
738 lines
30 KiB

* Copyright 2000, 2010 Oracle and/or its affiliates.
* - a multi-platform office productivity suite
* This file is part of
* is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 3
* only, as published by the Free Software Foundation.
* is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU Lesser General Public License version 3 for more details
* (a copy is included in the LICENSE file that accompanied this code).
* You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
* version 3 along with If not, see
* <>
* for a copy of the LGPLv3 License.
#include <svl/svarray.hxx>
#include <tools/string.hxx>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/MemberResult.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/sheet/DataResult.hpp>
#include <com/sun/star/uno/Sequence.hxx>
#include "global.hxx" // enum ScSubTotalFunc
#include "dpcachetable.hxx"
#include <hash_map>
#include <hash_set>
#include <vector>
#include <memory>
namespace com { namespace sun { namespace star { namespace sheet {
struct DataPilotFieldReference;
} } } }
class ScAddress;
class ScDocument;
class ScDPSource;
class ScDPDimension;
class ScDPDimensions;
class ScDPLevel;
class ScDPMember;
class ScDPAggData;
class ScDPResultMember;
class ScDPResultVisibilityData;
struct ScDPValueData;
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
class ScDPItemData;
// End Comments
// Member names that are being processed for InitFrom/LateInitFrom
// (needed for initialization of grouped items)
class ScDPInitState
long* pIndex; // array
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
SCROW* pData; // array
// End Comments
long nCount;
void AddMember( long nSourceIndex,SCROW nMember);
void RemoveMember();
long GetCount() const { return nCount; }
const long* GetSource() const { return pIndex; }
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
const SCROW* GetNameIds() const { return pData; }
SCROW GetNameIdForIndex( long nIndexValue ) const;
// End Comments
typedef ::std::vector<sal_Int32> ScMemberSortOrder;
// selected subtotal information, passed down the dimensions
struct ScDPSubTotalState
ScSubTotalFunc eColForce;
ScSubTotalFunc eRowForce;
long nColSubTotalFunc;
long nRowSubTotalFunc;
ScDPSubTotalState() :
nColSubTotalFunc( -1 ),
nRowSubTotalFunc( -1 )
// indexes when calculating running totals
// Col/RowVisible: simple counts from 0 - without sort order applied - visible index
// (only used for running total / relative index)
// Col/RowIndexes: with sort order applied - member index
// (used otherwise - so other members' children can be accessed)
class ScDPRunningTotalState
ScDPResultMember* pColResRoot;
ScDPResultMember* pRowResRoot;
long* pColVisible;
long* pColIndexes;
long* pRowVisible;
long* pRowIndexes;
long nColIndexPos;
long nRowIndexPos;
ScDPRunningTotalState( ScDPResultMember* pColRoot, ScDPResultMember* pRowRoot );
ScDPResultMember* GetColResRoot() const { return pColResRoot; }
ScDPResultMember* GetRowResRoot() const { return pRowResRoot; }
const long* GetColVisible() const { return pColVisible; }
const long* GetColIndexes() const { return pColIndexes; }
const long* GetRowVisible() const { return pRowVisible; }
const long* GetRowIndexes() const { return pRowIndexes; }
void AddColIndex( long nVisible, long nSorted );
void AddRowIndex( long nVisible, long nSorted );
void RemoveColIndex();
void RemoveRowIndex();
struct ScDPRelativePos
long nBasePos; // simple count, without sort order applied
long nDirection;
ScDPRelativePos( long nBase, long nDir );
// aggregated data
//! separate header file?
