Michael Meeks 837e2808f7 re-base on ALv2 code. Includes:
Patches contributed by Armin Le-Grand
    #118898# Adapted ImpGraphic::ImplGetBitmap to correctly convert metafiles...
    #118485# - Styles for OLEs are not saved.

    Patches contributed by Andre Fischer

    Patch contributed by Ariel Constenla-Haile
    i#118505# - Remove MN_OLE_OBJECT menu item from Draw/Impress
    contextmenu  - CWS contextmenu1

    Patch contributed by Zhang Jian Fang
    #118876#, Add check if the OutlinerParaObject is created successfully

restore a re-based rdbedit.
2012-11-28 12:48:36 +00:00

672 lines
33 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at .
#include <unotools/configitem.hxx>
#include <sfx2/module.hxx>
#include <sfx2/app.hxx>
#include <sfx2/sfxsids.hrc>
#include <svx/optgrid.hxx>
#include <svx/dlgutil.hxx>
#include "sddllapi.h"
// -----------------
// - Option ranges -
// -----------------
#define SD_OPTIONS_NONE 0x00000000
#define SD_OPTIONS_ALL 0xffffffff
#define SD_OPTIONS_LAYOUT 0x00000001
#define SD_OPTIONS_CONTENTS 0x00000002
#define SD_OPTIONS_MISC 0x00000004
#define SD_OPTIONS_SNAP 0x00000008
#define SD_OPTIONS_ZOOM 0x00000010
#define SD_OPTIONS_GRID 0x00000020
#define SD_OPTIONS_PRINT 0x00000040
// ------------
// - Forwards -
// ------------
class SdOptions;
namespace sd {
class FrameView;
// -----------------
// - SdOptionsItem -
// -----------------
class SdOptionsGeneric;
class SD_DLLPUBLIC SdOptionsItem : public ::utl::ConfigItem
const SdOptionsGeneric& mrParent;
SdOptionsItem( const SdOptionsGeneric& rParent, const ::rtl::OUString rSubTree );
virtual ~SdOptionsItem();
virtual void Commit();
virtual void Notify( const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<rtl::OUString>& aPropertyNames);
::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::com::sun::star::uno::Any > GetProperties(
const ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString >& rNames );
sal_Bool PutProperties( const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< rtl::OUString >& rNames,
const com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< com::sun::star::uno::Any>& rValues );
void SetModified();
// --------------------
// - SdOptionsGeneric -
// --------------------
class SD_DLLPUBLIC SdOptionsGeneric
friend class SdOptionsItem;
::rtl::OUString maSubTree;
SdOptionsItem* mpCfgItem;
sal_uInt16 mnConfigId;
sal_Bool mbInit : 1;
sal_Bool mbEnableModify : 1;
SD_DLLPRIVATE void Commit( SdOptionsItem& rCfgItem ) const;
SD_DLLPRIVATE ::com::sun::star::uno::Sequence< ::rtl::OUString > GetPropertyNames() const;
void Init() const;
void OptionsChanged() { if( mpCfgItem && mbEnableModify ) mpCfgItem->SetModified(); }
virtual void GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, sal_uLong& rCount ) const = 0;
virtual sal_Bool ReadData( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pValues ) = 0;
virtual sal_Bool WriteData( ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pValues ) const = 0;
SdOptionsGeneric( sal_uInt16 nConfigId, const ::rtl::OUString& rSubTree );
virtual ~SdOptionsGeneric();
const ::rtl::OUString& GetSubTree() const { return maSubTree; }
sal_uInt16 GetConfigId() const { return mnConfigId; }
void EnableModify( sal_Bool bModify ) { mbEnableModify = bModify; }
void Store();
static bool isMetricSystem();
// -------------------
// - SdOptionsLayout -
// -------------------
class SD_DLLPUBLIC SdOptionsLayout : public SdOptionsGeneric
sal_Bool bRuler; // Layout/Display/Ruler
sal_Bool bMoveOutline; // Layout/Display/Contur
sal_Bool bDragStripes; // Layout/Display/Guide
sal_Bool bHandlesBezier; // Layout/Display/Bezier
sal_Bool bHelplines; // Layout/Display/Helpline
sal_uInt16 nMetric; // Layout/Other/MeasureUnit
sal_uInt16 nDefTab; // Layout/Other/TabStop
virtual void GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, sal_uLong& rCount ) const;
virtual sal_Bool ReadData( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pValues );
