Matthew J. Francis af8143bc40 Make PyUNO provide more Pythonic behaviour
- Simplifies working with UNO objects by giving the behaviour of
Python lists, dicts and iterators to objects which implement UNO
container interfaces

- Applies a custom behaviour to allow objects which implement
com::sun::table::XCellRange to yield cells and cell ranges by

- When UNO container objects are addressed in the new style,
eliminates the requirement to manually construct Any objects for
contained elements which are typed sequences

- Allows lists and iterators to be passed wherever a UNO method
accepts a sequence

- Relaxes the requirements for initialising UNO structs to allow
some members to be skipped when all initialisers are passed by name

1. Collection interfaces

Objects which implement core UNO collection interfaces are made to
behave in a way that is more natural for Python code.

- Objects provide Python list access semantics
    num = len(obj)              # Number of elements
    val = obj[0]                # Access by index
    val1,val2 = obj[2:4]        # Access by slice
    val1,val2 = obj[0:3:2]      # Access by extended slice
    if val in obj: ...          # Test value presence
    for val in obj: ...         # Implicit iterator (values)
    itr = iter(obj)             # Named iterator (values)
    obj[0] = val                # Replace by index
    obj[2:4] = val1,val2        # Replace by slice
    obj[0:3:2] = val1,val2      # Replace by extended slice
    obj[2:3] = val1,val2        # Insert/replace by slice
    obj[2:2] = (val,)           # Insert by slice
    obj[2:4] = (val,)           # Replace/delete by slice
    obj[2:3] = ()               # Delete by slice (implicit)
    del obj[0]                  # Delete by index
    del obj[2:4]                # Delete by slice

- Objects provide Python dict access semantics
    num = len(obj)              # Number of keys
    val = obj[key]              # Access by key
    if key in obj: ...          # Test key presence
    for key in obj: ...         # Implicit iterator (keys)
    itr = iter(obj)             # Named iterator (keys)
    obj[key] = val              # Replace by key
    obj[key] = val              # Insert by key
    del obj[key]                # Delete by key

- Objects provide Python iterable semantics
    for val in obj: ...         # Implicit iterator
    itr = iter(obj)             # Named iterator

- Objects provide Python iterator semantics
    for val in itr: ...         # Iteration of named iterator
    if val in itr: ...          # Test value presence

Objects which implement both XIndex* and XName* are supported, and
respond to both integer and string keys. However, iterating over
such an object will return the keys (like a Python dict) rather than
the values (like a Python list).

2. Cell ranges

A custom behaviour is applied to objects which implement
com::sun::table::XCellRange to allow their cells and cell
ranges to be addressed by subscript, in the style of a Python list
or dict (read-only). This is applicable to Calc spreadsheet sheets,
Writer text tables and cell ranges created upon these.
    cell = cellrange[0,0]       # Access cell by indices
    rng = cellrange[0,1:2]      # Access cell range by index,slice
    rng = cellrange[1:2,0]      # Access cell range by slice,index
    rng = cellrange[0:1,2:3]    # Access cell range by slices
    rng = cellrange['A1:B2']    # Access cell range by descriptor
    rng = cellrange['Name']     # Access cell range by name

Note that the indices used are in Python/C order, and differ from
the arguments to methods provided by XCellRange.
- The statement cellrange[r,c], which returns the cell from row r
and column c, is equivalent to calling
- The statement cellrange[t:b,l:r], which returns a cell range
covering rows t to b(non-inclusive) and columns l to r(non-
inclusive), is equivalent to calling

In contrast to the handling of objects implementing XIndex*,
extended slice syntax is not supported. Negative indices (from-end
addresses) are supported only for objects which also implement
com::sun::table::XColumnRowRange (currently Calc spreadsheet
sheets and cell ranges created upon these). For such objects, the
following syntax is also available:
    rng = cellrange[0]          # Access cell range by row index
    rng = cellrange[0,:]        # Access cell range by row index
    rng = cellrange[:,0]        # Access cell range by column index

3. Elimination of explicit Any

PyUNO has not previously been able to cope with certain method
arguments which are typed as Any but require a sequence of specific
type to be passed. This is a particular issue for container
interfaces such as XIndexContainer and XNameContainer.

The existing solution to dealing with such methods is to use a
special method to pass an explicitly typed Any, giving code such as:

    index = doc.createInstance("");
    uno.invoke( index.LevelParagraphStyles , "replaceByIndex",
                (0, uno.Any("[]string", ('Caption',))) )

The new Pythonic container access is able to correctly infer the
expected type of the sequences required by these arguments. In the
new style, the above call to .replaceByIndex() can instead be

    index.LevelParagraphStyles[0] = ('Caption',)

4. List and iterator arguments

Wherever a UNO API expects a sequence, a Python list or iterator can
now be passed. This enables the use of list comprehensions and
generator expressions for method calls and property assignments.


    tbl = doc.createInstance('')
    # ... insert table ...
    # Assign numbers 0..99 to the cells using a generator expression
    tbl.Data = ((y for y in range(10*x,10*x + 10)) for x in range(10))

5. Tolerant struct initialisation

Previously, a UNO struct could be created fully uninitialised, or by
passing a combination of positional and/or named arguments to its
constructor. However, if any arguments were passed, all members were
required to be initialised or an exception was thrown.
This requirement is relaxed such that when all arguments passed to a
struct constructor are by name, some may be omitted. The existing
requirement that all members must be explicitly initialised when
some constructor arguments are unnamed (positional) is not affected.


    from import PropertyValue
    prop = PropertyValue(Name='foo', Value='bar')

Change-Id: Id29bff10a18099b1a00af1abee1a6c1bc58b3978
Tested-by: Jenkins <>
Reviewed-by: Matthew Francis <>
2015-06-26 09:41:11 +00:00

81 lines
1.9 KiB

# -*- Mode: makefile-gmake; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
# This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
# This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
# License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
# file, You can obtain one at
$(eval $(call gb_Module_Module,pyuno))
$(eval $(call gb_Module_add_targets,pyuno,\
CustomTarget_pyuno_pythonloader_ini \
Library_pyuno \
Library_pythonloader \
Package_python_scripts \
Package_pyuno_pythonloader_ini \
Rdb_pyuno \
ifneq ($(OS),WNT)
$(eval $(call gb_Module_add_targets,pyuno,\
Library_pyuno_wrapper \
# Windows: only --enable-python=internal possible
# mingw: both cases possible: internal && system
# that why it makes sense to handle the next 3 targets
# zipcore: pyuno/python.exe on Windows
ifeq ($(OS),WNT)
$(eval $(call gb_Module_add_targets,pyuno,\
Executable_python \
ifeq ($(SYSTEM_PYTHON),)
# zipcore: on Unix
ifneq ($(OS),WNT)
$(eval $(call gb_Module_add_targets,pyuno,\
CustomTarget_python_shell \
Package_python_shell \
# these two targets have to be executed only with system-python on mingw
# FIXME remove this
ifeq ($(OS)$(COM),WNTGCC)
$(eval $(call gb_Module_add_targets,pyuno,\
CustomTarget_zipcore \
Package_zipcore \
ifneq ($(OS),MACOSX)
$(eval $(call gb_Module_add_check_targets,pyuno, \
PythonTest_pyuno_pytests_ssl \
ifneq (,$(filter PythonTest_pytests,$(MAKECMDGOALS)))
$(eval $(call gb_Module_add_targets,pyuno, \
PythonTest_pytests \
PythonTest_pyuno_pytests_testcollections \
PythonTest_pyuno_pytests_insertremovecells \
# vim:set noet sw=4 ts=4: