2010-10-07 19:06:03 -05:00

409 lines
16 KiB

* Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* This file is part of
* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 3 along with If not, see
* <>
* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
#ifndef _SDPAGE_HXX
#define _SDPAGE_HXX
#include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <functional>
#include <com/sun/star/drawing/XDrawPage.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/presentation/FadeEffect.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/office/XAnnotation.hpp>
#include <list>
#include <functional>
#include <vector>
#include <svx/svdobj.hxx>
#include <svx/fmpage.hxx>
#include "fadedef.h"
#include "diadef.h"
#include "pres.hxx"
#include "shapelist.hxx"
#include "misc/scopelock.hxx"
#include "sddllapi.h"
namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace animations {
class XAnimationNode;
} } } }
class SfxStyleSheet;
class SdDrawDocument;
class SdrTextObj;
class SdPageLink;
class StarBASIC;
class SfxItemSet;
struct StyleRequestData;
class SdPage;
class Paragraph;
class Outliner;
class SdStyleSheet;
namespace sd
class MainSequence;
namespace boost
template<class X> class shared_ptr;
namespace sd {
struct SD_DLLPUBLIC HeaderFooterSettings
bool mbHeaderVisible;
String maHeaderText;
bool mbFooterVisible;
String maFooterText;
bool mbSlideNumberVisible;
bool mbDateTimeVisible;
bool mbDateTimeIsFixed;
String maDateTimeText;
int meDateTimeFormat;
bool operator==( const HeaderFooterSettings& rSettings ) const;
typedef std::vector< ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::office::XAnnotation > > AnnotationVector;
namespace sd {
class UndoAnimation;
class UndoTransition;
class UndoGeoObject;
class UndoAttrObject;
class SD_DLLPUBLIC SdPage : public FmFormPage, public SdrObjUserCall
friend class SdGenericDrawPage;
friend class SdDrawPage;
friend class sd::UndoAnimation;
friend class sd::UndoTransition;
friend class ModifyPageUndoAction;
friend class sd::UndoGeoObject;
friend class sd::UndoAttrObject;
PageKind mePageKind; // Seitentyp
AutoLayout meAutoLayout; // AutoLayout
sd::ShapeList maPresentationShapeList; // Praesentationsobjekte
sd::ScopeLock maLockAutoLayoutArrangement;
BOOL mbSelected; // Selektionskennung
PresChange mePresChange; // manuell/automatisch/halbautomatisch
UINT32 mnTime; // Anzeigedauer in Sekunden
BOOL mbSoundOn; // mit/ohne Sound (TRUE/FALSE)
BOOL mbExcluded; // wird in der Show nicht/doch
// angezeigt (TRUE/FALSE)
String maLayoutName; // Name des Layouts
String maSoundFile; // Pfad zum Soundfile (MSDOS-Notation)
bool mbLoopSound;
bool mbStopSound;
String maCreatedPageName; // von GetPageName erzeugter Seitenname
String maFileName; // Filename
String maBookmarkName; // Bookmarkname
BOOL mbScaleObjects; // Objekte sollen skaliert werden
BOOL mbBackgroundFullSize; // Hintergrundobjekt auf ganze Seite darstellen
rtl_TextEncoding meCharSet; // Text-Encoding
USHORT mnPaperBin; // PaperBin
Orientation meOrientation; // Print-Orientation
SdPageLink* mpPageLink; // PageLink (nur bei gelinkten Seiten)
sd::AnnotationVector maAnnotations;
/** holds the smil animation sequences for this page */
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNode > mxAnimationNode;
/** a helper class to manipulate effects inside the main sequence */
boost::shared_ptr< sd::MainSequence > mpMainSequence;
virtual ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::uno::XInterface > createUnoPage();
SfxItemSet* mpItems;
SfxItemSet* getOrCreateItems();
sd::HeaderFooterSettings maHeaderFooterSettings;
// new transition settings
sal_Int16 mnTransitionType;
sal_Int16 mnTransitionSubtype;
sal_Bool mbTransitionDirection;
sal_Int32 mnTransitionFadeColor;
double mfTransitionDuration;
SdPage(SdDrawDocument& rNewDoc, StarBASIC* pBasic, BOOL bMasterPage=FALSE);
SdPage(const SdPage& rSrcPage);
virtual SdrPage* Clone() const;
virtual SdrPage* Clone(SdrModel* pNewModel) const;
virtual void SetSize(const Size& aSize);
virtual void SetBorder(INT32 nLft, INT32 nUpp, INT32 nRgt, INT32 Lwr);
virtual void SetLftBorder(INT32 nBorder);
virtual void SetRgtBorder(INT32 nBorder);
virtual void SetUppBorder(INT32 nBorder);
virtual void SetLwrBorder(INT32 nBorder);
virtual void SetModel(SdrModel* pNewModel);
virtual bool IsReadOnly() const;
sd::ShapeList& GetPresentationShapeList() { return maPresentationShapeList; }
void EnsureMasterPageDefaultBackground();
SdrObject* CreatePresObj(PresObjKind eObjKind, BOOL bVertical, const Rectangle& rRect, BOOL bInsert=FALSE);
SdrObject* CreateDefaultPresObj(PresObjKind eObjKind, bool bInsert);
SdrObject* GetPresObj(PresObjKind eObjKind, int nIndex = 1, bool bFuzzySearch = false );
PresObjKind GetPresObjKind(SdrObject* pObj) const;
String GetPresObjText(PresObjKind eObjKind) const;
SfxStyleSheet* GetStyleSheetForMasterPageBackground() const;
SfxStyleSheet* GetStyleSheetForPresObj(PresObjKind eObjKind) const;
bool RestoreDefaultText( SdrObject* pObj );
/** returns true if the given SdrObject is inside the presentation object list */
bool IsPresObj(const SdrObject* pObj);
/** removes the given SdrObject from the presentation object list */
void RemovePresObj(const SdrObject* pObj);
/** inserts the given SdrObject into the presentation object list */
void InsertPresObj(SdrObject* pObj, PresObjKind eKind );
void SetAutoLayout(AutoLayout eLayout, BOOL bInit=FALSE, BOOL bCreate=FALSE);
AutoLayout GetAutoLayout() const { return meAutoLayout; }
void CreateTitleAndLayout(BOOL bInit=FALSE, BOOL bCreate=FALSE);
SdrObject* InsertAutoLayoutShape(SdrObject* pObj, PresObjKind eObjKind, bool bVertical, Rectangle aRect, bool bInit );
virtual void NbcInsertObject(SdrObject* pObj, ULONG nPos=CONTAINER_APPEND,
const SdrInsertReason* pReason=NULL);
virtual SdrObject* NbcRemoveObject(ULONG nObjNum);
virtual SdrObject* RemoveObject(ULONG nObjNum);
// #95876# Also overload ReplaceObject methods to realize when
// objects are removed with this mechanism instead of RemoveObject
virtual SdrObject* NbcReplaceObject(SdrObject* pNewObj, ULONG nObjNum);
virtual SdrObject* ReplaceObject(SdrObject* pNewObj, ULONG nObjNum);
virtual void SetLinkData(const String& rLinkName, const String& rLinkData);
void SetObjText(SdrTextObj* pObj, SdrOutliner* pOutliner, PresObjKind eObjKind, const String& rStr );
void SetPageKind(PageKind ePgType) { mePageKind = ePgType; }
PageKind GetPageKind() const { return mePageKind; }
void SetSelected(BOOL bSel) { mbSelected = bSel; }
BOOL IsSelected() const { return mbSelected; }
void SetFadeEffect(::com::sun::star::presentation::FadeEffect eNewEffect);
::com::sun::star::presentation::FadeEffect GetFadeEffect() const;
void SetPresChange(PresChange eChange) { mePresChange = eChange; }
PresChange GetPresChange() const { return mePresChange; }
void SetTime(UINT32 nNewTime) { mnTime = nNewTime; }
UINT32 GetTime() const { return mnTime; }
void SetSound(BOOL bNewSoundOn) { mbSoundOn = bNewSoundOn; }
BOOL IsSoundOn() const { return mbSoundOn; }
void SetExcluded(BOOL bNewExcluded) { mbExcluded = bNewExcluded; }
BOOL IsExcluded() const { return mbExcluded; }
void SetScaleObjects(BOOL bScale) { mbScaleObjects = bScale; }
BOOL IsScaleObjects() const { return mbScaleObjects; }
void SetSoundFile(const String& rStr) { maSoundFile = rStr; }
String GetSoundFile() const { return maSoundFile; }
void SetLoopSound( bool bLoopSound ) { mbLoopSound = bLoopSound; }
bool IsLoopSound() const { return mbLoopSound; }
void SetStopSound( bool bStopSound ) { mbStopSound = bStopSound; }
bool IsStopSound() const { return mbStopSound; }
sal_Int16 getTransitionType() const;
void setTransitionType( sal_Int16 nTransitionType );
sal_Int16 getTransitionSubtype() const;
void setTransitionSubtype( sal_Int16 nTransitionSubtype );
sal_Bool getTransitionDirection() const;
void setTransitionDirection( sal_Bool bTransitionbDirection );
sal_Int32 getTransitionFadeColor() const;
void setTransitionFadeColor( sal_Int32 nTransitionFadeColor );
double getTransitionDuration() const;
void setTransitionDuration( double fTranstionDuration );
// Virtuelle Methoden von SdrObjUserCall
virtual void Changed(const SdrObject& rObj, SdrUserCallType eType,
const Rectangle& rOldBoundRect);
void SetLayoutName(String aName);
virtual String GetLayoutName() const { return maLayoutName; }
void SetFileName(const String& aName) { maFileName = aName; }
virtual String GetFileName() const { return maFileName; }
void SetBookmarkName(const String& aName) { maBookmarkName = aName; }
virtual String GetBookmarkName() const { return maBookmarkName; }
SdPageLink* GetLink() { return mpPageLink; }
void ConnectLink();
void DisconnectLink();
void ScaleObjects(const Size& rNewPageSize, const Rectangle& rNewBorderRect,
BOOL bScaleAllObj);
const String& GetName() const;
String GetRealName() const { return FmFormPage::GetName(); };
void SetPresentationLayout(const String& rLayoutName,
BOOL bReplaceStyleSheets = TRUE,
