Change-Id: I011eb59cf40abc6ff62dd541beb1ebbc50725a05 Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/84855 Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Noel Grandin <noel.grandin@collabora.co.uk>
439 lines
17 KiB
439 lines
17 KiB
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#include <memory>
#include <vcl/timer.hxx>
#include <editeng/svxenum.hxx>
#include "swtypes.hxx"
#include "node.hxx"
class SwTableBox;
class SwTable;
class SwHTMLTableLayout;
class SwDoc;
class SwFrameFormat;
class SwHTMLTableLayoutCnts
std::shared_ptr<SwHTMLTableLayoutCnts> xNext; ///< The next content.
/// Only one of the following two pointers may be set!
SwTableBox *pBox; ///< A Box.
std::shared_ptr<SwHTMLTableLayout> xTable; ///< A "table within a table".
/** During first run there are still no boxes. In this case
pStartNode is used instead of pBox. */
const SwStartNode *pStartNode;
/** The following counters indicate how often a pass has been
done for this content. Therefore they are compared against
a reference value. If 255 is reached the continue with 0.
This avoids reinitialization on every resize. */
sal_uInt8 nPass1Done; ///< How many times has Pass 1 been called?
sal_uInt8 nWidthSet; ///< How many times has the width been set?
bool const bNoBreakTag; ///< <NOBR>-Tag over complete content.
SwHTMLTableLayoutCnts(const SwStartNode* pSttNd, std::shared_ptr<SwHTMLTableLayout> const& rTab,
bool bNoBreakTag, std::shared_ptr<SwHTMLTableLayoutCnts> const& rNxt);
void SetTableBox( SwTableBox *pBx ) { pBox = pBx; }
SwTableBox *GetTableBox() const { return pBox; }
SwHTMLTableLayout *GetTable() const { return xTable.get(); }
const SwStartNode *GetStartNode() const;
/// Calculation of next node.
const std::shared_ptr<SwHTMLTableLayoutCnts>& GetNext() const { return xNext; }
void SetWidthSet( sal_uInt8 nRef ) { nWidthSet = nRef; }
bool IsWidthSet( sal_uInt8 nRef ) const { return nRef==nWidthSet; }
void SetPass1Done( sal_uInt8 nRef ) { nPass1Done = nRef; }
bool IsPass1Done( sal_uInt8 nRef ) const { return nRef==nPass1Done; }
bool HasNoBreakTag() const { return bNoBreakTag; }
class SwHTMLTableLayoutCell
std::shared_ptr<SwHTMLTableLayoutCnts> xContents; ///< Content of cell.
sal_uInt16 nRowSpan; ///< ROWSPAN of cell.
sal_uInt16 nColSpan; ///< COLSPAN of cell.
sal_uInt16 const nWidthOption; ///< Given width of cell in Twip or %.
bool const bPercentWidthOption : 1; ///< nWidth is %-value.
bool const bNoWrapOption : 1; ///< NOWRAP-option.
SwHTMLTableLayoutCell(std::shared_ptr<SwHTMLTableLayoutCnts> const& rCnts,
sal_uInt16 nRSpan, sal_uInt16 nCSpan,
sal_uInt16 nWidthOpt, bool bPercentWidthOpt,
bool bNWrapOpt );
/// Set or get content of a cell.
void SetContents(std::shared_ptr<SwHTMLTableLayoutCnts> const& rCnts) { xContents = rCnts; }
const std::shared_ptr<SwHTMLTableLayoutCnts>& GetContents() const { return xContents; }
inline void SetProtected();
/// Set or get ROWSPAN/COLSPAN of cell.
void SetRowSpan( sal_uInt16 nRSpan ) { nRowSpan = nRSpan; }
sal_uInt16 GetRowSpan() const { return nRowSpan; }
sal_uInt16 GetColSpan() const { return nColSpan; }
sal_uInt16 GetWidthOption() const { return nWidthOption; }
bool IsPercentWidthOption() const { return bPercentWidthOption; }
bool HasNoWrapOption() const { return bNoWrapOption; }
class SwHTMLTableLayoutColumn
/// Interim values of AutoLayoutPass1,
sal_uLong nMinNoAlign, nMaxNoAlign, nAbsMinNoAlign;
/// Results of AutoLayoutPass1
sal_uLong nMin, nMax;
/// Results of Pass 2.
sal_uInt16 nAbsColWidth; ///< In Twips.
sal_uInt16 nRelColWidth; ///< In Twips or relative to USHRT_MAX.
sal_uInt16 nWidthOption; ///< Options of <COL> or <TD>/<TH>.
bool bRelWidthOption : 1;
bool const bLeftBorder : 1;
SwHTMLTableLayoutColumn( sal_uInt16 nColWidthOpt, bool bRelColWidthOpt,
bool bLBorder );
inline void MergeCellWidthOption( sal_uInt16 nWidth, bool bPercent );
inline void SetWidthOption( sal_uInt16 nWidth );
sal_uInt16 GetWidthOption() const { return nWidthOption; }
bool IsRelWidthOption() const { return bRelWidthOption; }
inline void MergeMinMaxNoAlign( sal_uLong nMin, sal_uLong nMax, sal_uLong nAbsMin );
sal_uLong GetMinNoAlign() const { return nMinNoAlign; }
sal_uLong GetMaxNoAlign() const { return nMaxNoAlign; }
sal_uLong GetAbsMinNoAlign() const { return nAbsMinNoAlign; }
inline void ClearPass1Info( bool bWidthOpt );
inline void SetMinMax( sal_uLong nMin, sal_uLong nMax );
void SetMax( sal_uLong nVal ) { nMax = nVal; }
void AddToMin( sal_uLong nVal ) { nMin += nVal; }
void AddToMax( sal_uLong nVal ) { nMax += nVal; }
sal_uLong GetMin() const { return nMin; }
sal_uLong GetMax() const { return nMax; }
void SetAbsColWidth( sal_uInt16 nWidth ) { nAbsColWidth = nWidth; }
sal_uInt16 GetAbsColWidth() const { return nAbsColWidth; }
void SetRelColWidth( sal_uInt16 nWidth ) { nRelColWidth = nWidth; }
sal_uInt16 GetRelColWidth() const { return nRelColWidth; }
bool HasLeftBorder() const { return bLeftBorder; }
class SwHTMLTableLayout
Timer m_aResizeTimer; ///< Timer for DelayedResize.
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SwHTMLTableLayoutColumn>> m_aColumns;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<SwHTMLTableLayoutCell>> m_aCells;
const SwTable *m_pSwTable; ///< SwTable (Top-Table only).
sal_uLong m_nMin; ///< Minimal width of table (Twips).
sal_uLong m_nMax; ///< Maximal width of table (Twips).
sal_uInt16 const m_nRows; ///< Row count.
sal_uInt16 m_nCols; ///< Column count.
sal_uInt16 const m_nLeftMargin; ///< Space to left margin (from paragraph).
sal_uInt16 const m_nRightMargin; ///< Space to left margin (from paragraph).
sal_uInt16 m_nInhAbsLeftSpace; ///< Space inherited from surrounding box
sal_uInt16 m_nInhAbsRightSpace; ///< that was added to boxes.
sal_uInt16 m_nRelLeftFill; ///< Width of boxes relative to alignment
sal_uInt16 m_nRelRightFill; ///< of tables in tables.
sal_uInt16 m_nRelTabWidth; ///< Relative width of table.
sal_uInt16 m_nWidthOption; ///< Width of table (in Twips or %).
sal_uInt16 const m_nCellPadding; ///< Space to contents (in Twips).
sal_uInt16 const m_nCellSpacing; ///< Cell spacing (in Twips).
sal_uInt16 const m_nBorder; /** Line strength of outer border, or rather the
space needed for it as calculated by Netscape. */
SwTwips const m_nLeftBorderWidth;
SwTwips const m_nRightBorderWidth;
sal_uInt16 m_nInhLeftBorderWidth;
sal_uInt16 m_nInhRightBorderWidth;
SwTwips const m_nBorderWidth;
sal_uInt16 m_nDelayedResizeAbsAvail; ///< Param for delayed Resize.
sal_uInt16 m_nLastResizeAbsAvail;
sal_uInt8 m_nPass1Done; ///< Reference-values for
sal_uInt8 m_nWidthSet; ///< the runs through loop.
SvxAdjust const m_eTableAdjust; ///< Alignment of table.
bool const m_bColsOption : 1; ///< Table has a COLS-option.
bool const m_bColTags : 1; ///< Table has COL/COLGRP tags.
bool const m_bPercentWidthOption : 1; ///< Width is given in percent.
bool m_bUseRelWidth : 1; ///< SwTable gets relative width.
bool m_bMustResize : 1; ///< Table width must be defined.
bool m_bExportable : 1; ///< Layout may be used for export.
bool m_bBordersChanged : 1; ///< Borders have been changed.
bool m_bMayBeInFlyFrame : 1; ///< Table could be within frame.
bool m_bDelayedResizeRecalc : 1; ///< Param for delayed Resize.
bool m_bMustNotResize : 1; ///< Table may not be resized.
