/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /************************************************************************* * * DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. * * Copyright 2008 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile$ * $Revision$ * * This file is part of OpenOffice.org. * * OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 * only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details * (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see * * for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. * ************************************************************************/ #include #include "oox/core/xmlfilterbase.hxx" #include "oox/export/chartexport.hxx" #include "oox/export/utils.hxx" #include "oox/drawingml/chart/typegroupconverter.hxx" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "SchXMLSeriesHelper.hxx" #include "ColorPropertySet.hxx" #include "oox/xls/formulaparser.hxx" #include "oox/xls/workbookhelper.hxx" #include "oox/xls/addressconverter.hxx" #include #include using namespace ::com::sun::star; using namespace ::com::sun::star::uno; using namespace ::com::sun::star::drawing; using namespace ::oox::core; using ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyState; using ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue; using ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertySet; using ::com::sun::star::beans::XPropertyState; using ::com::sun::star::container::XEnumeration; using ::com::sun::star::container::XEnumerationAccess; using ::com::sun::star::container::XIndexAccess; using ::com::sun::star::container::XNamed; using ::com::sun::star::io::XOutputStream; using ::com::sun::star::table::CellAddress; using ::com::sun::star::sheet::XFormulaParser; using ::com::sun::star::sheet::XFormulaTokens; using ::oox::core::XmlFilterBase; using ::rtl::OString; using ::rtl::OStringBuffer; using ::rtl::OUString; using ::rtl::OUStringBuffer; using ::sax_fastparser::FSHelperPtr; DBG(extern void dump_pset(Reference< XPropertySet > rXPropSet)); #define IDS(x) (OString(#x " ") + OString::valueOf( mnShapeIdMax++ )).getStr() namespace oox { namespace drawingml { #define GETA(propName) \ GetProperty( rXPropSet, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( #propName ) ) ) #define GETAD(propName) \ ( GetPropertyAndState( rXPropSet, rXPropState, String( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( #propName ) ), eState ) && eState == beans::PropertyState_DIRECT_VALUE ) #define GET(variable, propName) \ if ( GETA(propName) ) \ mAny >>= variable; Reference< uno::XComponentContext > lcl_getComponentContext() { Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xContext; try { Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xFactProp( comphelper::getProcessServiceFactory(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xFactProp.is()) xFactProp->getPropertyValue(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("DefaultContext"))) >>= xContext; } catch( uno::Exception& ) {} return xContext; } class lcl_MatchesRole : public ::std::unary_function< Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence >, bool > { public: explicit lcl_MatchesRole( const OUString & aRole ) : m_aRole( aRole ) {} bool operator () ( const Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > & xSeq ) const { if( !xSeq.is() ) return false; Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProp( xSeq->getValues(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); OUString aRole; return ( xProp.is() && (xProp->getPropertyValue( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Role" )) ) >>= aRole ) && m_aRole.equals( aRole )); } private: OUString m_aRole; }; template< typename T > void lcl_SequenceToVectorAppend( const Sequence< T > & rSource, ::std::vector< T > & rDestination ) { rDestination.reserve( rDestination.size() + rSource.getLength()); ::std::copy( rSource.getConstArray(), rSource.getConstArray() + rSource.getLength(), ::std::back_inserter( rDestination )); } Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > lcl_getCategories( const Reference< chart2::XDiagram > & xDiagram ) { Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > xResult; try { Reference< chart2::XCoordinateSystemContainer > xCooSysCnt( xDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); Sequence< Reference< chart2::XCoordinateSystem > > aCooSysSeq( xCooSysCnt->getCoordinateSystems()); for( sal_Int32 i=0; i xCooSys( aCooSysSeq[i] ); OSL_ASSERT( xCooSys.is()); for( sal_Int32 nN = xCooSys->getDimension(); nN--; ) { const sal_Int32 nMaxAxisIndex = xCooSys->getMaximumAxisIndexByDimension(nN); for(sal_Int32 nI=0; nI<=nMaxAxisIndex; ++nI) { Reference< chart2::XAxis > xAxis = xCooSys->getAxisByDimension( nN, nI ); OSL_ASSERT( xAxis.is()); if( xAxis.is()) { chart2::ScaleData aScaleData = xAxis->getScaleData(); if( aScaleData.Categories.is()) { xResult.set( aScaleData.Categories ); break; } } } } } } catch( uno::Exception & ex ) { (void)ex; // avoid warning for pro build OSL_FAIL( rtl::OUStringToOString( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Exception caught. Type: " )) + OUString::createFromAscii( typeid( ex ).name()) + OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ", Message: " )) + ex.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr()); } return xResult; } Reference< chart2::data::XDataSource > lcl_createDataSource( const Sequence< Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > > & aData ) { Reference< chart2::data::XDataSink > xSink; Reference< uno::XComponentContext > xContext( lcl_getComponentContext()); if( xContext.is() ) xSink.set( xContext->getServiceManager()->createInstanceWithContext( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.chart2.data.DataSource")), xContext ), uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); if( xSink.is()) xSink->setData( aData ); return Reference< chart2::data::XDataSource >( xSink, uno::UNO_QUERY ); } Sequence< Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > > lcl_getAllSeriesSequences( const Reference< chart2::XChartDocument >& xChartDoc ) { ::std::vector< Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > > aContainer; if( xChartDoc.is() ) { Reference< chart2::XDiagram > xDiagram( xChartDoc->getFirstDiagram()); ::std::vector< Reference< chart2::XDataSeries > > aSeriesVector( SchXMLSeriesHelper::getDataSeriesFromDiagram( xDiagram )); for( ::std::vector< Reference< chart2::XDataSeries > >::const_iterator aSeriesIt( aSeriesVector.begin() ) ; aSeriesIt != aSeriesVector.end(); ++aSeriesIt ) { Reference< chart2::data::XDataSource > xDataSource( *aSeriesIt, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( !xDataSource.is() ) continue; uno::Sequence< Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > > aDataSequences( xDataSource->getDataSequences() ); lcl_SequenceToVectorAppend( aDataSequences, aContainer ); } } Sequence< Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > > aRet( aContainer.size()); ::std::copy( aContainer.begin(), aContainer.end(), aRet.getArray()); return aRet; } Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > lcl_getDataSequenceByRole( const Sequence< Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > > & aLabeledSeq, const OUString & rRole ) { Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > aNoResult; const Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > * pBegin = aLabeledSeq.getConstArray(); const Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > * pEnd = pBegin + aLabeledSeq.getLength(); const Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > * pMatch = ::std::find_if( pBegin, pEnd, lcl_MatchesRole( rRole )); if( pMatch != pEnd ) return *pMatch; return aNoResult; } Reference< chart2::data::XDataSource > lcl_pressUsedDataIntoRectangularFormat( const Reference< chart2::XChartDocument >& xChartDoc, sal_Bool& rOutSourceHasCategoryLabels ) { ::std::vector< Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > > aLabeledSeqVector; //categories are always the first sequence Reference< chart2::XDiagram > xDiagram( xChartDoc->getFirstDiagram()); Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > xCategories( lcl_getCategories( xDiagram ) ); if( xCategories.is() ) aLabeledSeqVector.push_back( xCategories ); rOutSourceHasCategoryLabels = sal_Bool(xCategories.is()); Sequence< Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > > aSeriesSeqVector( lcl_getAllSeriesSequences( xChartDoc ) ); //the first x-values is always the next sequence //todo ... other x-values get lost for old format Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > xXValues( lcl_getDataSequenceByRole( aSeriesSeqVector, OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("values-x")) ) ); if( xXValues.is() ) aLabeledSeqVector.push_back( xXValues ); //add all other sequences now without x-values lcl_MatchesRole aHasXValues( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("values-x")) ); for( sal_Int32 nN=0; nN > aSeq( aLabeledSeqVector.size() ); ::std::copy( aLabeledSeqVector.begin(), aLabeledSeqVector.end(), aSeq.getArray() ); return lcl_createDataSource( aSeq ); } bool lcl_isSeriesAttachedToFirstAxis( const Reference< chart2::XDataSeries > & xDataSeries ) { bool bResult=true; try { sal_Int32 nAxisIndex = 0; Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProp( xDataSeries, uno::UNO_QUERY_THROW ); if( xProp.is() ) xProp->getPropertyValue( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("AttachedAxisIndex") ) ) >>= nAxisIndex; bResult = (0==nAxisIndex); } catch( uno::Exception & ex ) { (void)ex; // avoid warning for pro build OSL_FAIL( rtl::OUStringToOString( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Exception caught. Type: " )) + OUString::createFromAscii( typeid( ex ).name()) + OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ", Message: " )) + ex.