2009-10-09 skotti #i105516# - Provided warnlog for not working extensible help (#i105760)
2009-10-09 skotti #i105516# - EditCopy called with no delay, hUseAsyncSlot() should fix this
2009-10-09 skotti #i105516# - fixed stupid error in iniinfo.inc (called IsMissing to check on a file instead of FileExists)
2009-10-09 skotti #i105516# - template tools - added checking for dialog
2009-10-09 skotti #i105516# - 2 cjk tests excluded, providing #i105756 as justification (qaerrorlog)
2009-10-09 skotti #i105516# - tModifyObjects: Add a WaitSlot
2009-10-09 skotti #i105516# - CJK test - number of entries has changed, fixed
2009-10-08 skotti Rebase to m61, resolving conflicts in g_option.inc, add g_option.inc to f_first.bas (the test for the OOo Improvement Program was removed from all files but is functional)
2009-10-08 skotti #i105516# - Just another attempt to fix w_numbering.bas
2009-10-08 skotti #i105516# - Added issue-IDs to f_basic_package_export_import.bas and subsequent include files.
2009-10-08 skotti #i105516# - StarOffice help topics updated. Need to do the same for OOo (better do it soon)
2009-10-08 skotti #i105516# - package export might result in zero size package, the test now handles this
2009-10-08 skotti #i105516# - Enhanced VBA import test to handle write protected files
2009-10-08 skotti #i105516# - Potentially fixed f_basic_library_export_import.bas
2009-10-08 skotti #i105516# - Fixing f_basic_vba-compat.bas (cont.)
2009-10-08 skotti #i105516# - Started fixing f_basic_vba-compat.bas
2009-10-08 skotti #i105516# - Help content changed again without notice
2009-10-07 skotti #i105516# - Really exclude the test
2009-10-07 skotti #i105516# - tModifyObjects is simplified and better documented, some more functions have been silenced, writer test (which is somewhat fuzzy) now closes all files at the end of the test
2009-10-07 skotti #i105516# - Testcase tToolsNumbering12 did not use any of the modern timing features which made the test inherently unstable. replaced sleep() statements
2009-10-07 skotti #i105516# - Trying a fix for extras-test (document corrupted warning)
2009-10-07 skotti #i105516# - Trying a fix for extras-test (document corrupted warning)
2009-10-07 skotti #i105516# - Fixed incorrect filtername in tToolsNumbering12, removed QAErrorlog
2009-10-07 skotti #i105516# - Fixed extension name for os2_x86.oxt.
2009-10-07 skotti #i105516# - Added warnlog for #i105670#
2009-10-07 skotti #i105516# - possible fix for warning in e_platforms.bas on MacOS X
2009-10-06 skotti #i105516# - someone allowed a ui relevant feature to slip in unnoticed. That is so stupid, that it could have been me. Adjusted test case to reflect the new - correct - behavior
2009-10-06 skotti #i105516# - fixing a few more test cases (module framework), switched off verbosity in global functions (not wanted for release), deprecate IsItLoaded (old function only used in one single spreadsheet test), fixed minor typo in hFileWait()
2009-10-05 skotti #i105516# - Removing all old style HTML documentation
2009-10-04 skotti #i105516# - Documentation fixes, cleanup
2009-10-02 skotti #i105516# - Documentation fixes, cleanup
2009-10-02 skotti #i105516# - Fixed header
2009-10-01 skotti #i105516# - Fixed usage tracking stuff, there has been a lot of trouble with changed behavior which was not communicated to QA. Attempts for a fix have been done in CWS jskhgpilot4 (which has been merged into this CWS already)
2009-10-01 skotti #i104246# - Toolbar stability and fix for e_update.bas on solaris - using .notExists()
2009-10-01 skotti #i104246# - Tried to enhance hWaitFOrObject() - better close the dialog if we run into the backup
2009-10-01 skotti #i104246# - Tried to enhance hWaitFOrObject() - works locally, distributing to all other machines
2009-10-01 skotti #i104246# - Tried to enhance hWaitFOrObject() - the function even had a logic-error which prevented it from working correctly (i think, going to test that)
2009-10-01 skotti #i104246# - Tried to enhance hWaitFOrObject() - the function even had a logic-error which prevented it from working correctly (i think, going to test that)
2009-09-30 skotti #i104246# - basic_dialog_i18n_import.inc now sports better warning message if the number of languages is incorrect
2009-09-30 skotti #i104246# - Added issue-id for crash on Solaris x86 (#i105476)
2009-09-30 skotti #i105407# Added new label to the list
2009-09-30 skotti #i104246# - Added a fallback method to the original one for finding the basis-directory on UNIX/Linux
2009-09-30 skotti #i104246# - reverted removal of iSection. I still have no idea what it does but without it the results are different but not better
2009-09-29 skotti #i104246# - The OOo Improvement Program tabpage is only visible if the BUILD_SPECIAL flag is given when building the Application. In the BUILD_SPECIAL section two files are created which will not be there otherwise. In master.inc we now test for the presence of one of the files. If found, we have the OOoImp-stuff installed and the global variable is set to TRUE. In order to find the file i had to fix the retrieval routine for the gOfficeBasisPath (which had a double gNetzOfficePath hidden in the variable sFile for all Unixes). The functin probably never worked, we were just lucky that it was only used in one place. Now - for some reason - we have warnings in the g_options_applications.inc test cases which need to be resolved. I reformatted the file (some indentions were broken) and removed duplicate variable initializations (this left unfinished, iSection should be removed from the control program and be inserted into the test cases themselves so currently the test results only deliver bogus).
