Found with bin/find-unneeded-includes Only removal proposals are dealt with here. Change-Id: Ifc70900022efcd089c0874bd46e0aacaef0efb72 Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/78767 Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Miklos Vajna <vmiklos@collabora.com>
594 lines
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594 lines
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <svtools/statusbarcontroller.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/PropertyValue.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XDispatchProvider.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/frame/XFrame.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/DisposedException.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XMultiServiceFactory.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/URLTransformer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/ui/XStatusbarItem.hpp>
#include <cppuhelper/queryinterface.hxx>
#include <vcl/svapp.hxx>
#include <vcl/window.hxx>
#include <vcl/status.hxx>
#include <toolkit/helper/vclunohelper.hxx>
#include <comphelper/processfactory.hxx>
using namespace ::cppu;
using namespace css::awt;
using namespace css::uno;
using namespace css::util;
using namespace css::beans;
using namespace css::lang;
using namespace css::frame;
namespace svt
const Reference< XComponentContext >& rxContext,
const Reference< XFrame >& xFrame,
const OUString& aCommandURL,
unsigned short nID ) :
, m_bInitialized( false )
, m_bDisposed( false )
, m_nID( nID )
, m_xFrame( xFrame )
, m_xContext( rxContext )
, m_aCommandURL( aCommandURL )
, m_aListenerContainer( m_aMutex )
StatusbarController::StatusbarController() :
, m_bInitialized( false )
, m_bDisposed( false )
, m_nID( 0 )
, m_aListenerContainer( m_aMutex )
Reference< XFrame > StatusbarController::getFrameInterface() const
SolarMutexGuard aSolarMutexGuard;
return m_xFrame;
Reference< XURLTransformer > StatusbarController::getURLTransformer() const
SolarMutexGuard aSolarMutexGuard;
if ( !m_xURLTransformer.is() && m_xContext.is() )
m_xURLTransformer = css::util::URLTransformer::create( m_xContext );
return m_xURLTransformer;
// XInterface
Any SAL_CALL StatusbarController::queryInterface( const Type& rType )
Any a = ::cppu::queryInterface(
rType ,
static_cast< XStatusbarController* >( this ),
static_cast< XStatusListener* >( this ),
static_cast< XEventListener* >( this ),
static_cast< XInitialization* >( this ),
static_cast< XComponent* >( this ),
static_cast< XUpdatable* >( this ));
if ( a.hasValue() )
return a;
return OWeakObject::queryInterface( rType );
void SAL_CALL StatusbarController::acquire() throw ()
void SAL_CALL StatusbarController::release() throw ()
void SAL_CALL StatusbarController::initialize( const Sequence< Any >& aArguments )
bool bInitialized( true );
SolarMutexGuard aSolarMutexGuard;
if ( m_bDisposed )
throw DisposedException();
bInitialized = m_bInitialized;
if ( bInitialized )
SolarMutexGuard aSolarMutexGuard;
m_bInitialized = true;
PropertyValue aPropValue;
for ( const auto& rArgument : aArguments )
if ( rArgument >>= aPropValue )
if ( aPropValue.Name == "Frame" )
aPropValue.Value >>= m_xFrame;
else if ( aPropValue.Name == "CommandURL" )
aPropValue.Value >>= m_aCommandURL;
else if ( aPropValue.Name == "ServiceManager" )
Reference<XMultiServiceFactory> xMSF;
aPropValue.Value >>= xMSF;
if( xMSF.is() )
m_xContext = comphelper::getComponentContext(xMSF);
else if ( aPropValue.Name == "ParentWindow" )
aPropValue.Value >>= m_xParentWindow;
else if ( aPropValue.Name == "Identifier" )
aPropValue.Value >>= m_nID;
else if ( aPropValue.Name == "StatusbarItem" )
aPropValue.Value >>= m_xStatusbarItem;
if ( !m_aCommandURL.isEmpty() )
m_aListenerMap.emplace( m_aCommandURL, Reference< XDispatch >() );
void SAL_CALL StatusbarController::update()
SolarMutexGuard aSolarMutexGuard;
if ( m_bDisposed )
throw DisposedException();
// Bind all registered listeners to their dispatch objects
// XComponent
void SAL_CALL StatusbarController::dispose()
Reference< XComponent > xThis = this;
SolarMutexGuard aSolarMutexGuard;
if ( m_bDisposed )
throw DisposedException();
css::lang::EventObject aEvent( xThis );
m_aListenerContainer.disposeAndClear( aEvent );
SolarMutexGuard aSolarMutexGuard;
Reference< XStatusListener > xStatusListener = this;
Reference< XURLTransformer > xURLTransformer = getURLTransformer();
css::util::URL aTargetURL;
for (auto const& listener : m_aListenerMap)
Reference< XDispatch > xDispatch(listener.second);
aTargetURL.Complete = listener.first;
xURLTransformer->parseStrict( aTargetURL );
if ( xDispatch.is() && xStatusListener.is() )
xDispatch->removeStatusListener( xStatusListener, aTargetURL );
catch ( Exception& )
// clear hash map
// release references
m_bDisposed = true;
void SAL_CALL StatusbarController::addEventListener( const Reference< XEventListener >& xListener )
m_aListenerContainer.addInterface( cppu::UnoType<XEventListener>::get(), xListener );
void SAL_CALL StatusbarController::removeEventListener( const Reference< XEventListener >& aListener )
m_aListenerContainer.removeInterface( cppu::UnoType<XEventListener>::get(), aListener );
// XEventListener
void SAL_CALL StatusbarController::disposing( const EventObject& Source )
SolarMutexGuard aSolarMutexGuard;
if ( m_bDisposed )
Reference< XFrame > xFrame( Source.Source, UNO_QUERY );
if ( xFrame.is() )
if ( xFrame == m_xFrame )
Reference< XDispatch > xDispatch( Source.Source, UNO_QUERY );
if ( !xDispatch.is() )
for (auto & listener : m_aListenerMap)
// Compare references and release dispatch references if they are equal.
