'sc' module was cleaned. Change-Id: Ia491d741a4c1c5314f35ebb4baa82dd516948ae7 Reviewed-on: https://gerrit.libreoffice.org/c/core/+/165699 Tested-by: Jenkins Reviewed-by: Gabor Kelemen <gabor.kelemen.extern@allotropia.de>
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/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
#pragma once
#include "global.hxx"
#include "queryparam.hxx"
#include "subtotalparam.hxx"
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/GeneralFunction.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XCellRangeReferrer.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSheetFilterDescriptor.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSheetFilterDescriptor2.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSheetFilterDescriptor3.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XConsolidationDescriptor.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XDatabaseRanges.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XDatabaseRange.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XUnnamedDatabaseRanges.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSubTotalDescriptor.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/XSubTotalField.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/lang/XServiceInfo.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XEnumerationAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XIndexAccess.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/beans/XPropertySet.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/container/XNamed.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/util/XRefreshable.hpp>
#include <cppuhelper/implbase.hxx>
#include <rtl/ref.hxx>
#include <svl/itemprop.hxx>
#include <svl/lstner.hxx>
#include <vector>
namespace com::sun::star::sheet { struct TableFilterField2; }
namespace com::sun::star::sheet { struct TableFilterField3; }
namespace com::sun::star::sheet { struct TableFilterField; }
class ScDBData;
class ScDocShell;
class ScSubTotalFieldObj;
class ScDatabaseRangeObj;
class ScDataPilotDescriptorBase;
struct ScSortParam;
class ScDataUnoConversion
static css::sheet::GeneralFunction SubTotalToGeneral( ScSubTotalFunc eSubTotal );
// ImportDescriptor is not available as Uno-object any longer, only Property-Sequence
class ScImportDescriptor
static void FillImportParam(
ScImportParam& rParam,
const css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue>& rSeq );
static void FillProperties(
css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue>& rSeq,
const ScImportParam& rParam );
static tools::Long GetPropertyCount() { return 4; }
// SortDescriptor is not available as Uno-object any longer, only Property-Sequence
class ScSortDescriptor
static void FillSortParam(
ScSortParam& rParam,
const css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue>& rSeq );
static void FillProperties(
css::uno::Sequence<css::beans::PropertyValue>& rSeq,
const ScSortParam& rParam );
//! SortAscending needs to get out of the SheetSortDescriptor service description
static tools::Long GetPropertyCount()
return 9; // TableSortDescriptor and SheetSortDescriptor
// ScSubTotalDescriptorBase - base class for SubTotalDescriptor stand alone and in DB area (context?)
// to uno, both look the same
class ScSubTotalDescriptorBase : public cppu::WeakImplHelper<
css::lang::XServiceInfo >
SfxItemPropertySet aPropSet;
rtl::Reference<ScSubTotalFieldObj> GetObjectByIndex_Impl(sal_uInt16 nIndex);
virtual ~ScSubTotalDescriptorBase() override;
// in derived classes:
// (Fields are within the range)
virtual void GetData( ScSubTotalParam& rParam ) const = 0;
virtual void PutData( const ScSubTotalParam& rParam ) = 0;
// XSubTotalDescriptor
virtual void SAL_CALL addNew( const css::uno::Sequence< css::sheet::SubTotalColumn >& aSubTotalColumns,
sal_Int32 nGroupColumn ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL clear() override;
// XIndexAccess
virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getCount() override;
virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getByIndex( sal_Int32 Index ) override;
// XEnumerationAccess
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::container::XEnumeration > SAL_CALL
createEnumeration() override;
// XElementAccess
virtual css::uno::Type SAL_CALL getElementType() override;
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasElements() override;
// XPropertySet
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySetInfo >
SAL_CALL getPropertySetInfo() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setPropertyValue( const OUString& aPropertyName,
const css::uno::Any& aValue ) override;
virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getPropertyValue(
const OUString& PropertyName ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL addPropertyChangeListener( const OUString& aPropertyName,
const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertyChangeListener >& xListener ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL removePropertyChangeListener( const OUString& aPropertyName,
