Change-Id: I75771dbcecd58259bffdd2ddb0df631205aa8d93 Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/117032 Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <noel.grandin@collabora.co.uk>
309 lines
13 KiB
Executable file
309 lines
13 KiB
Executable file
import sys
import re
import io
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# globals
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
definitionSet = set() # set of tuple(return_type, name_and_params)
definitionToSourceLocationMap = dict()
# for the "unused methods" analysis
callSet = set() # set of tuple(return_type, name_and_params)
# for the "method can be private" analysis
publicDefinitionSet = set() # set of tuple(return_type, name_and_params)
protectedDefinitionSet = set() # set of tuple(return_type, name_and_params)
calledFromOutsideSet = set() # set of tuple(return_type, name_and_params)
virtualSet = set() # set of tuple(return_type, name_and_params)
# for the "unused return types" analysis
usedReturnSet = set() # set of tuple(return_type, name_and_params)
# clang does not always use exactly the same numbers in the type-parameter vars it generates
# so I need to substitute them to ensure we can match correctly.
normalizeTypeParamsRegex = re.compile(r"type-parameter-\d+-\d+")
def normalizeTypeParams( line ):
return normalizeTypeParamsRegex.sub("type-parameter-?-?", line)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# primary input loop
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
with io.open("workdir/loplugin.unusedmethods.log", "r", buffering=16*1024*1024) as txt:
for line in txt:
tokens = line.strip().split("\t")
if tokens[0] == "definition:":
access = tokens[1]
returnType = tokens[2]
nameAndParams = tokens[3]
sourceLocation = tokens[4]
virtual = ""
if len(tokens)>=6: virtual = tokens[5]
funcInfo = (normalizeTypeParams(returnType), normalizeTypeParams(nameAndParams))
if access == "public":
elif access == "protected":
definitionToSourceLocationMap[funcInfo] = sourceLocation
if virtual == "virtual":
elif tokens[0] == "call:":
returnType = tokens[1]
nameAndParams = tokens[2]
callSet.add((normalizeTypeParams(returnType), normalizeTypeParams(nameAndParams)))
elif tokens[0] == "usedReturn:":
returnType = tokens[1]
nameAndParams = tokens[2]
usedReturnSet.add((normalizeTypeParams(returnType), normalizeTypeParams(nameAndParams)))
elif tokens[0] == "outside:":
returnType = tokens[1]
nameAndParams = tokens[2]
calledFromOutsideSet.add((normalizeTypeParams(returnType), normalizeTypeParams(nameAndParams)))
print( "unknown line: " + line)
# Invert the definitionToSourceLocationMap.
sourceLocationToDefinitionMap = {}
for k, v in definitionToSourceLocationMap.items():
sourceLocationToDefinitionMap[v] = sourceLocationToDefinitionMap.get(v, [])
def isOtherConstness( d, callSet ):
method = d[0] + " " + d[1]
# if this method is const, and there is a non-const variant of it, and the non-const variant is in use, then leave it alone
if d[0].startswith("const ") and d[1].endswith(" const"):
if ((d[0][6:],d[1][:-6]) in callSet):
return True
elif method.endswith(" const"):
method2 = method[:len(method)-6] # strip off " const"
if ((d[0],method2) in callSet):
return True
if method.endswith(" const") and ("::iterator" in method):
method2 = method[:len(method)-6] # strip off " const"
method2 = method2.replace("::const_iterator", "::iterator")
if ((d[0],method2) in callSet):
return True
# if this method is non-const, and there is a const variant of it, and the const variant is in use, then leave it alone
if (not method.endswith(" const")) and ((d[0],"const " + method + " const") in callSet):
return True
if (not method.endswith(" const")) and ("::iterator" in method):
method2 = method.replace("::iterator", "::const_iterator") + " const"
if ((d[0],method2) in callSet):
return True
return False
# sort the results using a "natural order" so sequences like [item1,item2,item10] sort nicely
def natural_sort_key(s, _nsre=re.compile('([0-9]+)')):
return [int(text) if text.isdigit() else text.lower()
for text in re.split(_nsre, s)]
# sort by both the source-line and the datatype, so the output file ordering is stable
# when we have multiple items on the same source line
def v_sort_key(v):
return natural_sort_key(v[1]) + [v[0]]
def sort_set_by_natural_key(s):
return sorted(s, key=lambda v: v_sort_key(v))
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "unused methods" analysis
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tmp1set = set() # set of tuple(method, source_location)
unusedSet = set() # set of tuple(return_type, name_and_params)
for d in definitionSet:
method = d[0] + " " + d[1]
if d in callSet:
if isOtherConstness(d, callSet):
# exclude assignment operators, if we remove them, the compiler creates a default one, which can have odd consequences
if "::operator=(" in d[1]:
# these are only invoked implicitly, so the plugin does not see the calls
if "::operator new(" in d[1] or "::operator delete(" in d[1]:
# just ignore iterators, they normally occur in pairs, and we typically want to leave one constness version alone
# alone if the other one is in use.
if d[1] == "begin() const" or d[1] == "begin()" or d[1] == "end()" or d[1] == "end() const":
# used by Windows build
if any(x in d[1] for x in ["DdeTopic::", "DdeData::", "DdeService::", "DdeTransaction::", "DdeConnection::", "DdeLink::", "DdeItem::", "DdeGetPutItem::"]):
if method == "class tools::SvRef<class FontCharMap> FontCharMap::GetDefaultMap(_Bool)":
# these are loaded by dlopen() from somewhere
if "get_implementation" in d[1]:
if "component_getFactory" in d[1]:
if d[0]=="_Bool" and "_supportsService(const class rtl::OUString &)" in d[1]:
if (d[0]=="class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::uno::XInterface>"
and "Instance(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory> &)" in d[1]):
# ignore the Java symbols, loaded from the JavaVM
if d[1].startswith("Java_"):
# ignore the VCL_BUILDER_DECL_FACTORY stuff
if d[0]=="void" and d[1].startswith("make") and ("(class VclPtr<class vcl::Window> &" in d[1]):
# ignore methods used to dump objects to stream - normally used for debugging
if d[0] == "class std::basic_ostream<char> &" and d[1].startswith("operator<<(class std::basic_ostream<char> &"):
if d[0] == "basic_ostream<type-parameter-?-?, type-parameter-?-?> &" and d[1].startswith("operator<<(basic_ostream<type-parameter-?-?"):
# ignore lambdas
if (" ::operator " in method) or (" ::__invoke(" in method) or (" ::operator())" in method): continue
# ignore stuff generated by std::function parameters
if ("(anonymous)::operator " in method) and ("(*)" in method): continue
# stuff generated by Qt
if "::tr(" in method or "::trUtf8(" in method: continue
location = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d];
# whacky template stuff
if location.startswith("sc/source/ui/vba/vbaformat.hxx"): continue
# not sure how this stuff is called
if location.startswith("include/test"): continue
# leave the debug/dump alone
if location.startswith("include/oox/dump"): continue
# plugin testing stuff
if location.startswith("compilerplugins/clang/test"): continue
# leave this alone for now
if location.startswith("include/LibreOfficeKit"): continue
# template stuff
if location.startswith("include/vcl/vclptr.hxx"): continue
if location.startswith("include/oox/helper/refvector.hxx"): continue
if location.startswith("include/oox/drawingml/chart/modelbase.hxx"): continue
unusedSet.add(d) # used by the "unused return types" analysis
tmp1set.add((method, location))
# print out the results, sorted by name and line number
with open("compilerplugins/clang/unusedmethods.results", "wt") as f:
for t in sort_set_by_natural_key(tmp1set):
f.write(t[1] + "\n")
f.write(" " + t[0] + "\n")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "unused return types" analysis
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tmp2set = set()
for d in definitionSet:
method = d[0] + " " + d[1]
if d in usedReturnSet:
if d in unusedSet:
if isOtherConstness(d, usedReturnSet):
# ignore methods with no return type, and constructors
if d[0] == "void" or d[0] == "":
# ignore UNO constructor method entrypoints
if "_get_implementation" in d[1] or "_getFactory" in d[1]:
# the plugin can't see calls to these
if "::operator new" in d[1]:
# unused return type is not a problem here
if ("operator=(" in d[1] or "operator&=" in d[1] or "operator|=" in d[1] or "operator^=" in d[1]
or "operator+=" in d[1] or "operator-=" in d[1]
or "operator<<" in d[1] or "operator>>" in d[1]
or "operator++" in d[1] or "operator--" in d[1]):
# ignore UNO constructor functions
if (d[0] == "class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::uno::XInterface>" and
d[1].endswith("_createInstance(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory> &)")):
if (d[0] == "class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::uno::XInterface>" and
d[1].endswith("_CreateInstance(const class com::sun::star::uno::Reference<class com::sun::star::lang::XMultiServiceFactory> &)")):
# debug code
if d[1] == "writerfilter::ooxml::OOXMLPropertySet::toString()":
# ignore lambdas
if "::__invoke(" in d[1]:
if "::operator " in d[1] and "(*)(" in d[1]:
location = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d];
# windows only
if location.startswith("include/svl/svdde.hxx"): continue
# fluent API (return ref to self)
if location.startswith("include/tools/stream.hxx"): continue
if location.startswith("include/oox/helper/refvector.hxx"): continue
if location.startswith("include/oox/drawingml/chart/modelbase.hxx"): continue
# templates
if location.startswith("include/vcl/vclptr.hxx"): continue
# external API
if location.startswith("include/LibreOfficeKit/LibreOfficeKit.hxx"): continue
tmp2set.add((method, location))
#Disable this for now, not really using it
# print output, sorted by name and line number
with open("compilerplugins/clang/unusedmethods.unused-returns.results", "wt") as f:
for t in sort_set_by_natural_key(tmp2set):
f.write(t[1] + "\n")
f.write(" " + t[0] + "\n")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "method can be private" analysis
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
tmp3set = set()
for d in publicDefinitionSet:
method = d[0] + " " + d[1]
if d in calledFromOutsideSet:
if d in virtualSet:
# TODO ignore constructors for now, my called-from-outside analysis doesn't work here
if d[0] == "":
if isOtherConstness(d, calledFromOutsideSet):
tmp3set.add((method, definitionToSourceLocationMap[d]))
# print output, sorted by name and line number
with open("loplugin.unusedmethods.report-can-be-private", "wt") as f:
for t in sort_set_by_natural_key(tmp3set):
f.write(t[1] + "\n")
f.write(" " + t[0] + "\n")
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# "all protected methods in class can be made private" analysis
# --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
potentialClasses = set()
excludedClasses = set()
potentialClassesSourceLocationMap = dict()
matchClassName = re.compile(r"(\w+)::")
for d in protectedDefinitionSet:
m = matchClassName.match(d[1])
if not m: continue
clazz = m.group(1)
if d in calledFromOutsideSet:
potentialClassesSourceLocationMap[clazz] = definitionToSourceLocationMap[d]
tmp4set = set()
for d in (potentialClasses - excludedClasses):
tmp4set.add((d, potentialClassesSourceLocationMap[d]))
# print output, sorted by name and line number
with open("loplugin.unusedmethods.report-all-protected-can-be-private", "wt") as f:
for t in sort_set_by_natural_key(tmp4set):
f.write(t[1] + "\n")
f.write(" " + t[0] + "\n")