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr()); } return bResult; } OUString lcl_ConvertRange( const ::rtl::OUString & rRange, const Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > & xDoc ) { OUString aResult = rRange; if( !xDoc.is() ) return aResult; Reference< chart2::data::XRangeXMLConversion > xConversion( xDoc->getDataProvider(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xConversion.is()) aResult = xConversion->convertRangeToXML( rRange ); OSL_TRACE("lcl_ConvertRange, the originla formula is %s, the new formula is %s ", rtl::OUStringToOString( rRange, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr(), rtl::OUStringToOString( aResult, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr()); return aResult; } typedef ::std::pair< OUString, OUString > tLabelAndValueRange; sal_Int32 lcl_getSequenceLengthByRole( const Sequence< Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > > & aSeqCnt, const OUString & rRole ) { Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > xLabeledSeq( lcl_getDataSequenceByRole( aSeqCnt, rRole )); if( xLabeledSeq.is()) { Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > xSeq( xLabeledSeq->getValues()); return xSeq->getData().getLength(); } return 0; } OUString lcl_flattenStringSequence( const Sequence< OUString > & rSequence ) { OUStringBuffer aResult; bool bPrecedeWithSpace = false; for( sal_Int32 nIndex=0; nIndex( ' ' )); aResult.append( rSequence[nIndex] ); bPrecedeWithSpace = true; } } return aResult.makeStringAndClear(); } OUString lcl_getLabelString( const Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > & xLabelSeq ) { Sequence< OUString > aLabels; uno::Reference< chart2::data::XTextualDataSequence > xTextualDataSequence( xLabelSeq, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xTextualDataSequence.is()) { aLabels = xTextualDataSequence->getTextualData(); } else if( xLabelSeq.is()) { Sequence< uno::Any > aAnies( xLabelSeq->getData()); aLabels.realloc( aAnies.getLength()); for( sal_Int32 i=0; i>= aLabels[i]; } return lcl_flattenStringSequence( aLabels ); } void lcl_fillCategoriesIntoStringVector( const Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > & xCategories, ::std::vector< OUString > & rOutCategories ) { OSL_ASSERT( xCategories.is()); if( !xCategories.is()) return; Reference< chart2::data::XTextualDataSequence > xTextualDataSequence( xCategories, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xTextualDataSequence.is()) { rOutCategories.clear(); Sequence< OUString > aTextData( xTextualDataSequence->getTextualData()); ::std::copy( aTextData.getConstArray(), aTextData.getConstArray() + aTextData.getLength(), ::std::back_inserter( rOutCategories )); } else { Sequence< uno::Any > aAnies( xCategories->getData()); rOutCategories.resize( aAnies.getLength()); for( sal_Int32 i=0; i>= rOutCategories[i]; } } double lcl_getValueFromSequence( const Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > & xSeq, sal_Int32 nIndex ) { double fResult = 0.0; ::rtl::math::setNan( &fResult ); Reference< chart2::data::XNumericalDataSequence > xNumSeq( xSeq, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xNumSeq.is()) { Sequence< double > aValues( xNumSeq->getNumericalData()); if( nIndex < aValues.getLength() ) fResult = aValues[nIndex]; } else { Sequence< uno::Any > aAnies( xSeq->getData()); if( nIndex < aAnies.getLength() ) aAnies[nIndex] >>= fResult; } return fResult; } ::std::vector< double > lcl_getAllValuesFromSequence( const Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > & xSeq ) { double fNan = 0.0; ::rtl::math::setNan( &fNan ); ::std::vector< double > aResult; Reference< chart2::data::XNumericalDataSequence > xNumSeq( xSeq, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xNumSeq.is()) { Sequence< double > aValues( xNumSeq->getNumericalData()); ::std::copy( aValues.getConstArray(), aValues.getConstArray() + aValues.getLength(), ::std::back_inserter( aResult )); } else if( xSeq.is()) { Sequence< uno::Any > aAnies( xSeq->getData()); aResult.resize( aAnies.getLength(), fNan ); for( sal_Int32 i=0; i>= aResult[i]; } return aResult; } bool lcl_SequenceHasUnhiddenData( const uno::Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence >& xDataSequence ) { if( !xDataSequence.is() ) return false; uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProp( xDataSequence, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xProp.is() ) { uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > aHiddenValues; try { xProp->getPropertyValue( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "HiddenValues" ) ) ) >>= aHiddenValues; if( !aHiddenValues.getLength() ) return true; } catch( uno::Exception& e ) { (void)e; // avoid warning return true; } } if( xDataSequence->getData().getLength() ) return true; return false; } sal_Int32 lcl_getChartType( const OUString& sChartType ) { chart::TypeId eChartTypeId = chart::TYPEID_UNKNOWN; if(( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.chart.BarDiagram" ))) || ( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.chart2.ColumnChartType") ) ) ) eChartTypeId = chart::TYPEID_BAR; else if(( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.chart.AreaDiagram" ))) || ( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.chart2.AreaChartType") ) ) ) eChartTypeId = chart::TYPEID_AREA; else if(( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.chart.LineDiagram" ))) || ( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.chart2.LineChartType") ) ) ) eChartTypeId = chart::TYPEID_LINE; else if(( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.chart.PieDiagram" ))) || ( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.chart2.PieChartType") ) ) ) eChartTypeId = chart::TYPEID_PIE; else if(( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.chart.DonutDiagram" ))) || ( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.chart2.DonutChartType") ) ) ) eChartTypeId = chart::TYPEID_DOUGHNUT; else if(( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.chart.XYDiagram" ))) || ( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.chart2.ScatterChartType") ) ) ) eChartTypeId = chart::TYPEID_SCATTER; else if(( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.chart.NetDiagram" ))) || ( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.chart2.NetChartType") ) ) ) eChartTypeId = chart::TYPEID_RADARLINE; else if(( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.chart.FilledNetDiagram" ))) || ( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.chart2.FilledNetChartType") ) ) ) eChartTypeId = chart::TYPEID_RADARAREA; else if(( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.chart.StockDiagram" ))) || ( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.chart2.CandleStickChartType") ) ) ) eChartTypeId = chart::TYPEID_STOCK; else if(( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.chart.BubbleDiagram" ))) || ( 0 == sChartType.reverseCompareToAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.chart2.BubbleChartType") ) ) ) eChartTypeId = chart::TYPEID_BUBBLE; return eChartTypeId; } sal_Int32 lcl_generateRandomValue() { static sal_Int32 MAX_NUMBER = 100000000; //srand( unsigned( time( NULL ) )); return sal_Int32( rand() % MAX_NUMBER ); } ChartExport::ChartExport( sal_Int32 nXmlNamespace, FSHelperPtr pFS, Reference< frame::XModel >& xModel, XmlFilterBase* pFB, DocumentType eDocumentType ) : DrawingML( pFS, pFB, eDocumentType ) , mnXmlNamespace( nXmlNamespace ) , maFraction( 1, 576 ) , mxChartModel( xModel ) , mbHasSeriesLabels( sal_False ) , mbHasCategoryLabels( sal_False ) , mbRowSourceColumns( sal_True ) , mbHasXAxis( sal_False ) , mbHasYAxis( sal_False ) , mbHasZAxis( sal_False ) , mbHasSecondaryXAxis( sal_False ) , mbHasSecondaryYAxis( sal_False ) , mbIs3DChart( sal_False ) { } sal_Int32 ChartExport::GetXmlNamespace() const { return mnXmlNamespace; } ChartExport& ChartExport::SetXmlNamespace( sal_Int32 nXmlNamespace ) { mnXmlNamespace = nXmlNamespace; return *this; } sal_Int32 ChartExport::GetChartID( ) { sal_Int32 nID = GetFB()->GetUniqueId(); return nID; } sal_Int32 ChartExport::getChartType( ) { OUString sChartType = mxDiagram->getDiagramType(); return lcl_getChartType( sChartType ); } OUString ChartExport::parseFormula( const OUString& rRange ) { OUString aResult; Reference< XFormulaParser > xParser; uno::Reference< lang::XMultiServiceFactory > xSF( GetFB()->getModelFactory(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xSF.is() ) { try { xParser.set( xSF->createInstance( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.sheet.FormulaParser")) ), UNO_QUERY ); } catch( Exception& ) { } } if( xParser.is() ) { OSL_TRACE("ChartExport::parseFormula, parser is valid"); Reference< XPropertySet > xParserProps( xParser, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xParserProps.is() ) { xParserProps->setPropertyValue( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("FormulaConvention")), uno::makeAny(::com::sun::star::sheet::AddressConvention::OOO) ); } uno::Sequence aTokens = xParser->parseFormula( rRange, CellAddress( 0, 0, 0 ) ); if( xParserProps.is() ) { xParserProps->setPropertyValue( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("FormulaConvention")), uno::makeAny(::com::sun::star::sheet::AddressConvention::XL_OOX) ); } aResult = xParser->printFormula( aTokens, CellAddress( 0, 0, 0 ) ); } else { OSL_TRACE("ChartExport::parseFormula, parser is invalid"); //FIXME: currently just using simple converter, e.g $Sheet1.$A$1:$C$1 -> Sheet1!$A$1:$C$1 String aRange( rRange ); if( aRange.SearchAscii("$") == 0 ) aRange = aRange.Copy(1); aRange.SearchAndReplaceAllAscii(".$", String::CreateFromAscii("!$") ); aResult = aRange; } OSL_TRACE("ChartExport::parseFormula, the originla formula is %s, the new formula is %s ", rtl::OUStringToOString( rRange, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr(), rtl::OUStringToOString( aResult, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8 ).getStr()); return aResult; } ChartExport& ChartExport::WriteChartObj( const Reference< XShape >& xShape, sal_Int32 nChartCount ) { OSL_TRACE("ChartExport::WriteChartObj -- writer chart object"); FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_graphicFrame, FSEND ); pFS->startElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvGraphicFramePr, FSEND ); // TODO: get the correct chart name chart id OUString sName = S("Object 1"); Reference< XNamed > xNamed( xShape, UNO_QUERY ); if (xNamed.is()) sName = xNamed->getName(); sal_Int32 nID = GetChartID(); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvPr, XML_id, I32S( nID ), XML_name, USS( sName ), FSEND ); pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_cNvGraphicFramePr, FSEND ); if( GetDocumentType() == DOCUMENT_PPTX ) pFS->singleElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvPr, FSEND ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_nvGraphicFramePr ); // visual chart properties WriteShapeTransformation( xShape, mnXmlNamespace ); // writer chart object pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_a, XML_graphic ), FSEND ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_a, XML_graphicData ), XML_uri, "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart", FSEND ); OUString sId; const char* sFullPath = NULL; const char* sRelativePath = NULL; switch( GetDocumentType() ) { case DOCUMENT_DOCX: { sFullPath = "word/charts/chart"; sRelativePath = "charts/chart"; break; } case DOCUMENT_PPTX: { sFullPath = "ppt/charts/chart"; sRelativePath = "../charts/chart"; break; } case DOCUMENT_XLSX: { sFullPath = "xl/charts/chart"; sRelativePath = "../charts/chart"; break; } default: { sFullPath = "charts/chart"; sRelativePath = "charts/chart"; break; } } OUString sFullStream = OUStringBuffer() .appendAscii(sFullPath) .append(nChartCount) .appendAscii( ".xml" ) .makeStringAndClear(); OUString sRelativeStream = OUStringBuffer() .appendAscii(sRelativePath) .append(nChartCount) .appendAscii( ".xml" ) .makeStringAndClear(); FSHelperPtr pChart = CreateOutputStream( sFullStream, sRelativeStream, pFS->getOutputStream(), "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.drawingml.chart+xml", "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships/chart", &sId ); pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_chart ), FSNS( XML_xmlns, XML_c ), "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart", FSNS( XML_xmlns, XML_r ), "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships", FSNS( XML_r, XML_id ), USS( sId ), FSEND ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_a, XML_graphicData ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_a, XML_graphic ) ); pFS->endElementNS( mnXmlNamespace, XML_graphicFrame ); SetFS( pChart ); ExportContent(); return *this; } void ChartExport::InitRangeSegmentationProperties( const Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > & xChartDoc ) { if( xChartDoc.is()) try { Reference< chart2::data::XDataProvider > xDataProvider( xChartDoc->getDataProvider() ); OSL_ENSURE( xDataProvider.is(), "No DataProvider" ); if( xDataProvider.is()) { Reference< chart2::data::XDataSource > xDataSource( lcl_pressUsedDataIntoRectangularFormat( xChartDoc, mbHasCategoryLabels )); Sequence< beans::PropertyValue > aArgs( xDataProvider->detectArguments( xDataSource )); ::rtl::OUString sCellRange, sBrokenRange; bool bBrokenRangeAvailable = false; for( sal_Int32 i=0; i>= sCellRange; else if( aArgs[i].Name.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("BrokenCellRangeForExport"))) { if( aArgs[i].Value >>= sBrokenRange ) bBrokenRangeAvailable = true; } else if( aArgs[i].Name.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("DataRowSource"))) { ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartDataRowSource eRowSource; aArgs[i].Value >>= eRowSource; mbRowSourceColumns = ( eRowSource == ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartDataRowSource_COLUMNS ); } else if( aArgs[i].Name.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("FirstCellAsLabel"))) aArgs[i].Value >>= mbHasSeriesLabels; else if( aArgs[i].Name.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("SequenceMapping"))) aArgs[i].Value >>= maSequenceMapping; else if( aArgs[i].Name.equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM("TableNumberList"))) aArgs[i].Value >>= msTableNumberList; } // #i79009# For Writer we have to export a broken version of the // range, where every row number is noe too large, so that older // version can correctly read those files. msChartAddress = (bBrokenRangeAvailable ? sBrokenRange : sCellRange); if( msChartAddress.getLength() > 0 ) { // convert format to XML-conform one Reference< chart2::data::XRangeXMLConversion > xConversion( xDataProvider, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xConversion.is()) msChartAddress = xConversion->convertRangeToXML( msChartAddress ); } } } catch( uno::Exception & ex ) { (void)ex; // avoid warning for pro build OSL_FAIL( rtl::OUStringToOString( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Exception caught. Type: " )) + OUString::createFromAscii( typeid( ex ).name()) + OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( ", Message: " )) + ex.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr()); } } void ChartExport::ExportContent() { Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > xChartDoc( getModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); OSL_ASSERT( xChartDoc.is() ); if( !xChartDoc.is() ) return; InitRangeSegmentationProperties( xChartDoc ); // TODO: export chart _ExportContent( ); } void ChartExport::_ExportContent() { Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart::XChartDocument > xChartDoc( getModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xChartDoc.is()) { // determine if data comes from the outside sal_Bool bIncludeTable = sal_True; Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > xNewDoc( xChartDoc, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xNewDoc.is()) { // check if we have own data. If so we must not export the complete // range string, as this is our only indicator for having own or // external data. @todo: fix this in the file format! Reference< lang::XServiceInfo > xDPServiceInfo( xNewDoc->getDataProvider(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( ! (xDPServiceInfo.is() && xDPServiceInfo->getImplementationName().equalsAsciiL( RTL_CONSTASCII_STRINGPARAM( "com.sun.star.comp.chart.InternalDataProvider" )))) { bIncludeTable = sal_False; } } else { Reference< lang::XServiceInfo > xServ( xChartDoc, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xServ.is()) { if( xServ->supportsService( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("com.sun.star.chart.ChartTableAddressSupplier")))) { Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProp( xServ, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xProp.is()) { Any aAny; try { OUString sChartAddress; aAny = xProp->getPropertyValue( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("ChartRangeAddress"))); aAny >>= msChartAddress; //maExportHelper.SetChartRangeAddress( sChartAddress ); OUString sTableNumberList; aAny = xProp->getPropertyValue( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("TableNumberList"))); aAny >>= msTableNumberList; //maExportHelper.SetTableNumberList( sTableNumberList ); // do not include own table if there are external addresses bIncludeTable = (sChartAddress.getLength() == 0); } catch( beans::UnknownPropertyException & ) { OSL_FAIL( "Property ChartRangeAddress not supported by ChartDocument" ); } } } } } exportChartSpace( xChartDoc, bIncludeTable ); } else { OSL_FAIL( "Couldn't export chart due to wrong XModel" ); } } void ChartExport::exportChartSpace( Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart::XChartDocument > rChartDoc, sal_Bool bIncludeTable ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_chartSpace ), FSNS( XML_xmlns, XML_c ), "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/chart", FSNS( XML_xmlns, XML_a ), "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/drawingml/2006/main", FSNS( XML_xmlns, XML_r ), "http://schemas.openxmlformats.org/officeDocument/2006/relationships", FSEND ); // TODO: get the correct editing lanauge pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_lang ), XML_val, "en-US", FSEND ); if( !bIncludeTable ) { // TODO:external data } //XML_chart exportChart(rChartDoc); // TODO: printSettings // TODO: style // TODO: text properties // TODO: shape properties Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( rChartDoc->getArea(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xPropSet.is() ) exportShapeProps( xPropSet ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_chartSpace ) ); } void ChartExport::exportChart( Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart::XChartDocument > rChartDoc ) { Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > xNewDoc( rChartDoc, uno::UNO_QUERY ); mxDiagram.set( rChartDoc->getDiagram() ); if( xNewDoc.is()) mxNewDiagram.set( xNewDoc->getFirstDiagram()); // get Properties of ChartDocument sal_Bool bHasMainTitle = sal_False; sal_Bool bHasSubTitle = sal_False; sal_Bool bHasLegend = sal_False; Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xDocPropSet( rChartDoc, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xDocPropSet.is()) { try { Any aAny( xDocPropSet->getPropertyValue( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "HasMainTitle" )))); aAny >>= bHasMainTitle; aAny = xDocPropSet->getPropertyValue( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "HasSubTitle" ))); aAny >>= bHasSubTitle; aAny = xDocPropSet->getPropertyValue( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "HasLegend" ))); aAny >>= bHasLegend; } catch( beans::UnknownPropertyException & ) { DBG_WARNING( "Required property not found in ChartDocument" ); } } // if( xDocPropSet.is()) // chart element // ------------- FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_chart ), FSEND ); // title if( bHasMainTitle ) { Reference< drawing::XShape > xShape = rChartDoc->getTitle(); if( xShape.is() ) exportTitle( xShape ); } InitPlotArea( ); if( mbIs3DChart ) { exportView3D(); // sideWall // backWall Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xBackWall( mxNewDiagram->getWall(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xBackWall.is() ) { pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_backWall ), FSEND ); exportShapeProps( xBackWall ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_backWall ) ); } // floor Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xFloor( mxNewDiagram->getFloor(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xFloor.is() ) { pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_floor ), FSEND ); exportShapeProps( xFloor ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_floor ) ); } } // plot area exportPlotArea( ); // legend if( bHasLegend ) exportLegend( rChartDoc ); // only visible cells should be plotted on the chart pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_plotVisOnly ), XML_val, "1", FSEND ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_chart ) ); } void ChartExport::exportLegend( Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart::XChartDocument > rChartDoc ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_legend ), FSEND ); Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xProp( rChartDoc->getLegend(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xProp.is() ) { // position ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartLegendPosition aLegendPos = ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartLegendPosition_NONE; try { Any aAny( xProp->getPropertyValue( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "Alignment" )))); aAny >>= aLegendPos; } catch( beans::UnknownPropertyException & ) { DBG_WARNING( "Property Align not found in ChartLegend" ); } const char* strPos = NULL; switch( aLegendPos ) { case ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartLegendPosition_LEFT: strPos = "l"; break; case ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartLegendPosition_RIGHT: strPos = "r"; break; case ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartLegendPosition_TOP: strPos = "t"; break; case ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartLegendPosition_BOTTOM: strPos = "b"; break; case ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartLegendPosition_NONE: case ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartLegendPosition_MAKE_FIXED_SIZE: // nothing break; } if( strPos != NULL ) { pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_legendPos ), XML_val, strPos, FSEND ); } // shape properties exportShapeProps( xProp ); } // legendEntry pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_legend ) ); } void ChartExport::exportTitle( Reference< XShape > xShape ) { OUString sText; Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet( xShape, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xPropSet.is()) { xPropSet->getPropertyValue( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "String" ))) >>= sText; } if( sText.getLength() == 0 ) return; FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_title ), FSEND ); // TODO:customize layout pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_layout ), FSEND ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_tx ), FSEND ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_rich ), FSEND ); // TODO: bodyPr const char* sWritingMode = NULL; sal_Bool bVertical = sal_False; xPropSet->getPropertyValue( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "StackedText" ))) >>= bVertical; if( bVertical ) sWritingMode = "wordArtVert"; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_a, XML_bodyPr ), XML_vert, sWritingMode, FSEND ); // TODO: lstStyle pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_a, XML_lstStyle ), FSEND ); // FIXME: handle multipul paragraphs to parse aText pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_a, XML_p ), FSEND ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_a, XML_pPr ), FSEND ); pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_a, XML_defRPr ), FSEND ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_a, XML_pPr ) ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_a, XML_r ), FSEND ); WriteRunProperties( xPropSet, sal_False ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_a, XML_t ), FSEND ); pFS->writeEscaped( sText ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_a, XML_t ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_a, XML_r ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_a, XML_p ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_rich ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_tx ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_title ) ); } void ChartExport::exportPlotArea( ) { Reference< chart2::XCoordinateSystemContainer > xBCooSysCnt( mxNewDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( ! xBCooSysCnt.is()) return; // plot-area element // ----------------- FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_plotArea ), FSEND ); // layout pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_layout ), FSEND ); // chart type Sequence< Reference< chart2::XCoordinateSystem > > aCooSysSeq( xBCooSysCnt->getCoordinateSystems()); for( sal_Int32 nCSIdx=0; nCSIdx xCTCnt( aCooSysSeq[nCSIdx], uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( ! xCTCnt.is()) continue; Sequence< Reference< chart2::XChartType > > aCTSeq( xCTCnt->getChartTypes()); for( sal_Int32 nCTIdx=0; nCTIdx xDSCnt( aCTSeq[nCTIdx], uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( ! xDSCnt.is()) return; Reference< chart2::XChartType > xChartType( aCTSeq[nCTIdx], uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( ! xChartType.is()) continue; // note: if xDSCnt.is() then also aCTSeq[nCTIdx] OUString aChartType( xChartType->getChartType()); sal_Int32 eChartType = lcl_getChartType( aChartType ); switch( eChartType ) { case chart::TYPEID_BAR: { exportBarChart( xChartType ); break; } case chart::TYPEID_AREA: { exportAreaChart( xChartType ); break; } case chart::TYPEID_LINE: { exportLineChart( xChartType ); break; } case chart::TYPEID_BUBBLE: { exportBubbleChart( xChartType ); break; } case chart::TYPEID_DOUGHNUT: { exportDoughnutChart( xChartType ); break; } case chart::TYPEID_OFPIE: { exportOfPieChart( xChartType ); break; } case chart::TYPEID_PIE: { exportPieChart( xChartType ); break; } case chart::TYPEID_RADARLINE: case chart::TYPEID_RADARAREA: { exportRadarChart( xChartType ); break; } case chart::TYPEID_SCATTER: { exportScatterChart( xChartType ); break; } case chart::TYPEID_STOCK: { exportStockChart( xChartType ); break; } case chart::TYPEID_SURFACE: { exportSuffaceChart( xChartType ); break; } default: { OSL_TRACE("ChartExport::exportPlotArea -- not support chart type"); break; } } } } //Axis Data exportAxes( ); // shape properties Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart::X3DDisplay > xWallFloorSupplier( mxDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xWallFloorSupplier.is() ) { Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xWallPropSet( xWallFloorSupplier->getWall(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xWallPropSet.is() ) { exportShapeProps( xWallPropSet ); } } pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_plotArea ) ); } void ChartExport::exportAreaChart( Reference< chart2::XChartType > xChartType ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); sal_Int32 nTypeId = XML_areaChart; if( mbIs3DChart ) nTypeId = XML_area3DChart; pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, nTypeId ), FSEND ); exportGrouping( ); sal_Int32 nAttachedAxis = AXIS_PRIMARY_Y; exportSeries( xChartType, nAttachedAxis ); exportAxesId( nAttachedAxis ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, nTypeId ) ); } void ChartExport::exportBarChart( Reference< chart2::XChartType > xChartType ) { sal_Int32 nTypeId = XML_barChart; if( mbIs3DChart ) nTypeId = XML_bar3DChart; FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, nTypeId ), FSEND ); // bar direction sal_Bool bVertical = sal_False; Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( mxDiagram , uno::UNO_QUERY); if( GetProperty( xPropSet, S( "Vertical" ) ) ) mAny >>= bVertical; const char* bardir = bVertical? "bar":"col"; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_barDir ), XML_val, bardir, FSEND ); exportGrouping( sal_True ); sal_Int32 nAttachedAxis = AXIS_PRIMARY_Y; exportSeries( xChartType, nAttachedAxis ); Reference< XPropertySet > xTypeProp( xChartType, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( mbIs3DChart ) { // Shape namespace cssc = ::com::sun::star::chart; sal_Int32 nGeom3d = cssc::ChartSolidType::RECTANGULAR_SOLID; if( xPropSet.is() && GetProperty( xPropSet, S("SolidType") ) ) mAny >>= nGeom3d; const char* sShapeType = NULL; switch( nGeom3d ) { case cssc::ChartSolidType::RECTANGULAR_SOLID: sShapeType = "box"; break; case cssc::ChartSolidType::CONE: sShapeType = "cone"; break; case cssc::ChartSolidType::CYLINDER: sShapeType = "cylinder"; break; case cssc::ChartSolidType::PYRAMID: sShapeType = "pyramid"; break; } pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_shape ), XML_val, sShapeType, FSEND ); } //overlap if( xTypeProp.is() && GetProperty( xTypeProp, S("OverlapSequence") ) ) { uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > aBarPositionSequence; mAny >>= aBarPositionSequence; if( aBarPositionSequence.getLength() ) { sal_Int32 nOverlap = aBarPositionSequence[0]; if( nOverlap > 0 ) pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_overlap ), XML_val, I32S( nOverlap ), FSEND ); } } if( xTypeProp.is() && GetProperty( xTypeProp, S("GapwidthSequence") ) ) { uno::Sequence< sal_Int32 > aBarPositionSequence; mAny >>= aBarPositionSequence; if( aBarPositionSequence.getLength() ) { sal_Int32 nGapWidth = aBarPositionSequence[0]; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_gapWidth ), XML_val, I32S( nGapWidth ), FSEND ); } } exportAxesId( nAttachedAxis ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, nTypeId ) ); } void ChartExport::exportBubbleChart( Reference< chart2::XChartType > xChartType ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_bubbleChart ), FSEND ); sal_Int32 nAttachedAxis = AXIS_PRIMARY_Y; exportSeries( xChartType, nAttachedAxis ); exportAxesId( nAttachedAxis ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_bubbleChart ) ); } void ChartExport::exportDoughnutChart( Reference< chart2::XChartType > xChartType ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_doughnutChart ), FSEND ); sal_Int32 nAttachedAxis = AXIS_PRIMARY_Y; exportSeries( xChartType, nAttachedAxis ); // firstSliceAng exportFirstSliceAng( ); //FIXME: holeSize sal_Int32 nHoleSize = 50; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_holeSize ), XML_val, I32S( nHoleSize ), FSEND ); exportAxesId( nAttachedAxis ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_doughnutChart ) ); } void ChartExport::exportLineChart( Reference< chart2::XChartType > xChartType ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); sal_Int32 nTypeId = XML_lineChart; if( mbIs3DChart ) nTypeId = XML_line3DChart; pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, nTypeId ), FSEND ); exportGrouping( ); // TODO: show marker symbol in series? sal_Int32 nAttachedAxis = AXIS_PRIMARY_Y; exportSeries( xChartType, nAttachedAxis ); // show marker? sal_Int32 nSymbolType = ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartSymbolType::NONE; Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( mxDiagram , uno::UNO_QUERY); if( GetProperty( xPropSet, S( "SymbolType" ) ) ) mAny >>= nSymbolType; const char* marker = nSymbolType == ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartSymbolType::NONE? "0":"1"; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_marker ), XML_val, marker, FSEND ); exportAxesId( nAttachedAxis ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, nTypeId ) ); } void ChartExport::exportOfPieChart( Reference< chart2::XChartType > /*xChartType*/ ) { // TODO: } void ChartExport::exportPieChart( Reference< chart2::XChartType > xChartType ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); sal_Int32 nTypeId = XML_pieChart; if( mbIs3DChart ) nTypeId = XML_pie3DChart; pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, nTypeId ), FSEND ); // TODO: varyColors const char* varyColors = "1"; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_varyColors ), XML_val, varyColors, FSEND ); sal_Int32 nAttachedAxis = AXIS_PRIMARY_Y; exportSeries( xChartType, nAttachedAxis ); // firstSliceAng exportFirstSliceAng( ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, nTypeId ) ); } void ChartExport::exportRadarChart( Reference< chart2::XChartType > xChartType) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_radarChart ), FSEND ); // radarStyle sal_Int32 eChartType = getChartType( ); const char* radarStyle = NULL; if( eChartType == chart::TYPEID_RADARAREA ) radarStyle = "filled"; else radarStyle = "marker"; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_radarStyle ), XML_val, radarStyle, FSEND ); sal_Int32 nAttachedAxis = AXIS_PRIMARY_Y; exportSeries( xChartType, nAttachedAxis ); exportAxesId( nAttachedAxis ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_radarChart ) ); } void ChartExport::exportScatterChart( Reference< chart2::XChartType > xChartType ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_scatterChart ), FSEND ); // TODO:scatterStyle const char* scatterStyle = "lineMarker"; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_scatterStyle ), XML_val, scatterStyle, FSEND ); // FIXME: should export xVal and yVal sal_Int32 nAttachedAxis = AXIS_PRIMARY_Y; exportSeries( xChartType, nAttachedAxis ); exportAxesId( nAttachedAxis ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_scatterChart ) ); } void ChartExport::exportStockChart( Reference< chart2::XChartType > xChartType ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_stockChart ), FSEND ); sal_Int32 nAttachedAxis = AXIS_PRIMARY_Y; exportSeries( xChartType, nAttachedAxis ); // export stock properties Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart::XStatisticDisplay > xStockPropProvider( mxDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xStockPropProvider.is()) { // stock-range-line Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xStockPropSet = xStockPropProvider->getMinMaxLine(); if( xStockPropSet.is() ) { pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_hiLowLines ), FSEND ); exportShapeProps( xStockPropSet ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_hiLowLines ) ); } // stock updownbar pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_upDownBars ), FSEND ); // TODO: gapWidth sal_Int32 nGapWidth = 150; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_gapWidth ), XML_val, I32S( nGapWidth ), FSEND ); xStockPropSet = xStockPropProvider->getUpBar(); if( xStockPropSet.is() ) { pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_upBars ), FSEND ); exportShapeProps( xStockPropSet ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_upBars ) ); } xStockPropSet = xStockPropProvider->getDownBar(); if( xStockPropSet.is() ) { pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_downBars ), FSEND ); exportShapeProps( xStockPropSet ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_downBars ) ); } pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_upDownBars ) ); } exportAxesId( nAttachedAxis ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_stockChart ) ); } void ChartExport::exportSuffaceChart( Reference< chart2::XChartType > xChartType ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); sal_Int32 nTypeId = XML_surfaceChart; if( mbIs3DChart ) nTypeId = XML_surface3DChart; pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, nTypeId ), FSEND ); sal_Int32 nAttachedAxis = AXIS_PRIMARY_Y; exportSeries( xChartType, nAttachedAxis ); exportAxesId( nAttachedAxis ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, nTypeId ) ); } void ChartExport::exportSeries( Reference< chart2::XChartType > xChartType, sal_Int32& nAttachedAxis ) { OUString aLabelRole = xChartType->getRoleOfSequenceForSeriesLabel(); Reference< chart2::XDataSeriesContainer > xDSCnt( xChartType, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( ! xDSCnt.is()) return; OUString aChartType( xChartType->getChartType()); sal_Int32 eChartType = lcl_getChartType( aChartType ); // special export for stock charts if( eChartType == chart::TYPEID_STOCK ) { sal_Bool bJapaneseCandleSticks = sal_False; Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xCTProp( xChartType, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xCTProp.is()) xCTProp->getPropertyValue( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Japanese"))) >>= bJapaneseCandleSticks; exportCandleStickSeries( xDSCnt->getDataSeries(), bJapaneseCandleSticks, nAttachedAxis ); return; } // export dataseries for current chart-type Sequence< Reference< chart2::XDataSeries > > aSeriesSeq( xDSCnt->getDataSeries()); for( sal_Int32 nSeriesIdx=0; nSeriesIdx xSource( aSeriesSeq[nSeriesIdx], uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xSource.is()) { Sequence< Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > > aSeqCnt( xSource->getDataSequences()); // search for main sequence and create a series element { sal_Int32 nMainSequenceIndex = -1; sal_Int32 nSeriesLength = 0; Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > xValuesSeq; Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > xLabelSeq; sal_Int32 nSeqIdx=0; for( ; nSeqIdx xTempValueSeq( aSeqCnt[nSeqIdx]->getValues() ); if( nMainSequenceIndex==-1 ) { Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xSeqProp( xTempValueSeq, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xSeqProp.is()) xSeqProp->getPropertyValue(OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("Role"))) >>= aRole; // "main" sequence if( aRole.equals( aLabelRole )) { xValuesSeq.set( xTempValueSeq ); xLabelSeq.set( aSeqCnt[nSeqIdx]->getLabel()); nMainSequenceIndex = nSeqIdx; } } sal_Int32 nSequenceLength = (xTempValueSeq.is()? xTempValueSeq->getData().getLength() : sal_Int32(0)); if( nSeriesLength < nSequenceLength ) nSeriesLength = nSequenceLength; } // have found the main sequence, then xValuesSeq and // xLabelSeq contain those. Otherwise both are empty { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_ser ), FSEND ); // TODO: idx and order pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_idx ), XML_val, I32S(nSeriesIdx), FSEND ); pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_order ), XML_val, I32S(nSeriesIdx), FSEND ); // export label if( xLabelSeq.is() ) exportSeriesText( xLabelSeq ); // export shape properties Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet = SchXMLSeriesHelper::createOldAPISeriesPropertySet( aSeriesSeq[nSeriesIdx], getModel() ); if( xPropSet.is() ) { if( GetProperty( xPropSet, S("Axis") ) ) { mAny >>= nAttachedAxis; if( nAttachedAxis == ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisAssign::SECONDARY_Y ) nAttachedAxis = AXIS_SECONDARY_Y; else nAttachedAxis = AXIS_PRIMARY_Y; } exportShapeProps( xPropSet ); } switch( eChartType ) { case chart::TYPEID_LINE: { exportMarker( ); break; } case chart::TYPEID_PIE: case chart::TYPEID_DOUGHNUT: { if( xPropSet.is() && GetProperty( xPropSet, S("SegmentOffset") ) ) { sal_Int32 nOffset = 0; mAny >>= nOffset; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_explosion ), XML_val, I32S( nOffset ), FSEND ); } break; } case chart::TYPEID_SCATTER: { exportMarker( ); exportSmooth( ); break; } case chart::TYPEID_RADARLINE: { exportMarker( ); break; } } // TODO: Data Labels: show data lables // export data points exportDataPoints( uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet >( aSeriesSeq[nSeriesIdx], uno::UNO_QUERY ), nSeriesLength ); // export categories if( mxCategoriesValues.is() ) exportSeriesCategory( mxCategoriesValues ); if( (eChartType == chart::TYPEID_SCATTER) || (eChartType == chart::TYPEID_BUBBLE) ) { // export xVal Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > xSequence( lcl_getDataSequenceByRole( aSeqCnt, OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("values-x")) ) ); if( xSequence.is() ) { Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > xValues( xSequence->getValues() ); if( xValues.is() ) exportSeriesValues( xValues, XML_xVal ); } } if( eChartType == chart::TYPEID_BUBBLE ) { // export yVal Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > xSequence( lcl_getDataSequenceByRole( aSeqCnt, OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("values-y")) ) ); if( xSequence.is() ) { Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > xValues( xSequence->getValues() ); if( xValues.is() ) exportSeriesValues( xValues, XML_yVal ); } } // export values if( xValuesSeq.is() ) { sal_Int32 nYValueType = XML_val; if( eChartType == chart::TYPEID_SCATTER ) nYValueType = XML_yVal; else if( eChartType == chart::TYPEID_BUBBLE ) nYValueType = XML_bubbleSize; exportSeriesValues( xValuesSeq, nYValueType ); } pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_ser ) ); } } } } } void ChartExport::exportCandleStickSeries( const Sequence< Reference< chart2::XDataSeries > > & aSeriesSeq, sal_Bool /*bJapaneseCandleSticks*/, sal_Int32& nAttachedAxis ) { for( sal_Int32 nSeriesIdx=0; nSeriesIdx xSeries( aSeriesSeq[nSeriesIdx] ); nAttachedAxis = lcl_isSeriesAttachedToFirstAxis( xSeries ) ? AXIS_PRIMARY_Y : AXIS_SECONDARY_Y; Reference< chart2::data::XDataSource > xSource( xSeries, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xSource.is()) { // export series in correct order (as we don't store roles) // with japanese candlesticks: open, low, high, close // otherwise: low, high, close Sequence< Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > > aSeqCnt( xSource->getDataSequences()); Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > xNewDoc( getModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); const char* sSeries[] = {"values-first","values-max","values-min","values-last",0}; for( sal_Int32 idx = 0; sSeries[idx] != 0 ; idx++ ) { Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > xLabeledSeq( lcl_getDataSequenceByRole( aSeqCnt, OUString::createFromAscii(sSeries[idx]) ) ); if( xLabeledSeq.is()) { Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > xLabelSeq( xLabeledSeq->getLabel()); Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > xValueSeq( xLabeledSeq->getValues()); { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_ser ), FSEND ); // TODO: idx and order pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_idx ), XML_val, I32S(idx), FSEND ); pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_order ), XML_val, I32S(idx), FSEND ); // export label if( xLabelSeq.is() ) exportSeriesText( xLabelSeq ); // TODO:export shape properties // export categories if( mxCategoriesValues.is() ) exportSeriesCategory( mxCategoriesValues ); // export values if( xValueSeq.is() ) exportSeriesValues( xValueSeq ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_ser ) ); } } } } } } void ChartExport::exportDataSeq( const Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > & xValueSeq, sal_Int32 elementTokenId ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > xNewDoc( getModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, elementTokenId ), FSEND ); sal_Int32 eTokenId1 = elementTokenId == XML_val ? XML_numRef:XML_strRef; OUString aCellRange = lcl_ConvertRange( xValueSeq->getSourceRangeRepresentation(), xNewDoc ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, eTokenId1 ), FSEND ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_f ), FSEND ); pFS->writeEscaped( aCellRange ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_f ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, eTokenId1 ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, elementTokenId ) ); } void ChartExport::exportSeriesText( const Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > & xValueSeq ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > xNewDoc( getModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_tx ), FSEND ); OUString aCellRange = xValueSeq->getSourceRangeRepresentation(); aCellRange = parseFormula( aCellRange ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_strRef ), FSEND ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_f ), FSEND ); pFS->writeEscaped( aCellRange ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_f ) ); OUString aLabelString = lcl_getLabelString( xValueSeq ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_strCache ), FSEND ); pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_ptCount ), XML_val, "1", FSEND ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_pt ), XML_idx, "0", FSEND ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_v ), FSEND ); pFS->writeEscaped( aLabelString ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_v ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_pt ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_strCache ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_strRef ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_tx ) ); } void ChartExport::exportSeriesCategory( const Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > & xValueSeq ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > xNewDoc( getModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_cat ), FSEND ); OUString aCellRange = xValueSeq->getSourceRangeRepresentation(); aCellRange = parseFormula( aCellRange ); // TODO: need to handle XML_multiLvlStrRef according to aCellRange pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_strRef ), FSEND ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_f ), FSEND ); pFS->writeEscaped( aCellRange ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_f ) ); ::std::vector< OUString > aCategories; lcl_fillCategoriesIntoStringVector( xValueSeq, aCategories ); sal_Int32 ptCount = aCategories.size(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_strCache ), FSEND ); pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_ptCount ), XML_val, I32S( ptCount ), FSEND ); for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < ptCount; i++ ) { pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_pt ), XML_idx, I32S( i ), FSEND ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_v ), FSEND ); pFS->writeEscaped( aCategories[i] ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_v ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_pt ) ); } pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_strCache ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_strRef ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_cat ) ); } void ChartExport::exportSeriesValues( const Reference< chart2::data::XDataSequence > & xValueSeq, sal_Int32 nValueType ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > xNewDoc( getModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, nValueType ), FSEND ); OUString aCellRange = xValueSeq->getSourceRangeRepresentation(); aCellRange = parseFormula( aCellRange ); // TODO: need to handle XML_multiLvlStrRef according to aCellRange pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_numRef ), FSEND ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_f ), FSEND ); pFS->writeEscaped( aCellRange ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_f ) ); ::std::vector< double > aValues; aValues = lcl_getAllValuesFromSequence( xValueSeq ); sal_Int32 ptCount = aValues.size(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_numCache ), FSEND ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_formatCode ), FSEND ); // TODO: what format code? pFS->writeEscaped( "General" ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_formatCode ) ); pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_ptCount ), XML_val, I32S( ptCount ), FSEND ); for( sal_Int32 i = 0; i < ptCount; i++ ) { pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_pt ), XML_idx, I32S( i ), FSEND ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_v ), FSEND ); pFS->write( aValues[i] ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_v ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_pt ) ); } pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_numCache ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_numRef ) ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, nValueType ) ); } void ChartExport::exportShapeProps( Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_spPr ), FSEND ); WriteFill( xPropSet ); WriteOutline( xPropSet ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_spPr ) ); } void ChartExport::InitPlotArea( ) { Reference< XPropertySet > xDiagramProperties (mxDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY); // Check for supported services and then the properties provided by this service. Reference xServiceInfo (mxDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY); if (xServiceInfo.is()) { if (xServiceInfo->supportsService( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("com.sun.star.chart.ChartAxisXSupplier")))) { xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("HasXAxis"))) >>= mbHasXAxis; } if (xServiceInfo->supportsService( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("com.sun.star.chart.ChartAxisYSupplier")))) { xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("HasYAxis"))) >>= mbHasYAxis; } if (xServiceInfo->supportsService( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("com.sun.star.chart.ChartAxisZSupplier")))) { xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("HasZAxis"))) >>= mbHasZAxis; } if (xServiceInfo->supportsService( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("com.sun.star.chart.ChartTwoAxisXSupplier")))) { xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("HasSecondaryXAxis"))) >>= mbHasSecondaryXAxis; } if (xServiceInfo->supportsService( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("com.sun.star.chart.ChartTwoAxisYSupplier")))) { xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString(RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM("HasSecondaryYAxis"))) >>= mbHasSecondaryYAxis; } } xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("Dim3D"))) >>= mbIs3DChart; Reference< chart2::XChartDocument > xNewDoc( getModel(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( mbHasCategoryLabels && mxNewDiagram.is()) { Reference< chart2::data::XLabeledDataSequence > xCategories( lcl_getCategories( mxNewDiagram ) ); if( xCategories.is() ) { mxCategoriesValues.set( xCategories->getValues() ); } } } void ChartExport::exportAxes( ) { sal_Int32 nSize = maAxes.size(); for( sal_Int32 nIdx = 0; nIdx < nSize; nIdx++ ) { exportAxis( maAxes[nIdx] ); } } void ChartExport::exportAxis( AxisIdPair aAxisIdPair ) { // get some properties from document first sal_Bool bHasXAxisTitle = sal_False, bHasYAxisTitle = sal_False, bHasZAxisTitle = sal_False, bHasSecondaryXAxisTitle = sal_False, bHasSecondaryYAxisTitle = sal_False; sal_Bool bHasXAxisMajorGrid = sal_False, bHasXAxisMinorGrid = sal_False, bHasYAxisMajorGrid = sal_False, bHasYAxisMinorGrid = sal_False, bHasZAxisMajorGrid = sal_False, bHasZAxisMinorGrid = sal_False; Reference< XPropertySet > xDiagramProperties (mxDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY); xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasXAxisTitle"))) >>= bHasXAxisTitle; xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasYAxisTitle"))) >>= bHasYAxisTitle; xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasZAxisTitle"))) >>= bHasZAxisTitle; xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasSecondaryXAxisTitle"))) >>= bHasSecondaryXAxisTitle; xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasSecondaryYAxisTitle"))) >>= bHasSecondaryYAxisTitle; xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasXAxisGrid"))) >>= bHasXAxisMajorGrid; xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasYAxisGrid"))) >>= bHasYAxisMajorGrid; xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasZAxisGrid"))) >>= bHasZAxisMajorGrid; xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasXAxisHelpGrid"))) >>= bHasXAxisMinorGrid; xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasYAxisHelpGrid"))) >>= bHasYAxisMinorGrid; xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasZAxisHelpGrid"))) >>= bHasZAxisMinorGrid; Reference< XPropertySet > xAxisProp; Reference< drawing::XShape > xAxisTitle; Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xMajorGrid; Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xMinorGrid; sal_Int32 nAxisType = XML_catAx; const char* sAxPos = NULL; switch( aAxisIdPair.nAxisType ) { case AXIS_PRIMARY_X: { Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart::XAxisXSupplier > xAxisXSupp( mxDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xAxisXSupp.is()) xAxisProp = xAxisXSupp->getXAxis(); if( bHasXAxisTitle ) xAxisTitle.set( xAxisXSupp->getXAxisTitle(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( bHasXAxisMajorGrid ) xMajorGrid.set( xAxisXSupp->getXMainGrid(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( bHasXAxisMinorGrid ) xMinorGrid.set( xAxisXSupp->getXHelpGrid(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); sal_Int32 eChartType = getChartType( ); if( (eChartType == chart::TYPEID_SCATTER) || (eChartType == chart::TYPEID_BUBBLE) ) nAxisType = XML_valAx; else if( eChartType == chart::TYPEID_STOCK ) nAxisType = XML_dateAx; // FIXME: axPos, need to check axis direction sAxPos = "b"; break; } case AXIS_PRIMARY_Y: { Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart::XAxisYSupplier > xAxisYSupp( mxDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xAxisYSupp.is()) xAxisProp = xAxisYSupp->getYAxis(); if( bHasYAxisTitle ) xAxisTitle.set( xAxisYSupp->getYAxisTitle(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( bHasYAxisMajorGrid ) xMajorGrid.set( xAxisYSupp->getYMainGrid(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( bHasYAxisMinorGrid ) xMinorGrid.set( xAxisYSupp->getYHelpGrid(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); nAxisType = XML_valAx; // FIXME: axPos, need to check axis direction sAxPos = "l"; break; } case AXIS_PRIMARY_Z: { Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart::XAxisZSupplier > xAxisZSupp( mxDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xAxisZSupp.is()) xAxisProp = xAxisZSupp->getZAxis(); if( bHasZAxisTitle ) xAxisTitle.set( xAxisZSupp->getZAxisTitle(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( bHasZAxisMajorGrid ) xMajorGrid.set( xAxisZSupp->getZMainGrid(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( bHasZAxisMinorGrid ) xMinorGrid.set( xAxisZSupp->getZHelpGrid(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); sal_Int32 eChartType = getChartType( ); if( (eChartType == chart::TYPEID_SCATTER) || (eChartType == chart::TYPEID_BUBBLE) ) nAxisType = XML_valAx; else if( eChartType == chart::TYPEID_STOCK ) nAxisType = XML_dateAx; // FIXME: axPos, need to check axis direction sAxPos = "b"; break; } case AXIS_SECONDARY_Y: { Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart::XTwoAxisYSupplier > xAxisTwoYSupp( mxDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( xAxisTwoYSupp.is()) xAxisProp = xAxisTwoYSupp->getSecondaryYAxis(); if( bHasSecondaryYAxisTitle ) { Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart::XSecondAxisTitleSupplier > xAxisSupp( mxDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY ); xAxisTitle.set( xAxisSupp->getSecondYAxisTitle(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); } nAxisType = XML_valAx; // FIXME: axPos, need to check axis direction sAxPos = "l"; break; } } _exportAxis( xAxisProp, xAxisTitle, xMajorGrid, xMinorGrid, nAxisType, sAxPos, aAxisIdPair ); } void ChartExport::exportXAxis( AxisIdPair aAxisIdPair ) { // get some properties from document first sal_Bool bHasXAxisTitle = sal_False, bHasSecondaryXAxisTitle = sal_False; sal_Bool bHasXAxisMajorGrid = sal_False, bHasXAxisMinorGrid = sal_False; Reference< XPropertySet > xDiagramProperties (mxDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY); xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasXAxisTitle"))) >>= bHasXAxisTitle; xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasSecondaryXAxisTitle"))) >>= bHasSecondaryXAxisTitle; xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasXAxisGrid"))) >>= bHasXAxisMajorGrid; xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasXAxisHelpGrid"))) >>= bHasXAxisMinorGrid; // catAx Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart::XAxisXSupplier > xAxisXSupp( mxDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( !xAxisXSupp.is()) return; Reference< XPropertySet > xAxisProp = xAxisXSupp->getXAxis(); if( !xAxisProp.is() ) return; sal_Int32 nAxisType = XML_catAx; sal_Int32 eChartType = getChartType( ); if( (eChartType == chart::TYPEID_SCATTER) || (eChartType == chart::TYPEID_BUBBLE) ) nAxisType = XML_valAx; else if( eChartType == chart::TYPEID_STOCK ) nAxisType = XML_dateAx; Reference< drawing::XShape > xAxisTitle; if( bHasXAxisTitle ) xAxisTitle.set( xAxisXSupp->getXAxisTitle(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); // FIXME: axPos, need to check axis direction const char* sAxPos = "b"; // major grid line Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xMajorGrid; if( bHasXAxisMajorGrid ) xMajorGrid.set( xAxisXSupp->getXMainGrid(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); // minor grid line Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xMinorGrid; if( bHasXAxisMinorGrid ) xMinorGrid.set( xAxisXSupp->getXHelpGrid(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); _exportAxis( xAxisProp, xAxisTitle, xMajorGrid, xMinorGrid, nAxisType, sAxPos, aAxisIdPair ); } void ChartExport::exportYAxis( AxisIdPair aAxisIdPair ) { // get some properties from document first sal_Bool bHasYAxisTitle = sal_False, bHasSecondaryYAxisTitle = sal_False; sal_Bool bHasYAxisMajorGrid = sal_False, bHasYAxisMinorGrid = sal_False; Reference< XPropertySet > xDiagramProperties (mxDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY); xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasYAxisTitle"))) >>= bHasYAxisTitle; xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasSecondaryYAxisTitle"))) >>= bHasSecondaryYAxisTitle; xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasYAxisGrid"))) >>= bHasYAxisMajorGrid; xDiagramProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("HasYAxisHelpGrid"))) >>= bHasYAxisMinorGrid; Reference< ::com::sun::star::chart::XAxisYSupplier > xAxisYSupp( mxDiagram, uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( !xAxisYSupp.is()) return; Reference< XPropertySet > xAxisProp = xAxisYSupp->getYAxis(); if( !xAxisProp.is() ) return; sal_Int32 nAxisType = XML_valAx; Reference< drawing::XShape > xAxisTitle; if( bHasYAxisTitle ) xAxisTitle.set( xAxisYSupp->getYAxisTitle(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); // FIXME: axPos const char* sAxPos = "l"; // major grid line Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xMajorGrid; if( bHasYAxisMajorGrid ) xMajorGrid.set( xAxisYSupp->getYMainGrid(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); // minor grid line Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xMinorGrid;( xAxisYSupp->getYHelpGrid(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); if( bHasYAxisMinorGrid ) xMinorGrid.set( xAxisYSupp->getYHelpGrid(), uno::UNO_QUERY ); _exportAxis( xAxisProp, xAxisTitle, xMajorGrid, xMinorGrid, nAxisType, sAxPos, aAxisIdPair ); } void ChartExport::_exportAxis( const Reference< XPropertySet >& xAxisProp, const Reference< drawing::XShape >& xAxisTitle, const Reference< XPropertySet >& xMajorGrid, const Reference< XPropertySet >& xMinorGrid, sal_Int32 nAxisType, const char* sAxisPos, AxisIdPair aAxisIdPair ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, nAxisType ), FSEND ); pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_axId ), XML_val, I32S( aAxisIdPair.nAxisId ), FSEND ); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_scaling ), FSEND ); // orientation: minMax, maxMin sal_Bool bReverseDirection = sal_False; if(GetProperty( xAxisProp, S( "ReverseDirection" ) ) ) mAny >>= bReverseDirection; const char* orientation = bReverseDirection ? "maxMin":"minMax"; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_orientation ), XML_val, orientation, FSEND ); // logBase, min, max if(GetProperty( xAxisProp, S( "Logarithmic" ) ) ) { sal_Bool bLogarithmic = sal_False; mAny >>= bLogarithmic; if( bLogarithmic ) { // default value is 10? sal_Int32 nLogBase = 10; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_logBase ), XML_val, I32S( nLogBase ), FSEND ); } } sal_Bool bAutoMax = sal_False; if(GetProperty( xAxisProp, S( "AutoMax" ) ) ) mAny >>= bAutoMax; if( !bAutoMax && (GetProperty( xAxisProp, S( "Max" ) ) )) { double dMax = 0; mAny >>= dMax; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_max ), XML_val, IS( dMax ), FSEND ); } sal_Bool bAutoMin = sal_False; if(GetProperty( xAxisProp, S( "AutoMin" ) ) ) mAny >>= bAutoMin; if( !bAutoMin && (GetProperty( xAxisProp, S( "Min" ) ) )) { double dMin = 0; mAny >>= dMin; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_min ), XML_val, IS( dMin ), FSEND ); } pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_scaling ) ); // title if( xAxisTitle.is() ) exportTitle( xAxisTitle ); sal_Bool bVisible = sal_True; if( xAxisProp.is() ) { xAxisProp->getPropertyValue( OUString (RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM ("Visible"))) >>= bVisible; } if( !bVisible ) { // other value? pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_delete ), XML_val, "1", FSEND ); } // FIXME: axPos, need to check the property "ReverseDirection" pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_axPos ), XML_val, sAxisPos, FSEND ); // major grid line if( xMajorGrid.is()) { pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_majorGridlines ), FSEND ); exportShapeProps( xMajorGrid ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_majorGridlines ) ); } // minor grid line if( xMinorGrid.is()) { pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_minorGridlines ), FSEND ); exportShapeProps( xMajorGrid ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_minorGridlines ) ); } // majorTickMark sal_Int32 nValue = 0; if(GetProperty( xAxisProp, S( "Marks" ) ) ) { mAny >>= nValue; sal_Bool bInner = nValue & ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisMarks::INNER; sal_Bool bOuter = nValue & ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisMarks::OUTER; const char* majorTickMark = NULL; if( bInner && bOuter ) majorTickMark = "cross"; else if( bInner ) majorTickMark = "in"; else if( bOuter ) majorTickMark = "out"; else majorTickMark = "none"; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_majorTickMark ), XML_val, majorTickMark, FSEND ); } // minorTickMark if(GetProperty( xAxisProp, S( "HelpMarks" ) ) ) { mAny >>= nValue; sal_Bool bInner = nValue & ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisMarks::INNER; sal_Bool bOuter = nValue & ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisMarks::OUTER; const char* minorTickMark = NULL; if( bInner && bOuter ) minorTickMark = "cross"; else if( bInner ) minorTickMark = "in"; else if( bOuter ) minorTickMark = "out"; else minorTickMark = "none"; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_minorTickMark ), XML_val, minorTickMark, FSEND ); } // tickLblPos const char* sTickLblPos = NULL; sal_Bool bDisplayLabel = sal_True; if(GetProperty( xAxisProp, S( "DisplayLabels" ) ) ) mAny >>= bDisplayLabel; if( bDisplayLabel && (GetProperty( xAxisProp, S( "LabelPosition" ) ) )) { ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisLabelPosition eLabelPosition = ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisLabelPosition_NEAR_AXIS; mAny >>= eLabelPosition; switch( eLabelPosition ) { case ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisLabelPosition_NEAR_AXIS: case ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisLabelPosition_NEAR_AXIS_OTHER_SIDE: sTickLblPos = "nextTo"; break; case ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisLabelPosition_OUTSIDE_START: sTickLblPos = "low"; break; case ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisLabelPosition_OUTSIDE_END: sTickLblPos = "high"; break; default: sTickLblPos = "nextTo"; break; } } else { sTickLblPos = "none"; } pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_tickLblPos ), XML_val, sTickLblPos, FSEND ); pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_crossAx ), XML_val, I32S( aAxisIdPair.nCrossAx ), FSEND ); // crosses & crossesAt sal_Bool bCrossesValue = sal_False; const char* sCrosses = NULL; if(GetProperty( xAxisProp, S( "CrossoverPosition" ) ) ) { ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisPosition ePosition( ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisPosition_ZERO ); mAny >>= ePosition; switch( ePosition ) { case ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisPosition_START: sCrosses = "min"; break; case ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisPosition_END: sCrosses = "max"; break; case ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartAxisPosition_ZERO: sCrosses = "autoZero"; break; default: bCrossesValue = sal_True; break; } } if( bCrossesValue && GetProperty( xAxisProp, S("CrossoverValue" ) ) ) { double dValue = 0; mAny >>= dValue; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_crossesAt ), XML_val, IS( dValue ), FSEND ); } else { pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_crosses ), XML_val, sCrosses, FSEND ); } if( nAxisType == XML_catAx ) { // FIXME: seems not support? lblAlgn const char* sLblAlgn = "ctr"; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_lblAlgn ), XML_val, sLblAlgn, FSEND ); } if( ( nAxisType == XML_catAx ) || ( nAxisType == XML_dateAx ) ) { // FIXME: seems not support? use default value, const char* isAuto = "1"; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_auto ), XML_val, isAuto, FSEND ); // FIXME: seems not support? lblOffset sal_Int32 nLblOffset = 100; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_lblOffset ), XML_val, I32S( nLblOffset ), FSEND ); } // majorUnit sal_Bool bAutoStepMain = sal_False; if(GetProperty( xAxisProp, S( "AutoStepMain" ) ) ) mAny >>= bAutoStepMain; if( !bAutoStepMain && (GetProperty( xAxisProp, S( "StepMain" ) ) )) { double dMajorUnit = 0; mAny >>= dMajorUnit; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_majorUnit ), XML_val, IS( dMajorUnit ), FSEND ); } // minorUnit sal_Bool bAutoStepHelp = sal_False; if(GetProperty( xAxisProp, S( "AutoStepHelp" ) ) ) mAny >>= bAutoStepHelp; if( !bAutoStepHelp && (GetProperty( xAxisProp, S( "StepHelp" ) ) )) { double dMinorUnit = 0; mAny >>= dMinorUnit; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_minorUnit ), XML_val, IS( dMinorUnit ), FSEND ); } // shape properties exportShapeProps( xAxisProp ); // TODO: text properties pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, nAxisType ) ); } void ChartExport::exportDataPoints( const uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > & xSeriesProperties, sal_Int32 nSeriesLength ) { uno::Reference< chart2::XDataSeries > xSeries( xSeriesProperties, uno::UNO_QUERY ); bool bVaryColorsByPoint = false; Sequence< sal_Int32 > aDataPointSeq; if( xSeriesProperties.is()) { Any aAny = xSeriesProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "AttributedDataPoints" ))); aAny >>= aDataPointSeq; xSeriesProperties->getPropertyValue( OUString( RTL_CONSTASCII_USTRINGPARAM( "VaryColorsByPoint" ))) >>= bVaryColorsByPoint; } const sal_Int32 * pPoints = aDataPointSeq.getConstArray(); sal_Int32 nElement; Reference< chart2::XColorScheme > xColorScheme; if( mxNewDiagram.is()) xColorScheme.set( mxNewDiagram->getDefaultColorScheme()); if( bVaryColorsByPoint && xColorScheme.is() ) { ::std::set< sal_Int32 > aAttrPointSet; ::std::copy( pPoints, pPoints + aDataPointSeq.getLength(), ::std::inserter( aAttrPointSet, aAttrPointSet.begin())); const ::std::set< sal_Int32 >::const_iterator aEndIt( aAttrPointSet.end()); for( nElement = 0; nElement < nSeriesLength; ++nElement ) { uno::Reference< beans::XPropertySet > xPropSet; if( aAttrPointSet.find( nElement ) != aEndIt ) { try { xPropSet = SchXMLSeriesHelper::createOldAPIDataPointPropertySet( xSeries, nElement, getModel() ); } catch( uno::Exception & rEx ) { (void)rEx; // avoid warning for pro build OSL_TRACE( "Exception caught during Export of data point: %s", rtl::OUStringToOString( rEx.Message, RTL_TEXTENCODING_ASCII_US ).getStr() ); } } else { // property set only containing the color xPropSet.set( new ColorPropertySet( xColorScheme->getColorByIndex( nElement ))); } if( xPropSet.is() ) { OSL_TRACE("ChartExport::exportDataPoints -- writer data points "); FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_dPt ), FSEND ); pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_idx ), XML_val, I32S(nElement), FSEND ); exportShapeProps( xPropSet ); pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_dPt ) ); } } } } void ChartExport::exportAxesId( sal_Int32 nAttachedAxis ) { sal_Int32 nAxisIdx = lcl_generateRandomValue(); sal_Int32 nAxisIdy = lcl_generateRandomValue(); maAxes.push_back( AxisIdPair( AXIS_PRIMARY_X, nAxisIdx, nAxisIdy ) ); maAxes.push_back( AxisIdPair( nAttachedAxis, nAxisIdy, nAxisIdx ) ); FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_axId ), XML_val, I32S( nAxisIdx ), FSEND ); pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_axId ), XML_val, I32S( nAxisIdy ), FSEND ); if( mbHasZAxis ) { sal_Int32 nAxisIdz = 0; if( isDeep3dChart() ) { nAxisIdz = lcl_generateRandomValue(); maAxes.push_back( AxisIdPair( AXIS_PRIMARY_Z, nAxisIdz, nAxisIdy ) ); } pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_axId ), XML_val, I32S( nAxisIdz ), FSEND ); } } void ChartExport::exportGrouping( sal_Bool isBar ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( mxDiagram , uno::UNO_QUERY); // grouping sal_Bool bStacked = sal_False; if( GetProperty( xPropSet, S( "Stacked" ) ) ) mAny >>= bStacked; sal_Bool bPercentage = sal_False; if( GetProperty( xPropSet, S( "Percent" ) ) ) mAny >>= bPercentage; const char* grouping = NULL; if( bStacked ) grouping = "stacked"; else if( bPercentage ) grouping = "percentStacked"; else { if( isBar && !isDeep3dChart() ) grouping = "clustered"; else grouping = "standard"; } pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_grouping ), XML_val, grouping, FSEND ); } void ChartExport::exportMarker() { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_marker ), FSEND ); Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( mxDiagram , uno::UNO_QUERY ); sal_Int32 nSymbolType = ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartSymbolType::NONE; if( GetProperty( xPropSet, S( "SymbolType" ) ) ) mAny >>= nSymbolType; // TODO: more properties support for marker if( nSymbolType == ::com::sun::star::chart::ChartSymbolType::NONE ) { pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_symbol ), XML_val, "none", FSEND ); } pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_marker ) ); } void ChartExport::exportSmooth() { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( mxDiagram , uno::UNO_QUERY ); sal_Int32 nSplineType = 0; if( GetProperty( xPropSet, S( "SplineType" ) ) ) mAny >>= nSplineType; if( nSplineType != 0 ) { pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_smooth ), XML_val, "1", FSEND ); } } void ChartExport::exportFirstSliceAng( ) { FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); sal_Int32 nStartingAngle = 0; Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( mxDiagram , uno::UNO_QUERY); if( GetProperty( xPropSet, S( "StartingAngle" ) ) ) mAny >>= nStartingAngle; // convert to ooxml angle nStartingAngle = (450 - nStartingAngle ) % 360; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_firstSliceAng ), XML_val, I32S( nStartingAngle ), FSEND ); } void ChartExport::exportView3D() { Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( mxDiagram , uno::UNO_QUERY); if( !xPropSet.is() ) return; FSHelperPtr pFS = GetFS(); pFS->startElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_view3D ), FSEND ); // rotX if( GetProperty( xPropSet, S( "RotationHorizontal" ) ) ) { sal_Int32 nRotationX = 0; mAny >>= nRotationX; // X rotation (map Chart2 [-179,180] to OOXML [0..359]) if( nRotationX < 0 ) nRotationX += 360; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_rotX ), XML_val, I32S( nRotationX ), FSEND ); } // rotY if( GetProperty( xPropSet, S( "RotationVertical" ) ) ) { sal_Int32 nRotationY = 0; mAny >>= nRotationY; // Y rotation (map Chart2 [-179,180] to OOXML [0..359]) if( nRotationY < 0 ) nRotationY += 360; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_rotY ), XML_val, I32S( nRotationY ), FSEND ); } // perspective if( GetProperty( xPropSet, S( "Perspective" ) ) ) { sal_Int32 nPerspective = 0; mAny >>= nPerspective; // map Chart2 [0,100] to OOXML [0..200] nPerspective *= 2; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_perspective ), XML_val, I32S( nPerspective ), FSEND ); } // rAngAx if( GetProperty( xPropSet, S( "RightAngledAxes" ) ) ) { sal_Bool bRightAngled = sal_False; mAny >>= bRightAngled; const char* sRightAngled = bRightAngled ? "1":"0"; pFS->singleElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_rAngAx ), XML_val, sRightAngled, FSEND ); } pFS->endElement( FSNS( XML_c, XML_view3D ) ); } sal_Bool ChartExport::isDeep3dChart() { sal_Bool isDeep = sal_False; if( mbIs3DChart ) { Reference< XPropertySet > xPropSet( mxDiagram , uno::UNO_QUERY); if( GetProperty( xPropSet, S( "Deep" ) ) ) mAny >>= isDeep; } return isDeep; } }// drawingml }// oox /* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */