Rüdiger Timm 1f5fbbfb2f INTEGRATION: CWS sfxcleanup (1.15.128); FILE MERGED
2006/03/02 09:26:07 mba #132394#: remove superfluous code
2006-05-02 14:42:48 +00:00

235 lines
15 KiB

* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: drawsh.sdi,v $
* $Revision: 1.16 $
* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2006-05-02 15:42:48 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
interface TableDraw
// Drawing geht von Basic aus gar nicht, darum alles mit Export = FALSE
FID_DEFINE_NAME [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_DEFINE_COLROWNAMERANGES [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_OPENDLG_SOLVE [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_OPENDLG_PIVOTTABLE [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_OPENDLG_TABOP [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FILTER [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_SPECIAL_FILTER [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_DEFINE_DBNAME [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_OPENDLG_CONSOLIDATE [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_OPENDLG_CHART [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_OPENDLG_EDIT_PRINTAREA [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
// andere:
SID_DRAW_CHART [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
//! SID_STYLE_DESIGNER [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_STYLE_CATALOG [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
//! SID_OPENDLG_FUNCTION[ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_STYLE_FAMILY2 [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_STYLE_FAMILY4 [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_STYLE_APPLY [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_STYLE_WATERCAN [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_STYLE_NEW_BY_EXAMPLE [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_STYLE_UPDATE_BY_EXAMPLE [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_STYLE_NEW [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_STYLE_EDIT [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_STYLE_DELETE [ StateMethod = StateDisableItems; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_TEXT_STANDARD [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = NoState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_DRAWTEXT_ATTR_DLG [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = NoState; Export = FALSE; ]
// ---- Slot-IDs fuer Objectbar:
SID_COLOR_TABLE [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_GRADIENT_LIST [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_HATCH_LIST [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_BITMAP_LIST [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_DASH_LIST [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_LINEEND_LIST [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
// Flaechen-Attribute
SID_ATTR_FILL_STYLE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
// #i25616#
ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr;
StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState;
Export = FALSE;
SID_ATTR_FILL_COLOR [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ATTR_FILL_GRADIENT [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ATTR_FILL_HATCH [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ATTR_FILL_BITMAP [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
// ---- Linien-Attribute:
SID_ATTR_LINE_STYLE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ATTR_LINEEND_STYLE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetAttrFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ATTR_LINE_DASH [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ATTR_LINE_WIDTH [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ATTR_LINE_COLOR [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ATTRIBUTES_AREA [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetAttrFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ATTRIBUTES_LINE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetAttrFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ATTR_TRANSFORM [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawAttr; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
// ---- Ausrichtungs - Funktionen:
//! PseudoSlots gibt Aerger mit Referenz-Dialogen ???
// PseudoSlots = TRUE;
PseudoSlots = FALSE ;
Export = FALSE ;
// PseudoPrefix = SID_OBJECT_ALIGN;
ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ;
StateMethod = NoState ;
GroupId = GID_FORMAT ;
FastCall , Cachable ;
ToolBoxConfig ;
SID_OBJECT_ALIGN_LEFT [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_OBJECT_ALIGN_CENTER [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_OBJECT_ALIGN_RIGHT [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_OBJECT_ALIGN_UP [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_OBJECT_ALIGN_MIDDLE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_OBJECT_ALIGN_DOWN [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
// pseudo slots from Format menu
SID_ALIGN_ANY_LEFT [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ALIGN_ANY_HCENTER [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ALIGN_ANY_RIGHT [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ALIGN_ANY_TOP [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ALIGN_ANY_VCENTER [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ALIGN_ANY_BOTTOM [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
// ---- andere Funktionen:
SID_OBJECT_HEAVEN [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_OBJECT_HELL [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FRAME_TO_TOP [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FRAME_TO_BOTTOM [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FRAME_UP [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FRAME_DOWN [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_GROUP [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_UNGROUP [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ENTER_GROUP [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_LEAVE_GROUP [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
// !!! special
SID_DELETE [ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ;StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE ;]
SfxVoidItem Delete SID_DELETE ( )
ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ;
StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ;
Export = FALSE ;
GroupId = GID_EDIT ;
FastCall , Cachable ;
ToolBoxConfig , MenuConfig , AccelConfig ;
SID_DELETE_CONTENTS [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_CUT [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_COPY [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_SELECTALL [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_OBJECT_ROTATE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_OBJECT_MIRROR [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_BEZIER_EDIT [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_MIRROR_HORIZONTAL[ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc;StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SfxVoidItem ObjectMirrorHorizontal SID_MIRROR_HORIZONTAL ( )
StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ;
Export = FALSE ;
GroupId = GID_FORMAT ;
Cachable ;
MenuConfig ; //FS
SID_MIRROR_VERTICAL [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ANCHOR_PAGE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ANCHOR_TOGGLE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ANCHOR_CELL [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetState; Export = FALSE; ]
// ---- FontWork:
SID_FONTWORK [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FORMTEXT_STYLE [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FORMTEXT_ADJUST [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FORMTEXT_DISTANCE [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FORMTEXT_START [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FORMTEXT_MIRROR [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FORMTEXT_HIDEFORM [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FORMTEXT_OUTLINE [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FORMTEXT_SHADOW [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FORMTEXT_SHDWCOLOR [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FORMTEXT_SHDWXVAL [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FORMTEXT_SHDWYVAL [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FORMTEXT_STDFORM [ ExecMethod = ExecFormText; StateMethod = GetFormTextState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ATTR_POSITION [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ATTR_SIZE [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_TABLE_CELL [ StateMethod = GetDrawAttrState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ORIGINALSIZE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_HYPERLINK_SETLINK [ ExecMethod = ExecuteHLink; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_HYPERLINK_GETLINK [ StateMethod = GetHLinkState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_ENABLE_HYPHENATION [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_RENAME_OBJECT [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState; Export = FALSE; ]
SID_FORMATPAINTBRUSH [ ExecMethod = ExecFormatPaintbrush; StateMethod = StateFormatPaintbrush; ]
SID_OPEN_XML_FILTERSETTINGS [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_TOOGLE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_TILT_DOWN [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_TILT_UP [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_TILT_LEFT [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_TILT_RIGHT [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_DEPTH_FLOATER [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_DEPTH_DIALOG [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_DIRECTION_FLOATER [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_LIGHTING_FLOATER [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_SURFACE_FLOATER [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_3D_COLOR [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_DEPTH [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_DIRECTION [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_PROJECTION [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_LIGHTING_DIRECTION[ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_LIGHTING_INTENSITY[ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_EXTRUSION_SURFACE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_FONTWORK_SHAPE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_FONTWORK_SHAPE_TYPE [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_FONTWORK_ALIGNMENT_FLOATER [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_FONTWORK_CHARACTER_SPACING_FLOATER [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_FONTWORK_ALIGNMENT [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_FONTWORK_SAME_LETTER_HEIGHTS [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_FONTWORK_CHARACTER_SPACING [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_FONTWORK_KERN_CHARACTER_PAIRS [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
SID_FONTWORK_CHARACTER_SPACING_DIALOG [ ExecMethod = ExecDrawFunc ; StateMethod = GetDrawFuncState ; ]
// ===========================================================================
shell ScDrawShell
import TableDraw;