#************************************************************************* # # OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite # # $RCSfile: unxmacx.mk,v $ # # $Revision: 1.30 $ # # last change: $Author: vg $ $Date: 2008-03-19 14:39:55 $ # # The Contents of this file are made available subject to # the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. # # # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 # ============================================= # Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. # 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307 USA # #************************************************************************* ########################################################################## # Platform MAKEFILE for Mac OS X and Darwin on both PowerPC and Intel ########################################################################## # PROCESSOR_DEFINES and DLLPOSTFIX are defined in the particular platform file # DARWIN_VERSION holds the Darwin version in the format: 000000. For example, # if the Darwin version is 1.3.7, DARWIN_VERSION will be set to 010307. # Not used now, comment it out. Remove it after some time. # DARWIN_VERSION=$(shell -/bin/sh -c "uname -r | sed 's/\./ /g' | xargs printf %2.2i%2.2i%2.2i") ASM= AFLAGS= LINKOUTPUT_FILTER= # Definitions that we may need on the compile line. # -D_PTHREADS and -D_REENTRANT are needed for STLport, and must be specified when # compiling STLport sources too, either internally or externally. CDEFS+=-DGLIBC=2 -D_PTHREADS -D_REENTRANT -DNO_PTHREAD_PRIORITY $(PROCESSOR_DEFINES) -DSTLPORT_VERSION=$(STLPORT_VER) -D_USE_NAMESPACE=1 .IF "$(GUIBASE)"=="unx" && "$(USE_SYSTEM_STL)"!="YES" CDEFS+= -DX_LOCALE .ENDIF # Name of library where static data members are initialized # STATICLIBNAME=static$(DLLPOSTFIX) # STATICLIB=-l$(STATICLIBNAME) # enable visibility define in "sal/types.h" .IF "$(HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY_FEATURE)" == "TRUE" CDEFS += -DHAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY_FEATURE .ENDIF # "$(HAVE_GCC_VISIBILITY_FEATURE)" == "TRUE" # MacOS X specific Java compilation/link flags SOLAR_JAVA*=TRUE .IF "$(SOLAR_JAVA)"!="" JAVADEF=-DSOLAR_JAVA JAVAFLAGSDEBUG=-g JAVA_RUNTIME=-framework JavaVM .ENDIF # architecture dependent flags for the C and C++ compiler that can be changed by # exporting the variable ARCH_FLAGS="..." in the shell, which is used to start build ARCH_FLAGS*= # Specify the compiler to use. NOTE: MacOS X should always specify # c++ for C++ compilation as it does certain C++ specific things # behind the scenes for us. # CC = C++ compiler to use # cc = C compiler to use # objc = Objective C compiler to use # objcpp = Objective C++ compiler to use CXX*=g++ CC*=gcc objc*=gcc objcpp*=g++ CFLAGS=-fsigned-char -fmessage-length=0 -malign-natural -c $(EXTRA_CFLAGS) .IF "$(DISABLE_DEPRECATION_WARNING)" == "TRUE" CFLAGS+=-Wno-deprecated-declarations .ENDIF # --------------------------------- # Compilation flags # --------------------------------- # Normal C compilation flags CFLAGSCC=-pipe -fsigned-char -malign-natural $(ARCH_FLAGS) # Normal Objective C compilation flags #OBJCFLAGS=-no-precomp OBJCFLAGS=-fobjc-exceptions OBJCXXFLAGS=-x objective-c++ -fobjc-exceptions # Comp Flags for files that need exceptions enabled (C and C++) CFLAGSEXCEPTIONS=-fexceptions -fno-enforce-eh-specs # Comp Flags for files that do not need exceptions enabled (C and C++) CFLAGS_NO_EXCEPTIONS=-fno-exceptions # Normal C++ compilation flags CFLAGSCXX=-pipe -malign-natural -fsigned-char -Wno-long-double $(ARCH_FLAGS) CFLAGSCXX+= -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy PICSWITCH:=-fPIC # Other flags CFLAGSOBJGUIMT=$(PICSWITCH) -fno-common CFLAGSOBJCUIMT=$(PICSWITCH) -fno-common CFLAGSSLOGUIMT=$(PICSWITCH) -fno-common CFLAGSSLOCUIMT=$(PICSWITCH) -fno-common CFLAGSPROF= # Flag for including debugging information in object files CFLAGSDEBUG=-g CFLAGSDBGUTIL= # Flag to specify output file to compiler/linker CFLAGSOUTOBJ=-o # Flags to enable precompiled headers CFLAGS_CREATE_PCH=-x c++-header -I$(INCPCH) -DPRECOMPILED_HEADERS CFLAGS_USE_PCH=-I$(SLO)$/pch -DPRECOMPILED_HEADERS -Winvalid-pch