sal_Bool bFolder = (aType == FileStatus::Directory);
if( bFolder )
return aPathStr;
FileStatus aFileStatus( FileStatusMask_Type );
nRet = aItem.getFileStatus( aFileStatus );
if( nRet == FileBase::E_None )
FileStatus::Type aType = aFileStatus.getFileType();
sal_Bool bFolder = (aType == FileStatus::Directory);
if( bFolder )
return aPathStr;
sal_Char cWild = '*';
sal_Char cDelim1 = (sal_Char)'/';
sal_Char cDelim2 = (sal_Char)'\\';
xub_StrLen nLen = aFileParam.Len();
@ -2021,15 +2029,15 @@ String implSetupWildcard( const String& rFileParam, SbiRTLData* pRTLData, sal_Bo
aFileParam = aFileParam.Copy( 0, nLastDelim );
if( !aPathStr.Len() || aPathStr.SearchBackward( cWild ) != STRING_NOTFOUND )
xub_StrLen nPureLen = aPureFileName.Len();
if( !aPathStr.Len() )
// Try again to get a valid URL/UNC-path with only the path
aPathStr = getFullPath( aFileParam );
// Is there a pure file name left? Otherwise the path is
// invalid anyway because it was not accepted by OSL before
xub_StrLen nPureLen = aPureFileName.Len();
if( aPureFileName.Len() && aPureFileName != String::CreateFromAscii( "*.*" ) )
if( nPureLen && aPureFileName != aAsterisk )
// We make it very easy and search only for "anything*.xxx" patterns
sal_Char cDot = '.';
@ -2037,9 +2045,14 @@ String implSetupWildcard( const String& rFileParam, SbiRTLData* pRTLData, sal_Bo
xub_StrLen nLastWild = aPureFileName.SearchBackward( cWild );
xub_StrLen nLastDot = aPureFileName.SearchBackward( cDot );
// Handle ".*" and "x*"
// Handle ".*" and "x*" extensions
sal_Bool bAnyExtension = sal_False;
if( nLastWild == nPureLen-1 )
pRTLData->bNeedsDot = (nLastDot != STRING_NOTFOUND);
if( !pRTLData->bNeedsDot )
bAnyExtension = sal_True;
else if( nLastWild == nPureLen-1 )
if( nLastDot == nPureLen-2 )
@ -2055,7 +2068,7 @@ String implSetupWildcard( const String& rFileParam, SbiRTLData* pRTLData, sal_Bo
if( nLastWild == nLastDot-1 ||
( nLastDot == STRING_NOTFOUND && bAnyExtension ) )
pRTLData->bNameCheck = sal_True;
pRTLData->bDoCheck = sal_True;
if( !bAnyExtension )
pRTLData->sExtension = aPureFileName.Copy( nLastDot + 1 );
pRTLData->sPreWildcard = aPureFileName.Copy( 0, nLastWild );
@ -2063,9 +2076,9 @@ String implSetupWildcard( const String& rFileParam, SbiRTLData* pRTLData, sal_Bo
// Check if a complete file name has to be checked
else if( aPureFileName.Len() )
else if( nPureLen )
pRTLData->bNameCheck = sal_True;
pRTLData->bDoCheck = sal_True;
pRTLData->sFullNameToBeChecked = aPureFileName;
return aPathStr;
@ -2076,7 +2089,7 @@ sal_Bool implCheckWildcard( const String& rName, SbiRTLData* pRTLData )
sal_Bool bMatch = sal_True;
// #80200 HACK to provide minimum wildcard functionality (*.xxx)
if( pRTLData->bNameCheck )
if( pRTLData->bDoCheck )
bMatch = sal_False;
@ -2092,10 +2105,20 @@ sal_Bool implCheckWildcard( const String& rName, SbiRTLData* pRTLData )
sal_Char cDot = '.'; // char -> sal_Char ok, because ASCII
xub_StrLen nLastDot = rName.SearchBackward( cDot );
if( nLastDot != STRING_NOTFOUND )
String sExtension, sMainName;
if( nLastDot == STRING_NOTFOUND )
sMainName = rName;
sExtension = rName.Copy( nLastDot + 1 );
sMainName = rName.Copy( 0, nLastDot );
if( nLastDot != STRING_NOTFOUND || !pRTLData->bNeedsDot )
String sExtension = rName.Copy( nLastDot + 1 );
String sMainName = rName.Copy( 0, nLastDot );
if( !pRTLData->sExtension.Len() || sExtension == pRTLData->sExtension )
sal_Int32 nPreWildcardLen = pRTLData->sPreWildcard.Len();
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