/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: cfrstd.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.11 $ * * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-09-16 16:39:35 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_autodoc.hxx" #include #include // NOT FULLY DEFINED SERVICES /* CSS Styles ---------- Colors: - light background color #eeeeff - dark background color #ccccff - self in navibar background color #2222ad Fonts: - page title 20, bold, Arial - navibar main 12, bold, Arial - navibar sub 8, Arial, kapitälchen - attrtable title line 8, bold, Arial, kapitälchen - attrtable value line 8, Arial kapitälchen - namespace chain 13, bold - table title 13, bold - template line 13 - member paragraph title 12, bold - docu paragraph title 11, bold - standard text 11 - hierarchy 11, monospace classes: td.title page title h3 table title h4 member paragraph title td.nmain navigation main bar td.nsub navigation sub bar a.nmain links in navigation main bar a.nsub links in navigation sub bar td.attr1 attribute table head line td.attr2 attribute table value line p.namechain namespace chain in head of pages p.tpl template line in head of pages pre.doc preformatted docu pre.hierarchy class bases hierarchy graphic dl.syntax function- or variable-declaration field a.syntax link in function- or variable-declaration field p.dt docu paragraph title dl.dt docu paragraph title p standard text dl standard text dd standard text */ #define CRLF "\n" namespace { bool bUse_OOoFrameDiv = true; //*************** These are used for IDL currently only! ******************** const char * const C_sStdStyle = "/*See bottom of file for explanations.*/"CRLF CRLF "body { background-color:#ffffff; }"CRLF CRLF "h3 { font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF " margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF "p, dt, dd, pre { font-size:11pt;"CRLF " margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF "pre { font-family:monospace; }"CRLF CRLF "table.navimain { background-color:#eeeeff; }"CRLF "table.subtitle { margin-top:6pt; margin-bottom:6pt; }"CRLF CRLF "td { font-size:11pt; }"CRLF "td.title { font-family: Arial; font-size:19pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF " line-height:30pt; background-color:#ccccff; text-align:center; }"CRLF "td.subtitle { font-family: Arial; font-size:13pt;"CRLF " line-height:20pt; background-color:#ccccff; }"CRLF "td.crosstitle { font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF " line-height:15pt; background-color:#eeeeff; }"CRLF "td.imdetail { width:100%; background-color:#eeeeff; }"CRLF CRLF "td.imsum_left { width:30%; }"CRLF "td.imsum_right { width:70%; }"CRLF CRLF "td.navimain, a.navimain"CRLF " { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; }"CRLF "td.navimainself { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF " color:#ffffff; background-color:#2222ad; }"CRLF "td.navimainnone { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; }"CRLF "td.navisub, a.navisub"CRLF " { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:9pt; font-variant:small-caps; }"CRLF "td.navimain, td.navisub"CRLF " { padding-left:7pt; padding-right:7pt; }"CRLF CRLF "a.membertitle { font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; line-height:18pt; }"CRLF "a.navimain, a.navisub { color:#000000; }"CRLF ".dt { font-weight:bold; }"CRLF ".namechain { font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF " margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:6pt; }"CRLF ".title2 { font-size:13pt; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; }"CRLF ; const char * const C_sCssExplanations = "/* Explanation of CSS classes:"CRLF CRLF ".navimain Text in main navigation bar."CRLF ".navisub Text in lower navigation bar."CRLF "td.navimainself Cell in main navigation bar with \"selected\" shadow: You are here."CRLF "td.navimainnone Cell in main navigation bar with no link."CRLF CRLF ".namechain Line with current module path."CRLF CRLF "td.crosstitle Comment box for bases (base interfaces etc.)"CRLF "td.imsum_left Left part of such boxes."CRLF "td.imsum_right Right part of such boxes."CRLF CRLF "td.title Main title of the page like \"interface XYz\""CRLF ".subtitle Tables, and head cells of those, which list members"CRLF " like \"method summary\" and \"method details\"."CRLF CRLF "td.imdetail Background table of method's detail description."CRLF "a.membertitle Method name (as jump label) in method's detail"CRLF " description."CRLF ".title2 smaller font prefixes to page titles"CRLF "*/"CRLF ; const char * const C_sStdStyle_withDivFrame = "/*See bottom of file for explanations.*/"CRLF CRLF "body { background-color:#ffffff; }"CRLF CRLF "#adc-idlref h3 { font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF " margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF "#adc-idlref p, #adc-idlref dt, #adc-idlref dd, #adc-idlref pre"CRLF " { font-size:11pt;"CRLF " margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:1pt; }"CRLF "#adc-idlref pre { font-family:monospace; }"CRLF CRLF "#adc-idlref table.navimain { background-color:#eeeeff; }"CRLF "#adc-idlref table.subtitle { margin-top:6pt; margin-bottom:6pt; }"CRLF CRLF "#adc-idlref td { font-size:11pt; }"CRLF "#adc-idlref td.title { font-family: Arial; font-size:19pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF " line-height:30pt; background-color:#ccccff; text-align:center; }"CRLF "#adc-idlref td.subtitle { font-family: Arial; font-size:13pt;"CRLF " line-height:20pt; background-color:#ccccff; }"CRLF "#adc-idlref td.crosstitle { font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF " line-height:15pt; background-color:#eeeeff; }"CRLF "#adc-idlref td.imdetail { width:100%; background-color:#eeeeff; }"CRLF CRLF "#adc-idlref td.imsum_left { width:30%; }"CRLF "#adc-idlref td.imsum_right { width:70%; }"CRLF CRLF "#adc-idlref td.navimain, #adc-idlref a.navimain"CRLF " { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; }"CRLF "#adc-idlref td.navimainself { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF " color:#ffffff; background-color:#2222ad; }"CRLF "#adc-idlref td.navimainnone { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:12pt; }"CRLF "#adc-idlref td.navisub, #adc-idlref a.navisub"CRLF " { text-align:center; font-family: Arial; font-size:9pt; font-variant:small-caps; }"CRLF "#adc-idlref td.navimain, #adc-idlref td.navisub"CRLF " { padding-left:7pt; padding-right:7pt; }"CRLF CRLF "#adc-idlref a.membertitle { font-size:12pt; font-weight:bold; line-height:18pt; }"CRLF "#adc-idlref a.navimain, #adc-idlref a.navisub { color:#000000; }"CRLF "#adc-idlref .dt { font-weight:bold; }"CRLF "#adc-idlref .namechain { font-size:13pt; font-weight:bold;"CRLF " margin-top:3pt; margin-bottom:6pt; }"CRLF "#adc-idlref .title2 { font-size:13pt; font-style:italic; font-weight:bold; text-align:left; }"CRLF ""CRLF "#adc-idlref table { empty-cells:show; }"CRLF ""CRLF "#adc-idlref .childlist td, "CRLF "#adc-idlref .commentedlinks td, "CRLF "#adc-idlref .memberlist td, "CRLF "#adc-idlref .subtitle td, "CRLF "#adc-idlref .crosstitle td { border: .1pt solid #000000; }"CRLF ""CRLF "#adc-idlref .flag-table td { border: .1pt solid #cccccc; } "CRLF ""CRLF "#adc-idlref .title-table td, "CRLF "#adc-idlref .table-in-method td, "CRLF "#adc-idlref .table-in-data td, "CRLF "#adc-idlref .navimain td, "CRLF "#adc-idlref .navisub td, "CRLF "#adc-idlref .expl-table td, "CRLF "#adc-idlref .param-table td { border: none; }"CRLF ; } // anonymous namespace StdFrame::StdFrame() : sDevelopersGuideHtmlRoot(), bSimpleLinks(false) { } DYN Html_Image * StdFrame::LogoSrc() const { return 0; // return new Html_Image( "logodot-blu.gif", // "109", // "54", // "RIGHT", // "0", // "OpenOffice" ); } const char * StdFrame::LogoLink() const { return ""; // return "http://www.sun.com"; // return "http://www.openoffice.org"; } const char * StdFrame::CopyrightText() const { return "Copyright © 2003 Sun Microsystems, Inc."; // return "Copyright © 2002 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303 USA."; // return "Copyright 2001 OpenOffice.org Foundation. All Rights Reserved."; } const char * StdFrame::CssStyle() const { if (bUse_OOoFrameDiv) return C_sStdStyle_withDivFrame; else return C_sStdStyle; } const char * StdFrame::CssStylesExplanation() const { return C_sCssExplanations; } const char * StdFrame::DevelopersGuideHtmlRoot() const { return sDevelopersGuideHtmlRoot; } bool StdFrame::SimpleLinks() const { return bSimpleLinks; } void StdFrame::Set_DevelopersGuideHtmlRoot( const String & i_directory ) { if (NOT i_directory.empty()) { if (i_directory.char_at(i_directory.length()-1) == '/') { sDevelopersGuideHtmlRoot.assign(i_directory,i_directory.length()-1); return; } } sDevelopersGuideHtmlRoot = i_directory; } void StdFrame::Set_SimpleLinks() { bSimpleLinks = true; }