/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: cmddlg.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.2 $ * * last change: $Author: pl $ $Date: 2001-05-11 16:14:08 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #include #ifndef _SV_MSGBOX_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _PAD_RTSETUP_HRC_ #include #endif #ifndef _PAD_COMMANDDLG_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _PAD_PADIALOG_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _PAD_HELPER_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _SVT_FILEDLG_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _PAD_PRTSETUP_HXX_ #include #endif using namespace psp; using namespace rtl; using namespace padmin; #define PRINTER_PERSISTENCE_GROUP "KnownPrinterCommands" #define FAX_PERSISTENCE_GROUP "KnownFaxCommands" #define PDF_PERSISTENCE_GROUP "KnowPdfCommands" #define MAX_COMMANDS 50 void CommandStore::getSystemPrintCommands( ::std::list< String >& rCommands ) { static ::std::list< OUString > aSysCommands; static bool bOnce = false; if( ! bOnce ) { bOnce = true; PrinterInfoManager::get().getSystemPrintCommands( aSysCommands ); } ::std::list< OUString >::const_iterator it; for( it = aSysCommands.begin(); it != aSysCommands.end(); ++it ) rCommands.push_back( *it ); } void CommandStore::getSystemPdfCommands( ::std::list< String >& rCommands ) { static bool bOnce = false; static ::std::list< String > aSysCommands; if( ! bOnce ) { bOnce = true; char pBuffer[1024]; FILE* pPipe; String aCommand; rtl_TextEncoding aEncoding = gsl_getSystemTextEncoding(); pPipe = popen( "which gs", "r" ); if( pPipe ) { fgets( pBuffer, sizeof( pBuffer ), pPipe ); int nLen = strlen( pBuffer ); if( nLen > 1 && strncmp( pBuffer, "no gs in", 8 ) ) { pBuffer[ nLen-1 ] = 0; aCommand = String( ByteString( pBuffer ), aEncoding ); aCommand.AppendAscii( " -q -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOutputFile=\"(OUTFILE)\" -" ); aSysCommands.push_back( aCommand ); } pclose( pPipe ); } pPipe = popen( "which distill", "r" ); if( pPipe ) { fgets( pBuffer, sizeof( pBuffer ), pPipe ); int nLen = strlen( pBuffer ); if( nLen > 1 && strncmp( pBuffer, "no distill in", 13 ) ) { pBuffer[ nLen-1 ] = 0; aCommand = String( ByteString( pBuffer ), aEncoding ); aCommand.AppendAscii( " (TMP) ; mv `echo (TMP) | sed s/\\.ps$/.pdf/` (OUTFILE)" ); aSysCommands.push_back( aCommand ); } pclose( pPipe ); } } ::std::list< String >::const_iterator it; for( it = aSysCommands.begin(); it != aSysCommands.end(); ++it ) rCommands.push_back( *it ); } void CommandStore::getStoredCommands( const char* pGroup, ::std::list< String >& rCommands ) { Config& rConfig( getPadminRC() ); rConfig.SetGroup( pGroup ); int nKeys = rConfig.GetKeyCount(); ::std::list< String >::const_iterator it; while( nKeys-- ) { String aCommand( rConfig.ReadKey( ByteString::CreateFromInt32( nKeys ), RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ); for( it = rCommands.begin(); it != rCommands.end() && *it != aCommand; ++it ) ; if( it == rCommands.end() ) rCommands.push_back( aCommand ); } } void CommandStore::setCommands( const char* pGroup, const ::std::list< String >& rCommands, const ::std::list< String >& rSysCommands ) { Config& rConfig( getPadminRC() ); rConfig.DeleteGroup( pGroup ); rConfig.SetGroup( pGroup ); ::std::list< String >::const_iterator it, loop; ::std::list< String > aWriteList; int nWritten = 0; for( it = rCommands.begin(); it != rCommands.end(); ++it ) { for( loop = rSysCommands.begin(); loop != rSysCommands.end() && *loop != *it; ++loop ) ; if( loop == rSysCommands.end() ) { aWriteList.push_back( *it ); nWritten++; } } while( nWritten > MAX_COMMANDS ) { aWriteList.pop_front(); nWritten--; } for( nWritten = 0, it = aWriteList.begin(); it != aWriteList.end(); ++it, ++nWritten ) rConfig.WriteKey( ByteString::CreateFromInt32( nWritten ), ByteString( *it, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ) ); } void CommandStore::getPrintCommands( ::std::list< String >& rCommands ) { rCommands.clear(); getSystemPrintCommands( rCommands ); getStoredCommands( PRINTER_PERSISTENCE_GROUP, rCommands ); } void CommandStore::getPdfCommands( ::std::list< String >& rCommands ) { rCommands.clear(); getSystemPdfCommands( rCommands ); getStoredCommands( PDF_PERSISTENCE_GROUP, rCommands ); } void CommandStore::getFaxCommands( ::std::list< String >& rCommands ) { rCommands.clear(); getStoredCommands( FAX_PERSISTENCE_GROUP, rCommands ); } void CommandStore::setPrintCommands( const ::std::list< String >& rCommands ) { ::std::list< String > aSysCmds; getSystemPrintCommands( aSysCmds ); setCommands( PRINTER_PERSISTENCE_GROUP, rCommands, aSysCmds ); } void CommandStore::setPdfCommands( const ::std::list< String >& rCommands ) { ::std::list< String > aSysCmds; getSystemPdfCommands( aSysCmds ); setCommands( PDF_PERSISTENCE_GROUP, rCommands, aSysCmds ); } void CommandStore::setFaxCommands( const ::std::list< String >& rCommands ) { ::std::list< String > aSysCmds; setCommands( FAX_PERSISTENCE_GROUP, rCommands, aSysCmds ); } RTSCommandPage::RTSCommandPage( RTSDialog* pParent ) : TabPage( &pParent->m_aTabControl, PaResId( RID_RTS_COMMANDPAGE ) ), m_pParent( pParent ), m_aCommandTitle( this, PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_GROUP_INSTALL ) ), m_aPrinterName( this, PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_TXT_PRTNAME ) ), m_aPrinterGroup( this, PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_GROUP_DEFAULT ) ), m_aCommandsCB( this, PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_CB_COMMANDS ) ), m_aConfigureText( this, PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_TXT_CONFIGURE ) ), m_aConfigureBox( this, PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_LB_CONFIGURE ) ), m_aHelpButton( this, PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_BTN_HELP ) ), m_aRemovePB( this, PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_BTN_REMOVE ) ), m_aConnectedTo( this, PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_TXT_CONNECT ) ), m_aFaxHelp( PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_STR_FAXHELP ) ), m_aPrinterHelp( PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_STR_PRINTERHELP ) ), m_aPdfHelp( PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_STR_PDFHELP ) ), m_aPdfDirectoryButton( this, PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_BTN_PDFDIR ) ), m_aPdfDirectoryEdit( this, PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_EDT_PDFDIR ) ), m_aPdfDirectoryText( this, PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_TXT_PDFDIR ) ), m_aFaxSwallowBox( this, PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_BOX_SWALLOWFAXNO ) ) { m_nPrinterEntry = m_aConfigureBox.InsertEntry( String( PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_STR_CONFIGURE_PRINTER ) ) ); m_nFaxEntry = m_aConfigureBox.InsertEntry( String( PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_STR_CONFIGURE_FAX ) ) ); m_nPdfEntry = m_aConfigureBox.InsertEntry( String( PaResId( RID_RTS_CMD_STR_CONFIGURE_PDF ) ) ); FreeResource(); CommandStore::getPrintCommands( m_aPrinterCommands ); CommandStore::getFaxCommands( m_aFaxCommands ); CommandStore::getPdfCommands( m_aPdfCommands ); m_aPrinterName.SetText( m_pParent->m_aPrinter ); m_aCommandsCB.SetDoubleClickHdl( LINK( this, RTSCommandPage, DoubleClickHdl ) ); m_aCommandsCB.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, RTSCommandPage, SelectHdl ) ); m_aCommandsCB.SetModifyHdl( LINK( this, RTSCommandPage, ModifyHdl ) ); m_aConfigureBox.SetSelectHdl( LINK( this, RTSCommandPage, SelectHdl ) ); m_aHelpButton.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, RTSCommandPage, ClickBtnHdl ) ); m_aRemovePB.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, RTSCommandPage, ClickBtnHdl ) ); m_aPdfDirectoryButton.SetClickHdl( LINK( this, RTSCommandPage, ClickBtnHdl ) ); m_aPdfDirectoryButton.Show( FALSE ); m_aPdfDirectoryEdit.Show( FALSE ); m_aPdfDirectoryText.Show( FALSE ); m_aFaxSwallowBox.Show( FALSE ); m_aCommandsCB.SetText( m_pParent->m_aJobData.m_aCommand ); m_bWasFax = false; m_bWasPdf = false; m_aConfigureBox.SelectEntryPos( m_nPrinterEntry ); sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; while( nIndex != -1 ) { OUString aToken( m_pParent->m_aJobData.m_aFeatures.getToken( 0, ',', nIndex ) ); if( ! aToken.compareToAscii( "fax", 3 ) ) { m_bWasFax = true; m_aFaxSwallowBox.Show( TRUE ); sal_Int32 nPos = 0; m_aFaxSwallowBox.Check( ! aToken.getToken( 1, '=', nPos ).compareToAscii( "swallow", 7 ) ? TRUE : FALSE ); m_aConfigureBox.SelectEntryPos( m_nFaxEntry ); break; } if( ! aToken.compareToAscii( "pdf=", 4 ) ) { m_bWasPdf = true; sal_Int32 nPos = 0; m_aPdfDirectoryEdit.SetText( aToken.getToken( 1, '=', nPos ) ); m_aPdfDirectoryEdit.Show( TRUE ); m_aPdfDirectoryButton.Show( TRUE ); m_aPdfDirectoryText.Show( TRUE ); m_aConfigureBox.SelectEntryPos( m_nPdfEntry ); break; } } String aString( m_aConnectedTo.GetText() ); aString += String( m_pParent->m_aJobData.m_aCommand ); m_aConnectedTo.SetText( aString ); UpdateCommands(); } RTSCommandPage::~RTSCommandPage() { } void RTSCommandPage::save() { String aCommand; bool bHaveFax = m_aConfigureBox.GetSelectEntryPos() == m_nFaxEntry ? true : false; bool bHavePdf = m_aConfigureBox.GetSelectEntryPos() == m_nPdfEntry ? true : false; ::std::list< String >::iterator it; String aFeatures; sal_Int32 nIndex = 0; String aOldPdfPath; bool bOldFaxSwallow = false; bool bFaxSwallow = m_aFaxSwallowBox.IsChecked() ? true : false; while( nIndex != -1 ) { OUString aToken( m_pParent->m_aJobData.m_aFeatures.getToken( 0, ',', nIndex ) ); if( aToken.compareToAscii( "fax", 3 ) && aToken.compareToAscii( "pdf", 3 ) ) { if( aToken.getLength() ) { if( aFeatures.Len() ) aFeatures += ','; aFeatures += String( aToken ); } } else if( ! aToken.compareToAscii( "pdf=", 4 ) ) { sal_Int32 nPos = 0; aOldPdfPath = aToken.getToken( 1, '=', nPos ); } else if( ! aToken.compareToAscii( "fax=", 4 ) ) { sal_Int32 nPos = 0; bOldFaxSwallow = aToken.getToken( 1, '=', nPos ).compareToAscii( "swallow", 7 ) ? false : true; } } ::std::list< String >* pList = &m_aPrinterCommands; if( bHaveFax ) { if( aFeatures.Len() ) aFeatures += ','; aFeatures.AppendAscii( "fax=" ); if( bFaxSwallow ) aFeatures.AppendAscii( "swallow" ); pList = &m_aFaxCommands; } if( bHavePdf ) { if( aFeatures.Len() ) aFeatures += ','; aFeatures.AppendAscii( "pdf=" ); aFeatures.Append( m_aPdfDirectoryEdit.GetText() ); pList = &m_aPdfCommands; } aCommand = m_aCommandsCB.GetText(); for( it = pList->begin(); it != pList->end() && *it != aCommand; ++it ) ; if( it == pList->end() ) pList->push_back( aCommand ); if( aCommand != String( m_pParent->m_aJobData.m_aCommand ) || ( m_bWasFax && ! bHaveFax ) || ( ! m_bWasFax && bHaveFax ) || ( m_bWasPdf && ! bHavePdf ) || ( ! m_bWasPdf && bHavePdf ) || ( bHavePdf && aOldPdfPath != m_aPdfDirectoryEdit.GetText() )|| ( bHaveFax && bFaxSwallow != bOldFaxSwallow ) ) { m_pParent->m_aJobData.m_aCommand = aCommand; m_pParent->m_aJobData.m_aFeatures = aFeatures; PrinterInfoManager::get().changePrinterInfo( m_pParent->m_aPrinter, m_pParent->m_aJobData ); } CommandStore::setPrintCommands( m_aPrinterCommands ); CommandStore::setFaxCommands( m_aFaxCommands ); CommandStore::setPdfCommands( m_aPdfCommands ); } IMPL_LINK( RTSCommandPage, SelectHdl, Control*, pBox ) { if( pBox == &m_aConfigureBox ) { BOOL bEnable = m_aConfigureBox.GetSelectEntryPos() == m_nPdfEntry ? TRUE : FALSE; m_aPdfDirectoryButton.Show( bEnable ); m_aPdfDirectoryEdit.Show( bEnable ); m_aPdfDirectoryText.Show( bEnable ); bEnable = m_aConfigureBox.GetSelectEntryPos() == m_nFaxEntry ? TRUE : FALSE; m_aFaxSwallowBox.Show( bEnable ); UpdateCommands(); } else if( pBox == &m_aCommandsCB ) { m_aRemovePB.Enable( TRUE ); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( RTSCommandPage, ClickBtnHdl, Button*, pButton ) { if( pButton == & m_aPdfDirectoryButton ) { PathDialog aDialog( this ); aDialog.SetPath( m_aPdfDirectoryEdit.GetText() ); if( aDialog.Execute() ) m_aPdfDirectoryEdit.SetText( aDialog.GetPath() ); } else if( pButton == &m_aRemovePB ) { String aEntry( m_aCommandsCB.GetText() ); ::std::list< String >* pList; if( m_aConfigureBox.GetSelectEntryPos() == m_nPrinterEntry ) pList = &m_aPrinterCommands; else if( m_aConfigureBox.GetSelectEntryPos() == m_nFaxEntry ) pList = &m_aFaxCommands; else pList = &m_aPdfCommands; pList->remove( aEntry ); m_aCommandsCB.RemoveEntry( aEntry ); } else if( pButton == &m_aHelpButton ) { String aHelpText; if( m_aConfigureBox.GetSelectEntryPos() == m_nPrinterEntry ) aHelpText = m_aPrinterHelp; else if( m_aConfigureBox.GetSelectEntryPos() == m_nFaxEntry ) aHelpText = m_aFaxHelp; else if( m_aConfigureBox.GetSelectEntryPos() == m_nPdfEntry ) aHelpText = m_aPdfHelp; InfoBox aBox( this, aHelpText ); aBox.Execute(); } return 0; } IMPL_LINK( RTSCommandPage, DoubleClickHdl, ComboBox*, pComboBox ) { if( pComboBox == &m_aCommandsCB ) ConnectCommand(); return 0; } IMPL_LINK( RTSCommandPage, ModifyHdl, Edit*, pEdit ) { if( pEdit == &m_aCommandsCB ) m_aRemovePB.Enable( m_aCommandsCB.GetEntryPos( m_aCommandsCB.GetText() ) != LISTBOX_ENTRY_NOTFOUND ); return 0; } void RTSCommandPage::UpdateCommands() { m_aCommandsCB.Clear(); ::std::list< String >::iterator it; if( m_aConfigureBox.GetSelectEntryPos() == m_nPrinterEntry ) { for( it = m_aPrinterCommands.begin(); it != m_aPrinterCommands.end(); ++it ) m_aCommandsCB.InsertEntry( *it ); if( ! m_bWasFax ) m_aCommandsCB.SetText( m_pParent->m_aJobData.m_aCommand ); else m_aCommandsCB.SetText( String() ); } else if( m_aConfigureBox.GetSelectEntryPos() == m_nFaxEntry ) { for( it = m_aFaxCommands.begin(); it != m_aFaxCommands.end(); ++it ) m_aCommandsCB.InsertEntry( *it ); if( m_bWasFax ) m_aCommandsCB.SetText( m_pParent->m_aJobData.m_aCommand ); else m_aCommandsCB.SetText( String() ); } else if( m_aConfigureBox.GetSelectEntryPos() == m_nPdfEntry ) { for( it = m_aPdfCommands.begin(); it != m_aPdfCommands.end(); ++it ) m_aCommandsCB.InsertEntry( *it ); if( m_bWasPdf ) m_aCommandsCB.SetText( m_pParent->m_aJobData.m_aCommand ); else m_aCommandsCB.SetText( String() ); } } void RTSCommandPage::ConnectCommand() { String aString( m_aConnectedTo.GetText().GetToken( 0, ':' ) ); aString.AppendAscii( ": " ); aString += m_aCommandsCB.GetText(); m_aConnectedTo.SetText( aString ); }