1012 lines
29 KiB
Executable file
1012 lines
29 KiB
Executable file
/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */
* Version: MPL 1.1 / GPLv3+ / LGPLv3+
* The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version
* 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with
* the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
* http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/
* Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis,
* WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
* for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
* License.
* The Initial Developer of the Original Code is
* Novell, Inc.
* Portions created by the Initial Developer are Copyright (C) 2010 the
* Initial Developer. All Rights Reserved.
* Contributor(s): Jan Holesovsky <kendy@novell.com>
* Alternatively, the contents of this file may be used under the terms of
* either the GNU General Public License Version 3 or later (the "GPLv3+"), or
* the GNU Lesser General Public License Version 3 or later (the "LGPLv3+"),
* in which case the provisions of the GPLv3+ or the LGPLv3+ are applicable
* instead of those above.
#include <signal.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <limits.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <arpa/inet.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <sys/poll.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <libgen.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <osl/nlsupport.h>
#include <osl/process.h>
#include <osl/thread.h>
#include <rtl/bootstrap.h>
#include <rtl/digest.h>
#include <rtl/ustrbuf.h>
#include <sal/main.h>
#include "args.h"
#include "splashx.h"
#define IMG_SUFFIX ".png"
#define PIPEDEFAULTPATH "/tmp"
#define PIPEALTERNATEPATH "/var/tmp"
/* Easier conversions: rtl_uString to rtl_String */
static rtl_String *
ustr_to_str( rtl_uString *pStr )
rtl_String *pOut = NULL;
rtl_uString2String( &pOut, rtl_uString_getStr( pStr ),
rtl_uString_getLength( pStr ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding(), OUSTRING_TO_OSTRING_CVTFLAGS );
return pOut;
/* Easier conversions: char * to rtl_uString */
static rtl_uString *
charp_to_ustr( const char *pStr )
rtl_uString *pOut = NULL;
rtl_string2UString( &pOut, pStr, strlen( pStr ), osl_getThreadTextEncoding(), OSTRING_TO_OUSTRING_CVTFLAGS );
return pOut;
/* Easier debugging of rtl_uString values. */
static void
ustr_debug( const char *pMessage, rtl_uString *pStr )
rtl_String *pOut = ustr_to_str( pStr );
fprintf( stderr, "%s: %s\n", pMessage, rtl_string_getStr( pOut ) );
rtl_string_release( pOut );
#define ustr_debug( a, b ) {}
typedef struct {
int status_fd;
oslProcess child;
} ChildInfo;
static int
child_info_get_status_fd (ChildInfo *info)
return info->status_fd;
static void
child_info_destroy (ChildInfo *info)
close (info->status_fd);
osl_freeProcessHandle (info->child);
free (info);
static ChildInfo *
child_spawn ( Args *args, sal_Bool bAllArgs, sal_Bool bWithStatus )
rtl_uString *pApp = NULL, *pTmp = NULL;
rtl_uString **ppArgs;
sal_uInt32 nArgs, i;
char buffer[64];
ChildInfo *info;
int status_pipe[2];
oslProcessError nError;
info = calloc (1, sizeof (ChildInfo));
/* create pipe */
if ( pipe( status_pipe ) < 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: no file handles\n");
exit( 1 );
info->status_fd = status_pipe[0];
/* application name */
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pApp, "file://" );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pApp, pApp, args->pAppPath );
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pTmp, "/soffice.bin" );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pApp, pApp, pTmp );
rtl_uString_release( pTmp );
pTmp = NULL;
/* copy args */
nArgs = bAllArgs ? args->nArgsTotal : args->nArgsEnv;
ppArgs = (rtl_uString **)calloc( nArgs + 1, sizeof( rtl_uString* ) );
for ( i = 0; i < nArgs; ++i )
ppArgs[i] = args->ppArgs[i];
if( bWithStatus )
/* add the pipe arg */
snprintf (buffer, 63, "--splash-pipe=%d", status_pipe[1]);
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pTmp, buffer );
ppArgs[nArgs] = pTmp;
/* start the main process */
nError = osl_executeProcess( pApp, ppArgs, nArgs,
NULL, 0,
&info->child );
if (pTmp)
rtl_uString_release( pTmp );
free (ppArgs);
if ( nError != osl_Process_E_None )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR %d forking process", nError );
ustr_debug( "", pApp );
rtl_uString_release( pApp );
_exit (1);
rtl_uString_release( pApp );
close( status_pipe[1] );
return info;
static sal_Bool
child_exited_wait (ChildInfo *info, sal_Bool bShortWait)
TimeValue t = { 0, 250 /* ms */ * 1000 * 1000 };
if (!bShortWait)
t.Seconds = 1024;
return osl_joinProcessWithTimeout (info->child, &t) != osl_Process_E_TimedOut;
static int
child_get_exit_code (ChildInfo *info)
oslProcessInfo inf;
inf.Code = -1;
inf.Size = sizeof (inf);
if (osl_getProcessInfo (info->child, osl_Process_EXITCODE, &inf) != osl_Process_E_None)
fprintf (stderr, "Warning: failed to fetch libreoffice exit status\n");
return -1;
return inf.Code;
typedef enum { ProgressContinue, ProgressRestart, ProgressExit } ProgressStatus;
/* Path of the application. */
static rtl_uString *
get_app_path( const char *pAppExec )
char pRealPath[PATH_MAX];
rtl_uString *pResult;
char *pPath = strdup( pAppExec );
pPath = dirname( pPath );
realpath( pPath, pRealPath );
pResult = charp_to_ustr( pRealPath );
free( pPath );
return pResult;
/* Compute the OOo md5 hash from 'pText' */
static rtl_uString *
get_md5hash( rtl_uString *pText )
rtl_uString *pResult = NULL;
sal_Int32 nCapacity = 100;
fprintf (stderr, "Generate pipe md5 for '%s'\n", ustr_to_str (pText)->buffer);
if ( !pText )
return NULL;
unsigned char *pData = (unsigned char *)rtl_uString_getStr( pText );
sal_uInt32 nSize = rtl_uString_getLength( pText ) * sizeof( sal_Unicode );
if ( !pData )
return NULL;
rtlDigest digest = rtl_digest_create( rtl_Digest_AlgorithmMD5 );
if ( digest == 0 )
return NULL;
sal_uInt32 md5_key_len = rtl_digest_queryLength( digest );
sal_uInt8 *md5_buf = (sal_uInt8 *)calloc( md5_key_len, sizeof( sal_uInt8 ) );
rtl_digest_init( digest, pData , nSize );
rtl_digest_update( digest, pData, nSize );
rtl_digest_get( digest, md5_buf, md5_key_len );
rtl_digest_destroy( digest );
/* create hex-value string from the MD5 value to keep
the string size minimal */
rtl_uString_new_WithLength( &pResult, nCapacity );
sal_uInt32 i = 0;
for ( ; i < md5_key_len; ++i )
char val[3];
snprintf( val, 3, "%x", md5_buf[i] ); /* sic! we ignore some of the 0's */
rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii( &pResult, &nCapacity, rtl_uString_getLength( pResult ),
val, strlen( val ) );
/* cleanup */
free( md5_buf );
return pResult;
/* Construct the pipe name */
static rtl_uString *
get_pipe_path( rtl_uString *pAppPath )
rtl_uString *pPath = NULL, *pTmp = NULL, *pUserInstallation = NULL;
rtl_uString *pResult = NULL, *pBasePath = NULL, *pAbsUserInstallation = NULL;
/* setup bootstrap filename */
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pPath, "file://" );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pPath, pPath, pAppPath );
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pTmp, "/" );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pPath, pPath, pTmp );
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pTmp, SAL_CONFIGFILE( "bootstrap" ) );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pPath, pPath, pTmp );
ustr_debug( "bootstap", pPath );
/* read userinstallation value */
rtlBootstrapHandle handle = rtl_bootstrap_args_open( pPath );
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pTmp, "UserInstallation" );
rtl_bootstrap_get_from_handle( handle, pTmp, &pUserInstallation, NULL );
