2009-09-08 11:46:26 +0200 tl r275921 : #i74816# use hi-contrast for all but for printer; namely use it for virtual devices as well
2009-08-25 10:14:46 +0200 tl r275337 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS a11y32 to trunk@274622 (milestone: DEV300:m54)
2009-08-17 11:13:19 +0200 ab r275036 : #i71360# Added attribute support for misspelled
2009-07-24 14:28:11 +0200 tl r274306 : #i48354# fixed hierarchy order in SvHeaderTabListBox
2009-07-24 13:47:40 +0200 mav r274305 : #i102870# let roadmap control behave as a monolite tabstop control
2009-07-24 13:47:06 +0200 mav r274304 : #i102870# let roadmap control behave as a monolite tabstop control
2009-07-24 13:46:33 +0200 mav r274303 : #i102870# let roadmap control behave as a monolite tabstop control
2009-07-24 09:41:16 +0200 tl r274289 : #i74816# fixed evaluation of high-contrast-mode
2009-07-22 15:46:50 +0200 tl r274246 : warning-free-code fix when build with debug=t
2009-07-22 15:28:59 +0200 tl r274243 : #i74816# fixed evaluation of high-contrast-mode
2009-08-13 13:04:09 +0200 mav r274936 : #i104204# remove support for Ctrl-Tab
2009-08-13 09:59:22 +0200 od r274924 : #i93269# method <atk_wrapper_focus_idle_handler(..)>
- emit also object:state-changed:focus, if cursor is inside <XAccessibleText> object
2009-08-11 12:15:11 +0200 tl r274851 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS swa11y32_2nd to trunk@274622 (milestone: DEV300:m54)
2009-07-14 17:35:03 +0200 tl r273982 : 2009-07-10 10:46:39 +0200 tl r273879 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS swa11y32 to trunk@273468 (milestone: DEV300:m51)
2009-07-01 14:00:25 +0200 mav r273577 : #i102879# the text of the button should not change
2009-07-01 13:16:19 +0200 od r273574 : #159496# method <GetHelpAnchor_Impl(..)>
- do not release the solar mutex
2009-06-29 15:29:10 +0200 od r273476 : #i95042# method <CreateXWindow(..)>
- return instance <VCLXComboBox> for <Window> instance of type <MetricBox>.
note: <MetricBox> is inherited from <ComboBox>
2009-06-23 15:49:32 +0200 mav r273283 : #i101967# fix tab-control implementation
2009-06-22 13:56:22 +0200 od r273229 : #i100938# method <text_wrapper_get_run_attributes(..)>
- always provide start_offset and end_offset
- do _not_ increment the end_offset provide by <accessibility::TextSegment> instance
2009-06-02 12:09:03 +0200 mav r272492 : #i101959# Let the additional dialog window add its childred to the parents tab-hierarchy
2009-06-02 09:55:39 +0200 mav r272484 : #i102015# allow to have indirect child windows in tab-hierarchy
2009-06-02 09:49:42 +0200 mav r272482 : #i102015# Let the windows containing the extension dialog controls add controls to the tab hierarchy
2009-05-27 15:45:33 +0200 od r272354 : #i101012# method <SvxIconChoiceCtrl_Impl::EntrySelected(..)>
- emit vcl event LISTBOX_SELECT only in case that the given entry is selected.
2009-05-27 09:54:36 +0200 od r272333 : #i92103# map UNO-API accessible events list box entry expanded/collapsed
to corresponding atk events.
2009-05-27 09:52:15 +0200 od r272331 : #i92103# process list box entry expanded/collapsed events
2009-05-27 09:49:19 +0200 od r272330 : #i92103# emit vcl event list box entry expanded/collapsed
2009-05-26 10:42:05 +0200 od r272283 : #i93269# correct fix: check success of <queryInterface> call
2009-05-04 15:52:04 +0200 od r271469 : #i92103# new vcl event ids VCLEVENT_LISTBOX_ENTRY_EXPANDED and VCLEVENT_LISTBOX_ENTRY_COLLAPSED
2009-05-04 15:10:20 +0200 od r271460 : #i92103# refine definition of new constants
2009-05-04 14:36:44 +0200 od r271454 : #i92103# new constants for indicating that a list box entry is
expanded respectively collapsed.