bool m_bMustNotRecalc : 1; ///< Table may not be adapted to its contents.
void AddBorderWidth( sal_uLong &rMin, sal_uLong &rMax, sal_uLong& rAbsMin,
sal_uInt16 nCol, sal_uInt16 nColSpan,
bool bSwBorders=true ) const;
void SetBoxWidth( SwTableBox *pBox, sal_uInt16 nCol, sal_uInt16 nColSpan ) const;
const SwStartNode *GetAnyBoxStartNode() const;
SwFrameFormat *FindFlyFrameFormat() const;
const SwDoc *GetDoc() const { return GetAnyBoxStartNode()->GetDoc(); }
void Resize_( sal_uInt16 nAbsAvail, bool bRecalc );
DECL_LINK( DelayedResize_Impl, Timer*, void );
static sal_uInt16 GetBrowseWidthByVisArea( const SwDoc& rDoc );
SwHTMLTableLayout( const SwTable *pSwTable,
sal_uInt16 nRows, sal_uInt16 nCols, bool bColsOpt, bool ColTgs,
sal_uInt16 nWidth, bool bPercentWidth, sal_uInt16 nBorderOpt,
sal_uInt16 nCellPad, sal_uInt16 nCellSp, SvxAdjust eAdjust,
sal_uInt16 nLMargin, sal_uInt16 nRMargin, sal_uInt16 nBWidth,
sal_uInt16 nLeftBWidth, sal_uInt16 nRightBWidth );
sal_uInt16 GetLeftCellSpace( sal_uInt16 nCol, sal_uInt16 nColSpan,
bool bSwBorders=true ) const;
sal_uInt16 GetRightCellSpace( sal_uInt16 nCol, sal_uInt16 nColSpan,
bool bSwBorders=true ) const;
inline sal_uInt16 GetInhCellSpace( sal_uInt16 nCol, sal_uInt16 nColSpan ) const;
inline void SetInhBorderWidths( sal_uInt16 nLeft, sal_uInt16 nRight );
void GetAvail( sal_uInt16 nCol, sal_uInt16 nColSpan, sal_uInt16& rAbsAvail,
sal_uInt16& rRelAvail ) const;
void AutoLayoutPass1();
void AutoLayoutPass2( sal_uInt16 nAbsAvail, sal_uInt16 nRelAvail,
sal_uInt16 nAbsLeftSpace, sal_uInt16 nAbsRightSpace,
sal_uInt16 nParentInhSpace );
void SetWidths( bool bCallPass2=false, sal_uInt16 nAbsAvail=0,
sal_uInt16 nRelAvail=0, sal_uInt16 nAbsLeftSpace=0,
sal_uInt16 nAbsRightSpace=0,
sal_uInt16 nParentInhSpace=0 );
inline SwHTMLTableLayoutColumn *GetColumn( sal_uInt16 nCol ) const;
inline void SetColumn( std::unique_ptr<SwHTMLTableLayoutColumn> pCol, sal_uInt16 nCol );
inline SwHTMLTableLayoutCell *GetCell( sal_uInt16 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol ) const;
inline void SetCell( std::unique_ptr<SwHTMLTableLayoutCell> pCell, sal_uInt16 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol );
sal_uLong GetMin() const { return m_nMin; }
sal_uLong GetMax() const { return m_nMax; }
inline long GetBrowseWidthMin() const;
bool HasColsOption() const { return m_bColsOption; }
bool HasColTags() const { return m_bColTags; }
bool IsTopTable() const { return m_pSwTable != nullptr; }
void SetMustResize( bool bSet ) { m_bMustResize = bSet; }
void SetMustNotResize( bool bSet ) { m_bMustNotResize = bSet; }
void SetMustNotRecalc( bool bSet ) { m_bMustNotRecalc = bSet; }
/** Recalculation of table widths for available width that has been passed.
- If bRecalc is set, contents of boxes are included into calculation.
- If bForce is set, table will be recalculated even if this was
disallowed by SetMustNotResize.
- If nDelay > 0 the calculation is delayed accordingly. Resizing calls
occurring during delay-time are ignored, but the delay may be counted
under certain circumstances.
- If nDelay == HTMLTABLE_RESIZE_NOW, resize immediately and do not
consider any resize-calls that might possibly be in order.
- The return value indicates whether the table has been changed. */
bool Resize( sal_uInt16 nAbsAvail, bool bRecalc=false, bool bForce=false,
sal_uLong nDelay=0 );
void BordersChanged( sal_uInt16 nAbsAvail );
/** Calculate available width. This works only if a layout or a
SwViewShell exists. Otherwise returns 0.
This is needed by HTML-filter because it doesn't have access to the layout.) */
static sal_uInt16 GetBrowseWidth( const SwDoc& rDoc );
/// Calculates available width by table-frame.
sal_uInt16 GetBrowseWidthByTabFrame( const SwTabFrame& rTabFrame ) const;
/** Calculates available width by the table-frame or
static GetBrowseWidth if no layout exists. */
sal_uInt16 GetBrowseWidthByTable( const SwDoc& rDoc ) const;
/// For Export.
sal_uInt16 GetWidthOption() const { return m_nWidthOption; }
bool HasPercentWidthOption() const { return m_bPercentWidthOption; }
sal_uInt16 GetCellPadding() const { return m_nCellPadding; }
sal_uInt16 GetCellSpacing() const { return m_nCellSpacing; }
sal_uInt16 GetBorder() const { return m_nBorder; }
sal_uInt16 GetRowCount() const { return m_nRows; }
sal_uInt16 GetColCount() const { return m_nCols; }
void SetExportable( bool bSet ) { m_bExportable = bSet; }
bool IsExportable() const { return m_bExportable; }
bool HaveBordersChanged() const { return m_bBordersChanged; }
void SetMayBeInFlyFrame( bool bSet ) { m_bMayBeInFlyFrame = bSet; }
bool MayBeInFlyFrame() const { return m_bMayBeInFlyFrame; }
inline void SwHTMLTableLayoutCell::SetProtected()
nRowSpan = 1;
nColSpan = 1;
inline void SwHTMLTableLayoutColumn::MergeMinMaxNoAlign( sal_uLong nCMin,
sal_uLong nCMax, sal_uLong nAbsMin )
if( nCMin > nMinNoAlign )
nMinNoAlign = nCMin;
if( nCMax > nMaxNoAlign )
nMaxNoAlign = nCMax;
if( nAbsMin > nAbsMinNoAlign )
nAbsMinNoAlign = nAbsMin;
inline void SwHTMLTableLayoutColumn::ClearPass1Info( bool bWidthOpt )
nMinNoAlign = nMaxNoAlign = nAbsMinNoAlign = MINLAY;
nMin = nMax = 0;
if( bWidthOpt )
nWidthOption = 0;
bRelWidthOption = false;
inline void SwHTMLTableLayoutColumn::MergeCellWidthOption(
sal_uInt16 nWidth, bool bRel )
if( !nWidthOption ||
(bRel==bRelWidthOption && nWidthOption < nWidth) )
nWidthOption = nWidth;
bRelWidthOption = bRel;
inline void SwHTMLTableLayoutColumn::SetMinMax( sal_uLong nMn, sal_uLong nMx )
nMin = nMn;
nMax = nMx;
inline sal_uInt16 SwHTMLTableLayout::GetInhCellSpace( sal_uInt16 nCol,
sal_uInt16 nColSpan ) const
sal_uInt16 nSpace = 0;
if( nCol==0 )
nSpace = nSpace + m_nInhAbsLeftSpace;
if( nCol+nColSpan==m_nCols )
nSpace = nSpace + m_nInhAbsRightSpace;
return nSpace;
inline SwHTMLTableLayoutColumn *SwHTMLTableLayout::GetColumn( sal_uInt16 nCol ) const
return m_aColumns[nCol].get();
inline void SwHTMLTableLayoutColumn::SetWidthOption( sal_uInt16 nWidth )
nWidthOption = nWidth;
bRelWidthOption = true;
inline void SwHTMLTableLayout::SetColumn( std::unique_ptr<SwHTMLTableLayoutColumn> pCol, sal_uInt16 nCol )
m_aColumns[nCol] = std::move(pCol);
inline SwHTMLTableLayoutCell *SwHTMLTableLayout::GetCell( sal_uInt16 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol ) const
return m_aCells[static_cast<size_t>(nRow)*m_nCols+nCol].get();
inline void SwHTMLTableLayout::SetCell( std::unique_ptr<SwHTMLTableLayoutCell> pCell,
sal_uInt16 nRow, sal_uInt16 nCol )
m_aCells[static_cast<size_t>(nRow)*m_nCols+nCol] = std::move(pCell);
inline long SwHTMLTableLayout::GetBrowseWidthMin() const
return static_cast<long>( (!m_nWidthOption || m_bPercentWidthOption) ? m_nMin : m_nRelTabWidth );
void SwHTMLTableLayout::SetInhBorderWidths( sal_uInt16 nLeft, sal_uInt16 nRight )
m_nInhLeftBorderWidth = nLeft;
m_nInhRightBorderWidth = nRight;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */