Stephan Bergmann 235ae98ae6 Extended loplugin:ostr: opencl
Change-Id: I126ed9e9fca6d1ab8d4e42ec0fe1ffb33a5f8ae8
Tested-by: Jenkins
Reviewed-by: Stephan Bergmann <>
2023-11-19 22:35:12 +01:00

609 lines
22 KiB

/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at
#include <float.h>
#include <iostream>
#include <memory>
#include <string_view>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
#include <comphelper/random.hxx>
#include <o3tl/safeint.hxx>
#include <opencl/openclconfig.hxx>
#include <opencl/platforminfo.hxx>
#include <sal/log.hxx>
#include <rtl/math.hxx>
#include <tools/time.hxx>
#include <opencl/OpenCLZone.hxx>
#include <opencl_device.hxx>
#include <opencl_device_selection.h>
#define INPUTSIZE 15360
#define OUTPUTSIZE 15360
namespace {
void DS_CHECK_STATUS(cl_int status, char const * name) {
if (CL_SUCCESS != status)
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Error code is " << status << " at " << name);
bool bIsDeviceSelected = false;
ds_device selectedDevice;
struct LibreOfficeDeviceEvaluationIO
std::vector<double> input0;
std::vector<double> input1;
std::vector<double> input2;
std::vector<double> input3;
std::vector<double> output;
tools::ULong inputSize;
tools::ULong outputSize;
const char* source = R"delimit(
#if defined(KHR_DP_EXTENSION)
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_khr_fp64 : enable
#elif defined(AMD_DP_EXTENSION)
#pragma OPENCL EXTENSION cl_amd_fp64 : enable
int isNan(fp_t a) { return a != a; }
fp_t fsum(fp_t a, fp_t b) { return a + b; }
fp_t fAverage(__global fp_t* input)
fp_t sum = 0;
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < INPUTSIZE; i++)
if (!isNan(input[i]))
sum = fsum(input[i], sum);
count += 1;
return sum / (fp_t)count;
fp_t fMin(__global fp_t* input)
fp_t min = MAXFLOAT;
for (int i = 0; i < INPUTSIZE; i++)
if (!isNan(input[i]))
min = fmin(input[i], min);
return min;
fp_t fSoP(__global fp_t* input0, __global fp_t* input1)
fp_t sop = 0.0;
for (int i = 0; i < INPUTSIZE; i++)
sop += (isNan(input0[i]) ? 0 : input0[i]) * (isNan(input1[i]) ? 0 : input1[i]);
return sop;
__kernel void DynamicKernel(
__global fp_t* result, __global fp_t* input0, __global fp_t* input1, __global fp_t* input2, __global fp_t* input3)
int gid0 = get_global_id(0);
fp_t tmp0 = fAverage(input0);
fp_t tmp1 = fMin(input1) * fSoP(input2, input3);
result[gid0] = fsum(tmp0, tmp1);
size_t sourceSize[] = { strlen(source) };
/* Random number generator */
double random(double min, double max)
if (rtl::math::approxEqual(min, max))
return min;
return comphelper::rng::uniform_real_distribution(min, max);
/* Populate input */
void populateInput(std::unique_ptr<LibreOfficeDeviceEvaluationIO> const & testData)
double* input0 = testData->;
double* input1 = testData->;
double* input2 = testData->;
double* input3 = testData->;
for (tools::ULong i = 0; i < testData->inputSize; i++)
input0[i] = random(0, i);
input1[i] = random(0, i);
input2[i] = random(0, i);
input3[i] = random(0, i);
/* Evaluate devices */
ds_status evaluateScoreForDevice(ds_device& rDevice, std::unique_ptr<LibreOfficeDeviceEvaluationIO> const & testData)
if (rDevice.eType == DeviceType::OpenCLDevice)
/* Evaluating an OpenCL device */
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Device: \"" << rDevice.sDeviceName << "\" (OpenCL) evaluation...");
cl_int clStatus;
/* Check for 64-bit float extensions */
std::unique_ptr<char[]> aExtInfo;
size_t aDevExtInfoSize = 0;
OpenCLZone zone;
clStatus = clGetDeviceInfo(rDevice.aDeviceID, CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS, 0, nullptr, &aDevExtInfoSize);
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clGetDeviceInfo");
aExtInfo.reset(new char[aDevExtInfoSize]);
