#!/usr/bin/perl ######################################################################### #************************************************************************* # # DO NOT ALTER OR REMOVE COPYRIGHT NOTICES OR THIS FILE HEADER. # # Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite # # This file is part of OpenOffice.org. # # OpenOffice.org is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 # only, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # OpenOffice.org is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details # (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code). # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License # version 3 along with OpenOffice.org. If not, see # # for a copy of the LGPLv3 License. # #************************************************************************* #################################################################### # File Name: test_driver.pl # Version : 1.0 # Project : Xmerge # Author : Brian Cameron # Date : 5th Sept. 2001 # # # This script does the following: # # Processes the input file, and runs the tests specified in that # file. This will do the following for each test: # # 1. Convert a file from XML to PDB format # 2. Starts up the Palm OS emulator with the appropriate program # running and the converted file loaded the program. # 3. Makes automated changes as specified in the inputfile to # this script.. # 4. Returns to the main applications window. # # Parameter # Filename to convert and change # ########################################################################## # Turn on auto-flushing # $|=1; use EmRPC; # Directory where converterlib is located... # #use lib "/export/home/test/qadir/qa/lib"; use lib $ENV{'QA_LIB_HOME'}; use converterlib; #-------------------- Start of main script ------------------------------------ # Environmental Settings $pose_exe = ""; $pose_prc = ""; $test_list = ""; $infile = ""; $merge_opt = 0; # if testcase hasn't completed in 10 mins, then kill it off $testcase_timeout=600; # You may need to change this from the default if your pose emulator # starts faster or slower than mine. # if ($ENV{'POSE_TIMEOUT'}) { $pose_timeout = "$ENV{'POSE_TIMEOUT'}"; } else { $pose_timeout = 15; } $cmdline_len = @ARGV; if ($cmdline_len <= 0) { print_usage(); exit (0); } &process_cmdline(@ARGV); &print_env(); &verify_env_options(); # Make the output directories with timestamps included in the # directory names. # mkdir $pdb_orig, 0777 || die "can not create directory <$pdb_orig>."; `chmod 777 $pdb_orig`; mkdir $pdb_new, 0777 || die "can not create directory <$pdb_new>."; `chmod 777 $pdb_new`; mkdir $xml_new, 0777 || die "can not create directory <$xml_new>."; `chmod 777 $xml_new`; &verify_prcs_exist("DBExporter.prc"); if ($test_list ne "") { open (TESTLIST, $test_list) || die "Couldn't open testcase list file $test_list"; while () { &process_testcase($_); } } elsif ($infile ne "") { if (!defined($child_pid = fork())) { # there was an error forking a process print "ERROR: Unable to fork process\n"; die "ERROR: Unable to fork process\n"; } elsif ($child_pid) { # this is the parent process # run the actual test here print "********\tPARENT (pid = $$): process_testcase...\n"; &process_testcase($infile); print "********\tPARENT (pid = $$): ...process_testcase finished normally\n"; # test finished normally, so kill the monitor # that is running in the child process print "********\tPARENT (pid = $$): kill child process ($child_pid)\n"; print "********\tPARENT Before:\n"; system( "/usr/bin/ptree" ); kill( $child_pid ); kill( 9, $child_pid ); print "********\tPARENT After:\n"; system( "/usr/bin/ptree" ); } else { print "********\tCHILD (pid = $$): sleep for $testcase_timeout seconds\n"; # this is the child process # wait on the test running in the parent, and # kill it if it hasn't finished on time sleep( $testcase_timeout ); # if the parent hasn't killed this process before it # gets here, then it's probably hung, so we need to # kill it. print "********\tCHILD (pid = $$): TEST HUNG? still " ."running after [$testcase_timeout] seconds - " ."need to kill test process\n"; $parent = getppid; if ( $parent != 1 ) { print "********\nCHILD (pid = $$): Killing process ($parent)\n"; kill( $parent ); kill( 9, $parent ); } else { # If we cannot get the ppid, then the parent might # have died abnormally, before it got a chance to # kill this (child) process. print "********\nCHILD (pid = $$): cannot determine ppid - " ."terminating\n"; system( "/usr/bin/ptree" ); exit(2); } exit(1); } } else { die ("You didn't supply any test cases to process"); } print "Finished.\n"; exit(0); #-------------------- End of main script ---------------------------------------- #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Various sub routines #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- # process_testcase # infile - test case file name # # This is the main driver function # Opens the infile, reads it in parses it, runs the appropriate conversion # starts pose and load the file into the emulator. It launches the # appropriate editor and then runs the commands specified in the test case. # It then exports the file and saves it locally. Finally it is converted # back to the original office format. # sub process_testcase { my $infile = $_[0]; my $convert_file = ""; my $rc; # Process the inputfile # open (INFILE, $infile) || die "Failed to open test case <$infile>"; $running_testtype = ""; # Process the input file. # while ($c_inline = ) { chomp $c_inline; @entry = split('\|', $c_inline); # Process TEST # if ($c_inline =~ /^ *#/ || $c_inline =~ /^[ \t]*$/) { # skip comments and blank lines. # next; } elsif ("$entry[0]" eq "TEST") { # Close the test if one is running. # &close_program($convert_file); $running_testtype = ""; $valid_test = 0; if ($#entry != 3) { print "\nERROR, $entry[0] invalid number of arguments\n\n"; } else { # Start the test. # print "\nStarting test: $entry[1]\n"; $convert_file = $entry[3]; if ("$entry[2]" =~ /[Qq][Uu][Ii][Cc][Kk][Ww][Oo][Rr][Dd]/) { $xml_extension = "sxw"; $convert_to = "application/x-aportisdoc"; # Convert XML file to pdb format. # $rc = &convert_to_pdb("$xml_orig", $convert_file, $xml_extension , $convert_to,"$pdb_orig"); if ($rc != 0) { print "\nERROR, problem converting file $convert_file\n\n"; } else { # Start pose # $rc = &start_pose("$pose_exe", "$pose_prc/Quickword.PRC,$pose_prc/DBExporter.prc,$pdb_orig/$convert_file.pdb", "Quickword", $pose_timeout); if ($rc == 0) { &start_quickword(); $valid_test = 1; $running_testtype = "QUICKWORD"; print "\npose launched, begin automated test sequence for QuickWord\n"; } else { &kill_pose(); $running_testtype = ""; } } } elsif ("$entry[2]" =~ /[Mm][Ii][Nn][Ii][Cc][Aa][Ll][Cc]/) { $xml_extension = "sxc"; $convert_to = "application/x-minicalc"; # Convert XML file to pdb format. # $rc = &convert_to_pdb("$xml_orig", $convert_file, $xml_extension, $convert_to,"$pdb_orig"); if ($rc != 0) { print "\nERROR, problem converting file $convert_file\n\n"; } else { # Get minicalc PDB file names, since an SXC file can # be converted to more than one. # $pdb_files=""; $i = 1; while (-f "$pdb_orig/$convert_file-Sheet$i.pdb") { if ($i > 1) { $pdb_files .= ","; } $pdb_files .= "$pdb_orig/$convert_file-Sheet$i.pdb"; $i++; } $number = $i-1; # Start pose # $rc = &start_pose("$pose_exe", "$pose_prc/MiniCalc.prc,$pose_prc/DBExporter.prc,$pdb_files", "MiniCalc", $pose_timeout); if ($rc == 0) { &start_minicalc(); $valid_test = 1; $running_testtype = "MINICALC"; print "pose launched, begin automated test sequence for MiniCalc\n"; } else { &kill_pose(); $running_testtype = ""; } } } else { print "\nERROR, invalid extension <$entry[2]>\n\n"; } } } # Process DB_EXPORT # elsif ("$entry[0]" eq "DB_EXPORT") { if ($#entry != 1) { print "\nERROR, $entry[0] invalid number of arguments\n\n"; } else { &db_export($entry[1]); } } # Process TAP_APPLICATIONS # elsif ("$entry[0]" eq "TAP_APPLICATIONS") { if ($#entry != 0) { print "\nERROR, $entry[0] invalid number of arguments\n\n"; } else { &tap_applications(0); } } # Process ENTER_STRING_AT_LOCATION # elsif ("$entry[0]" eq "ENTER_STRING_AT_LOCATION") { if ($#entry != 3) { print "\nERROR, $entry[0] invalid number of arguments\n\n"; } elsif ($valid_test == 0) { print "\nERROR, can not process $entry[0] for invalid test\n\n"; } else { &enter_string_at_location($entry[1], $entry[2], $entry[3], $running_testtype); } } # Process TAP_PEN # elsif ("$entry[0]" eq "TAP_PEN") { if ($#entry != 2) { print "\nERROR, $entry[0] invalid number of arguments\n\n"; } elsif ($valid_test == 0) { print "\nERROR, can not process $entry[0] for invalid test\n\n"; } else { &pose_tap_pen($entry[1], $entry[2], 0); } } # Process TAP_BUTTON # elsif ("$entry[0]" eq "TAP_BUTTON") { if ($#entry != 1) { print "\nERROR, $entry[0] invalid number of arguments\n\n"; } elsif ($valid_test == 0) { print "\nERROR, can not process $entry[0] for invalid test\n\n"; } else { &pose_tap_button($entry[1], 0); } } # Process TAP_PEN_HARD # elsif ("$entry[0]" eq "TAP_PEN_HARD") { if ($#entry != 2) { print "\nERROR, $entry[0] invalid number of arguments\n\n"; } elsif ($valid_test == 0) { print "\nERROR, can not process $entry[0] for invalid test\n\n"; } else { &pose_tap_pen_hard($entry[1],$entry[2], 0); } } # Process SLEEP # elsif ("$entry[0]" eq "SLEEP") { if ($#entry != 1) { print "\nERROR, $entry[0] invalid number of arguments\n\n"; } else { &pose_sleep($entry[1]); } } # Process MINICALC_ENTER_CELL # elsif ("$entry[0]" eq "MINICALC_ENTER_CELL") { if ($#entry != 3) { print "\nERROR, $entry[0] invalid number of arguments\n\n"; } elsif ($valid_test == 0) { print "\nERROR, can not process $entry[0] for invalid test\n\n"; } else { &minicalc_enter_cell($entry[1], $entry[2], $entry[3]); } } # Process QUICKWORD_FIND_REPLACE # elsif ("$entry[0]" eq "QUICKWORD_FIND_REPLACE") { if ($#entry != 2) { print "\nERROR, $entry[0] invalid number of arguments\n\n"; } elsif ($valid_test == 0) { print "\nERROR, can not process $entry[0] for invalid test\n\n"; } else { &quickword_find_replace($entry[1], $entry[2]); } } else { print "\nERROR, invalid line <$c_inline>\n"; } } &close_program($convert_file); } # close_program # convert_file - file to export # # closes the program running in pose and kills pose # sub close_program { my $convert_file = $_[0]; if ($running_testtype eq "QUICKWORD") { print "QuickWord test completed.\n"; &close_program_quickword($convert_file); } elsif ($running_testtype eq "MINICALC") { print "MiniCalc test completed.\n"; &close_program_minicalc($convert_file, $number); } } # close_program_quickword # convert_file - file to export # # Closes quickword and kills pose # sub close_program_quickword { my $convert_file = $_[0]; my $error_file = "./error.txt"; my $rc; &close_quickword(); &db_export($convert_file); print "Moving /tmp/$convert_file.pdb to $pdb_new\n"; `mv /tmp/$convert_file.pdb $pdb_new`; `chmod 666 $pdb_new/$convert_file.pdb`; &close_connection(1); &kill_pose(); print "\nFinishing test...\n"; # The path of where to put the error file should be specified # in the properties file. Not sure if it is really necessary # to put this out to a separate file. STDOUT should be fine. # $rc = &convert_to_xml($xml_new, $xml_orig, "$pdb_new/$convert_file.pdb", "application/x-aportisdoc" , "sxw", $convert_file, $merge_opt); if ($rc != 0) { print "\nERROR, problem converting file $pdb_new/$convert_file.pdb\n\n"; } } # close_program_minicalc # convert_file - file to export # # Closes minicalc and kills pose # sub close_program_minicalc { my $convert_file = $_[0]; my $num_files = $_[1]; my $list=""; my $rc; &close_minicalc(); for ($a=1; $a <= $num_files; $a++) { &db_export("$convert_file-Sheet$a"); print "Moving /tmp/$convert_file-Sheet$a.pdb to $pdb_new/\n"; `mv /tmp/$convert_file-Sheet$a.pdb $pdb_new/`; `chmod 666 $pdb_new/$convert_file-Sheet$a.pdb`; } &close_connection(1); &kill_pose(); print "\nFinishing test...\n"; for ($a=1; $a <= $num_files; $a++) { $list .="$pdb_new/$convert_file-Sheet$a.pdb " } $rc = &convert_to_xml($xml_new, $xml_orig, "$list", "application/x-minicalc", "sxc", $convert_file, $merge_opt); if ($rc != 0) { print "\nERROR, problem converting file(s) $list\n\n"; } &pose_sleep(5); } # print_usage # # prints the usage for this program. # sub print_usage { print "Usage : test_driver.pl\n"; print "\t-test= \t\t: individual test case file to run\n"; print "\t-list= \t\t: list of test case files\n"; print "\t-env= \t\t: Properites like file defining env\n"; print "\t-pose-exe= \t: path to pose executable\n"; print "\t-pose-prc= \t: path to directory holding prc files\n"; print "\t-pdb-orig= \t: directory to hold original pdb files\n"; print "\t-pdb-new= \t: directory to hold new pdb files\n"; print "\t-xml-orig= \t: directory to hold original office documents\n"; print "\t-xml-new= \t: directory to hold new office documents\n"; print "\t-merge \t: Invokes the merge option when converting\n"; print "\t \t from PDB back to XML.\n"; } # print_env # # Prints the current environment. # sub print_env { print "\nUsing the following environment:\n"; print "\tPOSE_EXE = $pose_exe\n"; print "\tPOSE_PRC = $pose_prc\n"; print "\tPDB_ORIG = $pdb_orig\n"; print "\tPDB_NEW = $pdb_new\n"; print "\tXML_ORIG = $xml_orig\n"; print "\tXML_NEW = $xml_new\n"; } # process_cmdline # # command line options come in as key/value pairs. # read them and set the appropriate global variable # # Sets these globals: pose_exe, pose_prc, xml_orig, xml_new_dir, # xml_new, pdb_orig_dir, pdb_orig, pdb_new_dir, pdb_new. # sub process_cmdline { foreach $i (@_) { my @arg= split('=', $i); @arg[0] =~ tr/A-Z/a-z/; if (@arg[0] eq "-pose-exe") { $pose_exe=$arg[1]; } elsif (@arg[0] eq "-pose-prc") { $pose_prc=$arg[1]; } elsif (@arg[0] eq "-pdb-orig") { $pdb_orig_dir=$arg[1]; $pdb_orig=$arg[1]; } elsif (@arg[0] eq "-pdb-new") { $pdb_new_dir=$arg[1]; $pdb_new=$arg[1]; } elsif (@arg[0] eq "-xml-orig") { $xml_orig=$arg[1]; } elsif (@arg[0] eq "-xml-new") { $xml_new_dir=$arg[1]; $xml_new=$arg[1]; } elsif (@arg[0] eq "-env") { &set_env_from_props($arg[1]); } elsif (@arg[0] eq "-list") { $test_list = $arg[1]; } elsif (@arg[0] eq "-test") { $infile = $arg[1]; } elsif (@arg[0] eq "-merge") { $merge_opt = 1; } else { print_usage(); die "Incorrect command line"; } } } # set_env_from_props # infile - property file # # Read the properties file, of the form key=value # Valid key values are : # POSE_EXE # POSE_PRC # PDB_ORIG # PDB_NEW # XML_ORIG # XML_NEW # If a value is found the appropriate global variable is set. # # Sets these globals: pose_exe, pose_prc, xml_orig, xml_new_dir, # xml_new, pdb_orig_dir, pdb_orig, pdb_new_dir, pdb_new. # sub set_env_from_props { my $infile = $_[0]; open(PROPSFILE, $infile) || die "Could not open properties file <$infile>"; while () { chomp $_; my @arg = split('=', $_); @arg[0] =~ tr/a-z/A-Z/; my $len = @arg; if ($len != 2) { die "Malformed property in $arg[0]"; } if (@arg[0] eq "POSE_EXE") { $pose_exe=$arg[1]; } elsif (@arg[0] eq "POSE_PRC") { $pose_prc=$arg[1]; } elsif (@arg[0] eq "PDB_ORIG") { $pdb_orig_dir=$arg[1]; $pdb_orig=$arg[1]; } elsif (@arg[0] eq "PDB_NEW") { $pdb_new_dir=$arg[1]; $pdb_new=$arg[1]; } elsif (@arg[0] eq "XML_ORIG") { $xml_orig=$arg[1]; } elsif (@arg[0] eq "XML_NEW") { $xml_new_dir=$arg[1]; $xml_new=$arg[1]; } } close PROPSFILE; } # verify_env_options # # Verify that input options are correctly set. # Assumes pose_exe, pose_prc, xml_orig, xml_new_dir, # pdb_orig_dir, and pdb_new_dir are already set. # sub verify_env_options { if (!-e "$pose_exe") { die "The pose executable cannot be found at $pose_exe."; } if (!-x $pose_exe) { die "$pose_exe exists but is not executable."; } if (!-e "$pose_prc") { die "The PRC directory specified as $pose_prc does not exist."; } if (!-d "$pose_prc") { die "The PRC location specified as $pose_prc exists, but is not a directory."; } if (!-e "$pdb_orig_dir") { die "The original PDB directory specified as $pdb_orig_dir does not exist."; } if (!-d "$pdb_orig_dir") { die "The original PDB directory specified as $pdb_orig_dir exists but is not a directory."; } if (!-e "$pdb_new_dir") { die "The new PDB directory specified as $pdb_new_dir does not exist."; } if (!-d "$pdb_new_dir") { die "The new PDB directory specified as $pdb_new_dir exists but is not a directory."; } if (!-e "$xml_orig") { die "The original Office document directory specified as $xml_orig does not exist."; } if (!-d "$xml_orig") { die "The original Office document location specified as $xml_orig exists but is not a directory."; } if (!-e "$xml_new_dir") { die "The new Office document directory specified as $xml_new_dir does not exist."; } if (!-d "$xml_new_dir") { die "The new Office document location specified as $xml_new_dir exists but is not a directory."; } } # verify_prcs_exist # prcfile - the PRC file to check # # Verifies that the specified PRC file exists. # sub verify_prcs_exist { my $prcfile = $_[0]; if (!-e "$pose_prc/$prcfile") { die "The pose PRC directory ($pose_prc) is correct, but I can't find $prcfile there."; } }