2005/01/11 11:00:15 jsc #i28381# use head -n 1 2004/12/09 15:44:40 jsc #i38747# take care of compiler verison and adjust link option, solaris only 2004/11/25 09:50:47 jsc #i29308# remove UNO Java framework variables (temporary) 2004/11/11 10:31:50 jsc #i29308# clean up compiler option 2004/10/22 09:40:47 jsc #i35871# adapt for Java 5.0 2004/08/24 14:59:05 jsc #i29308# improved 2004/06/25 15:49:21 jsc #i29308# updated 2004/06/14 09:51:27 jsc #26337# special work for gcc - GXX_INCLUDE_APTH 2004/06/11 12:52:21 jsc #26337# special work for gcc - GXX_INCLUDE_APTH 2004/06/02 12:49:43 jsc #i26335# #i26337# #i28381# prepare new scripts, configure zip tool
575 lines
19 KiB
575 lines
19 KiB
# configure.pl - a perl script to set a minimal environment for the SDK.
# Copyright (c) 2000 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
use IO::File;
$main::currentWorkingDir = `pwd`;
chop ($main::currentWorkingDir);
$main::operatingSystem = `uname -s`;
chop ($main::operatingSystem);
$main::OO_SDK_HOME = "";
$main::OO_SDK_HOME_SUGGESTION = $main::currentWorkingDir;
$main::OFFICE_HOME = "";
$main::OFFICE_HOME_SUGGESTION = searchprog("soffice");
if ( ! $main::OFFICE_HOME_SUGGESTION eq "" )
my $tmpOffice = readlink "$main::OFFICE_HOME_SUGGESTION/soffice";
if ( $tmpOffice eq "" )
$tmpOffice = "$main::OFFICE_HOME_SUGGESTION/soffice";
my $offset = rindex($tmpOffice, "/program/soffice");
if ( $offset != -1 )
$main::OFFICE_HOME_SUGGESTION = substr($tmpOffice, 0, $offset);
} else
$offset = rindex($tmpOffice, "/soffice");
if ( $offset != -1 )
$main::OFFICE_HOME_SUGGESTION = substr($tmpOffice, 0, $offset);
} else
$main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME = "";
$main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME_SUGGESTION = searchprog("make");
$main::makeVersion = "3.79.1";
$main::correctVersion = 0;
$main::OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME = "";
$main::OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME_SUGGESTION = searchprog("zip");
$main::zipVersion = "2.3";
$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME = "";
$main::cppName = "gcc";
$main::cppVersion = "3.0.1";
if ( $main::operatingSystem eq "SunOS" )
$main::cppName = "CC";
$main::cppVersion = "5.2";
$main::OO_SDK_CC_55_OR_HIGHER = "";
$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME_SUGGESTION = searchprog($main::cppName);
$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME = "";
$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME_SUGGESTION = searchprog("javac");
$main::javaVersion = "1.4.1_01";
$main::OO_SDK_OUTPUT_DIR = "";
#$main::OO_SDK_OUTPUT_DIR = '$HOME';
$main::OO_SDK_OUTPUT_DIR = "";
$main::skipOutputDir = 0;
$main::return = 0;
# prepare SDK path
while ( (! -d "$main::OO_SDK_HOME" ) ||
((-d "$main::OO_SDK_HOME") && (! -d "$main::OO_SDK_HOME/idl")) )
print " Enter the Office Software Development Kit directory [$main::OO_SDK_HOME_SUGGESTION]: ";
$main::OO_SDK_HOME = readStdIn();
if ( $main::OO_SDK_HOME eq "" )
if ( (! -d "$main::OO_SDK_HOME") ||
((-d "$main::OO_SDK_HOME") && (! -d "$main::OO_SDK_HOME/idl")) )
$main::OO_SDK_HOME = "";
print " Error: An SDK is required, please specify the path to a valid installation.\n";
# prepare Office path
while ( (! -d "$main::OFFICE_HOME" ) ||
((-d "$main::OFFICE_HOME") && (! -d "$main::OFFICE_HOME/program")) )
print " Enter the Office installation directory [$main::OFFICE_HOME_SUGGESTION]: ";
$main::OFFICE_HOME = readStdIn();
if ( $main::OFFICE_HOME eq "" )
if ( ! -d "$main::OFFICE_HOME" )
$main::OFFICE_HOME = "";
print " Error: An office installation is required, please specify the path to a valid installation.\n";
} else
# special work for a network installation, no prgram directory but a link to the soffice binary
if ( (! -d "$main::OFFICE_HOME/program") && (-e "$main::OFFICE_HOME/soffice") )
my $soserver = `ls -l $OFFICE_HOME_SUGGESTION/soffice | sed -n 's/.* -> //p'`;
$soserver= substr($soserver, 0, rindex($soserver, "program") - 1);
if ( ! -d $soserver )
$main::OFFICE_HOME = "";
print " Error: An office installation is required, please specify the path to a valid installation.\n";
} else
$main::OFFICE_HOME = $soserver;
# prepare GNU make path
while ( (!$main::correctVersion) &&
((! -d "$main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME" ) ||
((-d "$main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME") && (! -e "$main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME/make"))) )
print " Enter GNU make ($main::makeVersion or higher) tools directory [$main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME_SUGGESTION]: ";
$main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME = readStdIn();
if ( $main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME eq "" )
if ( (! -d "$main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME") ||
((-d "$main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME") && (! -e "$main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME/make")) )
$main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME = "";
print " Error: GNU make is required, please specify a GNU make tools directory.\n";
} else
#check version
my $testVersion = `$OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME/make --version`;
if ( $testVersion eq "")
print " Set the environment variable OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME to your GNU build tools directory.\n";
print " GNU make version $main::makeVersion can be obtained at ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/make/\n";
} else
if ($testVersion =~ m#((\d+\.)+\d+)# )
$testVersion = $1;
$main::correctVersion = testVersion($main::makeVersion, $testVersion, "$main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME/make", 1);
if ( !$main::correctVersion )
print " The 'make' command found at '$main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME' has a wrong version\n";
$main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME = "";
# prepare zip path
$main::correctVersion = 0;
while ( (!$main::correctVersion) &&
((! -d "$main::OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME" ) ||
((-d "$main::OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME") && (! -e "$main::OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME/zip"))) )
print " Enter zip ($main::zipVersion or higher) tool directory [$main::OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME_SUGGESTION]: ";
$main::OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME = readStdIn();
if ( $main::OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME eq "" )
if ( (! -d "$main::OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME") ||
((-d "$main::OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME") && (! -e "$main::OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME/zip")) )
$main::OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME = "";
print " Error: zip tool is required, please specify a zip tool directory.\n";
} else
#check version
my $testVersion = `$OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME/zip -h 2>&1 | egrep Zip | head -n 1`;
$testVersion =~ s#Zip ([\d.]+) .*#$1#go;
if ( $testVersion eq "")
print " Set the environment variable OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME to your zip tool directory.\n";
print " zip version $main::zipVersion can be obtained at ftp://www.info-zip.org/\n";
} else
if ($testVersion =~ m#((\d+\.)+\d+)# )
$testVersion = $1;
$main::correctVersion = testVersion($main::zipVersion, $testVersion, "$main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME/zip", 1);
if ( !$main::correctVersion )
print " The 'zip' command found at '$main::OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME' has a wrong version\n";
$main::OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME = "";
# prepare C++ compiler path
$main::correctVersion = 0;
while ( (!$main::correctVersion) &&
((! -d "$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME" ) ||
((-d "$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME") && (! -e "$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME/$main::cpp"))) )
print " C++ compilers where for example a language binding exist:\n";
print " - Solaris, Sun WorkShop 6 update 1 C++ 5.2 2000/09/11 or higher\n";
print " - Linux, GNU C++ compiler, gcc version 3.0.1 or higher\n";
print " Enter the directory of the C++ compiler, the directory\n";
print " where the compiler is located (optional) [$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME_SUGGESTION]: ";
$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME = readStdIn();
if ( $main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME eq "" )
if ( ! $main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME eq "" )
if ( (! -d "$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME") ||
((-d "$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME") && (! -e "$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME/$main::cppName")) )
print " Error: Could not find directory '$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME'.\n";
if ( skipChoice("C++ compiler") == 1 )
$main::correctVersion = 1;
$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME = "";
} else
#check version
if ( $main::cppName eq "gcc" )
my $testVersion = `$OO_SDK_CPP_HOME/$main::cppName -dumpversion`;
if ( $testVersion eq "")
print " The '$main::cppName' command found at $main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME/$main::cppName is not a ";
print " GNU compiler.\nSet the environment variable OO_SDK_CPP_HOME to your GNU build tools ";
print " directory.\nA GNU compiler version $main::cppVersion can be obtained at ";
print " ftp://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/gcc/\n";
} else
$main::correctVersion = testVersion($main::cppVersion, $testVersion, "$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME/$main::cppName", 1);
if ( !$main::correctVersion )
print " The '$main::cppName' command found at '$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME' has a wrong version\n";
if ( skipChoice("C++ compiler") == 1 )
$main::correctVersion = 1;
$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME = "";
} else
# for Solaris we have to check the version too
open(FILE, "$OO_SDK_CPP_HOME/$main::cppName -V 2>&1 |");
my @lines = <FILE>;
my $testVersion = $lines[0];
if ( $testVersion eq "")
print " The '$main::cppName' command found at $main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME/$main::cppName is not a ";
print " Solaris C++ compiler.\nSet the environment variable OO_SDK_CPP_HOME to your Solaris C++ compiler directory.\n";
} else
if ($testVersion =~ m#((\d+\.)+\d+)# )
$testVersion = $1;
$main::correctVersion = testVersion($main::cppVersion, $testVersion, "$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME/$main::cppName", 1);
if ( !$main::correctVersion )
print " The '$main::cppName' command found at '$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME' has a wrong version\n";
if ( skipChoice("C++ compiler") == 1 )
$main::correctVersion = 1;
$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME = "";
} else {
$main::correctVersion = testVersion("5.5", $testVersion, "$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME/$main::cppName", 2);
if ( $main::correctVersion ) {
$main::OO_SDK_CC_55_OR_HIGHER = $testVersion;
} else
# the C++ compiler is optional
$main::correctVersion = 1;
# prepare Java path
$main::correctVersion = 0;
# prepare Java suggestion (cut bin directory to be in the root of the Java SDK)
$main::offset = rindex($main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME_SUGGESTION, "/bin");
if ( $main::offset != -1 )
$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME_SUGGESTION = substr($main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME_SUGGESTION, 0, $main::offset);
while ( (!$main::correctVersion) &&
((! -d "$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME" ) ||
((-d "$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME") && (! -e "$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME/bin/javac"))) )
print " Enter Java SDK (1.4.1_01 or higher) installation directory (optional) [$Main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME_SUGGESTION]: ";
$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME = readStdIn();
if ( $main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME eq "" )
if ( ! $main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME eq "" )
if ( (! -d "$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME") ||
((-d "$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME") && (! -e "$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME/bin/javac")) )
print " Error: Could not find directory '$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME' or '$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME/bin/javac'.\n";
if ( skipChoice("JAVA SDK") == 1 )
$main::correctVersion = 1;
$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME = "";
} else
#check version
my $testVersion = `$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME/bin/java -version 2>&1 | egrep "java version" | head -n 1 | sed -e 's#.*version "##' | sed -e 's#".*##'`;
$testVersion =~ s#([^\n]+)\n#$1#go;
$main::correctVersion = testVersion($main::javaVersion, $testVersion, "$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME/bin/java", 1);
if ( !$main::correctVersion )
if ( skipChoice("JAVA SDK") == 1 )
$main::correctVersion = 1;
$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME = "";
# the Java SDK is optional
$main::correctVersion = 1;
# prepare output directory (optional)
while ( (!$main::skipOutputDir) &&
(! -d "$main::OO_SDK_OUTPUT_DIR") )
print " Default output directory is the SDK directory itself.\n";
