/************************************************************************* * * OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite * * $RCSfile: FieldDescControl.hxx,v $ * * $Revision: 1.16 $ * * last change: $Author: kz $ $Date: 2007-05-10 10:27:31 $ * * The Contents of this file are made available subject to * the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1. * * * GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1 * ============================================= * Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc. * 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA * * This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public * License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation. * * This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public * License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, * MA 02111-1307 USA * ************************************************************************/ #ifndef DBAUI_FIELDDESCRIPTIONCONTROL_HXX #define DBAUI_FIELDDESCRIPTIONCONTROL_HXX #ifndef _SV_TABPAGE_HXX #include #endif #ifndef DBAUI_ENUMTYPES_HXX #include "QEnumTypes.hxx" #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_SDBC_XDATABASEMETADATA_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef _COM_SUN_STAR_UTIL_XNUMBERFORMATTER_HPP_ #include #endif #ifndef DBAUI_TYPEINFO_HXX #include "TypeInfo.hxx" #endif //------------------------------------------------------------------ // die Spalten einer Feld-Beschreibung einer Tabelle #define FIELD_NAME 1 #define FIELD_TYPE 2 #define FIELD_DESCR 3 #define FIELD_FIRST_VIRTUAL_COLUMN 4 #define FIELD_PROPERTY_REQUIRED 4 #define FIELD_PROPERTY_NUMTYPE 5 #define FIELD_PROPERTY_AUTOINC 6 #define FIELD_PROPERTY_DEFAULT 7 #define FIELD_PROPERTY_TEXTLEN 8 #define FIELD_PROPERTY_LENGTH 9 #define FIELD_PROPERTY_SCALE 10 #define FIELD_PROPERTY_BOOL_DEFAULT 11 #define FIELD_PROPERTY_FORMAT 12 #define FIELD_PRPOERTY_COLUMNNAME 13 #define FIELD_PRPOERTY_TYPE 14 #define FIELD_PRPOERTY_AUTOINCREMENT 15 class FixedText; class PushButton; class SvxNumberFormatShell; class ScrollBar; class Button; class ListBox; class Control; class SvNumberFormatter; namespace dbaui { class OTableDesignHelpBar; class OPropListBoxCtrl; class OPropEditCtrl; class OPropNumericEditCtrl; class OFieldDescription; class OTypeInfo; class OPropColumnEditCtrl; //================================================================== class OFieldDescControl : public TabPage { private: OTableDesignHelpBar* pHelp; Window* pLastFocusWindow; Window* m_pActFocusWindow; FixedText* pDefaultText; FixedText* pRequiredText; FixedText* pAutoIncrementText; FixedText* pTextLenText; FixedText* pNumTypeText; FixedText* pLengthText; FixedText* pScaleText; FixedText* pFormatText; FixedText* pBoolDefaultText; FixedText* m_pColumnNameText; FixedText* m_pTypeText; FixedText* m_pAutoIncrementValueText; OPropListBoxCtrl* pRequired; OPropListBoxCtrl* pNumType; OPropListBoxCtrl* pAutoIncrement; OPropEditCtrl* pDefault; OPropNumericEditCtrl* pTextLen; OPropNumericEditCtrl* pLength; OPropNumericEditCtrl* pScale; OPropEditCtrl* pFormatSample; OPropListBoxCtrl* pBoolDefault; OPropColumnEditCtrl* m_pColumnName; OPropListBoxCtrl* m_pType; OPropEditCtrl* m_pAutoIncrementValue; PushButton* pFormat; ScrollBar* m_pVertScroll; ScrollBar* m_pHorzScroll; TOTypeInfoSP m_pPreviousType; USHORT nCurChildId; short m_nPos; XubString aYes; XubString aNo; long m_nOldVThumb; long m_nOldHThumb; sal_Int32 m_nWidth; ULONG nDelayedGrabFocusEvent; sal_Bool m_bAdded; bool m_bRightAligned; OFieldDescription* pActFieldDescr; DECL_LINK( OnScroll, ScrollBar*); DECL_LINK( FormatClickHdl, Button * ); DECL_LINK( ChangeHdl, ListBox * ); DECL_LINK( DelayedGrabFocus, Control** ); // von ActivatePropertyField benutzt DECL_LINK( OnControlFocusLost, Control* ); DECL_LINK( OnControlFocusGot, Control* ); void UpdateFormatSample(OFieldDescription* pFieldDescr); void ArrangeAggregates(); void SetPosSize( Control** ppControl, long nRow, USHORT nCol ); void ScrollAggregate(Control* pText, Control* pInput, Control* pButton, long nDeltaX, long nDeltaY); void ScrollAllAggregates(); sal_Bool isTextFormat(const OFieldDescription* _pFieldDescr,sal_uInt32& _nFormatKey) const; protected: inline void setRightAligned() { m_bRightAligned = true; } inline bool isRightAligned() const { return m_bRightAligned; } inline void saveCurrentFieldDescData() { SaveData( pActFieldDescr ); } inline OFieldDescription* getCurrentFieldDescData() { return pActFieldDescr; } inline void setCurrentFieldDescData( OFieldDescription* _pDesc ) { pActFieldDescr = _pDesc; } USHORT CountActiveAggregates() const; virtual void ActivateAggregate( EControlType eType ); virtual void DeactivateAggregate( EControlType eType ); virtual BOOL IsReadOnly() { return FALSE; }; // Sind von den abgeleiteten Klassen zu impl. virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::util::XNumberFormatter > GetFormatter() const = 0; virtual ::com::sun::star::lang::Locale GetLocale() const = 0; virtual void CellModified(long nRow, USHORT nColId ) = 0; virtual void SetModified(BOOL bModified); // base implementation is empty virtual TOTypeInfoSP getTypeInfo(sal_Int32 _nPos) = 0; virtual const OTypeInfoMap* getTypeInfo() const = 0; virtual sal_Bool isAutoIncrementValueEnabled() const = 0; virtual ::rtl::OUString getAutoIncrementValue() const = 0; String BoolStringPersistent(const String& rUIString) const; String BoolStringUI(const String& rPersistentString) const; const OPropColumnEditCtrl* getColumnCtrl() const { return m_pColumnName; } public: OFieldDescControl( Window* pParent, OTableDesignHelpBar* pHelpBar); OFieldDescControl( Window* pParent, const ResId& rResId, OTableDesignHelpBar* pHelpBar); virtual ~OFieldDescControl(); void DisplayData(OFieldDescription* pFieldDescr ); // void DisplayData(const OColumn* pColumn); void SaveData( OFieldDescription* pFieldDescr ); // void SaveData( OColumn* pColumn); void SetControlText( USHORT nControlId, const String& rText ); String GetControlText( USHORT nControlId ); void SetReadOnly( BOOL bReadOnly ); // Resize aufegrufen void CheckScrollBars(); sal_Bool isCutAllowed(); sal_Bool isCopyAllowed(); sal_Bool isPasteAllowed(); void cut(); void copy(); void paste(); virtual void Init(); virtual void GetFocus(); virtual void LoseFocus(); virtual void Resize(); virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XDatabaseMetaData> getMetaData() = 0; virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::sdbc::XConnection> getConnection() = 0; String getControlDefault( const OFieldDescription* _pFieldDescr ,sal_Bool _bCheck = sal_True) const; inline void setEditWidth(sal_Int32 _nWidth) { m_nWidth = _nWidth; } protected: void implFocusLost(Window* _pWhich); }; } #endif // DBAUI_FIELDDESCRIPTIONCONTROL_HXX