virtual sal_Bool WriteData( ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pValues ) const;
SdOptionsLayout( sal_uInt16 nConfigId, sal_Bool bUseConfig );
virtual ~SdOptionsLayout() {}
sal_Bool operator==( const SdOptionsLayout& rOpt ) const;
sal_Bool IsRulerVisible() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bRuler; }
sal_Bool IsMoveOutline() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bMoveOutline; }
sal_Bool IsDragStripes() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bDragStripes; }
sal_Bool IsHandlesBezier() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bHandlesBezier; }
sal_Bool IsHelplines() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bHelplines; }
sal_uInt16 GetMetric() const { Init(); return( ( 0xffff == nMetric ) ? (sal_uInt16)SfxModule::GetCurrentFieldUnit() : nMetric ); }
sal_uInt16 GetDefTab() const { Init(); return nDefTab; }
void SetRulerVisible( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bRuler != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bRuler = bOn; } }
void SetMoveOutline( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bMoveOutline != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bMoveOutline = bOn; } }
void SetDragStripes( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bDragStripes != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bDragStripes = bOn; } }
void SetHandlesBezier( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bHandlesBezier != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bHandlesBezier = bOn; } }
void SetHelplines( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bHelplines != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bHelplines = bOn; } }
void SetMetric( sal_uInt16 nInMetric ) { if( nMetric != nInMetric ) { OptionsChanged(); nMetric = nInMetric; } }
void SetDefTab( sal_uInt16 nTab ) { if( nDefTab != nTab ) { OptionsChanged(); nDefTab = nTab; } }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SD_DLLPUBLIC SdOptionsLayoutItem : public SfxPoolItem
SdOptionsLayoutItem( sal_uInt16 nWhich);
SdOptionsLayoutItem( sal_uInt16 nWhich, SdOptions* pOpts, ::sd::FrameView* pView = NULL );
virtual SfxPoolItem* Clone( SfxItemPool *pPool = 0 ) const;
virtual int operator==( const SfxPoolItem& ) const;
void SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const;
SdOptionsLayout& GetOptionsLayout() { return maOptionsLayout; }
SdOptionsLayout maOptionsLayout;
// ---------------------
// - SdOptionsContents -
// ---------------------
class SD_DLLPUBLIC SdOptionsContents : public SdOptionsGeneric
virtual void GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, sal_uLong& rCount ) const;
virtual sal_Bool ReadData( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pValues );
virtual sal_Bool WriteData( ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pValues ) const;
SdOptionsContents( sal_uInt16 nConfigId, sal_Bool bUseConfig );
virtual ~SdOptionsContents() {}
sal_Bool operator==( const SdOptionsContents& rOpt ) const;
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SD_DLLPUBLIC SdOptionsContentsItem : public SfxPoolItem
SdOptionsContentsItem( sal_uInt16 nWhich, SdOptions* pOpts, ::sd::FrameView* pView = NULL );
virtual SfxPoolItem* Clone( SfxItemPool *pPool = 0 ) const;
virtual int operator==( const SfxPoolItem& ) const;
void SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const;
SdOptionsContents& GetOptionsContents() { return maOptionsContents; }
SdOptionsContents maOptionsContents;
// -----------------
// - SdOptionsMisc -
// -----------------
class SD_DLLPUBLIC SdOptionsMisc : public SdOptionsGeneric
sal_uLong nDefaultObjectSizeWidth;
sal_uLong nDefaultObjectSizeHeight;
sal_Bool bStartWithTemplate : 1; // Misc/NewDoc/AutoPilot
sal_Bool bMarkedHitMovesAlways : 1; // Misc/ObjectMoveable
sal_Bool bMoveOnlyDragging : 1; // Currently, not in use !!!
sal_Bool bCrookNoContortion : 1; // Misc/NoDistort
sal_Bool bQuickEdit : 1; // Misc/TextObject/QuickEditing
sal_Bool bMasterPageCache : 1; // Misc/BackgroundCache
sal_Bool bDragWithCopy : 1; // Misc/CopyWhileMoving
sal_Bool bPickThrough : 1; // Misc/TextObject/Selectable
sal_Bool bDoubleClickTextEdit : 1; // Misc/DclickTextedit
sal_Bool bClickChangeRotation : 1; // Misc/RotateClick
sal_Bool bStartWithActualPage : 1; // Misc/Start/CurrentPage
sal_Bool bEnableSdremote : 1; // Misc/Start/EnableSdremote
sal_Bool bSolidDragging : 1; // Misc/ModifyWithAttributes
sal_Bool bSummationOfParagraphs : 1; // misc/SummationOfParagraphs
sal_Bool bShowUndoDeleteWarning : 1; // Misc/ShowUndoDeleteWarning
// #i75315#
sal_Bool bSlideshowRespectZOrder : 1; // Misc/SlideshowRespectZOrder
sal_Bool bShowComments : 1; // Misc/ShowComments
sal_Bool bPreviewNewEffects;
sal_Bool bPreviewChangedEffects;
sal_Bool bPreviewTransitions;
sal_Int32 mnDisplay;
sal_Int32 mnPenColor;
double mnPenWidth;
/** This value controls the device to use for formatting documents.
The currently supported values are 0 for the current printer or 1
for the printer independent virtual device the can be retrieved from
the modules.
sal_uInt16 mnPrinterIndependentLayout; // Misc/Compatibility/PrinterIndependentLayout
// Misc
virtual void GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, sal_uLong& rCount ) const;
virtual sal_Bool ReadData( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pValues );
virtual sal_Bool WriteData( ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pValues ) const;
SdOptionsMisc( sal_uInt16 nConfigId, sal_Bool bUseConfig );
virtual ~SdOptionsMisc() {}
sal_Bool operator==( const SdOptionsMisc& rOpt ) const;
sal_Bool IsStartWithTemplate() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bStartWithTemplate; }
sal_Bool IsMarkedHitMovesAlways() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bMarkedHitMovesAlways; }
sal_Bool IsMoveOnlyDragging() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bMoveOnlyDragging; }
sal_Bool IsCrookNoContortion() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bCrookNoContortion; }
sal_Bool IsQuickEdit() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bQuickEdit; }
sal_Bool IsMasterPagePaintCaching() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bMasterPageCache; }
sal_Bool IsDragWithCopy() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bDragWithCopy; }
sal_Bool IsPickThrough() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bPickThrough; }
sal_Bool IsDoubleClickTextEdit() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bDoubleClickTextEdit; }
sal_Bool IsClickChangeRotation() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bClickChangeRotation; }
sal_Bool IsStartWithActualPage() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bStartWithActualPage; }
sal_Bool IsEnableSdremote() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bEnableSdremote; }
sal_Bool IsSolidDragging() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bSolidDragging; }
sal_Bool IsSummationOfParagraphs() const { Init(); return bSummationOfParagraphs != 0; };
/** Return the currently selected printer independent layout mode.
Returns 1 for printer independent layout enabled and 0 when it
is disabled. Other values are reserved for future use.