if ( xDispatch == listener.second )
// XStatusListener
void SAL_CALL StatusbarController::statusChanged( const FeatureStateEvent& Event )
SolarMutexGuard aSolarMutexGuard;
if ( m_bDisposed )
VclPtr<vcl::Window> pWindow = VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( m_xParentWindow );
if ( pWindow && pWindow->GetType() == WindowType::STATUSBAR && m_nID != 0 )
OUString aStrValue;
StatusBar* pStatusBar = static_cast<StatusBar *>(pWindow.get());
if ( Event.State >>= aStrValue )
pStatusBar->SetItemText( m_nID, aStrValue );
else if ( !Event.State.hasValue() )
pStatusBar->SetItemText( m_nID, "" );
// XStatusbarController
sal_Bool SAL_CALL StatusbarController::mouseButtonDown(
const css::awt::MouseEvent& )
return false;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL StatusbarController::mouseMove(
const css::awt::MouseEvent& )
return false;
sal_Bool SAL_CALL StatusbarController::mouseButtonUp(
const css::awt::MouseEvent& )
return false;
void SAL_CALL StatusbarController::command(
const css::awt::Point&,
const css::uno::Any& )
void SAL_CALL StatusbarController::paint(
const css::uno::Reference< css::awt::XGraphics >&,
const css::awt::Rectangle&,
::sal_Int32 )
void SAL_CALL StatusbarController::click( const css::awt::Point& )
void SAL_CALL StatusbarController::doubleClick( const css::awt::Point& )
SolarMutexGuard aSolarMutexGuard;
if ( m_bDisposed )
Sequence< PropertyValue > aArgs;
execute( aArgs );
void StatusbarController::addStatusListener( const OUString& aCommandURL )
Reference< XDispatch > xDispatch;
Reference< XStatusListener > xStatusListener;
css::util::URL aTargetURL;
SolarMutexGuard aSolarMutexGuard;
URLToDispatchMap::iterator pIter = m_aListenerMap.find( aCommandURL );
// Already in the list of status listener. Do nothing.
if ( pIter != m_aListenerMap.end() )
// Check if we are already initialized. Implementation starts adding itself as status listener when
// initialize is called.
if ( !m_bInitialized )
// Put into the unordered_map of status listener. Will be activated when initialized is called
m_aListenerMap.emplace( aCommandURL, Reference< XDispatch >() );
// Add status listener directly as initialize has already been called.
Reference< XDispatchProvider > xDispatchProvider( m_xFrame, UNO_QUERY );
if ( m_xContext.is() && xDispatchProvider.is() )
Reference< XURLTransformer > xURLTransformer = getURLTransformer();
aTargetURL.Complete = aCommandURL;
xURLTransformer->parseStrict( aTargetURL );
xDispatch = xDispatchProvider->queryDispatch( aTargetURL, OUString(), 0 );
xStatusListener = this;
URLToDispatchMap::iterator aIter = m_aListenerMap.find( aCommandURL );
if ( aIter != m_aListenerMap.end() )
Reference< XDispatch > xOldDispatch( aIter->second );
aIter->second = xDispatch;
if ( xOldDispatch.is() )
xOldDispatch->removeStatusListener( xStatusListener, aTargetURL );
catch ( Exception& )
m_aListenerMap.emplace( aCommandURL, xDispatch );
// Call without locked mutex as we are called back from dispatch implementation
if ( xDispatch.is() )
xDispatch->addStatusListener( xStatusListener, aTargetURL );
catch ( Exception& )
void StatusbarController::bindListener()
std::vector< Listener > aDispatchVector;
Reference< XStatusListener > xStatusListener;
SolarMutexGuard aSolarMutexGuard;
if ( !m_bInitialized )
// Collect all registered command URL's and store them temporary
Reference< XDispatchProvider > xDispatchProvider( m_xFrame, UNO_QUERY );
if ( m_xContext.is() && xDispatchProvider.is() )
xStatusListener = this;
for (auto & listener : m_aListenerMap)
Reference< XURLTransformer > xURLTransformer = getURLTransformer();
css::util::URL aTargetURL;
aTargetURL.Complete = listener.first;
xURLTransformer->parseStrict( aTargetURL );
Reference< XDispatch > xDispatch(listener.second);
if ( xDispatch.is() )
// We already have a dispatch object => we have to requery.
