#************************************************************************* # # OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite # # $RCSfile: wntmsci10.mk,v $ # # $Revision: 1.25 $ # # last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2007-04-26 13:57:46 $ # # The Contents of this file are made available subject to # the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. # # # GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 # ============================================= # Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. # 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA # # This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or # modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public # License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU # Lesser General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public # License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, # MA 02111-1307 USA # #************************************************************************* # mk file for $(OS)$(COM)$(CPU)$(COMEX) == WNTMSCI10 SOLAR_JAVA*=TRUE FULL_DESK=TRUE JAVAFLAGSDEBUG=-g # SOLAR JAva Unterstuetzung nur fuer wntmsci ASM=ml AFLAGS=/c /Cp /coff # architecture dependent flags for the C and C++ compiler that can be changed by # exporting the variable ARCH_FLAGS="..." in the shell, which is used to start build ARCH_FLAGS*= CC*:=$(WRAPCMD) cl .IF "$(bndchk)" != "" CXX*=nmcl .ELSE .IF "$(truetime)" != "" CXX*=nmcl /NMttOn .ELSE CXX*:=$(WRAPCMD) cl .ENDIF .ENDIF # "$(bndchk)" != "" .IF "$(stoponerror)" != "" CXX+= /NMstoponerror .ENDIF .IF "$(nmpass)" != "" CXX+= /NMpass .ENDIF .IF "$(ttinlines)" != "" CXX+= /NMttInlines .ENDIF .IF "$(ttnolines)" != "" CXX+= /NMttNoLines .ENDIF # Flags for COMEX == 10 CFLAGS+=-Zm500 -Zc:forScope -GR CFLAGS+=-c -nologo -Gs $(NOLOGO) CDEFS+= -D_X86_=1 .IF "$(product)" != "" CFLAGS+= -Gy .ENDIF # "$(product)" != "" .IF "$(bndchk)" == "" .IF "$(VC_STANDARD)"=="" CFLAGS+= -Ob1 .ENDIF # "$(VC_STANDARD)"=="" .ENDIF # flags to enable build with symbols; required for crashdump feature CFLAGSENABLESYMBOLS=-Zi -Fd$(MISC)$/_ooo_st_$(TARGET).PDB .IF "$(bndchk)" != "" .IF "$(debug)" == "" CFLAGS+= -Z7 .ENDIF .ENDIF .IF "$(truetime)" != "" .IF "$(debug)" == "" CFLAGS+= -Z7 .ENDIF .ENDIF .IF "$(FULL_DESK)"!="" CDEFS+=-DFULL_DESK RSCDEFS+=-DFULL_DESK .ENDIF CFLAGSEXCEPTIONS=-GX CFLAGS_NO_EXCEPTIONS= CFLAGS_CREATE_PCH=-I$(PRJ)$/inc$/pch -Fo$(SLO)$/pchname.obj -Ycprecompiled_$(PRJNAME).hxx -Fp$(SLO)$/pchname.pch -DPRECOMPILED_HEADERS CFLAGS_USE_PCH=-I$(PRJ)$/inc$/pch -Yuprecompiled_$(PRJNAME).hxx -Fp$(SLO)$/pchname.pch -DPRECOMPILED_HEADERS CFLAGS_USE_EXCEPTIONS_PCH=-I$(PRJ)$/inc$/pch -Yuprecompiled_$(PRJNAME).hxx -Fp$(SLO)$/pchname_ex.pch -DPRECOMPILED_HEADERS .IF "$(CALL_CDECL)"=="TRUE" CFLAGSCALL=-Gd .ELSE # "$(CALL_CDECL)"=="TRUE" CFLAGSCALL=-Gz .ENDIF # "$(CALL_CDECL)"=="TRUE" CFLAGSCC=$(ARCH_FLAGS) .IF "$(DYNAMIC_CRT)"!="" CDEFSSLOMT+=-DWIN32 -D_MT -D_DLL CDEFSSLOMT+=-DWIN32 -D_MT -D_DLL .IF "$(NO_DYNAMIC_OBJ)"=="" CDEFSOBJMT+=-DWIN32 -D_MT -D_DLL CDEFSOBJMT+=-DWIN32 -D_MT -D_DLL .ELSE CDEFSOBJMT+=-DWIN32 -D_MT CDEFSOBJMT+=-DWIN32 -D_MT .ENDIF .ELSE CDEFSSLOMT+=-DWIN32 -D_MT CDEFSSLOMT+=-DWIN32 -D_MT CDEFSOBJMT+=-DWIN32 -D_MT CDEFSOBJMT+=-DWIN32 -D_MT .ENDIF CFLAGSPROF=-Gh -Zd -Fd$(MISC)\_ooo_st_$(TARGET).PDB .IF "$(PDBTARGET)"!="" CFLAGSDEBUG=-Zi -Fd$(MISC)\$(PDBTARGET).PDB .ELSE CFLAGSDEBUG=-Zi -Fd$(MISC)\_ooo_st_$(TARGET).PDB .ENDIF CFLAGSDBGUTIL= .IF "$(VC_STANDARD)"=="" CFLAGSOPT=-Oxs -Oy- CFLAGSNOOPT=-Od .ELSE # "$(VC_STANDARD)"=="" CFLAGSOPT= CFLAGSNOOPT= .ENDIF # "$(VC_STANDARD)"=="" CFLAGSOUTOBJ=-Fo # For C and C++, certain warnings are disabled globally, as they result in # spurious warnings and are hard or impossible to workaround: # - "warning C4061: enumerate in switch of enum is not explicitly handled by a # case label", # - "warning C4063: case 'identifier' is not a valid value for switch of enum # 'enumeration'", # - "warning C4127: conditional expression is constant", # - "warning C4191: unsafe conversion from function type to function type", # - "warning C4217: member template functions cannot be used for copy-assignment # or copy-construction", # - "warning C4250: 'class1' : inherits 'class2::member' via dominance", # - "warning C4292: compiler limit : terminating debug information emission", # - "warning C4344: behavior change: use of explicit template arguments results # in call to 'function", # - "warning C4347: behavior change: 'overload A' is called instead of # 'overload B'", # - "warning C4355: 'this' used in base member initializer list", # - "warning C4503: 'identifier': decorated name length exceeded, name was # truncated" (http://msdn2.microsoft.com/en-us/library/074af4b6.aspx), # - "warning C4511: copy constructor could not be generated", # - "warning C4512: assignment operator could not be generated", # - "warning C4514: unreferenced inline function has been removed", # - "warning C4611: interaction between '_setjmp' and C++ object destruction is # non-portable", # - "warning C4619: warning Cnnnn unknown", # - "warning C4625: copy constructor could not be generated because a base class # copy constructor is inaccessible", # - "warning C4626: assignment operator could not be generated because a base # class assignment operator is inaccessible", # - "warning C4675: resolved overload was found by argument-dependent lookup", # - "warning C4686: possible change in behavior, change in UDT return calling # convention", # - "warning C4710: function not inlined", # - "warning C4711: function selected for automatic inline expansion", # - "warning C4820: padding added after member". # For C, certain warnings from system headers (stdlib.h etc.) have to be # disabled globally (for C++, this is not necessary, as the system headers are # wrapped by STLport): # - "warning C4255: no function prototype given: converting '()' to '(void)'". CFLAGSWARNCXX=-Wall -wd4061 -wd4063 -wd4127 -wd4191 -wd4217 -wd4250 -wd4251 \ -wd4275 -wd4290 -wd4292 -wd4294 -wd4344 -wd4347 -wd4355 -wd4503 -wd4511 \ -wd4512 -wd4514 -wd4611 -wd4619 -wd4625 -wd4626 -wd4640 -wd4675 -wd4686 \ -wd4710 -wd4711 -wd4786 -wd4800 -wd4820 CFLAGSWARNCC=$(CFLAGSWARNCXX) -wd4255 CFLAGSWALLCC=$(CFLAGSWARNCC) CFLAGSWALLCXX=$(CFLAGSWARNCXX) CFLAGSWERRCC=-WX # Once all modules on this platform compile without warnings, set # COMPILER_WARN_ERRORS=TRUE here instead of setting MODULES_WITH_WARNINGS (see # settings.mk): MODULES_WITH_WARNINGS := \ b_server \ basctl \ chart2 \ extensions \ lingu \ lingucomponent \ r_tools \ sc \ soldep \ starmath \ sw \ writerperfect CDEFS+=-DSTLPORT_VERSION=400 -DWINVER=0x400 -D_WIN32_IE=0x400 CDEFS+=-D_MT COMMENTFLAG=/COMMENT:"$(PRJNAME)_$(UPD)_$(VCSID)_" LINK=$(WRAPCMD) link $(COMMENTFLAG) $(NOLOGO) /MACHINE:IX86 LINKOUTPUTFILTER= $(PIPEERROR) $(GREP) -v "LNK4197:" .IF "$(PRODUCT)"!