/************************************************************************* * * $RCSfile: dialog.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.6 $ * * last change: $Author: fme $ $Date: 2001-06-15 06:41:18 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to the terms of * either of the following licenses * * - GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * - Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * * Sun Microsystems Inc., October, 2000 * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * * * Sun Industry Standards Source License Version 1.1 * ================================================= * The contents of this file are subject to the Sun Industry Standards * Source License Version 1.1 (the "License"); You may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the * License at http://www.openoffice.org/license.html. * * Software provided under this License is provided on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EITHER EXPRESSED OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING, * WITHOUT LIMITATION, WARRANTIES THAT THE SOFTWARE IS FREE OF DEFECTS, * MERCHANTABLE, FIT FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, OR NON-INFRINGING. * See the License for the specific provisions governing your rights and * obligations concerning the Software. * * The Initial Developer of the Original Code is: Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * Copyright: 2000 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * * All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): _______________________________________ * * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef DIALOG_HXX #define DIALOG_HXX #ifndef _SV_DIALOG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_FIXED_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_BUTTON_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_IMAGE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SFXTABDLG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_COMBOBOX_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SVX_OPTGENRL_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _BASEDLGS_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_FIELD_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MENUBTN_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SCRBAR_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_CTRL_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_MENU_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _CTRLBOX_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _CTRLTOOL_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef UTILITY_HXX #include "utility.hxx" #endif #ifndef FORMAT_HXX #include "format.hxx" #endif #ifndef SYMBOL_HXX #include "symbol.hxx" #endif #define CATEGORY_NONE 0xFFFF /**************************************************************************/ const XubString GetFontStyleName(const Font &rFont); void SetFontStyle(const XubString &rStyleName, Font &rFont); /**************************************************************************/ class SmAboutDialog : public ModalDialog { FixedText aFixedText1; FixedText aFixedText2; FixedText aFixedText3; FixedText aFixedText4; FixedText aFixedText5; FixedText aFixedText6; FixedText aReleaseText; FixedBitmap aFixedBitmap1; OKButton aOKButton1; public: SmAboutDialog(Window *pParent, BOOL bFreeRes = TRUE); }; /**************************************************************************/ class SmPrintOptionsTabPage : public SfxTabPage { FixedLine aFixedLine1; CheckBox aTitle; CheckBox aText; CheckBox aFrame; FixedLine aFixedLine2; RadioButton aSizeNormal; RadioButton aSizeScaled; RadioButton aSizeZoomed; MetricField aZoom; FixedLine aFixedLine3; CheckBox aNoRightSpaces; DECL_LINK(SizeButtonClickHdl, Button *); virtual BOOL FillItemSet(SfxItemSet& rSet); virtual void Reset(const SfxItemSet& rSet); public: static SfxTabPage* Create(Window *pWindow, const SfxItemSet &rSet); SmPrintOptionsTabPage(Window *pParent, const SfxItemSet &rOptions); }; /**************************************************************************/ class SmShowFont : public Control { virtual void Paint(const Rectangle&); public: SmShowFont(Window *pParent, const ResId& rResId) : Control(pParent, rResId) { } void SetFont(const Font& rFont); }; class SmFontDialog : public ModalDialog { FixedText aFixedText1; ComboBox aFontBox; CheckBox aBoldCheckBox; CheckBox aItalicCheckBox; OKButton aOKButton1; CancelButton aCancelButton1; SmShowFont aShowFont; FixedText aFixedText2; Font Face; DECL_LINK(FontSelectHdl, ComboBox *); DECL_LINK(FontModifyHdl, ComboBox *); DECL_LINK(AttrChangeHdl, CheckBox *); public: SmFontDialog(Window * pParent, BOOL bFreeRes = TRUE); const Font& GetFont() const { return Face; } void SetFont(const Font &rFont); }; /**************************************************************************/ class SmFontSizeDialog : public ModalDialog { FixedText aFixedText1; MetricField aBaseSize; FixedText aFixedText4; MetricField aTextSize; FixedText aFixedText5; MetricField aIndexSize; FixedText aFixedText6; MetricField aFunctionSize; FixedText aFixedText7; MetricField aOperatorSize; FixedText aFixedText8; MetricField aBorderSize; FixedLine aFixedLine1; OKButton aOKButton1; CancelButton aCancelButton1; PushButton aDefaultButton; DECL_LINK(DefaultButtonClickHdl, Button *); public: SmFontSizeDialog(Window *pParent, BOOL bFreeRes = TRUE); void ReadFrom(const SmFormat &rFormat); void WriteTo (SmFormat &rFormat) const; }; /**************************************************************************/ class SmFontTypeDialog : public ModalDialog { FixedText aFixedText1; SmFontPickListBox aVariableFont; FixedText aFixedText2; SmFontPickListBox aFunctionFont; FixedText aFixedText3; SmFontPickListBox aNumberFont; FixedText aFixedText4; SmFontPickListBox aTextFont; FixedText aFixedText5; SmFontPickListBox aSerifFont; FixedText aFixedText6; SmFontPickListBox aSansFont; FixedText aFixedText7; SmFontPickListBox aFixedFont; FixedLine aFixedLine1; FixedLine aFixedLine2; OKButton aOKButton1; CancelButton aCancelButton1; MenuButton aMenuButton; PushButton aDefaultButton; DECL_LINK(MenuSelectHdl, Menu *); DECL_LINK(DefaultButtonClickHdl, Button *); public: SmFontTypeDialog(Window *pParent, BOOL bFreeRes = TRUE); void ReadFrom(const SmFormat &rFormat); void WriteTo (SmFormat &rFormat) const; }; /**************************************************************************/ #define NOCATEGORIES 10 class SmCategoryDesc : public Resource { XubString Name; XubString *Strings[4]; Bitmap *Graphics[4]; USHORT Minimum[4]; USHORT Maximum[4]; USHORT Value[4]; public: SmCategoryDesc(const ResId &rResId, USHORT nCategoryIdx); ~SmCategoryDesc(); const XubString & GetName() const { return Name; } const XubString * GetString(USHORT Index) const { return Strings[Index]; } const Bitmap * GetGraphic(USHORT Index) const { return Graphics[Index]; } USHORT GetMinimum(USHORT Index) { return Minimum[Index]; } USHORT GetMaximum(USHORT Index) { return Maximum[Index]; } USHORT GetValue(USHORT Index) const { return Value[Index]; } void SetValue(USHORT Index, USHORT nVal) { Value[Index] = nVal;} }; class SmDistanceDialog : public ModalDialog { FixedText aFixedText1; MetricField aMetricField1; FixedText aFixedText2; MetricField aMetricField2; FixedText aFixedText3; MetricField aMetricField3; CheckBox aCheckBox1; FixedText aFixedText4; MetricField aMetricField4; OKButton aOKButton1; CancelButton aCancelButton1; MenuButton aMenuButton; PushButton aDefaultButton; FixedBitmap aBitmap; FixedLine aFixedLine; SmCategoryDesc *Categories[NOCATEGORIES]; USHORT nActiveCategory; BOOL bScaleAllBrackets; DECL_LINK(GetFocusHdl, Control *); DECL_LINK(MenuSelectHdl, Menu *); DECL_LINK(DefaultButtonClickHdl, Button *); DECL_LINK(CheckBoxClickHdl, CheckBox *); void SetHelpId(MetricField &rField, ULONG nHelpId); void SetCategory(USHORT Category); public: SmDistanceDialog(Window *pParent, BOOL bFreeRes = TRUE); ~SmDistanceDialog(); void ReadFrom(const SmFormat &rFormat); void WriteTo (SmFormat &rFormat) /*const*/; }; /**************************************************************************/ class SmAlignDialog : public ModalDialog { RadioButton aLeft; RadioButton aCenter; RadioButton aRight; FixedLine aFixedLine1; OKButton aOKButton1; CancelButton aCancelButton1; PushButton aDefaultButton; DECL_LINK(DefaultButtonClickHdl, Button *); public: SmAlignDialog(Window *pParent, BOOL bFreeRes = TRUE); void ReadFrom(const SmFormat &rFormat); void WriteTo (SmFormat &rFormat) const; }; /**************************************************************************/ class SmShowSymbolSet : public Control { SmSymSet aSymbolSet; ScrollBar aVScrollBar; Size aOutputSize; Link aSelectHdlLink; Link aDblClickHdlLink; USHORT nLen; USHORT nRows, nColumns; USHORT nSelectSymbol; virtual void Paint(const Rectangle&); virtual void MouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent& rMEvt); virtual void KeyInput(const KeyEvent& rKEvt); DECL_LINK( ScrollHdl, ScrollBar* ); public: SmShowSymbolSet(Window *pParent, const ResId& rResId); void SetSymbolSet(const SmSymSet& rSymbolSet); void SelectSymbol(USHORT nSymbol); USHORT GetSelectSymbol() const { return nSelectSymbol; } void SetSelectHdl(const Link& rLink) { aSelectHdlLink = rLink; } void SetDblClickHdl(const Link& rLink) { aDblClickHdlLink = rLink; } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SmShowSymbol : public Control { Link aDblClickHdlLink; virtual void Paint(const Rectangle&); virtual void MouseButtonDown(const MouseEvent& rMEvt); public: SmShowSymbol(Window *pParent, const ResId& rResId) : Control(pParent, rResId) {} void SetSymbol(const SmSym *pSymbol); void SetDblClickHdl(const Link &rLink) { aDblClickHdlLink = rLink; } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SmSymDefineDialog; class SmSymbolDialog : public ModalDialog { FixedText aSymbolSetText; ListBox aSymbolSets; SmShowSymbolSet aSymbolSetDisplay; FixedText aSymbolName; SmShowSymbol aSymbolDisplay; PushButton aGetBtn; PushButton aCloseBtn; PushButton aEditBtn; SmSymSetManager &rSymSetMgr; const SmSymSet *pSymSet; DECL_LINK(SymbolSetChangeHdl, ListBox *); DECL_LINK(SymbolChangeHdl, SmShowSymbolSet *); DECL_LINK(SymbolDblClickHdl, SmShowSymbolSet *); DECL_LINK(CloseClickHdl, Button *); DECL_LINK(EditClickHdl, Button *); DECL_LINK(GetClickHdl, Button *); void FillSymbolSets(BOOL bDeleteText = TRUE); void SetSymbolSetManager(SmSymSetManager &rMgr); const SmSym *GetSymbol() const; public: SmSymbolDialog(Window * pParent, SmSymSetManager &rSymSetMgr, BOOL bFreeRes = TRUE); virtual ~SmSymbolDialog(); BOOL SelectSymbolSet(const XubString &rSymbolSetName); void SelectSymbol(USHORT nSymbolNo); }; /**************************************************************************/ class SmShowCharset : public Control { Link aSelectHdlLink; Link aDblClickHdlLink; USHORT nLen; USHORT nRows, nColumns; xub_Unicode aChar; virtual void Paint(const Rectangle&); virtual void MouseButtonDown( const MouseEvent& rMEvt ); virtual void KeyInput(const KeyEvent& rKEvt); public: SmShowCharset(Window *pParent, const ResId& rResId); void SetSelectHdl(const Link& rLink) { aSelectHdlLink = rLink; } void SetDblClickHdl(const Link& rLink) { aDblClickHdlLink = rLink; } void SetFont(const Font &rFont); void SelectChar(xub_Unicode aChar); xub_Unicode GetSelectChar() const { return aChar; } }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SmShowChar : public Control { virtual void Paint(const Rectangle&); public: SmShowChar(Window *pParent, const ResId& rResId) : Control(pParent, rResId) { } void SetChar(xub_Unicode aChar); void SetFont(const Font &rFont); }; //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// class SmSymDefineDialog : public ModalDialog { FixedText aOldSymbolText; ComboBox aOldSymbols; FixedText aOldSymbolSetText; ComboBox aOldSymbolSets; SmShowCharset aCharsetDisplay; FixedText aSymbolText; ComboBox aSymbols; FixedText aSymbolSetText; ComboBox aSymbolSets; FixedText aFontText; ListBox aFonts; FixedText aStyleText; FontStyleBox aStyles; FixedText aOldSymbolName; SmShowChar aOldSymbolDisplay; FixedText aOldSymbolSetName; FixedText aSymbolName; SmShowChar aSymbolDisplay; FixedText aSymbolSetName; OKButton aOkBtn; CancelButton aCancelBtn; PushButton aAddBtn; PushButton aChangeBtn; PushButton aDeleteBtn; FixedImage aRightArrow; SmSymSetManager aSymSetMgrCopy, &rSymSetMgr; const SmSym *pOrigSymbol; FontList *pFontList; DECL_LINK(OldSymbolChangeHdl, ComboBox *); DECL_LINK(OldSymbolSetChangeHdl, ComboBox *); DECL_LINK(ModifyHdl, ComboBox *); DECL_LINK(FontChangeHdl, ListBox *); DECL_LINK(StyleChangeHdl, ComboBox *); DECL_LINK(CharSelectHdl, SmShowCharset *); DECL_LINK(AddClickHdl, Button *); DECL_LINK(ChangeClickHdl, Button *); DECL_LINK(DeleteClickHdl, Button *); void FillSymbols(ComboBox &rComboBox, BOOL bDeleteText = TRUE); void FillSymbolSets(ComboBox &rComboBox, BOOL bDeleteText = TRUE); void FillFonts(BOOL bDeleteText = TRUE); void FillStyles(BOOL bDeleteText = TRUE); void SetSymbolSetManager(const SmSymSetManager &rMgr); void SetFont(const XubString &rFontName, const XubString &rStyleName); void SetOrigSymbol(const SmSym *pSymbol, const XubString &rSymbolSetName); void UpdateButtons(); BOOL SelectSymbolSet(ComboBox &rComboBox, const XubString &rSymbolSetName, BOOL bDeleteText); BOOL SelectSymbol(ComboBox &rComboBox, const XubString &rSymbolName, BOOL bDeleteText); BOOL SelectFont(const XubString &rFontName, BOOL bApplyFont); BOOL SelectStyle(const XubString &rStyleName, BOOL bApplyFont); SmSymSet *GetSymbolSet(const ComboBox &rComboBox); inline const SmSymSet *GetSymbolSet(const ComboBox &rComboBox) const; SmSym *GetSymbol(const ComboBox &rComboBox); inline const SmSym *GetSymbol(const ComboBox &rComboBox) const; public: SmSymDefineDialog(Window *pParent, SmSymSetManager &rMgr, BOOL bFreeRes = TRUE); ~SmSymDefineDialog(); // Dialog virtual short Execute(); inline BOOL SelectOldSymbolSet(const XubString &rSymbolSetName); inline BOOL SelectOldSymbol(const XubString &rSymbolName); inline BOOL SelectSymbolSet(const XubString &rSymbolSetName); inline BOOL SelectSymbol(const XubString &rSymbolName); BOOL SelectFont(const XubString &rFontName) { return SelectFont(rFontName, TRUE); } BOOL SelectStyle(const XubString &rStyleName) { return SelectStyle(rStyleName, TRUE); }; void SelectChar(xub_Unicode cChar); }; inline const SmSymSet * SmSymDefineDialog::GetSymbolSet(const ComboBox &rComboBox) const { return ((SmSymDefineDialog *) this)->GetSymbolSet(rComboBox); } inline const SmSym * SmSymDefineDialog::GetSymbol(const ComboBox &rComboBox) const { return ((SmSymDefineDialog *) this)->GetSymbol(rComboBox); } inline BOOL SmSymDefineDialog::SelectOldSymbolSet(const XubString &rSymbolSetName) { return SelectSymbolSet(aOldSymbolSets, rSymbolSetName, FALSE); } inline BOOL SmSymDefineDialog::SelectOldSymbol(const XubString &rSymbolName) { return SelectSymbol(aOldSymbols, rSymbolName, FALSE); } inline BOOL SmSymDefineDialog::SelectSymbolSet(const XubString &rSymbolSetName) { return SelectSymbolSet(aSymbolSets, rSymbolSetName, FALSE); } inline BOOL SmSymDefineDialog::SelectSymbol(const XubString &rSymbolName) { return SelectSymbol(aSymbols, rSymbolName, FALSE); } #endif