False 6 Set Master Password True 0 0 dialog False vertical 12 False end _Help True True True 6 True False True 0 True _OK True True True True True True False True 1 _Cancel True True True True False True 2 False True end 0 True False vertical 6 True False Passwords for web connections are protected by a master password. You will be asked to enter it once per session, if %PRODUCTNAME retrieves a password from the protected password list. True 62 0 False True 0 True False 12 1 True False end 6 True _Enter password: True password1 0 0 0 False True end 6 True True 1 0 False True 1 True True False True password Enter the master password. False True 2 True False Bar that displays password strength visually. False True 3 True False _Reenter password: True password2 0 False True 4 True True False True True password Enter the master password again. False True 5 True False 6 Caution: If you forget the master password, you will be unable to access any of the information protected by it. Passwords are case sensitive. True 62 0 False True 6 False True 1 help ok cancel Assign a master password to protect the access to a saved password.