: eval 'exec perl -wS $0 ${1+"$@"}' if 0; #************************************************************************* # # OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite # # $RCSfile: cwsresync.pl,v $ # # $Revision: 1.34 $ # # last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2008-02-18 09:12:35 $ # # The Contents of this file are made available subject to # the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. # # # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 # ============================================= # Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. # 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307 USA # #************************************************************************* # # cwsresync.pl - sync child workspace modules/files with newer # milestones of master workspace # use strict; use Cwd; use File::Basename; use File::Copy; use File::Find; use File::Glob; use File::Path; use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_ignore_case); use IO::Handle; use IO::File; use Carp; #### module lookup my @lib_dirs; BEGIN { if ( !defined($ENV{SOLARENV}) ) { die "No environment found (environment variable SOLARENV is undefined)"; } push(@lib_dirs, "$ENV{SOLARENV}/bin/modules"); push(@lib_dirs, "$ENV{SOLARENV}/bin/modules/PCVSLib/lib"); push(@lib_dirs, "$ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS}/modules") if defined($ENV{COMMON_ENV_TOOLS}); } use lib (@lib_dirs); use Cws; eval { require Logging; import Logging; }; my $log = undef; $log = Logging->new() if (!$@); eval { require EnvHelper; import EnvHelper; require CopyPrj; import CopyPrj; }; use Cvs; use GenInfoParser; use CwsConfig; use CwsCvsOps; use CvsModule; # to be removed ASAP #### script id ##### ( my $script_name = $0 ) =~ s/^.*\b(\w+)\.pl$/$1/; my $script_rev; my $id_str = ' $Revision: 1.34 $ '; $id_str =~ /Revision:\s+(\S+)\s+\$/ ? ($script_rev = $1) : ($script_rev = "-"); print "$script_name -- version: $script_rev\n"; #### hardcoded globals ##### my @xtra_files = ( "*.mk", "*.flg", "libCrun*", "libCstd*", "libgcc*", "libstdc*" ); my $platform_resynced_flag = ".cwsresync_complete"; # ignore these files silently during resync my %resync_silent_ignore_files = ( 'wntmsci3' => 1, 'wntmsci7' => 1, 'wntmsci8' => 1 ); # ignore these files silently during resync my %resync_always_move_tags = ( 'wntmsci10' => 1 ); # modules to be obligatory copied to each cws my %obligatory_modules = ( 'solenv' => 1, 'default_images' => 1, 'custom_images' => 1, 'ooo_custom_images' => 1, 'external_images' => 1, 'postprocess' => 1, 'instset_native' => 1, 'instsetoo_native' => 1, 'smoketest_native' => 1, 'smoketestoo_native' => 1); #### global ##### my $opt_debug = 0; # misc traces for debugging purposes my $opt_commit = 0; # commit changes my $opt_merge = 0; # merge from MWS into CWS my $opt_link = 0; # relink modules, update solver my $opt_remove_trees = 0; # remove output trees & solver (OO option) my $opt_complete_modules = 0; # checkout complete modules for merge ops my @args_bak = @ARGV; # store the @ARGS here for logging my @problem_log = (); my $umask = umask(); if ( !defined($umask) ) { $umask = 22; } my $opt_force_checkout = ''; my $opt_skip_update = 0; # some overall stats my %global_stats = ('new' => 0, 'removed' => 0, 'merged' => 0, 'moved' => 0, 'anchor' => 0, 'conflict' => 0, 'alert' => 0, 'ignored' => 0 ); #### main ##### my $parameter_list = $log->array2string(";",@args_bak) if (defined $log); my ($dir, $milestone, @args) = parse_options(); my $cws = get_and_verify_cws(); if ( $milestone ) { verify_milestone_or_exit($cws, $milestone); } my @action_list = parse_args($cws, $dir, $milestone, @args); walk_action_list($cws, $dir, $milestone, @action_list); print_plog(); log_stats(); exit(0); #### subroutines #### sub log_stats { my $statistic_log_message; $statistic_log_message = "success : "; $statistic_log_message .= "merge mode : " if $opt_merge; $statistic_log_message .= "commit mode : " if $opt_commit; $statistic_log_message .= "link mode : " if $opt_link; $statistic_log_message .= "remove output trees mode : " if $opt_remove_trees; $statistic_log_message .= "new: $global_stats{'new'} " if $global_stats{'new'}; $statistic_log_message .= "removed: $global_stats{'removed'} " if $global_stats{'removed'}; $statistic_log_message .= "merged: $global_stats{'merged'} " if $global_stats{'merged'}; $statistic_log_message .= "moved: $global_stats{'moved'} " if $global_stats{'moved'}; $statistic_log_message .= "anchor: $global_stats{'anchor'} " if $global_stats{'anchor'}; $statistic_log_message .= "conflicts: $global_stats{'conflict'} " if $global_stats{'conflict'}; $statistic_log_message .= "alerts: $global_stats{'alert'} " if $global_stats{'alert'}; $statistic_log_message .= "ignored: $global_stats{'ignored'} " if $global_stats{'ignored'}; $log->end_log_extended($script_name,"unknown",$statistic_log_message) if (defined $log); } ##create_log_stats # Get child workspace from environment. sub get_and_verify_cws { my $childws = $ENV{CWS_WORK_STAMP}; my $masterws = $ENV{WORK_STAMP}; if ( !defined($childws) || !defined($masterws) ) { print_error("Can't determine child workspace environment.\n" . "Please initialize environment with setsolar ...", 1); } my $cws = Cws->new(); $cws->child($childws); $cws->master($masterws); $log->start_log_extended($script_name,$parameter_list,$masterws,$childws) if (defined $log); # check if we got a valid child workspace my $id = $cws->eis_id(); print "Master: $masterws, Child: $childws, $id\n" if $opt_debug; if ( !$id ) { print_error("Child workspace $childws for master workspace $masterws not found in EIS database.", 2); } return $cws; } # Parse options and do some sanity checks; sub parse_options { my $dir = 0; my $help = 0; my $success = GetOptions('h' => \$help, 'd=s' => \$dir, 'debug' => \$opt_debug, 'm=s' => \$opt_merge, 'c' => \$opt_commit, 'l=s' => \$opt_link, 'a' => \$opt_force_checkout, 'r' => \$opt_remove_trees, 'f' => \$opt_skip_update, 'F' => \$opt_complete_modules ); if ( !$success || $help ) { usage(); exit(1); } # some sanity checks if ( !($opt_merge || $opt_commit || $opt_link || $opt_remove_trees) ) { print_error("Please specify one of '-m', '-c', '-l'.", 0) if defined($log); print_error("Please specify one of '-m', '-c', '-l', '-r'.", 0) if !defined($log); usage(); exit(1); } if ( ($opt_merge || $opt_commit) && !@ARGV ) { usage(); exit(1); } my $milestone = $opt_merge || $opt_link; if ( ($opt_merge && $opt_commit) || ($opt_merge && $opt_link) || ($opt_commit && $opt_link) ) { print_error("The options '-m milestone', '-c', '-l milestone' are mutally exclusive.", 0); usage(); exit(1); } if ( $opt_link && $dir ) { print_error("The options '-l milestone' and '-d' are mutally exclusive.", 0); usage(); exit(1); } if ( $milestone eq 'HEAD' && $opt_link ) { print_error("'HEAD' is not a valid milestone for '-l milestone' option.", 0); usage(); exit(1); } if ( $opt_complete_modules && !