rtl_bootstrap_args_close( handle );
/* turn it into an absolute path - unwinding symlinks etc. */
if ( osl_getProcessWorkingDir (&pBasePath) ||
osl_getAbsoluteFileURL( pBasePath, pUserInstallation, &pAbsUserInstallation ) )
rtl_uString_newFromString (&pAbsUserInstallation, pUserInstallation);
/* create the pipe name */
ustr_debug( "user installation", pAbsUserInstallation );
rtl_uString *pMd5hash = get_md5hash( pAbsUserInstallation );
if ( !pMd5hash )
rtl_uString_new( &pMd5hash );
if ( access( PIPEDEFAULTPATH, R_OK|W_OK ) == 0 )
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pResult, PIPEDEFAULTPATH );
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pResult, PIPEALTERNATEPATH );
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pTmp, "/OSL_PIPE_" );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pResult, pResult, pTmp );
sal_Unicode pUnicode[RTL_USTR_MAX_VALUEOFINT32];
rtl_ustr_valueOfInt32( pUnicode, (int)getuid(), 10 );
rtl_uString_newFromStr( &pTmp, pUnicode );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pResult, pResult, pTmp );
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pTmp, "_SingleOfficeIPC_" );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pResult, pResult, pTmp );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pResult, pResult, pMd5hash );
ustr_debug( "result", pResult );
/* cleanup */
rtl_uString_release( pMd5hash );
rtl_uString_release( pPath );
rtl_uString_release( pTmp );
rtl_uString_release( pBasePath );
rtl_uString_release( pUserInstallation );
rtl_uString_release( pAbsUserInstallation );
return pResult;
/* Get fd of the pipe of the already running OOo. */
static int
connect_pipe( rtl_uString *pPipePath )
int fd;
size_t len;
struct sockaddr_un addr;
rtl_String *pPipeStr = ustr_to_str( pPipePath );
memset( &addr, 0, sizeof( addr ) );
if ( ( fd = socket( AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0 ) ) < 0 )
return fd;
fcntl( fd, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC );
addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
strncpy( addr.sun_path, rtl_string_getStr( pPipeStr ), sizeof( addr.sun_path ) );
rtl_string_release( pPipeStr );
/* cut / paste from osl's pipe.c */
#if defined(FREEBSD)
len = SUN_LEN( &addr );
len = sizeof( addr );
if ( connect( fd, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, len ) < 0 )
return -1;
return fd;
/* Escape: "," -> "\\,", "\0" -> "\\0", "\\" -> "\\\\" */
static rtl_uString *
escape_path( rtl_uString *pToEscape )
rtl_uString *pBuffer = NULL;
sal_Int32 nCapacity = 1000;
rtl_uString_new_WithLength( &pBuffer, nCapacity );
sal_Int32 i = 0;
sal_Int32 nEscapeLength = rtl_uString_getLength( pToEscape );
for ( ; i < nEscapeLength; ++i )
sal_Unicode c = pToEscape->buffer[i];
switch ( c )
case (sal_Unicode)'\0':
rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii( &pBuffer, &nCapacity,
rtl_uString_getLength( pBuffer ),
case (sal_Unicode)',':
rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii( &pBuffer, &nCapacity,
rtl_uString_getLength( pBuffer ),
case (sal_Unicode)'\\':
rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii( &pBuffer, &nCapacity,
rtl_uString_getLength( pBuffer ),
rtl_uStringbuffer_insert( &pBuffer, &nCapacity,
rtl_uString_getLength( pBuffer ),
&c, 1 );
return pBuffer;
/* Send args to the OOo instance (using the 'fd' file descriptor) */
static sal_Bool
send_args( int fd, rtl_uString *pCwdPath )
rtl_uString *pBuffer = NULL, *pTmp = NULL;
sal_Int32 nCapacity = 1000;
rtl_String *pOut = NULL;
sal_Bool bResult;
size_t nLen;
rtl_uString *pEscapedCwdPath = escape_path( pCwdPath );
rtl_uString_new_WithLength( &pBuffer, nCapacity );
rtl_uString_new( &pTmp );
rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii( &pBuffer, &nCapacity,
rtl_uString_getLength( pBuffer ),
