/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: hi_factory.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.13 $ * * last change: $Author: hr $ $Date: 2007-11-02 16:39:30 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #include #include "hi_factory.hxx" // NOT FULLY DEFINED SERVICES #include #include #include "hfi_doc.hxx" #include "hfi_navibar.hxx" #include "hfi_tag.hxx" #include "hfi_typetext.hxx" #include "hi_linkhelper.hxx" extern const String C_sCellStyle_SummaryLeft("imsum_left"); extern const String C_sCellStyle_SummaryRight("imsum_right"); extern const String C_sCellStyle_MDetail("imdetail"); extern const String C_sMemberTitle("membertitle"); namespace { const char C_sSpace[92] = " " " " " "; } void HtmlFactory_Idl::produce_SummaryDeclaration( Xml::Element & o_row, const client & i_ce ) const { produce_InternalLink(o_row, i_ce); } void HtmlFactory_Idl::produce_InternalLink( Xml::Element & o_screen, const client & i_ce ) const { StreamLock aLocalLink(100); aLocalLink() << "#" << i_ce.LocalName(); o_screen >> *new Html::TableCell << new Html::ClassAttr( C_sCellStyle_SummaryLeft ) >> *new Html::Link( aLocalLink().c_str() ) << i_ce.LocalName(); } void HtmlFactory_Idl::produce_ShortDoc( Xml::Element & o_screen, const client & i_ce ) const { Xml::Element & rDetailsRowCell = o_screen >> *new Html::TableCell << new Html::ClassAttr( C_sCellStyle_SummaryRight ); HF_IdlShortDocu aLinkDoc(Env(), rDetailsRowCell); aLinkDoc.Produce_byData( i_ce ); rDetailsRowCell << new Xml::XmlCode(" "); } // KORR_FUTURE: Does not belong here (implementation inheritance)! void HtmlFactory_Idl::produce_Bases( Xml::Element & o_screen, const client & i_ce, const String & i_sLabel ) const { ary::idl::Type_id nBaseT = baseOf(i_ce); if ( nBaseT.IsValid() ) { HF_DocEntryList aDocList( o_screen ); aDocList.Produce_Term(i_sLabel); int nDepth = 0; Xml::Element & rBaseList = aDocList.Produce_Definition() >> *new Xml::AnElement("pre") << new Xml::AnAttribute("style","font-family:monospace;"); rBaseList >> *new Html::Strong << i_ce.LocalName(); rBaseList << "\n"; recursive_ShowBases( rBaseList, nBaseT, nDepth ); } } void HtmlFactory_Idl::produce_Members( ce_list & it_list, const String & i_summaryTitle, const String & i_summaryLabel, const String & i_detailsTitle, const String & i_detailsLabel ) const { csv_assert( it_list ); HF_SubTitleTable aSummary( CurOut(), i_summaryLabel, i_summaryTitle, 2 ); HF_SubTitleTable aDetails( CurOut(), i_detailsLabel, i_detailsTitle, 1 ); for ( ; it_list.operator bool(); ++it_list ) { const ary::idl::CodeEntity & rCe = Env().Data().Find_Ce(*it_list); Xml::Element & rSummaryRow = aSummary.Add_Row(); produce_SummaryDeclaration(rSummaryRow, rCe); // produce_InternalLink(rSummaryRow, rCe); produce_ShortDoc(rSummaryRow, rCe); produce_MemberDetails(aDetails, rCe); } } void HtmlFactory_Idl::produce_Title( HF_TitleTable & o_title, const String & i_label, const client & i_ce ) const { StreamLock slAnnotations(200); get_Annotations(slAnnotations(), i_ce); StreamLock slTitle(200); slTitle() << i_label << " " << i_ce.LocalName(); o_title.Produce_Title( slAnnotations().c_str(), slTitle().c_str() ); } void HtmlFactory_Idl::get_Annotations( StreamStr & o_out, const client & i_ce ) const { const ary::doc::OldIdlDocu * doc = Get_IdlDocu(i_ce.Docu()); if (doc != 0) { if (doc->IsDeprecated()) o_out << "deprecated "; if (NOT doc->IsPublished()) o_out << "unpublished "; } // KORR // Need to display "unpublished", if there is no docu. } void HtmlFactory_Idl::write_Docu( Xml::Element & o_screen, const client & i_ce ) const { const ary::doc::OldIdlDocu * doc = Get_IdlDocu(i_ce.Docu()); if (doc != 0) { HF_DocEntryList aDocuList( o_screen ); HF_IdlDocu aDocu( Env(), aDocuList ); aDocu.Produce_byData(i_ce); } write_ManualLinks(o_screen, i_ce); } void HtmlFactory_Idl::write_ManualLinks( Xml::Element & o_screen, const client & i_ce ) const { const StringVector & rLinks2Descrs = i_ce.Secondaries().Links2DescriptionInManual(); if ( rLinks2Descrs.size() == 0 ) return; o_screen >> *new Html::Label(C_sLocalManualLinks.c_str()+1) // Leave out the leading '#'. << " "; HF_DocEntryList aDocuList( o_screen ); aDocuList.Produce_Term("Developers Guide"); csv_assert(rLinks2Descrs.size() % 2 == 0); for ( StringVector::const_iterator it = rLinks2Descrs.begin(); it != rLinks2Descrs.end(); ++it ) { Xml::Element & rLink = aDocuList.Produce_Definition() >> *new Html::Link( Env().Link2Manual(*it)); if ( (*(it+1)).empty() ) // HACK KORR_FUTURE // Research what happens with manual links which contain normal characters // in non-utf-8 texts. And research, why utfF-8 does not work here. rLink << new Xml::XmlCode(*it); else rLink << new Xml::XmlCode( *(it+1) ); ++it; } // end for } void HtmlFactory_Idl::produce_MemberDetails( HF_SubTitleTable & , const client & ) const { // Dummy, which does not need to do anything. } void HtmlFactory_Idl::recursive_ShowBases( Xml::Element & o_screen, type_id i_baseType, int & io_nDepth ) const { // Show this base ++io_nDepth; const ary::idl::CodeEntity * pCe = Env().Linker().Search_CeFromType(i_baseType); csv_assert(io_nDepth > 0); if (io_nDepth > 30) io_nDepth = 30; o_screen << (C_sSpace + 93 - 3*io_nDepth) << new csi::xml::XmlCode("┗") << " "; if (pCe == 0) { HF_IdlTypeText aText( Env(), o_screen, false ); aText.Produce_byData( i_baseType ); o_screen << "\n"; --io_nDepth; return; } HF_IdlTypeText aBaseLink( Env(), o_screen, true ); aBaseLink.Produce_byData(pCe->CeId()); o_screen << "\n"; // Bases ary::idl::Type_id nBaseT = baseOf(*pCe); if (nBaseT.IsValid()) recursive_ShowBases(o_screen,nBaseT,io_nDepth); --io_nDepth; return; } HtmlFactory_Idl::type_id HtmlFactory_Idl::inq_BaseOf( const client & ) const { // Unused dummy. return type_id(0); }