$opt_merge ) { print_error("option '-F' requires merge step (option '-m milestone' must be set).", 0); usage(); exit(1); } $dir = $dir ? $dir : cwd(); # check directory if ( ! -d $dir ) { print_error("'$dir' is not a directory.", 1); } if ( ! -w $dir ) { print_error("Can't write to directory '$dir'.", 1); } return ($dir, $milestone, @ARGV); } # Parse and verify args. Check that all necessary preconditions are fulfilled # and fill the action_list sub parse_args { my $cws = shift; my $dir = shift; my $milestone = shift; my @args = @_; # For each entry in the args list we'll prepare a corresponding entry # in the action list. An arg may be a module, a dir in a cvs module # or a file in a cvs module. With each arg is an action associated, # this may be 'resync_module_action', 'resync_dir_action', 'resync_file_action', # 'commit_dir_action', 'commit_file_action' or 'relink_cws_action' depending on the # type of the arg and the operation mode # The action list has the following format # $action_list [$i] = [$arg, $action] my @action_list = (); # The 'merge' and 'commit' modes share quite a bit of logic. The 'link' mode # is completely independent if ( (@args > 0) && ($opt_link || $opt_remove_trees)) { print_error("Invalid argument.", 0); usage(); exit(1); } if ( $opt_link ) { push(@action_list, [undef, 'relink_cws_action']); } elsif ($opt_remove_trees) { push(@action_list, [undef, 'remove_output_trees']); } else { # Sanity check if ( @args > 1) { foreach (@args) { if ($_ eq 'all') { print_error("either specify 'all' or a list of modules/files.", 1); } } } # If HEAD is specified as milestone, make sure that every argument is really a file. if ( $milestone eq 'HEAD' ) { foreach ( @args ) { if ( ! -f $_ ) { print_error("Only files are allowed as argument for resyncing against HEAD", 0); print_error("'$_' is not a file: $!", 1); } } } if ( is_in_module($dir) ) { # check arguments for inside module operation check_or_exit($cws, $dir, @args); foreach my $arg (@args) { if ( -f $arg ) { my $action = $opt_commit ? 'commit_file_action' : 'resync_file_action'; push(@action_list, [$arg, $action]); } else { my $action = $opt_commit ? 'commit_dir_action' : 'resync_dir_action'; push(@action_list, [$arg, $action]); } } } else { my @modules = expand_and_verify_modules($cws, @args); # check arguments for modules level operation if ( is_scratch_dir($dir) ) { my $action = $opt_commit ? 'commit_dir_action' : 'resync_module_action'; foreach (@modules) { push(@action_list, [$_, $action]); } } else { check_or_exit($cws, $dir, @modules); my $action = $opt_commit ? 'commit_dir_action' : 'resync_dir_action'; foreach (@modules) { push(@action_list, [$_, $action]); } } } } return @action_list; } # Check if all arguments are physically present on the disk # either as files or directories sub check_or_exit { my $cws = shift; my $dir = shift; my @args = @_; my $error; foreach my $arg (@args) { if ( ! -e "$dir/$arg" ) { print_error("Can't find '$dir/$arg': $!", 0); $error++; } } if ( $error ) { print_error("Please run '$script_name -m' either in an empty scratch directory,", 0); print_error("or in a directory containing all specified modules,", 0); print_error("or, if inside a module,", 0); print_error("make certain that all specified files/directories exist.", 2); } return; } # Check if we operate inside a module. sub is_in_module { my $dir = shift; return -d "$dir/CVS" ? 1 : 0; } # Check if directory contains modules sub is_modules_level { my $dir = shift; return 0 if is_in_module($dir); my @cvsdirs = glob("$dir/*/CVS"); return @cvsdirs ? 1 : 0; } # Check if directory is a scratch directory sub is_scratch_dir { my $dir = shift; return (is_in_module($dir) || is_modules_level($dir)) ? 0 : 1; } # Check if requested modules are registered with child workspace. sub expand_and_verify_modules { my $cws = shift; my @modules = @_; my @registered_modules = $cws->modules(); my $child = $cws->child(); # call with empty modules list return @registered_modules if $modules[0] eq 'all'; # create hash for easier searching my %registered_modules_hash = (); for (@registered_modules) { $registered_modules_hash{$_}++; } foreach (@modules) { if ( !exists $registered_modules_hash{$_} ) { print_error("Module '$_' is not registered for child '$child'.", 2); } } return @modules; } # Process the action list sub walk_action_list { my $cws = shift; my $dir = shift; my $qualified_milestone = shift; my @action_list = @_; foreach my $entry_ref (@action_list) { no strict; # disable strict refs for the next call &{$entry_ref->[1]}($cws, $dir, $qualified_milestone, $entry_ref->[0]); } if ( !$opt_link ) { # emit some stats print_message(" ========== Totals: ==========") if scalar(%global_stats); print_message("New file(s) : $global_stats{'new'}") if $global_stats{'new'}; print_message("Remove file(s) : $global_stats{'removed'}") if $global_stats{'removed'}; print_message("Merge file(s) : $global_stats{'merged'}") if $global_stats{'merged'}; print_message("Conflict(s) : $global_stats{'conflict'}") if $global_stats{'conflict'}; print_message("Move branch tag(s) : $global_stats{'moved'}") if $global_stats{'moved'}; print_message("Move anchor(s) : $global_stats{'anchor'}") if $global_stats{'anchor'}; print_message("Alert(s) : $global_stats{'alert'}") if $global_stats{'alert'}; print_message("Ignored : $global_stats{'ignored'}") if $global_stats{'ignored'}; } return; } # Merge a whole module in scratch space. sub resync_module_action { my $cws = shift; my $dir = shift; my $qualified_milestone = shift; my $module = shift; print_message(""); print_message(" ========== Merging '$module' =========="); print_message(""); my ($master_branch_tag, $cws_branch_tag, $cws_anchor_tag) = $cws->get_tags(); my $milestone_tag = get_milestone_tag($cws, $qualified_milestone); my $cvs_handle = get_cvs_handle($cws, 'config', $module); if ( !defined($cvs_handle) ) { print_warning("Skipping '$module' ..."); print_warning("This might happen if '$module' is obsolete."); return; } print_message("Retrieving changes for '$module' ..."); my $changes_ref = $cvs_handle->get_changed_files($module, $cws_anchor_tag, $milestone_tag); my @files_to_checkout; foreach (@{$changes_ref}) { push(@files_to_checkout, $_->[0]); } my $nfiles_to_checkout = @files_to_checkout; if ( $opt_complete_modules ) { print_message("Check out module '$module' ..."); $cvs_handle->checkout($dir, $module, undef, $cws_branch_tag); } elsif ( $nfiles_to_checkout > 0 ) { print_message("Check out $nfiles_to_checkout file(s) from module '$module' ..."); $cvs_handle->checkout($dir, $module, \@files_to_checkout, $cws_branch_tag); } else { print_message("nothing to do for module '$module'"); # still create a directory even if nothing is to be done, for the benefit of the # commit operation if ( !mkdir("$dir/$module") ) { print_error("Can't mkdir() '$dir/$module': $!", 6); } if ( !open(README, ">$dir/$module/readme") ) { print_error("can't open file '$dir/$module/readme': $!", 7); } print README "Nothing to be resynced here\n"; close(README); return; } my $save_dir = cwd(); # chdir into module if ( !chdir("$dir/$module") ) { print_error("Can't chdir() to '$dir/$module': $!", 6); } my $stats_ref = merge_files($cws_anchor_tag, $milestone_tag, $changes_ref, $cvs_handle, $module); # chdir back chdir($save_dir); $global_stats{'new'} += $stats_ref->{'new'}; $global_stats{'removed'} += $stats_ref->{'removed'}; $global_stats{'merged'} += $stats_ref->{'merged'}; $global_stats{'moved'} += $stats_ref->{'moved'}; $global_stats{'anchor'} += $stats_ref->{'anchor'}; $global_stats{'conflict'} += $stats_ref->{'conflict'}; $global_stats{'alert'} += $stats_ref->{'alert'}; $global_stats{'ignored'} += $stats_ref->{'ignored'}; print_message(" ---------- '$module' stats:-----------") if scalar(%{$stats_ref}); print_message("New file(s) : $stats_ref->{'new'}") if $stats_ref->{'new'}; print_message("Remove file(s) : $stats_ref->{'removed'}") if $stats_ref->{'removed'}; print_message("Merge file(s) : $stats_ref->{'merged'}") if $stats_ref->{'merged'}; print_message("Conflict(s) : $stats_ref->{'conflict'}") if $stats_ref->{'conflict'}; print_message("Move tag(s) : $stats_ref->{'moved'}") if $stats_ref->{'moved'}; print_message("Move anchor(s) : $stats_ref->{'anchor'}") if $stats_ref->{'anchor'}; print_message("Alert(s) : $stats_ref->{'alert'}") if $stats_ref->{'alert'}; print_message("Ignored file(s): $stats_ref->{'ignored'}") if $stats_ref->{'ignored'}; return; } # resync_dir_action: not possible sub resync_dir_action { my $cws = shift; my $dir = shift; my $qualified_milestone = shift; my $cvs_dir = shift; print_error("Resyncing directories is not possible.", 0); print_error("Please resync either complete modules in a scratch", 0); print_error("directory or resync a list of files,", 99); return; } sub resync_file_action { my $cws = shift; my $dir = shift; # unused, remove me my $qualified_milestone = shift; my $file = shift; if ( exists $resync_silent_ignore_files{basename($file)} ) { print_error("Can't resync special file '$file'!", 33); } my ($master_branch_tag, $cws_branch_tag, $cws_anchor_tag) = $cws->get_tags(); my $milestone_tag; if ( $qualified_milestone eq 'HEAD' ) { $milestone_tag = $master_branch_tag ? $master_branch_tag : 'HEAD'; } else { $milestone_tag = get_milestone_tag($cws, $qualified_milestone); } my $directory = dirname($file); my $cvs_handle = get_cvs_handle($cws, 'directory', $directory); if ( !defined($cvs_handle) ) { print_message("resync_file_action(): can't get cvs_handle"); } my $rep = $cvs_handle->get_relative_path($directory); print_message("Retrieving changes for '$file' ..."); my $changes_ref = $cvs_handle->get_changed_files("$rep/$file", $cws_anchor_tag, $milestone_tag); if ( !@{$changes_ref} ) { print_warning("'$file' already on resync level '$milestone_tag'\n"); exit(0); } # changes_ref contains the path to the file relative to the module (including module prefix) # replace with local path $changes_ref->[0]->[0] = $file; my $stats_ref = merge_files($cws_anchor_tag, $milestone_tag, $changes_ref, $cvs_handle, ''); $global_stats{'new'} += $stats_ref->{'new'}; $global_stats{'removed'} += $stats_ref->{'removed'}; $global_stats{'merged'} += $stats_ref->{'merged'}; $global_stats{'moved'} += $stats_ref->{'moved'}; $global_stats{'anchor'} += $stats_ref->{'anchor'}; print_message("New file(s): $stats_ref->{'new'}") if $stats_ref->{'new'}; print_message("Removed file(s): $stats_ref->{'removed'}") if $stats_ref->{'removed'}; print_message("Commit file(s): $stats_ref->{'merged'}") if $stats_ref->{'merged'}; print_message("Move branch tag(s): $stats_ref->{'moved'}") if $stats_ref->{'moved'}; print_message("Move anchor tags(s): $stats_ref->{'anchor'}") if $stats_ref->{'anchor'}; return; } sub commit_dir_action { my $cws = shift; my $dir = shift; my $qualified_milestone = shift; # unused and not initialized my $cvs_dir = shift; print_message("========== Commit changes to '$cvs_dir': =========="); my $save_dir = cwd(); # chdir into module if ( !chdir("$dir/$cvs_dir") ) { print_warning("Can't chdir() to '$cvs_dir'."); print_warning("Skipping '$cvs_dir'."); return; } local @main::changed_files; find(\&wanted, '.'); if ( @main::changed_files ) { my $stats_ref = commit_files($cws, \@main::changed_files, $cvs_dir); $global_stats{'merged'} += $stats_ref->{'merged'}; $global_stats{'moved'} += $stats_ref->{'moved'}; $global_stats{'anchor'} += $stats_ref->{'anchor'}; print_message(" ========== '$cvs_dir' stats: ==========") if scalar(%{$stats_ref}); print_message("Commit file(s) : $stats_ref->{'merged'}") if $stats_ref->{'merged'}; print_message("Move branch tag(s) : $stats_ref->{'moved'}") if $stats_ref->{'moved'}; print_message("Move anchor tags(s): $stats_ref->{'anchor'}") if $stats_ref->{'anchor'}; } chdir($save_dir); return; } sub commit_file_action { my $cws = shift; my $dir = shift; # ununsed, remove me my $qualified_milestone = shift; # unused and not initialized my $file = shift; my $cvs_dir = dirname($file); if ( ! -e "$file.resync" ) { print_error("Can't find '$file.resync'. Please use the 'cwsresync -m' step on file '$file' first.", 55) } my $stats_ref = commit_files($cws, [$file], $cvs_dir); $global_stats{'merged'} += $stats_ref->{'merged'}; $global_stats{'moved'} += $stats_ref->{'moved'}; $global_stats{'anchor'} += $stats_ref->{'anchor'}; print_message("Commit file(s) : $stats_ref->{'merged'}") if $stats_ref->{'merged'}; print_message("Move branch tag(s) : $stats_ref->{'moved'}") if $stats_ref->{'moved'}; print_message("Move anchor tags(s): $stats_ref->{'anchor'}") if $stats_ref->{'anchor'}; return; } # TODO: put into module later... see also cwsadd.pl sub get_mws_location { use GenInfoParser; my $masterws = shift; my $result = 0; my $workspace_lst = EnvHelper::get_workspace_lst(); my $workspace_db = GenInfoParser->new(); $result = $workspace_db->load_list($workspace_lst); if ( !$result ) { print_message("Can't load workspace list '$workspace_lst'."); return ""; } my $workspace = $workspace_db->get_key($masterws); print_error("Master workspace '$masterws' not found in '$workspace_lst' database.", 3) if ( !$workspace ); my $wslocation = $workspace_db->get_value($masterws."/Drives/o:/UnixVolume"); print_error("Location of master workspace '$masterws' not found in '$workspace_lst' database.", 3) if ( !defined($wslocation) ) ; if (! -d $wslocation) { print_message("Master workspace not found at '$wslocation'!") ; return ""; } return $wslocation; } sub remove_module { my $module_p = shift; my $result = 0; if ( -l $module_p ) { print "unlink module $module_p\n" if $opt_debug; $result |= ! unlink $module_p; } if ( -l $module_p.".lnk" ) { print "unlink module $module_p.lnk\n" if $opt_debug; $result |= ! unlink "$module_p.lnk"; } if ( -d $module_p ) { print "rm -rf $module_p\n" if $opt_debug; $result |= system("rm -rf $module_p"); } elsif ( -e $module_p ) { print "no idea what this is... $module_p\n" if $opt_debug; print_error("Couldn't remove $module_p\[.lnk\]. Giving up.", 1); } return $result; } # # Procedure copies module to specified path # sub copyprj_module { my $module_name = shift; my $src_dest = shift; print "copyprj $module_name\n"; # hash, that should contain all the # data needed by CopyPrj module my %ENVHASH = (); my %projects_to_copy = (); $ENVHASH{'projects_hash'} = \%projects_to_copy; $ENVHASH{'no_otree'} = 1; $ENVHASH{'no_path'} = 1; $ENVHASH{'only_otree'} = 0; $ENVHASH{'only_update'} = 1; $ENVHASH{'last_minor'} = 0; $ENVHASH{'spec_src'} = 0; $ENVHASH{'dest'} = "$src_dest"; $ENVHASH{'prj_to_copy'} = ''; $ENVHASH{'i_server'} = ''; $ENVHASH{'current_dir'} = cwd(); $ENVHASH{'remote'} = ''; $ENVHASH{'force_checkout'} = 1 if ($opt_force_checkout); $ENVHASH{RESYNC_UPDMINOR} = $opt_link if (defined $opt_link); $projects_to_copy{$module_name}++; CopyPrj::copy_projects(\%ENVHASH); }; sub get_platforms_hash { my $cws = shift; my $minor_mk_name = $ENV{UPD} . 'minor.mk'; my @files; my %platforms = (); find sub { push @files, $File::Find::name if -f _ && /$minor_mk_name/ }, $ENV{SOLARVER}; foreach my $entry (@files) { do { $entry = dirname($entry); } while ($entry =~ /[\\\/]inc[\.\w+]?$/o); $platforms{basename($entry)}++; }; $platforms{$ENV{INPATH}}++; return %platforms; } # # remove all output trees # sub remove_output_trees { my $cws = shift; my %platforms = get_platforms_hash($cws); my $stand_dir = $ENV{SRC_ROOT}; if (!opendir(SOURCE_ROOT, $stand_dir)) { print_error ("Root dir of child workspace not accessible: $!", 1); }; my @found_dirs = readdir(SOURCE_ROOT); closedir SOURCE_ROOT; my $module_dir = ''; my @warnings = (); foreach my $module (@found_dirs) { $module_dir = "$stand_dir/$module"; next if (!-d $module_dir); print_message("Removing output trees from $module..."); foreach my $plarform (keys %platforms) { my $output_tree = "$module_dir/$plarform"; next if (!-d $output_tree); if (!rmtree($output_tree, 0, 1)) { push(@warnings, $output_tree); }; } }; print_message("Removing solver ..."); foreach my $platform (keys %platforms) { my $output_tree = $ENV{SOLARVERSION} . "/$platform"; next if (!