2009-04-30 16:09:40 +0200 od r271421 : #i93269# method <atk_wrapper_focus_idle_handler(..)>
- emit text_caret_moved event for <XAccessibleText> object,
if cursor is inside the <XAccessibleText> object.
2009-04-22 14:00:10 +0200 tl r271105 : warning-free code
2009-04-22 09:17:30 +0200 tl r271073 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS swa11y32 to trunk@270723 (milestone: DEV300:m46)
2009-04-20 12:53:03 +0200 cd r270974 : #i83639# Check extendedhelp state to provide correct tool tip text
2009-04-03 13:07:13 +0200 tl r270471 : #i63983# changed accessible object names to empty strings
2009-04-01 15:52:09 +0200 tl r270336 : #i90991# accessible names and description for paragraphs should be empty
2009-04-01 15:12:42 +0200 tl r270333 : #i90991# accessible names and description for paragraphs should be empty
2009-04-01 15:10:34 +0200 tl r270331 : warning-free code
2009-04-01 12:54:44 +0200 tl r270319 : #i89176# Implementation of XAccessibleMultiLineText in EditEngine
2009-04-01 12:52:56 +0200 tl r270318 : #i89176# Implementation of XAccessibleMultiLineText in EditEngine
2009-03-27 18:31:01 +0100 tbe r270166 : #i92143# text getRangeExtents reports incorrect 'x' values for spreadsheet cells
2009-03-13 13:43:54 +0100 tl r269476 : #i94322# ImpEditView::ShowCursor and nPara == USHRT_MAX problem fixed
2009-03-12 10:27:30 +0100 tl r269366 : warning-free code; unresolved external dbg_out when compiling with debug=t
2009-03-11 12:40:31 +0100 tl r269312 : warning-free code Solaris x86
2009-03-10 15:49:01 +0100 tl r269279 : #i86443# handle GetColumnCount() == 0
2009-03-10 10:48:32 +0100 cl r269254 : #i91742# name cells for accessibility
2009-03-09 17:06:33 +0100 cl r269203 : #i91742# call init on accessible cells
2009-08-17 11:57:21 +0200 od r275041 : #i41413# correction of fix
- check, if <Last Name> assignment exist before accessing database
2009-08-13 16:08:34 +0200 tbo r274949 : #i100286# removed from workaround
2009-08-05 10:57:28 +0200 os r274642 : #103994# prevent crash after field undo
2009-08-05 07:58:30 +0200 os r274635 : #103994# prevent crash after field undo
2009-08-04 10:38:40 +0200 os r274611 : #i41413# warnings fixed
2009-08-04 09:34:50 +0200 os r274604 : #103233# unnecessary local variable removed
2009-08-04 09:34:21 +0200 os r274603 : #103233# GetPosition() removed, again
2009-07-27 13:51:58 +0200 os r274362 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS os133 to trunk@274203 (milestone: DEV300:m53)
2009-07-23 12:18:51 +0200 os r274267 : #i41413# salutation preview fixed
2009-07-22 13:55:02 +0200 os r274235 : #i69458# lock expression fields while calculating layout
2009-07-22 10:54:25 +0200 os r274225 : #i103506# page descriptor has to be copied from the working document, not from the source document
2009-07-07 16:01:50 +0200 os r273802 : #i103305# Shift+Ctrl+A should work for single selected drawing objects
2009-07-07 15:36:09 +0200 os r273801 : #ii103137# text:display inversion fixed
2009-07-01 14:19:36 +0200 os r273580 : #103233# access field position directly instead of a text node iteration
2009-06-28 20:05:18 +0200 tbo r273450 : #100285# exchange PDF1/2TBO with HID_FILTER_PDF_INITIAL_VIEW/USER_INTERFACE
2009-06-28 20:04:20 +0200 tbo r273449 : #100285# exchange PDF1/2TBO with HID_FILTER_PDF_INITIAL_VIEW/USER_INTERFACE
2009-06-28 20:03:37 +0200 tbo r273448 : #100285# exchange PDF1/2TBO with HID_FILTER_PDF_INITIAL_VIEW/USER_INTERFACE
2009-06-26 13:58:46 +0200 os r273409 : #i20268# misleading CheckBox name changed and function inverted
