88 lines
3 KiB
Executable file
88 lines
3 KiB
Executable file
eval 'exec perl -S $0 ${1+"$@"}'
if 0;
# Version: MPL 1.1 / GPLv3+ / LGPLv3+
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License or as specified alternatively below. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
# Andras Timar <atimar@suse.com>
# Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2011 the
# Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
# Major Contributor(s):
# For minor contributions see the git repository.
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
# either the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later (the "GPLv3+"), or
# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or later (the "LGPLv3+"),
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# instead of those above.
# merges strings from SDF file to properties files
use strict;
use Getopt::Std;
my %options=();
getopts("i:m:", \%options);
my %translations = ();
my %languages = ();
# ( leftpart ) ( rightpart )
# prj file dummy type gid lid helpid pform width lang text helptext qhelptext title
my $sdf_regex = "((([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t])*\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*))\t([^\t]*)\t(([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)\t([^\t]*)))";
open (SDFFILE, "<$options{m}") || die "propmerge: cannot open sdf file: $options{m}";
while (<SDFFILE>) {
if( /$sdf_regex/ ) {
my $gid = defined $7 ? $7 : '';
my $lang = defined $12 ? $12 : '';
my $text = defined $14 ? $14 : '';
my $key = $lang . $gid;
$languages{$lang} = 1;
$text =~ s/([^\x{20}-\x{7E}])/sprintf("\\u%04X",ord($1))/ge;
$translations{$key} = $text;
close (SDFFILE);
foreach my $lang (keys %languages) {
my $locfilename = $options{i};
$lang =~ s/-/_/;
$locfilename =~ s/en_US\.properties/$lang.properties/;
$lang =~ s/_/-/;
open (INFILE, "<$options{i}") || die "propmerge: cannot open source file: $options{i}";
open (OUTFILE, ">$locfilename") || die "propmerge: cannot open output file: $locfilename";
while (<INFILE>) {
if (/=/) {
my ($id, $value) = split /=/;
$id =~ s/^\s+//; #remove leading spaces
$id =~ s/\s+$//; #remove trailing spaces
my $key = $lang . $id;
print OUTFILE "$id=$translations{$key}\n";
else {
print OUTFILE "$_";
close (INFILE);
close (OUTFILE);
exit 0;