2007/08/08 12:14:44 is #i80470# allowing root module definition without gid_Module_Root 2007/08/07 13:57:54 is #i80411# new scp linker to simplify package restructuring
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272 lines
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# OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
# $RCSfile: module.pm,v $
# $Revision: 1.7 $
# last change: $Author: ihi $ $Date: 2007-08-20 15:29:05 $
# The Contents of this file are made available subject to
# the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
# GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
# =============================================
# Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
# 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
# This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
# modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# Lesser General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
# License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
# Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
# MA 02111-1307 USA
package par2script::module;
use par2script::converter;
use par2script::exiter;
# Removing undefined gids
# from modules
sub remove_from_modules
my ($gid, $item) = @_;
my $counter = 0;
if ( ! exists($par2script::globals::searchkeys{$item}) ) { par2script::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Unknown type \"$item\" at modules.", "remove_from_modules"); }
my $searchkey = $par2script::globals::searchkeys{$item};
my $allmodules = $par2script::globals::definitions{'Module'};
my $onemodule;
foreach $onemodule (keys %{$allmodules})
if (( exists($allmodules->{$onemodule}->{$searchkey}) ) && ( $allmodules->{$onemodule}->{$searchkey} =~ /\b$gid\b/ ))
my $infoline = "WARNING: Removing $gid because of missing definition\n";
# print $infoline;
push(@par2script::globals::logfileinfo, $infoline);
$allmodules->{$onemodule}->{$searchkey} =~ s/\b$gid\b//;
$allmodules->{$onemodule}->{$searchkey} =~ s/\,\s*\,/\,/;
$allmodules->{$onemodule}->{$searchkey} =~ s/\(\s*\,\s*/\(/;
$allmodules->{$onemodule}->{$searchkey} =~ s/\s*\,\s*\)/\)/;
if (( $allmodules->{$onemodule}->{$searchkey} =~ /\(\s*\,\s*\)/ ) ||
( $allmodules->{$onemodule}->{$searchkey} =~ /\(\s*\)/ ))
return $counter;
# Removing undefined gids automatically
# from modules
sub remove_undefined_gids_from_modules
# If assigned gids for "File", "Directory" or "Unixlink" are not defined,
# they are automatically removed from the module
foreach $item ( @par2script::globals::items_assigned_at_modules )
my $assignedgids = $par2script::globals::assignedgids{$item};
my $definedgids = $par2script::globals::definitions{$item};
my $gid;
foreach $gid ( keys %{$assignedgids} )
if ( ! exists( $definedgids->{$gid} ))
# deleting entry in module definition
my $number_of_removals = remove_from_modules($gid, $item);
# decreasing counter in assignments
if ( $assignedgids->{$gid} > $number_of_removals ) { $assignedgids->{$gid} = $assignedgids->{$gid} - $number_of_removals; }
else { delete($assignedgids->{$gid}); }
# Getting the gid of the root module. The
# root module has no ParentID or an empty
# ParentID.
sub get_rootmodule_gid
my $rootgid = "";
my $foundroot = 0;
my $allmodules = $par2script::globals::definitions{'Module'};
my $modulegid = "";
foreach $modulegid (keys %{$allmodules} )
# print "Module $modulegid\n";
# my $content = "";
# foreach $content (sort keys %{$allmodules->{$modulegid}}) { print "\t$content = $allmodules->{$modulegid}->{$content};\n"; }
# print "End\n";
# print "\n";
if (( ! exists($allmodules->{$modulegid}->{'ParentID'})) || ( $allmodules->{$modulegid}->{'ParentID'} eq "" ))
if ( $foundroot ) { par2script::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: More than one Root module. Only one module without ParentID or with empty ParentID allowed ($rootgid and $modulegid).", "get_rootmodule_gid"); }
$rootgid = $modulegid;
$foundroot = 1;
if ( ! $foundroot ) { par2script::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Could not find Root module. Did not find module without ParentID or with empty ParentID.", "get_rootmodule_gid"); }
return $rootgid;
# Adding defined items without
# assignment to the root module.
sub add_to_root_module
# If defined gids for "File", "Directory" or "Unixlink" are not assigned,
# they are automatically assigned to the root module
my $rootmodulegid = get_rootmodule_gid();
my $item;
foreach $item ( @par2script::globals::items_assigned_at_modules )
my $assignedgids = $par2script::globals::assignedgids{$item};
my $definedgids = $par2script::globals::definitions{$item};
my $gidstring = "";
# Perhaps there are already items assigned to the root
if ( ! exists($par2script::globals::searchkeys{$item}) ) { par2script::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Unknown type \"$item\" at modules.", "remove_from_modules"); }
my $modulekey = $par2script::globals::searchkeys{$item};
if ( exists($par2script::globals::definitions{'Module'}->{$rootmodulegid}->{$modulekey}) )
$gidstring = $par2script::globals::definitions{'Module'}->{$rootmodulegid}->{$modulekey};
$gidstring =~ s/\(//;
$gidstring =~ s/\)//;
my $gid;
foreach $gid ( keys %{$definedgids} )
if ( ! exists( $assignedgids->{$gid} ))
if ( $gidstring eq "" )
$gidstring = $gid;
$gidstring = "$gidstring,$gid";
$assignedgids->{$gid} = 1;
if ( $gidstring ne "" )
$gidstring = "\($gidstring\)";
$par2script::globals::definitions{'Module'}->{$rootmodulegid}->{$modulekey} = $gidstring;
# Including \n in a very long string
sub include_linebreaks
my ($allgidstring) = @_;
my $newline = "";
my $newlength = 0;
$allgidstring =~ s/\(//;
$allgidstring =~ s/\)//;
my $allgids = par2script::converter::convert_stringlist_into_array_2($allgidstring, ",");
if ( $#{$allgids} > -1 )
my $onegid;
foreach $onegid ( @{$allgids} )
$newline = "$newline$onegid,";
$newlength = $newlength + length($onegid) + 1; # +1 for the comma
if ( $newlength > 80 )
$newline = $newline . "\n\t\t\t\t";
$newlength = 0;
$newline =~ s/,\s*$//;
$newline = "($newline)";
return $newline;
# Shorten the lines that belong to modules, if
# the length of the line is greater 100
sub shorten_lines_at_modules
my $item;
foreach $item ( @par2script::globals::items_assigned_at_modules )
if ( ! exists($par2script::globals::searchkeys{$item}) ) { par2script::exiter::exit_program("ERROR: Unknown type \"$item\" at modules.", "shorten_lines_at_modules"); }
my $searchkey = $par2script::globals::searchkeys{$item};
my $allmodules = $par2script::globals::definitions{'Module'};
my $onemodule;
foreach $onemodule (keys %{$allmodules})
if (( exists($allmodules->{$onemodule}->{$searchkey}) ) &&
( length($allmodules->{$onemodule}->{$searchkey}) > 100 ))
# including "\n\t\t\t\t"
my $newstring = include_linebreaks($allmodules->{$onemodule}->{$searchkey});
$allmodules->{$onemodule}->{$searchkey} = $newstring;