2006/01/06 15:51:10 pmladek #i60032# One more fix of extra qualifications for gcc-4.1. It has been necessary since m147.
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// template class <std::vector>
#include <vector>
// datatypes sal_xyz
#ifndef _SAL_TYPES_H_
#include <sal/types.h>
// classes <Point>, <Size> and <Rectangle>
#ifndef _GEN_HXX
#include <tools/gen.hxx>
// datatype <SwTwips>
#ifndef _SWTYPES_HXX
#include <swtypes.hxx>
class ViewShell;
class OutputDevice;
class SwRootFrm;
class SwPageFrm;
class Fraction;
struct PrevwPage;
// =============================================================================
/** page preview functionality in the writer
OD 11.12.2002 #103492# - class <SwPagePreviewLayout>
@author OD
class SwPagePreviewLayout
friend class ViewShell;
// number of horizontal and vertical twips for spacing between the pages.
const SwTwips mnXFree;
const SwTwips mnYFree;
// view shell the print preview is generated for.
ViewShell& mrParentViewShell;
// top layout frame of the layout for accessing the pages
const SwRootFrm& mrLayoutRootFrm;
// boolean indicating, if the layout information (number of columns and rows)
// are valid.
bool mbLayoutInfoValid;
// boolean indicating, if the the calculated print preview layout sizes
// ( windows size in twips, maximal page size, column width, row height,
// width and height of a print preview page, size of the print preview
// document ) are valid
bool mbLayoutSizesValid;
// boolean indicating, if the the paint information ( physical number of
// start page, start column and row, paint offsets, rectangle visible of
// the print preview document.
bool mbPaintInfoValid;
Size maWinSize;
sal_uInt16 mnCols;
sal_uInt16 mnRows;
sal_uInt16 mnPages;
// OD 19.02.2003 #107369# - new flag for leaving blank left-top-corner
// OD 2004-03-05 #i18143# - the book preview is controlled by this flag
bool mbBookPreview;
bool mbBookPreviewModeToggled;
Size maMaxPageSize;
Rectangle maPreviewDocRect;
SwTwips mnColWidth;
SwTwips mnRowHeight;
SwTwips mnPrevwLayoutWidth;
SwTwips mnPrevwLayoutHeight;
bool mbDoesLayoutColsFitIntoWindow;
bool mbDoesLayoutRowsFitIntoWindow;
sal_uInt16 mnPaintPhyStartPageNum;
sal_uInt16 mnPaintStartCol;
sal_uInt16 mnPaintStartRow;
bool mbNoPageVisible;
Point maPaintStartPageOffset;
Point maPaintPreviewDocOffset;
Point maAdditionalPaintOffset;
Rectangle maPaintedPrevwDocRect;
sal_uInt16 mnSelectedPageNum;
std::vector<PrevwPage*> maPrevwPages;
// OD 07.11.2003 #i22014# - internal booleans to indicate, that a new print
// preview layout has been created during a paint.
mutable bool mbInPaint;
mutable bool mbNewLayoutDuringPaint;
bool mbPrintEmptyPages;
/** clear internal data about current page preview
OD 11.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
void _Clear();
/** helper method to clear preview page layout sizes
OD 18.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
void _ClearPrevwLayoutSizes();
/** helper method to clear data in preview page vectors
OD 13.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
void _ClearPrevwPageData();
/** calculate page preview layout sizes
OD 18.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
void _CalcPrevwLayoutSizes();
/** apply new zoom at given view shell
OD 11.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
@param _aNewZoom
input parameter - new zoom percentage
void _ApplyNewZoomAtViewShell( sal_uInt8 _aNewZoom );
/** calculate additional paint offset
OD 12.12.2002 #103492#
helper method called by <Prepare> in order to calculate an additional
paint offset to center output in given window size.
The booleans <mbDoesLayoutRowsFitIntoWindow> and <mbDoesLayoutColsFitIntoWindow>
are also determined.
(1) preview layout is given (number of rows and columns).
