/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: statemnt.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.16 $ * * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2007-06-19 14:36:58 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ /*************************************************************************** ** ** Von StatementList werden alle Statements abgeleitet. ** Es gibt immer nur eine Statementliste, die verpointert ist. ** jederzeit kann das der Anfang der Kette abgefragt werden. ** ** ** ** ** ** ** ***************************************************************************/ #ifndef _STATEMNT_HXX #define _STATEMNT_HXX #ifndef _SV_WINTYPES_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _STRING_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _DEBUG_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _TIME_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_DRAG_HXX //autogen //#include #endif #ifndef _SV_MENU_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _SV_SVAPP_HXX //autogen #include #endif #ifndef _FSYS_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SOT_STORAGE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef _SB_SBSTAR_HXX #include #endif #include #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_BEANS_PROPERTYVALUE_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _SMARTID_HXX_ #include #endif #ifndef _COMMTYPES_HXX #include "commtypes.hxx" #endif class Window; class SystemWindow; class Point; class SfxPoolItem; class ScrollBar; class SCmdStream; class RetStream; class ImplRemoteControl; class TTProfiler; class TTProperties; class Dir; class CommunicationLink; #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 class EditWindow; #endif #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif void SAL_CALL osl_TestToolDebugPrint( const sal_Char *pString ); #ifdef __cplusplus } #endif #define IsVisible IsReallyVisible #define GET_REAL_PARENT() GetWindow( WINDOW_REALPARENT ) // switch behaviour of ImplMouse* and ImplKeyInput #define FORCE_DIRECT_CALL TRUE typedef USHORT SearchFlags; #define SEARCH_NOOVERLAP ((SearchFlags) 0x0001) #define SEARCH_NO_TOPLEVEL_WIN ((SearchFlags) 0x0002) #define SEARCH_FOCUS_FIRST ((SearchFlags) 0x0004) #define SEARCH_FIND_DISABLED ((SearchFlags) 0x0008) class Search { SearchFlags nmSearchFlags; public: Search( SearchFlags nSearchFlags = 0): nmSearchFlags(nSearchFlags) {} virtual ~Search() {} virtual BOOL IsWinOK( Window *pWin ) = 0; SearchFlags GetSearchFlags() { return nmSearchFlags; } void AddSearchFlags( SearchFlags aNewFlags ) { nmSearchFlags |= aNewFlags; } void RemoveSearchFlags( SearchFlags aRemoveFlags ) { nmSearchFlags &= ( ~aRemoveFlags ); } BOOL HasSearchFlag( SearchFlags aQueryFlag ) { return (nmSearchFlags & aQueryFlag) == aQueryFlag; } }; BOOL IsDialog(Window *pWin); // Ist *pWin von SystemWindow abgeleitet (Kann es Active sein) BOOL IsAccessable(Window *pWin); // Ist *pWin Zugreifbar (über IsEnabled und Parents geprüft) //class SafePointer : CriticalSection class SafePointer { SafePointer *pSelf; public: SafePointer() { pSelf = this; } virtual ~SafePointer() { DBG_ASSERT(pSelf==this,"Destructor von Nicht existierendem Objekt aufgerufen"); pSelf = NULL; } // static BOOL IsValid( SafePointer *pThis ) { return pThis == pThis->pSelf; } // virtual operator -> (); { DBG_ASSERT(pMyself == this,"-> von Nicht existierendem Objekt aufgerufen"); } }; class DisplayHidWin; class StatementCommand; class TranslateWin; struct TTSettings { // DisplayHID StatementCommand *pDisplayInstance; DisplayHidWin *pDisplayHidWin; Window *Old; Window *Act; String aOriginalCaption; // Translate TranslateWin *pTranslateWin; BOOL bToTop; }; TTSettings* GetTTSettings(); #define MAX_RETRIES 9 class StatementList : public SafePointer { private: StatementList(const StatementList&); StatementList & operator=(const StatementList&); protected: StatementList(); USHORT nRetryCount; void QueStatement(StatementList *pAfterThis); BOOL bStatementInQue; static USHORT nUseBindings; static TTProfiler *pProfiler; void InitProfile(); void SendProfile( String aText ); static StatementList *pCurrentProfileStatement; static BOOL bIsInReschedule; static Window *pLastFocusWindow; // Wenn dieses sich ändert wird Safe Reschedule abgebrochen static BOOL bWasDragManager; // Wenn dieses sich ändert wird Safe Reschedule abgebrochen static BOOL bWasPopupMenu; // Wenn dieses sich ändert wird Safe Reschedule abgebrochen static BOOL bBasicWasRunning; static USHORT nMinTypeKeysDelay; /// Verzögerung der einzelnen Anschläge für TypeKeys static USHORT nMaxTypeKeysDelay; static BOOL bDoTypeKeysDelay; static Window* pFirstDocFrame; static BOOL bIsSlotInExecute; public: static BOOL IsInReschedule() { return bIsInReschedule; } void SafeReschedule( BOOL bYield = FALSE ) // Setzt Flag, so daß nicht schon der nächste Befehl ausgeführt wird { bIsInReschedule = TRUE; pLastFocusWindow = GetpApp()->GetFocusWindow(); bWasDragManager = false /*!= DragManager::GetDragManager()*/; bWasPopupMenu = NULL != PopupMenu::GetActivePopupMenu(); bBasicWasRunning = StarBASIC::IsRunning(); bWasExecuting = bExecuting; if ( bYield ) GetpApp()->Yield(); else GetpApp()->Reschedule(); bExecuting = bWasExecuting; bBasicWasRunning = FALSE; bWasPopupMenu = FALSE; bWasDragManager = FALSE; pLastFocusWindow = NULL; bIsInReschedule = FALSE; } static BOOL MaybeResetSafeReschedule() { // Implementierung muß hier zwar nicht sein, ist aber übersichtlicher so if ( !bIsInReschedule ) return FALSE; if ( pLastFocusWindow != GetpApp()->GetFocusWindow() // || ( DragManager::GetDragManager() && !bWasDragManager ) || ( PopupMenu::GetActivePopupMenu() && !bWasPopupMenu ) || ( StarBASIC::IsRunning() && !bBasicWasRunning ) ) { bIsInReschedule = FALSE; pLastFocusWindow = NULL; return TRUE; } else return FALSE; } static void NormalReschedule() // Setzt das flag nicht { GetpApp()->Reschedule(); } #define Reschedule RescheduleNichtBenutzen_StattdessenSafeRescheduleAnStatementList static Window* GetMouseWin(); static BOOL WinPtrValid(Window *pTest); static Window* SearchAllWin( Window *pBase, Search &aSearch, BOOL MaybeBase = TRUE ); protected: static Window* SearchClientWin( Window *pBase, Search &aSearch, BOOL MaybeBase = TRUE ); Window* SearchTree( SmartId aUId, BOOL bSearchButtonOnToolbox = FALSE ); Window* GetActive( WindowType nRT, BOOL MaybeBase = TRUE ); Window* GetFocus( WindowType nRT, BOOL MaybeBase = TRUE ); Window* GetAnyActive( BOOL MaybeBase = TRUE ); ScrollBar* GetScrollBar( Window *pBase, USHORT nDirection, BOOL MaybeBase = TRUE ); Window* GetPopupFloatingWin( BOOL MaybeBase = TRUE ); Menu* GetMatchingMenu( Window* pWin, Menu* pBaseMenu = NULL ); Window* GetWinByRT( Window *pBase, WindowType nRT, BOOL MaybeBase = TRUE, USHORT nSkip = 0, BOOL bSearchAll = FALSE ); USHORT CountWinByRT( Window *pBase, WindowType nRT, BOOL MaybeBase = TRUE ); Window* GetDocWin( USHORT nNr ); USHORT GetDocWinCount(); Window* GetFadeSplitWin( Window *pBase, WindowAlign nAlign, BOOL MaybeBase = TRUE ); BOOL ValueOK(SmartId nId, String aBezeichnung, ULONG nValue, ULONG nMax); public: // void AddStatement( StatementList *pNewStatement ); virtual ~StatementList(); void Advance(); virtual BOOL Execute() = 0; /*************************************************************************** ** Bestimmt erst den nächsten Befehl, setzt Current ** und führt dann aus. ** Returnwert gibt an, ob Befehl nochmal ausgeführt ** werden soll. Dann muß auch der UserEvent verlassen werden, um der Applikation ** normales Arbeiten zu ermöglichen (Dialog schliessen) ** TRUE bedeutet, dass alles klar gegangen ist ** FALSE bedeutet nochmal Bitte ***************************************************************************/ void ReportError(String aMessage); void ReportError(SmartId aUId, String aMessage); void ReportError(String aMessage, ULONG nWhatever); static void DirectLog( ULONG nType, String aString ); String Tree(Window *pBase, int Indent); String ClientTree(Window *pBase, int Indent); StatementList *pNext; static StatementList /**pCurrent,*/ *pFirst; static BOOL bReadingCommands; static SmartId aWindowWaitUId; static Window *pWindowWaitPointer; static SmartId aWindowWaitOldHelpId; static SmartId aWindowWaitOldUniqueId; static RetStream *pRet; static BOOL IsError; static BOOL bDying; static BOOL bExecuting; // Gesetzt, wenn ein Befehl rescheduled ohne einen neuen Befehl zu erlauben BOOL bWasExecuting; // Wurde bei einem MaybeResetSafeReschedule resettet, so wird der Zustand danach wiederhergestellt static SmartId aSubMenuId1; // Untermenüs bei PopupMenus static SmartId aSubMenuId2; // erstmal 2-Stufig static SmartId aSubMenuId3; // and now even 3 levels #i31512# static SystemWindow *pMenuWindow; // when using MenuBar as base for MenuCommands static TTProperties *pTTProperties; // Hier stehen die SlotIDs aus dem SFX drin BOOL CheckWindowWait(); //True heisst, dass Window noch existiert //False -> Window weg; static void SetFirstDocFrame( Window* pWin ); static Window* GetFirstDocFrame(); static BOOL IsFirstDocFrame( Window* pWin ); static BOOL IsDocWin( Window* pWin ); static BOOL IsIMEWin( Window* pWin ); // Input Window for CJK under Solaris static BOOL IsDocFrame( Window* pWin ); static MenuBar* GetDocFrameMenuBar( Window* pWin ); static USHORT GetDocFrameCount(); static BOOL bCatchGPF; static BOOL bUsePostEvents; // use Application::Post*Event or own impl to handle key and mouseevents #if OSL_DEBUG_LEVEL > 1 static EditWindow *m_pDbgWin; #endif }; class StatementSlot : public StatementList //Slots aufrufen { protected: USHORT nAnzahl; SfxPoolItem **pItemArr; ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::beans::PropertyValue> aArgs; USHORT nFunctionId; // can get removed when the old (numeric) slothandling is removed String aUnoUrl; StatementSlot(); void AddReferer(); public: StatementSlot( SCmdStream *pIn ); StatementSlot( ULONG nSlot, SfxPoolItem* pItem = NULL ); virtual ~StatementSlot(); virtual BOOL Execute(); }; class StatementUnoSlot : public StatementSlot //Uno Slots aufrufen { public: StatementUnoSlot(SCmdStream *pIn); }; class StatementCommand : public StatementList // Befehl ausführen (wintree, resetaplication ...) { friend class ImplRemoteControl; protected: USHORT nMethodId; SmartId aSmartMethodId; USHORT nParams; comm_USHORT nNr1,nNr2,nNr3,nNr4; comm_ULONG nLNr1; String aString1,aString2; BOOL bBool1,bBool2; Window* GetNextOverlap( Window* pBase ); Window* GetNextRecoverWin(); static USHORT nDirPos; static Dir *pDir; static pfunc_osl_printDebugMessage pOriginal_osl_DebugMessageFunc; BOOL UnpackStorage( SotStorageRef xStorage, DirEntry &aBaseDir ); void HandleSAXParser(); void HandleMacroRecorder(); public: StatementCommand( SCmdStream *pIn ); StatementCommand( StatementList *pAfterThis, USHORT MethodId, USHORT Params, USHORT Nr1 ); virtual BOOL Execute(); BOOL DisplayHID(); void Translate(); void WriteControlData( Window *pBase, ULONG nConf, BOOL bFirst = TRUE ); }; enum TTHotSpots { MitteLinks, Mitte, MitteOben }; class StatementControl : public StatementList { protected: SmartId aUId; USHORT nMethodId; USHORT nParams; comm_USHORT nNr1,nNr2,nNr3,nNr4; comm_ULONG nLNr1; String aString1,aString2; BOOL bBool1,bBool2; BOOL ControlOK( Window *pControl, const sal_Char* aBezeichnung ); void AnimateMouse( Window *pControl, TTHotSpots aWohin ); void AnimateMouse( Window *pControl, Point aWohin ); BOOL MaybeDoTypeKeysDelay( Window *pTestWindow ); BOOL HandleVisibleControls( Window *pControl ); BOOL HandleCommonMethods( Window *pControl ); public: StatementControl( SCmdStream *pIn, USHORT nControlType ); virtual BOOL Execute(); }; class StatementFlow : public StatementList // Kommunikation mit Sequence { USHORT nArt; USHORT nParams; comm_USHORT nSNr1; comm_ULONG nLNr1; String aString1; BOOL bBool1; public: StatementFlow (ULONG nServiceId, SCmdStream *pIn, ImplRemoteControl *pRC ); StatementFlow( StatementList *pAfterThis, USHORT nArtP ); virtual BOOL Execute(); static CommunicationLink *pCommLink; static BOOL bSending; static BOOL bUseIPC; // Soll zur rückmeldung IPC verwendet werden? static ImplRemoteControl *pRemoteControl; // Static für 2. Constructor private: void SendViaSocket(); }; class SearchUID : public Search { Window *pMaybeResult; Window *pAlternateResult; SmartId aUId; BOOL bSearchButtonOnToolbox; public: SearchUID( SmartId aUIdP, BOOL bSearchButtonOnToolboxP ): Search( SEARCH_FOCUS_FIRST ), pMaybeResult(NULL), pAlternateResult(NULL), aUId(aUIdP), bSearchButtonOnToolbox(bSearchButtonOnToolboxP) {} virtual BOOL IsWinOK( Window *pWin ); Window* GetMaybeWin() { return pMaybeResult; } Window* GetAlternateResultWin() { return pAlternateResult; } }; class SearchActive : public Search { WindowType nRT; public: SearchActive( WindowType nRTP ): nRT(nRTP) {} virtual BOOL IsWinOK( Window *pWin ); }; class SearchPopupFloatingWin : public Search { public: SearchPopupFloatingWin(): Search( SEARCH_FOCUS_FIRST ) {} virtual BOOL IsWinOK( Window *pWin ); }; class SearchRT : public Search { WindowType mnRT; USHORT mnSkip; USHORT mnCount; public: SearchRT( WindowType nRTP, SearchFlags nSearchFlags, USHORT nSkip = 0 ): Search(nSearchFlags), mnRT(nRTP), mnSkip( nSkip ), mnCount( 0 ) {} virtual BOOL IsWinOK( Window *pWin ); USHORT GetCount(){ return mnCount; } }; class SearchScroll : public SearchRT { USHORT nDirection; public: SearchScroll( USHORT nDir, SearchFlags nSearchFlags ): SearchRT(WINDOW_SCROLLBAR, nSearchFlags), nDirection(nDir) {} virtual BOOL IsWinOK( Window *pWin ); }; class SearchWinPtr : public Search { Window *pTest; public: SearchWinPtr( Window *pTestP ): pTest(pTestP) {} virtual BOOL IsWinOK( Window *pWin ); }; class SearchFadeSplitWin : public Search { WindowAlign nAlign; public: SearchFadeSplitWin( WindowAlign nAlignP ): nAlign(nAlignP) {} virtual BOOL IsWinOK( Window *pWin ); }; void ImplKeyInput( Window* pWin, KeyEvent &aKEvnt, BOOL bForceDirect=FALSE ); void ImplMouseMove( Window* pWin, MouseEvent &aMEvnt, BOOL bForceDirect=FALSE ); void ImplMouseButtonDown( Window* pWin, MouseEvent &aMEvnt, BOOL bForceDirect=FALSE ); void ImplMouseButtonUp( Window* pWin, MouseEvent &aMEvnt, BOOL bForceDirect=FALSE ); void ImplCommand( Window* pWin, CommandEvent &aCmdEvnt ); void ImplEventWait( ULONG nID ); #endif