if ( rtl_uString_getLength( pEscapedCwdPath ) )
rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii( &pBuffer, &nCapacity,
rtl_uString_getLength( pBuffer ),
rtl_uStringbuffer_insert( &pBuffer, &nCapacity,
rtl_uString_getLength( pBuffer ),
rtl_uString_getStr( pEscapedCwdPath ),
rtl_uString_getLength( pEscapedCwdPath ) );
rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii( &pBuffer, &nCapacity,
rtl_uString_getLength( pBuffer ),
sal_Bool bDontConvertNext = sal_False;
sal_uInt32 nArg;
sal_uInt32 nArgCount = osl_getCommandArgCount();
for ( nArg = 0; nArg < nArgCount; ++nArg )
rtl_uStringbuffer_insert_ascii( &pBuffer, &nCapacity,
rtl_uString_getLength( pBuffer ),
",", 1 );
osl_getCommandArg( nArg, &pTmp );
// this is not a param, we have to prepend filenames with file://
// FIXME: improve the check
if ( ( pTmp->buffer[0] != (sal_Unicode)'-' ) )
sal_Int32 nFirstColon = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pTmp->buffer, pTmp->length, ':' );
sal_Int32 nFirstSlash = rtl_ustr_indexOfChar_WithLength( pTmp->buffer, pTmp->length, '/' );
// check that pTmp is not an URI yet
// note ".uno" ".slot" & "vnd.sun.star.script" are special urls that
// don't expect a following '/'
const char* schemes[] = { "slot:", ".uno:", "vnd.sun.star.script:" };
sal_Bool bIsSpecialURL = sal_False;
int index = 0;
int len = SAL_N_ELEMENTS(schemes);
for ( ; index < len; ++index )
if ( rtl_ustr_indexOfAscii_WithLength( pTmp->buffer
, pTmp->length , schemes[ index ], strlen(schemes[ index ] )) == 0 )
bIsSpecialURL = sal_True;
if ( !bIsSpecialURL && ( nFirstColon < 1 || ( nFirstSlash != nFirstColon + 1 ) ) )
// some of the switches (currently just -pt) don't want to
// have the filenames as URIs
if ( !bDontConvertNext )
osl_getAbsoluteFileURL( pCwdPath, pTmp, &pTmp );
// don't convert filenames with some of the switches
// (currently just -pt)
bDontConvertNext = !rtl_ustr_ascii_compareIgnoreAsciiCase( pTmp->buffer, "-pt" );
rtl_uString *pEscapedTmp = escape_path( pTmp );
rtl_uStringbuffer_insert( &pBuffer, &nCapacity,
rtl_uString_getLength( pBuffer ),
rtl_uString_getStr( pEscapedTmp ),
rtl_uString_getLength( pEscapedTmp ) );
rtl_uString_release( pEscapedTmp );
ustr_debug( "Pass args", pBuffer );
pOut = ustr_to_str( pBuffer );
nLen = rtl_string_getLength( pOut ) + 1;
bResult = ( write( fd, rtl_string_getStr( pOut ), nLen ) == (ssize_t) nLen );
/* cleanup */
rtl_uString_release( pEscapedCwdPath );
rtl_uString_release( pBuffer );
rtl_uString_release( pTmp );
rtl_string_release( pOut );
return bResult;
static void
load_splash_image( rtl_uString *pUAppPath )
char *pBuffer, *pSuffix, *pLocale;
int nLocSize;
rtl_Locale *pLoc = NULL;
rtl_String *pLang, *pCountry, *pAppPath;
osl_getProcessLocale (&pLoc);
pLang = ustr_to_str (pLoc->Language);
pCountry = ustr_to_str (pLoc->Country);
nLocSize = strlen (pLang->buffer) + strlen (pCountry->buffer) + 8;
pLocale = malloc (nLocSize);
pLocale[0] = '-';
strcpy (pLocale + 1, pLang->buffer);
strcat (pLocale, "_");
strcat (pLocale, pCountry->buffer);
rtl_string_release( pCountry );
rtl_string_release( pLang );
pAppPath = ustr_to_str (pUAppPath);
pBuffer = malloc (pAppPath->length + nLocSize + 256);
strcpy (pBuffer, pAppPath->buffer);
pSuffix = pBuffer + pAppPath->length;
rtl_string_release( pAppPath );
strcpy (pSuffix, "/edition/intro");
strcat (pSuffix, pLocale);
strcat (pSuffix, IMG_SUFFIX);
if ( splash_load_bmp( pBuffer ) )
goto cleanup;
strcpy (pSuffix, "/edition/intro" IMG_SUFFIX);
if ( splash_load_bmp( pBuffer ) )
goto cleanup;
strcpy (pSuffix, "/intro");
strcat (pSuffix, pLocale);
strcat (pSuffix, IMG_SUFFIX);
if ( splash_load_bmp( pBuffer ) )
goto cleanup;
strcpy (pSuffix, "/intro" IMG_SUFFIX);
if ( splash_load_bmp( pBuffer ) )
goto cleanup;
fprintf (stderr, "Failed to find intro image\n");
free (pLocale);
free (pBuffer);
/* Fill 'array' with values of the key 'name'.
Its value is a comma delimited list of integers */
static void
get_bootstrap_value( int *array, int size, rtlBootstrapHandle handle, const char *name )
rtl_uString *pKey = NULL, *pValue = NULL;
/* get the value from the ini file */
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pKey, name );
rtl_bootstrap_get_from_handle( handle, pKey, &pValue, NULL );
/* the value is several numbers delimited by ',' - parse it */
if ( rtl_uString_getLength( pValue ) > 0 )
rtl_uString *pToken = NULL;
int i = 0;
sal_Int32 nIndex = 0;
for ( ; ( nIndex >= 0 ) && ( i < size ); ++i )
nIndex = rtl_uString_getToken( &pToken, pValue, 0, ',', nIndex );
array[i] = rtl_ustr_toInt32( rtl_uString_getStr( pToken ), 10 );
rtl_uString_release( pToken );
/* cleanup */
rtl_uString_release( pKey );
rtl_uString_release( pValue );
/* Load the colors and size of the splash. */
static void
load_splash_defaults( rtl_uString *pAppPath, sal_Bool *bNoDefaults )
rtl_uString *pSettings = NULL, *pTmp = NULL;
rtlBootstrapHandle handle;
/* costruct the sofficerc file location */
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pSettings, "file://" );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pSettings, pSettings, pAppPath );
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pTmp, "/" );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pSettings, pSettings, pTmp );
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pTmp, SAL_CONFIGFILE( "soffice" ) );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pSettings, pSettings, pTmp );
/* use it as the bootstrap file */
handle = rtl_bootstrap_args_open( pSettings );
int logo[1] = { -1 },
bar[3] = { -1, -1, -1 },
frame[3] = { -1, -1, -1 },
pos[2] = { -1, -1 },
size[2] = { -1, -1 };
/* get the values */
get_bootstrap_value( logo, 1, handle, "Logo" );
get_bootstrap_value( bar, 3, handle, "ProgressBarColor" );
get_bootstrap_value( frame, 3, handle, "ProgressFrameColor" );
get_bootstrap_value( pos, 2, handle, "ProgressPosition" );
get_bootstrap_value( size, 2, handle, "ProgressSize" );
if ( logo[0] == 0 )
*bNoDefaults = sal_True;
splash_setup( bar, frame, pos[0], pos[1], size[0], size[1] );
/* cleanup */
rtl_bootstrap_args_close( handle );
rtl_uString_release( pSettings );
rtl_uString_release( pTmp );
#define BUFFER_LEN 255
/* Read the percent to show in splash. */
static ProgressStatus
read_percent( ChildInfo *info, int *pPercent )
static char pBuffer[BUFFER_LEN + 1];
static char *pNext = pBuffer;
static ssize_t nRead = 0;
char *pBegin;
char *pIter;
/* from the last call */
int nNotProcessed = nRead - ( pNext - pBuffer );
if ( nNotProcessed >= BUFFER_LEN )
return sal_False;
memmove( pBuffer, pNext, nNotProcessed );
/* read data */
nRead = read( child_info_get_status_fd (info),
pBuffer + nNotProcessed, BUFFER_LEN - nNotProcessed );
if ( nRead < 0 )
return sal_False;
nRead += nNotProcessed;
pBuffer[nRead] = '\0';
/* skip old data */
pBegin = pBuffer;
pNext = pBuffer;
for ( pIter = pBuffer; *pIter; ++pIter )
if ( *pIter == '\n' )
pBegin = pNext;
pNext = pIter + 1;
fprintf( stderr, "Got status: %s\n", pBegin );
if ( !strncasecmp( pBegin, "end", 3 ) )
return ProgressExit;
else if ( !strncasecmp( pBegin, "restart", 7 ) )
return ProgressRestart;
else if ( sscanf( pBegin, "%d%%", pPercent ) )
return ProgressContinue;
/* unexpected - let's exit the splash to be safe */
return ProgressExit;
/* Simple system check. */
static void
system_checks( void )
#ifdef LINUX
struct stat buf;
/* check proc is mounted - lots of things fail otherwise */
if ( stat( "/proc/version", &buf ) != 0 )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: /proc not mounted - LibreOffice is unlikely to work well if at all" );
exit( 1 );
/* re-use the pagein code */
extern int pagein_execute (int argc, char **argv);
exec_pagein (Args *args)
// no pagein for the while on OSX
#ifdef MACOSX
char *argv[5];
rtl_String *app_path;
app_path = ustr_to_str (args->pAppPath);
argv[0] = "dummy-pagein";
argv[1] = malloc (app_path->length + sizeof ("-L/../basis-link/program") + 2);
strcpy (argv[1], "-L");
strcat (argv[1], app_path->buffer);
strcat (argv[1], "/../basis-link/program");
argv[2] = "@pagein-common";
argv[3] = (char *)args->pPageinType;
argv[4] = NULL;
rtl_string_release( app_path );
pagein_execute (args->pPageinType ? 4 : 3, argv);
free (argv[1]);
static void extend_library_path (const char *new_element)
rtl_uString *pEnvName=NULL, *pOrigEnvVar=NULL, *pNewEnvVar=NULL;
const char *pathname;
#ifdef AIX
pathname = "LIBPATH";
pathname = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH";
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pEnvName, pathname );
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pNewEnvVar, new_element );
osl_getEnvironment( pEnvName, &pOrigEnvVar );
if (pOrigEnvVar && pOrigEnvVar->length)
rtl_uString *pDelim = NULL;
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pDelim, ":" );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pNewEnvVar, pNewEnvVar, pDelim );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pNewEnvVar, pNewEnvVar, pOrigEnvVar );
rtl_uString_release( pDelim );
osl_setEnvironment( pEnvName, pNewEnvVar );
if (pOrigEnvVar)
rtl_uString_release( pOrigEnvVar );
rtl_uString_release( pNewEnvVar );
rtl_uString_release( pEnvName );
static void
exec_javaldx (Args *args)
char newpath[4096];
sal_uInt32 nArgs;
rtl_uString *pApp;
rtl_uString **ppArgs;
rtl_uString *pTmp, *pTmp2;
rtl_uString *pEnvironment[1] = { NULL };
ppArgs = (rtl_uString **)calloc( args->nArgsEnv + 2, sizeof( rtl_uString* ) );
for ( nArgs = 0; nArgs < args->nArgsEnv; ++nArgs )
ppArgs[nArgs] = args->ppArgs[nArgs];
/* Use absolute path to redirectrc */
pTmp = NULL;
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pTmp, "-env:INIFILENAME=vnd.sun.star.pathname:" );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pTmp, pTmp, args->pAppPath );
pTmp2 = NULL;
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pTmp2, "/redirectrc" );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pTmp, pTmp, pTmp2 );
ppArgs[nArgs] = pTmp;
rtl_uString_release (pTmp2);
oslProcess javaldx = NULL;
oslFileHandle fileOut= 0;
oslProcessError err;
/* And also to javaldx */
pApp = NULL;
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pApp, "file://" );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pApp, pApp, args->pAppPath );
pTmp = NULL;
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pTmp, "/../ure/bin/javaldx" );
rtl_uString_newConcat( &pApp, pApp, pTmp );
rtl_uString_release( pTmp );
/* unset to avoid bogus console output */
rtl_uString_newFromAscii( &pEnvironment[0], "G_SLICE" );
err = osl_executeProcess_WithRedirectedIO( pApp, ppArgs, nArgs,
NULL, // security
NULL, // work dir
pEnvironment, 1,
&javaldx, // process handle
rtl_uString_release( pEnvironment[0] );
rtl_uString_release( ppArgs[nArgs-1] );
rtl_uString_release( pApp );
free( ppArgs );
if( err != osl_Process_E_None)
fprintf (stderr, "Warning: failed to launch javaldx - java may not fuction correctly\n");
} else {
char *chomp;
sal_uInt64 bytes_read;
/* Magically osl_readLine doesn't work with pipes with E_SPIPE - so be this lame instead: */
while (osl_readFile (fileOut, newpath, SAL_N_ELEMENTS (newpath), &bytes_read) == osl_File_E_INTR);
if (bytes_read <= 0) {
fprintf (stderr, "Warning: failed to read path from javaldx\n");
newpath[bytes_read] = '\0';
if ((chomp = strstr (newpath, "\n")))
*chomp = '\0';
fprintf (stderr, "Adding javaldx path of '%s'\n", newpath);
extend_library_path (newpath);
int fd = 0;
sal_Bool bSentArgs = sal_False;
const char* pUsePlugin;
rtl_uString *pPipePath = NULL;
Args *args;
/* turn SIGPIPE into an error */
signal( SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN );
args = args_parse ();
args->pAppPath = get_app_path( argv[0] );
if ( !args->pAppPath )
fprintf( stderr, "ERROR: Can't read app link\n" );
exit( 1 );
ustr_debug( "App path", args->pAppPath );
/* we can't load and render it anyway */
args->bInhibitSplash = sal_True;
pUsePlugin = getenv( "SAL_USE_VCLPLUGIN" );
if ( pUsePlugin && !strcmp(pUsePlugin, "svp") )
args->bInhibitSplash = sal_True;
pPipePath = get_pipe_path( args->pAppPath );
if ( ( fd = connect_pipe( pPipePath ) ) >= 0 )
rtl_uString *pCwdPath = NULL;
osl_getProcessWorkingDir( &pCwdPath );
bSentArgs = send_args( fd, pCwdPath );
close( fd );
ustr_debug( "Failed to connect to pipe", pPipePath );
if ( !bSentArgs )
/* we have to prepare for, and exec the binary */
int nPercent = 0;
ChildInfo *info;
sal_Bool bAllArgs = sal_True;
sal_Bool bHaveWindow = sal_False;
sal_Bool bShortWait, bRestart;
/* sanity check pieces */
/* load splash image and create window */
if ( !args->bInhibitSplash )
sal_Bool bNoDefaults = sal_False;
load_splash_image( args->pAppPath );
load_splash_defaults( args->pAppPath, &bNoDefaults );
if (!bNoDefaults &&
( bHaveWindow = splash_create_window( argc, argv ) ) )
splash_draw_progress( 0 );
/* pagein */
if (!args->bInhibitJavaLdx)
exec_pagein (args);
/* javaldx */
if (!args->bInhibitJavaLdx)
exec_javaldx (args);
do {
bRestart = sal_False;
/* fast updates if we have somewhere to update it to */
bShortWait = bHaveWindow;
/* Periodically update the splash & the percent according
to what status_fd says, poll quickly only while starting */
info = child_spawn (args, bAllArgs, bShortWait);
while (!child_exited_wait (info, bShortWait))
ProgressStatus eResult;
splash_draw_progress( nPercent );
eResult = read_percent( info, &nPercent );
if (eResult != ProgressContinue)
splash_close_window ();
bShortWait = sal_False;
fprintf( stderr, "Polling, result is %s\n",
( eResult == ProgressContinue )? "continue" :
( ( eResult == ProgressRestart )? "restart" : "exit" ) );
fprintf (stderr, "Exited with code '%d'\n", child_get_exit_code (info));
switch (child_get_exit_code (info)) {
case 79: // re-start with just -env: parameters
fprintf (stderr, "FIXME: re-start with just -env: params !\n");
bRestart = sal_True;
bAllArgs = sal_False;
case 81: // re-start with all arguments
fprintf (stderr, "FIXME: re-start with all params !\n");
bRestart = sal_True;
bAllArgs = sal_True;
child_info_destroy (info);
} while (bRestart);
/* cleanup */
rtl_uString_release( pPipePath );
args_free (args);
return 0;
/* vim:set shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 expandtab: */