sal_uInt16 GetPrinterIndependentLayout() const { Init(); return mnPrinterIndependentLayout; };
sal_Bool IsShowUndoDeleteWarning() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bShowUndoDeleteWarning; }
sal_Bool IsSlideshowRespectZOrder() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bSlideshowRespectZOrder; }
sal_uLong GetDefaultObjectSizeWidth() const { Init(); return nDefaultObjectSizeWidth; }
sal_uLong GetDefaultObjectSizeHeight() const { Init(); return nDefaultObjectSizeHeight; }
sal_Bool IsPreviewNewEffects() const { Init(); return bPreviewNewEffects; }
sal_Bool IsPreviewChangedEffects() const { Init(); return bPreviewChangedEffects; }
sal_Bool IsPreviewTransitions() const { Init(); return bPreviewTransitions; }
sal_Int32 GetDisplay() const;
void SetDisplay( sal_Int32 nDisplay = 0 );
sal_Int32 GetPresentationPenColor() const { Init(); return mnPenColor; }
void SetPresentationPenColor( sal_Int32 nPenColor ) { if( mnPenColor != nPenColor ) { OptionsChanged(); mnPenColor = nPenColor; } }
double GetPresentationPenWidth() const { Init(); return mnPenWidth; }
void SetPresentationPenWidth( double nPenWidth ) { if( mnPenWidth != nPenWidth ) { OptionsChanged(); mnPenWidth = nPenWidth; } }
void SetStartWithTemplate( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bStartWithTemplate != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bStartWithTemplate = bOn; } }
void SetMarkedHitMovesAlways( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bMarkedHitMovesAlways != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bMarkedHitMovesAlways = bOn; } }
void SetMoveOnlyDragging( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bMoveOnlyDragging != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bMoveOnlyDragging = bOn; } }
void SetCrookNoContortion( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bCrookNoContortion != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bCrookNoContortion = bOn; } }
void SetQuickEdit( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bQuickEdit != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bQuickEdit = bOn; } }
void SetMasterPagePaintCaching( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bMasterPageCache != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bMasterPageCache = bOn; } }
void SetDragWithCopy( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bDragWithCopy != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bDragWithCopy = bOn; } }
void SetPickThrough( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bPickThrough != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bPickThrough = bOn; } }
void SetDoubleClickTextEdit( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bDoubleClickTextEdit != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bDoubleClickTextEdit = bOn; } }
void SetClickChangeRotation( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bClickChangeRotation != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bClickChangeRotation = bOn; } }
void SetStartWithActualPage( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bStartWithActualPage != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bStartWithActualPage = bOn; } }
void SetEnableSdremote( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bEnableSdremote != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bEnableSdremote = bOn; } }
void SetSummationOfParagraphs( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ){ if ( bOn != bSummationOfParagraphs ) { OptionsChanged(); bSummationOfParagraphs = bOn; } }
/** Set the printer independent layout mode.
@param nOn
The default value is to switch printer independent layout on,
hence the parameters name. Use 0 for turning it off. Other
values are reserved for future use.
void SetPrinterIndependentLayout (sal_uInt16 nOn = 1 ){ if ( nOn != mnPrinterIndependentLayout ) { OptionsChanged(); mnPrinterIndependentLayout = nOn; } }
void SetSolidDragging( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bSolidDragging != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bSolidDragging = bOn; } }
void SetShowUndoDeleteWarning( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bShowUndoDeleteWarning != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bShowUndoDeleteWarning = bOn; } }
