2004/01/26 14:21:31 mh RESYNC: (1.5-1.6); FILE MERGED
2003/12/14 14:25:05 khendricks Issue number:
Issue number: 21906 and 22301
Submitted by: Kevin Hendricks
Reviewed by: ppc linux code owner (me)
Removing -fpermissive and -fno-for-scope form the unxlngpp4.mk
file since Ken's latest changes has remvoed the need for them
Also I added in -frtti since my tests show no real impact on
stripped size or startup speed on PPC Linux, in the hopes this might
prevent future rtti related missing symbol problems
2003/04/11 09:25:17 mh join: from ooo11beta
2003/03/27 11:37:06 waratah 11233: enable standard warnings from the gcc compiler on latest 644 branch