2005/09/05 12:17:12 rt #i54170# Change license header: remove SISSL
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* OpenOffice.org - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* $RCSfile: XActionLockable.idl,v $
* $Revision: 1.7 $
* last change: $Author: rt $ $Date: 2005-09-07 23:08:48 $
* The Contents of this file are made available subject to
* the terms of GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1.
* GNU Lesser General Public License Version 2.1
* =============================================
* Copyright 2005 by Sun Microsystems, Inc.
* 901 San Antonio Road, Palo Alto, CA 94303, USA
* This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
* modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License version 2.1, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* Lesser General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
* License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
* Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston,
* MA 02111-1307 USA
#ifndef __com_sun_star_document_XActionLockable_idl__
#define __com_sun_star_document_XActionLockable_idl__
#ifndef __com_sun_star_uno_XInterface_idl__
#include <com/sun/star/uno/XInterface.idl>
module com { module sun { module star { module document {
/** makes it possible to prevent object internal updates for a certain period
to be able to quickly change multiple parts of the objects, where the
updates would invalidate each other, anyway.
published interface XActionLockable: com::sun::star::uno::XInterface
/** @returns
<TRUE/> if at least one lock exists.
boolean isActionLocked();
/** increments the lock count of the object by one.
void addActionLock();
/** decrements the lock count of the object by one.
void removeActionLock();
/** sets the locking level.
<p>This method is used for debugging purposes. The programming
environment can restore the locking after a break of a debug
void setActionLocks( [in] short nLock );
/** resets the locking level.
<p>This method is used for debugging purposes. The debugging
environment of a programming language can reset the locks
to allow refreshing of the view if a breakpoint is reached or
step execution is used. </p>
short resetActionLocks();
}; }; }; };