/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: hfi_interface.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.5 $ * * last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-07 17:41:41 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #include #include "hfi_interface.hxx" // NOT FULLY DEFINED SERVICES #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "hfi_doc.hxx" #include "hfi_hierarchy.hxx" #include "hfi_method.hxx" #include "hfi_navibar.hxx" #include "hfi_property.hxx" #include "hfi_tag.hxx" #include "hfi_typetext.hxx" #include "hi_linkhelper.hxx" extern const String C_sCePrefix_Interface("interface"); namespace { const String C_sBaseInterface("Base Interfaces"); const String C_sList_BaseComments("Comments on Base Interfaces"); const String C_sList_Methods("Methods' Summary"); const String C_sList_Methods_Label("MethodsSummary"); const String C_sDetails_Methods("Methods' Details"); const String C_sDetails_Methods_Label("MethodsDetails"); const String C_sList_Attributes("Attributes' Summary"); const String C_sList_Attributes_Label("AttributesSummary"); const String C_sList_AttributesDetails("Attributes' Details"); const String C_sList_AttributesDetails_Label("AttributesDetails"); enum E_SubListIndices { sli_Methods = 0, sli_MethodDetails = 1, sli_AttributesSummary = 2, sli_AttributesDetails = 3 }; } //anonymous namespace HF_IdlInterface::HF_IdlInterface( Environment & io_rEnv, Xml::Element & o_rOut ) : HtmlFactory_Idl(io_rEnv, &o_rOut), eCurProducedMembers(mem_none) { } HF_IdlInterface::~HF_IdlInterface() { } void HF_IdlInterface::Produce_byData( const client & i_ce ) const { Dyn pNaviSubRow( &make_Navibar(i_ce) ); HF_TitleTable aTitle(CurOut()); HF_LinkedNameChain aNameChain(aTitle.Add_Row()); aNameChain.Produce_CompleteChain(Env().CurPosition(), nameChainLinker); aTitle.Produce_Title( StreamLock(200)() << C_sCePrefix_Interface << " " << i_ce.LocalName() << c_str ); produce_BaseHierarchy( aTitle.Add_Row(), i_ce, C_sBaseInterface ); write_Docu(aTitle.Add_Row(), i_ce); CurOut() << new Html::HorizontalLine(); dyn_ce_list dpFunctions; ary::idl::ifc_interface::attr::Get_Functions(dpFunctions, i_ce); if ( (*dpFunctions).operator bool() ) { eCurProducedMembers = mem_Functions; produce_Members( *dpFunctions, C_sList_Methods, C_sList_Methods_Label, C_sDetails_Methods, C_sDetails_Methods_Label ); pNaviSubRow->SwitchOn(sli_Methods); pNaviSubRow->SwitchOn(sli_MethodDetails); } dyn_ce_list dpAttributes; ary::idl::ifc_interface::attr::Get_Attributes(dpAttributes, i_ce); if ( (*dpAttributes).operator bool() ) { eCurProducedMembers = mem_Attributes; produce_Members( *dpAttributes, C_sList_Attributes, C_sList_Attributes_Label, C_sList_AttributesDetails, C_sList_AttributesDetails_Label ); pNaviSubRow->SwitchOn(sli_AttributesSummary); pNaviSubRow->SwitchOn(sli_AttributesDetails); } eCurProducedMembers = mem_none; pNaviSubRow->Produce_Row(); } DYN HF_NaviSubRow & HF_IdlInterface::make_Navibar( const client & i_ce ) const { HF_IdlNavigationBar aNaviBar(Env(), CurOut()); aNaviBar.Produce_CeMainRow(i_ce); DYN HF_NaviSubRow & ret = aNaviBar.Add_SubRow(); ret.AddItem(C_sList_Methods, C_sList_Methods_Label, false); ret.AddItem(C_sDetails_Methods, C_sDetails_Methods_Label, false); ret.AddItem(C_sList_Attributes, C_sList_Attributes_Label, false); ret.AddItem(C_sList_AttributesDetails, C_sList_AttributesDetails_Label, false); CurOut() << new Html::HorizontalLine(); return ret; } void HF_IdlInterface::produce_MemberDetails( HF_SubTitleTable & o_table, const client & i_ce ) const { switch (eCurProducedMembers) { case mem_Functions: break; case mem_Attributes: { HF_IdlAttribute aAttribute( Env(), o_table); aAttribute.Produce_byData( i_ce ); return; }; default: //Won't happen. return; } // end switch typedef ary::idl::ifc_function::attr funcAttr; HF_IdlMethod aFunction( Env(), o_table.Add_Row() >> *new Html::TableCell << new Html::ClassAttr(C_sCellStyle_MDetail) ); ary::Dyn_StdConstIterator pParameters; funcAttr::Get_Parameters(pParameters, i_ce); ary::Dyn_StdConstIterator pExceptions; funcAttr::Get_Exceptions(pExceptions, i_ce); aFunction.Produce_byData( i_ce.LocalName(), funcAttr::ReturnType(i_ce), *pParameters, *pExceptions, funcAttr::IsOneway(i_ce), funcAttr::HasEllipse(i_ce), i_ce ); } void HF_IdlInterface::produce_BaseHierarchy( Xml::Element & o_screen, const client & i_ce, const String & i_sLabel ) const { ary::Dyn_StdConstIterator pHelp; ary::idl::ifc_interface::attr::Get_Bases(pHelp, i_ce); if (NOT (*pHelp).operator bool()) return; // Write hierarchy: HF_IdlBaseNode aMyNode(i_ce, Env().Gate()); HF_DocEntryList aDocList( o_screen ); aDocList.Produce_Term(i_sLabel); Xml::Element & rBaseList = aDocList.Produce_Definition(); aMyNode.WriteBaseHierarchy(rBaseList, *this, i_ce.LocalName()); // Write comments: // KORR_FUTURE: Make sure, no empty table is constructed when comments list is empty. HF_SubTitleTable aBaseTable( aDocList.Produce_Definition(), "", C_sList_BaseComments, 2, HF_SubTitleTable::sublevel_3 ); for ( ary::StdConstIterator & it = *pHelp; it.operator bool(); ++it ) { Xml::Element & rRow = aBaseTable.Add_Row(); Xml::Element & rTerm = rRow >> *new Html::TableCell << new Html::ClassAttr(C_sCellStyle_SummaryLeft); HF_IdlTypeText aTypeDisplay( Env(), rTerm, false, 0); aTypeDisplay.Produce_byData((*it).Type()); Xml::Element & rDocu = rRow >> *new Html::TableCell << new Html::ClassAttr(C_sCellStyle_SummaryRight); HF_DocEntryList aDocuList(rDocu); if ((*it).Info() != 0) { // aDocuList.Produce_Term("Comment on Base Reference"); HF_IdlDocu aDocuDisplay(Env(), aDocuList); aDocuDisplay.Produce_byDocu4Reference(*(*it).Info(), i_ce); } else { const client * pCe = Env().Linker().Search_CeFromType((*it).Type()); const ce_info * pShort = pCe != 0 ? pCe->Docu() : 0; if ( pShort != 0 ) { aDocuList.Produce_NormalTerm("(referenced interface's summary:)"); Xml::Element & rDef = aDocuList.Produce_Definition(); HF_IdlDocuTextDisplay aShortDisplay( Env(), &rDef, *pCe); pShort->Short().DisplayAt(aShortDisplay); } // end if (pShort != 0) } // endif ( (*i_commentedRef).Info() != 0 ) else } // end for } void HF_IdlInterface::Display_BaseNode( const HF_IdlBaseNode & i_rNode ) const { // KORR: Check if Env().CurPageCe() is really always the right one // (probably works). HF_IdlTypeText aDisplay( Env(), CurOut(), true, Env().CurPageCe()); aDisplay.Produce_byData(i_rNode.Type()); }