void SetSlideshowRespectZOrder( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bSlideshowRespectZOrder != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bSlideshowRespectZOrder = bOn; } }
void SetDefaultObjectSizeWidth( sal_uLong nWidth ) { if( nDefaultObjectSizeWidth != nWidth ) { OptionsChanged(); nDefaultObjectSizeWidth = nWidth; } }
void SetDefaultObjectSizeHeight( sal_uLong nHeight ) { if( nDefaultObjectSizeHeight != nHeight ) { OptionsChanged(); nDefaultObjectSizeHeight = nHeight; } }
void SetPreviewNewEffects( sal_Bool bOn ) { if( bPreviewNewEffects != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bPreviewNewEffects = bOn; } }
void SetPreviewChangedEffects( sal_Bool bOn ) { if( bPreviewChangedEffects != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bPreviewChangedEffects = bOn; } }
void SetPreviewTransitions( sal_Bool bOn ) { if( bPreviewTransitions != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bPreviewTransitions = bOn; } }
sal_Bool IsShowComments() const { Init(); return bShowComments; }
void SetShowComments( sal_Bool bShow ) { if( bShowComments != bShow ) { OptionsChanged(); bShowComments = bShow; } }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SD_DLLPUBLIC SdOptionsMiscItem : public SfxPoolItem
SdOptionsMiscItem( sal_uInt16 nWhich);
SdOptionsMiscItem( sal_uInt16 nWhich, SdOptions* pOpts, ::sd::FrameView* pView = NULL );
virtual SfxPoolItem* Clone( SfxItemPool *pPool = 0 ) const;
virtual int operator==( const SfxPoolItem& ) const;
void SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const;
SdOptionsMisc& GetOptionsMisc() { return maOptionsMisc; }
const SdOptionsMisc& GetOptionsMisc() const { return maOptionsMisc; }
SdOptionsMisc maOptionsMisc;
// -----------------
// - SdOptionsSnap -
// -----------------
class SD_DLLPUBLIC SdOptionsSnap : public SdOptionsGeneric
sal_Bool bSnapHelplines : 1; // Snap/Object/SnapLine
sal_Bool bSnapBorder : 1; // Snap/Object/PageMargin
sal_Bool bSnapFrame : 1; // Snap/Object/ObjectFrame
sal_Bool bSnapPoints : 1; // Snap/Object/ObjectPoint
sal_Bool bOrtho : 1; // Snap/Position/CreatingMoving
sal_Bool bBigOrtho : 1; // Snap/Position/ExtendEdges
sal_Bool bRotate : 1; // Snap/Position/Rotating
sal_Int16 nSnapArea; // Snap/Object/Range
sal_Int16 nAngle; // Snap/Position/RotatingValue
sal_Int16 nBezAngle; // Snap/Position/PointReduction
virtual void GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, sal_uLong& rCount ) const;
virtual sal_Bool ReadData( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pValues );
virtual sal_Bool WriteData( ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pValues ) const;
SdOptionsSnap( sal_uInt16 nConfigId, sal_Bool bUseConfig );
virtual ~SdOptionsSnap() {}
sal_Bool operator==( const SdOptionsSnap& rOpt ) const;
sal_Bool IsSnapHelplines() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bSnapHelplines; }
sal_Bool IsSnapBorder() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bSnapBorder; }
sal_Bool IsSnapFrame() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bSnapFrame; }
sal_Bool IsSnapPoints() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bSnapPoints; }
sal_Bool IsOrtho() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bOrtho; }
sal_Bool IsBigOrtho() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bBigOrtho; }
sal_Bool IsRotate() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bRotate; }
sal_Int16 GetSnapArea() const { Init(); return nSnapArea; }
sal_Int16 GetAngle() const { Init(); return nAngle; }
sal_Int16 GetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle() const { Init(); return nBezAngle; }
void SetSnapHelplines( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bSnapHelplines != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bSnapHelplines = bOn; } }
void SetSnapBorder( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bSnapBorder != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bSnapBorder = bOn; } }
void SetSnapFrame( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bSnapFrame != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bSnapFrame = bOn; } }
void SetSnapPoints( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bSnapPoints != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bSnapPoints = bOn; } }
void SetOrtho( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bOrtho != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bOrtho = bOn; } }
void SetBigOrtho( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bBigOrtho != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bBigOrtho = bOn; } }
void SetRotate( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bRotate != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bRotate = bOn; } }
void SetSnapArea( sal_Int16 nIn ) { if( nSnapArea != nIn ) { OptionsChanged(); nSnapArea = nIn; } }
void SetAngle( sal_Int16 nIn ) { if( nAngle != nIn ) { OptionsChanged(); nAngle = nIn; } }
void SetEliminatePolyPointLimitAngle( sal_Int16 nIn ) { if( nBezAngle != nIn ) { OptionsChanged(); nBezAngle = nIn; } }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SD_DLLPUBLIC SdOptionsSnapItem : public SfxPoolItem
SdOptionsSnapItem( sal_uInt16 nWhich);
SdOptionsSnapItem( sal_uInt16 nWhich, SdOptions* pOpts, ::sd::FrameView* pView = NULL );
virtual SfxPoolItem* Clone( SfxItemPool *pPool = 0 ) const;
virtual int operator==( const SfxPoolItem& ) const;
void SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const;
SdOptionsSnap& GetOptionsSnap() { return maOptionsSnap; }
SdOptionsSnap maOptionsSnap;
// -----------------
// - SdOptionsZoom -
// -----------------
class SdOptionsZoom : public SdOptionsGeneric
sal_Int32 nX; // Zoom/ScaleX
sal_Int32 nY; // Zoom/ScaleY
virtual void GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, sal_uLong& rCount ) const;
virtual sal_Bool ReadData( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pValues );
virtual sal_Bool WriteData( ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pValues ) const;
SdOptionsZoom( sal_uInt16 nConfigId, sal_Bool bUseConfig );
virtual ~SdOptionsZoom() {}
sal_Bool operator==( const SdOptionsZoom& rOpt ) const;
void GetScale( sal_Int32& rX, sal_Int32& rY ) const { Init(); rX = nX; rY = nY; }
void SetScale( sal_Int32 nInX, sal_Int32 nInY ) { if( nX != nInX || nY != nInY ) { OptionsChanged(); nX = nInX; nY = nInY; } }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// -----------------
// - SdOptionsGrid -
// -----------------
class SdOptionsGrid : public SdOptionsGeneric, public SvxOptionsGrid
virtual void GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, sal_uLong& rCount ) const;
virtual sal_Bool ReadData( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pValues );
virtual sal_Bool WriteData( ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pValues ) const;
SdOptionsGrid( sal_uInt16 nConfigId, sal_Bool bUseConfig );
virtual ~SdOptionsGrid();
void SetDefaults();
sal_Bool operator==( const SdOptionsGrid& rOpt ) const;
sal_uInt32 GetFldDrawX() const { Init(); return SvxOptionsGrid::GetFldDrawX(); }
sal_uInt32 GetFldDivisionX() const { Init(); return SvxOptionsGrid::GetFldDivisionX(); }
sal_uInt32 GetFldDrawY() const { Init(); return SvxOptionsGrid::GetFldDrawY(); }
sal_uInt32 GetFldDivisionY() const { Init(); return SvxOptionsGrid::GetFldDivisionY(); }
sal_uInt32 GetFldSnapX() const { Init(); return SvxOptionsGrid::GetFldSnapX(); }
sal_uInt32 GetFldSnapY() const { Init(); return SvxOptionsGrid::GetFldSnapY(); }
sal_Bool IsUseGridSnap() const { Init(); return SvxOptionsGrid::GetUseGridSnap(); }
sal_Bool IsSynchronize() const { Init(); return SvxOptionsGrid::GetSynchronize(); }
sal_Bool IsGridVisible() const { Init(); return SvxOptionsGrid::GetGridVisible(); }
sal_Bool IsEqualGrid() const { Init(); return SvxOptionsGrid::GetEqualGrid(); }
void SetFldDrawX( sal_uInt32 nSet ) { if( nSet != SvxOptionsGrid::GetFldDrawX() ) { OptionsChanged(); SvxOptionsGrid::SetFldDrawX( nSet ); } }
void SetFldDivisionX( sal_uInt32 nSet ) { if( nSet != SvxOptionsGrid::GetFldDivisionX() ) { OptionsChanged(); SvxOptionsGrid::SetFldDivisionX( nSet ); } }
void SetFldDrawY( sal_uInt32 nSet ) { if( nSet != SvxOptionsGrid::GetFldDrawY() ) { OptionsChanged(); SvxOptionsGrid::SetFldDrawY( nSet ); } }
void SetFldDivisionY( sal_uInt32 nSet ) { if( nSet != SvxOptionsGrid::GetFldDivisionY() ) { OptionsChanged(); SvxOptionsGrid::SetFldDivisionY( nSet ); } }
void SetFldSnapX( sal_uInt32 nSet ) { if( nSet != SvxOptionsGrid::GetFldSnapX() ) { OptionsChanged(); SvxOptionsGrid::SetFldSnapX( nSet ); } }
void SetFldSnapY( sal_uInt32 nSet ) { if( nSet != SvxOptionsGrid::GetFldSnapY() ) { OptionsChanged(); SvxOptionsGrid::SetFldSnapY( nSet ); } }
void SetUseGridSnap( sal_Bool bSet ) { if( bSet != SvxOptionsGrid::GetUseGridSnap() ) { OptionsChanged(); SvxOptionsGrid::SetUseGridSnap( bSet ); } }
void SetSynchronize( sal_Bool bSet ) { if( bSet != SvxOptionsGrid::GetSynchronize() ) { OptionsChanged(); SvxOptionsGrid::SetSynchronize( bSet ); } }
void SetGridVisible( sal_Bool bSet ) { if( bSet != SvxOptionsGrid::GetGridVisible() ) { OptionsChanged(); SvxOptionsGrid::SetGridVisible( bSet ); } }
void SetEqualGrid( sal_Bool bSet ) { if( bSet != SvxOptionsGrid::GetEqualGrid() ) { OptionsChanged(); SvxOptionsGrid::SetEqualGrid( bSet ); } }
// -----------------------------------------------
class SdOptionsGridItem : public SvxGridItem
SdOptionsGridItem( sal_uInt16 nWhich, SdOptions* pOpts, ::sd::FrameView* pView = NULL );
void SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const;
// ------------------
// - SdOptionsPrint -
// ------------------
class SD_DLLPUBLIC SdOptionsPrint : public SdOptionsGeneric
sal_Bool bDraw : 1; // Print/Content/Drawing
sal_Bool bNotes : 1; // Print/Content/Note
sal_Bool bHandout : 1; // Print/Content/Handout
sal_Bool bOutline : 1; // Print/Content/Outline
sal_Bool bDate : 1; // Print/Other/Date
sal_Bool bTime : 1; // Print/Other/Time
sal_Bool bPagename : 1; // Print/Other/PageName
sal_Bool bHiddenPages : 1; // Print/Other/HiddenPage
sal_Bool bPagesize : 1; // Print/Page/PageSize
sal_Bool bPagetile : 1; // Print/Page/PageTile
sal_Bool bWarningPrinter : 1; // These flags you get
sal_Bool bWarningSize : 1; // from the common options,
sal_Bool bWarningOrientation : 1; // currently org.openoffice.Office.Common.xml (class OfaMiscCfg ; sfx2/misccfg.hxx )
sal_Bool bBooklet : 1; // Print/Page/Booklet
sal_Bool bFront : 1; // Print/Page/BookletFront
sal_Bool bBack : 1; // Print/Page/BookletFront
sal_Bool bCutPage : 1; // NOT persistent !!!
sal_Bool bPaperbin : 1; // Print/Other/FromPrinterSetup
sal_Bool mbHandoutHorizontal : 1; // Order Page previews on Handout Pages horizontal
sal_uInt16 mnHandoutPages; // Number of page previews on handout page (only 1/2/4/6/9 are supported)
sal_uInt16 nQuality; // Print/Other/Quality
virtual void GetPropNameArray( const char**& ppNames, sal_uLong& rCount ) const;
virtual sal_Bool ReadData( const ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pValues );
virtual sal_Bool WriteData( ::com::sun::star::uno::Any* pValues ) const;
SdOptionsPrint( sal_uInt16 nConfigId, sal_Bool bUseConfig );
virtual ~SdOptionsPrint() {}
sal_Bool operator==( const SdOptionsPrint& rOpt ) const;
sal_Bool IsDraw() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bDraw; }
sal_Bool IsNotes() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bNotes; }
sal_Bool IsHandout() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bHandout; }
sal_Bool IsOutline() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bOutline; }
sal_Bool IsDate() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bDate; }
sal_Bool IsTime() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bTime; }
sal_Bool IsPagename() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bPagename; }
sal_Bool IsHiddenPages() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bHiddenPages; }
sal_Bool IsPagesize() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bPagesize; }
sal_Bool IsPagetile() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bPagetile; }
sal_Bool IsWarningPrinter() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bWarningPrinter; }
sal_Bool IsWarningSize() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bWarningSize; }
sal_Bool IsWarningOrientation() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bWarningOrientation; }
sal_Bool IsBooklet() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bBooklet; }
sal_Bool IsFrontPage() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bFront; }
sal_Bool IsBackPage() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bBack; }
sal_Bool IsCutPage() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bCutPage; }
sal_Bool IsPaperbin() const { Init(); return (sal_Bool) bPaperbin; }
sal_uInt16 GetOutputQuality() const { Init(); return nQuality; }
sal_Bool IsHandoutHorizontal() const { Init(); return mbHandoutHorizontal; }