-d $output_tree); if (!rmtree($output_tree, 0, 1)) { push(@warnings, $output_tree); }; }; print_warning("'$_' cannot be deleted. Please remove it manually") foreach(@warnings); print_message("Please run configure & bootstrap again\n") if !defined($log); }; # # Update the sources to the correspondent master tag # sub update_sources { my ($cws, $new_master, $milestone) = @_; my @added_modules = $cws->modules(); my %added_modules_hash = (); my ($master_branch_tag, $cws_branch_tag, $cws_root_tag) = $cws->get_tags($new_master, $milestone); my $master_milestone_tag = $cws->get_master_tag($new_master, $milestone); my $stand_dir = $ENV{SRC_ROOT}; $added_modules_hash{$_}++ foreach (@added_modules); if (!opendir(SOURCE_ROOT, $stand_dir)) { print_error("Root dir of child ($stand_dir) workspace not accessible: $!", 1); }; my @found_dirs = (); my $cvs_module; my %cvs_aliases; if ($opt_skip_update) { print "Skipping main tree update\n"; } else { @found_dirs = readdir(SOURCE_ROOT); closedir(SOURCE_ROOT); # TODO clean this incredible mess up $cvs_module = get_cvs_module('solenv'); # solenv always on OOo CVS server %cvs_aliases = $cvs_module->get_aliases_hash(); } foreach my $module (@found_dirs) { next if (!-d $stand_dir . "/$module/CVS"); print "\tUpdating '$module'"; $cvs_module->module($module); my $result =''; if (defined $added_modules_hash{$module}) { print " with '$cws_branch_tag' ...\n"; $result = $cvs_module->update($stand_dir, $cws_branch_tag, '-dP'); delete $added_modules_hash{$module}; } elsif (defined $cvs_aliases{$module}) { print " with $master_milestone_tag' ...\n"; $result = $cvs_module->update($stand_dir, $master_milestone_tag, '-dP'); } else { print_warning("... Unknown module. Skipping..."); next; }; $cvs_module->handle_update_information($result); }; register_cws_milestone($cws, $new_master, $milestone); return; }; sub register_cws_milestone { my ($cws, $new_master, $milestone) = @_; if ( $cws->master() ne $new_master ) { my @push_return = $cws->set_master_and_milestone($new_master, $milestone); if ( ($push_return[0] ne $new_master) || ($push_return[1] ne $milestone) ) { print_error("Couldn't push new master and milestone to database", 1); }; } else { my $push_return = ''; $push_return = $cws->milestone( $milestone ); if ( $push_return ne $milestone ) { print_error("Couldn't push new milestone to database", 1); } } print_message("Current milestone of CWS updated to '$milestone'."); print_message("Remove the old and most likely incompatible module output trees and solver with:"); print_message("\tcwsresync -r"); } # Implements the link action: relink all modules and update solver sub relink_cws_action { my $cws = shift; my $dir = shift; # ignore, this is never set my $qualified_milestone = shift; my $cws_master = $cws->master(); my ($new_master, $milestone); if ( $qualified_milestone =~ /:/ ) { ($new_master, $milestone) = split(/:/, $qualified_milestone); } else { $new_master = $cws_master; $milestone = $qualified_milestone; } # ause: Deine Spielwiese no warnings; my $result = 0; my $success = 0; my $sourceroot; my $mws_location; my $mws_accessible = 0; my $dest_dir; my @found_platforms; my @opt_platforms; my $found_resync_flags = 0; print_message("Doing some checks ..."); # hack to get the milestone :-((((( if ( ! defined($cws->milestone())) { $cws->milestone($ENV{UPDMINOR});# = $ENV{UPDMINOR}; } # milestone is different from the current milestone if ( "$new_master" eq "$cws_master" ) { print_error("Child workspace \"".$cws->child()."\" already based on milestone \"$milestone\"", 1) if $cws->milestone() eq $milestone; } return update_sources($cws, $new_master, $milestone) if (!defined $log); # HACK # SOURCE_ROOT set correct print_error("Environment variable \"SOURCE_ROOT\" not set.", 1) if ! defined($ENV{SOURCE_ROOT}); $sourceroot = $ENV{SOURCE_ROOT}; print_error("Environment variable \"SOURCE_ROOT\" pointing to something incorrect.", 1) if ! -d "$sourceroot/".$cws_master."/src.".$cws->milestone(); # desired milestone doesn't exist in cws dir or mws changes if ( "$new_master" eq "$cws_master" ) { print_error("Looks like there is already a milestone \"$milestone\" in $sourceroot/".$cws_master.".", 1) if -d "$sourceroot/".$cws_master."/src.$milestone"; my @checklist = glob( "$sourceroot/$cws_master/*/inc.$milestone/*.mk" ); print_message("Looks like there is already a milestone \"$milestone\" in $sourceroot/".$cws_master." output trees.") if $#checklist != -1; } # mws filesystem accessible $mws_location = get_mws_location($new_master); if ( "$mws_location" ne "" ) { # our OS isn't windows if ( $^O =~ "MSWin32" || $^O =~ "cygwin" ) { print_error("Sorry! not for windows",2); } $mws_accessible = 1; } else { print_message("Trying without access to master workspace."); $mws_accessible = 0; } #check if sourceroot points to mws location print "$sourceroot <-> $mws_location\n" if $opt_debug; my $mws_location_string = $mws_location; if ( $mws_location_string =~ /\/net/ ) { my @tmplst = split /\//, $mws_location; print "list @tmplst\n" if $opt_debug; shift @tmplst; shift @tmplst; shift @tmplst; print "list @tmplst\n" if $opt_debug; $mws_location_string = "/".join '/', @tmplst; } print "$sourceroot <-> $mws_location_string\n" if $opt_debug; if ( $sourceroot =~ /$mws_location_string/ ) { print_error ("Root dir of child workspace and master directory are too similar\n$sourceroot <-> *$mws_location_string", 1) } print_message("Updating solver."); my @added_modules = $cws->modules(); if ( $mws_accessible ) { require sync_dir; import sync_dir; #TODO: check for complete mws milestone print_message("Removing previous solver..."); # find all existing output trees in cws $result = opendir( SOLVER, "$sourceroot/".$cws_master); if ( !$result ){ print_error ("Root dir of child workspace not accessible: $!", 1) }; my @found_dirs = readdir( SOLVER ); closedir( SOLVER ); foreach my $dir_candidate ( @found_dirs ) { #remove . and .. next if ( $dir_candidate eq "." || $dir_candidate eq ".." ); # check for the remains of previous tries... if ( -d "$sourceroot/$cws_master/$dir_candidate/inc.$milestone") { # check if there is a complete tree if ( -f "$sourceroot/$cws_master/$dir_candidate/inc.$milestone/$platform_resynced_flag" ) { $found_resync_flags++; next; } # try to remove rubbish... $result = system("rm -rf $sourceroot/$cws_master/$dir_candidate/*.$milestone"); if ( $result ) { print_error( "Couldn't cleanup \"$sourceroot/$cws_master/$dir_candidate/*.$milestone\". Please do manually!", 1 ); } # ...and fake the old minor. $result = mkpath( "$sourceroot/".$cws_master."/$dir_candidate/inc.".$cws->milestone(), 0, 0777-$umask); } if ( -d "$sourceroot/".$cws_master."/$dir_candidate/inc.".$cws->milestone() ) { push @found_platforms, $dir_candidate; } } if ( !@found_platforms ) { print_message("No output trees to remove"); $success = 0; } # remove them $result = 0; foreach my $platform ( @found_platforms ) { next if ( -f "$sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform/inc.$milestone/$platform_resynced_flag" ); print_message("Removing $platform"); if ( -d "$sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform") { # make sure it's recognized when restarting my $tmp_result = mkpath( "$sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform/inc.$milestone", 0, 0777-$umask); $result |= system("rm -rf $sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform/*.".