// Possible values for the nCount member:
// (greater than 0 counts the collected values)
const long SC_DPAGG_EMPTY = 0; // empty during data collection
const long SC_DPAGG_DATA_ERROR = -1; // error during data collection
const long SC_DPAGG_RESULT_EMPTY = -2; // empty result calculated
const long SC_DPAGG_RESULT_VALID = -3; // valid result calculated
const long SC_DPAGG_RESULT_ERROR = -4; // error in calculated result
class ScDPAggData
double fVal;
double fAux;
long nCount;
ScDPAggData* pChild;
ScDPAggData() : fVal(0.0), fAux(0.0), nCount(SC_DPAGG_EMPTY), pChild(NULL) {}
~ScDPAggData() { delete pChild; }
void Update( const ScDPValueData& rNext, ScSubTotalFunc eFunc, const ScDPSubTotalState& rSubState );
void Calculate( ScSubTotalFunc eFunc, const ScDPSubTotalState& rSubState );
BOOL IsCalculated() const;
double GetResult() const;
BOOL HasError() const;
BOOL HasData() const;
void SetResult( double fNew );
void SetEmpty( BOOL bSet );
void SetError();
double GetAuxiliary() const;
void SetAuxiliary( double fNew );
void Reset(); // also deletes children
const ScDPAggData* GetExistingChild() const { return pChild; }
ScDPAggData* GetChild();
// Row and grand total state, passed down (column total is at result member)
class ScDPRowTotals
ScDPAggData aRowTotal;
ScDPAggData aGrandTotal;
BOOL bIsInColRoot;
ScDPAggData* GetRowTotal( long nMeasure );
ScDPAggData* GetGrandTotal( long nMeasure );
BOOL IsInColRoot() const { return bIsInColRoot; }
void SetInColRoot(BOOL bSet) { bIsInColRoot = bSet; }
// --------------------------------------------------------------------
// results for a hierarchy dimension
#define SC_DP_RES_GROW 16
class ScDPResultDimension;
class ScDPDataDimension;
class ScDPDataMember;
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
struct MemberHashIndexFunc : public std::unary_function< const SCROW &, size_t >
size_t operator() (const SCROW &rDataIndex) const { return rDataIndex; }
class ScDPParentDimData
const SCROW mnOrder; //! Ref
const ScDPDimension* mpParentDim; //! Ref
const ScDPLevel* mpParentLevel; //! Ref
const ScDPMember* mpMemberDesc; //! Ref
ScDPParentDimData():mnOrder(-1), mpParentDim( NULL), mpParentLevel( NULL ), mpMemberDesc( NULL ){}
ScDPParentDimData( const SCROW nIndex, ScDPDimension* pDim, const ScDPLevel* pLev, const ScDPMember* pMember ): mnOrder( nIndex ), mpParentDim( pDim), mpParentLevel( pLev ), mpMemberDesc( pMember ){}
typedef std::vector <ScDPParentDimData *> DimMemberArray;
typedef std::hash_map < SCROW, ScDPParentDimData *, MemberHashIndexFunc> DimMemberHash;
class ResultMembers
DimMemberHash maMemberHash;
BOOL mbHasHideDetailsMember;
ScDPParentDimData* FindMember( const SCROW& nIndex ) const;
void InsertMember( ScDPParentDimData* pNew );
BOOL IsHasHideDetailsMembers() const { return mbHasHideDetailsMember; }
void SetHasHideDetailsMembers( BOOL b ) { mbHasHideDetailsMember=b; }
virtual ~ResultMembers();
class LateInitParams
const ::std::vector<ScDPDimension*>& mppDim;
const ::std::vector<ScDPLevel*>& mppLev;
BOOL mbRow;
BOOL mbInitChild;
BOOL mbAllChildren;
LateInitParams( const ::std::vector<ScDPDimension*>& ppDim, const ::std::vector<ScDPLevel*>& ppLev,
BOOL bRow, BOOL bInitChild = TRUE , BOOL bAllChildren = FALSE);
void SetInitChild( BOOL b ) { mbInitChild = b; }
void SetInitAllChildren( BOOL b ) { mbAllChildren = b; }
inline ScDPDimension* GetDim( size_t nPos ) const { return mppDim[nPos];}
inline ScDPLevel* GetLevel( size_t nPos ) const { return mppLev[nPos];}
inline BOOL GetInitChild() const {return mbInitChild; }
inline BOOL GetInitAllChild() const { return mbAllChildren; }
inline BOOL IsRow() const { return mbRow; }
BOOL IsEnd( size_t nPos ) const ;
// End Comments
class ScDPResultData
ScDPSource* pSource; //! Ref
//! keep things like measure lists here
long nMeasCount;