clStatus = clGetDeviceInfo(rDevice.aDeviceID, CL_DEVICE_EXTENSIONS, sizeof(char) * aDevExtInfoSize, aExtInfo.get(), nullptr);
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clGetDeviceInfo");
bool bKhrFp64Flag = false;
bool bAmdFp64Flag = false;
const char* buildOption = nullptr;
std::string tmpStr("-Dfp_t=double -Dfp_t4=double4 -Dfp_t16=double16 -DINPUTSIZE=");
std::ostringstream tmpOStrStr;
tmpOStrStr << std::dec << INPUTSIZE;
if ((std::string(aExtInfo.get())).find("cl_khr_fp64") != std::string::npos)
bKhrFp64Flag = true;
//buildOption = "-D KHR_DP_EXTENSION -Dfp_t=double -Dfp_t4=double4 -Dfp_t16=double16";
tmpStr.append(" -DKHR_DP_EXTENSION");
buildOption = tmpStr.c_str();
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "... has cl_khr_fp64");
else if ((std::string(aExtInfo.get())).find("cl_amd_fp64") != std::string::npos)
bAmdFp64Flag = true;
//buildOption = "-D AMD_DP_EXTENSION -Dfp_t=double -Dfp_t4=double4 -Dfp_t16=double16";
tmpStr.append(" -DAMD_DP_EXTENSION");
buildOption = tmpStr.c_str();
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "... has cl_amd_fp64");
if (!bKhrFp64Flag && !bAmdFp64Flag)
/* No 64-bit float support */
rDevice.fTime = DBL_MAX;
rDevice.bErrors = false;
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "... no fp64 support");
/* 64-bit float support present */
OpenCLZone zone;
/* Create context and command queue */
cl_context clContext = clCreateContext(nullptr, 1, &rDevice.aDeviceID, nullptr, nullptr, &clStatus);
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clCreateContext");
cl_command_queue clQueue = clCreateCommandQueue(clContext, rDevice.aDeviceID, 0, &clStatus);
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clCreateCommandQueue");
/* Build program */
cl_program clProgram = clCreateProgramWithSource(clContext, 1, &source, sourceSize, &clStatus);
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clCreateProgramWithSource");
clStatus = clBuildProgram(clProgram, 1, &rDevice.aDeviceID, buildOption, nullptr, nullptr);
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clBuildProgram");
if (CL_SUCCESS != clStatus)
/* Build program failed */
size_t length;
char* buildLog;
clStatus = clGetProgramBuildInfo(clProgram, rDevice.aDeviceID, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, 0, nullptr, &length);
buildLog = static_cast<char*>(malloc(length));
clGetProgramBuildInfo(clProgram, rDevice.aDeviceID, CL_PROGRAM_BUILD_LOG, length, buildLog, &length);
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Build Errors:\n" << buildLog);
rDevice.fTime = DBL_MAX;
rDevice.bErrors = true;
/* Build program succeeded */
sal_uInt64 kernelTime = tools::Time::GetMonotonicTicks();
/* Run kernel */
cl_kernel clKernel = clCreateKernel(clProgram, "DynamicKernel", &clStatus);
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clCreateKernel");
cl_mem clResult = clCreateBuffer(clContext, CL_MEM_WRITE_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, sizeof(cl_double) * testData->outputSize, testData->, &clStatus);
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clCreateBuffer::clResult");
cl_mem clInput0 = clCreateBuffer(clContext, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, sizeof(cl_double) * testData->inputSize, testData->, &clStatus);
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clCreateBuffer::clInput0");
cl_mem clInput1 = clCreateBuffer(clContext, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, sizeof(cl_double) * testData->inputSize, testData->, &clStatus);
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clCreateBuffer::clInput1");
cl_mem clInput2 = clCreateBuffer(clContext, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, sizeof(cl_double) * testData->inputSize, testData->, &clStatus);