(2) window size is given.
(3) height of row and width of column are calculated.
(4) paint offset of start page is calculated.
@author OD
void _CalcAdditionalPaintOffset();
/** calculate painted preview document rectangle
OD 12.12.2002 #103492#
helper method called by <Prepare> in order to calculate the rectangle,
which will be painted for the document arranged by the given preview
(1) paint offset of document preview is calculated.
(2) size of document preview is calculated.
(3) additional paint offset is calculated - see <_CalcAdditionalPaintOffset>.
@author OD
void _CalcDocPrevwPaintRect();
/** determines preview data for a given page and a given preview offset
OD 13.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
@param _rPage
input parameter - constant reference to page frame, for which the
preview data will be calculated.
@param _rPrevwOffset
input parameter - constant reference to the offset the given page has
in the current preview window.
Note: Offset can be negative.
@param _opPrevwPage
output parameter - calculated preview data.
@return boolean, indicating, if calculation was successful.
bool _CalcPreviewDataForPage( const SwPageFrm& _rPage,
const Point& _rPrevwOffset,
PrevwPage* _opPrevwPage );
/** calculate preview pages
OD 12.12.2002 #103492#
helper method called by <Prepare> in order to determine which pages
will be visible in the current preview and calculate the data needed
to paint these pages. Also the accessible pages with its needed data
are determined.
@author OD
void _CalcPreviewPages();
/** get preview page by physical page number
OD 17.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
@param _nPageNum
input parameter - physical page number of page, for which the preview
page will be returned.
@return pointer to preview page of current preview pages. If page doesn't
belongs to current preview pages, <0> is returned.
const PrevwPage* _GetPrevwPageByPageNum( const sal_uInt16 _nPageNum ) const;
/** paint selection mark at page
OD 17.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
const void _PaintSelectMarkAtPage( const PrevwPage* _aSelectedPrevwPage ) const;
/** constructor of <SwPagePreviewLayout>
OD 11.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
@param _rParentViewShell
input parameter - reference to the view shell the page preview
layout belongs to. Reference will be hold as member <mrParentViewShell>.
Adjustments/Changes at this view shell:
(1) Adjustment of the mapping mode at the output device.
(2) Change of the zoom at the view options.
(3) Preparations for paint of the page preview.
@param _rLayoutRootFrm
input parameter - constant reference to the root frame of the layout.
Reference will be hold as member <mrLayoutRootFrm> in order to get
access to the page frames.
SwPagePreviewLayout( ViewShell& _rParentViewShell,
const SwRootFrm& _rLayoutRootFrm );
/** destructor of <SwPagePreviewLayout>
OD 17.12.2002 #103492#
inline ~SwPagePreviewLayout()
/** init page preview layout
OD 11.12.2002 #103492#
initialize the page preview settings for a given layout.
side effects:
(1) If parameter <_bCalcScale> is true, mapping mode with calculated
scaling is set at the output device and the zoom at the view options of
the given view shell is set with the calculated scaling.
@author OD
@param _nCols
input parameter - initial number of page columns in the preview.
@param _nRows
input parameter - initial number of page rows in the preview.
@param _rPxWinSize
input parameter - window size in which the preview will be displayed and
for which the scaling will be calculated.
@param _bCalcScale
input parameter - control, if method should calculate the needed
scaling for the proposed preview layout for the given window size
and sets the scaling at the output device and the view options.
@return boolean, indicating, if preview layout is successful initialized.
bool Init( const sal_uInt16 _nCols,
const sal_uInt16 _nRows,
const Size& _rPxWinSize,
const bool _bCalcScale
/** method to adjust page preview layout to document changes
OD 18.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
@return boolean, indicating, if preview layout is successful initialized.
bool ReInit();
/** prepare paint of page preview
OD 12.12.2002 #103492#
With the valid preview layout settings - calculated and set by method
<Init(..)> - the paint of a specific part of the virtual preview
document is prepared. The corresponding part is given by either
a start page (parameter <_nProposedStartPageNum>) or a absolute position
(parameter <_aProposedStartPoint>).
