362 lines
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362 lines
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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<script:module xmlns:script="http://openoffice.org/2000/script" script:name="Strings" script:language="StarBasic">Option Explicit
Public sProductname as String
' Deletes out of a String 'BigString' all possible PartStrings, that are summed up
' in the Array 'ElimArray'
Function ElimChar(ByVal BigString as String, ElimArray() as String)
Dim i% ,n%
For i = 0 to Ubound(ElimArray)
BigString = DeleteStr(BigString,ElimArray(i)
ElimChar = BigString
End Function
' Deletes out of a String 'BigString' a possible Partstring 'CompString'
Function DeleteStr(ByVal BigString,CompString as String) as String
Dim i%, CompLen%, BigLen%
CompLen = Len(CompString)
i = 1
While i <> 0
i = Instr(i, BigString,CompString)
If i <> 0 then
BigLen = Len(BigString)
BigString = Mid(BigString,1,i-1) + Mid(BigString,i+CompLen,BigLen-i+1-CompLen)
End If
DeleteStr = BigString
End Function
' Finds a PartString, that is framed by the Strings 'Prestring' and 'PostString'
Function FindPartString(BigString, PreString, PostString as String, SearchPos as Integer) as String
Dim StartPos%, EndPos%
Dim BigLen%,PreLen%,PostLen%
StartPos = Instr(SearchPos,BigString,PreString)
If StartPos <> 0 Then
PreLen = Len(PreString)
EndPos = Instr(StartPos + PreLen,BigString,PostString)
If EndPos <> 0 Then
BigLen = Len(BigString)
PostLen = Len(PostString)
FindPartString = Mid(BigString,StartPos + PreLen, EndPos - (StartPos + PreLen))
' Da diese Funktion daf?r programmiert wurde, in einer Schleife abgearbeitet zu werden
' muss die initiale Suchposition hinter die Position des gefundenen Teilstrings gesetzt werden.
SearchPos = EndPos + PostLen
Msgbox("No final tag for '" & PreString & "' existing", 16, GetProductName())
FindPartString = ""
End If
FindPartString = ""
End If
End Function
' Deletes the String 'SmallString' out of the String 'BigString'
' in case SmallString's Position in BigString is right at the end
Function RTrimStr(ByVal BigString, SmallString as String) as String
Dim SmallLen%
Dim BigLen%
SmallLen = Len(SmallString)
BigLen = Len(BigString)
If Mid(BigString,BigLen + 1 - SmallLen, SmallLen) = SmallString Then
RTrimStr = Mid(BigString,1,BigLen - SmallLen)
RTrimStr = BigString
End If
End Function
' Deletes the Char 'CompChar' out of the String 'BigString'
' in case CompChar's Position in BigString is right at the beginning
Function LTRimChar(ByVal BigString as String,CompChar as String) as String
Dim BigLen as integer
BigLen = Len(BigString)
If BigLen > 1 Then
If Left(BigString,1) = CompChar then
BigString = Mid(BigString,2,BigLen-1)
End If
ElseIf BigLen = 1 Then
BigString = ""
End If
LTrimChar = BigString
End Function
' Retrieves an Array out of a String.
' The fields of the Array are separated by the parameter 'Separator', that is contained
' in the Array
' The Array MaxLocindex delivers the highest Index of this Array
Function ArrayOutOfString(BigString, Separator as String, Optional MaxIndex as integer)
Dim i%, OldPos%, Pos%, SepLen%, BigLen%
Dim LocList(200) as string
OldPos = 1
i = -1
SepLen = Len(Separator)
BigLen = Len(BigString)
Pos = Instr(OldPos,BigString,Separator)
i = i + 1
If Pos = 0 Then
LocList(i) = Mid(BigString,OldPos,BigLen - OldPos + 1 )
LocList(i) = Mid(BigString,OldPos,Pos-OldPos )
OldPos = Pos + SepLen
End If
Loop until Pos = 0
If Vartype(Maxindex) <> 0 Then
MaxIndex = i
End If
ArrayoutofString = LocList()
End Function
' Deletes all fieldvalues in one-dimensional Array
Sub ClearArray(BigArray)
Dim i as integer
For i = Lbound(BigArray()) to Ubound(BigArray())
BigArray(i) = ""
End Sub
' Deletes all fieldvalues in a multidimensional Array
Sub ClearMultiDimArray(BigArray,DimCount as integer)
Dim n%, m%
For n = Lbound(BigArray(),1) to Ubound(BigArray(),1)
For m = 0 to Dimcount - 1
BigArray(n,m) = ""
Next m
Next n
End Sub
' Checks if a Field (LocField) is already defined in an Array
' Returns 'True' or 'False'
Function FieldinArray(LocArray(), MaxIndex as integer, LocField as String) As Boolean
Dim i as integer
For i = Lbound(LocArray()) to MaxIndex
If Ucase(LocArray(i)) = Ucase(LocField) Then
FieldInArray = True
Exit Function
End if
FieldInArray = False
End Function
' Checks if a Field (LocField) is already defined in an Array
' Returns 'True' or 'False'
Function FieldinList(LocField, BigList()) As Boolean
Dim i as integer
For i = Lbound(BigList()) to Ubound(BigList())
If LocField = BigList(i) Then
FieldInList = True
Exit Function
End if
FieldInList = False
End Function
' Retrieves the Index of the delivered String 'SearchString' in
' the Array LocList()'
Function IndexinArray(SearchString as String, LocList()) as Integer