ScSubTotalFunc* pMeasFuncs;
::com::sun::star::sheet::DataPilotFieldReference* pMeasRefs;
USHORT* pMeasRefOrient;
String* pMeasNames;
BOOL bLateInit;
BOOL bDataAtCol;
BOOL bDataAtRow;
//! add "displayed values" settings
mutable std::vector< ResultMembers* > mpDimMembers;
ScDPResultData( ScDPSource* pSrc ); //! Ref
void SetMeasureData( long nCount, const ScSubTotalFunc* pFunctions,
const ::com::sun::star::sheet::DataPilotFieldReference* pRefs,
const USHORT* pRefOrient, const String* pNames );
void SetDataLayoutOrientation( USHORT nOrient );
void SetLateInit( BOOL bSet );
long GetMeasureCount() const { return nMeasCount; }
ScSubTotalFunc GetMeasureFunction(long nMeasure) const;
String GetMeasureString(long nMeasure, BOOL bForce, ScSubTotalFunc eForceFunc, bool& rbTotalResult) const;
String GetMeasureDimensionName(long nMeasure) const;
const ::com::sun::star::sheet::DataPilotFieldReference& GetMeasureRefVal(long nMeasure) const;
USHORT GetMeasureRefOrient(long nMeasure) const;
BOOL IsDataAtCol() const { return bDataAtCol; }
BOOL IsDataAtRow() const { return bDataAtRow; }
BOOL IsLateInit() const { return bLateInit; }
long GetColStartMeasure() const;
long GetRowStartMeasure() const;
long GetCountForMeasure( long nMeas ) const
{ return ( nMeas == SC_DPMEASURE_ALL ) ? nMeasCount : 1; }
BOOL IsBaseForGroup( long nDim ) const; // any group
long GetGroupBase( long nGroupDim ) const;
BOOL IsNumOrDateGroup( long nDim ) const;
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
BOOL IsInGroup( const ScDPItemData& rGroupData, long nGroupIndex,
long nBaseDataId, long nBaseIndex ) const;
BOOL IsInGroup( SCROW nGroupDataId, long nGroupIndex,
const ScDPItemData& rBaseData, long nBaseIndex ) const;
BOOL HasCommonElement( SCROW nFirstDataId, long nFirstIndex,
const ScDPItemData& rSecondData, long nSecondIndex ) const;
ResultMembers* GetDimResultMembers( long nDim , ScDPDimension* pDim , ScDPLevel* pLevel) const ;
// End Comments
const ScDPSource* GetSource() const;
class ScDPResultMember
const ScDPResultData* pResultData;
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
ScDPParentDimData aParentDimData;
// End Comments
ScDPResultDimension* pChildDimension;
ScDPDataMember* pDataRoot;
BOOL bHasElements;
BOOL bForceSubTotal;
BOOL bHasHiddenDetails;
BOOL bInitialized;
BOOL bAutoHidden;
ScDPAggData aColTotal; // to store column totals
USHORT nMemberStep; // step to show details
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
ScDPResultMember( const ScDPResultData* pData, const ScDPParentDimData& rParentDimData,
BOOL bForceSub ); //! Ref
ScDPResultMember( const ScDPResultData* pData, BOOL bForceSub );
// End Comments
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
void InitFrom( const ::std::vector<ScDPDimension*>& ppDim,
const ::std::vector<ScDPLevel*>& ppLev,
size_t nPos,
ScDPInitState& rInitState,
BOOL bInitChild = TRUE );
void LateInitFrom(
LateInitParams& rParams,
const ::std::vector< SCROW >& pItemData,
size_t nPos,
ScDPInitState& rInitState);
void CheckShowEmpty( BOOL bShow = FALSE );
// End Comments
String GetName() const;
void FillItemData( ScDPItemData& rData ) const;
BOOL IsValid() const;
BOOL IsVisible() const;
long GetSize(long nMeasure) const;
BOOL HasHiddenDetails() const;
BOOL IsSubTotalInTitle(long nMeasure) const;
// BOOL SubTotalEnabled() const;
long GetSubTotalCount( long* pUserSubStart = NULL ) const;
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
BOOL IsNamedItem( SCROW nIndex ) const;
bool IsValidEntry( const ::std::vector< SCROW >& aMembers ) const;
// End Comments
void SetHasElements() { bHasElements = TRUE; }
void SetAutoHidden() { bAutoHidden = TRUE; }
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
void ProcessData( const ::std::vector<SCROW>& aChildMembers,
const ScDPResultDimension* pDataDim,
const ::std::vector<SCROW>& aDataMembers,
const ::std::vector<ScDPValueData>& aValues );
// End Comments
void FillMemberResults( com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<
com::sun::star::sheet::MemberResult>* pSequences,
long& rPos, long nMeasure, BOOL bRoot,
const String* pMemberName,
const String* pMemberCaption );
void FillDataResults( const ScDPResultMember* pRefMember,
com::sun::star::sheet::DataResult> >& rSequence,
long& rRow, long nMeasure ) const;
void UpdateDataResults( const ScDPResultMember* pRefMember, long nMeasure ) const;
void UpdateRunningTotals( const ScDPResultMember* pRefMember, long nMeasure,
ScDPRunningTotalState& rRunning, ScDPRowTotals& rTotals ) const;
void SortMembers( ScDPResultMember* pRefMember );
void DoAutoShow( ScDPResultMember* pRefMember );
void ResetResults( BOOL bRoot );
void DumpState( const ScDPResultMember* pRefMember, ScDocument* pDoc, ScAddress& rPos ) const;
//! this will be removed!
const ScDPResultDimension* GetChildDimension() const { return pChildDimension; }
ScDPResultDimension* GetChildDimension() { return pChildDimension; }
ScDPDataMember* GetDataRoot() const { return pDataRoot; }
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
const ScDPDimension* GetParentDim() const { return aParentDimData.mpParentDim; } //! Ref
const ScDPLevel* GetParentLevel() const { return aParentDimData.mpParentLevel; } //! Ref
const ScDPMember* GetDPMember()const { return aParentDimData.mpMemberDesc; } //! Ref
inline SCROW GetOrder() const { return aParentDimData.mnOrder; } //! Ref
inline BOOL IsRoot() const { return GetParentLevel() == NULL; }
SCROW GetDataId( ) const ;
// End Comments
ScDPAggData* GetColTotal( long nMeasure ) const;
void FillVisibilityData(ScDPResultVisibilityData& rData) const;
class ScDPDataMember
const ScDPResultData* pResultData;
const ScDPResultMember* pResultMember; //! Ref?
ScDPDataDimension* pChildDimension;
ScDPAggData aAggregate;
void UpdateValues( const ::std::vector<ScDPValueData>& aValues, const ScDPSubTotalState& rSubState );
ScDPDataMember( const ScDPResultData* pData, const ScDPResultMember* pRes );
void InitFrom( const ScDPResultDimension* pDim );
String GetName() const;
BOOL IsVisible() const;
BOOL HasData( long nMeasure, const ScDPSubTotalState& rSubState ) const;
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
BOOL IsNamedItem( SCROW r ) const;
// End Comments
BOOL HasHiddenDetails() const;
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
void ProcessData( const ::std::vector< SCROW >& aChildMembers, const ::std::vector<ScDPValueData>& aValues,
const ScDPSubTotalState& rSubState );
// End Comments
BOOL HasError( long nMeasure, const ScDPSubTotalState& rSubState ) const;
double GetAggregate( long nMeasure, const ScDPSubTotalState& rSubState ) const;
const ScDPAggData* GetConstAggData( long nMeasure, const ScDPSubTotalState& rSubState ) const;
ScDPAggData* GetAggData( long nMeasure, const ScDPSubTotalState& rSubState );
void FillDataRow( const ScDPResultMember* pRefMember,
com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<com::sun::star::sheet::DataResult>& rSequence,
long& rCol, long nMeasure, BOOL bIsSubTotalRow,
const ScDPSubTotalState& rSubState ) const;
void UpdateDataRow( const ScDPResultMember* pRefMember, long nMeasure, BOOL bIsSubTotalRow,
const ScDPSubTotalState& rSubState );
void UpdateRunningTotals( const ScDPResultMember* pRefMember, long nMeasure, BOOL bIsSubTotalRow,
const ScDPSubTotalState& rSubState, ScDPRunningTotalState& rRunning,
ScDPRowTotals& rTotals, const ScDPResultMember& rRowParent );
void SortMembers( ScDPResultMember* pRefMember );
void DoAutoShow( ScDPResultMember* pRefMember );
void ResetResults();
void DumpState( const ScDPResultMember* pRefMember, ScDocument* pDoc, ScAddress& rPos ) const;
//! this will be removed!
const ScDPDataDimension* GetChildDimension() const { return pChildDimension; }
ScDPDataDimension* GetChildDimension() { return pChildDimension; }
//! replace PtrArr with 32-bit array ????
typedef ScDPDataMember* ScDPDataMemberPtr;
// result dimension contains only members
class ScDPResultDimension
public :
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
typedef std::vector <ScDPResultMember *> MemberArray;
typedef std::map < SCROW , ScDPResultMember *> MemberHash;
// End Comments
const ScDPResultData* pResultData;
MemberArray maMemberArray;
MemberHash maMemberHash;
BOOL bInitialized;
String aDimensionName; //! or ptr to IntDimension?
BOOL bIsDataLayout; //! or ptr to IntDimension?
BOOL bSortByData;
BOOL bSortAscending;
long nSortMeasure;
ScMemberSortOrder aMemberOrder; // used when sorted by measure
BOOL bAutoShow;
BOOL bAutoTopItems;
long nAutoMeasure;
long nAutoCount;
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
ScDPResultMember* FindMember( SCROW iData ) const;
ScDPResultMember* AddMember( const ScDPParentDimData& aData );
ScDPResultMember* InsertMember( ScDPParentDimData* pMemberData );
ResultMembers* GetResultMember( ScDPDimension* pDim, ScDPLevel* pLevel );
void InitWithMembers( LateInitParams& rParams,
const ::std::vector< SCROW >& pItemData,
size_t nPos,
ScDPInitState& rInitState );
// End Comments
ScDPResultDimension( const ScDPResultData* pData );
// allocates new members
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
void InitFrom( const ::std::vector<ScDPDimension*>& ppDim,
const ::std::vector<ScDPLevel*>& ppLev,
size_t nPos,
ScDPInitState& rInitState , BOOL bInitChild = TRUE );
void LateInitFrom( LateInitParams& rParams,
const ::std::vector< SCROW >& pItemData,
size_t nPos,
ScDPInitState& rInitState );
void CheckShowEmpty( BOOL bShow = FALSE );
// End Comments
long GetSize(long nMeasure) const;
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
bool IsValidEntry( const ::std::vector<SCROW>& aMembers ) const;
// modifies existing members, allocates data dimensions
void ProcessData( const ::std::vector<SCROW>& aMembers,
const ScDPResultDimension* pDataDim,
const ::std::vector<SCROW>& aDataMembers,
const ::std::vector<ScDPValueData>& aValues ) const; //! Test
// End Comments
void FillMemberResults( com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<
com::sun::star::sheet::MemberResult>* pSequences,
long nStart, long nMeasure );
void FillDataResults( const ScDPResultMember* pRefMember,
com::sun::star::sheet::DataResult> >& rSequence,
long nRow, long nMeasure ) const;
void UpdateDataResults( const ScDPResultMember* pRefMember, long nMeasure ) const;
void UpdateRunningTotals( const ScDPResultMember* pRefMember, long nMeasure,
ScDPRunningTotalState& rRunning, ScDPRowTotals& rTotals ) const;
void SortMembers( ScDPResultMember* pRefMember );
long GetSortedIndex( long nUnsorted ) const;
void DoAutoShow( ScDPResultMember* pRefMember );
void ResetResults();
// called for the reference dimension
ScDPDataMember* GetRowReferenceMember( const ScDPRelativePos* pMemberPos, const String* pName,
const long* pRowIndexes, const long* pColIndexes ) const;
// uses row root member from ScDPRunningTotalState
static ScDPDataMember* GetColReferenceMember( const ScDPRelativePos* pMemberPos, const String* pName,
long nRefDimPos, const ScDPRunningTotalState& rRunning );
void DumpState( const ScDPResultMember* pRefMember, ScDocument* pDoc, ScAddress& rPos ) const;
// for ScDPDataDimension::InitFrom
long GetMemberCount() const;
const ScDPResultMember* GetMember(long n) const;
ScDPResultMember* GetMember(long n);
const ScMemberSortOrder& GetMemberOrder() const { return aMemberOrder; }
ScMemberSortOrder& GetMemberOrder() { return aMemberOrder; }
BOOL IsDataLayout() const { return bIsDataLayout; }
String GetName() const { return aDimensionName; }
BOOL IsSortByData() const { return bSortByData; }
BOOL IsSortAscending() const { return bSortAscending; }
long GetSortMeasure() const { return nSortMeasure; }
BOOL IsAutoShow() const { return bAutoShow; }
BOOL IsAutoTopItems() const { return bAutoTopItems; }
long GetAutoMeasure() const { return nAutoMeasure; }
long GetAutoCount() const { return nAutoCount; }
ScDPResultDimension* GetFirstChildDimension() const;
void FillVisibilityData(ScDPResultVisibilityData& rData) const;
class ScDPDataDimension
const ScDPResultData* pResultData;
const ScDPResultDimension* pResultDimension; // column
ScDPDataMembers aMembers;
BOOL bIsDataLayout; //! or ptr to IntDimension?
ScDPDataDimension( const ScDPResultData* pData );
void InitFrom( const ScDPResultDimension* pDim ); // recursive
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
void ProcessData( const ::std::vector< SCROW >& aDataMembers, const ::std::vector<ScDPValueData>& aValues,
const ScDPSubTotalState& rSubState );
// End Comments
void FillDataRow( const ScDPResultDimension* pRefDim,
com::sun::star::uno::Sequence<com::sun::star::sheet::DataResult>& rSequence,
long nCol, long nMeasure, BOOL bIsSubTotalRow,
const ScDPSubTotalState& rSubState ) const;
void UpdateDataRow( const ScDPResultDimension* pRefDim, long nMeasure, BOOL bIsSubTotalRow,
const ScDPSubTotalState& rSubState ) const;
void UpdateRunningTotals( const ScDPResultDimension* pRefDim, long nMeasure, BOOL bIsSubTotalRow,
const ScDPSubTotalState& rSubState, ScDPRunningTotalState& rRunning,
ScDPRowTotals& rTotals, const ScDPResultMember& rRowParent ) const;
void SortMembers( ScDPResultDimension* pRefDim );
long GetSortedIndex( long nUnsorted ) const;
void DoAutoShow( ScDPResultDimension* pRefDim );
void ResetResults();
void DumpState( const ScDPResultDimension* pRefDim, ScDocument* pDoc, ScAddress& rPos ) const;
long GetMemberCount() const;
ScDPDataMember* GetMember(long n) const;
// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
* This class collects visible members of each dimension and uses that
* information to create filtering criteria (e.g. for drill-down data).
class ScDPResultVisibilityData
// Wang Xu Ming -- 2009-8-17
// DataPilot Migration - Cache&&Performance
ScDPResultVisibilityData( ScDPSource* pSource);
// End Comments
void addVisibleMember(const String& rDimName, const ScDPItemData& rMemberItem);
void fillFieldFilters(::std::vector<ScDPCacheTable::Criterion>& rFilters) const;
struct MemberHash
size_t operator()(const ScDPItemData& r) const;
typedef ::std::hash_set<ScDPItemData, MemberHash> VisibleMemberType;
typedef ::std::hash_map<String, VisibleMemberType, ScStringHashCode> DimMemberType;
DimMemberType maDimensions;
ScDPSource* mpSource;