The accessibility preview will also be updated via a corresponding
method call.
OD 21.03.2003 #108282# - delete parameter _onStartPageVirtNum
@author OD
@param _nProposedStartPageNum [0..<number of document pages>]
input parameter - proposed number of page, which should be painted in
the left-top-corner in the current output device. input parameter
<_bStartWithPageAtFirstCol> influences, if proposed page is actual
painted in the left-top-corner.
@param _nProposedStartPos [(0,0)..<PreviewDocumentSize>]
input parameter - proposed absolute position in the virtual preview
document, which should be painted in the left-top-corner in the current
output device.
@param _rPxWinSize
input parameter - pixel size of window the preview will be painted in.
@param _onStartPageNum
output parameter - physical number of page, which will be painted in the
left-top-corner in the current output device.
@param _orDocPreviewPaintRect
output parameter - rectangle of preview document, which will be painted.
@param _bStartWithPageAtFirstCol
input parameter with default value "true" - controls, if start page
is set to page in first column the proposed start page is located.
@return boolean, indicating, if prepare of preview paint was successful.
bool Prepare( const sal_uInt16 _nProposedStartPageNum,
const Point _aProposedStartPos,
const Size& _rPxWinSize,
sal_uInt16& _onStartPageNum,
Rectangle& _orDocPreviewPaintRect,
const bool _bStartWithPageAtFirstCol = true
/** get selected page number
OD 13.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
inline sal_uInt16 SelectedPage()
return mnSelectedPageNum;
/** set selected page number
OD 14.01.2003 #103492#
@author OD
inline void SetSelectedPage( sal_uInt16 _nSelectedPageNum )
mnSelectedPageNum = _nSelectedPageNum;
/** paint prepared preview
OD 12.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
@param _aOutRect
input parameter - Twip rectangle of window, which should be painted.
@return boolean, indicating, if paint of preview was performed
bool Paint( const Rectangle _aOutRect ) const;
/** repaint pages on page preview
OD 18.12.2002 #103492#
method to invalidate visible pages due to changes in a different
view shell.
@author OD
void Repaint( const Rectangle _aInvalidCoreRect ) const;
/** paint to mark new selected page
OD 17.12.2002 #103492#
Perform paint for current selected page in order to unmark it.
Set new selected page and perform paint to mark this page.
@author OD
@param _nNewSelectedPage
input parameter - physical number of page, which will be marked as selected.
void MarkNewSelectedPage( const sal_uInt16 _nSelectedPage );
/** calculate start position for new scale
OD 12.12.2002 #103492#
calculate new start position for a new scale. Calculation bases on the
current visible part of the document arranged in the given preview layout.
(1) new scaling is already set at the given output device.
@author OD
@return Point, start position for new scale
Point GetPreviewStartPosForNewScale( const Fraction& _aNewScale,
const Fraction& _aOldScale,
const Size& _aNewWinSize ) const;
/** determines, if page with given page number is visible in preview
OD 12.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
@param _nPageNum
input parameter - physical number of page, for which it will be
determined, if it is visible.
@return boolean, indicating, if page with given page number is visible
in preview.
bool IsPageVisible( const sal_uInt16 _nPageNum ) const;
/** calculate data to bring new selected page into view.
OD 12.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
@param _nHoriMove
input parameter - positive/negative number of columns the current
selected page have to be moved.
@param _nVertMove
input parameter - positive/negative number of rows the current
selected page have to be moved.
@param _orNewSelectedPage
output parameter - number of new selected page
@param _orNewStartPage
output parameter - number of new start page
@param _orNewStartPos
output parameter - new start position in document preview
@return boolean - indicating, that move was sucessful.
bool CalcStartValuesForSelectedPageMove( const sal_Int16 _nHoriMove,
const sal_Int16 _nVertMove,
sal_uInt16& _orNewSelectedPage,
sal_uInt16& _orNewStartPage,
Point& _orNewStartPos ) const;
/** checks, if given position is inside a shown document page
OD 17.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
@param _aPrevwPos
input parameter - position inside the visible preview window.
