2007/03/11 00:17:59 thb #i37778# Necessary adaptions for cppcanvas clip behaviour (extra setClip() methods to clear clip, instead of empty polygon, which denotes everything clipped on canvas); removed cyclic references for intrinsically animated shapes (GIF and drawing layer scroll text); fixed a few coding style inconsistencies
2007/01/29 14:02:29 thb Issue number: #i37778#
Larger slideshow refactoring. Wrote design and coding style manifest,
and adapted the code to actually conform to this. In detail:
- cleaned up ownership/disposable/weak_ptr story. removed hacks and
explicit Disposable implementations, where workaround were available
- removed object mutices, where superfluous
- reworked EventMultiplexer (using templatized listener class now), added
more events. EventMultiplexer now serves as a true blackboard
- reworked directory structure: disjunct parts are now physically separated
into directories, instantiation happens via factories & abstract interfaces
- added CursorManager, to make setting mouse cursor less hackish
- reworked DrawShape, to implement SeparateListener pattern
- reworked IntrinsicAnimationActivity, to avoid cyclic references
- modified hyperlink & shape cursor handling to communicate via
- renamed & cleaned up files (presentation.cxx now named slideshowimpl.cxx,
- added first version of the z-order fix to layer/layermanager
- cleaned up include guards and include syntax
2006/04/03 16:19:04 thb #i37778# Now passing down ComponentContext to all interested parties; building a second, all-exports version of the slideshow component (to facilitate unit testing also for internal classes) - this made necessary renaming ImportFailedException to ShapeLoadFailedException (because of silly i63703); applied relevant parts of #i63770# (const-correctness); reworked view handling in such a way that views are now kept in one central repository (and are not duplicated across all interested objects); moved code from namespace presentation to namespace slideshow
2006/03/24 18:23:38 thb #i37778# Moved whole slideshow engine from namespace presentation (which conflicts with one of the UNO subnamespaces) to slideshow
2006/03/15 15:22:24 thb #i49357# Removed external include guards from all non-export headers (and from the cxx files, anyway)
2004/10/21 23:24:39 thb #i35043# Added Event and EventTrigger functionality for after effect (but also for most of the other EventTrigger types); faked a DimColor implementation (currently based on fillcolor); refactored a little bit
2004/10/19 22:07:33 thb #110496#, #i35043# Initial revision