/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: hdimpl.cxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.9 $ * * last change: $Author: obo $ $Date: 2006-09-16 16:41:42 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ // MARKER(update_precomp.py): autogen include statement, do not remove #include "precompiled_autodoc.hxx" #include #include "hdimpl.hxx" // NOT FULLY DEFINED SERVICES #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "cre_link.hxx" #include "hd_docu.hxx" #include "html_kit.hxx" #include "opageenv.hxx" #include "pagemake.hxx" #include "strconst.hxx" using namespace csi; //******************** HtmlDisplay_Impl *********************// HtmlDisplay_Impl::~HtmlDisplay_Impl() { } HtmlDisplay_Impl::HtmlDisplay_Impl( OuputPage_Environment & io_rEnv ) : pEnv(&io_rEnv) // aWriteHelper { } //******************** Free Functions *********************// namespace dshelp { void DisplaySlot( ary::Display & o_rDisplay, const ary::AryGroup & i_rGroup, ary::SlotAccessId i_nSlot ) { ary::Slot_AutoPtr pSlot( i_rGroup.Create_Slot(i_nSlot) ); pSlot->StoreAt( o_rDisplay ); } const char * PathUp( uintt i_nLevels ) { static char sResult[300]; sResult[0] = NULCH; for ( uintt lev = 0; lev < i_nLevels; ++lev ) { strcat( sResult, "../"); // SAFE STRCAT (#100211# - checked) } return sResult; } const char * PathPerLevelsUp( uintt i_nLevels, const char * i_nPathBelowDestinationLevel ) { static char sResult[500]; strcpy( sResult, PathUp(i_nLevels) ); // SAFE STRCPY (#100211# - checked) // KORR_FUTURE: Make it still safer here: strcat( sResult, i_nPathBelowDestinationLevel ); // SAFE STRCAT (#100211# - checked) return sResult; } const char * PathPerRoot( const OuputPage_Environment & i_rEnv, const char * i_sPathFromRootDir ) { return PathPerLevelsUp( i_rEnv.Depth(), i_sPathFromRootDir ); } const char * PathPerNamespace( const OuputPage_Environment & i_rEnv, const char * i_sPathFromNamespaceDir ) { const ary::cpp::Namespace * pNsp = i_rEnv.CurNamespace(); if ( pNsp == 0 ) return ""; uintt nCount = i_rEnv.Depth() - (pNsp->Depth() + 1) ; csv_assert( nCount < 100 ); return PathPerLevelsUp( nCount, i_sPathFromNamespaceDir ); } const char * HtmlFileName( const char * i_sPrefix, const char * i_sEntityName ) { // KORR_FUTURE: Make it still safer here: static char sResult[300]; strcpy( sResult, i_sPrefix ); // SAFE STRCPY (#100211# - checked) strcat( sResult, i_sEntityName ); // SAFE STRCAT (#100211# - checked) strcat( sResult, ".html" ); // SAFE STRCAT (#100211# - checked) return sResult; } const char * Path2Class( uintt i_nLevelsUp, const char * i_sClassLocalName ) { return PathPerLevelsUp( i_nLevelsUp, ClassFileName(i_sClassLocalName) ); } const char * Path2Child( const char * i_sFileName, const char * i_sSubDir ) { static char sResult[400]; if ( i_sSubDir != 0 ) { // KORR_FUTURE: Make it still safer here: strcpy( sResult, i_sSubDir ); // SAFE STRCPY (#100211# - checked) strcat( sResult, "/" ); // SAFE STRCAT (#100211# - checked) } else { sResult[0] = NULCH; } strcat( sResult, i_sFileName ); // SAFE STRCAT (#100211# - checked) return sResult; } const char * Path2ChildNamespace( const char * i_sLocalName ) { return Path2Child( C_sHFN_Namespace, i_sLocalName ); } const char * OperationLink( const udmstri & i_sOpName, ary::OSid i_nSignature, const char * i_sPrePath ) { // KORR_FUTURE: Make it still safer here: static char sResult[500]; unsigned long nSignature = (unsigned long) i_nSignature; sprintf( sResult, "%s#%s-%lu", // SAFE SPRINTF (#100211# - checked) i_sPrePath, i_sOpName.c_str(), nSignature ); return sResult; } const char * DataLink( const udmstri & i_sLocalName, const char * i_sPrePath ) { // KORR_FUTURE: Make it still safer here: static char sResult[300]; strcpy( sResult, i_sPrePath ); // SAFE STRCPY (#100211# - checked) strcat( sResult, "#" ); // SAFE STRCAT (#100211# - checked) strcat( sResult, i_sLocalName ); // SAFE STRCAT (#100211# - checked) return sResult; } void Get_LinkedTypeText( csi::xml::Element & o_rOut, const OuputPage_Environment & i_rEnv, ary::Tid i_nId, bool i_bWithAbsolutifier ) { if (i_nId == 0) return; const char * sPreName = ""; const char * sName = ""; const char * sPostName = ""; bool bTypeExists = Get_TypeText( sPreName, sName, sPostName, i_nId, i_rEnv.Gate() ); if ( NOT bTypeExists ) return; if ( NOT i_bWithAbsolutifier AND strncmp(sPreName,"::",2) == 0 ) sPreName+=2; const ary::CodeEntity * pCe = i_rEnv.Gate().Search_RelatedCe(i_nId); udmstri sLink; if ( pCe != 0 ) { sLink = Link2Ce(i_rEnv,*pCe); } else { if ( strstr(sPreName,"com::sun::star") != 0 ) { static StreamStr aLink(400); aLink.seekp(0); aLink << PathPerRoot(i_rEnv, "../../common/ref"); if ( *sPreName != ':' ) aLink << '/'; for ( const char * s = sPreName; *s != 0; ++s ) { if ( *s == ':' ) { aLink << '/'; ++s; } else { aLink << *s; } } // end for aLink << sName << ".html"; sLink = aLink.c_str(); } } // endif( pCe != 0 ) o_rOut << sPreName; csi::xml::Element & o_Goon = sLink.length() > 0 ? o_rOut >> * new html::Link( sLink.c_str() ) : o_rOut; o_Goon << sName; o_rOut << sPostName; } csi::html::Table & Create_ChildListTable( csi::xml::Element & o_rParentElement, const char * i_sTitle, const char * i_sLabel ) { Create_ChildListLabel(o_rParentElement, i_sLabel); csi::html::Table & ret = Create_ChildListTable(i_sTitle); o_rParentElement << &ret; return ret; } void Create_ChildListLabel( csi::xml::Element & o_rParentElement, const char * i_sLabel ) { if ( NOT csv::no_str(i_sLabel) ) { o_rParentElement >> *new html::Label(i_sLabel) << " "; } } DYN csi::html::Table & Create_ChildListTable( const char * i_sTitle ) { html::Table * dpTable = new html::Table; *dpTable << new html::ClassAttr( "childlist") << new xml::AnAttribute( "border", "1" ) << new xml::AnAttribute( "cellpadding", "5" ) << new xml::AnAttribute( "cellspacing", "0" ) << new html::WidthAttr( "100%" ); html::TableRow & rRow = dpTable->AddRow(); rRow << new html::ClassAttr("subtitle") >> *new html::TableCell << new xml::AnAttribute( "colspan","2" ) >> *new html::Headline(4) << i_sTitle; return *dpTable; } const char * Link2Ce( const OuputPage_Environment & i_rEnv, const ary::CodeEntity & i_rCe ) { const uintt nMaxSize = 3000; static char sLink[nMaxSize]; static LinkCreator aLinkCreator( &sLink[0], nMaxSize ); sLink[0] = NULCH; aLinkCreator.SetEnv(i_rEnv); i_rCe.StoreAt(aLinkCreator); return sLink; } const char * Link2CppDefinition( const OuputPage_Environment & i_rEnv, const ary::cpp::CppDefinition & i_rDef ) { const uintt nMaxSize = 1000; static char sLink[nMaxSize]; static LinkCreator aLinkCreator( &sLink[0], nMaxSize ); sLink[0] = NULCH; aLinkCreator.SetEnv(i_rEnv); i_rDef.StoreAt(aLinkCreator); return sLink; } const ary::CodeEntity * FindUnambiguousCe( const OuputPage_Environment & i_rEnv, const ary::QualifiedName & i_rQuName, const ary::cpp::Class * i_pJustDocumentedClass ) { if ( i_rEnv.CurNamespace() == 0 ) return 0; const ary::CodeEntity * ret = 0; if ( NOT i_rQuName.IsQualified() ) { if ( i_pJustDocumentedClass != 0 ) ret = i_rEnv.Gate().Search_CeLocal( i_rQuName.LocalName(), i_rQuName.IsFunction(), *i_rEnv.CurNamespace(), i_pJustDocumentedClass ); if (ret != 0) return ret; ret = i_rEnv.Gate().Search_CeLocal( i_rQuName.LocalName(), i_rQuName.IsFunction(), *i_rEnv.CurNamespace(), i_rEnv.CurClass() ); } if (ret != 0) return ret; return i_rEnv.Gate().Search_CeAbsolute( i_rQuName ); } void ShowDocu_On( csi::xml::Element & o_rOut, Docu_Display & io_rDisplay, const ary::RepositoryEntity & i_rRE ) { if ( &i_rRE.Info() != &ary::Documentation::Null_() ) { io_rDisplay.Assign_Out( o_rOut ); i_rRE.Info().StoreAt( io_rDisplay ); io_rDisplay.Unassign_Out(); } } void WriteOut_TokenList( csi::xml::Element & o_rOut, const StringVector & i_rTokens, const char * i_sSeparator ) { if ( i_rTokens.size() > 0 ) { StringVector::const_iterator it = i_rTokens.begin(); StringVector::const_iterator itEnd = i_rTokens.end(); o_rOut << *it; for ( ++it; it != itEnd; ++it ) { o_rOut << i_sSeparator << *it; } }; } void EraseLeadingSpace( udmstri & io_rStr ) { if ( *io_rStr.c_str() < 33 AND io_rStr.length() > 0 ) { const unsigned char * pNew; for ( pNew = (const unsigned char * ) io_rStr.c_str(); *pNew < 33 AND *pNew != 0; ++pNew ) {} udmstri sNew( (const char*)pNew ); io_rStr = sNew; } } void WriteOut_LinkedFunctionText( csi::xml::Element & o_rTitleOut, adcdisp::ParameterTable & o_rParameters, const ary::cpp::Function & i_rFunction, const OuputPage_Environment & i_rEnv, bool * o_bIsConst, bool * o_bIsVirtual ) { // write pre-name: const ary::cpp::FunctionFlags & rFlags = i_rFunction.Flags(); if ( rFlags.IsStaticLocal() OR rFlags.IsStaticMember() ) o_rTitleOut << "static "; if ( rFlags.IsExplicit() ) o_rTitleOut << "explicit "; if ( rFlags.IsMutable() ) o_rTitleOut << "mutable "; if ( i_rFunction.Virtuality() != ary::cpp::VIRTUAL_none ) o_rTitleOut << "virtual "; // o_rTitleOut << new html::LineBreak; Get_LinkedTypeText( o_rTitleOut, i_rEnv, i_rFunction.ReturnType() ); // write name: o_rTitleOut << " " >> *new html::Strong << i_rFunction.LocalName(); o_rTitleOut << "("; csi::xml::Element * pOutLast = &o_rTitleOut; // write post-name: FunctionParam_Iterator fit; fit.Assign(i_rFunction, i_rEnv.Gate()); if (fit) { o_rParameters.AddEntry(); Get_LinkedTypeText( o_rParameters.Type(), i_rEnv, fit.CurType() ); o_rParameters.Type() << " "; o_rParameters.Name() << " " << fit.CurName(); for ( ++fit; fit; ++fit ) { o_rParameters.Name() << ","; o_rParameters.AddEntry(); Get_LinkedTypeText( o_rParameters.Type(), i_rEnv, fit.CurType() ); o_rParameters.Name() << fit.CurName(); } pOutLast = &o_rParameters.Name(); o_rParameters.Name() << " "; } *pOutLast << ")"; if ( fit.IsFunctionConst() ) { *pOutLast << " const"; if ( o_bIsConst != 0 ) *o_bIsConst = true; } if ( fit.IsFunctionVolatile() ) { *pOutLast << " volatile"; if ( o_bIsVirtual != 0 ) *o_bIsVirtual = true; } // write Exceptions: const std::vector< ary::Tid > * pThrow = i_rFunction.Exceptions(); if ( pThrow) { std::vector< ary::Tid >::const_iterator it = pThrow->begin(); std::vector< ary::Tid >::const_iterator it_end = pThrow->end(); if (it != it_end) { o_rParameters.AddEntry(); pOutLast = &o_rParameters.Name(); o_rParameters.Name() << " throw( "; Get_LinkedTypeText(o_rParameters.Name(), i_rEnv, *it); for ( ++it; it != it_end; ++it ) { o_rParameters.Name() << ", "; Get_LinkedTypeText(o_rParameters.Name(), i_rEnv, *it); } o_rParameters.Name() << " )"; } else { *pOutLast << " throw()"; } } // endif // pThrow // abstractness: if ( i_rFunction.Virtuality() == ary::cpp::VIRTUAL_abstract ) *pOutLast << " = 0"; // finish: *pOutLast << ";"; } } // namespace dshelp