// Release old dispatch object and remove it as listener
xDispatch->removeStatusListener( xStatusListener, aTargetURL );
catch ( Exception& )
// Query for dispatch object. Old dispatch will be released with this, too.
xDispatch = xDispatchProvider->queryDispatch( aTargetURL, OUString(), 0 );
catch ( Exception& )
listener.second = xDispatch;
Listener aListener( aTargetURL, xDispatch );
aDispatchVector.push_back( aListener );
// Call without locked mutex as we are called back from dispatch implementation
if ( !xStatusListener.is() )
for (Listener & rListener : aDispatchVector)
if ( rListener.xDispatch.is() )
rListener.xDispatch->addStatusListener( xStatusListener, rListener.aURL );
else if ( rListener.aURL.Complete == m_aCommandURL )
// Send status changed for the main URL, if we cannot get a valid dispatch object.
// UI disables the button. Catch exception as we release our mutex, it is possible
// that someone else already disposed this instance!
FeatureStateEvent aFeatureStateEvent;
aFeatureStateEvent.IsEnabled = false;
aFeatureStateEvent.FeatureURL = rListener.aURL;
aFeatureStateEvent.State = Any();
xStatusListener->statusChanged( aFeatureStateEvent );
catch ( ... ){}
::tools::Rectangle StatusbarController::getControlRect() const
::tools::Rectangle aRect;
SolarMutexGuard aSolarMutexGuard;
if ( m_bDisposed )
throw DisposedException();
if ( m_xParentWindow.is() )
VclPtr< StatusBar > pStatusBar = dynamic_cast< StatusBar* >( VCLUnoHelper::GetWindow( m_xParentWindow ).get() );
if ( pStatusBar && pStatusBar->GetType() == WindowType::STATUSBAR )
aRect = pStatusBar->GetItemRect( m_nID );
return aRect;
void StatusbarController::execute( const css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& aArgs )
Reference< XDispatch > xDispatch;
Reference< XURLTransformer > xURLTransformer;
OUString aCommandURL;
SolarMutexGuard aSolarMutexGuard;
if ( m_bDisposed )
throw DisposedException();
if ( m_bInitialized &&
m_xFrame.is() &&
m_xContext.is() &&
!m_aCommandURL.isEmpty() )
xURLTransformer = getURLTransformer();
aCommandURL = m_aCommandURL;
URLToDispatchMap::iterator pIter = m_aListenerMap.find( m_aCommandURL );
if ( pIter != m_aListenerMap.end() )
xDispatch = pIter->second;
if ( !(xDispatch.is() && xURLTransformer.is()) )
css::util::URL aTargetURL;
aTargetURL.Complete = aCommandURL;
xURLTransformer->parseStrict( aTargetURL );
xDispatch->dispatch( aTargetURL, aArgs );
catch ( DisposedException& )
void StatusbarController::execute(
const OUString& aCommandURL,
const Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue >& aArgs )
Reference< XDispatch > xDispatch;
css::util::URL aTargetURL;
SolarMutexGuard aSolarMutexGuard;
if ( m_bDisposed )
throw DisposedException();
if ( m_bInitialized &&
m_xFrame.is() &&
m_xContext.is() &&
!m_aCommandURL.isEmpty() )
Reference< XURLTransformer > xURLTransformer( getURLTransformer() );
aTargetURL.Complete = aCommandURL;
xURLTransformer->parseStrict( aTargetURL );
URLToDispatchMap::iterator pIter = m_aListenerMap.find( aCommandURL );
if ( pIter != m_aListenerMap.end() )
xDispatch = pIter->second;
Reference< css::frame::XDispatchProvider > xDispatchProvider(
m_xFrame->getController(), UNO_QUERY );
if ( xDispatchProvider.is() )
xDispatch = xDispatchProvider->queryDispatch( aTargetURL, OUString(), 0 );
if ( xDispatch.is() )
xDispatch->dispatch( aTargetURL, aArgs );
catch ( DisposedException& )
} // svt
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