BOOL bSetMasterPage = TRUE,
BOOL bReverseOrder = FALSE);
void EndListenOutlineText();
void SetBackgroundFullSize( BOOL bIn );
BOOL IsBackgroundFullSize() const { return mbBackgroundFullSize; }
rtl_TextEncoding GetCharSet() { return(meCharSet); }
void SetPaperBin(USHORT nBin) { mnPaperBin = nBin; }
USHORT GetPaperBin() const { return mnPaperBin; }
virtual void SetOrientation(Orientation eOrient);
virtual Orientation GetOrientation() const;
virtual SfxStyleSheet* GetTextStyleSheetForObject( SdrObject* pObj ) const;
sal_Bool setAlienAttributes( const com::sun::star::uno::Any& rAttributes );
void getAlienAttributes( com::sun::star::uno::Any& rAttributes );
/** returns the main animation node */
::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNode > getAnimationNode() throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
/** sets the main animation node */
void setAnimationNode( ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::animations::XAnimationNode >& xNode ) throw (::com::sun::star::uno::RuntimeException);
/** returns a helper class to manipulate effects inside the main sequence */
boost::shared_ptr< sd::MainSequence > getMainSequence();
/** quick check if this slide has an animation node.
This can be used to have a cost free check if there are no animations ad this slide.
If it returns true this does not mean that there are animations available.
bool hasAnimationNode() const;
/** returns the SdPage implementation for the given XDrawPage or 0 if not available */
static SdPage* getImplementation( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::drawing::XDrawPage >& xPage );
/** removes all custom animations for the given shape */
void removeAnimations( const SdrObject* pObj );
/** Set the name of the page and broadcast a model change.
virtual void SetName (const String& rName);
const sd::HeaderFooterSettings& getHeaderFooterSettings() const;
void setHeaderFooterSettings( const sd::HeaderFooterSettings& rNewSettings );
/** this method returns true if the object from the ViewObjectContact should
be visible on this page while rendering.
bEdit selects if visibility test is for an editing view or a final render,
like printing.
virtual bool checkVisibility(
const sdr::contact::ViewObjectContact& rOriginal,
const sdr::contact::DisplayInfo& rDisplayInfo,
bool bEdit );
/** callback from the sd::View when a new paragraph for one object on this page is created */
void onParagraphInserted( ::Outliner* pOutliner, Paragraph* pPara, SdrObject* pObj );
/** callback from the sd::View when a paragraph from one object on this page is removed */
void onParagraphRemoving( ::Outliner* pOutliner, Paragraph* pPara, SdrObject* pObj );
/** callback from the sd::View when an object just left text edit mode */
void onEndTextEdit( SdrObject* pObj );
/** returns the presentation style with the given helpid from this masterpage or this
slides masterpage */
SdStyleSheet* getPresentationStyle( sal_uInt32 nHelpId ) const;
/** removes all empty presentation objects from this slide */
void RemoveEmptyPresentationObjects();
Rectangle GetTitleRect() const;
Rectangle GetLayoutRect() const;
static void CalculateHandoutAreas( SdDrawDocument& rModel, AutoLayout eLayout, bool bHorizontal, std::vector< Rectangle >& rAreas );
/** Set the "precious" flag to the given value.
void SetPrecious (const bool bIsPrecious);
/** The "precious" flag is used for master pages to prevent some unused
master pages from being deleted automatically. For pages
other than master pages this flag can be ignored.
When this method returns <TRUE/> for a master page then this
master page should not be deleted automatically.
bool IsPrecious (void) const;
void createAnnotation( ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::office::XAnnotation >& xAnnotation );
void addAnnotation( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::office::XAnnotation >& xAnnotation, int nIndex = -1 );
void removeAnnotation( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Reference< ::com::sun::star::office::XAnnotation >& xAnnotation );
const sd::AnnotationVector& getAnnotations() const { return maAnnotations; }
bool hasAnnotations() const { return !maAnnotations.empty(); }
bool mbIsPrecious;
/** clone the animations from this and set them to rTargetPage
void cloneAnimations( SdPage& rTargetPage ) const;
/** called before a shape is removed or replaced from this slide */
void onRemoveObject( SdrObject* pObject );
#endif // _SDPAGE_HXX