2009-09-28 skotti #i104601 - Another problem found: After the fully automatic creation of the hid.lst we have lost the association to the TextImport dialog, reverting back to old name FilterAuswahl
2009-09-28 skotti Experiment: Completely remove hCloseAndLooseDocument
2009-09-28 skotti Experiment: Deprecate hCloseAndLooseDocument - it does nothing else than hCloseDocument
2009-09-28 skotti #i105407# - eliminated function hOpenFileAndIgnoreMacroWarning() as it already exists as a two step variant (hFileOpen+hAllowMacroExecution). Removed readme-file from framework/tools as the content was not up to date anymore
2009-09-28 skotti #i105407# - remove unused functions
2009-09-28 skotti #i104601#, #i105407# - small fixes
2009-08-25 15:52:04 +0200 hde r275366 : reactived testcases hit by issue 102752
2009-08-21 13:52:17 +0200 od r275245 : #i102921# delete files whose deletion has been forgotten in cws impress172
2009-08-21 11:20:47 +0200 od r275225 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS sw32bf02 to trunk@275001 (milestone: DEV300:m55)
2009-08-20 16:21:30 +0200 od r275191 : #i92511# method <lcl_MoveAllLowerObjs(..)>
- invalidation of cache for object rectangle inclusive spaces is needed.
2009-08-20 15:50:40 +0200 od r275188 : #i96726# method <SwPagePreView::DocSzChgd(..)>
- trigger recalculation of page preview layout even if the count of pages is not changing
2009-08-20 12:37:32 +0200 od r275172 : #i100466# correction for showing and hiding redlines
2009-08-18 13:25:18 +0200 od r275100 : #i103817# method <XMLTextImportHelper::SetStyleAndAttrs(..)
- assure that a heading applies the outline style, if no other list style is applied.
2009-08-18 13:21:38 +0200 od r275098 : #i103817# allow the outline style - list style for outline numbering - to be set directly at the paragraph
2009-08-17 14:13:02 +0200 od r275052 : #i103684# add missing documentation for new optional OutlineLevel attribute introduced in OOo 3.1
2009-08-17 14:00:25 +0200 od r275049 : #i100481# method <XMLTextFrameContext_Impl::CreateChildContext(..)>#
- correct condition for handling embedded documents and embedded math objects
2009-08-12 14:11:34 +0200 od r274891 : #i97379# assure that columns are not applied to fly frames, which represent graphics or embedded objects
2009-08-12 12:51:43 +0200 od r274889 : #i101870# method <SwTxtNode::_MakeNewTxtNode(..)>
- perform action on different paragraph styles before applying new paragraph style
2009-08-12 12:24:44 +0200 od r274888 : #i101092# method <ViewShell::Paint(..)>
- encapsulate paint of document background and document into pre and post drawing layer paint calls
2009-08-12 11:38:48 +0200 od r274886 : #i98766# minor adjustment in order to be warning free under Mac port builds
2009-08-12 11:33:54 +0200 od r274885 : #i99267# method <SwTabFrm::MakeAll()>
- reset <bSplit> after forward move to assure that follows can be joined, if further space is available.
2009-08-12 11:11:49 +0200 od r274882 : #i98766# method <ViewShell::SmoothScroll(..)
- disable smooth scroll for Mac port builds
2009-08-10 12:17:58 +0200 od r274801 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS sw32bf02 to trunk@274622 (milestone: DEV300:m54)
2009-07-21 16:56:45 +0200 od r274206 : #i103685# method <SwTxtFormatter::NewTabPortion(..)>
- adjust condition to apply automatic tab stop at left margin correctly
in case that tab stops are not relative to indent
2009-07-10 11:53:53 +0200 od r273883 : #i102752 method <SwDrawContact::Modify(..)>
- assure that a ShapePropertyChangeNotifier exists
2009-07-07 12:01:58 +0200 mst r273788 : #i103304# apply patch by dtardon to fix bogus conditional
2009-07-07 09:01:13 +0200 od r273767 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS sw32bf02 to trunk@273468 (milestone: DEV300:m51)
2009-08-27 10:11:46 +0200 hde r275457 : new testcase i103265
2009-08-27 08:24:31 +0200 hde r275454 : new testcase i103265
2009-08-27 08:23:05 +0200 hde r275453 : new document for testcase i103265
2009-08-26 13:43:33 +0200 hde r275421 : added new autotest
2009-08-26 13:36:28 +0200 hde r275420 : added new autotest
2009-08-18 15:41:18 +0200 od r275113 : #i104300# method <SwEditWin::RequestHelp(..)>
- improve help tip for hyperlinks to cross-reference bookmarks.
2009-08-10 15:18:41 +0200 od r274816 : #i73249# method <SwFrameShell::Execute(..)>
- no update of fly frame manager on dialog "Title and Description"
2009-08-10 14:24:15 +0200 od r274813 : #i92125# correction of end of file - missing newline end
2009-08-10 14:10:14 +0200 od r274811 : #i92125# correction of end of file - newline missing
2009-08-10 14:00:30 +0200 od r274808 : #i92125# - correct end of file - new line missing
2009-08-10 09:12:30 +0200 od r274794 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS sw32a11y01 to trunk@274622 (milestone: DEV300:m54)
2009-08-07 15:52:59 +0200 od r274775 : #i73249# minor adjustment due to compiler warning
2009-08-07 15:40:38 +0200 od r274774 : #i92125# method <MarkManager::deleteMarks(..)>
- do not delete cross-reference bookmark, if deletion occurs inside a certain node
2009-08-06 12:53:05 +0200 od r274717 : #i92125# method <MarkManager::deleteMarks(..)
- no move of position for cross-reference bookmark, if move occurs inside certain node.
2009-08-06 12:50:27 +0200 od r274716 : #i92125# method <SwUndoSaveCntnt::DelCntntIndex(..)>
- keep cross-reference bookmarks, if deletion occurs inside a certain node.
2009-08-06 09:53:29 +0200 od r274705 : #i103265# method <SwTOXPara::GetURL()>
- For outline and template entries create link to bookmark.
The bookmark of type CROSSREF_HEADING_BOOKMARK is created, if needed
2009-07-22 13:57:04 +0200 od r274236 : #i73249# adjustment for export of svg:title and svg:description
2009-07-22 13:51:58 +0200 od r274234 : #i73249# adjust and enhance import/export of svg:title and svg:description
for Writer's text frames, graphics and embedded objects
2009-07-21 10:26:27 +0200 od r274168 : #i73249# implement support for attributes Title and Description for
text frames, graphics and embedded objects in Writer
- core, UNO-API, undo/redo and UI
2009-07-21 10:05:15 +0200 od r274164 : #i73249# new optional properties Title and Description as basis frame properties in text documents
2009-07-13 12:19:54 +0200 od r273928 : #i73249# Implementation of Undo/Redo of drawing object's name, title and description
2009-07-07 09:26:41 +0200 hde r273770 : added testcase tShortcutPasteUnformattedText
2009-07-07 09:26:04 +0200 hde r273769 : added testcase tShortcutPasteUnformattedText
2009-06-26 17:27:39 +0200 mba r273431 : #i17563#: moved slot to sfx2
2009-06-26 17:26:40 +0200 mba r273430 : #i17563#: moved slot to sfx2
2009-06-24 21:16:18 +0200 mox r273365 : Update UI strings to follow the Uppercase All Convention.
2009-06-13 23:26:58 +0200 mox r272958 : CWS-TOOLING: rebase CWS mox01 to trunk@272827 (milestone: DEV300:m50)
2009-04-04 14:26:36 +0200 mox r270524 : Fix bugs to make shortcut work
2009-04-04 12:38:36 +0200 mox r270523 : Command definition for shortcut
2009-04-04 08:56:29 +0200 mox r270522 : Revert changes of menu item
2009-04-04 08:28:46 +0200 mox r270521 : Revert changes
2009-03-02 20:41:11 +0100 mox r268690 : Menu item and shortcut key for Paste and Match Style
2009-03-02 20:40:45 +0100 mox r268689 : Menu item and shortcut key for Paste and Match Style