Contains database pieces, drivers, etc.
dbaccess builds UI on top of this.
=== PostgreSQL ===
For testing, use:
podman pull postgres:latest podman run --name=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=foobarbaz -p postgres:latest
In Base, Connect to an existing database, select PostgreSQL:
URL: host= port=5432 dbname=postgres User: postgres Password: foobarbaz
podman stop postgres podman rm postgres
In order to test SCRAM authentication, create the container like this:
podman run --name=postgres -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=foobarbaz -e POSTGRES_INITDB_ARGS=--auth-host=scram-sha-256 -e POSTGRES_HOST_AUTH_METHOD=scram-sha-256 -p postgres:latest
=== mysql_test ===
The CppunitTest_mysql_test unit test can be used to test the mysqlc library with any versions of mysql or mariadb server of your choice.
This test does not run automatically. It can be triggered with setting the environment variable "CONNECTIVITY_TEST_MYSQL_DRIVER".
The environment variable should contain a URL of the following format: [user]/[passwd]@sdbc:mysql:mysqlc:[host]:[port]/db_name
podman pull mariadb/server podman run --name=mariadb -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=foobarbaz -p mariadb/server podman exec -it mariadb /bin/bash -c "echo -e CREATE DATABASE test | /usr/bin/mysql -u root" (cd connectivity && make -srj8 CppunitTest_connectivity_mysql_test CONNECTIVITY_TEST_MYSQL_DRIVER="root/foobarbaz@sdbc:mysql:mysqlc:") podman stop mariadb podman rm mariadb