@param _orDocPos
output parameter - corresponding position in the document, if given
preview position is inside a shown document page, not an empty page.
If not, it's value is <Point( 0, 0 )>.
@param _obPosInEmptyPage
output parameter - indicates, that given preview position lays inside
an shown empty page.
@param _onPageNum
output parameter - corresponding physical number of page, if given
preview position is inside a shown document page, considers also empty
pages. If not, it's value is <0>.
@return boolean - indicating, that given preview position lays inside
a shown document preview page, not an empty page.
bool IsPrevwPosInDocPrevwPage( const Point _aPrevwPos,
Point& _orDocPos,
bool& _obPosInEmptyPage,
sal_uInt16& _onPageNum ) const;
inline bool DoesPreviewLayoutRowsFitIntoWindow() const
return mbDoesLayoutRowsFitIntoWindow;
inline bool DoesPreviewLayoutColsFitIntoWindow() const
return mbDoesLayoutColsFitIntoWindow;
inline bool PreviewLayoutValid() const
return mbLayoutInfoValid && mbLayoutSizesValid && mbPaintInfoValid;
/** determine preview window page scroll amount
OD 17.12.2002 #103492#
@author OD
@param _nWinPagesToScroll
input parameter - number of preview window pages the scroll amount has
to be calculated for. Negative values for preview window page up
scrolling, positive values for preview window page down scrolling.
@return scroll amount in SwTwips
SwTwips GetWinPagesScrollAmount( const sal_Int16 _nWinPagesToScroll ) const;
/** determine row the page with the given number is in
OD 17.01.2003 #103492#
@author OD
@param _nPageNum
input parameter - physical page number of page, for which the row in
preview layout has to be calculated.
@return number of row the page with the given physical page number is in
sal_uInt16 GetRowOfPage( sal_uInt16 _nPageNum ) const;
/** determine column the page with the given number is in
OD 17.01.2003 #103492#
@author OD
@param _nPageNum
input parameter - physical page number of page, for which the column in
preview layout has to be calculated.
@return number of column the page with the given physical page number is in
sal_uInt16 GetColOfPage( sal_uInt16 _nPageNum ) const;
// OD 18.12.2002 #103492#
Size GetMaxPageSize() const;
// OD 18.12.2002 #103492#
Size GetPrevwDocSize() const;
/** get size of a preview page by its physical page number
OD 15.01.2003 #103492#
@author OD
@param _nPageNum
input parameter - pysical page number of preview page, for which the
page size has to be returned.
@return an object of class <Size>
Size GetPrevwPageSizeByPageNum( sal_uInt16 _nPageNum ) const;
/** get virtual page number by its physical page number
OD 21.03.2003 #108282#
@author OD
@param _nPageNum
input parameter - pysical page number of preview page, for which the
virtual page number has to be determined.
@return virtual page number of page given by its physical page number,
if the page is in the current preview pages vector, otherwise 0.
sal_uInt16 GetVirtPageNumByPageNum( sal_uInt16 _nPageNum ) const;
/** enable/disable book preview
OD 2004-03-04 #i18143#
@author OD
bool SetBookPreviewMode( const bool _bEnableBookPreview,
sal_uInt16& _onStartPageNum,
Rectangle& _orDocPreviewPaintRect );
/** Convert relative to absolute page numbers (see PrintEmptyPages)
@author FME
sal_uInt16 ConvertRelativeToAbsolutePageNum( sal_uInt16 _nRelPageNum ) const;
/** Convert absolute to relative page numbers (see PrintEmptyPages)
@author FME
sal_uInt16 ConvertAbsoluteToRelativePageNum( sal_uInt16 _nAbsPageNum ) const;
/** get the number of preview pages
@author FME
sal_uInt16 GetNumberOfPreviewPages() { return maPrevwPages.size(); }