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clCreateBuffer::clInput2");
cl_mem clInput3 = clCreateBuffer(clContext, CL_MEM_READ_ONLY | CL_MEM_USE_HOST_PTR, sizeof(cl_double) * testData->inputSize, testData->, &clStatus);
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clCreateBuffer::clInput3");
clStatus = clSetKernelArg(clKernel, 0, sizeof(cl_mem), static_cast<void*>(&clResult));
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clSetKernelArg::clResult");
clStatus = clSetKernelArg(clKernel, 1, sizeof(cl_mem), static_cast<void*>(&clInput0));
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clSetKernelArg::clInput0");
clStatus = clSetKernelArg(clKernel, 2, sizeof(cl_mem), static_cast<void*>(&clInput1));
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clSetKernelArg::clInput1");
clStatus = clSetKernelArg(clKernel, 3, sizeof(cl_mem), static_cast<void*>(&clInput2));
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clSetKernelArg::clInput2");
clStatus = clSetKernelArg(clKernel, 4, sizeof(cl_mem), static_cast<void*>(&clInput3));
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clSetKernelArg::clInput3");
size_t globalWS[1] = { testData->outputSize };
size_t const localSize[1] = { 64 };
clStatus = clEnqueueNDRangeKernel(clQueue, clKernel, 1, nullptr, globalWS, localSize, 0, nullptr, nullptr);
DS_CHECK_STATUS(clStatus, "evaluateScoreForDevice::clEnqueueNDRangeKernel");
rDevice.fTime = tools::Time::GetMonotonicTicks() - kernelTime;
rDevice.bErrors = false;
/* Evaluating a Native CPU device */
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Device: \"CPU\" (Native) evaluation...");
sal_uInt64 kernelTime = tools::Time::GetMonotonicTicks();
tools::ULong j;
for (j = 0; j < testData->outputSize; j++)
double fAverage = 0.0f;
double fMin = DBL_MAX;
double fSoP = 0.0f;
for (tools::ULong i = 0; i < testData->inputSize; i++)
fAverage += testData->input0[i];
fMin = std::min(fMin, testData->input1[i]);
fSoP += testData->input2[i] * testData->input3[i];
fAverage /= testData->inputSize;
testData->output[j] = fAverage + (fMin * fSoP);
// Don't run for much longer than one second
if (j > 0 && j % 100 == 0)
rDevice.fTime = tools::Time::GetMonotonicTicks() - kernelTime;
if (rDevice.fTime >= 1)
rDevice.fTime = tools::Time::GetMonotonicTicks() - kernelTime;
// Scale time to how long it would have taken to go all the way to outputSize
rDevice.fTime /= (static_cast<double>(j) / testData->outputSize);
// InterpretTail - the S/W fallback is nothing like as efficient
// as any good openCL implementation: no SIMD, tons of branching
// in the inner loops etc. Generously characterise it as only 10x
// slower than the above.
rDevice.fTime *= 10.0;
rDevice.bErrors = false;
return DS_SUCCESS;
ds_status profileDevices(std::unique_ptr<ds_profile> const & pProfile, std::unique_ptr<LibreOfficeDeviceEvaluationIO> const & pTestData)
ds_status status = DS_SUCCESS;
if (!pProfile)
for (ds_device& rDevice : pProfile->devices)
ds_status evaluatorStatus = evaluateScoreForDevice(rDevice, pTestData);
if (evaluatorStatus != DS_SUCCESS)
status = evaluatorStatus;
return status;
return status;
/* Pick best device */
int pickBestDevice(std::unique_ptr<ds_profile> const & profile)
double bestScore = DBL_MAX;
int nBestDeviceIndex = -1;
for (std::vector<ds_device>::size_type d = 0; d < profile->devices.size();
ds_device& device = profile->devices[d];
// Check denylist and allowlist for actual devices
if (device.eType == DeviceType::OpenCLDevice)
// There is a silly impedance mismatch here. Why do we
// need two different ways to describe an OpenCL platform
// and an OpenCL device driver?
OpenCLPlatformInfo aPlatform;
OpenCLDeviceInfo aDevice;
// We know that only the below fields are used by checkForKnownBadCompilers()
aPlatform.maVendor = OStringToOUString(device.sPlatformVendor, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
aDevice.maName = OStringToOUString(device.sDeviceName, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
aDevice.maDriver = OStringToOUString(device.sDriverVersion, RTL_TEXTENCODING_UTF8);
// If denylisted or not allowlisted, ignore it
if (OpenCLConfig::get().checkImplementation(aPlatform, aDevice))
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Device[" << d << "] " << device.sDeviceName << " is denylisted or not allowlisted");
device.fTime = DBL_MAX;
device.bErrors = false;
double fScore = DBL_MAX;
if (device.fTime >= 0.0
|| rtl::math::approxEqual(device.fTime, DBL_MAX))
fScore = device.fTime;
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Unusual null score");
if (device.eType == DeviceType::OpenCLDevice)
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Device[" << d << "] " << device.sDeviceName << " (OpenCL) score is " << fScore);
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Device[" << d << "] CPU (Native) score is " << fScore);
if (fScore < bestScore)
bestScore = fScore;
nBestDeviceIndex = d;
if (nBestDeviceIndex != -1 && profile->devices[nBestDeviceIndex].eType == DeviceType::OpenCLDevice)
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Selected Device[" << nBestDeviceIndex << "]: " << profile->devices[nBestDeviceIndex].sDeviceName << "(OpenCL).");
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Selected Device[" << nBestDeviceIndex << "]: CPU (Native).");
return nBestDeviceIndex;
/* Return device ID for matching device name */
int matchDevice(std::unique_ptr<ds_profile> const & profile, const char* deviceName)
int deviceMatch = -1;
for (size_t d = 0; d < profile->devices.size() - 1; d++)
if (profile->devices[d].sDeviceName.indexOf(deviceName) != -1)
deviceMatch = d;
if (std::string("NATIVE_CPU").find(deviceName) != std::string::npos)
deviceMatch = profile->devices.size() - 1;
return deviceMatch;
class LogWriter
SvFileStream maStream;
explicit LogWriter(OUString const & aFileName)
: maStream(aFileName, StreamMode::WRITE)
void text(std::string_view rText)
void log(std::string_view rKey, std::string_view rValue)
maStream.WriteOString(": ");
void log(std::string_view rKey, int rValue)
log(rKey, OString::number(rValue));
void log(std::string_view rKey, bool rValue)
log(rKey, OString::boolean(rValue));
void writeDevicesLog(std::unique_ptr<ds_profile> const & rProfile, std::u16string_view sProfilePath, int nSelectedIndex)
OUString aCacheFile(OUString::Concat(sProfilePath) + "opencl_devices.log");
LogWriter aWriter(aCacheFile);
int nIndex = 0;
for (const ds_device& rDevice : rProfile->devices)
if (rDevice.eType == DeviceType::OpenCLDevice)
aWriter.log("Device Index", nIndex);
aWriter.log(" Selected", nIndex == nSelectedIndex);
aWriter.log(" Device Name", rDevice.sDeviceName);
aWriter.log(" Device Vendor", rDevice.sDeviceVendor);
aWriter.log(" Device Version", rDevice.sDeviceVersion);
aWriter.log(" Driver Version", rDevice.sDriverVersion);
aWriter.log(" Device Type", rDevice.sDeviceType);
aWriter.log(" Device Extensions", rDevice.sDeviceExtensions);
aWriter.log(" Device OpenCL C Version", rDevice.sDeviceOpenCLVersion);
aWriter.log(" Device Available", rDevice.bDeviceAvailable);
aWriter.log(" Device Compiler Available", rDevice.bDeviceCompilerAvailable);
aWriter.log(" Device Linker Available", rDevice.bDeviceLinkerAvailable);
aWriter.log(" Platform Name", rDevice.sPlatformName);
aWriter.log(" Platform Vendor", rDevice.sPlatformVendor);
aWriter.log(" Platform Version", rDevice.sPlatformVersion);
aWriter.log(" Platform Profile", rDevice.sPlatformProfile);
aWriter.log(" Platform Extensions", rDevice.sPlatformExtensions);
} // end anonymous namespace
ds_device const & getDeviceSelection(
std::u16string_view sProfilePath, bool bForceSelection)
/* Run only if device is not yet selected */
if (!bIsDeviceSelected || bForceSelection)
/* Setup */
std::unique_ptr<ds_profile> aProfile;
ds_status status;
status = initDSProfile(aProfile, "LibreOffice v1"_ostr);
if (status != DS_SUCCESS)
// failed to initialize profile.
selectedDevice.eType = DeviceType::NativeCPU;
return selectedDevice;
/* Try reading scores from file */
OUString sFilePath = OUString::Concat(sProfilePath) + "opencl_profile.xml";
if (!bForceSelection)
status = readProfile(sFilePath, aProfile);
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Performing forced profiling.");
if (DS_SUCCESS != status)
if (!bForceSelection)
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Profile file not available (" << sFilePath << "); performing profiling.");
/* Populate input data for micro-benchmark */
std::unique_ptr<LibreOfficeDeviceEvaluationIO> testData(new LibreOfficeDeviceEvaluationIO);
testData->inputSize = INPUTSIZE;
testData->outputSize = OUTPUTSIZE;
/* Perform evaluations */
status = profileDevices(aProfile, testData);
if (DS_SUCCESS == status)
/* Write scores to file */
status = writeProfile(sFilePath, aProfile);
if (DS_SUCCESS == status)
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Scores written to file (" << sFilePath << ").");
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Error saving scores to file (" << sFilePath << "); scores not written to file.");
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Unable to evaluate performance; scores not written to file.");
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Profile read from file (" << sFilePath << ").");
/* Pick best device */
int bestDeviceIdx = pickBestDevice(aProfile);
/* Override if necessary */
char* overrideDeviceStr = getenv("SC_OPENCL_DEVICE_OVERRIDE");
if (nullptr != overrideDeviceStr)
int overrideDeviceIdx = matchDevice(aProfile, overrideDeviceStr);
if (-1 != overrideDeviceIdx)
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Overriding Device Selection (SC_OPENCL_DEVICE_OVERRIDE=" << overrideDeviceStr << ").");
bestDeviceIdx = overrideDeviceIdx;
if (aProfile->devices[bestDeviceIdx].eType == DeviceType::OpenCLDevice)
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Selected Device[" << bestDeviceIdx << "]: " << aProfile->devices[bestDeviceIdx].sDeviceName << " (OpenCL).");
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Selected Device[" << bestDeviceIdx << "]: CPU (Native).");
SAL_INFO("opencl.device", "Ignoring invalid SC_OPENCL_DEVICE_OVERRIDE=" << overrideDeviceStr << ").");
/* Final device selection */
if (bestDeviceIdx >=0 && o3tl::make_unsigned( bestDeviceIdx ) < aProfile->devices.size() )
selectedDevice = aProfile->devices[bestDeviceIdx];
bIsDeviceSelected = true;
writeDevicesLog(aProfile, sProfilePath, bestDeviceIdx);
} else {
selectedDevice.eType = DeviceType::NativeCPU;
return selectedDevice;
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