It cannot be done at the main target, because there is no guarantee that all help (or properties) files are in one directory.
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# -*- Mode: makefile-gmake; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
# Version: MPL 1.1 / GPLv3+ / LGPLv3+
# The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
# 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
# the License or as specified alternatively below. You may obtain a copy of
# the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# Major Contributor(s):
# Copyright (C) 2011 Matúš Kukan <matus.kukan@gmail.com>
# All Rights Reserved.
# For minor contributions see the git repository.
# Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
# either the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later (the "GPLv3+"), or
# the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or later (the "LGPLv3+"),
# in which case the provisions of the GPLv3+ or the LGPLv3+ are applicable
# instead of those above.
# Extension class
gb_Extension_ZIPCOMMAND := zip $(if $(findstring s,$(MAKEFLAGS)),-q)
ifeq ($(GUI),WNT)
gb_Extension_LICENSEFILE := license.txt
gb_Extension_XRMEXTARGET := $(call gb_Executable_get_target,xrmex)
gb_Extension_XRMEXCOMMAND := \
$(gb_Helper_set_ld_path) $(gb_Extension_XRMEXTARGET)
gb_Extension_PROPMERGETARGET := $(OUTDIR)/bin/propmerge
gb_Extension_PROPMERGECOMMAND := \
gb_Extension_HELPEXTARGET := $(call gb_Executable_get_target,helpex)
gb_Extension_HELPEXCOMMAND := \
$(gb_Helper_set_ld_path) $(gb_Extension_HELPEXTARGET)
# does not contain en-US because it is special cased in gb_Extension_Extension
gb_Extension_LANGS := $(filter-out en-US,$(gb_WITH_LANG))
# Substitute platform or copy if no platform has been set
define gb_Extension__subst_platform
$(if $(PLATFORM),\
sed \
-e 's/@PLATFORM@/$(PLATFORM)/' \
-e 's/@EXEC_EXTENSION@/$(gb_Executable_EXT)/' \
-e 's/@SHARED_EXTENSION@/$(gb_Library_DLLEXT)/' \
$(1) > $(2),\
cp -f $(1) $(2))
# remove extension directory in workdir and oxt file in workdir and outdir
$(call gb_Extension_get_clean_target,%) :
$(call gb_Output_announce,$*,$(false),OXT,3)
$(call gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs,\
rm -f -r $(call gb_Extension_get_workdir,$*) && \
rm -f $(call gb_Extension_get_target,$*) && \
rm -f $(call gb_Extension_get_outdir_target,$*))
ifeq ($(strip $(gb_WITH_LANG)),)
$(call gb_Extension_get_workdir,%)/description.xml :
$(call gb_Output_announce,$*/description.xml,$(true),CPY,3)
$(call gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs,\
mkdir -p $(call gb_Extension_get_workdir,$*) && \
cp -f $(LOCATION)/description.xml $@)
$(call gb_Extension_get_workdir,%)/description.xml : $(gb_Extension_XRMEXTARGET)
$(call gb_Output_announce,$*/description.xml,$(true),XRM,3)
$(call gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs_native,\
mkdir -p $(call gb_Extension_get_workdir,$*) && \
$(gb_Extension_XRMEXCOMMAND) \
-p $(PRJNAME) \
-i $(call gb_Helper_native_path,$(filter %.xml,$^)) \
-o $(call gb_Helper_native_path,$@) \
-m $(SDF) \
-l all)
# rule to create oxt package in workdir
# --filesync makes sure that all files in the oxt package will be removed that no longer are in $(FILES)
$(call gb_Extension_get_target,%) : \
$(call gb_Extension_get_workdir,%)/description.xml
$(call gb_Output_announce,$*,$(true),OXT,3)
$(call gb_Helper_abbreviate_dirs_native,\
mkdir -p $(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$*)/META-INF \
$(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$*)/registration && \
$(call gb_Extension__subst_platform,$(call gb_Extension_get_workdir,$*)/description.xml,$(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$*)/description.xml) && \
$(call gb_Extension__subst_platform,$(LOCATION)/manifest.xml,$(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$*)/META-INF/manifest.xml) && \
cp -f $(OUTDIR)/bin/osl/$(gb_Extension_LICENSEFILE) $(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$*)/registration && \
cd $(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$*) && \
$(gb_Extension_ZIPCOMMAND) -rX --filesync \
$(call gb_Extension_get_target,$*) \
$(FILES) \
$(foreach lang,$(gb_Extension_LANGS),description-$(lang).txt))
# TODO: needs dependency on $(OUTDIR)/bin/osl/$(gb_Extension_LICENSEFILE) once readlicense_oo will be gbuildized
# or just another simpler solution
# set file list and location of manifest and description files
# register target and clean target
# add deliverable
# add dependency for outdir target to workdir target (pattern rule for delivery is in Package.mk)
define gb_Extension_Extension
$(call gb_Extension_get_target,$(1)) : FILES := META-INF description.xml registration
$(call gb_Extension_get_target,$(1)) : LOCATION := $(SRCDIR)/$(2)
$(call gb_Extension_get_target,$(1)) : PLATFORM :=
$(call gb_Extension_get_target,$(1)) : PRJNAME := $(firstword $(subst /, ,$(2)))
$(call gb_Extension_get_workdir,$(1))/description.xml : $(SRCDIR)/$(2)/description.xml
ifneq ($(strip $(gb_WITH_LANG)),)
$(call gb_Extension_get_target,$(1)) : SDF := $(gb_SDFLOCATION)/$(2)/localize.sdf
$(call gb_Extension_get_workdir,$(1))/description.xml : $$(SDF)
$(call gb_Extension_add_file,$(1),description-en-US.txt,$(SRCDIR)/$(2)/description-en-US.txt)
$(eval $(call gb_Module_register_target,$(call gb_Extension_get_outdir_target,$(1)),$(call gb_Extension_get_clean_target,$(1))))
$(call gb_Deliver_add_deliverable,$(call gb_Extension_get_outdir_target,$(1)),$(call gb_Extension_get_target,$(1)),$(1))
$(call gb_Extension_get_outdir_target,$(1)) : $(call gb_Extension_get_target,$(1))
# Set platform.
# Only use this if the extension is platform-dependent.
define gb_Extension_set_platform
$(call gb_Extension_get_target,$(1)) : PLATFORM := $(2)
# adding a file creates a dependency to it
# file is copied to $(WORKDIR)
define gb_Extension_add_file
$(call gb_Extension_get_target,$(1)) : FILES += $(2)
$(call gb_Extension_get_target,$(1)) : $(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$(1))/$(2)
$(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$(1))/$(2) : $(3)
mkdir -p $$(dir $$@) && \
cp -f $$< $$@
# Add several files at once
# This function avoids the need to specify each file's name twice. The
# files are added directly under specified path in the extension,
# without any subpath.
define gb_Extension_add_files
$(foreach file,$(3),$(call gb_Extension_add_file,$(1),$(2)/$(notdir $(file)),$(file)))
# localize .properties file
# source file is copied to $(WORKDIR)
define gb_Extension_localize_properties
$(call gb_Extension_get_target,$(1)) : FILES += $(2)
ifneq ($(strip $(gb_WITH_LANG)),)
$(call gb_Extension_get_target,$(1)) : FILES += $(foreach lang,$(subst -,_,$(gb_Extension_LANGS)),$(subst en_US,$(lang),$(2)))
$(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$(1))/$(2) : SDF := $(gb_SDFLOCATION)$(subst $(SRCDIR),,$(dir $(3)))localize.sdf
$(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$(1))/$(2) : $$(SDF)
$(call gb_Extension_get_target,$(1)) : $(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$(1))/$(2)
$(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$(1))/$(2) : $(3)
$$(call gb_Output_announce,$(2),$(true),PRP,3)
mkdir -p $$(dir $$@) && \
cp -f $$< $$@ \
$(if $(strip $(gb_WITH_LANG)),&& $(gb_Extension_PROPMERGECOMMAND) -i $$@ -m $$(SDF))
# localize extension help
define gb_Extension_localize_help
ifneq ($(strip $(gb_WITH_LANG)),)
$(call gb_Extension_get_target,$(1)) : FILES += $(foreach lang,$(gb_Extension_LANGS),$(subst lang,$(lang),$(2)))
$(foreach lang,$(gb_Extension_LANGS),$(call gb_Extension_localize_help_onelang,$(1),$(subst lang,$(lang),$(2)),$(3),$(lang)))
define gb_Extension_localize_help_onelang
$(call gb_Extension_get_target,$(1)) : $(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$(1))/$(2)
$(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$(1))/$(2) : SDF := $(gb_Extension_SDFLOCATION)$(subst $(SRCDIR),,$(dir $(3)))localize.sdf
$(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$(1))/$(2) : $$(SDF)
$(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$(1))/$(2) : $(gb_Extension_HELPEXTARGET)
$(call gb_Extension_get_rootdir,$(1))/$(2) : $(3)
$(call gb_Output_announce,$(2),$(true),XHP,3)
mkdir -p $$(dir $$@) && \
$(gb_Extension_HELPEXCOMMAND) -i $$(call gb_Helper_native_path,$$<) -o $$(call gb_Helper_native_path,$$@) -l $(4) -m $$(SDF)
define gb_Extension_add_package_dependency
$(call gb_Extension_get_target,$(1)) : $(call gb_Package_get_target,$(2))
define gb_Extension_add_package_dependencies
$(foreach package,$(2),$(call gb_Extension_add_package_dependency,$(1),$(package)))
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