2009-06-26 13:33:12 +0200 os r273405 : #i52699# twip convrsion of line width for text documents added
2009-06-26 12:42:47 +0200 os r273399 : #i102967# Gender field name: accept first entry
2009-06-26 12:38:53 +0200 os r273398 : #i103121# caption position in all OLEs can only be below
2009-06-25 14:42:42 +0200 os r273382 : #i99848# member m_xText is not always set
2009-06-25 12:38:30 +0200 os r273377 : #i100285# HelpIds added
2009-06-23 16:01:42 +0200 os r273285 : #i103021# BulletId is a unicode character
2009-08-10 13:16:25 +0200 fs r274805 : #i84390# typo corrected
2009-08-10 13:04:28 +0200 fs r274804 : #i103741# properly terminate the last token in a string with a 0 byte
2009-07-24 08:54:05 +0200 msc r274286 : #103219# changed long name
2009-07-24 08:42:28 +0200 msc r274285 : #i79649# changed behaviour of the wizard
2009-07-22 14:17:49 +0200 oj r274238 : GrabFocus
2009-07-22 13:38:01 +0200 oj r274232 : #i102934# mixed up
2009-07-22 13:37:16 +0200 oj r274231 : #i102934# mixed up
2009-07-21 12:30:36 +0200 oj r274176 : crash when using distinct
2009-07-21 10:03:44 +0200 oj r274163 : set last char to 0
2009-07-21 09:31:22 +0200 oj r274161 : mediatype corrected
2009-07-20 11:45:33 +0200 fs r274118 : typo in formatting string
2009-07-20 11:40:39 +0200 fs r274117 : removed unused include
2009-07-20 11:40:01 +0200 fs r274116 : class name corrected
2009-07-16 13:41:45 +0200 oj r274046 : i101587 wrong check for embeddeddatabase url in confguration, have to check path
2009-07-16 13:12:05 +0200 tbo r274044 : #i103219# adjust declarion to new hid.lst
2009-07-16 12:43:48 +0200 oj r274041 : #i102497# check also fot longvarchar
2009-07-16 12:15:41 +0200 oj r274039 : #i103030# handle type description and exceptions as well
2009-07-16 11:14:26 +0200 fs r274035 : let SVN ignore output paths
2009-07-16 09:23:43 +0200 fs r274030 : TransforFormComponentProperties: no need to check for attribute equality
2009-07-10 14:16:23 +0200 oj r273892 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS dba32e to trunk@273858 (milestone: DEV300:m52)
2009-07-01 21:41:50 +0200 fs r273614 : #i10000#
2009-07-01 15:01:10 +0200 fs r273589 : Input required doesn't make sense at all in XML form documents
2009-07-01 12:10:31 +0200 fs r273562 : updated
2009-07-01 11:46:12 +0200 fs r273560 : #i103219# add about 100 missing long names
2009-07-01 10:11:41 +0200 fs r273551 : moved from socket/port usage to pipe/name usage, which is more common nowadays
2009-07-01 09:50:03 +0200 fs r273549 : removed obsolete (empty) folder
2009-07-01 09:47:35 +0200 fs r273548 : copied the code for the Accessibility Workbench herein, formerly located in the old CVS repository, at gsl/awb
2009-06-30 10:07:47 +0200 fs r273493 : merging latest changes from CWS dba32d
2009-06-29 20:46:31 +0200 fs r273482 : #i103138# Rectangle conversions
2009-06-29 10:01:13 +0200 fs r273453 : #i103138#
refactored the code for positioning/zooming the control
Basically, we now allow adjustControlGeometry_throw (formerly known as positionControl_throw and setControlZoom) to
take an additional ViewTransformation parameter, describing the transformation to obtain the actual
control position/size. Consequently, positionControl itself also allows for a ViewTransformation parameter.
This has become necessary since during painting, the device which we created our control for might not necessarily
have a proper MapMode set. In this case, if we would use this map mode for calculating the control's position/size,
this would lead to wrong results.
Note that this problem was introduced by the fix for #i101398#: During the fix, we postponed the control creation
to a later time (when it is really needed). At this later time, the MapMode at the device is broken, at the earlier
time where we formerly crearted the control (createPrimitive2DSequence), it is not yet broken.
Whether or not the MapMode is defined as "broken" might depend on one's point of view, however ...
I consider it broken, since:
- we need the map mode to obtain the proper zoom level, which is to be forwarded to the control
- there are scenarios where the MapMode is *not* set to MAP_PIXEL (in those scenarios, everything works
fine), and there are scenarios where it *is* set to MAP_PIXEL (in those the bug 103138 appears).
It somehow feels wrong that one cannot rely on the device's map mode this way, but on the other hand
one has no possibility to obtain the current zoom by other means.
Note that one issue (still to be submitted) is left: In the page pane of a Draw/Impress document, controls
have a wrong text size. This is because in this pane, the above-mentioned "broken" map mode is used,
which means the controls have a zoom of "1:1" set, which is wrong here.
2009-06-29 09:52:13 +0200 fs r273452 : during #i103138#: belongsToDevice is unused nowadays
2009-06-24 12:40:06 +0200 fs r273329 : #i102888# #i102899#
2009-06-24 12:10:29 +0200 oj r273327 : #i103030# some code changes
2009-06-24 09:44:14 +0200 oj r273311 : #i103030# some code changes
2009-06-24 09:24:42 +0200 oj r273309 : #i103030# add log
2009-06-24 09:03:29 +0200 fs r273308 : if a col's table name is schema.table, properly quote all parts
2009-06-24 08:56:06 +0200 oj r273307 : #i102691# changed string
2009-06-23 13:31:43 +0200 oj r273280 : #i102479# fix date, time and datetime
2009-06-23 12:51:28 +0200 oj r273277 : #i103020# clear old expression when updating to avoid dead pointers in treelist userdata
2009-06-23 12:17:16 +0200 oj r273275 : #i103030# add LogBridge
2009-06-23 11:53:10 +0200 oj r273272 : shawdowed var resolved
2009-06-23 11:48:49 +0200 oj r273270 : #i103030# add :log to uno env if var UNO_ENV_LOG is set
2009-06-23 11:47:47 +0200 oj r273269 : #i103030# add LogBridge
2009-06-23 11:47:11 +0200 oj r273268 : #i103030# add LogBridge
2009-06-23 08:05:08 +0200 oj r273253 : #i102934# add key for collapsing
2009-06-22 13:21:33 +0200 fs r273225 : merging latest changes from CWS dba32d
2009-06-22 13:15:22 +0200 fs r273221 : why restrict to 12 entries?
2009-06-22 08:12:21 +0200 oj r273196 : #i102655# choosen > chosen typo fixed
2009-06-22 08:08:04 +0200 oj r273195 : #i102657# typo fix
2009-06-22 08:06:28 +0200 oj r273194 : #i102934# expanding and collasping of section
2009-06-22 08:05:52 +0200 oj r273193 : #i102930# set focus in treelistbox
2009-06-22 08:04:56 +0200 oj r273192 : #i102929# enable tabstop
2009-06-19 13:18:26 +0200 oj r273157 : remove unused param
2009-06-19 10:07:05 +0200 oj r273149 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS dba32e to trunk@272827 (milestone: DEV300:m50)
2009-06-19 07:32:40 +0200 oj r273146 : merge from dba32d to dba32e
2009-06-19 07:22:56 +0200 oj r273145 : merge from dba32d to dba32e
2009-06-19 07:22:33 +0200 oj r273144 : merge from dba32d to dba32e
2009-06-18 14:09:34 +0200 fs r273116 : merging the latest changes from CWS dba32d (up to revision 273108) herein, which effectively is a rebase to DEV300.m50
2009-06-18 08:50:35 +0200 oj r273098 : #i102894# fix for new line in text
2009-06-18 08:28:48 +0200 oj r273097 : #i102892# check any
2009-06-18 08:21:34 +0200 oj r273096 : check if error is valid
2009-06-16 13:49:28 +0200 fs r273019 : why make a drop down control by default? The form control factory in SVX does this better those days ...
2009-06-10 09:53:20 +0200 oj r272797 : add lic text
2009-06-10 09:48:55 +0200 oj r272796 : test added for i101618
2009-06-09 14:57:39 +0200 oj r272771 : #i101618# access database document only when script container is needed
2009-06-09 12:42:25 +0200 oj r272765 : #i102497# check type property
2009-06-09 12:32:49 +0200 oj r272764 : adjust test cases
2009-06-09 12:31:58 +0200 oj r272763 : adjust test cases
2009-06-09 12:31:22 +0200 oj r272762 : adjust test cases
2009-06-09 11:35:42 +0200 oj r272761 : check if error is valid
2009-06-09 11:29:42 +0200 oj r272760 : #i102497# longvarchar was missing
2009-06-08 14:52:49 +0200 fs r272733 : #i102564# when setting a new field, also set m_nFieldType
2009-06-08 13:51:20 +0200 oj r272730 : add tests
2009-06-05 14:38:01 +0200 oj r272686 : add dep
2009-06-05 14:35:00 +0200 oj r272684 : add new tests
2009-06-05 13:41:18 +0200 oj r272681 : code clean ups
2009-06-05 12:40:51 +0200 oj r272678 : code cleanup
2009-06-05 12:02:57 +0200 oj r272677 : code cleanup
2009-06-05 10:42:38 +0200 oj r272670 : #i49320# impl export of single rows and as RTF and HTML
2009-06-03 14:30:37 +0200 oj r272576 : #i79649# check if file matches filter wildcard
2009-06-03 13:41:57 +0200 oj r272560 : #i102470# impl not b like 'c'
2009-04-02 18:13:38 +0200 pl r270430 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS macshortcuts01 to trunk@270033 (milestone: DEV300:m45)
2009-03-04 13:02:01 +0100 pl r268816 : make compile with oldish gtk headers
2009-03-04 11:23:41 +0100 rvojta r268799 : Remove #ifndef MACOSX as Mac OS X X11 port is obsolote, no need to check for non Mac OS X
2009-03-03 16:33:34 +0100 rvojta r268764 : Meta/Super to MOD3 on all Unix platforms except Mac OS X
2009-03-03 16:08:46 +0100 rvojta r268744 : Map GDK_Meta_L/R and GDK_Super_L/R keys to KEY_MOD3 on Unix systems except Mac OS X
2009-03-03 16:04:23 +0100 rvojta r268742 : IsMod3(), IsLeftMod3(), IsRightMod3() added
2009-03-03 16:03:48 +0100 rvojta r268741 : MODKEY_LMOD3, MODKEY_RMOD3, MODKEY_MOD3 support
2009-02-28 00:09:26 +0100 rvojta r268620 : New KeyCode constructors support, by default MOD3 is not used here (probably temporary solution)
2009-02-25 22:53:02 +0100 rvojta r268469 : MOD3 support (META_DOWN_MASK)
2009-02-25 13:22:13 +0100 rvojta r268435 : Cmd-M to minimize window, Cmd-Option-M to minimize all windows
2009-02-25 11:09:20 +0100 rvojta r268417 : Add back F11 for non Mac OS X platforms (removed by accident in r268405)
2009-02-24 18:32:31 +0100 rvojta r268405 : F11 replaced by Cmd-T on Mac OS X
2009-02-23 15:21:53 +0100 sb r268358 : #i99296# support values with both xml:lang and install:module (which are moved into the spool tree, not the res tree)
2009-02-16 22:45:34 +0100 rvojta r267839 : Multiplatform shortcuts support
2009-02-16 22:41:03 +0100 rvojta r267838 : Use install:module instead of separate xcu file
2009-02-16 18:35:36 +0100 rvojta r267833 : Removed accelerators target
2009-02-16 09:27:42 +0100 rvojta r267776 : MOD3 added
2009-02-16 09:18:32 +0100 rvojta r267775 : MOD3 support
2009-02-16 09:17:11 +0100 rvojta r267774 : MOD3 support
2009-02-15 22:11:37 +0100 rvojta r267773 : Check for MOD3 too
2009-02-15 22:11:15 +0100 rvojta r267772 : Check for MOD3 too
2009-02-15 22:10:37 +0100 rvojta r267771 : Check for MOD3 too
2009-02-15 22:10:15 +0100 rvojta r267770 : Check for MOD3 during mouse event too
2009-02-15 22:09:54 +0100 rvojta r267769 : IsMod3() added
2009-02-15 19:34:59 +0100 rvojta r267768 : MOD3 added (Ctrl on Mac OS X)
2009-02-15 19:33:43 +0100 rvojta r267767 : Cmd-M -> Ctrl-M for default format
2009-02-15 19:32:19 +0100 rvojta r267766 : MOD3 added (Ctrl on Mac OS X)
2009-02-15 19:31:30 +0100 rvojta r267765 : MOD3 added (Ctrl on Mac OS X)
2009-02-15 19:31:04 +0100 rvojta r267764 : MOD3 added (Ctrl on Mac OS X)
2009-02-15 19:30:33 +0100 rvojta r267763 : MOD3 added (Ctrl on Mac OS X)
2009-02-15 19:30:09 +0100 rvojta r267762 : MOD3 added (Ctrl on Mac OS X)
2009-02-13 22:11:22 +0100 rvojta r267751 : Cmd-Shift-Z for .uno:Redo
2009-02-13 22:04:19 +0100 rvojta r267748 : F11 -> Cmd-T for .uno:DesignerDialog
2009-02-13 21:09:11 +0100 rvojta r267743 : F11 -> Cmd-T (all occurences)
2009-02-13 19:47:21 +0100 rvojta r267741 : accelerators target added for Mac OS X shortcuts
2009-02-13 19:46:58 +0100 rvojta r267740 : Spreadsheet - replace F11 with Cmd-T
2009-02-13 19:24:19 +0100 rvojta r267739 : Remove Accelerators-Mac.xcs
2009-02-13 18:50:01 +0100 rvojta r267738 : Accelerators-Mac.xcs test
2009-02-13 18:48:10 +0100 rvojta r267737 : Accelerators-Mac.xcu added
2009-02-13 18:46:48 +0100 rvojta r267736 : F11 -> Cmd-T for stylist in Spreadsheet
2008/07/18 07:10:19 obr #i70872# fixed grabFocus() code to not expect XAccessibleSelection being implemented by the same object implementing XAccessible
2008/06/10 12:58:10 obr #i70872# toolbox items returned a parent XAccessible different from the one returned by the toolbox window
2008/05/29 10:31:32 fne #i88047# menu button role added
2008/05/26 11:39:02 fne #i88047# temporary solution until new role is added
2008/04/15 22:01:45 fs RESYNC: (1.2-1.3); FILE MERGED
2008/03/06 10:25:17 fs #i86577# NotifyAccessibleEvent is unused now, but we ifdef it to preserve it for the future
2008/04/15 22:01:35 fs RESYNC: (1.2-1.3); FILE MERGED
2008/03/06 10:25:16 fs #i86577# NotifyAccessibleEvent is unused now, but we ifdef it to preserve it for the future
2008/04/15 08:14:58 rt Update license header to LGPL 3.
2008/02/20 08:46:09 obr added newline at end of file (linux build fix)
2008/01/14 21:11:26 obr #i82877# new subclass of vclxaccessiblecomponent which exposes SUB_WINDOW_OF relation for FloatingWindow(s)
2008/04/15 08:14:58 rt Update license header to LGPL 3.
2008/01/14 21:11:25 obr #i82877# new subclass of vclxaccessiblecomponent which exposes SUB_WINDOW_OF relation for FloatingWindow(s)
2008/02/20 11:18:54 obr corrected bad fix for WaE on Windows
2008/02/20 09:10:01 obr build fix for wntmsci11
2008/02/19 09:38:27 obr RESYNC: (1.3-1.4); FILE MERGED
2008/01/14 21:11:25 obr #i82877# new subclass of vclxaccessiblecomponent which exposes SUB_WINDOW_OF relation for FloatingWindow(s)