Dim i as integer
For i = Lbound(LocList(),1) to Ubound(LocList(),1)
If Ucase(LocList(i,0)) = Ucase(SearchString) Then
IndexinArray = i
Exit Function
End if
IndexinArray = -1
End Function
Sub MultiArrayInListbox(oDialog as Object, ListboxName as String, ValList(), iDim as Integer)
Dim oListbox as Object
Dim i as integer
Dim a as Integer
a = 0
oListbox = oDialog.GetControl(ListboxName)
oListbox.RemoveItems(0, oListbox.GetItemCount)
For i = 0 to Ubound(ValList(), 1)
If ValList(i) <> "" Then
oListbox.AddItem(ValList(i, iDim-1), a)
a = a + 1
End If
End Sub
' Replaces the string "OldReplace" through the String "NewReplace" in the String
' 'BigString'
Function ReplaceString(ByVal Bigstring, NewReplace, OldReplace as String) as String
Dim i%, OldReplLen%, BigLen%
If NewReplace <> OldReplace Then
OldReplLen = Len(OldReplace)
i = 1
Biglen = Len(BigString)
i = Instr(i,BigString,OldReplace)
If i <> 0 then
BigString = Mid(BigString,1,i-1) & NewReplace & Mid(BigString,i + OldReplLen,BigLen - i + 1 - OldReplLen
i = i + Len(NewReplace)
End If
Loop until i = 0
End If
ReplaceString = BigString
End Function
' Converts an "ordinary" path to a "URL-Path"
Function ConverttoURL(ByVal BigString as String) as String
Dim Separator as String
If sProductname = "" Then
sProductname = GetProductname()
End If
If BigString <> "" Then
If Instr(1,sProductname,"Sun Webtop") = 0 Then
Separator = GetPathSeparator()
' Is the delivered Path already a URL
If Instr(1,UCase(BigString),"FILE:///") = 0 Then
BigString = ReplaceString(BigString,"/",Separator)
BigString = ReplaceString(BigString,"|",":")
BigString = "file:///" & BigString
End If
End If
ConvertToURL = BigString
ConvertToUrl = ""
End If
End Function
' Converts an "URL-Path" to an ordinary "Path"
Function ConvertfromURL(ByVal BigString as String) as String
Dim Separator as String
Separator = GetPathSeparator()
If Left(Ucase(BigString),8)= "FILE:///" Then
BigString = Mid(BigString, 9, Len(BigString)-8)
BigString = ReplaceString(BigString,Separator,"/")
BigString = ReplaceString(BigString,":","|")
ConvertFromUrl = BigString
End If
End Function
' Retrieves the second value for a next to 'SearchString' in
' a two-dimensional string-Array
Function FindSecondValue(SearchString as String, TwoDimList() as String ) as String
Dim i as Integer
For i = 0 To Ubound(TwoDimList,1)
If Ucase(SearchString) = Ucase(TwoDimList(i,0)) Then
FindSecondValue = TwoDimList(i,1)
Exit For
End If
End Function
' raises a base to a certain power
Function Power(Basis as Double, Exponent as Double) as Double
Power = Exp(Exponent*Log(Basis))
End Function
' rounds a Real to a given Number of Decimals
Function Round(BaseValue as Double, Decimals as Integer) as Double
Dim Multiplicator as Long
Dim DblValue#, RoundValue#
Multiplicator = Power(10,Decimals)
RoundValue = Int(BaseValue * Multiplicator)
Round = RoundValue/Multiplicator
End Function
'Retrieves the mere filename out of a whole path
Function FileNameoutofPath(ByVal Path as String, Separator as String) as String
Dim i as Integer
Dim SepList() as String
SepList() = ArrayoutofString(Path,"/",i)
FileNameoutofPath = SepList(i)
End Function
Function GetFileNameExtension(ByVal FileName as String)
Dim MaxIndex as Integer
Dim SepList() as String
SepList() = ArrayoutofString(FileName,".", MaxIndex)
GetFileNameExtension = SepList(MaxIndex)
End Function
Function GetFileNameWithoutExtension(ByVal FileName as String, Optional Separator as String)
Dim MaxIndex as Integer
Dim SepList() as String
If not IsMissing(Separator) Then
FileName = FileNameoutofPath(FileName, Separator)
End If
SepList() = ArrayoutofString(FileName,".", MaxIndex)
GetFileNameWithoutExtension = RTrimStr(FileName, "." & SepList(MaxIndex)
End Function
Function DirectorynameoutofPath(sPath as String, Separator as String) as String
Dim LocFileName as String
LocFileName = FileNameoutofPath(sPath, Separator)
DirectoryNameoutofPath = DeleteStr(sPath, Separator & LocFileName)
End Function
Function CountCharsinString(BigString, LocChar as String, ByVal StartPos as Integer) as Integer
Dim LocCount%, LocPos%
LocCount = 0
LocPos = Instr(StartPos,BigString,LocChar)
If LocPos <> 0 Then
LocCount = LocCount + 1
StartPos = LocPos+1
End If
Loop until LocPos = 0
CountCharsInString = LocCount
End Function
Function BubbleSortList(ByVal SortList())
Dim s as Integer
Dim t as Integer
Dim i as Integer
Dim DisplayDummy as String
i = Val(SortList(0,0))
For s = 1 to i - 1
For t = 0 to i-s
If SortList(t,0) > SortList(t+1, 0) Then
DisplayDummy = SortList(t,0)
SortList(t,0) = SortList(t+1,0)
SortList(t+1,0) = DisplayDummy
DisplayDummy = SortList(t,1)
SortList(t,1) = SortList(t+1,1)
SortList(t+1,1) = DisplayDummy
End If
Next t
Next s
BubbleSortList = SortList()
End Function
</script:module> |