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* This file is part of the LibreOffice project.
* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
* License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
* file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/.
* This file incorporates work covered by the following license notice:
* Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more
* contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed
* with this work for additional information regarding copyright
* ownership. The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache
* License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file
* except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of
* the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 .
package installer;
import java.net.URLDecoder;
import java.io.*;
import java.util.*;
import java.net.*;
public class InstUtil {
public static File buildSversionLocation() throws IOException {
File theFile = null;
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer thePath = new StringBuffer(str.toString());
String os = System.getProperty("os.name");
if (os.indexOf("Windows") != -1) {
boolean bSVersionInHomeDir = new File(thePath.toString() + "sversion.ini").exists();
if (!bSVersionInHomeDir) {
thePath.append("Application Data");
theFile = findVersionFile(new File(thePath.toString()));
} else if (os.indexOf("SunOS") != -1) {
theFile = new File(thePath.toString());
} else if (os.indexOf("Linux") != -1) {
theFile = new File(thePath.toString());
if (theFile == null)
throw new IOException("Could not locate the OpenOffice settings file.\nAre you sure StarOffice is installed on your system?");
if (!theFile.exists())
throw new IOException("Could not locate the OpenOffice settings file.\nAre you sure StarOffice is installed on your system?");
return theFile;
public static boolean hasNetbeansInstallation() {
boolean result = false;
result = checkForSupportedVersion( getNetbeansLocation(), versions );
if (result == false)
System.out.println("No supported version of NetBeans found.");
catch ( IOException ioe )
System.err.println("Exception caught trying to determine netbeans installation: " + ioe );
result = false;
return result;
private static boolean checkForSupportedVersion( Properties installs, String[] supportedVersions )
if ( installs != null )
for ( int index = 0; index < supportedVersions.length; index++ )
String key = supportedVersions[ index ];
String path = null;
if ( ( path = installs.getProperty(key) ) != null )
// at least one supported version for netbeans present, so return;
return true;
return false;
public static boolean hasJeditInstallation() {
boolean result = false;
result = checkForSupportedVersion( getJeditLocation(), versions );
if ( !result )
System.out.println("No supported version for JEdit found.");
catch ( IOException ioe )
System.err.println("Exception caught trying to determine jedit installation: " + ioe );
result = false;
return result;
public static Properties getNetbeansLocation() throws IOException {
File theFile = null;
Properties results = new Properties();
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer thePath = new StringBuffer(str.toString());
String os = System.getProperty("os.name");
if (os.indexOf("Windows") != -1) {
//theFile = findVersionFile(new File(str.toString()));
//theFile = new File(thePath.toString());
} else if (os.indexOf("SunOS") != -1) {
//theFile = new File(thePath.toString());
} else if (os.indexOf("Linux") != -1) {
//theFile = new File(thePath.toString());
if ( thePath.toString().indexOf( ".netbeans" ) == -1 )
return null;
else if ( new File( thePath.append( File.separator+"3.4"+File.separator ).toString() ).isDirectory() ) {
System.out.println( "Found NetBeans 3.4 user directory: " + thePath );
File netbeansLogFile = new File( thePath.toString() + File.separator + "system" + File.separator + "ide.log" );
if( netbeansLogFile.exists() ) {
String installPath = getNetbeansInstallation( netbeansLogFile );
File f = new File(installPath);
results.put("NetBeans 3.4", f.getPath()+File.separator);
System.out.println( "NetBeans Installation directory: " + f.getPath());
else {
System.out.println( "No NetBeans log file found" );
return null;
System.out.println( "No NetBeans user directory found" );
return null;
return results;
public static Properties getJeditLocation() throws IOException {
/*if( !hasJeditInstallation() ) {
System.out.println( "No Jedit found (line195 InstUtil");
return null;
File theFile = null;
Properties results = new Properties();
StringBuffer str = new StringBuffer();
StringBuffer thePath = new StringBuffer(str.toString());
String os = System.getProperty("os.name");
//System.out.println( ".jedit path " + thePath );
File jeditLogFile = new File( thePath.toString() + File.separator + "activity.log" );
if( jeditLogFile.exists() ) {
String[] jeditDetails = getJeditInstallation( jeditLogFile );
System.out.println( "getJeditLocation ) " + jeditDetails[0] );
File f = new File(jeditDetails[0]);
results.put("jEdit "+jeditDetails[1], jeditDetails[0]);
System.out.println( "jeditDetails[0] is " + jeditDetails[0]);
else {
System.out.println( "Prompt user for Jedit installation path" );
return results;
private static String getNetbeansInstallation( File logFile ) {
String installPath = "";
try {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(logFile));
for (String s = reader.readLine(); s != null; s = reader.readLine()) {
if( s.indexOf( "IDE Install" ) != -1 ) {
int pathStart = s.indexOf( "=" ) + 2;
//System.out.println( "pathStart " + pathStart );
installPath = s.substring( pathStart, s.length() );
//System.out.println( "installPath 1" + installPath );
int pathEnd = installPath.indexOf( ";");
//System.out.println( "pathEnd " + pathEnd );
installPath = installPath.substring( 0, pathEnd ) +File.separator;
//System.out.println( "pathStart " + pathStart );
//int pathEnd = s.indexOf( ";");
//System.out.println( "pathEnd " + pathEnd );
//System.out.println( "s is " + s + " and " + s.length() + " long" );
//installPath = s.substring( pathStart, pathEnd - 1 );
catch( IOException ioe ) {
System.out.println( "Error reading Netbeans location information" );
//catch( FileNotFoundException fnfe ) {
//System.out.println( "NetBeans ide.log FileNotFoundException" );
return installPath;
private static String[] getJeditInstallation( File logFile ) {
String[] jeditDetails = new String[2];
try {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(logFile));
String installPath = "";
String version = "";
for (String s = reader.readLine(); s != null; s = reader.readLine()) {
if( s.indexOf( "jEdit home directory is" ) != -1 ) {
int pathStart = new String( "[message] jEdit: jEdit home directory is " ).length();
//System.out.println( "pathStart " + pathStart );
installPath = s.substring( pathStart, s.length() ) +File.separator;
System.out.println( "installPath 1" + installPath );
//int pathEnd = installPath.indexOf( ";");
//System.out.println( "pathEnd " + pathEnd );
//installPath = installPath.substring( 0, pathEnd ) +File.separator;
//System.out.println( "pathStart " + pathStart );
//int pathEnd = s.indexOf( ";");
//System.out.println( "pathEnd " + pathEnd );
//System.out.println( "s is " + s + " and " + s.length() + " long" );
//installPath = s.substring( pathStart, pathEnd - 1 );
//System.out.println( "installPath 2 " + installPath );
jeditDetails[0] = installPath;
if( s.indexOf( "jEdit: jEdit version" ) != -1 ) {
int versionStart = s.indexOf( "version" ) + 8;
System.out.println( "versionStart is: " + versionStart );
version = s.substring( versionStart, s.length() );
System.out.println( "jEdit version is: " + version );
jeditDetails[1] = version;
catch( IOException ioe ) {
System.out.println( "Error reading Jedit location information" );
//catch( FileNotFoundException fnfe ) {
//System.out.println( "Jedit activity.log FileNotFoundException" );
return jeditDetails;
public static File findVersionFile(File start)
File versionFile = null;
File files[] = start.listFiles(new VersionFilter());
if (files.length == 0)
File dirs[] = start.listFiles(new DirFilter());
for (int i=0; i< dirs.length; i++)
versionFile = findVersionFile(dirs[i]);
if (versionFile != null)
versionFile = files[0];
return versionFile;
public static boolean verifySversionExists(File sversionFile) {
if (!sversionFile.exists())
return false;
return true;
public static Properties getOfficeVersions(File sversionFile) throws IOException {
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(sversionFile));
String sectionName = null;
Properties results = new Properties();
for (String s = reader.readLine(); s != null; s = reader.readLine()) {
if (s.length() == 0)
if (s.charAt(0) == '[') {
sectionName = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1);
if ((sectionName != null) && sectionName.equalsIgnoreCase("Versions")) {
int equals = s.indexOf( "=" );
String officeName = s.substring(0, equals );
String instPath = s.substring(equals + 8, s.length());
String [] parts = new String[2];
parts[0] = officeName;
parts[1] = instPath + File.separator;
//System.out.println( "InstUtil officeName " + officeName );
//System.out.println( "InstUtil instPath " + instPath );
//String [] parts = s.split("=");
if (parts.length == 2) {
//ver.version = parts[0].trim();
//File f = new File(parts[1].trim());
//results.put(parts[0].trim(), f.getPath());
try {
URL url = new URL("file://" + parts[1].trim());
String opSys =System.getProperty("os.name");
if (opSys.indexOf("Windows")!=-1){
String windowsPath = URLDecoder.decode( url.getPath() );
boolean firstSlash = true;
while( windowsPath.indexOf("/") != -1 ) {
int forwardSlashPos = windowsPath.indexOf("/");
String firstPart = windowsPath.substring( 0, forwardSlashPos );
String lastPart = windowsPath.substring( forwardSlashPos + 1, windowsPath.length() );
if( firstSlash ) {
windowsPath = lastPart;
firstSlash = false;
else {
windowsPath = firstPart + "\\" + lastPart;
int lastSlash = windowsPath.lastIndexOf("\\");
windowsPath = windowsPath.substring( 0, lastSlash );
results.put( parts[0].trim(), windowsPath );
else {
//System.err.println( " InstUtil URLDecoder " + URLDecoder.decode(url.getPath()) );
results.put(parts[0].trim(), URLDecoder.decode(url.getPath()));
//File f = new File(url);
//.sversion: OpenOffice.org 643=file:///scriptdev/neil/ScriptFrameOpenoffice1.0.1
// parts = Installation name. f.getPath = Installation path
//results.put(parts[0].trim(), f.getPath());
//results.put(parts[0].trim(), URLDecoder.decode(url.getPath()));
//results.put( parts[0].trim(), windowsPath );
catch (MalformedURLException eSyntax) {
//throw new IOException("Error while reading version information");
results.put(parts[0].trim(), parts[1].trim());
//System.out.println(parts[0].trim() + " : " + parts[1].trim());
else {
System.out.println("not splitting on equals");
return results;
public static String getJavaVersion() {
return System.getProperty("java.version");
public static boolean isCorrectJavaVersion() {
if (System.getProperty("java.version").startsWith("1.4"))
return true;
return false;
public static void main(String args[]) {
InstUtil inst = new InstUtil();
File f = null;
f = inst.buildSversionLocation();
catch (IOException e)
if (!inst.verifySversionExists(f)) {
System.err.println("Problem with sversion.ini");
try {
Properties vers = inst.getOfficeVersions(f);
} catch (IOException e) {
if (!inst.isCorrectJavaVersion()) {
System.err.println("Not correct Java Version");
public static final String [] versions = {"NetBeans 3.4", "jEdit 4.0.3", "jEdit 4.1pre5" };
private static File tmpDir = null;
class DirFilter implements java.io.FileFilter
public boolean accept(File aFile)
return aFile.isDirectory();
class VersionFilter implements java.io.FileFilter
public boolean accept(File aFile)
if (aFile.getName().compareToIgnoreCase("sversion.ini") == 0)
return true;
return false;