print " Enter an existent directory if you prefer a different output directory (optional) [$main::OO_SDK_OUTPUT_DIR]: ";
$main::OO_SDK_OUTPUT_DIR = readStdIn();
if ( $main::OO_SDK_OUTPUT_DIR eq "" )
if ( ! $main::OO_SDK_OUTPUT_DIR eq "" )
if ( ! -d "$main::OO_SDK_OUTPUT_DIR" )
print " Error: Could not find directory '$main::OO_SDK_OUTPUT_DIR'.\n";
if ( skipChoice("optional output directory") == 1 )
$main::skipOutputDir = 1;
$main::OO_SDK_OUTPUT_DIR = "";
} else
# the output directory is optional
$main::skipOutputDir = 1;
# prepare auto deployment
while ( $main::SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT eq "" ||
((! $main::SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT eq "YES") &&
(! $main::SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT eq "NO")) )
print " Automatic deployment of UNO components (YES/NO) [$main::SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT_SUGGESTION]: ";
if ( $main::SDK_AUTO_DEPLOYMENT eq "" )
prepareScriptFile("setsdkenv_unix.sh.in", "setsdkenv_unix.sh", 1);
chmod 0644, "$main::currentWorkingDir/setsdkenv_unix.sh";
prepareScriptFile("setsdkenv_unix.csh.in", "setsdkenv_unix.csh", 2);
chmod 0644, "$main::currentWorkingDir/setsdkenv_unix.csh";
print "\n";
print " *********************************************************************\n";
print " * ... your SDK environment has been prepared.\n";
print " * For each time you want to use this configured SDK environment, you\n";
print " * have to run the \"setsdkenv_unix\" script file!\n";
print " * Alternatively can you source one of the scripts \"setsdkenv_unix.sh\"\n";
print " * or \"setsdkenv_unix.csh\" to get an environment without starting\n";
print " * a new shell.\n";
print " *********************************************************************\n\n";
exit $return;
sub skipChoice
my $msg = shift;
my $skip = "";
while ( !( $skip eq "YES" || $skip eq "NO") )
print " Do you want to skip the choice of the '$msg' (YES/NO): [YES] ";
$skip = <STDIN>;
if ( $skip eq "" ) { $skip = "YES"; } # default
if ( $skip eq "YES" )
return 1;
return 0;
sub searchprog
my $_search= shift;
my $tmpPath = `echo "\$PATH"`;
my @pathList = split(":" , $tmpPath);
my $progDir = "";
foreach $i (@pathList)
if ( -e "$i/$_search" )
if ( index($i, "/") == 0 )
# # absolute path; leave unchanged
$progDir = $i;
} else
$progDir = `cd "$i"; pwd`;
return $progDir
return $progDir
sub testVersion
my $tmpMustBeVersion = shift;
my $tmpTestVersion = shift;
my $toolName = shift;
# 1=check + message 2=check only
my $checkOnly = shift;
my @mustBeVersion = split(/\.|_|-/,$tmpMustBeVersion);
my @testVersion = split(/\.|_|-/,$tmpTestVersion);
my $length = $#mustBeVersion;
if ($#testVersion < $#mustBeVersion) {
$length = $#testVersion;
for ($i=0; $i <= $length; $i++ )
if ( @testVersion->[$i] < @mustBeVersion->[$i] )
if ( $#checkOnly == 1 ) {
print " The command '$toolName' has the version $tmpTestVersion.\n";
print " The SDK requires at least the version $tmpMustBeVersion.\n";
return 0;
} else {
if ( @testVersion->[$i] > @mustBeVersion->[$i] )
return 1; # 1 indicates a correct version
return 1; # 1 indicates a correct version
sub readSDKName
my $mkfilename = "./settings/dk.mk";
open ( FILEIN, $mkfilename ) || die "ERROR: could not open '$mkfilename' for reading";
@lines = <FILEIN>;
close( FILEIN );
foreach $_ (@lines)
if( s#(SDKNAME=([\w\._]+)\n)#$1#go )
return $2;
return "";
sub readStdIn
my $tmpstdin = <STDIN>;
if ( index($tmpstdin, "\$") != -1)
return `echo $tmpstdin`;
return $tmpstdin;
sub prepareScriptFile()
my $inputFile = shift;
my $outputFile = shift;
# shell mode 1 = sh
# 2 = csh
my $shellMode = shift;
open ( FILEIN, "$main::currentWorkingDir/$inputFile" ) || die "\nERROR: could not open '$main::currentWorkingDir/$inputFile' for reading";
open ( FILEOUT, ">$main::currentWorkingDir/$outputFile" ) || die "\nERROR: could not open '$main::currentWorkingDir/$outputFile' for writing";
while ( <FILEIN> )
$_ =~ s#\@OO_SDK_NAME\@#$main::OO_SDK_NAME#go;
$_ =~ s#\@OO_SDK_HOME\@#$main::OO_SDK_HOME#go;
$_ =~ s#\@OFFICE_HOME\@#$main::OFFICE_HOME#go;
$_ =~ s#\@OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME\@#$main::OO_SDK_MAKE_HOME#go;
$_ =~ s#\@OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME\@#$main::OO_SDK_ZIP_HOME#go;
$_ =~ s#\@OO_SDK_CPP_HOME\@#$main::OO_SDK_CPP_HOME#go;
$_ =~ s#\@OO_SDK_CC_55_OR_HIGHER\@#$main::OO_SDK_CC_55_OR_HIGHER#go;
$_ =~ s#\@OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME\@#$main::OO_SDK_JAVA_HOME#go;
$_ =~ s#\@OO_SDK_OUTPUT_DIR\@#$main::OO_SDK_OUTPUT_DIR#go;
print FILEOUT $_;
close FILEIN;
close FILEOUT;