$cws->milestone()); } else { print_error("\"$sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform\" isn't a directory,", 0); print_error("trying to rename...", 0); $result |= system("mv $sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform $sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform.renamed"); } } print_error("Couldn\'t remove existing solver on child workspace.", 1) if $result; # find all existing output trees in mws or use list # no opt list yet - take the trees that were use before resync @opt_platforms = @found_platforms; @found_platforms = (); # find platforms to copy if ( $#opt_platforms != -1 || $found_resync_flags > 0 ) { @found_platforms = map( lc, @opt_platforms ); } else { print_error("this is an implementaion bug!", 1); } # copy all wanted output trees $sync_dir::do_keepzip = 1; sync_dir::set_excludelist( \@added_modules ); # omit added modules sync_dir::addto_excludelist(["instset_native", "instsetoo_native"]); # omit instset* modules my $btarget = "finalize"; foreach my $platform ( @found_platforms ) { # don't copy tree that was already successful next if ( -f "$sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform/inc.$milestone/$platform_resynced_flag" ); %sync_dir::done_hash = (); print "Create copy of solver for $platform ( ~ 1GB disk space needed !)\n"; my $zipsource = "$mws_location/".$new_master."/$platform/zip.$milestone"; my $copy_dest = "$sourceroot/".$cws_master."/$platform/zip.$milestone"; if ( -d "$sourceroot/".$cws_master."/$platform" ) { # print_error ("$dir/$platform : Please restart on a clean directory tree!", 1); } if ( ! -d $copy_dest ) { $result = mkpath($copy_dest, 0, 0777-$umask); if ( !$result ){ print_error ("Cannot create output tree $copy_dest : $!", 1) }; } my $unzip_dest = $copy_dest; $unzip_dest =~ s/(.*)\/.*$/$1/; if ( ! -e "$unzip_dest/prepared" ) { $result = sync_dir::prepare_minor_unzip( $unzip_dest, ".".$milestone ); open( PREPARED, ">$unzip_dest/prepared"); close( PREPARED ); } STDOUT->autoflush(1); $result = &sync_dir::recurse_unzip( $zipsource, $copy_dest, $btarget ); STDOUT->autoflush(0); if ( $result ) { # renaming back before exit $result = sync_dir::finish_minor_unzip( $unzip_dest, ".".$milestone ); print_error ("Copying files to $copy_dest failed : $!", 1); } $result = sync_dir::finish_minor_unzip( $unzip_dest, ".".$milestone ); unlink "$unzip_dest/prepared.$milestone" if -e "$unzip_dest/prepared.$milestone"; open( COMPLETE, ">$sourceroot/$cws_master/$platform/inc.$milestone/$platform_resynced_flag"); close( COMPLETE ); # cleanup: remove zip files print "remove zip.$milestone\n"; $result = system("rm -rf $copy_dest"); if ( $result ) { print_warning ("Could not clean up zip file directory 'copy_dest'"); } } foreach my $oneextra ( @xtra_files ) { my @globlist = glob( "$mws_location/".$new_master."/[!s]*/*.$milestone/$oneextra" ); if ( $#globlist == -1 ) { print "tried $oneextra in $mws_location/".$new_master."/[!s]*/*.$milestone/$oneextra\n"; } foreach my $onefile ( @globlist ) { my $destfile = $onefile; my $m_dir = "$mws_location/".$new_master; my $c_dir = "$sourceroot/".$cws_master; $destfile =~ s#$m_dir#$c_dir#; if ( -d dirname( $destfile )) { $result = copy( $onefile, $destfile); if ( !$result ){ print_error ("Copying $onefile to CWS failed: $!", 1) }; # preserve timestamp my @from_stat = stat($onefile); utime($from_stat[9], $from_stat[9], $destfile); } } } } else { print_error("solver tree resync without mws access not yet implemented", 5); } print_message("Recreating CWS source tree with MWS milestone '$milestone'."); if ( $mws_accessible ) { # all but added modules my %modules_hash =(); print "debug: added modules: @added_modules\n" if $opt_debug; $result = opendir( SOURCE, "$mws_location/".$new_master."/src.".$milestone); if ( !$result ){ print_error ("Source dir of master workspace not accessible: $!", 1) }; my @mws_found_modules = readdir( SOURCE ); closedir( SOURCE ); foreach my $module (@mws_found_modules) { $modules_hash{$module}++; } delete $modules_hash{"."}; delete $modules_hash{".."}; foreach my $module (@added_modules) { delete $modules_hash{$module}; } if ( !scalar(keys(%modules_hash)) ) { print_error("No valid source tree to copy", 0); $success = 0; } print "debug: number of modules left: ".scalar(keys(%modules_hash))."\n" if $opt_debug; # now remove them print_message("Removing old modules"); $dest_dir = "$sourceroot/".$cws_master."/src.".$cws->milestone(); $result = 0; # don't touch solenv if added if ( defined $modules_hash{"solenv"} ) { # backup "solenv" for restarting... $result = system("mv $dest_dir/solenv $dest_dir/solenv.keep"); print_error("Couldn't backup \"solenv\". You better check your tree...", 1) if $result; } foreach my $module ( keys %modules_hash ) { my $module_path = $dest_dir."/$module"; $result |= remove_module( $module_path ); } print_error("Couldn\'t cleanup source tree. Please check.", 1) if ( $result ); # copy instset, res, solenv, link all missing # preparing pseudo environment for copyprj $ENV{SRC_ROOT}="$mws_location/".$new_master."/src.$milestone"; $success = 1; foreach my $module ( keys %modules_hash ) { # copy modules which are required to be accessable with their # orginal name without .lnk extension if (defined $obligatory_modules{$module}) { ©prj_module($module, $dest_dir); next ; }; if ( -d "$mws_location/".$new_master."/src.$milestone/$module" ) { if ( -l "$dest_dir/$module.lnk" && readlink( "$dest_dir/$module.lnk" ) eq "$mws_location/".$new_master."/src.$milestone/$module" ) { next; } else { # better... $result = symlink( "$mws_location/".$new_master."/src.$milestone/$module", "$dest_dir/$module.lnk"); } if ( !$result ) { print_error ( "Couldn't create link from $mws_location/".$new_master."/src.$milestone/$module to $dest_dir/$module", 0); $success = 0; } } } if ( defined $modules_hash{"solenv"} ) { my $solenv_path = $dest_dir."/solenv.keep"; $result |= remove_module( $solenv_path ); } } else { print_error("source tree resync without mws access not yet implemented", 5); # remove all but added modules # checkout all missing } # rename src.* directory rename $dest_dir, "$sourceroot/".$cws_master."/src.$milestone"; # master changed? if ( $cws_master ne $new_master ) { # push new master if different my @push_return = $cws->set_master_and_milestone($new_master, $milestone); if ( ($push_return[0] ne $new_master) || ($push_return[1] ne $milestone) ) { print_error("Couldn't push new master and milestone to database"); } else { print_message("Successfully pushed new master and milestone to database"); } # rename WORKSPACE directory if different chdir ($sourceroot) if ( cwd() eq "$sourceroot/cws_master" ); rename "$sourceroot/$cws_master", "$sourceroot/$new_master"; chdir ("$sourceroot/$new_master") if ( cwd() eq "$sourceroot" ); } else { my $push_return = $cws->milestone( $milestone ); if ( $push_return ne $milestone ) { print_error("Couldn't push new milestone to database"); } else { print_message("Successfully pushed new milestone to database"); } } # resync done. now remove all $platform_resynced_flag my @completelist = glob( "$sourceroot/$new_master/*/inc.$milestone/$platform_resynced_flag" ); unlink( @completelist ); return; } # Low level merge file routine: # Merge changes on master copy into the child copy of the file. sub merge_files { my $cws_anchor_tag = shift; my $milestone_tag = shift; my $changes_ref = shift; my $cvs_handle = shift; my $module = shift; # needed for proper logging my @new_files; my @removed_files; my @move_tags_files; my @merge_candidates; my %module_stats = ('new' => 0, 'removed' => 0, 'merged' => 0, 'moved' => 0, 'anchor' => 0, 'conflict' => 0, 'alert' => 0, 'ignored' => 0 ); foreach ( @${changes_ref} ) { my $file = $_->[0]; my $old_rev = $_->[1]; my $new_rev = $_->[2]; if ( exists $resync_silent_ignore_files{basename($file)} ) { # skip it without any comment at all next; } # sort by type of merge action if ( !$old_rev && !$new_rev ) { push(@removed_files, $file); } elsif ( !$old_rev ) { push(@new_files, [$file, $new_rev]); } else { push(@merge_candidates, [$file, $old_rev, $new_rev]); } } # Handle files which have recently been added on the MWS. # For new files we don't need to check the status of the # file in the CWS, just do a simple existence check. my $n_new_files = @new_files; if ( $n_new_files ) { print " ... processing $n_new_files new file(s) ...\n"; foreach ( @new_files ) { my $file = $_->[0]; my $new_rev = $_->[1]; # Check if file has been added on two CWSs, once in this CWS # and once in an already integrated CWS. if ( -e $file ) { # We alert the user and skip the file. print "\tA\t$file: has been added independently in MWS and CWS. Skipping. Please check!\n"; plog("A\t$module/$file: has been added independently in MWS and CWS. Skipping. Please check!"); $module_stats{'alert'}++; $module_stats{'skipped'}++; next; } write_resync_comment($file, 'new', $milestone_tag, undef, $new_rev); print "\tN\t$file: added, schedule move tag\n"; $module_stats{'new'}++; } } # Handle files which have recently been removed on the MWS. # We check the status of these files in the CWS to be able to warn # if a file which to be removed which has been changed in the MWS my $n_removed_files = @removed_files; if ( $n_removed_files ) { print " ... processing $n_removed_files removed file(s) ...\n"; my $stati_ref = $cvs_handle->stati(\@removed_files); # sanity check my $n_stati_ref = @{$stati_ref}; if ( $n_stati_ref != $n_removed_files ) { print_error("INTERNAL ERROR: can't fetch the status for all to be removed files", 8); } my @rfiles; for (my $i = 0; $i < $n_removed_files; $i++) { my $file = $removed_files[$i]; my $working_rev = $stati_ref->[$i][2]; my $branch_rev = $stati_ref->[$i][4]; if ( !defined($working_rev) ) { # File has already been removed on CWS, ignore. print "\tI\t$file: file already removed on CWS, ignored.\n"; $module_stats{'ignored'}++; next; } if ( $working_rev =~ /$branch_rev\.\d+/ ) { # Example: working rev, branch rev 1.5.260 print "\tA\t$file: has been removed on MWS but is changed on CWS. Will remove file. Please check!\n"; plog("A\t$module/$file: has been removed on MWS but is changed on CWS. Will remove file. Please check!"); # Note: we still procceed with removing this file. Thus this file is counted # as alerted and removed. $module_stats{'alert'}++; } push(@rfiles, $file); } my $n_rfiles = @rfiles; if ( $n_rfiles ) { $cvs_handle->remove_files(\@rfiles); foreach my $file ( @rfiles ) { write_resync_comment($file, 'removed', $milestone_tag, undef, undef, ); print "\tR\t$file: removed, schedule commit\n"; $module_stats{'removed'}++; } } } # Handle files in the merge list. Fetch status first to check if we get # away with "move tag". We also need to check for binary files and # files which have been removed in the CWS. my $n_merge_candidates = @merge_candidates; if ( $n_merge_candidates ) { print " ... processing $n_merge_candidates merge candidate(s) ...\n"; my @stati_lists = (); foreach (@merge_candidates) { push(@stati_lists, $_->[0]); } my $stati_ref = $cvs_handle->stati(\@stati_lists); # sanity check my $n_stati_ref = @{$stati_ref}; if ( $n_stati_ref != $n_merge_candidates ) { print_error("INTERNAL ERROR: can't fetch the status for all to be merged files", 8); } my @mfiles; foreach (my $i = 0; $i < $n_merge_candidates; $i++) { my $file = $merge_candidates[$i][0]; my $old_rev = $merge_candidates[$i][1]; my $new_rev = $merge_candidates[$i][2]; my $status = $stati_ref->[$i][1]; my $working_rev = $stati_ref->[$i][2]; my $branch_rev = $stati_ref->[$i][4]; my $is_binary = (defined($stati_ref->[$i][5]) && $stati_ref->[$i][5] =~ /kb/) ? 1 : 0; if ( ($status eq 'Up-to-date' || $status eq 'Needs Checkout') && !defined($working_rev) ) { # Special case: file has been removed in CWS but there # were changes between old and new MWS milestones. # Resolution: Do nothing, skip this file. The file # remains being removed on this CWS. print "\tA\t$file: has been removed in CWS, but changes in MWS are pending. Skipping. Please check!\n"; plog("A\t$module/$file: has been removed in CWS, but changes in MWS are pending. Skipping. Please check!"); $module_stats{'alert'}++; $module_stats{'skipped'}++; next; } # Sanity check if ( !defined($branch_rev) || !defined($working_rev) ) { print_error("Internal Error: merge_files(): branch_rev or working_rev undefined $file\n",77); } if ( exists $resync_always_move_tags{basename($file)} ) { # Incredible HACK, always move both tags to the milestone for these files, # REMOVE_ME: as soon we get rid of defs files on trunk this should be removed write_resync_comment($file, 'moved', $milestone_tag, $old_rev, $new_rev); print "\tT\t$file: schedule move tag.\n"; $module_stats{'moved'}++; next; } if ( $branch_rev =~ /$working_rev\.\d+/ ) { # Example: branch rev 1.5.260, working rev 1.5 # Joy, we get away with just a "move tag". write_resync_comment($file, 'moved', $milestone_tag, $old_rev, $new_rev); print "\tT\t$file: schedule move tag.\n"; $module_stats{'moved'}++; next; } if ( $is_binary ) { # We got changes pending in the MWS and we have changes in the CWS. # Since we can't merge binary files we give up here. Sure, we could # either favor the MWS or the CWS version, but there is no way to decide # which one is better. We alert the user and skip the file. print "\tA\t$file: binary file has been changed in CWS and in MWS. Skipping. Please check!\n"; plog("A\t$file: binary file has been changed in CWS and in MWS. Skipping. Please check!"); $module_stats{'alert'}++; $module_stats{'skipped'}++; next; } push (@mfiles, [$file, $old_rev, $new_rev]); } my $n_mfiles = @mfiles; if ( $n_mfiles ) { print " ... do $n_mfiles actual merge(s) ...\n"; # the merge_files() API wants a reference to a plain list my @to_be_merged_files; foreach (@mfiles) { push(@to_be_merged_files, $_->[0]); } my ($conflicts_ref, $already_merged_ref) = $cvs_handle->merge_files(\@to_be_merged_files, $cws_anchor_tag, $milestone_tag); # for easier searching my %conflicts_hash; foreach (@{$conflicts_ref}) { $conflicts_hash{$_}++; } my %already_merged_hash; foreach (@{$already_merged_ref}) { $already_merged_hash{$_}++; } foreach (@mfiles) { my $file = $_->[0]; my $old_rev = $_->[1]; my $new_rev = $_->[2]; if ( exists $already_merged_hash{$file} ) { print "\tT\t$file: contains differences, schedule move anchor\n"; $module_stats{'anchor'}++; write_resync_comment($file, 'anchor', $milestone_tag, $old_rev, $new_rev); } elsif ( exists $conflicts_hash{$file} ) { print "\tC\t$file: conflict, schedule commit after resolution.\n"; plog("C\t$module/$file: conflict, schedule commit after resolution."); write_resync_comment($file, 'merged', $milestone_tag, $old_rev, $new_rev); $module_stats{'conflict'}++; } else { print "\tM\t$file: merged, schedule commit.\n"; $module_stats{'merged'}++; write_resync_comment($file, 'merged', $milestone_tag, $old_rev, $new_rev); } } } } return \%module_stats; } # Low level commit_files routine: # Commits files to the childworkspace or move tags. # Requires a valid .resync files next to the CVS files sub commit_files { my $cws = shift; my $files_ref = shift; my $cvs_dir = shift; my %module_stats = ( 'merged' => 0, # aka commit 'moved' => 0, 'anchor' => 0 ); my @ci_files; my @remove_files; my @move_both_tags_files; my @move_anchor_tag_files; my @move_anchor_to_master_head_files; my @possible_conflict_files; my $milestone_tag; my $master_head; # collect all *.resync files foreach (@{$files_ref}) { if ( !open(CHECKIN, "<$_.resync" ) ) { print_error("can't open $_.resync: $!", 7); } my @resync_comment = ; close(CHECKIN); my $type_line = shift(@resync_comment); my ($type, $old_rev, $tag, $new_rev); if ( $type_line =~ /^RESYNC (\w+) (\w+) ([\w\.]+) ([\w\.]+)/ ) { $type = lc($1); $tag = $2; $old_rev = $3; $new_rev = $4; } else { print_error("$_.resync has an invalid format", 8); return 'failure'; } # shift the line with "Everything below this line will be added to the revision comment." shift(@resync_comment); # sanity checks to guard against a mix of resyncs targets if ( $type ne 'dead' && defined($milestone_tag) && $tag ne $milestone_tag) { print_error("detected more than one resync milestone tag: '$milestone_tag' and '$tag'", 9); } if ( $type eq 'dead' && defined($master_head) && $tag ne $master_head ) { print_error("detected more than one resync at master tags: '$master_head and '$tag'", 9); } # set target if ( $type ne 'dead' && !defined($milestone_tag) ) { $milestone_tag = $tag; } if ( $type eq 'dead' && !defined($master_head) ) { $master_head = $tag; } if ( $type eq 'moved' || $type eq 'new') { # just move both tags push(@move_both_tags_files, $_); } elsif ( $type eq 'anchor' ) { # just move the anchor tag push(@move_anchor_tag_files, $_); } elsif ( $type eq 'merged' ) { # commit and move anchor tags push(@ci_files, [$_, $type, $old_rev, $new_rev, \@resync_comment]); # these files need to be checked for conflict markers push(@possible_conflict_files, $_); } elsif ( $type eq 'removed') { # remove, commit and move anchor tags push(@remove_files, $_); push(@ci_files, [$_, $type, $old_rev, $new_rev, \@resync_comment]); } elsif ( $type eq 'dead' ) { # can occur here only if there has been an interruption # between the commit of removed files and the move # of the anchor tag to the master head push(@move_anchor_to_master_head_files, $_); } } check_for_conflict_markers(\@possible_conflict_files); my $cvs_handle = get_cvs_handle($cws, 'directory', $cvs_dir); my $n_remove_files = @remove_files; if ( $n_remove_files ) { print " ... preparing removal of $n_remove_files file(s) ...\n"; my $n = unlink(@remove_files); if ( $n != $n_remove_files) { print_error("can't unlink() files scheduled for removal.", 22); } $cvs_handle->remove_files(\@remove_files); } # commit files # we do single commits, because the comments are differing for each file my $n_ci_files = @ci_files; my ($master_branch_tag, $cws_branch_tag, $cws_anchor_tag) = $cws->get_tags(); if ( !defined($master_head) ) { # Determine new master from milestone_tag. We can't use $master_branch_tag # here because after resyncing we might have a new master due to # a cross master resync and the CWS itself is not yet updated # to the new master. my ($master) = split(/_/, $milestone_tag); my $new_master_branch_tag = $cws->get_master_branch_tag($master); $master_head = $new_master_branch_tag ? $new_master_branch_tag : 'HEAD'; } if ( $n_ci_files ) { print " ... commit $n_ci_files file(s) ...\n"; } foreach (@ci_files) { my ($file, $type, $old_rev, $new_rev, $resync_comment_ref) = @{$_}; my @comment; if ( $type eq 'merged' ) { @comment = ("RESYNC: ($old_rev-$new_rev); FILE MERGED", @{$resync_comment_ref}); } elsif ( $type eq 'removed' ) { @comment = ("RESYNC:; FILE REMOVED"); } else { print_error("INTERNAL ERROR: unknown commit type", 11); } print "\t $file: commit ...\n"; $cvs_handle->commit_files([$file], \@comment); if ( $type eq 'removed' ) { # Uh oh, file has been removed in master workspace. # We can't place the anchor tag on the milestone tag # because it's simply not there. but we know that # it must be the top level revision of the master branch. # In this case we can set the Anchor tag to the revision # which corresponds to the head of the master branch. # overwrite .resync file with a 'dead' style request, in case # of an interruption between commit and the move anchor tag step. # $old_rev and $new_rev are just dummies, the $master_head is relevant write_resync_comment($file, 'dead', $master_head, '0.0', '0.0'); push(@move_anchor_to_master_head_files, $file); } else { # overwrite .resync file with a move anchor style request, in case # of an interruption between commit and move anchor tag step. # $old_rev and $new_rev are just dummies, the $milestone_tag is relevant write_resync_comment($file, 'anchor', $milestone_tag, '0.0', '0.0'); push(@move_anchor_tag_files, $file); } $module_stats{'merged'}++; } my $n_move_both_tags_files = @move_both_tags_files; if ( $n_move_both_tags_files ) { print " ... move branch tag for $n_move_both_tags_files file(s) ...\n"; my $tagged_files_ref = $cvs_handle->tag_files(\@move_both_tags_files, $cws_branch_tag, 1, $milestone_tag); my $n_tagged_files = @{$tagged_files_ref}; if ( $n_move_both_tags_files != $n_tagged_files ) { print_warning("expected $n_move_both_tags_files tag operations, got $n_tagged_files.", 0); plog("A\t $cvs_dir: expected $n_move_both_tags_files tag operations, got $n_tagged_files."); } # overwrite .resync file with a move anchor style request, in case # of an interruption between commit and move anchor tag step. foreach (@move_both_tags_files) { write_resync_comment($_, 'anchor', $milestone_tag, '0.0', '0.0'); } push(@move_anchor_tag_files, @move_both_tags_files); $module_stats{'moved'} += $n_move_both_tags_files; } my $n_move_anchor_to_master_head_files = @move_anchor_to_master_head_files; if ( $n_move_anchor_to_master_head_files ) { print " ... move anchor tag of removed files to to branch head '$master_head' for $n_move_anchor_to_master_head_files file(s) ...\n"; my $tagged_files_ref = $cvs_handle->tag_files(\@move_anchor_to_master_head_files, $cws_anchor_tag, 0, $master_head); my $n_tagged_files = @{$tagged_files_ref}; if ( $n_move_anchor_to_master_head_files != $n_tagged_files ) { print_warning("expected $n_move_anchor_to_master_head_files tag operations, got $n_tagged_files.", 0); plog("A\t $cvs_dir: expected $n_move_anchor_to_master_head_files tag operations, got $n_tagged_files."); } $module_stats{'anchor'} += $n_move_anchor_to_master_head_files; unlink_resync_comment_files(\@move_anchor_to_master_head_files); } my $n_move_anchor_tag_files = @move_anchor_tag_files; if ( $n_move_anchor_tag_files ) { print " ... move anchor tag to milestone '$milestone_tag' for $n_move_anchor_tag_files file(s) ...\n"; my $tagged_files_ref = $cvs_handle->tag_files(\@move_anchor_tag_files, $cws_anchor_tag, 0, $milestone_tag); my $n_tagged_files = @{$tagged_files_ref}; if ( $n_move_anchor_tag_files != $n_tagged_files ) { print_warning("expected $n_move_anchor_tag_files tag operations, got $n_tagged_files.", 0); } $module_stats{'anchor'} += $n_move_anchor_tag_files; unlink_resync_comment_files(\@move_anchor_tag_files); } return \%module_stats; } sub check_for_conflict_markers { my $files_ref = shift; foreach my $file ( @{$files_ref} ) { my $conflict = 0; my $basename = basename($file); open(MERGED_FILE, "<$file") or print_error("can't open '$file' for reading: $!.", 40); while ( ) { chomp; if ( /^<<<<<<< $basename$/ ) { $conflict++; } if ( /^>>>>>>> 1\.\d[\d\.]*$/ ) { $conflict++; } } close(MERGED_FILE); if ( $conflict ) { print_error("found conflict marker in file '$file'", 99); } } } sub unlink_resync_comment_files { my $comment_files_ref = shift; foreach ( @{$comment_files_ref} ) { if ( !unlink("$_.resync") ) { print_error("can't unlink $_.cwsresync!", 30); } } } sub write_resync_comment { my $file = shift; my $type = shift; my $milestone_tag = shift; my $old_rev = shift; my $new_rev = shift; if ( !open(RESYNC_COMMENT, ">$file.resync") ) { print_error("can't open file '$file.resync'", 7); } my $uctype = uc($type); $old_rev = 'none' if !defined($old_rev); $new_rev = 'none' if !defined($new_rev); print RESYNC_COMMENT "RESYNC $uctype $milestone_tag $old_rev $new_rev\n"; if ( $type eq 'removed' && $type eq 'merged' ) { print RESYNC_COMMENT "Everything below this line will be added to the revision comment.\n"; } close(RESYNC_COMMENT); } sub wanted { my $file = $_; my ($name, $path, $suffix) = fileparse($file,'\.\w+') if -f $file; if ( defined($suffix) && $suffix eq '.resync' ) { my $cvs_file; if ( length($File::Find::dir) > 2 ) { my $dir = substr($File::Find::dir, 2); $cvs_file = "$dir/$name"; } else { $cvs_file = $name; } push(@main::changed_files, $cvs_file); } } sub check_sticky_tag { my $cws = shift; my $cvs_dir = shift; my ($master_branch_tag, $cws_branch_tag, $cws_anchor_tag) = $cws->get_tags(); if ( !open(CVSTAG, "<$cvs_dir/CVS/Tag") ) { print_error("'$cvs_dir': can't determine sticky tag.", 0); return 0; } my @lines = ; close(CVSTAG); if ( $lines[0] =~ /^T$cws_branch_tag/ ) { return 1; } else { print_error("'$cvs_dir': wrong sticky tag, need '$cws_branch_tag'", 0); return 0; } } # Checks specified milestone. sub verify_milestone_or_exit { my $cws = shift; my $qualified_milestone = shift; # HEAD is not a milestone but a valid resync target for single files. # This is useful if you want to resync a single file against the latest # version on a MWS even if that file is not yet part of a valid milestone. return if $qualified_milestone eq 'HEAD'; my ($master, $milestone); my $invalid = 0; $invalid++ if $qualified_milestone =~ /-/; if ( $qualified_milestone =~ /:/ ) { ($master, $milestone) = split(/:/, $qualified_milestone); $invalid++ unless ( $master && $milestone ); } else { $milestone = $qualified_milestone; } if ( $invalid ) { print_error("Invalid milestone", 0); usage(); exit(1); } $master = $cws->master() if !$master; if ( !$cws->is_milestone($master, $milestone) ) { print_error("Milestone '$milestone' is not registered with master workspace '$master'.", 2); } } # Returns milestone tag determined from the # full qualified milestone name. sub get_milestone_tag { my $cws = shift; my $qualified_milestone = shift; if ( $qualified_milestone =~ /:/ ) { my ($master, $milestone) = split(/:/, $qualified_milestone); return uc($master) . "_$milestone"; } else { return $cws->master() . "_$milestone"; } } # Retrieve CvsModule object for passed module. sub get_cvs_module { my $cws = shift; my $module = shift; my $cvs_module = CvsModule->new(); my ($method, $vcsid, $server, $repository); if ( defined($log) ) { ($method, $vcsid, $server, $repository) = get_cvs_root($cws, $module); } else { # For now just take the configured OOo sever. Later we might implement a mechanism were # only known OOo modules are fetched from the OOo server, the rest from a local # server my $config = CwsConfig::get_config(); ($method, $vcsid, $server, $repository) = ($config->get_cvs_server_method(), $config->get_cvs_server_id(), $config->get_cvs_server(), $config->get_cvs_server_repository()); } return undef if !($method && $vcsid && $server && $repository); $cvs_module->module($module); $cvs_module->cvs_method($method); $cvs_module->vcsid($vcsid); $cvs_module->cvs_server($server); $cvs_module->cvs_repository($repository); return $cvs_module; } # Retrieve CwsCvsOps object for passed module. sub get_cvs_handle { my $cws = shift; my $from_config = shift; # from config or from disk directory? my $module_or_dir = shift; my $server_type; my $config = CwsConfig::get_config(); if ( $from_config eq 'config' ) { if ( defined($log) ) { my ($method, $vcsid, $server, $repository) = get_cvs_root($cws, $module_or_dir); my @elem = split(/\./, $server); $server = $elem[0]; my $local_server = $config->cvs_local_root(); if ( $local_server =~ /$server/ ) { $server_type = 'local'; } else { $server_type = 'remote'; } } else { # For now just take the configured OOo sever. Later we might implement a mechanism were # only known OOo modules are fetched from the OOo server, the rest from a local # server $server_type = 'remote'; } } else { $server_type = 'directory'; } return undef if !$server_type; if ( $opt_debug ) { my $log_file = IO::File->new('>>cwsresync.debug.log'); my $time = localtime(); $log_file->print("===== $time =====\n"); return CwsCvsOps->new($config, $server_type, $module_or_dir, $log_file); } else { return CwsCvsOps->new($config, $server_type, $module_or_dir); } } # Find out which CVS server holds the module, returns # the elements of CVSROOT. # TODO: simplify as soon get_cvs_module is gone sub get_cvs_root { my $cws = shift; my $module = shift; my $master = $cws->master(); my $vcsid = $ENV{VCSID}; if ( !$vcsid ) { print_error("Can't determine VCSID. Please use setsolar.", 5); } my $workspace_lst = EnvHelper::get_workspace_lst(); my $workspace_db = GenInfoParser->new(); my $success = $workspace_db->load_list($workspace_lst); if ( !$success ) { print_error("Can't load workspace list '$workspace_lst'.", 4); } my $key = "$master/drives/o:/projects/$module/scs"; my $cvsroot = $workspace_db->get_value($key); if ( !$cvsroot ) { print_warning("No such module '$module' for '$master' in workspace database."); return (undef, undef, undef, undef); } my ($dummy1, $method, $user_at_server, $repository) = split(/:/, $cvsroot); $repository =~ s/^\d*//; my ($dummy2, $server) = split(/@/, $user_at_server); if ( ! ($method && $server && $repository ) ) { print_error("Can't determine CVS server for module '$module'.", 0); return (undef, undef, undef, undef); } return ($method, $vcsid, $server, $repository); } sub print_message { my $message = shift; print "$script_name: "; print "$message\n"; return; } sub print_warning { my $message = shift; print STDERR "$script_name: "; print STDERR "WARNING: $message\n"; return; } sub print_error { my $message = shift; my $error_code = shift; print STDERR "$script_name: "; print STDERR "ERROR: $message\n"; if ( $error_code ) { print STDERR "\nFAILURE: $script_name aborted.\n"; $log->end_log_extended($script_name,"unknown",$message) if (defined $log); exit($error_code); } return; } sub plog { my $message = shift; push(@problem_log, $message); } sub print_plog { if ( @problem_log ) { print_message("========== Problem Log =========="); foreach ( @problem_log ) { print "\t$_\n"; } print_message("========== End Problem Log =========="); } } sub usage { my $sw_skip_checkout = !defined($log) ? " [-f] " : " "; print STDERR "Usage:\n"; print STDERR "cwsresync [-h] [-d dir] [-F] -m [mod.|dir|file ...]\n"; print STDERR "cwsresync [-h] [-d dir] -m HEAD [file ...]\n"; print STDERR "cwsresync [-h] [-d dir] -r|-c [module|dir|file ...]\n"; print STDERR "cwsresync [-h]" . $sw_skip_checkout ."-l \n"; print STDERR "Synchronize child workspace mod./dirs/files "; print STDERR "with the latest master workspace changes \n"; print STDERR "Options:\n"; print STDERR "\t-h\t\thelp\n"; print STDERR "\t-d dir\t\toperate in directory dir\n"; print STDERR "\t-F\t\tforce checkout of complete modules\n"; print STDERR "\t-m milestone\tmerge changes from MWS into CWS\n"; print STDERR "\t-c\t\tcommit the merged files to CWS\n"; print STDERR "\t-l milestone\trenew solver, relink modules to new milestone\n" if defined($log); print STDERR "\t-l milestone\tregister new milestone with database\n" if !defined($log); print STDERR "\t-r\t\tremove solver and module output trees, update milestone information\n" if !defined($log); print STDERR "\t-f\t\tavoid updating entire tree\n" if !defined($log); print STDERR "Notes:\n"; print STDERR "\tA Milestone on a different MWS can be specified as .\n"; print STDERR "Examples:\n"; print STDERR "\tcwsresync -m SRX645:m1 all \n"; print STDERR "\tcwsresync -c all \n"; print STDERR "\tcwsresync -l SRX645:m1 \n" if defined($log); print STDERR "\tcwsresync -r\n" if !defined($log); } # vim: set ts=4 shiftwidth=4 expandtab syntax=perl: