Test repository to check push and ssh key
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2001-10-16 15:19:02 +00:00
automation chg: Syntax #87576# 2001-06-20 14:50:13 +00:00
basctl Merge SRC641: 12.10.01 - 23:48:41 2001-10-12 20:48:30 +00:00
extensions Merge SRC641: 10/12/01 - 22:59:34 2001-10-12 19:59:32 +00:00
forms #92922# insert replaced by approveNewElement/implInsert (ensure that when inserting, the own mutex is released before doing any notifications) 2001-10-16 15:19:02 +00:00
lingucomponent fix to return a spell alternative object even when 2001-09-24 17:40:13 +00:00
MathMLDTD #87576# each module needs a build.lst 2001-08-10 09:46:52 +00:00
package #92925# the target of a transfer must be a directory...not a file! 2001-10-10 15:07:48 +00:00
UnoControls #65293#: exception specifications 2001-09-27 12:42:25 +00:00
wizards #92590# in ReadDir Macro now finally GoOn Button disabled 2001-10-15 11:52:41 +00:00