="full" .ELSE LINKFLAGS=/MAP /OPT:NOREF .ENDIF .IF "$(linkinc)" != "" LINKFLAGS=-NODEFAULTLIB -DEBUG:full -DEBUGTYPE:cv -INCREMENTAL:YES MAPFILE= .ELSE # "$(linkinc)" != "" .IF "$(PRODUCT)"!="full" LINKFLAGS+= -NODEFAULTLIB -DEBUG:full -DEBUGTYPE:cv .ELSE # "$(PRODUCT)"!="full" LINKFLAGS+= -NODEFAULTLIB -RELEASE -DEBUG:full .ENDIF # "$(PRODUCT)"!="full" MAPFILE=-out:$$@ .ENDIF # "$(linkinc)" != "" .IF "$(bndchk)" != "" LINK=nmlink $(COMMENTFLAG) $(NOLOGO) -MACHINE:IX86 LINKFLAGS=-NODEFAULTLIB -DEBUG:full -DEBUGTYPE:cv .ENDIF .IF "$(truetime)" != "" LINK=nmlink /NMttOn $(COMMENTFLAG) $(NOLOGO) /MACHINE:IX86 LINKFLAGS=/NODEFAULTLIB /DEBUG:full /DEBUGTYPE:cv .ENDIF LINKFLAGSAPPGUI=/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS,4.0 LINKFLAGSSHLGUI=/SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS,4.0 /DLL LINKFLAGSAPPCUI=/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /BASE:0x1b000000 LINKFLAGSSHLCUI=/SUBSYSTEM:CONSOLE /DLL LINKFLAGSTACK=/STACK: LINKFLAGSPROF=-DEBUG:mapped,partial -DEBUGTYPE:coff cap.lib LINKFLAGSWST=-DEBUG:mapped,partial -DEBUGTYPE:coff wst.lib -NODEFAULTLIB LINKFLAGSDEBUG=-DEBUG:full -DEBUGTYPE:cv LINKFLAGSOPT= UWINAPILIB*=uwinapi.lib .IF "$(DYNAMIC_CRT)"!="" .IF "$(USE_STLP_DEBUG)" != "" LIBCMT=msvcrtd.lib .ELSE # "$(USE_STLP_DEBUG)" != "" LIBCMT=msvcrt.lib .ENDIF # "$(USE_STLP_DEBUG)" != "" .ELSE # "$(DYNAMIC_CRT)"!="" .IF "$(USE_STLP_DEBUG)" != "" LIBCMT=libcmtd.lib .ELSE # "$(USE_STLP_DEBUG)" != "" LIBCMT=libcmt.lib .ENDIF # "$(USE_STLP_DEBUG)" != "" .ENDIF # "$(DYNAMIC_CRT)"!="" STDOBJVCL=$(L)$/salmain.obj STDOBJGUI= STDSLOGUI= STDOBJCUI= STDSLOCUI= STDLIBGUIMT=$(LIBCMT) $(UWINAPILIB) kernel32.lib user32.lib oldnames.lib STDLIBCUIMT=$(LIBCMT) $(UWINAPILIB) kernel32.lib user32.lib oldnames.lib STDSHLGUIMT=$(LIBCMT) $(UWINAPILIB) kernel32.lib user32.lib oldnames.lib STDSHLCUIMT=$(LIBCMT) $(UWINAPILIB) kernel32.lib user32.lib oldnames.lib .IF "$(USE_STLP_DEBUG)" != "" CFLAGS+=-MTd LIBSTLPORT=stlport_vc71_stldebug.lib LIBSTLPORTST=stlport_vc71_stldebug_static.lib .ELSE LIBSTLPORT=stlport_vc71.lib LIBSTLPORTST=stlport_vc71_static.lib .ENDIF ATL_INCLUDE*=$(COMPATH)$/atlmfc$/include ATL_LIB*=$(COMPATH)$/atlmfc$/lib LIBMGR=$(WRAPCMD) lib $(NOLOGO) IMPLIB=$(WRAPCMD) lib LIBFLAGS= IMPLIBFLAGS=-machine:IX86 MAPSYM= MAPSYMFLAGS= RC=$(WRAPCMD) rc RCFLAGS=-r -DWIN32 -fo$@ $(RCFILES) RCLINK=rc RCLINKFLAGS= RCSETVERSION= DLLPOSTFIX=mi CSC*=$(WRAPCMD) csc VBC*=$(WRAPCMD) vbc ADVAPI32LIB=advapi32.lib SHELL32LIB=shell32.lib GDI32LIB=gdi32.lib OLE32LIB=ole32.lib OLEAUT32LIB=oleaut32.lib UUIDLIB=uuid.lib WINSPOOLLIB=winspool.lib IMM32LIB=imm32.lib PSPLIB=apsp.lib VERSIONLIB=version.lib WINMMLIB=winmm.lib WSOCK32LIB=wsock32.lib MPRLIB=mpr.lib WS2_32LIB=ws2_32.lib KERNEL32LIB=kernel32.lib USER32LIB=user32.lib MSVCRTLIB=msvcrt.lib COMDLG32LIB=comdlg32.lib COMCTL32LIB=comctl32.lib CRYPT32LIB=crypt32.lib GDIPLUSLIB=gdiplus.lib DBGHELPLIB=dbghelp.lib MSILIB=msi.lib DDRAWLIB=ddraw.lib SHLWAPILIB=shlwapi.lib URLMONLIB=urlmon.lib UNICOWSLIB=unicows.lib WININETLIB=wininet.lib OLDNAMESLIB=oldnames.lib