sal_uInt16 GetHandoutPages() const { Init(); return mnHandoutPages; }
void SetDraw( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bDraw != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bDraw = bOn; } }
void SetNotes( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bNotes != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bNotes = bOn; } }
void SetHandout( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bHandout != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bHandout = bOn; } }
void SetOutline( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bOutline != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bOutline = bOn; } }
void SetDate( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bDate != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bDate = bOn; } }
void SetTime( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bTime != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bTime = bOn; } }
void SetPagename( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bPagename != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bPagename = bOn; } }
void SetHiddenPages( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bHiddenPages != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bHiddenPages = bOn; } }
void SetPagesize( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bPagesize != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bPagesize = bOn; } }
void SetPagetile( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bPagetile != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bPagetile = bOn; } }
void SetWarningPrinter( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bWarningPrinter != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bWarningPrinter = bOn; } }
void SetWarningSize( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bWarningSize != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bWarningSize = bOn; } }
void SetWarningOrientation( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bWarningOrientation != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bWarningOrientation = bOn; } }
void SetBooklet( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bBooklet != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bBooklet = bOn; } }
void SetFrontPage( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bFront != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bFront = bOn; } }
void SetBackPage( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bBack != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bBack = bOn; } }
void SetCutPage( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bCutPage != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bCutPage = bOn; } }
void SetPaperbin( sal_Bool bOn = sal_True ) { if( bPaperbin != bOn ) { OptionsChanged(); bPaperbin = bOn; } }
void SetOutputQuality( sal_uInt16 nInQuality ) { if( nQuality != nInQuality ) { OptionsChanged(); nQuality = nInQuality; } }
void SetHandoutHorizontal( sal_Bool bHandoutHorizontal ) { if( mbHandoutHorizontal != bHandoutHorizontal ) { OptionsChanged(); mbHandoutHorizontal = bHandoutHorizontal; } }
void SetHandoutPages( sal_uInt16 nHandoutPages ) { if( nHandoutPages != mnHandoutPages ) { OptionsChanged(); mnHandoutPages = nHandoutPages; } }
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class SD_DLLPUBLIC SdOptionsPrintItem : public SfxPoolItem
SdOptionsPrintItem( sal_uInt16 nWhich);
SdOptionsPrintItem( sal_uInt16 nWhich, SdOptions* pOpts, ::sd::FrameView* pView = NULL );
virtual SfxPoolItem* Clone( SfxItemPool *pPool = 0 ) const;
virtual int operator==( const SfxPoolItem& ) const;
void SetOptions( SdOptions* pOpts ) const;
SdOptionsPrint& GetOptionsPrint() { return maOptionsPrint; }
const SdOptionsPrint& GetOptionsPrint() const { return maOptionsPrint; }
SdOptionsPrint maOptionsPrint;
// -------------
// - SdOptions -
// -------------
class SdOptions : public SdOptionsLayout, public SdOptionsContents,
public SdOptionsMisc, public SdOptionsSnap,
public SdOptionsZoom, public SdOptionsGrid,
public SdOptionsPrint
SdOptions( sal_uInt16 nConfigId );
virtual ~SdOptions();
void StoreConfig( sal_uLong nOptionRange = SD_OPTIONS_ALL );
#endif // _SD_OPTSITEM_HXX
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