Xisco Fauli 5f0cf6e7aa basic: add missing license statement in test files
While at it, convert test_optional_paramter_type.bas
to Unix format

Change-Id: I141fa0a00d6b6784c3a84c8b3041086d51e5cdbc
Tested-by: Xisco Fauli <>
Reviewed-by: Xisco Fauli <>
2022-12-20 08:41:11 +00:00

270 lines
12 KiB

' This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
' This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
' License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
' file, You can obtain one at
Option Explicit
Type testObject
testInt As Integer
End Type
Function doUnitTest() As String
doUnitTest = TestUtil.GetResult()
End Function
' tdf#36737 - Test optionals with different datatypes. In LO Basic, optional
' parameters are allowed, but without any default values. Missing optional
' parameters will not be initialized to their respective default values of
' its datatype, either.
Sub verify_testOptionalsBasic()
On Error GoTo errorHandler
' optionals with variant datatypes
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptVariant(), 0, "TestOptVariant()")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptVariant(123), 123, "TestOptVariant(123)")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptVariant(, 456), 456, "TestOptVariant(, 456)")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptVariant(123, 456), 579, "TestOptVariant(123, 456)")
' optionals with variant datatypes (ByRef and ByVal)
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptVariantByRefByVal(), 0, "TestOptVariantByRefByVal()")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptVariantByRefByVal(123), 123, "TestOptVariantByRefByVal(123)")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptVariantByRefByVal(, 456), 456, "TestOptVariantByRefByVal(, 456)")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptVariantByRefByVal(123, 456), 579, "TestOptVariantByRefByVal(123, 456)")
' optionals with double datatypes
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptDouble(), 0, "TestOptDouble()")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptDouble(123.4), 123.4, 1E-5, "TestOptDouble(123.4)")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptDouble(, 567.8), 567.8, 1E-5, "TestOptDouble(, 567.8)")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptDouble(123.4, 567.8), 691.2, 1E-5, "TestOptDouble(123.4, 567.8)")
' optionals with double datatypes (ByRef and ByVal)
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptDoubleByRefByVal(), 0, "TestOptDoubleByRefByVal()")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptDoubleByRefByVal(123.4), 123.4, 1E-5, "TestOptDoubleByRefByVal(123.4)")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptDoubleByRefByVal(, 567.8), 567.8, 1E-5, "TestOptDoubleByRefByVal(, 567.8)")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptDoubleByRefByVal(123.4, 567.8), 691.2, 1E-5, "TestOptDoubleByRefByVal(123.4, 567.8)")
' optionals with integer datatypes
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptInteger(), 0, "TestOptInteger()")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptInteger(123), 123, "TestOptInteger(123)")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptInteger(, 456), 456, "TestOptInteger(, 456)")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptInteger(123, 456), 579, "TestOptInteger(123, 456)")
' optionals with integer datatypes (ByRef and ByVal)
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptIntegerByRefByVal(), 0, "TestOptIntegerByRefByVal()")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptIntegerByRefByVal(123), 123, "TestOptIntegerByRefByVal(123)")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptIntegerByRefByVal(, 456), 456, "TestOptIntegerByRefByVal(, 456)")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptIntegerByRefByVal(123, 456), 579, "TestOptIntegerByRefByVal(123, 456)")
' optionals with string datatypes
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptString(), "", "TestOptString()")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptString("123"), "123", "TestOptString(""123"")")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptString(, "456"), "456", "TestOptString(, ""456"")")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptString("123", "456"), "123456", "TestOptString(""123"", ""456"")")
' optionals with string datatypes (ByRef and ByVal)
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptStringByRefByVal(), "", "TestOptStringByRefByVal()")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptStringByRefByVal("123"), "123", "TestOptStringByRefByVal(""123"")")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptStringByRefByVal(, "456"), "456", "TestOptStringByRefByVal(, ""456"")")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptStringByRefByVal("123", "456"), "123456", "TestOptStringByRefByVal(""123"", ""456"")")
' optionals with object datatypes
Dim cA As New Collection
cA.Add (123)
cA.Add (456)
Dim cB As New Collection
cB.Add (123.4)
cB.Add (567.8)
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptObject(), 0, "TestOptObject()")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptObject(cA), 579, "TestOptObject(A)")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptObject(, cB), 691.2, 1E-5, "TestOptObject(, B)")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptObject(cA, cB), 1270.2, 1E-5, "TestOptObject(A, B)")
' optionals with object datatypes (ByRef and ByVal)
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptObjectByRefByVal(), 0, "TestOptObjectByRefByVal()")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptObjectByRefByVal(cA), 579, "TestOptObjectByRefByVal(A)")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptObjectByRefByVal(, cB), 691.2, 1E-5, "TestOptObjectByRefByVal(, B)")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptObjectByRefByVal(cA, cB), 1270.2, 1E-5, "TestOptObjectByRefByVal(A, B)")
' optionals with array datatypes
Dim aA(0 To 1) As Integer
aA(0) = 123
aA(1) = 456
Dim aB(0 To 1) As Variant
aB(0) = 123.4
aB(1) = 567.8
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptArray(), 0, "TestOptArray()")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptArray(aA), 579, "TestOptArray(A)")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptArray(, aB), 691.2, 1E-5, "TestOptArray(, B)")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptArray(aA, aB), 1270.2, 1E-5, "TestOptArray(A, B)")
' optionals with array datatypes (ByRef and ByVal)
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptArrayByRefByVal(), 0, "TestOptArrayByRefByVal()")
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestOptArrayByRefByVal(aA), 579, "TestOptArrayByRefByVal(A)")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptArrayByRefByVal(, aB), 691.2, 1E-5, "TestOptArrayByRefByVal(, B)")
TestUtil.AssertEqualApprox(TestOptArrayByRefByVal(aA, aB), 1270.2, 1E-5, "TestOptArrayByRefByVal(A, B)")
' tdf#144353 - error handling of missing optional parameters (arithmetic operator)
' Without the fix in place, this test would have failed with:
' - Expected: 449 (ERRCODE_BASIC_NOT_OPTIONAL - Argument not optional)
' - Actual : 549 (Actual value of the variable)
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestArithmeticOperator, 449, "TestArithmeticOperator")
' tdf#144353 - error handling of missing optional parameters (unary operator)
' Without the fix in place, this test would have failed with:
' - Expected: 449 (ERRCODE_BASIC_NOT_OPTIONAL - Argument not optional)
' - Actual : 100 (Actual value of the variable)
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestUnaryOperator, 449, "TestUnaryOperator")
' tdf#144353 - error handling of missing optional parameters (assigning to a collection)
' Without the fix in place, this test would have failed with:
' - Expected: 449 (ERRCODE_BASIC_NOT_OPTIONAL - Argument not optional)
' - Actual : 549 (Actual value of the variable)
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestCollection, 449, "TestCollection")
' tdf#144353 - error handling of missing optional parameters
' Without the fix in place, this test would have failed with:
' - Expected: 449 (ERRCODE_BASIC_NOT_OPTIONAL - Argument not optional)
' - Actual : 448 (Actual value of the variable)
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestObjectError, 449, "TestObjectError")
' tdf#151503 - error handling of missing optional parameters (boolean operations)
' Without the fix in place, this test would have failed with:
' - Expected: 449 (ERRCODE_BASIC_NOT_OPTIONAL - Argument not optional)
' - Actual : 0 (No error code since a missing parameter evaluates to true)
TestUtil.AssertEqual(TestBooleanOperations, 449, "TestBooleanOperations")
Exit Sub
TestUtil.ReportErrorHandler("verify_testOptionalsBasic", Err, Error$, Erl)
End Sub
Function TestOptVariant(Optional A, Optional B As Variant)
TestOptVariant = OptNumberSum(IsMissing(A), A, IsMissing(B), B)
End Function
Function TestOptVariantByRefByVal(Optional ByRef A, Optional ByVal B As Variant)
TestOptVariantByRefByVal = OptNumberSum(IsMissing(A), A, IsMissing(B), B)
End Function
Function TestOptDouble(Optional A As Double, Optional B As Double)
TestOptDouble = OptNumberSum(IsMissing(A), A, IsMissing(B), B)
End Function
Function TestOptDoubleByRefByVal(Optional ByRef A As Double, Optional ByVal B As Double)
TestOptDoubleByRefByVal = OptNumberSum(IsMissing(A), A, IsMissing(B), B)
End Function
Function TestOptInteger(Optional A As Integer, Optional B As Integer)
TestOptInteger = OptNumberSum(IsMissing(A), A, IsMissing(B), B)
End Function
Function TestOptIntegerByRefByVal(Optional ByRef A As Integer, Optional ByVal B As Integer)
TestOptIntegerByRefByVal = OptNumberSum(IsMissing(A), A, IsMissing(B), B)
End Function
Function TestOptString(Optional A As String, Optional B As String)
TestOptString = OptStringConcat(IsMissing(A), A, IsMissing(B), B)
End Function
Function TestOptStringByRefByVal(Optional ByRef A As String, Optional ByVal B As String)
TestOptStringByRefByVal = OptStringConcat(IsMissing(A), A, IsMissing(B), B)
End Function
Function TestOptObject(Optional A As Collection, Optional B As Collection)
TestOptObject = 0
If Not IsMissing(A) Then TestOptObject = CollectionSum(A)
If Not IsMissing(B) Then TestOptObject = TestOptObject + CollectionSum(B)
End Function
Function TestOptObjectByRefByVal(Optional ByRef A As Collection, Optional ByVal B As Collection)
TestOptObjectByRefByVal = 0
If Not IsMissing(A) Then TestOptObjectByRefByVal = CollectionSum(A)
If Not IsMissing(B) Then TestOptObjectByRefByVal = TestOptObjectByRefByVal + CollectionSum(B)
End Function
Function TestOptArray(Optional A() As Integer, Optional B() As Variant)
TestOptArray = ArraySum(IsMissing(A), A) + ArraySum(IsMissing(B), B)
End Function
Function TestOptArrayByRefByVal(Optional ByRef A() As Integer, Optional ByVal B() As Variant)
TestOptArrayByRefByVal = ArraySum(IsMissing(A), A) + ArraySum(IsMissing(B), B)
End Function
Function OptNumberSum(is_missingA As Boolean, A, is_missingB As Boolean, B)
OptNumberSum = 0
If Not is_missingA Then OptNumberSum = A
If Not is_missingB Then OptNumberSum = OptNumberSum + B
End Function
Function OptStringConcat(is_missingA As Boolean, A, is_missingB As Boolean, B)
OptStringConcat = ""
If Not is_missingA Then OptStringConcat = A
If Not is_missingB Then OptStringConcat = OptStringConcat & B
End Function
Function TestArithmeticOperator(Optional optInt)
On Error GoTo errorHandler
optInt = optInt + 100
TestArithmeticOperator = optInt
TestArithmeticOperator = Err()
End Function
Function TestUnaryOperator(Optional optInt)
On Error GoTo errorHandler
If (Not optInt) Then optInt = 100
TestUnaryOperator = optInt
TestUnaryOperator = Err()
End Function
Function TestCollection(Optional optInt)
On Error GoTo errorHandler
Dim cA As New Collection
TestCollection = cA.Item(1) + 100
TestCollection = Err()
End Function
Function TestObjectError(Optional optInt)
On Error GoTo errorHandler
Dim aTestObject As Variant
aTestObject = CreateObject("testObject")
aTestObject.testInt = optInt
TestObjectError = optInt
TestObjectError = Err()
End Function
Function TestBooleanOperations(Optional optBool As Boolean)
On Error GoTo errorHandler
if optBool then
TestBooleanOperations = 0
end if
TestBooleanOperations = Err()
End Function
Function CollectionSum(C)
Dim idx As Integer
CollectionSum = 0
For idx = 1 To C.Count
CollectionSum = CollectionSum + C.Item(idx)
Next idx
End Function
Function ArraySum(is_missingC As Boolean, C)
Dim idx As Integer
ArraySum = 0
If Not is_missingC Then
For idx = LBound(C) To UBound(C)
ArraySum = ArraySum + C(idx)
Next idx
End If
End Function