const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertyChangeListener >& aListener ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL addVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& PropertyName,
const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XVetoableChangeListener >& aListener ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL removeVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& PropertyName,
const css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XVetoableChangeListener >& aListener ) override;
// XServiceInfo
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getImplementationName() override;
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL supportsService( const OUString& ServiceName ) override;
virtual css::uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getSupportedServiceNames() override;
// ScSubTotalDescriptor - dummy container to use with XImportTarget
class ScSubTotalDescriptor final : public ScSubTotalDescriptorBase
ScSubTotalParam aStoredParam;
virtual ~ScSubTotalDescriptor() override;
// from ScSubTotalDescriptorBase:
virtual void GetData( ScSubTotalParam& rParam ) const override;
virtual void PutData( const ScSubTotalParam& rParam ) override;
// external access:
void SetParam( const ScSubTotalParam& rNew );
// ScRangeSubTotalDescriptor - SubTotalDescriptor of a data base area
class ScRangeSubTotalDescriptor final : public ScSubTotalDescriptorBase
rtl::Reference<ScDatabaseRangeObj> mxParent;
ScRangeSubTotalDescriptor(ScDatabaseRangeObj* pPar);
virtual ~ScRangeSubTotalDescriptor() override;
// from ScSubTotalDescriptorBase:
virtual void GetData( ScSubTotalParam& rParam ) const override;
virtual void PutData( const ScSubTotalParam& rParam ) override;
class ScSubTotalFieldObj final : public cppu::WeakImplHelper<
css::lang::XServiceInfo >
rtl::Reference<ScSubTotalDescriptorBase> xParent;
sal_uInt16 nPos;
ScSubTotalFieldObj( ScSubTotalDescriptorBase* pDesc, sal_uInt16 nP );
virtual ~ScSubTotalFieldObj() override;
// XSubTotalField
virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getGroupColumn() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setGroupColumn( sal_Int32 nGroupColumn ) override;
virtual css::uno::Sequence< css::sheet::SubTotalColumn > SAL_CALL
getSubTotalColumns() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setSubTotalColumns( const css::uno::Sequence<
css::sheet::SubTotalColumn >& aSubTotalColumns ) override;
// XServiceInfo
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getImplementationName() override;
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL supportsService( const OUString& ServiceName ) override;
virtual css::uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getSupportedServiceNames() override;
class ScConsolidationDescriptor final : public cppu::WeakImplHelper<
css::lang::XServiceInfo >
ScConsolidateParam aParam;
virtual ~ScConsolidationDescriptor() override;
void SetParam( const ScConsolidateParam& rNew );
const ScConsolidateParam& GetParam() const { return aParam; }
// XConsolidationDescriptor
virtual css::sheet::GeneralFunction SAL_CALL getFunction() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setFunction( css::sheet::GeneralFunction nFunction ) override;
virtual css::uno::Sequence< css::table::CellRangeAddress > SAL_CALL
getSources( ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setSources( const css::uno::Sequence< css::table::CellRangeAddress >& aSources ) override;
virtual css::table::CellAddress SAL_CALL getStartOutputPosition() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setStartOutputPosition(
const css::table::CellAddress& aStartOutputPosition ) override;
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL getUseColumnHeaders() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setUseColumnHeaders( sal_Bool bUseColumnHeaders ) override;
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL getUseRowHeaders() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setUseRowHeaders( sal_Bool bUseRowHeaders ) override;
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL getInsertLinks() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setInsertLinks( sal_Bool bInsertLinks ) override;
// XServiceInfo
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getImplementationName() override;
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL supportsService( const OUString& ServiceName ) override;
virtual css::uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getSupportedServiceNames() override;
// ScFilterDescriptorBase - base class for FilterDescriptor
// stand alone, in a DB area (or context?) and in the DataPilot
// to uno, all three look the same
class ScFilterDescriptorBase : public cppu::WeakImplHelper<
css::lang::XServiceInfo >,
public SfxListener
SfxItemPropertySet aPropSet;
ScDocShell* pDocSh;
ScFilterDescriptorBase(ScDocShell* pDocShell);
virtual ~ScFilterDescriptorBase() override;
virtual void Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint ) override;
// in the derived classes(?):
// (nField[] here within the area)
virtual void GetData( ScQueryParam& rParam ) const = 0;
virtual void PutData( const ScQueryParam& rParam ) = 0;
// XSheetFilterDescriptor
virtual css::uno::Sequence< css::sheet::TableFilterField > SAL_CALL
getFilterFields() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setFilterFields( const css::uno::Sequence<
css::sheet::TableFilterField >& aFilterFields ) override;
// XSheetFilterDescriptor2
virtual css::uno::Sequence< css::sheet::TableFilterField2 > SAL_CALL
getFilterFields2() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setFilterFields2( const css::uno::Sequence<
css::sheet::TableFilterField2 >& aFilterFields ) override;
// XSheetFilterDescriptor3
virtual css::uno::Sequence< css::sheet::TableFilterField3 > SAL_CALL
getFilterFields3() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setFilterFields3( const css::uno::Sequence<
css::sheet::TableFilterField3 >& aFilterFields ) override;
// XPropertySet
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySetInfo >
SAL_CALL getPropertySetInfo() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setPropertyValue( const OUString& aPropertyName,
const css::uno::Any& aValue ) override;
virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getPropertyValue(
const OUString& PropertyName ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL addPropertyChangeListener( const OUString& aPropertyName,
const css::uno::Reference<
css::beans::XPropertyChangeListener >& xListener ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL removePropertyChangeListener( const OUString& aPropertyName,
const css::uno::Reference<
css::beans::XPropertyChangeListener >& aListener ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL addVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& PropertyName,
const css::uno::Reference<
css::beans::XVetoableChangeListener >& aListener ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL removeVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& PropertyName,
const css::uno::Reference<
css::beans::XVetoableChangeListener >& aListener ) override;
// XServiceInfo
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getImplementationName() override;
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL supportsService( const OUString& ServiceName ) override;
virtual css::uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getSupportedServiceNames() override;
// ScFilterDescriptor - dummy container to use with XFilterable
class ScFilterDescriptor final : public ScFilterDescriptorBase
ScQueryParam aStoredParam; // nField[] here within the area
ScFilterDescriptor(ScDocShell* pDocSh);
virtual ~ScFilterDescriptor() override;
// from ScFilterDescriptorBase:
virtual void GetData( ScQueryParam& rParam ) const override;
virtual void PutData( const ScQueryParam& rParam ) override;
// external access:
void SetParam( const ScQueryParam& rNew );
const ScQueryParam& GetParam() const { return aStoredParam; }
// ScRangeFilterDescriptor - FilterDescriptor of a data base area
class ScRangeFilterDescriptor final : public ScFilterDescriptorBase
rtl::Reference<ScDatabaseRangeObj> mxParent;
ScRangeFilterDescriptor(ScDocShell* pDocSh, ScDatabaseRangeObj* pPar);
virtual ~ScRangeFilterDescriptor() override;
// from ScFilterDescriptorBase:
virtual void GetData( ScQueryParam& rParam ) const override;
virtual void PutData( const ScQueryParam& rParam ) override;
// ScDataPilotFilterDescriptor - FilterDescriptor of a DataPilotDescriptors
class ScDataPilotFilterDescriptor final : public ScFilterDescriptorBase
rtl::Reference<ScDataPilotDescriptorBase> mxParent;
ScDataPilotFilterDescriptor(ScDocShell* pDocSh, ScDataPilotDescriptorBase* pPar);
virtual ~ScDataPilotFilterDescriptor() override;
// from ScFilterDescriptorBase:
virtual void GetData( ScQueryParam& rParam ) const override;
virtual void PutData( const ScQueryParam& rParam ) override;
class ScDatabaseRangeObj final : public cppu::WeakImplHelper<
css::lang::XServiceInfo >,
public SfxListener
ScDocShell* pDocShell;
OUString aName;
SfxItemPropertySet aPropSet;
std::vector< css::uno::Reference< css::util::XRefreshListener > >
bool bIsUnnamed;
ScDBData* GetDBData_Impl() const;
void Refreshed_Impl();
ScDatabaseRangeObj(ScDocShell* pDocSh, OUString aNm);
SC_DLLPUBLIC ScDatabaseRangeObj(ScDocShell* pDocSh, const SCTAB nTab);
virtual ~ScDatabaseRangeObj() override;
virtual void Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint ) override;
// nField[] here within the area:
void GetQueryParam(ScQueryParam& rQueryParam) const;
void SetQueryParam(const ScQueryParam& rQueryParam);
void GetSubTotalParam(ScSubTotalParam& rSubTotalParam) const;
void SetSubTotalParam(const ScSubTotalParam& rSubTotalParam);
// XNamed
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getName() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setName( const OUString& aName ) override;
// XDatabaseRange
virtual css::table::CellRangeAddress SAL_CALL getDataArea() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setDataArea( const css::table::CellRangeAddress& aDataArea ) override;
virtual css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > SAL_CALL
getSortDescriptor() override;
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::sheet::XSheetFilterDescriptor > SAL_CALL
getFilterDescriptor() override;
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::sheet::XSubTotalDescriptor > SAL_CALL
getSubTotalDescriptor() override;
virtual css::uno::Sequence< css::beans::PropertyValue > SAL_CALL
getImportDescriptor() override;
// XRefreshable
virtual void SAL_CALL refresh() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL addRefreshListener( const css::uno::Reference<
css::util::XRefreshListener >& l ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL removeRefreshListener( const css::uno::Reference<
css::util::XRefreshListener >& l ) override;
// XCellRangeReferrer
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::table::XCellRange > SAL_CALL
getReferredCells() override;
// XPropertySet
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::beans::XPropertySetInfo >
SAL_CALL getPropertySetInfo() override;
virtual void SAL_CALL setPropertyValue( const OUString& aPropertyName,
const css::uno::Any& aValue ) override;
virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getPropertyValue(
const OUString& PropertyName ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL addPropertyChangeListener( const OUString& aPropertyName,
const css::uno::Reference<
css::beans::XPropertyChangeListener >& xListener ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL removePropertyChangeListener( const OUString& aPropertyName,
const css::uno::Reference<
css::beans::XPropertyChangeListener >& aListener ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL addVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& PropertyName,
const css::uno::Reference<
css::beans::XVetoableChangeListener >& aListener ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL removeVetoableChangeListener( const OUString& PropertyName,
const css::uno::Reference<
css::beans::XVetoableChangeListener >& aListener ) override;
// XServiceInfo
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getImplementationName() override;
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL supportsService( const OUString& ServiceName ) override;
virtual css::uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getSupportedServiceNames() override;
class ScDatabaseRangesObj final : public cppu::WeakImplHelper<
css::lang::XServiceInfo >,
public SfxListener
ScDocShell* pDocShell;
rtl::Reference<ScDatabaseRangeObj> GetObjectByIndex_Impl(size_t nIndex);
rtl::Reference<ScDatabaseRangeObj> GetObjectByName_Impl(const OUString& aName);
ScDatabaseRangesObj(ScDocShell* pDocSh);
virtual ~ScDatabaseRangesObj() override;
virtual void Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint ) override;
// XDatabaseRanges
virtual void SAL_CALL addNewByName( const OUString& aName,
const css::table::CellRangeAddress& aRange ) override;
virtual void SAL_CALL removeByName( const OUString& aName ) override;
// XEnumerationAccess
virtual css::uno::Reference< css::container::XEnumeration > SAL_CALL
createEnumeration() override;
// XIndexAccess
virtual sal_Int32 SAL_CALL getCount() override;
virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getByIndex( sal_Int32 Index ) override;
// XElementAccess
virtual css::uno::Type SAL_CALL getElementType() override;
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasElements() override;
// XNameAccess
virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getByName( const OUString& aName ) override;
virtual css::uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getElementNames() override;
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasByName( const OUString& aName ) override;
// XServiceInfo
virtual OUString SAL_CALL getImplementationName() override;
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL supportsService( const OUString& ServiceName ) override;
virtual css::uno::Sequence< OUString > SAL_CALL getSupportedServiceNames() override;
class ScUnnamedDatabaseRangesObj final : public cppu::WeakImplHelper<
public SfxListener
ScDocShell* pDocShell;
ScUnnamedDatabaseRangesObj(ScDocShell* pDocSh);
virtual ~ScUnnamedDatabaseRangesObj() override;
virtual void Notify( SfxBroadcaster& rBC, const SfxHint& rHint ) override;
// XUnnamedDatabaseRanges
virtual void SAL_CALL setByTable( const css::table::CellRangeAddress& aRange ) override;
virtual css::uno::Any SAL_CALL getByTable( sal_Int32 nTab ) override;
virtual sal_Bool SAL_CALL hasByTable( sal_Int32 nTab ) override;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */