Action Condition Sequence s72 S255 I2 InstallUISequence Action AppSearch 25 CCPSearch CCP_TEST 250 CostFinalize 550 CostInitialize 400 ExecuteAction 850 FileCost 450 FindRelatedProducts 150 InstallWelcome Not Installed And (Not PATCH Or IS_MAJOR_UPGRADE) 650 IsolateComponents 500 LaunchConditions 50 MaintenanceWelcome Installed And Not RESUME And Not Preselected And Not PATCH 750 MigrateFeatureStates 600 PatchWelcome PATCH And Not IS_MAJOR_UPGRADE 625 ResolveSource Not Installed And Not PATCH 525 RMCCPSearch Not CCP_SUCCESS And CCP_TEST 300 setAllUsersProfile2K VersionNT >= 500 512 SetAllUsersProfileNT VersionNT = 400 511 SetupCompleteError -3 SetupCompleteSuccess -1 SetupInitialization 100 SetupInterrupted -2 SetupProgress 800 SetupResume Installed And (RESUME Or Preselected) And Not PATCH 700 setUserProfileNT VersionNT 510 ValidateProductID 350