CFLAGS_USE_EXCEPTIONS_PCH=-I$(SLO)$/pch_ex -DPRECOMPILED_HEADERS -Winvalid-pch # --------------------------------- # Optimization flags # --------------------------------- CFLAGSOPT=-O2 -fno-strict-aliasing CFLAGSNOOPT=-O0 # -Wshadow does not work for C with nested uses of pthread_cleanup_push: # -Wshadow does not work for C++ as /usr/include/c++/4.0.0/ext/hashtable.h # l. 717 contains a declaration of __cur2 shadowing the declaration at l. 705, # in template code for which a #pragma gcc system_header would not work: # -Wextra doesn not work for gcc-3.3 CFLAGSWARNCC=-Wall -Wendif-labels CFLAGSWARNCXX=$(CFLAGSWARNCC) -Wno-ctor-dtor-privacy -Wno-non-virtual-dtor CFLAGSWALLCC=$(CFLAGSWARNCC) CFLAGSWALLCXX=$(CFLAGSWARNCXX) CFLAGSWERRCC=-Werror # Once all modules on this platform compile without warnings, set # COMPILER_WARN_ERRORS=TRUE here instead of setting MODULES_WITH_WARNINGS (see # settings.mk): MODULES_WITH_WARNINGS := #special settings form environment CDEFS+=$(EXTRA_CDEFS) STDLIBCPP=-lstdc++ # --------------------------------- # STLport library names # --------------------------------- .IF "$(USE_STLP_DEBUG)" != "" .IF "$(STLPORT_VER)" >= "500" LIBSTLPORT=-lstlportstlg LIBSTLPORTST=$(STATIC) -lstlportstlg .ELSE LIBSTLPORT=-lstlport_gcc_stldebug LIBSTLPORTST=$(SOLARVERSION)$/$(INPATH)$/lib$/libstlport_gcc_stldebug.a .ENDIF .ELSE # "$(USE_STLP_DEBUG" != "" .IF "$(STLPORT_VER)" >= "500" LIBSTLPORT=-lstlport LIBSTLPORTST=$(STATIC) -lstlport .ELSE LIBSTLPORT=-lstlport_gcc LIBSTLPORTST=$(SOLARVERSION)$/$(INPATH)$/lib$/libstlport_gcc.a .ENDIF .ENDIF # "$(USE_STLP_DEBUG" != "" # --------------------------------- # Link stage flags # --------------------------------- # always link with gcc since you may be linking c code and don't want -lstdc++ linked in! ## ericb 04 mars 2005 LINK*=$(CXX) LINKC*=$(CC) LINKFLAGSDEFS*=-Wl,-multiply_defined,suppress # Very long install_names are needed so that install_name_tool -change later on # does not complain that "larger updated load commands do not fit:" LINKFLAGSRUNPATH_URELIB=-install_name '@__________________________________________________URELIB$/$(@:f)' LINKFLAGSRUNPATH_UREBIN= LINKFLAGSRUNPATH_OOO=-install_name '@__________________________________________________OOO$/$(@:f)' LINKFLAGSRUNPATH_BRAND= LINKFLAGSRUNPATH_OXT= LINKFLAGS=$(LINKFLAGSDEFS) # [ed] 5/14/02 If we're building for aqua, add in the objc runtime library into our link line .IF "$(GUIBASE)" == "aqua" LINKFLAGS+=-lobjc # Sometimes we still use files that would be in a GUIBASE="unx" specific directory # because they really aren't GUIBASE specific, so we've got to account for that here. INCGUI+= -I$(PRJ)$/unx/inc .ENDIF #special settings form environment LINKFLAGS+=$(EXTRA_LINKFLAGS) # Random link flags dealing with different cases of linking LINKFLAGSAPPGUI=-bind_at_load LINKFLAGSSHLGUI=-dynamiclib -single_module LINKFLAGSAPPCUI=-bind_at_load LINKFLAGSSHLCUI=-dynamiclib -single_module LINKFLAGSTACK= LINKFLAGSPROF= # Flag to add debugging information to final products LINKFLAGSDEBUG=-g LINKFLAGSOPT= # --------------------------------- # MacOS X shared library specifics # --------------------------------- # Tag to identify an output file as a library DLLPRE=lib # File extension to identify dynamic shared libraries on MacOS X DLLPOST=.dylib # Precompiled header file extension PCHPOST=.gch # We don't use mapping on MacOS X #LINKVERSIONMAPFLAG=-Wl,--version-script LINKVERSIONMAPFLAG=-Wl,-exported_symbols_list SONAME_SWITCH=-Wl,-h STDLIBCPP=-lstdc++ STDOBJVCL=$(L)$/salmain.o STDOBJGUI= STDSLOGUI= STDOBJCUI= STDSLOCUI= .IF "$(GUIBASE)" == "aqua" STDLIBCUIMT=CPPRUNTIME -lm STDLIBGUIMT=-framework Carbon -framework Cocoa -lpthread CPPRUNTIME -lm STDSHLCUIMT=-lpthread CPPRUNTIME -lm STDSHLGUIMT=-framework Carbon -framework CoreFoundation -framework Cocoa -lpthread CPPRUNTIME -lm PSPLIB=-lpsp .ELSE STDLIBCUIMT= CPPRUNTIME -lm STDLIBGUIMT=-lX11 -lpthread CPPRUNTIME -lm STDSHLCUIMT=-lpthread CPPRUNTIME -lm STDSHLGUIMT=-lX11 -lXext -lpthread CPPRUNTIME -lm -framework CoreFoundation .ENDIF LIBMGR=ar LIBFLAGS=-r IMPLIB= IMPLIBFLAGS= MAPSYM= MAPSYMFLAGS= RC=irc RCFLAGS=-fo$@ $(RCFILES) RCLINK= RCLINKFLAGS= RCSETVERSION=